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    Wednesday, March 27, 2019

    Legal Advice During pelvic exam my Dr. rubbed me sexually, not sure what the next step is

    Legal Advice During pelvic exam my Dr. rubbed me sexually, not sure what the next step is

    During pelvic exam my Dr. rubbed me sexually, not sure what the next step is

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 05:39 AM PDT

    CALIFORNIA - My Dr. had acted unprofessionally in the past, but I wasn't sure if it was a cultural difference and I didn't want to jump to alienate him. He told me he had a daughter my age (I was 19, 20 now) and since I had opened up on my first visit with him about my eating disorder and anxiety disorder, he told me he was "my healer" as well as my doctor and would be there for me to talk to, to take to dinner if i needed a meal, etc. He was very caring, and he added me on facebook and liked/shared many posts with me on my wall. Again, I made sure I didn't think a lot of it, he seemed like a competent doctor and that's what my main concern was.

    Things got a little weird when I saw him a few weeks ago to get my copper IUD removed. He was always very "huggy", again chalked it up to social differences, I didn't know Indian culture. But it got weird when during the 2nd hug of the day he made kissing noises, like "mwuhmwuhmwuhmwuhmwuh" next to my ear while hugging me. I thought he was like, literally just feeling parent-y over me cus it was a very parent-y sound. Then it got weird when he actually kissed my cheek the 3rd hug of that day. I hadn't seen him for almost a year, and when I told him I had a copper IUD he freaked out and said it could spark autoimmune diseases in me very young and to get it removed ASAP. This was the same appointment I got kissed on the cheek.

    When I was leaving he said to call his office when I'm ready to get a referral to a "competent OBGYN" since I was under the impression he didn't do genital work. My mom also sees him and when she had genital concerns he had turned her away. So when I called his office for the referral, I quickly learned he wanted to perform it himself. It would be a "quick procedure" that I could walk from shortly after. He had me so nervous about the copper effects that I opted to get it out ASAP a few days later instead of wait weeks at my normal female OBGYN. I felt a little weird about this, so to be safe or whatever my mom came with me to the appointment but it turns out a female nurse had came in with him so my mom just read magazines in the waiting room.

    I got it removed, that went fine, but then he started doing a pelvic exam after. Whatever, pretty normal procedure, I never mind being examined or tested since I worry a lot about my general health. He's doing the fingering and pressing thing and asking me "does this hurt? does this hurt?" in many various places while pressing and fingering, but not sexually, I've had pelvic exams before. It immediately turned sexual when on the 5th "does this hurt?" he rubbed my clit with his thumb. It was so subtle and so private that I don't think the female nurse could ever have seen it. Even if my mom was there no one would have seen it. It was completely blocked by his body. I just froze, I felt so upset, I still feel disgusted and sad.

    I still feel low and I'm not sure I want a lot of drama about this but I feel like I should do something..? I thought about confronting him but it's my word against his and it'd probably fail on file to even matter. I just worry about if he does this to other girls, maybe even his nurses. Should I just file a complaint and switch doctors? What would you recommend I do?

    submitted by /u/lifeofjuly
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    [AZ] My nephew used my computer after I explicitly told him not to. He found porn and his mother is threatening me with various legal actions.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 07:38 AM PDT

    I'm using a throwaway here because of the personal nature of my question.

    So, right now my sister is making legal threats against me for something that was not my fault. Most of what she's saying sounds like bullshit but I just want to make sure. Let me give a rundown.

    Me and my sister have never had a good relationship. There are a ton of factors at play that are too long and personal to get into but we do not get along. However, i've always wanted a better relationship with her and feel like I really do need to make up for some past actions I did that did not help the relationship. Because of this I've been trying to help her when I can.

    This year my sister is having problems with her taxes. I won't go into detail here but she messed up her fillings for the past few years and the IRS won't be happy if they find out before she makes the situation better. I have a bachelors in accounting so I offered to help her work this out for free. So over the past month I've been working this out with her.

    This last week though, she had to bring her 11 year old kid to my house as her babysitter canceled because of spring break. I was fine with this and said he can watch tv while we work. Well, he wanted to use my computer. The only non-work computer i have is a desktop and I told him not to touch it. His mom agreed with me and backed me up. So we worked while he watched tv, at least that's what I thought. Later that day my sister all of the sudden started blowing my phone up with insults and derogatory terms. According to her, the son slipped away and used my computer and found porn on it. According to my sister I "planned" this. She's claiming up and down things from that i'm trying to "corrupt him" or turn him gay like myself. She's been threatening me saying she's gonna sue me for emotional damage.

    This is more than possible if he used my pc. I don't password protect it and there is porn on there not well hidden. I live alone and the only threat to it is my cat so I really don't see the need to hide stuff on it. After a few days of her texts I got tired of it. Yesterday I texted her telling her that it was not my fault. I told him and she agreed with me that he couldn't use my pc. That he was the one who used it without permission. I also shammed her for the insults she used against me. I told her not to come around any more as I wasn't gonna help her with her problems and that I was gonna report her to the IRS for what she had done (What she was doing was blatantly illegal and I think she knew at the time, so it's more safe than sorry). This was not the right thing apparently because now she and her husband are threatening me. Along with the emotional damage their saying i'm blackmailing them and that their gonna get a lawyer.

    Did I break any laws here? I told him no and he used my pc anyways. And after trying to help her she's threatening me with legal action for reporting her illegal activity. Should I get an attorney now or wait? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/TA2233441
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    New York and North Carolina - New tenant at old apartment opened my mail and stole a check from my grandmother, then cashed the check in their personal bank account

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 07:02 AM PDT

    Hi Legal folks,

    Title pretty much says it all. My grandmother sent me a check for my birthday but sent it to my old address. The check was for under $200. The person at my new apartment complex opened my mail, forged her own signature on the check (not mine), and deposited the check into their own bank account.

    How should I proceed? Who should I contact? It's been several months--what are the statute of limitations?

    submitted by /u/Atwotonhooker
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    [Cambridge Ontario] My Mother is Going to Try to Sell my House

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 04:44 AM PDT

    My mom owes a lot of money in taxes (over $100k) and has the money to pay it. She got a huge settlement from her divorce, about $1 million. She doesn't want to use that money because she would have to pull it out of her corporation and be stuck in a cycle of owing a lot in taxes.

    Instead, she wants to sell my house and use all the money from the sale to pay her taxes essentially putting my family out. We can't afford to move. The amount we pay is less than renting by far and with her taking all the money we can't put a down payment on a new house. It would completely bankrupt us.

    Basically I'm not selling my house and making my kids homeless so my mom can avoid tax fraud.

    She differed her taxes this year so next year she will come back with the same thing and again try to sell the house so she can pay her taxes. That she already has the money to pay. You see my problem with this.

    It's also really hard for me to want to help her when she is constantly going on mini vacations- almost every weekend she's going to Quebec, going to various sports events, buying literally thousands of dollars in shoes, and going to all kinds of concerts all over canada and the US. She also was renting an apartment and a house at the same time because "the apartment is too small". She spent over $150k last year alone UNTAXED. It's not like she is being frugal or struggling. If that were the case I'd be more willing to help.

    Remortgaging and taking her off of that isn't an option either, we can't afford to do that.

    What kind of lawyer do I need? can she force us to sell? Is there anything we can do to stop her? I'm so stressed I'm literally waking up screaming over this. Thanks guys

    Edit: yeah. I thought I had it in there, but my mom and my husband are on title. My bad

    submitted by /u/lovinitup93
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    My ex boyfriend is now threatening to publicly share my nude photos if I don't return a piece of jewelry he gave me during our relationship

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 10:38 AM PDT

    We started dating when I was 17, and ended our relationship when I was 18. During this time, I sent him nude photos of myself, as many people do. Before we broke up, he also gave me a ring worth around $200 or so.

    Well, now that we're no longer a couple, he's been texting me constantly, asking for it back. Yesterday, he finally called, and told me that he still had my photos, and "isn't afraid to use them". According to him, he hasn't shared them yet, but is willing to if I don't return the ring.

    I have no desire to keep the jewelry, but at the same time, the fact that he's threatening me with this worries me. I'm concerned he may end up sending them to my family regardless of what I do, or interfere with my career. What can be done about this situation if he does act, and what can I do now?

    Any advice is greatly, greatly appreciated.

    Edit: I'm in CO.

    submitted by /u/throwaway68892377
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    My school showed my LinkedIn photo to hundreds of students as an example of "unprofessionalism"

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 06:05 PM PDT

    My university's co-op department held a presentation to my program's graduate students (over 200 students), and in that presentation showed a full-screen picture of me taken from my LinkedIn profile with large text saying "AVOID" and proceeded to explain to students that my photo was unprofessional and to avoid posting photos like mine on LinkedIn.

    I'm an undergrad student so I wasn't at this presentation. I had several students contact me and send me a photo of the slide asking me if I knew about it (I did not). My own department that I pay tens of thousands of dollars to attend publicly shamed and embarrassed me to hundreds of classmates behind my back.

    Would this qualify as defamation of character? I don't feel that it's worth taking legal action, but I'd like to let them know that I could. I don't want to just do nothing. They're also going to post the slides online.

    I don't believe this is a coincidence that my photo was used. My school is relatively small. I'm one of the most well-known students at our school - I'm the VP of our student society and have had tremendous success with co-op/internships. I've met with the co-op department personally several times before and I'm assuming they're out to get me because I quit the co-op program after finding better positions on my own and have publicly advocated against the necessity of our co-op program and the advice they give. My LinkedIn is literred with my school name since I study AND work there as a TA.

    Worst part about it is the photo is just a close up of me smiling in front of a background of mountains.

    Edit: this is in Canada

    submitted by /u/legalthrowaway166
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    [California] I was living in a illegal back-house for 2 years thinking it was legally permitted. Fair Housing says I could get all my rent money back.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 12:38 AM PDT

    I was told the that the back-house was legal when I first moved in. I signed a lease for 1 year then month-to-month then another lease for 6 months. The last 60 days of my lease, I requested the landlord fix a leak, but he only put a tarp. I asked again and he didn't send anyone to fix it. After two weeks, I called an inspector and he told me I had to move out immediately because the back-house was not permitted. I went to fair-housing and they told me I can request my deposit and have the landlord pay my moving expenses. They also said I could get all my rent money back. Is this true? What are my options?

    submitted by /u/lifeinturmoil
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    Sold car a year ago. Just received notice that the car has towed in another state and I am liable. Advice on how to proceed

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 03:48 AM PDT

    Hi all, first thank you for taking time to read this.

    About one year ago I sold my old car to one of those national "We buy junk car" buyers online. The car was originally registered in NH, but I sold it in the state of Virginia. I received a bill of sale from the company transferring all rights to the car to them, I took the plates off the car, they towed it away and I received payment for the sale in the form of a check.

    Monday I received certified mail notifying me that the car has been towed in Tallahassee, Florida The towing company now has a lien on the car and is proposing to sell it next month. I have called the towing company, the Tallahassee local police, and the company I sold the car to in order to explain that I do not own this car and have received the following responses: * Towing Company claims the car has been repossessed and just want to get paid. The car is being charged a daily storage fee on top of towing fees they want from me.
    * Tallahassee police won't tell me who owns the car or who wanted it repossessed. If I own the title on the car, why would I call to repossess my own? I Don't know if this car was lost, stolen, or abandoned at this point after sale *Car Company just shrugged their shoulders and said this kind of thing happens all the time. They won't tell me what they did with the car after purchase. While they aren't concerned about this, I am.

    A Carfax shows that the car is still registered in my name. I am not sure if I am calling the right people or if I am asking the right questions and am unsure of how to proceed. Do I need more then the bill of sale to prove that I no longer own the car? Who do I call to show that I have not owned the car for the past year? If the towing company sells the car am I still liable for some payment or is that the end of it?

    I am stressed about the situation and appreciate any advice.

    Any help is greatly appreciated

    Edit: Thank you for the advice. It appears that having the Bill of Sale will be enough to prove that I relinquished ownership of the car. I've forwarded that to the NH DMV and it looks like things will be all set. All in all, it appears to have been pretty straight forward- everyone I called today appeared to be much more helpful. Once I know things are settled i'll call the tow company again and let them decide what they want to do with it- auction, scrap it, or chase someone else.

    submitted by /u/Over_Yesterday
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    I'm domain squatting. Is this legal?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 09:54 AM PDT

    I live in Tennessee, United States.

    There's a guy who, in the past, I've had heated arguments with online. This was years ago. Even though I no longer respond to this guy, I still track his inflammatory statements. I noticed that this guy is trying to turn his inflammatory statements into a side business (YouTube Ads, Patreon giving levels, etc.). He's even giving away a new iPhone to a lucky YouTube subscriber. You can donate to hear more hateful statements about blacks, women, foreigners, etc. from this guy.

    So I noticed that one of his videos mentions a way to contact him via email. The domain name that he rattles off doesn't go anywhere. In fact, no one owns the domain. The video is two weeks old at this point and he hasn't seemed to notice. The domain name itself doesn't relate his name, company name, or to anything he's talked about in the past either. It's all very weird.

    So I bought the domain ($9 per year) and redirect it to the website of family planning clinic near his home town. I also signed up for an email account using the email address that he tells everyone to use. Now I'm reading email intended for him. I also bought the privacy options so there is very little chance that he discovers that it was me (he argues with lots of people).

    I've been reading emails for a month now. I haven't responded to any. Is all of this legal? I think it is. I know he's going to blow his lid when he finds out (which is kind of the point). I want to give him one less avenue for dispensing his hateful rhetoric.

    submitted by /u/iboughtadomain
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    My husband and I are in the process of buying a house, but my name is not going to be on the mortgage because I'm in the process of rebuilding credit. What do i need to do to protect my legal rights?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 06:22 AM PDT

    We will bill making all payments, payments of fees, etc. from joint bank accounts. We both work, even though I am a full time student, and he makes roughly 250% of what I do. After I graduate (in three years), I will be the primary breadwinner, bringing home substantially more than him.

    Edit: We are located in Mississippi. We are using a USDA rural development loan for first time homebuyers. My credit score would have caused our rate to be significantly higher, and my husband pre-qualified for more than we wanted to spend on his own - hence my not being on the mortgage.

    submitted by /u/CheesePlease0808
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    Fired on my first day because I wasn’t even supposed to be hired in the first place.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 12:24 PM PDT

    For reference, this is in Alabama.

    I recently applied for a job online and was contacted for an interview. Afterwards, I felt like I did poorly. I was sort of reaching as far as whether or not I was qualified. So when I got the email with my offer letter I was surprised and very happy. I accepted their offer and put in two weeks notice. The new job is 5 hours from my old one, so I spent those two weeks training a replacement (management knew I was unhappy and promoted the person I suggested) and finding an apartment.

    I got moved up here with a year long lease, and got ready for work. I go through my onboarding and get a badge at the end of the day I'm taken to my new work area where I meet my new supervisor, one of the guy's who interviewed me. As soon as he sets his eyes on me I can tell he's confused. He gives me a seat and says he'll be right back. 45 minutes later he escorts me back to the HR area and leaves me there.

    So the head of HR apologizes to me and explains there was a mixup in the paperwork and somehow my application was sent to be accepted by mistake. So they tell me that I don't meet their minimum qualifications and they don't have an available position to put me in, and that my brand new employment has been terminated. Also they're very sorry for the confusion!

    Now I've quit my job, they've filled my old position, I've signed a year long lease on an apartment, used up nearly all my savings to get out of my old lease, and I'm unemployed.

    Do I have any sort of case to sue? What kind of lawyer would I even go see? I've never been involved in any sort of legal action so I don't even know where to begin.

    submitted by /u/jarackin
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    My GF is being targeted at work and we have medical documentation proving this. Should we sue?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 08:08 AM PDT

    This is my alt account for obvious reasons

    My gf works at a Fortune 500 company and has for 15+ years. Not once has she been written up, talked to or been involved in any workplace drama.

    Fast forward to this past year and a new manager at her location did not like her right off the bat. My GF wouldn't hurt a fly and keeps her head down and works.

    The new Manager went to task and started rumors that my GF was stealing and rallies the "store" to get on her side so the manager could fire her.

    All of this was made up and proof was no where to be found because it never happened. HR at her company was also in on all of it and was colluding with management to actively get her fired. As were higher ups at her job who tried to intimidate her to get her to quit all by herself and wipe their hands clean.

    Fast forward and we have 30 pages of documentation of conversations, all with time stamps, dates and names, very thorough.

    We sent this to her Union and almost overnight, the manager was moved and a few other higher ups were moved divisions.

    The events took such a toll that my GF had to take time off from work. When she did, she got put on medication by her doctor who, in writing, said that her anxiety and depression was caused by targeting and harassment from her job/employer.

    Present day, a new manager is there and the bullshit is still going on. Being directed by corporate once again as they fear a lawsuit. I had been very adamant that we should sue when we got the medical documentation but she is too good of a person and just wants it to go away.

    Now we have 80 pages of documentation, the medical documentation and evidence of continual targeting going on currently. Would you recommend that we sue? I have the finances to do so and would love to take these people down who hurt and tormented my gf. She was so sweet and happy before and now she is depressed, can't sleep and has massive anxiety.

    Should we sue?

    TL;DR: GF was targeted at work, had to take time off, got medical documentation saying her Leave of Absence was caused by targeting and harassment at work, she goes back to work, it's still going on. Should we sue?

    submitted by /u/TheAuroraProgram
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    [VA] My dad, whom I hadn't had contact with in years, died. I am being contacted by Citizen's Disability on an appeal based on his disability claim denial.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 11:10 AM PDT

    This might be a long one...

    I was not on speaking terms with my dad, for over 5 years. I had a falling out with him when I was 15, and the only times we had contact were when my grandmother (his mother) tried to force them. I hadn't spoken with either of them since my oldest child was barely 6 months old, but got updates from those "well-meaning" relatives (flying monkeys) about his health declining, the cancer, multiple surgeries, and then the phone call at 4:30 in the morning right after Christmas telling he had passed in his sleep. Knowing it would be a dramatic fueled event, I did not attend the funeral.

    I'd like to add in here before I continue, that my position on the status of my father's relationship with me was always maintained as, "I don't have any interest in contact with him, and I just want to be left alone." I did not seek to shout from the roof tops about how awful he was, or tell relatives of his misdeeds. Jus that we did not get along, and no amount of "he's your father" would change my mind. There's a lot to unpack with him and my grandmother, and I have done so in therapy (and on a throwaway in r/raisedbynarcissists...I am very familiar with the sub). I just wanted, and continue to want, to live my life peacefully.

    Two weeks after I did not attend his funeral, I received a call from that well-meaning relative about how my grandmother wanted to give me information regarding his disability claim. I was immediately suspicious, since he was still legally married to his third wife (but for fun-living with his um-teenth fiance, who found him in the night) and knew she would be the next of kin. Apparently, she signed some sort of document waiving her rights, and now next of kin falls on me...and my half sister. I then received a number to call and found myself on the phone with Citizen's Disability. They would not give me any information pertaining to his case, but asked me for my mailing info so I could sign paperwork putting me as point of contact. I did so, so that I could get to the bottom of what was going on.

    I then received another letter, with my name wrong, from them asking to contact about his appeal. I spent a half hour on the phone with a rep, who really couldn't tell me much other than they are seeking a court date within 6-12 months. I have no idea why he applied for disability, but I can guess. I know nothing of his care before his death. I don't even know what his cause of death was.

    Googling Citizen's Disability is giving me mixed reviews-I can't tell if it's a scam or not. I wouldn't be surprised if it was-the older relatives on that side of the family are not quick enough to catch stuff like that. I tried calling probate court in the county where he lived to figure out what I should do-I know he probably didn't have much (always broke) and can't imagine what the appeal would churn out since you know...he's dead. But I keep hearing about "back pay settlement" without anyone really explaining it to me.

    I just...need someone to ELI5 what I should be doing. I feel like this is all a thing to get me sucked into family drama again. My father was my grandmother's golden child, and I know she is beside herself that he is dead. I know that her attempts to get my contact info are not just "for court paperwork" (I have been told her husband is the executor of his estate...shouldn't he be calling me if needed?). I know that she and his "fiancé" are feuding about whatever stuff she had in her apartment, and the rumor is that she put herself on as beneficiary to whatever policy I am now fighting an appeal for...I know his gf/fiance was posting on his FB profile with weird stuff (first as him after he died, then weird posts about missing him, but with things like, "I'll never know why you doubted my love in the end...if I had known it was your last night on this earth with me, I would have had sex with you like you wanted" Then some weird claims about him writing famous songs or something...which he did not) and that somehow my abusive ex step mother (mother to my half sister) was also trying to contact me about social security...? Perhaps you can see the reasons why I really don't want to get any important information from this crowd...

    What should I be doing, legally, as next of kin? Can anyone tell me if Citizen's Disability is legitimate, or if it's even worth letting them pursue at this point? I just want to go back to my life without dealing with the crazy...

    submitted by /u/TJ4President
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    Went homeless with no phone or car after receiving a DUI. Ended up across the country living with family and want to clear my name as soon as possible. Where do I start?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 12:59 PM PDT

    I was pulled over on the i-10 in Arizona for speeding. Long story short, the officer found < 1 gram of weed in my car, concluded that I was high, and took me in for a night. When I was released they told me my court date would be a little over a month later at the superior court. Cut to one month later I've lost my job, and I'm close to losing my apartment. I was trying to contact my public defender but apparently my case hadn't been filed yet so I wasn't assigned one. They said they'd call when the charges were filed.

    I went homeless and lost my phone within the next month. The only contacts I had were in Georgia, so they spent a month saving so they could fly me back. I had no idea how this would affect my case but I had no other choice. Now I've been in Georgia for about a month, with a job and finally a phone now, but I'm not sure how to resolve this matter. Should I call the Arizona courts or Georgia courts? Who do I ask to speak to? This is my first time dealing with legal matters of any sort at 21 and I'm very lost and nervous considering they're trying to charge me with 4 felonies.

    submitted by /u/Gunnscope18
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    Landlord sneaked a nonstandard clause into my lease that I found while drafting my notice of termination. (SeaTac Area, WA, USA)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 03:10 AM PDT

    I'm preparing a notice of lease termination to send to my landlord, and I found a clause that I somehow read as Lessor instead of Lessee during my initial reading of the lease that I believe is nonstandard and could put me in a world of hurt. My lease states as a sub clause "Lessee is responsible for all advertising costs to re-rent leasehold premises and for all costs to re-rent said leasehold. Lessee is responsible for all rents and utilities until such re-rent"

    (Internal Screaming)

    I don't know how I managed to read this as "Lessor is responsible..." initially, but regardless, I signed the lease & I don't know how to proceed. Is there anything that I can use to protect myself in this instance or could they really charge me for any advertising regardless of cost and all rent until they decide on a tenant? This seems too open ended to be enforceable, but I'm not sure if I have any rights here since I apparently agreed to rent this place indefinitely and pay to advertise it until they decide to choose a new tenant.

    I have a great relationship with my landlord, and I've actually done professional work on the unit at a discounted rate for the owner. This might be a case of inartful/unintentional drafting, but is there a chance my early notice of lease termination is going to open Pandora's box for me?

    Edit: To clarify, this portion of the lease is its own paragraph with no statement preceding or following that says it only applies to breaking the lease. I'm not breaking the lease as I defaulted to month to month after the first year. I'm preparing to give notice at around 60 days instead of the required 30 days so that's also not a cause for concern.

    submitted by /u/wiredandwiser
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    Dog gets sold and bought

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 07:28 AM PDT

    I have no idea if this belongs here, maybe it doesn't, but I'm desperate and someone suggested this sub. So here I am.

    To start things out, I just turned 16 today. I moved out a couple days ago and I am taking my three dogs with me. At the moment they're staying at my parents house because I have yet to be paid and have the money available to put down as a pet desposit. I get paid next week. (I'm staying with a friend who is over 18 and owns her own apartment. She said I can bring the dogs as long as I pay for them to live there) My family situation is extremely toxic and I'm removing myself from the family, hopefully with emancipation as soon as I'm old enough and provide the right grounds for it. Another important note is that I put every single cent I can spare into my dogs. Everything goes to them, for food, shots, nuetering/spaying, you name it. I've put about 300 dollars (roughly) into each dog, and about 600 for one of them because she struggled with bloat earlier in the year and her vet bills were ridiculous. My parents haven't put anything into my pets. I haven't asked them to, they didn't offer to. The most they do is keep them in the house. (Which they don't even do with my newest dog, they just keep her outside)

    Well, the other day I went by my house to pick up the last of my stuff and say hi to my dogs. Only two of them came to the door. Maisey and Charlie. My newest dog, Bambi, did not come, despite my calling. Turns out, a neighbor said they were looking for a dog like her, and my dad had sold her to them. He sold her to them for 75 dollars. He acted like it was no big deal and told me, while I'm standing there in tears, that I had two other dogs to take care of. I went to the neighbors and they refused to give her back, saying it was my dad's dog because he was housing her, and he had sold her to them. I immediately packed up the rest of my stuff, and my two other dogs, and we're going to have to stay in my car tonight.

    Does he have any right to do this? Are my dogs now my parents because they're housing them? Can I take any legal action at my age to get her back?

    Edit: Would it be illegal to take her back without the neighbors knowing? They have no proof of purchase or that the exchange ever happened.

    submitted by /u/Dead_as_a_doorknob
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    I knew a murderer 20 years ago and my estranged mother keeps using my name in public/giving my personal info regarding it (TV/Print)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 12:59 PM PDT

    California. Exactly what the title says. I was close with a person who later murdered people. I was slightly involved during his trials (did not end up testifying). Recently (~ 1 year) I was contacted my media companies wanting interviews about this. I declined and requested they not use my likeness or name in their broadcasts or writings. My mother, who I have no contact with (for about 19 years now) has given information regarding me and this past situation publicly, and recently (as well as in the past, where they used my name).

    This has caused me great distress.

    Is it possible to have a cease and desist served to make her stop? Is it worth contacting a lawyer? I really had a difficult time putting this behind me (years of therapy) and I just want it to stop happening. It took me months to get the nerve to post this here.


    submitted by /u/misplacedyankee
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    [Ontario] Doctor may have just caused permanent hearing loss to my ear. is there anything i can do?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 07:37 AM PDT

    Went into the doctors to get my left ear flushed ; and my right ear looked at. ( Something 'scraping' against something in my ear. )

    She checked out my left ear and said ' we flush both ' and i questioned why she was flushing the right one when she never looked at it. She proceeds to flush my left, ( no problems. ) then my right ear, and prior to going into the doctors i had NO issues hearing and no pain in my ear. She flushed my ear and blood came out, im no longer able to hear from my right ear AT ALL and i'm in pain if i literally move at all.

    IF it's permanent damage is there anything i can do? if so what course of action should i take.

    submitted by /u/SKTT1Nimmo
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    An employee is threatening to sue for sexual harassment and I don't know how to respond!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 09:45 AM PDT

    My low-english grandparents have a problem they want me to help them resolve. We have a smallish family business, and this is a throwaway because my main account uses the company's name. Some minor details have been altered for the sake of anonymity.

    My g-parents have around 7 employees and half of them are located in different states. The employee who we are talking about lives in Indiana, we are located in Wisconsin. For work, some employees have to assemble an electrical component. This employee recently returned from an extended leave and asked us to send her the assembly instructions for a refresher. My g-dad decided to type instructions in lieu of sending the whole PDF. He paraphrased them, directing the employee to "mate the male and female joints." With the male end being the part that you insert into the female end. Obviously. The employee immediately forwarded the email and accompanying reply to my dad, her own personal email account, the 2 other female employees she's never met, and my mom. She said it was extremely inappropriate and sexually charged and that she was going straight to the an employment attorney. She said she would sue and there was nothing we could do about it because "any suspected retaliation would be highly illegal." ...Never mind the actual manual distributed by the manufacture uses these terms as well. Anyway, this woman has never been a problem and we think it's likely that she was genuinely offended. My g-parents want me to respond to this employee, I just don't know what to say. We don't want to fire her, but we'd like to admonish her for up and forwarding this email (or rather, her lambastic response to it) to the other female employees and my mom, (my mom don't even work for the company, lol). However, we would like to know if firing her is an option. How do I tell this woman her claims are meritless and her response to her boss was the only "extremely inappropriate" thing about this entire exchange? That she can and will be let go if something like this happens again?

    submitted by /u/verysorry987
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    Gym reinstated my membership without consent after I received written confirmation that I cancelled and is now breaking TCPA compliance trying to get me to pay my monthly membership fee [AZ]

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 09:01 AM PDT

    Just like the title says. I received written confirmation from the gym's financial services company that my membership would be cancelled in 30 days. They continued to charge me for 4 months and then gave me the run around 2 weeks ago when I tried to figure out what was going on. They said I had called to reinstate my membership shortly after cancelling (definitely didn't) but that the manager would call me.

    I finally just disputed the charges with my bank and blocked any future charges from them.

    I received a text this morning that I had opted in to text messages (I didn't) and to reply STOP to cancel... nothing out of the ordinary. So I did. Got the text that I would no longer receive texts from them. 1 minute later, I received another text about my account being past due.

    Is this worth pursuing? It's a very small amount of money (<$100) but my experience with this gym has been nothing short of horrible so I really wouldn't mind going scorched earth on them.

    submitted by /u/nosidamad
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    It’s illegal what my mom is doing?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 08:06 AM PDT

    So right now I'm living with my mom in Texas, but I used to live with my dad in Mexico (they divorced almost when I was born) the thing is that she kinda forced me to come to Texas, and I just want to go back to Mexico, but she told me that she won't let me go back, and I wanna know if is there anything that i can do, I just turnt 17 btw

    submitted by /u/Jahirmac
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    Colorado: I finished my basement without a Building Permit

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 10:14 AM PDT

    Just as the title says, I finished my basement with help from a friend without a building permit in my house that I bought in August. I don't know 100% that I need one, but the websites in my area say that I do (all contractors, no official websites).

    I'm a first time home owner and young, honestly, a building permit didn't come to mind. How badly did I fuck up and what's the process of unfucking it?

    Also, I put a door in my garage that leads to the backyard but I'm 90% sure that's within my rights.

    Info, in case it's relevant:

    • Own, not rent

    • Bought house in August

    • Finished basement in November

    • Colorado

    • No HOA, but I do have a metro district with a covenant, currently reading through those...

    • it matches the style of the house and is not visible from the outside

    • I don't plan to die in this house, I eventually plan on selling it

    • Increased my property value ~30k, (similar houses with finished basements)

    • It took 2 weeks

    • all excess building materials were disposed of properly

    • No noise complaints were filed

    • Did have to do electric work, my friend did it, who is a retired electrician (probably not licensed anymore but he said it was simple stuff, we just had to put in lights and another breaker)

    submitted by /u/not-dan097
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    Falsely accused of domestic violence

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 07:05 AM PDT

    About a year ago a friend of mine tried to divorce his wife of 10 years. She would stand at the front door and would not let him leave the house. She got to the point of clinging to his leg and bitting him and not letting go. Later on he managed to leave the home. With in the following days she went to his job, acted a fool and got him fired. Also went to the police to claim he had physically abused her. The day she claimed it happened he was out of town the time she said it happened and her story kept changing when the police asked her about it. Well he was arrested by posted bail has been keeping an eye out for a court date. He has evidence as well as witnesses that can prove he was not with her at the time she said it happened. Well, a warrent for his arrest was issued by the court website states the case is closed, just like that, no court date, nothing. He wants to sue for defamation of character because of her false accusations he has lost a well paying job, lost his car,had to drop out of school and lost friend and people he cared about. What are his opinions? How can he start the process? He lives in TX.

    submitted by /u/Karmas_Appretice
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