• Breaking News

    Thursday, March 28, 2019

    Legal Advice I [19 M] was drugged and raped after going to a nightclub. Not sure how to proceed

    Legal Advice I [19 M] was drugged and raped after going to a nightclub. Not sure how to proceed

    I [19 M] was drugged and raped after going to a nightclub. Not sure how to proceed

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 07:07 AM PDT

    Throwaway account for obvious reasons. On Tuesday night I went out to a club with some friends at about 11:30 P.M.. I got a drink, and at some point something was slipped in it because I have no memory at all after that drink. My friends say I walked off after 30 min or so and they couldn't find me after that.
    I'm not sure where I went, but at 2:30 A.M. I was apparently unconscious on some stairs with vomit all over me. An ambulance was called, I got taken to a hospital where I stayed until 11:30 A.M. the following morning.
    Hospital took my vitals and made sure I was alive, I was also very intoxicated. My BAC at the time of admission was .302, so whoever I was with kept feeding me drinks.
    Later on, around 6 P.M. or so that day, I realized I was raped by another male while I was drugged. I'd rather not go into details but I am 100% certain. I have a rather large bruise on my lower right back, likely from falling somewhere. I may have also had a concussion, but I'm not sure.
    Not sure if I want to file a police report, but I definitely need to be tested for STD's. Where do I go? I can go to Labcorp to get bloodwork done, but what about medicines? If I was exposed to HIV I want to make sure I start those meds ASAP to hopefully avoid becoming infected with it.
    I'm in the Florida panhandle if that helps.

    submitted by /u/throwaway385826194
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    [NY] Tesla is saying they’ll sell our car if we don’t pick it up Saturday, but that’s the day it arrives and the contract says we have a week to pick it up.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 09:17 AM PDT

    So we finally ordered our Tesla, a few days ago we got an alert saying our car will be ready for pickup Friday. But the bank loan is in my mom's name and she'll be out of town and unable to pick it up, so we need to reschedule. We try calling and emailing Tesla multiple times to no response or reply. Finally, yesterday we get an alert saying the pickup got pushed back to Saturday. We still can't make it since my mom will be out of town. Finally now we get into contact with them and they say "you have to pick it up Saturday or we're putting it up for sale because it's the end of the month and we have to close out sales" or something like that, I'm just hearing the story through my parents. When mentioned the contract says we have a week for pickup they just scoff and say "oh that's wrong" but the contract says nothing about closing out numbers or sales or whatever they mentioned and they're not answering calls today either. Is there anything we can do since they're not following the contract or are we out of luck?

    submitted by /u/OctaneDuck3713
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    UPDATE: Old coworkers are telling me my old boss talks to them about "all the issues I'm having." Found out my therapist is my old boss's husband. (MN)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 05:55 PM PDT

    Original Post

    Old post summary: my old boss was telling my old team that I was having a ton of issues. I found out my therapist is her husband, but I didn't know how she was finding this out/to what degree each person was doing bad stuff.

    New developments summary: There's still a lot of slow/bureaucratic stuff going on, but the most satisfying news is that my therapist is no longer practicing. I even saw the space he practiced out of listed as for sale on a real estate website while doing my own house hunting.

    New developments, continued: Therapist was chatting about a client (me) to his wife (my old boss) that, it seemed, he really didn't know was his wife's old employee (large company, closely knit but not minuscule industry). I have a very peculiar family dynamic, so I think he talked about that. However, enough bits and pieces of identifying info came up that she suspected it was me. Unbeknownst to him, she found my paper records in his office and dug through them, then thought it was a great idea to tell my old coworkers that I was depressed and had family issues. Neat. One of my coworkers put in her two weeks because of a relocating spouse shortly after, then agreed to write a formal statement of what she heard, which also helped a lot. Understandably, no one else was willing to because the company's already laid off so many people in the last year.

    Resolution-in-process: therapist seems to be less in the wrong than I thought he was (though still in the wrong), old boss is still awful. Therapist likely to receive some sort of reprimanding for both talking to his wife about me in that level of detail, as well as insecure recordkeeping. I don't know if he'll practice again.

    Thank you all - you were a huge help, and a confidence boost that me complaining about this would actually get it somewhere and not just create more stress in my life. It's apparently led to a ton of drama at my old workplace, which has been sort of pleasant to hear updates about from afar. Glad to not be there anymore. I also found a new therapist who's great, and she's really helped validate that the old guy (and his wife) was one bag egg in a sea of otherwise well-meaning people.

    submitted by /u/LAthrowaway3131
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    Retaliated against while working for the Police Dept. and it is still ruining my life 2 years later.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 10:14 AM PDT

    I worked at a Police Dept. 2 years ago in Washington State.

    It is a long story but I will keep it brief, I reported my field training officer for not being attentive enough during my training because he was spending so much time talking to other officers.

    During this time I was 4 months in, had 0 problems along the way and had excellent critiques during every weekly review.

    The day after I reported him, the commander I reported him to goes on a 6 wk vacation.

    I come in to work and it's obvious the training is over, my FTO is furious and I don't make it 1 hour into my shift before being pulled.

    The next day I come in and receive directed leave papers and am informed I will have a meeting with the Captain.

    My meeting with the captain was my dismissal papers. There was no discussion about why I was being let go.

    Fast forward two years and I've been working at a job where I need my DOD secret clearance. The process is long and I had my interview with the background investigator yesterday.

    When we got to my employment history for the PD it said I do not recommend him for his clearance because he is dishonest, lied multiple times during training and fabricated documents under penalty of perjury.

    None of this is true and there were no specifics to these claims. It took me a minute to gather mysef after hearing this because I planned to return to law enforcement.

    After hearing this, it has ruined my livelihood and future. I want to know if there is anything I can do to help myself. Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Rundmcplz
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    [SC] can you have someone forced to test for an STD?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 06:12 AM PDT

    A little background. My niece is 15 and last year her mother (a walking POS) got married. The husband is a real douchebag, but besides that he got my 15 yo niece drunk and raped her.

    She immediately left the house and fled to a friends. She told a handful of people and went to the police. A CPS case was opened and police also investigated. Her mother is claiming that she made it up for attention, but I know better. This girl was terrified. CPS and police closed the investigation because they couldn't find any evidence. Her mother allowed my niece to stay with another aunt and now that her bio dad is back in the state she is living with him.

    Last month she went to see a gynecologist for the first time to be put on birth control. During her visit they tested for STDs. She found out the next day that she had contracted gonorrhea.

    If there is a chance that she contracted this from the man that raped her, could he be forced to test for it? Could this be enough evidence against him?

    This guy needs to be put away. My exSIL has two other younger girls and is still living with this man that raped her daughter. I am afraid for these girls and what could happen to them.

    Edit: A user made a comment on this post and was downvoted a lot. I was in the process of responding to that user when they deleted their comment. I wanted to make this edit because although this user was downvoted, I think they were making a very important distinction.

    The comment was something along these lines "They didn't have sex. He raped her. There isn't sufficient evidence to suggest that he raped her."

    Not sure why this was downvoted. I get what the user was doing and I also feel that it's really important to distinguish between having sex and rape. This was a man that was suppose to be a father figure for her, a protector and someone she could trust. Instead, he purposely got her drunk and then took advantage.

    submitted by /u/poopypeepottypants
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    Child support in NY state for child over 18

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 05:37 AM PDT

    I'll make this as short as I can because it's a little complicated. My ex wife and I divorced in May of last year and have one daughter who was 17 at the time. She's now 18. In working up our agreement, maintenance and child support were rolled into one payment, classified as maintenance for $900 per month with me as payer. The agreement states that there's no child support order and residence was set at 50/50 with a set schedule included.

    About 4 weeks after our divorce was ratified by the judge, she kicked our daughter out of her place over a trifling incident and had the police there overseeing her packing up all her things (all of them) and took back the house key. I have texts from that day where I'm trying to talk her out of it as well as one she sent to our daughter acknowledging she might not see her for a while. She has since backpedaled and said she only meant for that night or whatever.

    So since then our daughter has been living with me basically 100% of the time, is happy here and has stayed the night at her mom's roughly once a month. I approached her on a couple of occasions asking if we could modify the agreement (cut it in half basically so she'd be getting $450) but she refused. She also declined to make a counter offer.

    NY state guidelines say that child support goes to 21 unless the child is in the military or self supporting. My daughter has a very low paying job and is not in school (yet) so she's still completely dependent on me. I've filed a petition for CS about two weeks ago and haven't heard anything yet about a court date. I"m simply looking for help with all the extra expenses because the way it is now I'm not sure how I'll afford a two bedroom apartment for us for much longer.

    So my question is, given the background, does anyone have an idea of my chance for success with this? Even if it's not so good I"m going to go through with it just so she has to go on the record with what she's doing.

    Also generally if people want to chime in with what to expect that would be very welcome. I've heard that I get to speak my piece, is this true?

    submitted by /u/huhwhat1983
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    [CA] Friend was drugged and raped at a party and is now being blackmailed by the man

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 06:44 AM PDT

    First off, I'm posting this for a friend, as this needs to stay completely anonymous for obvious reasons. My friend went to a party and had a few drinks. Not nearly enough to get her black out drunk. She was talking to this guy and now we're pretty sure he drugged her.

    They went back to his place (which she never would have done consensually without being drugged because she's a virgin) and he raped her. She didn't remember anything, not even how she got home. The last thing she remembers is talking to this guy.

    She sees him in her Snapchat this morning and messages him and this is the conversation that happened.

    She is an absolute wreck and we don't know what to do from here. Is there anyway we can go about dealing with this where he won't have a chance to leak these photos? Obviously revenge porn is illegal, but that doesn't mean he can't get out damaging photos before the cops get to him. Photos like this can be life ruining and we don't know what to do. Please help, reddit.

    submitted by /u/ElephantScissors
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    Not sure what to do about an incident at work.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 09:16 AM PDT

    I work in a lab in a dental office. I make dentures and to do that we have to have impressions of the patients mouth so there's a lot of blood/saliva that I have to sanitize and rinse off in one of my sinks.

    My manager walked into the back and when I turned to look at her she scooped a handful of water out of the sink right into my face. It got in my eyes, mouth and nose.

    She laughed and laughed and I just stood there stunned not sure what to do. She walked away after teasing me a bit for it and no one said anything.

    My blood is boiling at the possibilities of what I could contract from something like that. What do I do in about something like this? Do I contact HR? Do I call the police? Is it worth losing my job over and I'm overreacting?

    Edit: I live and work in Texas.

    submitted by /u/ThreePieces
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    Ticket for no plates on vehicle while at DMV to get new plates (Yonkers, NY)

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 11:36 AM PDT

    I recently acquired a car from my father and needed to transfer the title and surrender the current license plates to remove the car from his insurance plan as well as get new plates under my name. The DMV I went to only gas street parking. I found a spot, paid the meter and removed my plates to turn them in. Upon returning to my car with the new plates I had gotten a ticket for a large sum with the reasoning "no plates on vehicle". Do I have any chance of winning if I plead not guilty and go to court? I have receipts from the parking meter (it was an electronic one), the receipt I received when I surrendered the old plates, and a receipt from getting the new plates. Any help would be great! Thank you all

    submitted by /u/mmotush21
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    Aging dad with a sizable gun collection, how can we ensure that they are willed down with as little legal trouble and financial loss?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 03:33 AM PDT

    -Nebraska- Let me start by saying this is no average gun locker, grandpas shot gun, type of collection. We're talking easily six figures in value, probably close if not more than 100 guns. Most are pistols, but there are sniper rifles, assault rifles, and even Vietnam era fully automatic machine guns.

    I am no gun nut like my father, but I do know the basics (hunters education, gun safety, etc.)

    I know he's mentioned having to get his "class 3 license" and various other background checks and classes just to own some of the guns he has.

    But now that he's aging, we are worried about the best way to pass down the collection after he goes. I've heard the words "gun trust" thrown around but I'm not sure he knows what those actually are and I know for sure that I don't.

    So now, in preparation, what is the best thing we can do now to make sure everything is passed down in an efficient manner with as little red tape or unnecessary taxes as possible?

    submitted by /u/RedsDnDaccount
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    Can someone sue me for creating abstract fluid work?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 07:16 AM PDT

    Last night I was checking my emails, when I stumbled upon an email from this girl I used to know from high school, it's been a good 7/8 years since I've seen her. She messages me basically threatening me saying I copied her "expression of work" and that I'm "hurting her market place". She's convinced that I took her paintings and made something similar which is just not the case. I have never had mutual friends through her since High school and I doubt I am the reason her marketplace is crashing.

    My deal is, if she is an artist, she should know what abstract fluid painting is, right? This girl is trying to sue me for an art category? Abstract fluid is a style and form of art. I just do Not see how I could get sued from this. And if you compare both of our works, you'd see that it looks nothing alike! I have contacted a lawyer, but I wanted to know an artists perspective. Thanks for your time!

    submitted by /u/Parmesan28
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    Is it illegal to be denied the restroom at a public school if you have a medical note?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 07:37 AM PDT

    I have had a medical note on file since my freshman year for my IBS. I am now a legal adult and a senior in high school. Yesterday I was denied the use of a restroom by office personnel after stating that I have a medical note to be able to utilize the restroom as needed. I ended up having to sign myself out and using the restroom at home down the street after waiting 30 minutes to try to use the restroom. This was all because the office restroom that they use for over 1200 kids during class was being cleaned and it would take at least 30 minutes for it to reopen. I asked if they could unlock one of the seven other restrooms we have around the school since I have a medical note, to which they told me no again. I'm wondering if this violates any law in the state of Kentucky. Specifically Bullitt County, Kentucky. Thank you for any advice.

    submitted by /u/DunHit
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    [CA] My roommate audio recorded our conversation without my consent.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 08:49 AM PDT

    I have two roommates, E and C. We have had serious issues with each other, and it's all come to a head. We arranged to have a meeting to discuss possible recourse, resolutions and the like.

    Before the meeting began, I announced to both roommates that I intended to take down notes, in order to resolve any miscommunications down the road and to ensure everyone is on the same page going forward. E and C agreed, with C even thanking me for taking on this task. The meeting went on and it was a clusterfuck. Nothing was resolved, so I had no notes.

    A few hours after the meeting, I receive a text from C, saying that I could send her the notes I had any time, and that she audio recorded the entire conversation earlier. This took me by surprise. I was completely unaware that she did this. I asked for a copy of the audio recording for my own protection, but I am still very upset at this violation of my knowledge and trust. E has learned the same, and is also very upset.

    Now, while I do live in CA, I actually live on federal land (I don't want to out myself, but this is probably googleable). This excludes our property from the same rights as CA has. I was told that CA is an all-party consent state, but I am not sure if it holds true for me, being on federal property. That being said, do I have any legal recourse in this situation? Should I address C and let her know that I did not consent to being recorded last night? What can I do to protect myself? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/myroommateistheworst
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    (KY) Need to get full custody from ex wife. Ex hasn't seen the kids in weeks.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 05:15 AM PDT

    Filed for divorce 50 50 joint custoday a few months ago. Currently legaly separated she missed the class for the parenting class Judge gave her second chance to go to the class. Next show cause is next month. She hasn't seen the kids in weeks I have two little boys that i'm taking care of full time. I left and gave her the house she moved out and is currently homeless I moved back into the house when it hit foreclosure because she didn't pay anything. I got it out of foreclosure and moved back in with my boys. Daycare is 200 a week which is half my check. I make too much for any state assistance with food or child care. 28k after taxes... Can't really afford a lawyer, I filed for the uncontested divorce by myself. We filled taxes together and put a joint bank account that we still had for the taxes. She took my name off the account now I lost my tax refund on top of it. I'm afraid she will do something crazy please help.

    submitted by /u/italiansolid
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    A video implies I support flat earth research

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 11:26 AM PDT

    I am a physics professor. I in no way condone or promote flat earth 'science'. An individual has written and published a book promoting flat earth theory, and in the video has implied that I participated in a 'peer review' - and subsequent approval - of his book. He shows screenshots of our department webpage showing the names and email address of the faculty members (all public information), and states that we peer-reviewed his book. He wrote two emails to the members of the department, but received no response. His claim in the video is that through his reaching out to us and sending us an e-copy of the book, and through our omission of a response, his book has been peer reviewed by an accredited university. This is, of course, absurd.

    It is not clear if YouTube policies prohibit the posting of this video. One could argue it falls under the auspice of 'misleading content', but I believe that is a rather weak argument, as that clause of the policy relates primarily to the advertising of the video. Our university general counsel has decided not to take action against this individual; that is, not issue a cease-and-desist letter nor request that YouTube remove the video. Our department chair is in tacit agreement with our general counsel. I do not want my reputation as a scientist tarnished by my connection to flat earth research through the video. What steps can/should I take to get it removed? Or am I USC without a paddle? I'd prefer not to post a link to the video in the interest of personal privacy. I suspect you can find the link if you search enough, though.

    YouTube has a defamation webform, but I am in the United States, and YouTube does not remove videos due to defamation claims from persons in the USA unless the claim has been substantiated in court. Thanks to everyone for your help.

    submitted by /u/ObeseObedience
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    Police told ex (F24) she didn’t have to obey our (M23) court order

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 10:07 PM PDT

    I have a court order signed by a judge that my ex was supposed to bring me our youngest daughter (1YO) at 5. So I show up at the local PD, and 5 comes and goes and no sign. So I start calling her. She tells me she's not coming. So I go up to the officers outside, and ask how I need to handle a court order violation. They end up getting her to show up (bringing the guy she cheated on me with which is another court order violation) and they ask me if I have an order signed by a judge. So I gave it to them.

    They talk to her than tell me I need to leave and that if she doesn't want to give me our other daughter than she doesn't have to. I rejected this, saying that it was very specific in our order. He makes me leave.

    So now I don't know what to do. What's the point of having a signed CO if it means jack shit?

    [Notable section of CO:

    NOTICE TO PEACE OFFICER Notice to any peace officer of the State of Texas: You May use reasonable efforts to enforce terms of child custody specified in this order....]

    Location: TX

    TLDR: Ex violates CO twice, cops refuse to enforce

    submitted by /u/JadedHedgehog
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    [VA] please help me save my dogs from my neighbor!

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 06:19 AM PDT

    Going to keep this too the point but am happy to go into detail through pm or comments.

    So I live in a no leash county which means dogs are allowed to roam free. This is mainly due to the larger number of farms in the community as well as hunting dogs. We live on a small farm with two dogs and lots of chickens and our neighbor has a larger farm with cows.

    We've had a problem with his dogs being on our property, but they've never bothered our chickens because our dogs chase them off. And we've never complained because of the no leash law and because we know our dogs visit our neighbors property. Neither us nor our neighbor has ever complain.....But a couple of months ago things changed.

    We got a call from our neighbor threatening to shoot our dogs if they're on his property again. We were surprised but thought maybe because it was spring he was expecting a lot of calves and was looking out for his live stock. So we kept our dogs inside when we were home and made sure we watched them when they were outside.

    Because of this, our neighbors dogs started harassing our chickens.

    So my brother one day hears squeaking going on so he opens the door to let our dogs out and they chase off the neighbors dog over to the neighbors property and a fight broke out.

    NO ONE SAW THE FIGHT START. We only saw the dogs on our property chase his dogs back over to our neighbors, and our neighbor only saw the end of the fight.

    The neighbors dog ended up at the vet and he sued us.

    I COMPLETELY understand his want for us to be responsible for the bills, and we didn't mind helping. I know if my dog was hurt I would be angry. But there is a bigger problem in that now our dogs are labeled as "dangerous dogs" which we think is unfair.

    Our dogs are a border collie and a cattle dog. Their JOB and instinct is to protect their land. Dogs don't understand property lines. And this wasn't an unprovoked attack.

    The law for my county reads that a dangerous dog is a dog that harms a compassion animal, and says nothing distinguishing the difference of being provoked or not. We were taken to court, and we lost the case, and we are in the process of an appeal.

    So I have a few questions for specific advice:

    1. How or where do I go to research the history of the laws of my county. The animal control officer mentioned that there was a motion of some kind to change the law to distinguish provoked/unprovoked attacked. He won't answer my calls about it so I'm trying to find out where I can get more information on that.

    2. How do I make a judge listen to me? The first time in court he didn't care to hear our side of what happened (hence the appeal). We already paid the vet bill, we just want the label removed for our dogs who are NOT dangerous, they were protecting our farm.

    3. We can't get a lawyer to handle this case. No one will take it. And we're afraid that if we do find someone to take it they're going to cost too much.

    4. The animal control officer has a prejudice against my family... which is a long story... and is making this difficult. How can we deal with that? Idk if there's really anything we can do..

    Please any legal advice would mean so much. I'm trying to help my family, their dogs don't deserve this.

    TLDR: our dogs chased off our neighbors dog because it was harassing our chickens, a fight broke out and now the neighbor has taken us to court and the judge deemed our dog dangerous (without hearing our side) and we are now fighting for an appeal.

    submitted by /u/postcardpolarbear
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    “Private detective” parked in work parking lot all week.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 04:37 AM PDT

    One of the warehouses I manage for my company is a mixed use location - we deliver product there for franchisees to pick up and we also have a small store on site. I just found out that all week a car with dark tinted windows has been parked in the parking lot (small lot- only about 10 spaces) with a woman sitting in the car all day.

    When she was asked what's going on she has told two people she is a private detective, no further explanation. She is there now and I am headed over to talk to her. I don't want her parking and taking up spaces from customers but I don't know my legal rights. I also don't know if private detectives have to have a license or present identification I am in the state of Georgia.

    submitted by /u/CrackWilson
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    Almost Ex-Roommate situation - TX

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 09:12 AM PDT

    My question is: When can I ask the apartments to change the locks? Former roommate invoked "tenants rights" and the grace period I stated is nearly exhausted. They've stopped living there while leaving a web of crap to deal with. They also were still checking the mailbox this week and left my most recent mail where it was accessible to me.

    I was renting my extra bedroom to a friend. I eventually told them to hit the road after I'd had enough of their behavior. I sent a cure/quit message via text and they replied that they weren't going to fix the situation and I had to deal with it. I replied that they had the next 33 days (grace period ends on 3/31) and their rental was terminated. They loudly told me "Do not contact me again" and they've been moving out this week. There's only a few days left.

    My problem here is that they've locked the bedroom door (with the door handle lock I provided for their benefit) and left with the keys to the bedroom and the front door/mailbox. The front door key opens other doors on the property and is an electronic access proximity type key that can't be copied. The property only issues 1 key for front door/mailbox per lease holder. Since I was the only leaseholder and the roommate often needed access to the rest of the property like the laundry room I had lent them the key sometime ago.

    On the list of things I'm left to deal with are $4K of unpaid bills, the loss of the keys, the locked bedroom, the two family cats left behind, a DVR/remote control that they were paying me for (might be in the locked bedroom), and the garbage/filth left behind. We stopped talking altogether last month.

    submitted by /u/mojavemarauderx
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    I am part of a small family construction company. Our biggest contractor hasn't paid us in 7 months.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 07:59 AM PDT

    Northern Ohio Area.

    In our line of work we send in a bid/estimates to the contractor, and once accepted we start our job with them. Part of our mutual contract is that no monies would be more than 6 months outstanding. (We are supposed to have a waiver each month to sign and then collect payment) After calling, emailing, and being told "We arent allowed to pay you until we ourselves get paid for the job". Meanwhile this contractor im talking about is without a doubt the largest in our area. They have influence, power, and above all they have money. They are starting new multi- million dollar jobs every week.

    This puts us in a pinch because in one sense it would be bad for business to burn this bridge. Even though they dont pay, they still have a borderline monopoly on new construction. The job is also already finished so we cant threaten to pull our workers off the job site.

    We have always had money in the bank and a good credit line in case things like this happen. However we are at the point where we NEED to be paid in order to pay or own vendors for all the materials and misc things purchased for this same bamboozled job.

    So we are at a point now where the relationships we built with our suppliers over the past 50 years are being strained. They need paid as well. So for the first time in 50 years some of our suppliers are putting holds on our larger purchases until we can pay off more of our bill to them. Im not angry they are doing this but its frustrating and demoralizing to our workers when they have to worry about this.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Kurt_Hungus
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    Hospital paying less than minimum wage for on-call and not paying for call time. Is this legal?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 05:59 AM PDT

    Throwaway of course. I work for a hospital in Oklahoma, and I'm having a hard time determining the laws for on-call.

    Our current pay is $3.50 an hour while on-call. This is the type where you must drop everything and take a call. So no alcohol, going to a movie, or events that can't be interrupted. On-call shifts are Monday to Thursday or Friday to Sunday.

    We only get paid for calls if we have had more than 2 hours of phone time, and only the time after the 2 hours. This is if we are working over the phone, but do not have to go to the hospital. It's rare to go over 2 hours.

    If we get called in to the hospital we don't get paid for drive time, but we do get overtime for our time at the hospital.

    So is this legal to be paid less than minimum wage for? And if so, what should my coworkers and I do about it?

    Edit: we are hourly

    submitted by /u/MedIT_Anon
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    Help A detective from a neighboring city of mine asked me to come in and speak to him about some allegations made against me

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 11:54 AM PDT

    So just a bit ago I got called asking for me by name and I said yes this him he replied this is detective so and so your name across my desk and I was wondering if you could come to clear some things up. I asked what it was about because I'm never is this city really accept for driving through it to and from home. He said some allegations were made against me and he wants to clear some things up. He said I am not under arrest and that he just wants to talk. He said he won't be back into work until Monday so I told him I would come in Monday around noon. I'm worried because I have no idea what it is about also I'm not sure if I need to hire lawyer to come with me or not? Also should I be worried here? I feel like it can't anything too crazy or else he would of asked me to come in immediately or even arrest me.

    Edit: I am in Michigan also tons of typos I'm on mobile I'm sorry

    Edit 2: I called my lawyer he said no no no do not go in he is going find out what's going on what the allegations are. I can update the post when he calls me back. I appreciate the help and feel dumb I was going to go alone to speak to the detective

    submitted by /u/WeedyMcDerp
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    Notice for adult child to move

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 09:05 AM PDT

    On mobile, apologies for formatting.

    My daughter lives with her father to save money. He and I have been divorced for 10 years. He has recently flipped out and told her she needs to move out today. We are in Colorado and I believe he has to give her 30 days notice even if she is not on the lease for their shared apartment . She has been there 6 months and receives mail there. I've tried looking up the statutes but only found one that MIGHT pertain to the situation.

    She does have money saved but realized yesterday that her check shows she's just short of the income requirements. If she claims her cash tips, she will exceed the income requirements but needs time to show the extra income.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction? TIA

    submitted by /u/irishspirit74
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