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    Saturday, March 2, 2019

    Legal Advice [Humor] The Good Reddit Place

    Legal Advice [Humor] The Good Reddit Place

    [Humor] The Good Reddit Place

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 09:30 PM PST

    Was asked to crosspost this gif over here since it made at least one mod laugh.


    Location: The Good Place, BC, Canada.

    submitted by /u/MrTechnohawk
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    Boss constantly touches/chokes/body checks me. Others who report similar behavior to HR have been fired.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 05:58 AM PST

    NJ: I am an adult male and my boss (male, few years older) consistently touches me in front of dozens of other people in a professional office setting. He has put me in a headlock, he often grabs my shoulders or neck and shakes me, he tousles my hair, he often hipchecks me when I'm standing at someone else's desk. I've told him to stop but that makes it worse. Other people have complained to HR and been fired for this exact complaint, so I feel like I have no recourse there.

    On top of that he is a blatant racist and sexist, and says shit out loud in the office that I wouldn't even say to my friends at the bar.

    Should I get a hidden camera on my desk and present footage to him or to HR? or try the HR route myself? Should I just talk to him first and then get a camera? Not sure what the best path forward is. Interested to hear your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/mveasshole
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    (Update) Surprise divorce, husband cleared bank accounts #3 and final

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 05:44 PM PST

    Update from https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/9ymz6a/update_surprise_divorce_husband_cleared_bank/?utm_source=reddit-android



    So it's been an extremely rough couple of months and seems to only keep getting worse honestly and I'm sad to say there is no happy ending here. I didn't even want to do an update but so many people seemed to be interested in the original and update.

    So where to start, still haven't found him and the legal help I have is really great but they are also very overworked and the resources needed to track him down just take time to get and more time to find him. As a final parting gift it seems he claimed our child on his taxes from last year so he could get that tax credit. I was hoping we could track him down that way but again sometime that takes time and resources. Which technically since he was the one working and did live with us for over 6 months of the year he is technically entitled to in a legal sense.

    The bank was somewhat kind of understanding during the holidays but the calls are getting to the point where I'm fairly certain they will begin foreclosure soonish I really don't know that for certain but when you don't pay a mortgage for 4+ months they get kind of upset and the circumstances don't matter.

    Finally managed to get on SNAP for food and it helps a lot but it's crazy how quickly you realize how much food you eat and your kid eats and before when money didn't really matter for necessities like food, soap, water bills and electricity.

    I managed to get a job that somewhat works for childcare hours but you quickly start to realize childcare costs as much as you make so it's like working so you can pay you have your kid watched. Trying to avoid paying all the bills attached to the house I can so I can save up enough to hopefully get us the smallest cheapest apartment around and keep working.

    Sorry for the negative update everyone but it's just life I guess. Unless things extremely and drastically change for the better this will be the last update. I'll keep doing my best of course and thanks for all the kind words in the other posts about the other updates.

    submitted by /u/lonsigling2020
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    Wisconsin. Lumber company came across property line and cut down ~30 mature oaks.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 10:23 AM PST

    My family has owned ~200 acres in western wisconsin for the last 90 something years. Some time in the 50's a relative of mine sold 22 acres to the dnr when they were down on hard times.

    This property is bordered between us and the road. Until 2 years ago it remained with the dnr who then decided to sell it to the county/city.

    The county/city then decided to harvest all of the oaks and pines as a fund raising effort as they do every decade or so.

    I should point out that about a month prior to the dnr selling the property to the county/city we had our whole parcel professionally surveyed, I'm pretty sure that was one of the reasons the dnr finally sold it off.

    The entire property line has metal stakes 5 feet above the ground every 20 feet or so. They are spray painted bright red and we touch them up every year as well as spray the trees pink around eye level.

    There a render no tresspassing signs every 50 feet along the road but none inside the hardwood forrest along the property line since you can't really acess it without going past the no tresspassing signs because of the terrain.

    The lumber company came through a year ago and marked the property line in blue for their own purposes as well.

    Either way it being winter in wisconsin you'd have to be colorblind not to see the property line and when the lumber company marked it themselves you'd think they know where it was as well.

    I got a call earlier today from a relative who lives down there saying they had clear cut to our property line and beyond, he sent a few pictures and I asked him to count the number of trees.

    I'm headed there tomorrow to take my own pictures and start documentation however I really don't know where to start this whole process so I'm looking for some advice about where to begin here.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my post and any advice you can give is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Ironpandora
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    My sister was stuck in an elevator last night and when she pushed the emergency button a woman would answer and hang up on her

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 10:10 AM PST

    This was at her poorly maintained residential building in Toronto. Is there someone she can complain to? She was stuck for over an hour before her boyfriend came home at 4am and called 911 when he couldn't find her and heard the elevator alarm going off. Those guys showed up in 5min. I am so frustrated for her that other bitch needs to be fired.

    submitted by /u/lovethekush
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    Neighbors over filling of pool affecting foundation

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 08:08 AM PST

    I have a neighbor who is constantly overfilling their pool to the point that the ground is saturated. I have gone as far as installing a 60' French drain between the houses. Now the French drain is constantly draining water due to the overfilling. My driveway has sank about 2" and is starting to crack. My foundation is also shifting. I have asked that they not over fill the pool, but they insisted that they like to keep the water level at least even with the overflow. So it looks like I'll be out the cost of foundation and drive way repair. Is there any way I can recover some losses from the neighbors negligence?
    Location Texas.

    submitted by /u/130ne
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    Illinois. My mother has 300+ cats in her house, and an entire bedroom full of birds. Help.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 02:28 PM PST

    I moved to Europe for work a decade ago, and have not been back to the States for nearly 3 years, since my dad died. I felt bad leaving my mother alone, however money was tight and I was not able to afford to visit. She had numerous friends so I assumed she'd be ok.

    I came to visit finally, yesterday, and my mother's health, unfortunately, seems to have declined more than she let on.

    The whole house is full of cats. Hundreds of cats, some of them look to be pregnant, and some of them already have litters. 300 may be an understatement. I asked her where they came from and she didn't have an answer for me. I told her she needs to get rid of them but she insisted they were better off with her.

    To make matters worse, the guest room has been filled entirely with various birds. Parakeets, finches, a swan (she says it's a swan) and various others I can't identify. I estimate there's 50+ birds, and they too look as if they've been breeding.

    All the animals have food afaik, but the smell is unbearable and this cannot be sanitary. You can't move without stepping on a cat. Who do I call? The police? I'd prefer if there was a way to resolve this without her getting charged for animal cruelty, she's just a harmless old lady who is suffering from dementia.

    Next morning edit- please don't pm me with offers of help, I want to remain anonymous, I do not want the media to show up or anything. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/CatThrowaway998
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    Can I empty a bank account that I’m sharing?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 05:48 AM PST

    The account was opened in a national bank chain, but my dad is in Texas and I am moving to Georgia.

    My father opened a bank account for me when I was a minor. He wanted me to learn good money saving habits, and so I've been putting 1/3 of all Christmas and birthday money in it since I was 10. I've also added 1/3 of my paychecks from an internship I did while living with him, as well as a small inheritance from a relative and a small trust that my grandmother had for me. Over 14 years of deposits and the addition trust/inheritance, the sum became quite large for a recent college grad. The issue I'm running into is that as it was made for me as a minor, my dad is still on the account and won't give me the account number to access it. He said he would give me access when I turned 18, but when that came he moved the benchmark to when I graduated college, in the name of helping me resist temptation to spend it. Then when I graduated college he again denied me access and said that I could take money whenever I wanted, I just had to tell him what it was for so he could act as my financial advisor and decide if it was a good purchase. For years he said I could use it for a trip to Europe or a down payment and he would support it because that's what savings are for. But he still wants me to ask permission as an adult to access my own money he forced me to save, and I'm not convinced he will actually give me my money because he's used money to influence me for so long he might not want to give it up. I plan on asking one more time for access because I am ready to buy a home and want to use it as a down payment.

    So my question is: if he refuses to allow me access to my own money and I contact the bank, and use my social to prove I'm the one who the account was created for, (if they will even let me do that) and I then transfer the money into my own personal account, Will he have any legal recourse to punish me or take revenge for circumventing his control of my finances?

    submitted by /u/sneak-level-03270607
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    Employee stole code and sold it to someone who created a competing product

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 04:42 AM PST

    I am in India the competing company appears to be in US.

    I have come to know that an ex employee stole our project code for our SaaS (subscription based software) offering and sold it to someone who created a company using that code. I don't have any proof other than some employee telling me about this a few days ago that I have been cheated and today I saw a competing product just like mine.

    Their product is similar to ours for the most part, other than a few things different here and there.

    Ideally, I would like them to take down their product and transfer all customers to us. What are my legal recourses if any?

    submitted by /u/wendy980
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    I think this gas station is committing fraud.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 09:46 AM PST

    Yesterday I went to a Shell station in southern California (I'll tell you which one if I'm allowed to). Everything was normal at first, I had no fuel rewards points, I put my card in and selected normal gas, then I put the handle in my car. I did not squeeze the trigger/handle, I am 100% certain of this. The counter, as expected, had reset to zero, I am 100% certain of this too.

    The weird part is that the counter started rolling without being promoted to, granted it was rolling fairly slowly. I took the handle back out of my car and visibly confirmed that nothing was being dispensed, but the counter continued to roll. All in all the counter stopped at about $0.52 cents after rolling for 15-20 seconds, I put the handle back in my car and went in to ask the attendant what was going on, but he was not helpful and I barely understood him. He basically just told me that they screen infront of him said that my pump was still on 0. I moved to a different pump and pumped my gas normally, then left. I still have the $0.52 cent receipt.

    Could I be wrong? I checked my account this morning and sure enough I was charged two separate charges, the first of which being $0.52. is there a specific agency I should report this to?

    submitted by /u/crossfit_is_stupid
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    Got an inappropriate transfer of ~500k USD; How much do I have to give back?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 11:41 AM PST

    No worries. I know I am not going to keep 500k. This has been a very long, drawn out and weird situation.

    About a year ago, I got transferred nearly 500k into my account. I knew this wasn't mine and I'm aware I shouldn't spend any of it and thought the bank would figure it out pretty quickly. Turns out, it couldn't.

    Apparently, I have the same name as someone else who had passed away. For now, I'm just going to refer to them as Me2. Me2 was the beneficiary of someone's life insurance or estate (to which I'm still unclear of), nonetheless I received this amount of money.

    Now, something about Me2 or the person who also passed away- apparently there are a lot of claims against this person towards their inheritence or something. From communication with my bank, apparently is was a messy divorce followed by several deaths. So all the legal paperwork to who is supposed to get what is messy. Because it's so messy- it has taken nearly a year.

    During this year, I've kept the 500k in my bank account which accrues about 1.5% APY so I've made a few thousand in there.

    When the lawsuit is finally settled and it can be determined who is supposed to get the money, will I have to pay back the interest on the money? Also, how the heck do I file taxes on this? Technically it is income but it might not even be my income.

    I realize I shouldv'e gotten a lawyer earlier but I was lulled into complacency by what the bank has told me. I'm surprised they didn't escrow the money somewhere but I don't know the legalities behind it.

    What are my next steps?

    EDIT: Live in Texas is that matters. Bank also in the same state.

    submitted by /u/teletwang99
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    California townhouse. Neighbor's pipe in a shared wall burst causing them a few hundred dollars in plumbing work but thousands of dollars of damage on our side. HOA CC&R says we're on our own?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 09:26 AM PST

    Note: CC&R and question at the bottom.

    My wife, roommate, and I are all teachers that rent a two story, two bed, 2.5 bath townhouse that my parents bought before the market went crazy in California. Last week we came home and our garage was flooded with 1/2" of hot water, all of the windows in the house were steamed up, and yellow water was dribbling out of all of our heating vents and steam was coming out of some of them. The leak appeared to be coming from around our hot water heater (which sits next to our central heater) but everything was bone-dry around it. I shut off the water and gas at the water heater plus the water to the house. We discovered hot water flowing from beneath a 12" sheet-rocked platform that the heaters sit on. We called the the local branch of a national 24-hour plumbing chain.

    The plumbers arrive and it's a four-plumber job: they tear open the sheet-rock platform the heaters sit on and then have to dig into our garage wall that we share with the neighboring townhouse's garage. It turns out that a pipe in the foundation has burst, but the fact that it's still flowing suggests that it's not our pipe. I attempt to contact the neighbors but they're not home and I don't have their phone number. The water is shut off to their unit and the leak stops immediately. The plumbers set up eight blowers connected to our heater vents around the house (the heater is new and was sucking up steam and blowing moisture throughout the house) plus two blowers and a massive dehumidifier in our garage. One neighbor comes home and says he's just a renter and gives the lead plumber and I his landlady's name and phone number. With the water shut off, our neighbors get a hotel. Because the leak is from our neighbor's water supply, the plumber says they'll be going through that owner's homeowner's insurance and that they're unfortunately going to have to charge us the cost of one plumber for one hour at night to have an open ticket on the books (versus four plumbers for about two hours at night.) The blowers are hooked up to our heater for a week (meaning no heat in the house with a temperature in the high 40's / low 50's) and they have to take out our water heater, rip open the wall on our side and a bit on the neighbor's side, jackhammer the concrete, and repair the leak. The wall is also filled with mold and they have to tent it to treat it.

    Work slows because the plumber says that the landlady for next door and her insurance company won't call him back. One week after the initial event I get a call that they're regrettably taking back all of their equipment and not going to repair anything that was ripped out because the landlady's insurance claim was already closed (and apparently she only claimed the work on her side and never even mentioned our side.) We would like to seek monetary compensation for:

    • an inspection / service of our new heater since it was sucking up steam and blowing water around the house
    • a housekeeper cleaning for the plumbers coming and going, dust from blowers, and dirty water sprayed around the house
    • a final mold inspection
    • repair of all areas torn out to fix the leak
    • all damaged personal property ($250 in books I had to buy for my students, $114 in posters, $245 for a (then) mint-condition 2005 Master Replicas Force FX Darth Vader Lightsaber still in the box (it's starting at $485 on ebay, but I'm only asking what I paid)
    • the $329 we already had to pay the plumber
    • the portion of our PG&E bill above our current average as a result of having eight blowers in the house, two blowers in the garage, and a dehumidifier in the garage going for 1+ weeks

    The neighbor's landlady calls our landlords (my parents) and says that she's not paying us nor them anything. My parents call their homeowners insurance and they say that they can't go after the landlady or her insurance and that my parents are stuck with all costs (up to their $2500 deductible) because of a CC&R (Covenant's, Conditions, & Restrictions) that our complex's HOA (Home-Owner's Association) has that says,

    Waiver of Subrogation= "An owner may separately insure his or her personal property, and may obtain and maintain personal liability and property damage insurance for his or her Unit, provided that the insurance contains a waiver of subrogation rights by the carrier as to the other Owners the Association, Declarant, and the institutional First Mortgage of the Owner's Unit."=A "waiver of subrogation" prevents insurance companies from getting involved and pursuing a claim. The result is that the risk of loss is agreed among the parties to lie with the insurers.

    Does this really mean that even though a neighbor's pipe burst causing no damage to their side but thousands of dollars in service and damage to ours that we're entirely on the hook for costs / future costs between us and our landlords' deductible? Is there anything we can do?

    submitted by /u/MannyLaMancha
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    Girlfriends neighbor shoveled snow off her car with a metal shovel.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 10:57 AM PST

    Location: Oregon, US.

    About 9 months ago me and my girlfriend both bought her a near mint condition 1991 Honda prelude. We went half in on it but the title is in her name. I'm kind of a car guy and when I saw this thing having only 70,000 original miles on it and hardly a scratch on the body or interior I knew we had to snag it simply for the longevity and resell value if we took care of it.

    We live in a place that hardly gets any snow but we recently got about 15 inches which is very rare indeed. My girlfriend was at my place for a few days and when I took her back to her place I ended up getting my car very slightly stuck. No biggie. I grabbed a shovel that her neighbor in her duplex left out and started working my car out. My girlfriend had a fever so I wanted to just get unstuck and get her inside ASAP. I'd come back and dig her car out that had 15 inches of snow on it the next day.

    Little backstory, her neighbor is a creepy guy. He's sort of the property manager of the duplex and he goes into her apartment while she's not there for random reasons and sometimes he's walked in while she's getting out of the shower. We've dealt with that though. And he's been reprimanded and doesn't have a key anymore. But he's got a thing for my girlfriend.

    So back to the crux here. The neighbor came out to help me get unstuck which was nice, but after we accomplished that he proceeded to take the shovel and give me a hard time for not "digging my girlfriends car out" I said I'd do it another day and while I was hugging my girlfriend goodbye I heard a scraping sound and when I turned around he was scraping the snow off he hood of her car himself with a metal shovel on the goddamn paint. He took it down to bare metal in some spots. This was completely unwarranted on his part. We didn't ask. He just did it. Definitely devalued the car that we were both so proud of.

    What can I do?

    Edit: location

    submitted by /u/Henry-Pollard
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    Mental Hospital

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 11:19 AM PST

    Long story short, my ex girlfriend went crazy one night and called the police saying I was going to kill myself because I sent her a text saying "I'm over it" and stopped replying to her. Which led me to being detained by the police and sent to a mental hospital against my will. I was released early cuz nothing was wrong with me. Now I have a $3,000 bill that I have to pay. When I didn't even want to go there in the first place. I'm 20 years old and in college I barely have a pot to piss in. There's no way I can afford a 3k bill. Is there anything I can do to get rid of it?! (I'm in Wisconsin)

    submitted by /u/osmith74
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    Friend’s car got T boned with me as a passenger (Oklahoma)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 09:30 AM PST

    Last night around midnight me and my friend were leaving a gas station after a concert. We get to the first light and ours is green. As we are halfway through the intersection a truck comes flying through and smashes my friend's car. We had witnesses who told the cops it wasn't our fault. The driver had no insurance and it wasn't his car. We weren't seriously injured but we both received concussions and some bruising. I woke up today and my head is still pounding and I have some minor whiplash. What are the next steps me and my friends should take?

    submitted by /u/nuttyboy69420
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    My mother is committing fraud I think?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 11:18 AM PST

    Albuquerque NM

    When I was young, about a year old, my mother and my father broke up. They were never married, my mother got custody and handed me over to my grandparents who I've lived with the entire 18 years of my life. My father did not know this until I was in second grade when he came back into my life. That's when I learned that my mother had been getting monthly child support checks ranging from $400 - $500 a month. Money I had never seen EVER, years and years later after threatening my mother with legal action if she didn't give my grandparents the money to help support me my father is still paying child support basically paying for most of her rent.

    The last time that happened we had a talk and my mother agreed to give us $200 a month to cover groceries. Six months later, still no money.

    The the government believes that I live with her, she gets child support every month and my father owes over 6,000 because the money has been inflated or SOMETHING. What can I do here that 1, helps out my father and 2, makes my mother pay for commuting fraud like this?

    submitted by /u/plz-just-help
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    Apt. Management Co is trying to back out of lease after its signed.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 10:30 AM PST

    I am currently moving from Salt Lake City, Utah to Phoenix, Arizona. In early February I flew to Arizona and looked at some properties, put in a few applications and asked each property to send me a copy of the move in costs associated with each apartment.

    One complex sent a move-in breakdown that was $100 less per month from what i was originally quoted during the visit on site. The leasing agent was 'in training' at the time so I assumed he didn't mention they were running a special. It was listed as a 'monthly concession' for the entirety of the lease. I accepted and signed the cost breakdown and told them I would take the apartment for a move in March 4th. I scheduled my utilities to be turned on the same day.

    The lease was sent by email and I signed the lease (showing the concessions and move in date) and the lease was signed by the rep of the management company.

    I packed up my entire apartment and started driving towards Phoenix yesterday. While staying at a hotel overnight, I woke up to a voicemail from the management company that they had a 'question for me'. I called them back and they stated my unit would not be ready at the agreed upon move in date (Monday.. today is Saturday). The soonest the 'vendor could be out and finished' would be this next Friday - March 8th. They asked to move me to a smaller unit and said the price would be cheaper. When I asked the monthly rent, I was told it was 50 MORE than I signed for on my current lease. When I brought this to the manager's attention he got rude.

    I was told the concessions were an accidental 'click of the mouse', that I would have to either take the smaller apartment for more, without concessions and move in on Monday, I could get a refund of the fees I paid, or I could wait and stay in a Hotel for a week until the apartment I signed for is ready. They refuse to reimburse any expenses - not even the cost of changing the power bill to the new, smaller apartment.

    So with 2 days until I am supposed to be living in a new State and a lease that is already signed, I do not know what to do. I feel they should be responsible for paying for my hotel stay since the lease was signed and agreed to because I do not want the smaller apartment - I need 2 bathrooms not 1. I also do not feel comfortable signing a new lease because I feel like they are trying to take back the concessions. Although the manager said it was a mistake .. if the option even exists on their system in the first place to MAKE a concession, I don't understand why it cant be left there for my troubles? They are being very rude and basically said they want a decision Monday morning. What are my options?

    tl;dr - I am moving to Arizona, signed a lease for an apartment that is not available and the management company is making me either downgrade to smaller unit, or pay my own expenses to wait for the apartment to become available. I will have to sign a new lease without $100 off per month concession.

    submitted by /u/thesmileyrocks
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    Realty management company is trying to charge us $3,000 in fees two months before we move out (NC, US)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 06:58 AM PST

    My wife and I are renting a small duplex with another couple while we save money to move. We have two cats, the other couple has two dogs. It's a cozy situation for sure, but it's honestly not as cramped as it sounds.

    Anyway, our annual inspection was yesterday. The company rep stopped by, took some pictures, noted some dings in the wall, was pleasant, and then left. Nothing unusual.

    Today we got an email saying we broke the terms of the lease, and we owe them 200 per animal for not letting them know we had them, 500 dollars per person for me and my wife, since our names aren't on the lease, and then 300 per animal to keep them.

    the email said we have 48 hours to remove the animals and pay their "ransom" on top of this months rent. But when we went to the payment portal, it said the due balance was already overdue as of yesterday? So now we're getting slammed with late fees

    Our lease is up in two months and we're absolutely moving because this rental company has been a nightmare to deal with. We've always been very polite and paid on time every month. We're very friendly with the neighbors and mostly just keep to ourselves.

    Them on the other hand, they never fix any complaints we have, it takes them months to get back on a single issue, our front door has been broken since we moved in, the water bill keeps getting higher, even though we keep using less and less water.

    We've just saved enough to move and all these fees would kill us.

    Is it completely legal for the landlord to do this?

    edit: also, we tried calling their offices but they're closed until monday, while we keep getting slammed with late fees

    submitted by /u/throwaway194036
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    Renting a house. Lease says only the Landlord and I may occupy the premises. Landlord is now leasing a newly built room to another tenant.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 09:48 AM PST

    The Landlord didn't provide a written notice of this change. And if it matters at all, the new room was built within the building I'm renting, not as an add-on which means I no longer have access to that part of the house.

    What options do I have here, if any?

    Edit: This is in Florida

    submitted by /u/TothbrushPlease
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    Is it legal to get a tattoo of an official logo?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 09:27 AM PST

    All in the title; I don't fully understand the concept of copyright infringement or anything, so I was just wondering


    submitted by /u/dustin_keel
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    My elderly aunt is being taken advantage of by house cleaner. Help!!!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 08:21 AM PST

    Ok. So my aunt is around 85 and is starting to exhibit early stages of dementia. She is recently widowed and depressed as well. She has a lot of money and makes herself a target by constantly talking about it and flaunting it. She had no kids so my twin brother and I are basically the only family she has. We ran off the first house cleaner she has because we felt like she was stealing from her and taking advantage of her. We also think she bought her a car. Now she has a new sitter and this woman is doing the same thing. We saw my aunt hand her 6k in cash one day and we asked her why, she would not tell us and only said "you'll have to talk to your aunt about that". After asking my aunt, she became furious and said it was none of our business. We've found checkbooks that showed checks written to her for way more than she should be getting paid. And the crazy thing is her house is NEVER clean. It's disgusting actually. So basically she is paying this lady for companionship and when we bring up the fact that she is using her, my aunt gets very angry because she is lonely and doesn't want to lose a friend. My aunt also forgets if she paid people and always tries to pay them multiple times for the same work and I wouldn't be surprised if she is accepting it each time. We've talked to her about my aunts dementia and she just says "I haven't noticed anything" or "her memory has been great lately" which she knows is BS. She doesn't want her money tree to run out. We've called elderly protective services but when they showed up to her door she kicked them off her property. Anytime we try to talk to her or do anything she gets very angry and threatens to take us off the will. I feel like my aunt would take us off the will and put everything in her cleaning lady's name out of spite. And because she is losing her mind. I feel hopeless at this point and I feel like it won't be long before she makes a huge mistake with her money and really gets taken advantage of. Help! Louisiana

    submitted by /u/nickh272727
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    How To Kick Out Common Law Partner?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 09:59 AM PST

    Been in a common law relationship for 7 years, known eachother for 8, creating two kids (18 months and 7 year old). Our relationship is at rock bottom and I want him to leave. We recently moved into my parent's house when prices went up so we could save money. It's so bad between us that I am done and want to call is quits but he is unemployed, broke, no savings, no credit card, no family here, no friends to take him in, nothing. How can I get him to leave without sending him to be homeless? I know it's not my problem as I've been told before but it doesn't answer the question of what the heck do I do to get him out? It was so bad I called police to get him to leave but they couldn't do anything. I don't want to spend months helping him get on his feet so he can leave, he makes my life a living hell even after only being in the same room for 5 minutes. I can't live like this anymore. What can I do? Where can he go other than a shelter? I'm at a loss and need him gone.

    submitted by /u/cherrytree95
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    Need help leaving my middle eastern homophobic family

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 01:05 PM PST

    Hey so I'm a homosexual male currently living in an conservative Muslim family in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia). I want to find a way to leave me family and this summer is a perfect opportunity as we will be visiting the US (Virginia) in the summer for a few weeks. I also have a US citizenship. Can anyone please help me and tell me what to do and who to call? (I'm also 16)

    submitted by /u/h_red_n
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    Is it illegal to buy items from resellers purchased via fraud?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 08:51 AM PST

    There's an online game I play frequently, Final Fantasy XIV. For those unfamiliar with it, it's an MMO that also has an optional cash shop. You can purchase items, usually only cosmetic items, for your in-game character with real money. For sending gifts, you can also purchase a code to give to someone else that they can redeem to get the item.

    Recently, they've put out a statement that they've had an increase in the number of fraudulent purchases of codes from the shop, and they've started to crack down on accounts that use codes obtained from a fraudulent purchase. My assumption is that generally, someone buys a code with a stolen credit card and uses a code-reselling website to sell that code for money they can actually use. The buyer then uses the code, and then when the company catches up to the fraudulent purchase, find out that the buyer has a code on their account from a stolen card.

    Of course, this has opened up a large discussion in the community, and it's opened up a legal question. If someone buys an item - online game code or otherwise - with a fraudulent transaction and then sells that item to an unsuspecting buyer, has the buyer actually done something illegal themselves?

    submitted by /u/Sethala
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