• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 27, 2019

    It’s down to me and one other guy for SaaS BDR job, what can I do? Sales and Selling

    It’s down to me and one other guy for SaaS BDR job, what can I do? Sales and Selling

    It’s down to me and one other guy for SaaS BDR job, what can I do?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 07:03 AM PDT

    I just got off the phone with the hiring manager to get an update on where things are at in the interview process for a SaaS BDR role. I really want this because it checks all my boxes: remote, in an interesting field of tech, a path into SaaS sales. There are zero opportunities where I currently live and I'm not in a position to relocate. The hiring manager, CEO, and VP of Sales have all given me the thumbs up. The other candidate interviews with the VP of sales today.
    I'm worried because I've heard before that it's best to interview later rather than early, and even though the VP was impressed by me even saying saying "you already sound like one of our sales guys". I interviewed with him two weeks ago.
    I have his number and considered finding an excuse to get him on the phone later this week to keep me top of mind, but I don't know if it's worth the risk of possibly pestering him. Need some advice

    submitted by /u/visionbreaksbricks
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    What do you view as the top “transferable skills” you gain in sales if you are looking to transition to a management/leadership position?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 11:25 AM PDT

    I ask this because while I'm consistent in meeting goals, quotas, etc. I recognize that being good in sales can be (and is often) a different skill set than managing or being in a leadership position. Yet there is a lot of cross-over as well.

    Curious about everyone's thoughts...

    submitted by /u/Algorhythm74
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    Feasible to negotiate at this point?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 09:20 AM PDT

    Hey guys! Long time lurker, finally decided to post.

    I received a job offer from a great company! I was wondering what your thoughts were.

    Base is around 50k with 30k commission available for an Account Executive position.

    Would it be reasonable to reach out and try to negotiate a higher OTE or different percentage split after receiving the offer letter? When I was told the OTE originally over the phone, I had agreed. I was wondering if you guys thought it was too late to try to negotiate? And if I do so, what would be a good way of going about it? Located in SF Bay Area.

    Any thoughts and suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


    submitted by /u/poooopscooopdooop
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    What's the best brochure you have seen?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 09:09 AM PDT

    Like the first presentation you send to new prospects. Sales presentation? IDK

    English is not my first language, sorry! :)

    submitted by /u/Im40percentTACO
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    Received one offer, trying to get one more for dream role

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 09:07 AM PDT

    After 3 long months of interviewing and being selective, I finally received an offer from a very solid software tech company as an AE. Base is solid, benefits good, product amazing, team appears to be great as well.

    However, the day I received the offer, my dream role emailed me saying they finally had an opening and wants me to go for it. The manager for the dream role already said a month ago he would love to hire me but timing was just wrong unfortunately. Staying in contact with him led him to reaching back out to me. The pay for this one is higher, benefits better, product more well known, company more established, etc.

    I have my final interview with my dream role today. I need to let my solid offer know what my decision is on Monday.

    My plan is to figure out with the dream role as to how many others they are interviewing and realistically will they hire me? I have been told to accept the solid offer and decline if I receive my dream role, but I really dont want to burn bridges at that company as they are in the same industry and connections are important. What would you do in my shoes to receive the dream role?

    submitted by /u/marniedobs
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    Advice for changing jobs during a slump

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 05:16 AM PDT

    Hi Guys, I'm currently eyeing up my options for moving roles however I could do with some advice as I think I've left it to long to start looking.

    I have around 10 years sales experience and I've been with my current SaaS company for just over 3 years, starting as the only SDR and progressing to SDR team manager and 18 months ago into field sales. As an SDR I consistently hit double my target and for the first 8 or so months of field sales was doing really well, working to just above my target.

    This changed towards the end of last year due to a number of factors within the market (GDPR killing off part of my industry, market saturation with many competitors literally half the price of our product, New SDR team manager taking her foot of the pedal and leads dropping by 80%) and as such I've only managed to close 1 small deal in the past 3 months. As a business we are only closing around 15% of proposals sent. The client base I've built up over the past 3 years is also slowly dying as it has become incredibly difficult to renew customers when their are comparable solutions available for half the price.

    As a former recruiter I know that current sales performance is the best indicator of whether a salesperson will do well in a role, how should I approach the subject when it inevitably comes up?

    submitted by /u/burnin_up
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    To those who successfully quit sales for another career, how did you do it?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 01:45 PM PDT

    After 6 years in SaaS sales, I'm burned out. I made good money, but the hours are killing me, as is the stress/anxiety from having a quota constantly over your head. It was fun for a bit, but as I'm trying to settle down with a family, I need to do a more "normal" job where you get paid to complete projects. I'm okay with a pay cut. I'm not really money motivated anymore and want work life balance.

    I'm considering marketing, operations, business analysis, etc. Maybe if I still stayed within the realm of sales, a sales engineer? Basically I don't want to have a quota anymore. For what it's worth, I have a college degree from a reputable school, and I work at a relatively large tech firm.

    To those of you who successfully quit sales for another career, how did you do it? What transferable skills from sales did you have in your new career?

    Thanks so much for the help :)

    submitted by /u/ddididi0
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    Progress tracking "under construction" for a really long time. What are my rights?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 09:21 AM PDT

    I have worked for a major wireless retailer for 5 years. I am one of the top sellers in my company (top 1% gross profit every year for the last 4 years, and 3rd place in the entire company for 2018. A huge part of my success is my effective use of progress tracking software that shows my milestone bonuses. I use these tools to play little games in my head that help me see the value of each sale. I can convince myself that one invoice will earn me x amount of dollars, and that's what keeps me motivated and drives my performance. For the last several months, this software, which I've always counted on, has been "under construction". I now have to wait until manually calculated reports are emailed to me by the analytics team. There is no set schedule for this. Sometimes these reports come out every 2-3 days, sometimes more than a week between reports (we have monthly targets And payouts). And access to actual sales-by-invoice reports has been restricted to all store-level reps (which is suspicious to me). The only way for me to track my progress (or prove what I've earned in case of a discrepancy) is to keep a manual report myself which is time consuming and nearly impossible in a busy store like mine. I'm interested to know what rights I have here, if any. I still TECHNICALLY have the same earning potential as ever. But without being able to view my progress in real time, the way I am accustomed to, my sales have been plummeting. I'm used to being able to look at my dashboard and go "ok, three down, 2 to go to the next milestone which will earn me $x". Now, it's just "here comes a customer, better just try my best". It's costing me money. I've been making an average of $1400 LESS per month since this change, and when I email analytics about my concerns they tell me to be patient for a few more months.

    What are my rights here? Should I be suspicious of thier motives? What should I do?

    Sorry for the long rant, and if I'm not posting in the right place, please let me know.


    submitted by /u/ScooterMcThumbkin
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    Old Sales Calls

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 09:20 AM PDT

    Hey All,

    I was just curious, do you ever remember salesman who cold called you from weeks, months or even years ago?

    I am in a long sales cycle and was hoping some past cold calls become "fresh" over time.

    Let me know please.

    submitted by /u/JerryThompson2018
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    tips on presenting a surgical technique? (Last interview for medical device sales)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 07:01 AM PDT

    I have my final interview to work in medical device sales (orthopedic surgery) , I was asked to prepare two 10min presentations on two procedures as if i was presenting to surgeons. Does anyone have any tips on how to give a killer presentation?

    submitted by /u/payoe
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    Offer from one company, but still in the process with my top choice. How do I go about this?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 12:33 PM PDT

    My current situation is that I am interviewing with two different companies for SDR roles. The process with company A has been quick, I've been through 3 interviews in the past two weeks. The process with company B has been a little slower, with a second round interview coming tomorrow. I am pretty confident I will be receiving an offer from company A in the next day or so but company B is my top choice. If I do receive an offer from company A, how do I tell them I want to see the process thru with company B before making a decision?

    submitted by /u/patbevj
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    Help Sending Bulk-ish Sales emails

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 04:59 AM PDT

    Trying to launch our SaaS product into Alpha - we'll be sending emails in bulk and want to optimise deliverability as lot of effort is going into prospecting. Ruling out standard plans on services like Mailchimp and Sendgrid as they use shared IPs. Pro plans are totally outside our budget and may be an option only after we start generating revenue.

    That leaves us with using gmail/smtp integrations that do mail merge and sequencing - this gives us good delivery rates but is limited to 400 emails/day on zoho and gmail.

    Are there any mail services you know of that go beyond that limit? Suggestions/comments are appreciated.

    submitted by /u/frankens_tien
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    Only scared to call CISOs and CIOs

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 08:28 AM PDT

    So during my day I cold call MGRs, DIRs, VPs, etc in IT. For some reason, I'm not afraid to call them, but I haven't had the best results with CISOs and CIOs. I'm actually scared to call them now, and I read online about how much CISOs hate the amount of calls they get every day.

    Am I overthinking this? I feel like sometimes I look at them by title instead of human beings... just haven't talked to one CISOs who was nice to me lol.

    I'm an SDR

    submitted by /u/GoldFeeling
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    Which phone carrier for starting out in sales?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 11:15 AM PDT

    Hey all, so I have been doing some research on here and some other sites and have come to the conclusion I would like to dip my feet into phone sales, as going to school makes it difficult to have a full time sales job, and most carriers I have looked into offer part time. I don't have much schooling left, (business school), but I wanted to get some sales experience since it what I am most interested in. I have seen some posts on here saying they know part time sales reps who can pull $45k, which is better than a lot of full time prospects I see at the career fairs at my college! I am sure that's the exception, but even half that for only working part time is very enticing

    I have read through some posts on this subreddit, and I have gotten differing opinions of the major companies. Some say got AT&T, others say Sprint. Some say to go corporate stores, others say third party stores are fine. I am just wanted to get some experience in sales, while making some money and a possible full time gig in the future.

    So any phone salesman have an opinion on this?

    Thank you all very much in advance!

    submitted by /u/titspels
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    What do I say in a follow up email to a "cold" email I sent?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 07:17 AM PDT

    For example, I cold emailed a contact that talks about an industry challenge and how we have a free webinar that you can watch at any time. I mentioned if they want me to send the link, then to let me know. How do I go about sending a follow up email? In addition, is there a general rule/way that gets people to respond to these emails? Do you send them articles? Stats? Insights where their company was mentioned in the news? HelP!!!

    submitted by /u/itsohsodemi
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    Writing Letters For Meeting

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 07:15 AM PDT

    Hey All,

    Have yet to have first contact with a prospect, left a course of 3 voicemails over the last couple of months. Would it be effective to write a handwritten letter? Is this effective?

    submitted by /u/JerryThompson2018
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    Commission job for property project manager.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 07:10 AM PDT

    Hey, I today I might have been offered a job as a sales person ( commission based only 10% ), for a project manager. They do various jobs on houses, apartment and all that such as building garages, bathrooms.. so basically anything like that.

    What do you think is a good way to sell this?

    I would get 10% on sales.. it's kinda my first sales job but say I sell a job that costs somebody 50k.. I'll get 5k out of that..

    Is this a good job to get ? How many of you work for commission only ?

    Cheers :)

    submitted by /u/Swifttolift
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    Revive old clients.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 04:39 AM PDT

    Hi awesome community!

    I'm in charge of setting up a new sales pipeline and besides my cold calling (stalking & spamming) people on Linkedin with mild success, I have acquired a list of old clients that the company has been working on but never been returning customers.

    I work in the creative industry so we always work with different clients, that is the nature of it, and in the case of my company that is run by people that think the client is the enemy, I can understand why a lot of people stopped doing business with us. I actually believe in the product, we create something amazing and there is a lot of potential to revert (in part) the toxic culture by setting up this new sales pipeline and making business work will bring a renewed energy to the company.

    Is there a way or a script that I can tailor in order to tell old contacts what we've been up to and engage them into sharing projects with us without sounding, desperate, spammy and be able to get back in their radar?

    (I have marketing tools such as presentations with our latest work, that usually get people's attention due to the quality of the work.)

    I hope this makes sense, I'm really new at this, and learn by doing.

    Thanks in advance!

    TL;DR: Need advice to revive old customers from a list of contacts I received.

    submitted by /u/WhiteShinyRabbit
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    Rick Middlemass on Sales Psychology

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 10:20 AM PDT

    I liked this podcast about how an introvert managed to become a great sales person.


    submitted by /u/NaoMeLevemASerio
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    Looking for sales jobs

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 11:11 PM PDT

    I'm in need of some advice but I'll post a little about myself so you are able to give advice easier.

    I'm 34 and have been working in an automotive sales environment for most of my adult life. I sell suspension repairs only. Suspension is all we do. I don't think that, that is common Anywhere else in the world (I'm Australian). I was a manager where I was and was very good At what I was doing. It was b2b and b2c sales

    I have left my last job because of mental health and I was being bullied because of it. Family business so not doing anything about it. No it wasn't the family doing the bullying but it's a whole different messy story..

    So what I'm trying to work out is, I've got a resume and am writing a different but similar cover letter for each job I apply for. I'm trying to get into a different sales industry.
    Is there anything special I should be doing? I feel an entry level position isn't what I'm qualified for because I do have 15 years sales experience. Am I right in thinking along those lines. Any ideas on what sort of role I should apply for?

    submitted by /u/zedicuszulzoran
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    Sales route planner

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 12:55 AM PDT

    Looking for a route planner. for example

    heading to x city landing at 8am, have 5 spots to go to 1 i need to be at 3pm before heading back to the airport same day.

    Would love to just be able to chuck this information straight into an app and have it pull out the best routes to take etc? there must be somthing that exists, been hand planning and screwing this up for as long as i remember. Anyone got any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/titsmegeee
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    Deceptive trickery vs ethical selling

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 08:57 AM PDT

    How many of you do shady shit that your children would tell you is wrong?

    How many of you sell ethically and feel good about it?

    How does one find a job with a "GOOD" company vs a shady one?

    submitted by /u/paulmeadowlark
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    Cold outreach to test the market?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 04:00 AM PDT

    I'm planning a cold outreach of every single business in my city, from as many industries as possible, to see what their needs are. I will be selling eventually, based on what I'm told. Is it likely for people to be weary of me in this situation? I just want to ask questions, won't actively sell anything, but it's basically part 1 of a sales process.

    submitted by /u/AmandoAbreu
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    How hard is it to break 6 figures as an account executive [Saas]? Especially in the non -mega cities (san francisco/new york)

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 11:49 PM PDT

    I recently got offered a lower tier account executive plan after a short time as an sdr. It is remote and the ote is around 90 k. I am happy with this but just wanted to see how difficult it is to break 100 k? 200k?

    How dependent are those numbers on company and product?

    submitted by /u/sleepingtalent901
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    Closing Techniques for Interview

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 02:35 AM PDT

    What closing pitch/questions have you successfully used in interviews?

    submitted by /u/slippy_b
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