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    Monday, March 25, 2019

    Legal Advice Am I legally obligated to stop if a driver crashes his car while trying to illegally pass me?

    Legal Advice Am I legally obligated to stop if a driver crashes his car while trying to illegally pass me?

    Am I legally obligated to stop if a driver crashes his car while trying to illegally pass me?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 04:12 AM PDT

    (FL, USA) There is a small median in the middle of a one lane road I take. It's just grass but further up there are random poles in the middle. The driver behind me tried to get around me by driving up onto the grassy median and smashed into the short metal poles (it was foggy out so he couldn't see them). Do I just call 911 or do I need to stop?

    submitted by /u/budgetbutter
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    [CA] Grandma helped me set up a stock account in her name, I made a large profit and now she’s saying the money is hers

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 08:57 AM PDT

    So about 2 years ago when I was 15, my grandma helped me setup a stock account under her name because I was interested in stocks. I deposited more money into the account over the years, totaling about $700. I've been messing with pennystocks the entire time and while I had some bad losses,I've made a very good profit. I'm not going to specify but the account is worth several tens of thousands now.

    Last week I was visiting my grandma and she asked me how the stock account was going (I don't visit her very often and shes never asked before), and she was shocked when I told her how much I made. She suddenly told me that it was in her name, it was her account, and it was her money. I was super confused but we got into an argument and I ended up leaving. I've talked to my parents and they talked to her about it, and apparently they got into an argument too.

    She is insisting that the money is hers, the account is under her name but I put all of the money in it, and did all the trades under the impression that she was letting me use an account under her name, then we'd change the account to my name when I turned 18. I am now 17, turning 18 in 7 months.

    Yesterday I got an email that the bank account was changed and I checked and all the money was gone. I don't know how she got it because she didn't know the password, I'm guessing she contacted support or something?

    What are my options? My grandmother has basically stolen what I was planning on using for college. Can I even do anything??

    submitted by /u/idiotthrowaway29
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    My school is breaking the law while stalking their students at home?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 05:32 AM PDT

    So I go to GEMS Wellington International School, Dubai.

    After a while here, I've noticed it's been installing FortiClient on some Windows laptops without our knowledge, permission or consent. Our school uses FortiGuard to ban some websites in our school, but this was too far. I ask the IT Admin about it, and he made up some gibberish about our parents saying yes. I've asked my parents and friends parents, but no firm mentions anything about it or computers or internet. Does this violate the Computer Misuse Act?

    submitted by /u/pyh00ma
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    My apartment in Maine has heat and hot water included, but our landlord has not paid the bill and utilities have been shut off. Is there any legal action we can take?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 03:02 AM PDT


    I live in Maine and our heat and hot water are covered by the landlord, who also has a company to help manage the building I am in. On Thursday the water district left a notice on our door notifying us of an outstanding balance of about $500 and that our water would be shut off. I notified our management company and they were going to reach out to the landlord.

    Everything was great but yesterday we lost heat and hot water, and temperatures have been dipping near to below freezing at night. I attempted to call both our management company, maintenance guy and landlord numerous times - called, left messages and texted - throughout the entire day from about 11 AM to 11 PM. Spoke to the Landlord once, and he told me to call our maintenance guy.

    Hours later I got a hold of maintenance, who said they were in the basement working on it but the Landlord forgot to pay the bill, but that they were on it. The water district is closed on Sundays. I didnt hear anything else from anyone all night and tried to reach out to maintenance again to see what happened as they said they'd take care of it. Its now the next day and we still dont have heat or hot water.

    Are there legal actions I can/should take, or how can I cover all my bases if I need to move in that direction in the near future?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/EnbyEv
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    I recieved incorrect follow up instructions from staff after a procedure. I didn't know they were not qualified to give medical advice and it lead to possibly permanent damage. Is this grounds for compensation?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 04:26 AM PDT

    So I do understand for true medical malpractice advice I need to speak with a lawyer in that specialty, but some insight on if this is something I should ask for compensation for anyways.

    I'll try to make this brief. I had wisdom teeth removed just in the office, not through a surgeon. Even though 2 where impacted the dentist said he can still cut them out. After a couple of days I went in to ask if I needed to make an appointment because I was still numb and worried. The front office staff told me that it was normal and explained the anatomy of the roots and nerves. She said it was not a reason for concern unless after 4 plus months it was still numb. She did say if I wanted to I could schedule to see him, but not to worry.

    So in between then and now it has been a nightmare. Turns out I have geographic tongue, so these patches show up that look like my tongue is bald. That has nothing to with the surgery, they are autoimmune responses. I also have had burning, tingling, super temperature sensitivity and numbness all around the whole perimeter of my tongue. My husband tried to tell me to go back, but I told him that I just need to be patient because they said it was normal. The first time he saw the patches in a full flair up he demanded me go to the ER. Thats how I spent my Christmas eve. The doctors there said it was all too bizarre to just be an issue from the surgery. They ordered a ct scan and all kinds of blood work, all normal. So they said I must have an underlying autoimmune disease (not talking about the geographic tongue) and referred me to a neurologist. He did more crazy testing and an MRI, all normal. He agrees with the ER docs that it's too bizarre, but doesn't know what is wrong. He diagnosed it as neuropathy and put me on gabapentin. We will follow up in a couple months to see if anything has changed.

    So it is finally time to go back to the dentist. The gabapentin definitely helps, but there is little to no change without it. The dentist immediately was like oh my gosh you should have came to me first and not gone through all that. He said this is an issue with the surgery and scheduled me a consult with the oral surgeon to get better insight on how to treat. At that appointment the surgeon told me that because it had been about 5 months now he wants me to think realistically. He is going to start with steroids and go from there, but it's kinda just a wait and see now because all the treatment options might not work because I waited to come in. If I came in within the first week, we could have most likely treated the issue. After a year we will know if they will heal or not, the nerves just take a long time to heal. I will need to start weighing my options though. Living with it how it is now and being on gabapentin or getting a nerve burn that has its own issue I would deal with.

    Now I am not talking about getting compensation from the issue that came from the actual surgery. I do know it is hard to prove negligence and sometimes things go wrong. Also, I signed liability paperwork in the beginning stating I understand that that this is a medical procedure and with any medical procedure there are risks involved. My issue is because I came in after a few days and was told to wait this long. I told the dentist that and he said that person was not qualified to give medical advice. How was I supposed to know that? Especially when she seemed so knowledgeable in everything.

    Sorry that was so long. I guess my question is, is this even something that I can get compensation for? I don't know because not only did i sign the liability paperwork, but there is not documentation of me and the lady talking since I just walked in. I was also given the chance to schedule a follow up by her, but she misled me to believe it was not necessary. I would think that since the paperwork was about the procedure itself and not covering the advice the unqualified staff gave, I could. I hate that I'm even thinking about doing this, but this might be permanent and I don't want it to happen to anyone else.

    submitted by /u/LAllinson110
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    [NYC] I have been diagnosed with a type of cancer that is very treatable, but fatal if left untreated. I do not want treatment. I have mental illnesses, and I have had family threaten to force me into treatment. Can I be forced into treatment due to underlying mental health conditions?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 08:52 AM PDT

    Basically, I'm wondering if this is a case similar to how cops can force you to go to the hospital for a suicide attempt. I have been in treatment for my mental health issues (specific ones irrelevant) for about 20 years now, and middle age has been rough on me. Effectively, this is a slow suicide by way of not seeking medical treatment, but this is a chance I have been waiting for for the better part of 10 years. Given my underlying issues, can I be forced into treatment for this completely treatable form of cancer?

    EDIT: Please don't recommend mental health treatment. As stated above, I've been getting the treatment for nearing half my life now (I'm 45). I am purely concerned with my autonomy here.

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    My boyfriend's underage brother runs shady business. Advice needed!

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 03:56 AM PDT

    My boyfriend's little brother is 15 and his mom recently discovered he has been making a large (~50k) amount of money through various means. Aside from running a private server on some game and bitcoin trading, the main source of this income is apparently a webshop selling clothes.

    Although he eventually, after a lot of prodding, confided in his mom about this webshop, he was adamant she was not allowed to actually see the site itself. He claims he has been sought out by Chinese investors and has 20 full-grown adults working for him. When his mom asked for proof, she was shown a Paypal account on which lo-and-behold actually 50k is stored on!

    When further asked about the subject, he quickly got aggressive and even threatened his mom. This is also what prompted me to post this on an alt account, even though he does not know we know about this. He has not been an easy child so far, getting into a fair bit of trouble experimenting with alcohol, sigarettes and drugs but this is unprecedented. His mom has sought us out to help her as this is beyond her capabilities to handle, but I am afraid it is beyond our own as well.

    We fear he is being used for money laundering as the law in our country (The Netherlands) is relatively soft for minors. It likely is fake brand clothing that is being sold in this webshop although we have no proof of anything except his own words. How can we best handle this and make sure he does not get further into legal trouble, aside from the tax evasion?

    submitted by /u/LittleBroBigTrouble
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    Bought stolen car, had a fake title, out $12,000 cash

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 06:56 AM PDT

    Hi Everyone,

    Looking for help here. I found a car on Craigslist a few days back and I went up to northern Virginia yesterday to look at it/buy it, about 2 hours away from where I live, for 12k (all cash). I rode the Amtrak up and got an uber to "his apartment complex". Turns out he didn't live there. I checked the car out and all seemed good. He had a title that I was a little sketched out about due to the printing so I questioned him a little bit about it and ended up getting a pic of his (fake) license. I also made sure the vin on the car matched the title, etc. Along with this, I also got a few detailed pictures of him that were taken inconspicuously.

    I ran the car though Carfax and NICB (National Insurance Crime Bureau) before I bought it and it came back clean. Once I got home I compared the fake title to a real title I had at home and started seeing small differences, so I checked NICB again and it came back stolen. The status of the car changed within a few hours, don't ask me how. After I found out it was stolen, I called my local police and had 2 officers and forensics come out and ultimately hauled it off on a tow truck. They got in contact with Prince William police where the car was stolen and I have been working with a detective up there. Gave him all the pics, info, etc.

    The detective out of Prince William told me to open a police report in Alexandria where we met and the fraud actually took place, so I will be doing that soon. I am reaching out to local news stations in northern VA to try to get these detailed pics of him on the news/social media. Hoping that will lead to an arrest.

    I think I should kiss my 12k goodbye, but hanging on to a little hope. What else can I be doing?

    Please don't tell me what I should have done differently, hindstight is 20/20 and I have learned a lot. I have bought multiple cars on CL before so not my first time (maybe my last).

    UPDATE: Just got off the phone with the detective I have been working with and the pics I provided were given to the FBI and they know who he is and a warrant has been out for his arrest for a couple months.

    UPDATE #2: A local station reached back out to me and I talked to a reporter and he mentioned possibly a Skype interview that gets put on the news. I feel weird showing my face, thoughts on showing my face vs not?

    Thanks in advance....it has been a shitty 18 hours, no sleep, etc.

    submitted by /u/BST015
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    Need a security camera to catch neighbor harming my horses.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 05:59 AM PDT

    I have a neighbor that has been throwing rocks at my horses from his yard. Animal control has spoken to him about this but told me they need video evidence before they can convict him of any crimes. I would like to put a camera on a tree that looks down the fence line between my pasture and his yard. I don't believe he has ever entered our pasture so the camera would need to see part of his yard too. I'm in Tennessee and am unsure if this is legal. I've done some reading on the laws and I see that it's legal as long as it not pointing at an area where some one can expect privacy. This fence (which is see thru) runs along his driveway on the side of his house. Most of this area is viewable from the main road. I've received threats in the past and have already filed a report with the sheriff's dept so I'm worried something is going to happen to my animals. I have a 10minute video of him yelling and threatening me, my family and our animals as evidence which is what caused me to file a police report in the past.

    submitted by /u/target6584
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    FIL refusing to give my husband his money

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 05:33 AM PDT

    When my husband was in college he was gifted a sum of money from his grandmother. His father took this to invest for him, this course of action was agreed on ahead of time. We are now a bit older and are working with a financial advisor to help achieve our goals for our future and FIL is refusing to give us any infprmation about what he did with this money. We have asked several times for any paperwork he has and he insists that if we "need money that bad he can help us" and doesnt believe that the advisor needs this paperwork. The advisor has even contacted him and explained whathe needs/why he needs it. His dad has everything proving the money is his, do we have any actual recourse fpr this or do we need to just drop it and move on? - Georgia, USA

    submitted by /u/littletoad109
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    I was given a citation for not having a Food Manager Certificate. I am not a manager. Should I plead not guilty and show my food safety certificate? (Harris County, Texas)

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 07:22 AM PDT

    I work in the hotel industry. Our breakfast hours are from 6-9/10 and we don't serve hot food. Our manager arrives at 9am.

    We had a health inspector come in to do an inspection. I have a food handler's certificate (FHC), but she claims I needed a food manager's certificate (FMC), even though I told her I am not in a management position. She gave me a citation on an expired license because I didn't have my current one on me.

    Do I need to have a FMC or can I show the judge my FHC and plead not guilty on the citation? Is the citation even valid because it's on an expired license? I'm at a loss because I cannot find where it says who needs what certificate on the website or in the laws.

    submitted by /u/--pobodysnerfect--
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    Starbuck's new app is killing Employee's phones

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 06:04 PM PDT

    What I want to know is what can my coworkers and I do legally in this situation.
    I've been working at Starbucks for 2 years now. They just recently stated that they will be changing their scheduling over to an app called the Intelligent Hub App, for everyone to download. There's no other way to change your schedule, days off, or requesting of vacation if you don't have this app.
    This app's permissions were three screenshots long. I recommend looking through them highly. A majority of them explain how it is an admin app and will factory reset your phone at any time without notification, can exclude your use of your own phones hard ware, view everything you look up on on your browser, uninstall, install, delete, or query information, apps, encrypted data etc. The worst permissions are only listed after downloading and before full installation where they basically explain that they will take all of your information without your permission, though you can still find appalling permissions on the play page.
    The reviews on the play store mostly sound like this
    "I can not uninstall it someone help"
    "I can no longer use my finger print scanner?"
    "Since downloading this app none of my SD cards work anymore"
    "My lock screen won't let me in?"
    "My Samsung 9+ became a brick after downloading this app"
    One positive review I saw said "You are all just mad because your corporate IT found you out"
    Apparently this app is for Work Phones NOT personal phones and Starbucks has already made thousands of employees download it blindly onto their personal phones.
    There was a Q and A paper posted in he back room bulletin full of information saying "dont worry we just want your Universal Device ID" Use of a Universal Device ID has been banned from use by Apple, Android, and Windows due to its breech of safety and and privacy and the ease it gives for outside companies to sell personal information.
    My coworkers are already experiencing this infection-like effects on their phones, people can't uninstall it, or access certain places on their browsers anymore, one of my coworkers has also had issues with their camera no longer functioning since they downloaded app. Their phones are dying because of this app and according to the reviews there are thousands more employees experiencing these problems.
    I have already put in my 2 weeks and my last day is April 7th 2019, due to this app amongst other things.

    Please help I'm confused and pretty sure this is a huge Class Action Law Suit... What can my coworkers and I do about this? We all feel so powerless and those of us who have it installed feel unsafe.

    submitted by /u/RoyalRot
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    Can I get a restraining order, or can I do something else to keep crazy mom out of my life?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    I'm 18. My mother kicked me out of the house when I decided to have an abortion. She also confessed to having tampered with my birthcontrol. She is a member of a born again super religious group/cult.

    I broke all contact with her, but then she invited me to come over and talk, and she told me she had worked on her issues and would like to see if we could still mend our realationship somehow. I agreed. When I get there, it turns out it's an intervention. Her super religious buddies gang up on me and tell me that I killed an innocent baby, that I've been brainwashed, that I need to be saved etc. I tried to leave but they didn't let me. One guy blocked the door and when I tried to get past he threw me over his shoulder like I'm a damn toddler and put me back in the circle. I felt trapped and frightend that they didn't let me leave. I admit that I at this point lost my temper, and did say some rude stuff to my mother, she slapped me and they didn't let me leave until I took my phone out and said that I was calling the cops on them if they didn't let me out of the house.

    I want to make sure my mother can't get back into my life, she is nuts. What should I do now?

    submitted by /u/TraditionalEye2
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    (Canada) Loaned ex-girlfriend $850. The only proof I have that it's a loan she was supposed to pay back are text messages from her confirming that she knows she has to pay me back. Can i take her to court if she doesn't pay me back when we agreed?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 07:01 AM PDT

    I had loaned her the money before we broke up. I paid for her last months rent in the apartment we were moving into together because she couldn't afford it. The plan was for her to pay me back $553 on August 1st, 2019 as though she were paying rent to me on our last month. The only proof I have of this are text conversations between us confirming it. If she doesn't pay me back, can I take her to court?

    I'm not sure about the other $300. I paid for a vet appointment for her cat a while ago and she was supposed to submit an insurance claim and pay me back when the insurance sent her that money. I also have proof that she knows she owes this in text conversations, but we never agreed on when she'd pay me back other than that she would when insurance paid her. The issue with that is, she's refusing to file the claim. I don't know if I can force her to. I'm mostly wondering if I can take her to court for the other $553 if she doesn't pay me. Sorry for the long post.

    Ontario, Canada

    submitted by /u/NumptyButthead
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    Is it illegal to work on your own car?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 11:42 PM PDT

    Location: Akron, OH USA

    Hey reddit! My city and police showed up to my house at 9:00AM On 3/20/19 pounding on my door because I "have more then 5 vehicles" (5 cars and a boat) in a 3 driver household, and because I do my own mechanic work in my back yard(that's fenced in secluded) & drive way. I asked the police for a warrant and they said they didn't have one. I asked them to leave my property and they said no and immediately after went into my back yard. This was all recorded.

    They gave me nuisance papers for every vehicle. Even ones with proper tags & registration. Which now gives me 10 days to remove them or the cop said "I get to take your S***". They also told me anyone that works on their own motor vehicle is by definition a business & that it's illegal to do business work where I live... I asked for the section or ordinance reference and they refused to tell me and told me to look it up in the city ordinance and zoning regulations(https://www.akronohio.gov/cms/site/c5416831c7636a07/index.html) Lastly they told me I would receive a letter within 2 business days with a list of the violations per vehicle & a ticket for the ordinance and zoning laws I broke but it has now been over 72 business hours and no letter.

    Has anyone else ever been told anything this ridiculous before? Is this really allowed? I looked through all the zone & regulations and I couldn't find anything they were talking about...

    Edited:Spelling/ location/ the cars I'm working on are all my own personal vehicles.

    submitted by /u/Throwawaycarwork
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    [NYC] Employer wants to start deducting charity donations from our paychecks automatically, unless we submit a form saying we explicitly do not want to donate that money

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 08:38 AM PDT


    Posting on behalf of my wife.

    Employer has been missing their yearly amount goals of donations collected from employees, even after offering incentives such as a few extra days for everyone if they reach said dollar amount. This year they resorted to automatically deducting $20 from each paycheck UNLESS my wife signs in and sends a waiver explicitly stating that she does not want to donate that money. The deductions have not happened yet, but they will soon. Is this legal at all? Location is New York State, specifically New York City

    Edit: Those donations support Alzhaimer cure causes, but for the most part they are just a good way to market the company as supporting a good cause


    submitted by /u/Macterrorz
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    Does my boss not have to pay me if I work commission based and the service was free/discounted on their behalf?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 08:40 AM PDT

    I work at a salon in Vancouver BC. Most of the employees work commission based only. There is an hourly base rate, but that only applies if our commission for the 2 week pay period is less than what our hourly wages would be which very rarely ever happens. The only way I would ever be paid an hourly rate is if I had little to no clients for the 2 weeks and just sat around in the shop (I am almost always fully booked). The owner is constantly giving out discounts and free services for which we in turn are being paid less or not at all. The owner also frequently has services done by us themselves, which we are not making any commission off of since they are free. Are they legally allowed to do this? Most services take at LEAST an hour, sometimes it's upwards to 3 hours of work that we are essentially doing for no pay if the client is not paying. Sometimes the services are free/discounted because the client has complained, and other times just because they are a loyal customer or friend of the staff, and sometimes I'm not even made aware why. I understand making things right with dissatisfied customers and wanting to reward loyal clients, but shouldn't this be coming out of the salons pocket and not ours? Isn't a staff discount a perk of the job and not something our coworkers should be dinged for? A recent pay period I totaled up all of the free services and discounts and it was nearly $600 off of my total services for the 2 weeks. I honestly have no idea and this could all well be totally legal and is just a con to working a commission based job, but it just feels wrong to be working for free.

    submitted by /u/hotforteacher42069
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    My cat had a urethral blockage, the vet sent him home with an okay and he died a week later. [IL]

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 09:54 AM PDT

    My kitty just passed away on 3/22/19. I am looking for some course of action to take because of his death. He was completely healthy and about four years old before any of this transpired. This happened in Illinois.

    On 3/10, we could tell he was not feeling well - he wasn't eating, he wasn't really drinking any water, kept going to the litterbox but unable to do anything. Right away in the morning on 3/11 (Monday), I took him to the vet and she immediately diagnosed with with a urethral blockage. She explained that it is a quite serious condition and that if not caught early enough, it can cause death. She said that I brought him in just in time.

    He spent four days at the vet. For the first three days, 33/11-3/13, he had a catheter and an IV in. They took the IV out on 3/13, even though he had not eaten anything the whole time he was at the vet. I called every morning he was there to check on him, and we spent about an hour every night after work with him. On 3/14, they took out the catheter and made sure he could pee on his own. They said he could, though his urine was still bloody, so he was okay to go home. We took him home that night, and he had trouble peeing again for a couple of days. I took him to the vet on 3/15 and 3/16 to have her squeeze on his bladder and empty it out. He became able to pee on his own, but he could not control it - we had to get him little kitty diapers and his urine was still very bloody. He would drink water on his own, but we had to force feed him a couple times a day. Before he got sick, he weighed about 9.5 pounds. The day he passed, he weighed just a little over 7.

    On 3/22, we rushed him to the emergency vet. He wasn't responding to his name, he was breathing funny. Something was very wrong. We spent about five minutes with the vet at most, and he diagnosed my kitty with kidney failure and said that the other vet should have known that. He told us that his chances of surviving were not good and that he was so weak that even trying to put an IV in for aggressive treatment might push him over the edge. They attempted to put the IV in, and he passed.

    Can someone please explain to me animal medical malpractice laws? What can I do? His vet stay was about $700 and then the emergency vet was about $300. I am obviously mostly upset at the loss of my cat. I don't have children, my two cats are my children. And I believe that the vet's negligence caused him to die.

    I already called my county's BAR association and the lady wasn't very helpful - she said basically good luck finding a lawyer to take on the case and that I would spent boatloads of money for maybe nothing to happen. The vet is licensed with the state, so I could submit a complaint, but what will that get me? There were two other cats there with the same problem when mine was there, and they told us that they had a couple more in the week before. Are those cats still alive? Did they misdiagnose my cat? Are they responsible for his death? Can I get some compensation for the vet bills? Pain and suffering? Is small claims court my best option? Should I just call the vet and talk to them?

    Sorry for the rambling, I am very distraught right now and looking for any guidance.

    submitted by /u/donnerdanceparty
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    What should I do about the 4 cars parked in my cul-de-sac since November and the two assholes that save parking for friends!?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 09:13 AM PDT

    Location: Bay Area, California

    Sketch of problem: https://imgur.com/a/z34ghsI

    There are 4 cars that have been parked in my dead end street for the past 5 months. This makes it very hard for the other tenants to find public parking in an already limited '1 parking space per apartment' rule.

    As you can see in my horrible sketch

    • the red swirls around the street are the apartments

    • the arrows are the private parking lot entrances

    • the 4 blue circles are the non-moving cars in public parking

    • the 2 red circles are douchebags in public parking

    Parking gets so bad that a car or two park right next to the blue circle inside the dead end (black circle) and leave it there overnight until the morning before they get in trouble.

    The 4 cars are:

    • two old, beat-up, rusty "work" trucks

    • an old muscle car that's more rustier than the pick-up trucks and seems to have the front windshield broken or cracked, since the owner leaves a tarp in front of it with a brick holding it in place so rain doesn't get in

    • an old minivan (thats the one inside the dead end)

    The 2 douchebags I talked about earlier are a pair that park a Toyota Solara next to an entrance (black circle) with only a Honda Civic (green circle)—that's also been there a week now—behind it.

    The Toyota owner either

    1) pulls back, close enough, so no one can fit between the Toyota and the Honda

    2) pulls forward so their friend/wife/whatever can fit between the Toyota and Honda (the extra black circle). This has been going on for the past 5 days.


    What are my options here? This is a growing pain and management doesn't seem to car since it's public parking. I have a picture of the minivan from January but I'm sure you can tell anyways that none of these cars have moved in half a year. Who do I contact? What evidence do I need?

    submitted by /u/brandon97_
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    A guy tries to scam me online for nearly half a grand. I presumedly have his personal information.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 06:05 AM PDT


    Disclaimer: Every screenshot is in German, but I tried my best to translate every important information

    So I am selling my graphic card for 450 Euros on Willhaben (https://imgur.com/cGoD1jb), which is basically the Austrian version of Craigslist. Shortly after that someone wrote me a text message that he is interested and that I should send him a message to his gmail account.

    I thought that was kind of unusual but whatever, after contacting him he wrote back quite promptly. He basically said he wanted to buy and he would like to pay with Paypal and to confirm his identity he provided his identity card (https://imgur.com/0JM6x29). Again I was like "this is kind of strange, but I believe that this is a real card, since the fonts match up, also a signature is quite hard to photoshop."

    Side note: He was writing in almost perfect german, despite some small mistakes. (example:https://imgur.com/DkNOI33)

    After I sent him my Paypal/me link, he told me to send him my Paypal email and name. And after that he "sent" me the money, he said I should check my e-mail. So after checking my e-mail, I received this: (screenshot1:https://imgur.com/561OM7P), (screenshot2:https://imgur.com/mfOVKt9)

    Thats where I was convinced he is trying to scam me. The Paypal e-mail is way too long and the instructions contain some grammar mistakes. The email basically states that Paypal "holds" the payment of him and transfers it to my account, after I send the package and provide tracking information.

    With the knowledge that he was about to scam me, I told him that I will send the package today, and provide him the tracking number. In reality I won't do that of course.

    He provided the name of his nephew, to whom I should send the package. So I am guessing thats his real name? The last names match up with the ID-Card he sent me. Can you even receive a package in the UK without revealing your identity?

    What I am guessing is, that this is a dude in England, who uses his fathers identity to scam people.

    My questions are: Is the Police able to do anything against that? Did he even break any laws? What should I do?

    TLDR: A guy tried to scam me, and I presumedly have his personal information. He doesn't know I know.

    submitted by /u/DetectiveCaruso1
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    Is it illegal to print someones mugshot on a shirt?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 07:49 AM PDT

    asking for a friend. In Minnesota

    submitted by /u/Kriems
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    [MI] Found a lost/stolen iphone in my house, unsure how to proceed

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 09:14 AM PDT

    Long story short, my housemate had an unsavory, sketchy family member stay at our house overnight. I wake up the next morning and find a red iPhone 8 on our dining room table. I am the only person out of my 4 housemates that uses an iPhone, so i know it's not mine and it's not theirs. The battery is dead, so i plug it in and a few minutes later a message pops up that says "LOST IPHONE This iPhone has been lost. Please call me (XXX)-XXX-XXXX"

    Morally, I want to give the phone back. It could contain pictures and videos and data that is extremely important. But I am scared that if I call the phone number, I could get in trouble for theft. I literally just found this iphone on my table, and I just want to do the right thing. Is there anything I can do to ensure I am legally safe?

    submitted by /u/christianchimchim95
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    (Ohio) my landlord says even if I renew, unless my ex fills out a move out notification she is still on the lease. True?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 05:05 AM PDT

    I signed a lease that expires at the end of this month with my ex. She moved to New York and is living with family. She gave no notification to the landlord. I discussed what my options were with my landlord and they stated. *Even if I renew, and her name isn't listed anywhere on the new 2019 lease, she still hasn't officially moved out and thus still considered to be on the lease. *If I wanted to add a roommate, I would need my ex's written consent. *Move out notification must be in the form of their official paperwork and be notarized. *If at the end of my lease, if I moved to a different apartment complex, I could still be hit with a break contract penalty because my ex never officially moved out.

    Is any of this actually true?

    Also, considering recent events, I am considering getting a restraining order. If she has a legal right to live in that apartment, how does that work?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Neocarbunkle
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