• Breaking News

    Sunday, March 24, 2019

    Legal Advice (Belgium) My grandma was locked up in her bathroom for a day and the alarms were neglected

    Legal Advice (Belgium) My grandma was locked up in her bathroom for a day and the alarms were neglected

    (Belgium) My grandma was locked up in her bathroom for a day and the alarms were neglected

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 04:35 AM PDT

    My grandma lives in a service flat, run by a corporation. Yesterday, her cleaner visited, and while grandma was on the toilet, she accidentally blocked the door. Cut to my grandma being locked up in her bathroom, knocking SOS signals on the floor, kicking walls, ... Point is: she pays several 100 euros every month for permanance, and she has an alarm button, which is supposed to alert the nurses, which noone responded to. She was found by my grand aunt, who came to visit, but she may aswell have been locked up for several days.

    How do we respond? (I didnt see any country restriction on the sub, so I hope this sub will be able to help :) ) Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Ithladohr
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    Shell’s Gas Station contaminated my car’s gas tank with 9 gallons of water

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 05:07 AM PDT

    I went to a shell gas station to fully gas my car (12 gallons). After I started my car, it started breaking down and when I got off work, the car wouldn't start at all.

    I left the car over night at my work's parking lot and towed it to Toyota the next morning. Then Toyota called me saying they found contaminated gas in my car. They found that 9 gallons of water were inside my car. Then they are billing me $4800 for the fixes to be done.

    A Geico person is coming to Toyota on Monday to see the adjusted price. Is there anything else I should do? Like talk to the Shell's owner? Or talk to my state's department and agriculture? I live in Maryland as well.

    I also have the gas receipt from shell.

    Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/jaycesuo
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    [CT/MA/RI] My Grandfather Passed Away and Left Me His Entire Estate

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 01:34 AM PDT

    My grandfather passed away unexpectedly on Thursday, he isn't even 70, and yesterday (Friday) lawyer called me and told me that he left everything to me. This is unexpected, but because of our families relationship I'm not surprised.

    I'm 18, I go to school in Boston, my residence is still in Rhode Island, and he lived in Connecticut. I know that will all cause some problems, but his lawyer told me that he'll be taking care of everything. This is all just foreign to me and I want to know what I should be expecting while getting everything transferred to me.

    I don't know exactly how much he was worth, a lot of it is in investments and real estate and cars, but his home is probably enough to pay for my tuition and have enough over to buy another house. I meet his lawyer Monday to talk about it. Is there any way that my parents or aunt/uncle could take it? Could I get sued by them? I feel guilty about being the only one, and I'd like to help them pay off their debts, but afterwards I want to cut ties. Do I even need to tell them about this?

    I've read enough posts on this thread to know I should get an accountant and a broken and lawyer and do some wizardry to make sure my lifetimes worth of money actually lasts a lifetime, but I have no idea how to actually do that. Will anyone actually help me because of my age? Would I even be able to get an apartment at my age? What exactly do I need to do to live independently?

    And the most important thing for me is making sure his funeral is good. There's been very little discussion on the funeral and lots of arguing about money, and I know that my parents and aunt/uncle can't afford anything more than a plywood box. Can I make the arraignments with the funeral home and church and cemetery? He has a grave plot next to my grandmother so I'm confident that that isn't going to get fucked up but I can't say the same about the rest of it. He was a Marine in Vietnam and was wounded in combat. He didn't talk much about it, I only know he was wounded because he kept is medals on display, but he was very proud of his service, so is it possible for him to be buried with military honors?

    submitted by /u/060898
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    Ex is pissed about fiancee preparing a bath for our daughter. Sent me a "put on notice" over text. Is any of this even remotely legal for her to do?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 08:25 AM PDT

    The basic story is, my ex wife has primary custody over our three children. I get them for regular visitation in the state of Alabama.

    My fiancee and I are a few months from getting married and currently live together.

    The other night, my oldest daughter told her that my fiancee was bathing her when she called to talk to them. For the purpose of this story, she didnt bath her. She ran the water for her and the 5 year old bath herself. She did help her get out of the bath though.

    She called me yelling at me about it so I hung up on her. She then sent me a text with these exact words.

    "Documented.. You are herby put on NOTICE that I am not comfortable with a woman that I know NOTHING about giving XXX a bath! I have requested to you via a phone call at 9:21 pm on March 23 2019 that our almost 13 year old daughter or her FATHER give XXX a bath! I don't even know her last name.. I don't know SHIT about her. I've tried to befriend her, get to know her but that was a choice you and her both made that I could not. I tried to discuss this with you but you chose to hang up the phone on me. "

    Does any of what she is trying to do have any legal bindings?

    Can she control who I give permission to bath or dress our children?

    submitted by /u/BS9966
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    I started a new job 2 weeks ago. The owner’s representative at the jobsite has a meltdown at least once a day. What should I do?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 06:17 AM PDT

    Location: PA I am not exaggerating when I say 99% of the time he is yelling. I have never met anyone like him, I am in my mid-forties and have a lot of project management experience. There are always some heated discussions during projects of the size I manage. But every single day, in every single conversation, he is screaming and cursing. I have been through some tough times in my life, and worked under difficult conditions, so at first, I was honestly simply amused at this guy. I know how to manage people and this guy would be easier than most. Stroke his ego, make him think an idea was his, easy to turn into a asset. But on Friday he got into such a state I feared for my physical safety. What do I do?

    Some additional info. Let's call this guy Henry. Henry is a private consultant, works for himself and has no employees. The owner is a few hours away and I have not met them yet. I do know they have no experience with large construction projects and are very dependent on this guy to be their eyes and ears onsite and give them advice on how construction projects work. Henry has been working at this particular location for many years long before the current owners took over and so he knows all the history of this site. That is helpful because there are a lot of complicated things regarding this site. The only time Henry is not yelling is when the owners are in the conversation, on the phone. But they know he is a hot head, I have heard Henry yelling when they were on the line.

    The owner, VP, and general counsel knows without doubt how Henry behaves. They all warned me about him before I met him. I am fairly certain at least one of these three know exactly how he behaves, that he screams at everyone all the time. My coworker who has been at the site for nearly a year has been subjected to this every. Single. work day. On Friday Henry came into our job trailer, screamed at the top of his lungs for two minutes, red faced, blood vessels popping out of his neck, spittle flying, and slammed the door on his way out. I was afraid for my physical safety. I recorded the last minute of his tirade.

    What do I do? At first, I was worried about my company's liability, I know all about hostile workplaces. I was going to simply warn my boss. But now I am disgusted that they know about this and have allowed their employees to be subjected to this for so long. I don't need this job, so if quitting is one of your suggestions feel free to make it.

    Here's my plan, what do you think? Every time Henry raises his voice above a reasonable level (to date, this is 90% of the time he speaks) I will start recording with my phone after telling Henry I am recording as is required by law. If he is in our job trailer I will ask him to calm down or leave. If we are someplace other than our job trailer I will ask him to calm down and if he does not I will walk away. When he yells at me on the phone I will hang up. I plan to share this plan with my boss and the owner of my company.

    submitted by /u/nevermetaguylikethis
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    FL Manager claims that employees are not allowed to eat during their mandatory 15 minute breaks. Is there anywhere that states this within FL Labor Laws?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 08:48 AM PDT

    I've been with a company for over 2 years now. We have different branches within our company, so everyone tends to do things differently. At my branch, I was always told that employees get two 15 Minute breaks per day, in addition to their Lunch Break (1 hour). I've always gone in the back and had a snack or whatever on my fifteen minute break- as most of us do. However, we recently hired a new employee who yesterday decided to eat something on one of her fifteen minute breaks. My manager went absolutely ballistic on her and warned her that eating is "unacceptable!"

    I understand that some managers can make up their own rules and etc. But, legally, is my manager allowed to tell an employee what they can and can't do on their mandatory 15 minute break? Specifically, if we can eat or not?

    submitted by /u/MyOwnPrivateFL
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    Bank repossessed my car. I have paperwork showing I made my payments.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 08:45 AM PDT

    I live in Pennsylvania and my car loan is through First National Bank. The car was repossessed sometime Monday morning. I called the corporate number to talk to someone about my issue and after being on hold or hung up someone finally puts me through to the guy in charge of the reposession department. He says my car was taken due to the fact I didn't pay for Jan, Feb, or March and I need to come up with roughly 1000 bucks by next Friday (15 days) or the car is going to auction.

    I know I didnt miss any payments and at the time they took my car my March payment wasn't due. I went to the local branch of First National Bank to get a copy of my payment history. Apparently they can't give it to me because my account is restricted due to the reposession so I had to wait 4 days for one to get mailed to me from their corporate office.

    The document shows I paid in January and February so I called the reposession agent again and called him out. Originally he claimed I missed my payments now he's saying the car was taken because the payments were late and completely ignored me when I pointed out my March payment wasn't due. He just told me to come up with the money or I wasn't getting the car back. They weren't willing to work it out any other way and whenever I call the corporate office to try and talk to a different person Im always transferred to the same guy I've been dealing with.

    submitted by /u/ScatmanJohn42
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    Someone attacked me on the train and now I'm the defendant vs. A detective in front of a magistrate.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 09:22 AM PDT

    Sorry for the format, mobile user.

    Long story short, I live in Boston, MA. I was riding the train and a fellow passenger was bumping me with his bookbag so I asked him to take off his bookbag. He got very aggressive and pushed me and punched me and then I defended myself and fought back. The cops came and they said it was unclear who started the fight. I went and got the police report and in the police report he admitted to shoving me first and throwing the first punch. Now I just received a court summons where it states that I am a defendant vs. a detective. So my questions are, Why I'm I defending myself aganist a detective? Should I bring a lawyer with me? Also I'm I at fault here even though in the report its clear that he's the aggressor? And finally should I be worried? Sorry for so many questions, it's just I've never been involved in the legal system before and I have a very clean record.

    Thanks to anyone out there that might be able to help.

    submitted by /u/juliusmax1st
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    Parent withholding passport , im 21

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 08:19 AM PDT

    Hi! I have a few questions. I am 21 and Canadian. I wish to travel to America for a week. Sadly I have a "helicopter mom" who is withholding my passport. She doesnt want me to travel. My passport was renewed last year so its not expired. I think it's kind of ridiculous how she won't return it to me. I believe this is illegal to withhold a passport from an adult. I researched a bit but I hear reporting a passport lost/ stolen is not the best idea because it can make traveling difficult, since customs officers often take extra time to verify that the new passport is true to the holder. My current passport is not lost (maybe technically stolen), but cancellation doesn't seem the best route. What can I do to take back my passport? :(

    submitted by /u/Fantastic_Jellyfish
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    My son’s mom moved from MI to Texas suddenly in December without notifying me. Now she moved back and left him there.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 08:10 AM PDT

    I'm going to keep this short and to the point. All I'm really looking for is outside advice on the next steps I should take, because I'm at a loss.

    I have visitation rights and pay child support, my son's mother has custody. Over the years she has proven herself irresponsible and incapable of taking proper care of him, and I should have applied for full custody a long time ago.

    Anyway, in December she drove with him to Texas without notifying anyone, I only found out after the fact. I haven't seen him since.

    Now I've found out she's taking a bus back to Michigan, and leaving him in Texas with her mother.

    There should still be a bench warrant out on her for contempt of court here (for ignoring parenting time court orders) in Michigan.

    I intend to get the warrant executed as soon as she gets back if it's still active.

    My question is, with this time-sensitive situation, what's the most effective way to apply for custody? Would an emergency injunction to change custody be an option, or should I go the usual route? If she's abandoned him with her mom, could I just go pick him up?

    I will be sure to get a qualified legal opinion from a lawyer in my state sometime soon. I'm just looking for consideration on possible options I have and directions to take right now.

    Thank you for any suggestions you have!

    submitted by /u/throwawaycustody199
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    the daughter i gave up for adoption is threatening me with legal action [TX]

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 01:23 PM PDT

    When I was 14, I was raped by a close family friend. I got pregnant but gave the baby up for adoption when I was 15. I knew the child was adopted by distant family members who lived a state away but I did not know their names or what they were like. We received a sum of 2500 dollars when they took her from the hospital. I do not remember signing anything. I do not know what happened to the friend; I asked to be kept out of the process as much as possible. My mother said he was jailed but I don't know if he's still in jail, how long he was in jail, or if he even went to jail. I have two other children, ages 10 and 7. and am now married. My husband knows about my daughter but has deferred to me on how we should handle the situation.

    A month ago, I received a facebook message from a woman who says she is my daughter. I believe she is because her appearance and that she has the same genetic condition as my rapist. She told me that she wanted to get to know me. I spent hours going through her facebook page, trying to decide what to do. I found myself disgusted by her. There are a lot of similarities between her and my rapist as she is rude, vulgar, whiny, and smokes illicit substances. She is married but has a publicly strained relationship with her husband and refers to him by cruel nicknames. I decided that I would not be comfortable meeting her. I blocked her without responding. After a week, I began to receive letters from her. Four letters in total. I did not read those either but recently received a phone call three days ago. I finally answered. I told her that I was not interested in getting to know her and that she should leave me and my family alone or I would get the police involved.

    She began to berate me. She told me that my family was her family. She accused me of not going through proper adoption procedures and that I had maliciously sold her to an abusive couple as punishment for being born and that I had held back important information. Without medical records, she lived life as a very sick child and was deeply in debt from the genetic testing necessary to diagnose her illness. She told me that she would be making contact with my family whether I liked it or not. She also said she would subpoena me for her father's name if I did not comply and that I could possibly be jailed for selling a baby. When I began to cry, she offered me an alternative; her genetic condition makes getting pregnant more difficult. If I agreed to pay for a round of IVF, she would consider us "even" and would only try to make contact with her father. Here are my questions:

    1) Does she have a legal right to make contact with my family if I tell her to stay away?

    2) Could she force me to disclose information about her birth father?

    3) My parents are dead and I do not know how to find out information about the adoption. I did not sign any papers and didn't really speak to lawyers outside the court case. I am worried it is possible my parents merely handed her over in exchange for the money. Could I be arrested for selling her as a teenager?

    4) The amount she is asking for is 5,000 dollars. I could pay it easily. Could I form a contract that would legally force her to leave my family alone if I agreed to pay?

    submitted by /u/throwaway_baby100
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    My MIL has been on hospice home care for cancer. After 6 months, hospice drops her for “not declining”. Another hospice is willing to take over and want her records. The 1st hospice refuses to send her records because “it’s shameful “ they are dropping. Is this legal?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 07:00 PM PDT

    Wife assaulted at work, told employer about injury, employer refused to offer treatment, she went to ER - Will worker's comp pay? Next steps? (Illinois)

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 05:32 PM PDT

    My wife works as a bus monitor for a school bus company and was assaulted by a student on the school bus, who hit her multiple times in the head, choked her and pulled her hair.

    After this happened, she returned to the school bus base and told her employer that she didn't feel right and her head hurt and that she wanted to see a doctor. The employer said that the doctor / clinic won't do anything for you, handed her some Tylenol and told her to go home.

    She called our family doctor who said due to the blows to the head she should go to the ER. So, that's what she did. She went to the nearest ER and told them the injury occurred at work.

    She told me to call her boss and when I spoke to her boss she claimed she gave my wife the option to see a doctor and told her to go to their specific doctor / clinic to seek treatment so the company would pay, however I do not believe this happened. I believe the company refused to give her information on where to go for treatment at the time she requested it.

    She went to the ER and got checked out and they did a CT scan. She then returned to her work's office to get the forms required to file a worker's comp claim and I went with her. Her employer asked to see her discharge papers from the hospital and we asked to see the forms they wanted her to sign. They refused to show us the forms they wanted her to sign without seeing the discharge papers and we both got the impression they wanted her to just sign without reading the forms. I suspect since she was assaulted by a student they wanted her to sign a waiver, even though they said that was not the case.

    They refused to provide the worker's comp forms or any follow up treatment instructions. They did not want to speak to me, only to my wife who just got out of the hospital and didn't know what to say. She was clearly overwhelmed by the whole ordeal.

    So I have a few questions:

    How do we go about filing the worker's comp claim? Does it have to be through the employer or are the employer's actions at this point acting in "bad faith" and can we go to the state of IL worker's comp board to file a claim?

    Will the fact that we went to the ER instead of the company doctor be counted against us, especially since they refused to provide that information at the time my wife was injured and requested to see a doctor? What about follow up care? They did not give us any follow up care instructions either.

    In the event the workman's comp claim is denied, what can we do about the hospital bill? She put our health insurance as secondary when in the ER, would they pay if WC doesn't?

    Any help you have would be very much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/-BMR777-
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    [New York State] My fiance and I are codefendants for felony drug charges. We are both likely going to be on felony probation. How likely is it that we won't be allowed to have contact while on probation?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 03:03 AM PDT

    As the title says, a lot of people seem to think (my lawyer included) that we will be given a no contact order as part of our terms of probation. I also was told that when on felony probation, you can't be around other felons. How common/likely is this, or does it depend on the case?

    Second question: we were planning on getting married before being arrested. Once he's out of jail, we'll both have about a month before we start probation (starting probation for him, sentencing for me which will likely give me probation as well) and are considering getting legally married in the time before probation begins. Would getting married affect whether we're allowed contact during probation? Or is it possible that the judge would be more likely to give us a no contact bc it seems like we're trying to "get around it"?

    Is there any other way we can get around getting a nc? Would it make a difference if one of us was on parole while the other was on felony probation vs both of us on probation?

    If it matters, we have no prior criminal history, no history of domestic violence/disputes (in general or with each other), and are both charged with non violent drug felonies: 2 Bs for me and 1 C for him. Neither of us have a no contact order currently or order of protection either. He took an offer of county time with 5 year probation for a lesser charge but I'm yet to be sentenced as I refused my only offer (2 years in prison) to plead guilty to two counts with the promise of nothing worse than the 2 years but implied by the judge that probation is possible. If I take prison time though, I'd likely go to a three month prison rehab program and then only have 2 years parole, which I've also been considering taking instead to shorten my time on paper. (I'll also gladly take advice about that as I know nothing about this sort of thing except what I've been told by other convicts to just do the time bc probation is a "trap")

    Thanks in advance.

    (I'm no looking to take advantage of the system and would rather do what is "best", but am not only wanting to get married to legally keep contact, it's something we both have been 100% ready to do for a while.)

    submitted by /u/EverySelf
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    I think my insurance company is about to total my $40,000.00 car. What can I do?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 12:59 AM PDT

    5 weeks ago my car was stolen. It was recovered by the police within 1 hour. The thieves took only the wheels. The police had the car towed. The towing company drug the car onto a flatbed without using any sort of dolly, which actually caused much more damage than the thieves did. The towing company then dropped the car in a gravel lot, causing even more damage.

    The insurance company told me they have a company that specializes in this kind of claim and that I should release it to them. I agree and they pick up the car. After the initial estimate comes in they find more and more damage. After 30 days, my rental coverage runs out and they won't extend it, even though my car is still not repaired, so I have been taking Uber to and from work.

    The company doing the work calls me and tells me that the car is ready for pick up on Friday (yesterday). A colleague drives me 40 miles out of their way to drop me off to get the car. When I get there I begin to check the work that has been done and I find numerous things that are not done correctly or done at all. Things missing, things still broken and damage caused by the repairs technicians. I am furious and I let the owner of the shop know it. He advises me that if he has to contact the insurance company and make another addendum that they are likely to total the car. On top of that, I had to find a ride home. They didn't even offer to help me out with that.

    I take excellent care of my vehicles. This car has a logbook that details every tank of gas that has ever gone into it and every receipt for any maintenance that has been performed. It is only 3 years old and has less than 15,000 miles on it.

    How do I make my insurance company make the company (that they suggested) make this right without totaling my car? What legal options do I have? I am a DC resident and the work was performed by a company in Maryland.

    Thank you, in advance for any advice you might have.

    submitted by /u/garbageposteraccount
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    Moving Company Says ALL of my Possessions Burned In a Warehouse Fire- What Now? Has this happened to anyone else?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 03:51 PM PDT

    Hi r/legaladvice,

    I moved from California to Florida, and hired movers to transport my items the Bay Area to the east coast. The process in getting my things shipped in advance of my move was a pain in the neck, but my stuff was eventually picked up for shipment. I went through a licensed, insured, and bonded broker who guaranteed that the moving company dispatched was licensed, insured and bonded and certified by USDOT. The BBB ratings for the brokerage were pretty good, and things seemed to be going ok. The driver called to confirm that my items were shipping from the warehouse the following week, and I thought my things would arrive.

    Fast forward 4 weeks, and I start inquiring where my things are since they were guaranteed arrival within 3 weeks. No response. I continue harassing them until finally at 8 weeks, a driver calls up to tell me that one of his employees set the warehouse on fire, and all of my things burned. I immediately reached out to the brokerage to ask for confirmation in addition to my renters insurance. I suspect my things were stolen and sold off, which is baffling because I only packed clothes and sentimental objects, no appliances or major electronics.

    My question is what do I do next? What platforms can I reach out to to confirm that my items in fact burned and weren't sold off somewhere? My insurance company will expect dates that the loss occurred, and of course no one with the moving company is returning my calls. The moving company also supplied me with their claims line for redress, but they are not returning my calls either. Per my bill of laiding, I cannot reach out to a lawyer until they have had like 30 business days to address my claim.

    Has anyone else's moving company claimed to have set their things on fire?


    submitted by /u/Iguanaluv62390
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    Ex staff started new business and advertising that they're part of my dads business but they're not!

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 05:14 AM PDT


    My dad owns a few restaurants with his business partner and have been very successful over the course of about 30 years. The business is well known in and around the cities they're in.

    There was a guy, who worked for them as a manager and then bought in (only a small cut) as a partner himself for a while. But it turned out that he was stealing money, amongst a few other things, behind their backs and was removed from the company.

    He's since went on to start his own restaurant in another town but is advertising that his business is opening soon and that the management is that in the form of the directors from my dad's company - basically using my dad's business name to promote his own.

    He has nothing to do with my dads business any more but has a big banner at the front of his soon to be restaurant advertising the above, and using my dad's business name.

    We have pictures of this banner as proof.

    Is there anything we can/ should do? My dad and his partner will no doubt be seeking legal advice themselves but I was wondering if there is anything in particular they should be doing before, or asking their solicitor to be aware of?

    Thanks in advance!

    Edit: to add he's already approached some chefs and waiters offering them jobs and will no doubt be using the same menu and style of food.

    submitted by /u/noddie17
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    I gave my intent to not return next year at the private school I currently work at. The director is demanding that I pay her back for $2000+ of training I received

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 07:37 AM PDT

    In August, I began working at a small, private Montessori school in Georgia. I was misled in the hiring process and ended up being a head teacher instead of an assistant teacher. I am paid minimum wage hourly for a full time position, but our school is only in session 3 weeks every month on average, which means I go one week every month without work. Financially, this has been extremely difficult on me for multiple personal reasons.

    When I was hired, I was told that I could shadow the school director for the school year, as I am not a Montessori certified teacher. A month into the school year, my shadowing had dropped off as the school director stopped teaching me how to teach Montessori lessons. She soon would be leaving for a 2-month leave due to a surgery, so I asked her what I should do, because I didn't have any experience with Montessori materials. I suggested that I receive schooling on Montessori certification so that my students could be learning something from me for the 2 months she would be gone. She agreed and I began a Montessori certification course immediately. As I have learned to teach specific lessons, I have begun to teach my students those students, but unfortunately, I know my students are not where they are suppose to be academically. I have asked for help repeatedly, but have received little to none. (Another reason why I am leaving.) I have tried my hardest to help my students academically by writing and teaching my own lessons and materials, which are not strictly Montessori based, but I feel it is better than nothing at all. The students shouldn't be suffering due to the director's unproffessionalism.

    On Friday, I gave my director my intent to not return for the next school year due to my financial needs and stated that I had another job lined up. She did not say much in response, but she did say that she would draw up a contract for me to pay her back for the $2000+ of training I have received. Firstly, I'm nowhere near being able to start paying for that. Secondly, I don't believe I should have to pay that back since it was necessary to complete the school year. If I hadn't begun the training, I would've just been babysitting my students.

    I need advice on what my response should be to her and what I need to do. None of my parents know what has happened this school year, but I can't afford to tell them that their children are not be taught the way they've been paying tuition for, because I know I'll lose my job, and the director will ruin my teaching reputation as well.

    submitted by /u/heswell
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    A whole bunch of unused medical supplies

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 09:05 AM PDT

    Location: Michigan

    Our daughter has gone through 4 open heart surgeries and accumulated a bunch of medical supplies that we will not need after her next surgery. We kept telling them we don't need so much this or so much that but they kept sending it, probably because the hospital can make easy money off of Medicaid by sending it to us.

    My question is, is it legal to sell these things on eBay now? We will have literally no use for 100 Joey Pump Feeding Bags and 120- 60mL syringes with catheter tip not to mention the specialty formula, g-tube extensions, etc etc etc. It's taking up a lot of space in our house so it's either sell it or throw it away but I'm not sure if you're allowed to profit off of Medicaid bought medical supplies?

    submitted by /u/ThrowawayLegal22
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    (USA, ME) My mother recently began to receive a rather large inheritance. My father insists that now that she has "her own money" she needs to pay her way (more or less). Where do they stand legally?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 07:13 AM PDT

    To preface - they have been talking about separation for the last year or two. Recently my grandmother died and left a sizable chunk to each of her kids. My mother wanted to put this money in her own separate trust (which it is!) and leave it to me and my brother when she dies. As far as I know, my parents have a joint trust (& living will) together in which they pool their assets. But that doesn't include the new money coming in. Of course, my dad worked full time our whole lives, while my mom was stay-at-home, part-time-work, and full-time-work at various different points. My dad went so far as to even claim to her that she didn't contribute financially to the marriage. In my little research, it's common for the working half of a couple to see it that way, but of course, the "unpaid labor" of a child-raising parent is not taken into account. There are some labor calculators out there for this sort of thing, I know. Speaking specifically, though, his stance gives me the impression that he believes now that she has inherited money, the joint-account money is not hers but his alone (i.e. he worked for it and she didn't mentality). I struggle to see how this claim is justified but I thought I'd ask for some feedback and opinions. I always figured it was fair to split joint assets 50/50 in cases of separation and divorce and so I presume that this is the way it should be, regardless of the inheritance.

    I appreciate any and all feedback. If you need more info I'll provide as much as I can.

    (This is in USA, in the state of Maine)

    submitted by /u/TimothyThomas
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    I was asked to step down from my manger position because I am pregnant.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 12:10 PM PDT

    Hello! I am on mobile so I'm sorry if this is hard to read or anything. I will gladly answer any questions.

    I work at a pet store in Texas and have worked here for the past almost 2 years. I am 14 weeks pregnant. My job is 1/3 lifting objects over 15lbs and the rest is simple paperwork and shelving labels. I have been instructed since February 7th to not lift over 30lbs. I told my boss (store leader or SL) and everyone in the store knew about this. I have been able to complete my job without issues and in a timely manner, I have a dedicated stocker to do the lifting for me and she has no problem lifting for me.

    On March 18th I got a new drs note stating no more than 15lbs. Yesterday my car broke down and he was not okay with that at all. (I did call the store to officially let him know I would be late) I don't normally call in but I had no way of coming in for my shift (2-10) and told SL I could be in as early as 530pm. SL told me to drive over anyway with my car or take an Uber 46 miles to work. I told SL I am not able to afford that or a tow all the way back home. SL then stated that I was essential to finishing today and tomorrow's truck. I told SL I was not essential to Sunday's food truck because I cannot lift any of it anyway because of my Drs note. SL was angry at this point and told me I need to step down from my position so he could find someone who could do the job. Those were his exact words. At that point I told SL I was calling in and would not be coming in to work at all today. SL then said that I better be there tomorrow and hung up on me.

    I have never been late, missed a shift or anything. I have a perfect record at this store. I am being told by many people that I am being discriminated against, I already emailed my district leader and am waiting on a reply. I will also be calling HR today to see what I can do, I no longer want to work for this man or be around him.

    If anyone has an Advice or what my next steps should be I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you

    submitted by /u/mandaabearr
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    Should I have to tolerate basement tenants daily practicing?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 10:32 AM PDT

    I live on a main floor of a shared house. The basement tenant below me is a single male who insists on practicing his vocal scales and singing DAILY for the past 6 months. It is beyond annoying and is a disturbance to the peace that I should be otherwise entitled to for the rent I pay as far as I am concerned. I have addressed my concerns numerous times to the landlord and they have done nothing to stop it other than tell me that they have given him written warnings to stop and he said he would but he has not. This has been going on for 6 months. I have given my notice because I cannot tolerate it any longer as he won't stop. Should I have to be expected to listen to it every day?

    Edit: Location is Canada

    submitted by /u/username99380u3
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