• Breaking News

    Friday, March 1, 2019

    Legal Advice Girlfriend was arrested w/ a DUI but blew a .06!!! Cop arrested her after making her remove her glasses for the sobriety test!

    Legal Advice Girlfriend was arrested w/ a DUI but blew a .06!!! Cop arrested her after making her remove her glasses for the sobriety test!

    Girlfriend was arrested w/ a DUI but blew a .06!!! Cop arrested her after making her remove her glasses for the sobriety test!

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 04:16 AM PST

    So..... my girlfriend went out for a couple drinks with her friend tonight. She didn't drink much and she waited until she knew she was sober to drive home. When the time came she drove herself and her roommate home in her roommates car (well... was headed home). On her way she noticed that the headlights were off, and flipped them on a couple blocks down the road. A minute or two later she was pulled over by a police officer. She admitted to having a couple of drinks and the officer asked her to get out of the vehicle.

    This is when it gets interesting.

    The officer made her take her glasses off, in the dark... during a snow storm... to perform the sobriety test. He then declared that she was drunk WITHOUT HAVING HER BLOW TO TEST HER BAC, and arrested her on the spot and took her to jail.

    THEN, at the jail, she blew a .06!!! That's below the legal limit (we are in Wyoming). And the lady at the booking desk told her to get an attorney when she heard what her BAC was.

    My question is, does she have a decent chance to be ruled innocent in a court of law? We have no money and probably can't afford a good lawyer. I could barely afford her bail. She is on track to be a school teacher and blowing a .06 shouldn't deter her from pursuing her dream.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated right now. We have two weeks before she has to appear in municipal court

    Edit: she also told me this morning that when he arrested her he DIDNT TELL HER THE MIRANDA RIGHTS

    Edit: thank you all so much for the help

    submitted by /u/culldubbs
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    My ex lied about vaccinating our immune compromised daughter. Update.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 07:56 AM PST

    Wow, that last post got real popular it seems, for better and for worse. Seeing as you guys got were interested in it I thought I would come back with an update.

    Well, a lot has happened since that day. My daughter is safe with me and was let out of the hospital about a week ago. She is getting better every day. I know though, you guys want the full story so here it is

    After I made that post I took the advice given to me and the next time I saw my daughter I told her that it was wrong of me to ask her to keep secrets and that it's ok to tell her mom. Along with that I saw a lawyer recommended to me by a trusted party. When I went to see him he told me that this is "A case lawyers salivate over" and that my ex is in a lot of trouble. I immediately filed for emergency custody of my daughter. I also got into contact with the doctor again and explained the situation fully to him. He says that while he will not be getting lawyers involved that he wishes for me to submit the evidence to the police and file a report. Along with this, my lawyer has gotten into contact with the court that originally ordered us to vaccinate our daughter and has handed over everything I gave to him. He has advised me to stay quite on this matter so i'll leave it at my ex is in a lot of trouble with them.

    During this time, my ex started to get suspicious. Maybe it was because a friend told her about a post on reddit and she freaked out? Who knows. A few days later when I saw her at the hospital we had an altercation. She became hysterical and yelled various threats and insults at me. Including telling me that I want to "poison our daughter" right in front of our sick child. She was escorted out of the building and the head nurse had banned her from coming back. After this she sent me a barrage of texts telling me that I am a monster and that if she had vaccinated her that she would be dead now. This was sent to my lawyer. As he puts it, "she's what lawyers dream of when they hear who's on the other side of the court."

    Outside of this, i've been advised to stay as quite as possible so i'll leave it with this.

    This week I received emergency custody of my daughter until our custody hearing later this year. I have heard that the DA is slowly getting ready to move forward with a multitude of charges against my ex and that will land her in jail soonish.

    And that's really it for now. I'm going to follow the advice given by my lawyer and say nothing else to anyone. I do not want the media involved in this for a few reasons so i've left this as vague as possible. When this is all said and done, if the interest is still there I may come back again. But for now, thanks for the advice in the original thread, me and my daughter appreciate you all.

    submitted by /u/ThrowYouAway2213
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    Enterprise car rentals had my mother arrested twice for the same incident.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 12:16 PM PST

    I've been sitting here considering just how to type this up for a while now and all I can think is that it's a shame that this situation has gone on as long as it has, or that it's become this ridiculous. It's also a shame that my first post on Reddit has to be here, finding out what my next step should be.

    Back in October, my mom rented a car for my sister and had her put on the rental contract as an authorized driver. This was on October 20th and was meant to be a one day rental, so that my sister could drive down to the beach, to her hurricane damaged house, and get some of her things before coming back.

    3 days passed, my mom tried to report the car stolen, when she learned that my sister had cheated on and separated from her husband (And subsequently her 12 year old daughter) and had no intention of returning home or returning the car. The sheriff who came was very kind and filed a report with that information, but informed us that because it wasn't her property, she couldn't report it stolen. This is October 23rd.

    Enterprise would have to be the party to file the official report.

    So my mother called Enterprise and informed them the car had been stolen by her daughter, my sister, that she had already contacted the police and that she had been instructed to contact Enterprise. She did so, but was informed by an employee that they would have to consult with "Risk Management" before the police report was filed, since my sister was listed as an authorized driver.

    Enterprise waited 27 days before filing a police report.

    A full 30 days after she'd signed a one day contract. Despite the fact she'd called every day to inquire about the status of the rental and the police report during those 27 additional days. Instead of closing the contract after filing the police report, they kept it open for another four days after the police report was filed, and then an additional five days while the car sat in impound, after my sister had been arrested for felony larceny of the car. (As well as possession of cocaine, it turns out my sister is just such a lovely person.)

    They maxed out my mother's credit card to the tune of $2,145.42, as well as put out a warrant for my mother's arrest for failure to return rental property (the car) and the $3,891.07 grand total of this open contract.

    My mother is a 63 year old woman on medical disability.

    She turned herself in, the magistrate posted no bail, she's awaiting a court date over this whole affair. She still hasn't been to court over the first charges, when today, another sheriff, not-so-kind, came and informed her of new charges, but exactly the same as the first, for the same incident. He arrested her and took her to jail, where she sat for most of the morning until we could get her out.

    This time her bail was set at $2500, she's made bail and is home safe.

    I'm in Johnston County, North Carolina. The first set of charges were issued from Wake County, while the second were issued in Johnston County.

    What sort of legal recourse should she be looking at here? This feels like double jeopardy, considering she has identical charges for the same incident.

    She's already got an attorney for the first charges, and I'm assuming the same person would jump at the chance to get tangled up in the mess of the second set of charges. She agrees she should be responsible for the bill up until the point where she tried to report it stolen, but that amount would only be for $511.91.

    Isn't this like, super illegal no matter what state you're in?

    submitted by /u/TheWolfCounsel
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    [NY] Seller destroyed house before closing. Sale cancelled. Can buyer recoup appraisal cost (or any) in small claims?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 06:26 AM PST

    Seller turned off heat to save a buck the week before closing. All water works froze and busted. They refused to provide credit or remediate. I (buyer) pulled out.

    I'm about $5k into the house between inspections, application fees, consultant fees (house was getting a rehab rider loan), legal fees and appraisals.

    Me: Not vindictive. I would like to move on and continue my home search. Just exploring my rights. That said $5k is a lot to me as a First time home buyer. If I could recoup some costs in small claims, I would like to pursue. Seller is out of state themselves.

    I can answer questions, perhaps provide a list of costs?




    OK, I think it'd be more helpful if I outline my current plan. Note: the seller already had turned of the utilities once before, bursting one radiator. This isn't the first time, or a surprise:

    1. I make a list of costs thus far for the house purchase, including receipts.
    2. I bring in emails showing the date of the first time the Seller turned off the heat, bursting ONE radiator. The seller acknowledged, and had it capped.
    3. I bring in emails showing that after that initial incident, I signaled to the seller I was ready to move forward with appraisal (x2), title search, more application fees, 2x hard credit pulls. Utilities were turned back on.
    4. I bring emails showing the seller then came to the vacant property, and stayed there 10 days to clean up, remove trash. Utilities were still on.
    5. I bring in emails / texts showing that after that, we agreed on a closing date.
    6. At some point in between seller leaving the property, and our proposed closing date, the seller AGAIN turned off utilities.
    7. I walk the property the day before closing. I note utilities are turned off. I show that I made appointments with the local utility to turn on utilities in my name for both units (I didn't realize that I was turning on because there was nothing on, it clicked after).
    8. I show pictures of the property's broken radiators x6 (cast iron), 2x toilets frozen through. This changes 1. appraisal value 2. bank mortgage approval since it's a drastically lower LTV / could require remidiation contingnecy.
    9. I show my attempts to negotiate, the seller attempting to get Home Owners to cover (lol they said no, you turned off the utilities), requesting written estimates from licensed plumbers (seller ignored requests, offered flat $3,000 credit)
    10. This led to my decision to pull out.

    My thinking here:

    1. I demonstrate the condition of the property to be purchase assumed by myself (buyer), bank (mortgager), mortgage insurer.
    2. I demonstrate that once all parties agreed on a price, and value for the property at that point in time, I intended to move forward with the purchase, lender agreed to provide mortgage.
    3. I demonstrate that after previous damage, and between agreeing to move forward with mortgage process and before closing, directly due to the seller's actions, this significantly lowered the value of the property through damage to the heating system, floors, and plumbing. Things are still frozen, drywall too perhaps.
    4. I demonstrate that this act (turning utilites off) was already established as potentially hazardous to the property, as the seller already did this once and damaged the heating / plumbing. This wasn't a surpise.
    5. I demonstrate that directly due to this act, what I had invested ($) towards the purchase was now moot, and that if the utilites weren't turned off, and the property wasn't damaged, I would have continued with the purchase.
    6. I request the costs I took on between the first time property was damaged (2x appraisals, 2x consultant fee, 2x estimate cost, 1x legal, 1x title search, ...maybe more? any ideas?)
    submitted by /u/DelawareDog
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    Can I stop my brother from keeping half of my inheritance?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 05:04 AM PST

    My mother passed away this year. My brother was the executor of her will. She specified that everything would be split between her children.

    For the last year or so of her life, my brother helped her with her finances. She added him to her bank account for that purpose. It was always her intention for the money in that account to be divided, but since it was a joint account, does he have the right to keep it? Because he seems to think he does, even though it's clearly against his mother's wishes.

    I estimate there to be $26,000 in the account. What options do I have in New York?

    submitted by /u/biancaw
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    The pet hospital that I work at had a carbon monoxide leak and refused to evacuate the building or let employees (including a pregnant woman) go home. Not sure what to do.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 07:59 AM PST

    I'm in Minnesota

    So this all started a couple of weeks ago when I (the receptionist) am sitting in the lobby at my desk and I smell something off. I immediately knew it was gas, it didn't smell like sulfur, it sort of smelled like propane, but either way I was feeling woozy. I informed my manager at the time, call her Stacy, who told me to call our gas providers emergency line. I told the emergency line what was going on and they told me they'd have someone come check it out, in the meantime they asked me to evacuate the building. I told my manager what they recommended and she refused to evacuate the building. At this time my shift was over so I left, believing that the problem would be solved. Some time in the next week I came back to find that it was indeed a carbon monoxide leak cause by a problem with the furnace and that they had fixed the heat (now instead of it being 50 degrees in the lobby where i work 13 hour days for 4 winter months it's a comfortable temperature, but that's a whole other can of worms)

    Flash forward another couple of days and I come back to work to find out that another one of my managers, a shift lead and our safety officer who we'll call Carmen, had a team full of doctors and vet assistants who are smelling gas and reportedly feeling woozy and can't think straight. One of these Veterinary assistants happens to be about 6 months pregnant. So Carmen, the safety officer and shift lead on duty, makes the call that they need to cancel the upcoming appointments, send everyone's pets home and close the hospital for the rest of the day.

    Carmen is now facing disciplinary actions for closing the hospital without consulting her chief of staff (who is out of state at a conference and not answering her phone.) She was told that before she can close the hospital that she needs the approval of a higher up. The safety officer is not allowed to close the hospital in the event of a gas leak. Meanwhile a doctor can't think straight, a pregnant woman is inhaling fumes and not being sent home and about 20 pet's are inhaling toxic fumes.

    Carmen is now being accused by Stacy of wanting to close the hospital just so that she could have a short day.

    Needless to say I don't feel safe working at a place that requires us to go through biyearly OSHA compliance training's but doesn't let their safety officer make the call to evacuate the building.

    She wan'ts to pursue legal actions and we aren't sure where to start. Does anyone have any advice?

    edit: formatting and added more context

    submitted by /u/Stovential
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    Illegal to be forced to clock out and continue to work? (NJ)

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 05:39 AM PST

    I am an hourly employee at a Car dealership, my car dealership does not pay overtime even when you are over on hours, they say it needs manager approval and always gets denied. This past week I ended up staying late to finish up a job and have 4 hours of overtime so usually what we'll do is go to our manager and ask him what to do and he'll send us home early. This time I went and asked and he said just clock out and continue to work. I said that's really not fair to be honest but he said you have no choice. I'm going to start looking for a new job on Monday because I feel that's unethical and to be honest my boss is ignorant so I was wondering if there is any legal routes I can take as well.

    submitted by /u/CazzoJake
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    Found My Fiance Is In Love With Another Man, Bought a House in My Name, Need to Know What Her/My Rights Are to it

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 05:10 AM PST

    So, last night I found that my fiance is in love with another man, and now she is saying things such as, I have to sell the house or buy her out. I bought the house with my own money and while she did supply some of her own money and time into it, theres still nothing in her name.

    We have been living together here for 18 months and I have paid the mortgage and bills solely for the past year. She keeps saying things such as I need to buy her out or sell the house and we split the money, but does she have a leg to stand on?

    Georgia, Jackson County

    submitted by /u/Bigpoppapat
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    Am I responsible for a dog after I rehome him.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 06:47 AM PST

    My ex girlfriend left a dog behind and we decided to re-home it. At the time we were only aware of a fungal infection that had been treated, and we let the adopter know about it upfront. We gave her the information for the vet, and asked for a $20 rehoming fee. She is now contacting me 2 months later, saying she wants to take us to court, because she has spent a bunch of money on vet bills for an illness and he caused damage to her home. She briefly mentioned a month and a half after adopting him that he was having skin issues, but I told her he didn't have it when we had him. Am I liable for damages to her home, or vet bills even though he didn't have these issues prior? Or we at least were unaware of them? She refused to just give him back.

    Leesburg, Fl

    submitted by /u/kriswjp
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    Business threatened to sue me after I filmed an event where the owner got drunk [US]

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 06:45 AM PST

    I started daily vlogging for fun. The other day, I saw a local business was holding an event, which was open to the public, so I went and brought my camera. I filmed most of the time there. It was pretty boring at first. Then the owner got drunk.

    He was just acting zanny; trying to lift guys much larger than him off the ground and generally saying silly stuff. At one point, a guy who seemed high up in the company came up to me and asked me how long I'd been filming and what was my business for being there. Then he told me if I used any of the footage, they'd "sue me instantly." I got the feeling he thought I was out to get them, like I was a competitor's spy or something, although I was clearly filming with a dslr rig in plain sight.

    The event was on their property, and I never asked anyone's permission to film. I could argue permission was implied, as the owner himself was showing things for the camera even took some photos himself. Would I be able to do anything with the footage? My goal is to make a fun youtube video about my experience, not to make anyone look bad. I can blur faces, but if I'm on their property, I can't really blur the whole environment. Am I asking for trouble if I do anything with the footage? Located in Ohio.

    submitted by /u/vlogprob
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    Social security in Divorce - Can my ex claim benefits? And should I extend my marriage to do so?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 04:44 AM PST

    My (soon to be) ex wife of 9.5 years wants to extend our marriage 6 months longer so she can claim 50% of my social security benefits when we both retire.

    1. Is the Soc. sec program legit? I've researched it and it appears to be.

    2. Is this something I should delay moving on with both our lives for?

    I'm meeting at court to finalize divorcing my wife in 3.5 hours. She's asking me to extend the marriage through August 15. This is our 10 year mark, so she can claim benefits on my social security. Apparently after 10 years of marriage the government will allow an ex spouse to claim up to 50% of their ex's Soc. Sec. income (without effecting their Soc. Sec. benefits, my Soc Sec. pay wouldn't be effected).

    submitted by /u/Wyodudesicle
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    Has anyone ever dealt with a landlord trying to perform a “self-help” eviction against you? I would appreciate any advice, especially from anyone who has gone through the process!

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 08:01 AM PST

    Our location is in Maryland, United States

    This is a bizarre situation, I will try to explain as best I can. Before I start- we have done nothing to breach our lease, we have been absolutely responsible and have paid our rent on time and in full!

    My BF (26M) and I (26F) signed a 12 month lease to rent a condo in August. Everything was fine until about November.

    We received a notice from our rental company that the property was going under foreclosure, but assured us that we have rights as tenants to continue our lease. They explained the situation to us and said the previous owners had been an older couple, the husband died, the wife left and vacated the property, and it went into foreclosure. Since this is a condominium complex, the HOA company purchased the property from the bank because they didn't want the condo to sit vacant without anyone in there to maintain it. That's when the property was rented to us. However, the bank contacted the HOA company after we had moved in and asked if they could continue their foreclosure, which the HOA company agreed to. Our property was then put up for auction and sold the next day.

    We were IMMEDIATELY contacted by the new owner via Facebook who wrote a message to my Bf asking if we were the tenants in the property he purchased, telling us to immediately STOP paying rent, that we are being scammed by our rental company and that they are pocketing our money and to contact him immediately in order to avoid eviction. He also made it very clear that his intention is to get us out of that property as soon as possible so that he could flip the residence and sell it to make profit, he has no intention of abiding by our lease or living in the property himself. His overall claim is that our lease is "invalid", so he feels that he does not have to abide by it.

    We immediately contacted our rental company about this, they of course told us to continue paying rent, that the new owner should not have contacted us yet and that his sale has not gone all the way through yet. They said when it does, he can offer to buy us out if he wants us to leave early, but he can't just kick us out.

    The new owner continued to harass us, continuously asking if he could come into the property, bring people in to show the property, he also sent his buddy to our door to talk to us about other places to rent elsewhere, he also continued to send us threats that he was going to evict us if we don't contact him, however the sale still had not been finalized, so we pushed that aside and ignored his requests- as advised by the rental company and the attorney for the HOA

    We were notified by our rental company in mid January that the sale had gone through. We received notification that our security deposit, last rent and keys were being forwarded to the new owner and to make payments to him for the remainder of our lease.

    After this, the new owner notified us that he would be filing eviction paperwork that week and that he wanted to come inspect the property. He asked if the next day would be okay, my bf didn't respond right away because he was working, so an hour later the new owner texts him to say if he doesn't get a response he "will just show up with the keys, the sheriff and a locksmith if necessary to enter the property whether we allow it or not" we tried to ask if he could push his time from 10 am to 10 30 to assure that my bf would be there with me and that I wouldn't be home alone. (This would probably be a good time to add in that we researched who this person is- and found out he is a convicted felon for first and second degree assault, among other various charges so that was why I was nervous about being there alone) he refused and said he would be entering anyways. We asked that he provides us ID for who he is, his workplace and proof of ownership since we had never met this man in person, but he refused. We felt threatened so I made a police report. The next day he called me I told him no he does not have permission to enter until 10 30, but he said he was on his way with the "sheriff" and that he was going to enter our property regardless. So when he showed up, I called 911 and they came to assist. The officer said he did not have the proper paperwork to enter our residence and also had watched him try to enter our property with the keys, luckily they were there to tell him no, that's not legal and that he has to ask permission and go through court if there's an issue with us. We tried to file a peace order against him, unfortunately the judge denied it, but we feel we didn't explain the situation as well as we could have. After that, he turned around and made a "wrongful detainer" claim against us, basically saying that we're squatters. With all of this going on, we have still continued to pay rent, we have sent checks through certified mail and have verification that he received them, but he has not cashed them- due to his claim about our lease I assume.

    We hired an attorney and luckily put in a motion to dismiss this absurd case against us, which luckily for us -was granted! Apparently his sale had not been ratified yet, so he still does not have right to be asking us to do anything.

    It was my hope that after all of that, we would possibly be able to come to some sort of agreement. We have told him from day one- we're not attached to the place we're living, we'd be willing to relocate somewhere else, but we want to be very careful to make sure we do everything fairly and legally and not end up getting ourselves in trouble.

    Our attorney made it clear to them that if they buy us out for the rest of our lease, we will be gone ASAP. But, they've basically refused any sort of agreement... they (the new owner and his lawyer) are pissed and think the judge had wronged them. So, they have decided that when their sale does get ratified, they are immediately going to motion for possession of the property... so now we will have to go back to court I guess.

    Has anyone dealt with any sort of situation like this before? This has been really rough for us. We really scraped money together so we could move into this place (I'm a music teacher- Bf is a luthier who makes guitars) we are not sitting on a whole lot of extra money right now. We truly want to get out of our residence so we can live somewhere peacefully, that we are not scared or harassed. However, since we are on a lease, we can't just break it, without it coming back on us, we also probably couldn't even get approved yet if we just decided to leave.

    If anyone has any advice to offer on this- we would greatly appreciate it! We are trying to stay motivated and positive, but sadly we feel a little stuck right now and we're not sure what we should do next.

    submitted by /u/mandingobigdick
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    SO is being forced to work in unsafe conditions and it's made him sick. (California)

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 10:07 AM PST

    I don't want to give away too many details because this is a major national corporation, but here goes:

    Due to a coworker's surgery and subsequent sick leave, my SO has been the only employee of his store for months. He works *every* day - Mon-Sun 8am-7pm. No breaks, no relief, no coverage, no time off. For *months.* Crazy part is, even though thats highly illegal in itself that is not the reason for the post. A little over a month ago I got very sick, and he shortly followed suit. Not odd because we live together so it was almost bound to happen, however in the 4 years we've been together he's never caught one of my colds (I have a terrible immune system and he's super human apparently). After a few days I got over it but he got much, much worse. He had an insane fever and a terrible cough to the point we thought he may have pneumonia. It became clear that whatever he had was unrelated to my cold, but due to his work schedule and lack of healthcare we were unable to bring him to a doctor. Time passed and he got worse and worse, to the point I had to basically force him to demand time off. Thankfully he eventually got a couple days off, but here is where it gets interesting - the person they found to cover him walked into the store and *immediately* said they smelled mold and ended up getting severely ill after one shift at the store. They said they went to the doctor the next day who confirmed mold exposure, and afterwards refused to ever work in my SO's store again, and threatened to contact OSHA. Over the next few weeks a couple other people from the company were sent out to relieve him - one also immediately got sick, and the other was so certain it was a death trap that he spent his entire 10hour shift inside his car in the parking lot refusing to enter the building. At this point word has gotten around and absolutely no one will agree to work at that store. The company knows this. My SO (who is now stuck in his original work-every-day hell) has complained to higher ups multiple times who all brush him off. The worst of who told him to "work with the doors open and wear a mask while inside the store, but don't tell the customers why just say you're sick". The company sent out an "inspector" to check for mold, but when he arrived he told my SO that no one had mentioned he was there for mold and just did a quick once over of the store before saying they had water damage and left. My SO can't lose his job, but is STILL sick and leaves work every day with a worse and worse cough. What are his rights as an employee, and how do we take these motherfuckers down? It is clear they have no intention of fixing anything, and all info suggests they're trying to cover this up and bury the evidence.

    submitted by /u/brainpain22
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    Car that was “paid off” got repossessed (VA)

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 05:57 AM PST

    So here's the story on my husbands 18th birthday his bio dad gave him about $20,000 to buy a truck for himself. Uncle on bio dads side makes sure husband never sees that money and tells husband they'll take care of it.

    Husband is forced into getting cheaper truck rather than a truck worth much more and the title is in the name of the uncle.

    For a while the uncle has told him don't worry about insurance payments because the truck was paid off.

    Husband is also in the military and is stationed in VA. He comes back to our home state(MO) to marry me and asks for the truck to be in his name. Uncle says no and instead asks for my personal info (SSN,etc). I say no and tell husband that the uncle is probably going to scam him because of everything he's done so far. Husband says he understands this but can't do anything but keep asking.

    A while later the uncle asks for money for insurance. Husband Cashapps the money to him.

    This morning as he's trying to leave for work his truck is gone. He calls the police and they say it's been repossessed. Husband in disbelief calls uncle multiple times and gets no answer. He also calls his aunt and mom and aunt says she will talk to him.

    It's obvious now that uncle has not actually paid the truck and the insurance just expired today. So we're at a loss on what to do. It was our only mode of transportation and we don't even know where it was repossessed too as the repo happened from between 4:10am - 7:00am.

    The uncle is a lawyer and very much well off (upper middle class, nice cars and whatnot -.-) My husband has been in denial before about this because he trusted his uncle. We're not sure how to move forward and whether we should even take the car back.

    EDIT: Biodad is alive but he's been estranged from us,his family and also the mothers family.

    submitted by /u/Balphemet
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    Non-profit secondary water company says I don't have rights to water while there are 9,300 of the 30,000 shares go unused. I recently moved into a house in their district and the ditch runs through my backyard. Utah USA

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 10:54 AM PST

    I went to a board meeting (they said I wasn't allowed to attend but, backed down when I insisted knowing that non profit board meetings are open to the public) where I learned about these numbers. They say the shares belong to people who have either moved or died and they have no way to reclaim them. They state that they are looking into hiring a lawyer who can figure out how to reclaim the shares but, also state that they don't have the money to hire one. They have $21,000 in the bank and make and spend approximately $14,000 a year. They have offered me access to some water but, as a person who has no shares in the company. I guess my question to start is what do you think about this scenario and if I wanted to pursue legal action who would I contact that would know more about this issue? I want to believe that everything is above board and these people are just regular volunteer citizens trying their best but, I have suspicions that they just want to keep all the water for themselves. I really want to start by trying to be nice and offering help in this situation and not be confrontational and threaten to sue.

    submitted by /u/theColonelsc2
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    My roommate stole prescription medication from me “a few times” and now won’t leave.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 06:54 AM PST

    I'm in Massachusetts. Last month my prescription for a controlled substance (Gabapentin) ran out a few days early, even though I miss doses occasionally and should have had extra. This month, it ran out several days early again. I called CVS and got the date I'd picked up my prescription every month, to try and figure out what was going on. After overhearing my phonecall with the pharmacy, my roommate confessed to me that he has been stealing my medication for months, filching about 15 pills at a time- the only reason I hadn't noticed sooner is because I had a lot extra saved up over time from missing a dose here and there.

    I packed some stuff and left last night, and sent my roommate a text early this morning telling him I was gone for the weekend, and that he needed to leave by Monday. I told him not to worry about the rent or utilities due March 1st, but to use the money to hire movers and get out. I woke up to a stream of texts insisting that he gets 30 days notice, and that I can't kick him out, as well as an angry, petulant voicemail in which he acknowledged that what he'd done was wrong, but claiming that me throwing him out is worse; when I replied to his texts to insist that he be out in 3 days, he refused and said he'd be out "ASAP" (which of course translates to "whenever I feel like").

    My name is on the lease, but not his. Yesterday, I made the two young women who live downstairs aware of the situation, and that I was going to tell him to leave, but I have not yet notified the landlord. Additionally, I know this probably doesn't matter legally, but I've been in recovery from heroin addiction for over 4 years, and feel like living in this situation for any length of time puts my recovery in jeopardy.

    Thank you very much for reading all this, I greatly appreciate any advice you can give.

    submitted by /u/6feet
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    I rear-ended someone - they left the scene before cops showed up

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 09:05 AM PST

    I rear-ended someone at a stop light. We were both making right turns into a dedicated right-turn lane. She started accelerate a bit, so I thought she was going to start her turn. I turned to look left, didn't see that she had slowed again and I rear-ended her. The whole incident was captured on my dash-cam. According to the speed read out on the dash-cam I was going to 2mph - given the lag I'll say I was going maybe 5-6mph, at most 8mph. We immediately pulled over. I got out of my car to look at the damage and I go up to her window - she yells at me to go away. I walk back to my car to take pictures of both our cars - she has some minor scratches on her bumper but no visible dents. My car has a small crack in a plastic area on my bumper (hardly visible). When she finally gets out of her car, she doesn't say anything - takes pictures of her car, my plate, asks for my info. I give her my insurance card - she snaps a pic, hands it back and gets back in her car. Then she speeds off!! This whole interaction takes about 3 minutes - all caught on cam. So I call the cops, they show up, and I explain what happened.

    Gave the cop her license plate so he goes to run the plate & contact her. She was clean - she current registration, had insurance, no warrants. She told the cop she was going to the emergency room and she was going to report later. Who knows if that was the story or not, but since the cop called I guess decided she could come back to make her report. We both waited there for about 45 minutes to an hour. She still doesn't come back. He finally gets a call that she showed up at the police station, not the scene of the accident. Cop doesn't cite me for anything, even though I showed him the video - including when she sped off. I go on my merry way and the cop says he will update me on the report after he talks to her.

    Cop calls, says her story of the event matches mine, but she is now claiming she and all parties in her car are having neck and back pain. He said she didn't request paramedics and said they would get checked out by a doctor. I have not seen the police report to see what was officially written.

    My concerns are:

    a) speed of the impact (very low)

    b) the fact that she disappeared for an hour.

    c) I don't remember seeing who was in the car at the scene - could she have picked up someone or dropped them off during that hour?

    d) I understand whiplash pain at low speeds is legit, but it usually comes a few days later, is it possible that she and EVERYONE in the car already has neck & back pain (from a 5-8mph rear end)

    I got a call today from the insurance company that she has retained a lawyer. What could I potentially be dealing with as far as damage & the personal injury claims? How will the insurance company protect me in this situation?

    I'm well-covered for liability, but I have a sinking suspicion that her claims *may* be exaggerated or something additional happened during her disappearance.

    Thanks for the advice.

    *Edited to say I'm located in Georgia

    submitted by /u/buttercup1999
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    [TX]Church having minor provide special needs care.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 05:37 AM PST

    To sum it up, my church has had me (17) and one other boy (13 / 14) "volunteer" to work with special needs kids. There is rarely a trained adult with us and rarely even another adult volunteer. We work as buddies, otherwise known as keeping the kids on track with the program.

    We are NOT supposed to be allowed to touch them other than the hand / wrist to lead them but many of the children group leaders(also again...mostly volunteers) keep yelling at us to pick them up to move them. It's terrifying and we both end up doing it.

    We're worried about the legal issues as I turn 18 in a couple of months.

    *by that I mean, they only assign us to those kids and no other rooms when we ask.

    *Volunteer Hours are required due to school having it as a grade and this is the only place with easy access for me to work at as well as him. We both cannot drive.

    *the girl I work with (10y Downs syndrome) is normally well behaved but runs off into the halls and I'm not strong enough to stop her unless I pick her up (which I only do if 100% told.)

    *He works with a boy (9Y with a mild case of cerebral palsy) who like to act out and cuss a lot.

    submitted by /u/thatawkwardcosplayer
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    My birth mother is suing me

    Posted: 28 Feb 2019 09:53 PM PST

    I got served today and my birth mother is suing me for child support. She has NEVER had my children nor had custody. She has never supported them either. She also committed tax fraud by claiming my oldest child. What can I do? I want to counter sue.

    submitted by /u/Mizamorii
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    New landlord harassing tenants to leave - can I do something about it?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 06:14 AM PST

    So this new company bought the building I live in and sent out letters to all tenants - whose lease ends soon - asking for a rent increase and attaching 55 new clauses to the contract with ridiculous things like the landlord can access the apartment anytime they want, tenants are forced to change apartments if landlord decides it, etc...

    I responded to that by declining and they sent me a letter proposing to reduce the increase (but still increase) and they said my apartment is dirty (because they did a visit to all apartments when they bought the building), which is not true. They asked me to do a DEEP cleaning within 5 days and they want to inspect again. I spoke with my neighbors and the landlord's doing the same to them. They're just harassing people to leave so that they get new tenants with higher rents.

    In the past 2 weeks they visited my apartment twice while I wasn't there (once for inspection and once to check the fire alarm) and now they want to visit again to change all the lightbulbs to LED..

    2 questions:

    • I don't trust these people. I was thinking of writing them a registered letter asking them not to go into my apartment unless I was there or there is an emergency. Or if they have my written consent. Can I do that?

    • I don't want all my apartment to have white light. Can I prevent them from changing my lightbulbs?

    I live in Montreal, Quebec (Canada). Thank you for your help!

    submitted by /u/bitmanyak
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    Sister wants to take handicapped brother away from mom

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 09:55 AM PST

    My aging mom owns some property in Asia and currently lives with and looks after my 44-year old brother, who has cerebral palsy, in country A. She has looked after him for the past 12 years or so. He has the mental age of approximately an 8 year old. My sister, who lives in a different country (country B), currently does not work and lives off a generous monthly allowance from her ex-husband, who has remarried. My sister and her ex divorced 2 years ago.

    My mom looks after my brother really well and I have been witness to this. She plans to transfer this property to my brother in the near future. She has also set up a trust for him which will pay out monthly dividends, for in case something happens.

    My sister has recently traveled to my mom's country (country A) to help her and my brother renew their passports for country B. She has visited my mom and my brother many times in the past 12 years with seemingly no problems, but this time, she wants to take my brother back to country B with her once his passport is issued, citing that my mom has not looked after him properly. She has even threatened to take my mom to court to declare her unfit.

    My sister has a history of psychologically abusive behaviour and has taken my brother into her care in the past with no legal paperwork. She would then hand him off to someone else when she entered into long-term relationships or when she became overwhelmed. We have no paperwork to prove her abuse or her mental state.

    Given this information, what legal steps are there to:

    1. Protect this property from any of his other family members' misuse (myself included)?
    2. Protect his trust fund from any of his other family members' misuse (myself included)?
    3. What steps can my mom take to prevent my sister from absconding with my brother, out of the country, once the renewed passport is issued?

    I apologise for the long post. However, I have very little legal knowledge and thus felt that I should provide as much detail as I could. Your advice would be highly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/curlyfried09
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    Husband failed first drug test on probation. What are my options if he goes to jail

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 04:23 AM PST

    My husband is an alcoholic. First DUI was in VA 7 years ago. Just got another one in Florida at the beginning of this month.

    He just did his first drug test and I'm certain he's going to fail because I know he's still drinking.

    I'm terrified. I'm working a minimum wage internship and our health insurance from my job takes up 90% of my check. I work for health insurance while he pays the bills basically.

    I'll have no way to pay the bills if he goes to jail. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/Hotaruzuki
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    Lady won’t give up title to my car

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 10:17 AM PST

    First post. Located in California.I got a car and a lady agreed to put it in her name. I've been paying a car for a couple of years now and I finally had enough to pay off the lump some. I've payed all the money into the car and now she won't give up the title. She said she's filing for bankruptcy and that she can't give up the title but that was months ago. I did some digging and learned that she never even filed. I have text messages saying that say the car is mine and all the payments have been made through me. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/meriohairyho
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