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    Saturday, March 23, 2019

    If you do well enough in Sales, does it get to the point that you get job offers instead of having to interview for a better role at another company? Sales and Selling

    If you do well enough in Sales, does it get to the point that you get job offers instead of having to interview for a better role at another company? Sales and Selling

    If you do well enough in Sales, does it get to the point that you get job offers instead of having to interview for a better role at another company?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 10:01 AM PDT

    I would rather just do so well at my job that recruiters hit me up for better roles at other companies.

    I would rather do this then have to kiss 10+ recruiters ass and do all these interviews.

    It's like the old saying "be so good they can't ignore you".

    Does that happen with top performers? If so, how often does it happen?

    submitted by /u/mn544
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    Salespeople who make +100k a year, how did you find your jobs?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 11:02 PM PDT

    Capturing a prospect's interest in cold calls / Making my voice tonality sound better

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 12:31 AM PDT

    I'm 30 years old, recently made a career change from an analytics background and have been working for a couple of months as an SDR/BDR in ad media sales (looking to get into tech sales from here) , cold calling prospects, and am not setting up as many meetings as I need to be - I'm well below quota. I'm one of the hardest workers in the office, but apparently where I'm lacking in is my tonality and the subsequent ability to capture the prospect's attention and keep them on the phone for longer than half a minute in order to hear my pitch. This has been brought to my attention by both co-workers and managers. They say that my voice tonality sounds a little flat and disinterested and that I'm not getting much personality across. They've suggested trying to talk casually like you would to a friend, however that hasn't helped.

    I've been to vocal coaching sessions and have spent hours practicing at home (recording myself and practicing the pitch over and over) but I'm still not able to get that personality across through my tonality. I've watched Jordan Belfort's Straight Line Method videos and several others and that didn't help either. Would anyone have any other suggestions that may help me, or would sales simply not be the best career path for me? I think the main issue letting me down is my voice (after all, I'm making cold calls exclusively on the phone) and I think I would be better suited to an in-person selling role since then I could also rely on my physical presence and body language.

    If I were to switch to tech and IT sales (e.g. at Salesforce), would I still be running into these same issues if I were to start out as an SDR - i.e. my tonality not showing my enthusiasm and therefore leading on to not capturing a customer's attention and not being able to quickly engage with them? And would these issues still be there if I were to somehow move up to an Account Executive position? As I mentioned before, I imagine that meeting with clients directly and selling in-person as an AE would make things easier. Even if it were a phone sale, I imagine that since it's not a cold prospecting call, but closing a client who was already interested in the product, would make it easier.

    submitted by /u/Crimson-Macaw
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    Should we hire a salesperson?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 07:36 AM PDT

    Partner & I created an employee survey tool for a popular retail chain. The company really likes the tool and uses it a couple of times a year to survey about 30,000 employees across more than 50 locations.

    We just had the idea of perhaps trying to sell this tool to other companies. We are coders though and not sure where to start. Do we hire a sales person or should we try to do it ourselves?

    submitted by /u/skrimshandersBat
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    Job not paying

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 10:09 AM PDT

    I've been at a sales role for 4 months. It's salary, no commission. I have to ask them to pay me each month. They're a startup with high overhead. They tell me that we'll be much better off once I make more sales. When I ask my manager (remind them) to pay me I get snapped at or paid half payments in increments. Here's the kicker...we were friends prior to working together. I'm afraid to ask them to pay me. I like the job and don't want to look elsewhere. It's a complicated and uncomfortable situation. How do I ask for a scheduled payment agreement?

    submitted by /u/ronaldclontle
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    New AE at a radio company, never sold before... (23F)

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 09:18 AM PDT

    We sell radio and digital, Ive been here for 4 weeks and haven't been successful whatsoever yet, I understand it might take time but.. any advice on getting appointments? And with radio vs digital, should I focus more on digital?

    submitted by /u/hallietaylor12
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    I feel like I'm in an abusive relationship with my workplace.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    First off, I'm on mobile so sorry for formatting. So I'm 23 and have my first job out of college as an outside sales representative for a B2B technology company. The experience has been really good in a lot of ways. I feel more confident in my professional abilities, the training and benefits are great, the earning potential is insane,I like my coworkers and my direct manager, and it is overall a fun place to work.

    That being said. On paper the hours are 8-5. But in reality with how they structure our day and how much we need to do it ends up being at MINIMUM 7:30-6. For me it's usually 7:30-6:30 or later. That can make for some pretty long days and I'm exhausted all the time. Ive been there for 7 months and am burnt out. I haven't made any great sales so the work is just not paying off yet. We have a longer sales cycle and I'm just barely getting my footing so i can understand why I need to give it more time in this regard.

    I understand that working long hours does not constitute a toxic environment so here's where we get into that.

    I bend over backwards for the managers and sales support to accommodate their calendars and usually its not that hard to do. In return I'm constantly having to reschedule things because something more important came up.

    The managers have been more frequently scheduling meetings before and after hours without consulting us.

    The managers will schedule something and tell us not to schedule meetings and then they won't have whatever event they scheduled last minute.

    A few weeks ago management threatened our jobs if we didn't hit a certain call volume and set appointments for the day. It was a bluff to "motivate" us.

    Last week one of the managers collected our cell phones to help us focus on our calls (work phone.)

    Sales reps are out in the field all week but in the office all day on Friday. Some Friday's they decide we don't "deserve" an hour lunch.

    I didn't realize how exasperated I was until the last couple weeks. I really want to find a new job before I leave, but I'm losing my mind. My mental health is in shambles and I don't know how much longer I can manage.

    My question is: Is any of this normal in the sales world? I like the thrill and chase of the job but the stress is insane. I do well with some pressure, and don't mind hard work but I need some balance. Am i just not cut out for sales? Should I look at another career path?

    submitted by /u/fallenangelfoodcake
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    Advice/Tips - Starting first B2B Sales job (coming from 4+ years B2C)

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 08:00 AM PDT

    A little context - I have been in Sales now for over 4 years. All of my prior experience is B2C. I recently accepted an Inside Sales position B2B and I am super excited to finally have gotten my foot in the door with a large, well-established company doing B2B Sales! I know B2B is a completely different ballgame, so any tips/advice would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/bts7790
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    How do you motivate your sales team?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 06:49 AM PDT

    Apologize for any typos or grammatical errors

    A little background on my company- Third party logistics. You are basically a one point of contact for your customer and carriers. You have to do everything from the cold call to dispatching trucks. You have a 6 month training period where you are placed under an account rep who you assist with the operations of their account and after week 6-8 you can start trying to build your own book of business.

    I've recently been placed in a position where I'm responsible for coaching/motivating the people coming off accounts and hitting the sales floor and their "hustle grade" numbers are lacking (Outbound Calls & Outbound Call Time) . The expectations are 500 outbound dials and/or 10 hours of outbound call time but in reality if you can hit 400 & 8 and are putting up some money then you'll catch a break.

    These guys are struggling with hitting 300/6... I have one guy who consistently hits 500/8 but he was my trainee so I'm sure that plays into why he doesn't slack.

    Ive "went in" on them and that lit a fire under them for all of 2 days. They put up a decent week and I tell them good job but then they follow that up with a big dud.

    I was replaced the guy who was in charge of them before because he was pretty much leaching off their customer set ups and taking them once they failed out. He wasn't coaching or really helping them at all. I've put in place an open door policy, weekly call coaching and constantly trying to motivate them. I'm at a point where I feel like I want their success more than they do... they don't put in the type of effort I know it takes to make it at my company. They don't come in early, stay late, come in on the weekends or hit the minimum expectations for effort..

    How do I keep them on track and motivate them to size the opportunity that's in front of them? Just on my sales team there are 8 people making $250k+ and barely anyone under 100k. I made 150k last year and I'm on pace for 250k this year. these guys are on base at 35k.. the success around me is enough to motivate me.

    How do I get these guys motivated???

    submitted by /u/dasheets
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    What is the phenomenon in retail where crowds of people can be a 'buying mood' one day, and other days no one wants to spend a penny?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 01:39 PM PDT

    Getting Fired

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 08:25 PM PDT

    I currently work in Car Sales. I'm currently at 6 for the month. Only sold 6 last month. The thing is I like sales but I could give a shit about car sales. I think I'm going to get axed soon. What to do? What do I say for interviews in the future? I would like to sell something I believe in. Should I just say I didn't believe in the product? I don't want this to stop me from getting other opportunities.

    submitted by /u/kleutschaft
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    Advice please ��

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 02:26 AM PDT

    Hi all.

    My good friends dad booked a week long fishing trip for me my friend and his mum and dad. It's his dad's birthday so it's all paid for etc as a gift by my friend. (this is booked for 2 weeks before end of quarter)

    Now - I'm half way through the quarter and about 55% of my target and in my gut I feeling is if I take a week off I'm not going to hit my target. I have good momentum atm and I need to keep going.

    What would you do in this situation? I know life isn't about work work work and you need to live but Im very conflicted as I don't want to upset my friend and his dad and they are not in sales or anything so don't understand a target driven job.

    Any advice would be great

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/G30Music
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    I need to make international business "Facetime" calls - how do I do that online easily? Xoom?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 01:54 AM PDT

    I need to make sales calls to people overseas, I don't want to bother asking the person if they have Skype or Facetime. I don't want to bother them to download and install an app.

    Can I just make the request be sending them a link, that doesn't require an app?

    Sort of like a website and a link that connects us together? Screen sharing would be even better

    submitted by /u/doormass
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    Confused by Mangers behavior after doubling my margin for the month

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 06:54 PM PDT

    I would like any advice or feedback on this weird situation I've found myself in.

    We had a sales rep quit and I was assigned his territory on top of what I already have. (My old territory was ice cold and I turned it into a $2 million route and his territory was very transactional.)

    I left to travel for a week to that new area and came back swamped with leads. I have felt overwhelmed for 3 months trying to keep up with all of it. My company does not pay comp time. If you're late one day you have to make it up by working through lunch but you'll never be paid overtime by working through lunch everyday either. Made sense. My work schedule has been Sunday - Saturday 5AM-10PM

    So, I've been so busy I've just been eating at my desk all week not clocking out, because I'm still hammering away calls and emails and quotes. This was definitely my most efficient week and for the first time at this first sales job of mine I doubled my margin goal. I was super excited because at all my old jobs when I do a job well done I get some type of encouragement that I'm doing a good job. Not this time, instead I was greeted with an email from one of the managers saying we are not allowed to NOT clock out for lunch even if we are working at our desks. That we are short staffed and he needs us in the office from 8-5. (This is not true because I'm an outside sales rep so it is normal for me to be out of the office often. There are even days when I stay out overnight at a location and my manager doesn't know when I take a lunch, and the world still goes round. On top of that if we are short staffed wouldn't it be better for them that I'm not leaving for lunch and I'm working through it there?)

    I feel like there are a lot of office dynamics that I broke by doubling my margin and I'm now receiving a lot of negative push back, because the sales rep who is normally #1 isn't anymore.

    Have any of you experienced this? I'm not really sure what to do about this and I feel very confused. I feel like I'm being handicapped.

    submitted by /u/mariposamatame
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    Where can I find good sales job postings?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 08:10 PM PDT

    • Specifically, inside, outside, b2b, or b2c
    • Commission
    • No retail jobs
    submitted by /u/strongerthenbefore20
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    Insurance salespeople, where do you work and how much do you make?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 10:54 PM PDT

    What motivates you to sell? (Money aside)

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 08:54 PM PDT

    Found myself pondering this today. Is it My family? My need to chase for quota (it's exhilarating)?

    Ultimately, I decided it was indeed my lifestyle & family. Love to gamble and vacation so the thrill of chasing sales is such a drive.

    submitted by /u/ImInSalesIKnowNothin
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    How to break into sales?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 08:35 PM PDT

    -21 years old -No experience in sales besides retail at a box store selling credit cards (which I wouldn't even consider) - Currently a machinist who works the night shift, I make good money now, but I would think I can make more in Sales - No college besides a cert in machining - Army Reservist, who plans on attending school for either electrical engineering or mechanical engineering, while minoring in accounting or business How can I break into sales? Are there any part time sales jobs that anyone can recommend to get my feet wet and get experience while keeping my job? And what industry would be best to get into to start to transition to B2B? I know it's asking a lot, and it may not be likely to have a part time sales job. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/Jlw9719
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    Is taking the last day of the quarter off always a cardinal sin?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 04:03 PM PDT

    I'm going on vacation with family the first week in April and my flight leaves Thursday the 28th of March. I told my boss I would be missing that Friday, but he didn't remember until one of my colleagues reminded him today.

    He freaked out! Told me that he would have never allowed it, that I'm not allowed to ever take a day off two weeks before the quarter ends and that he had known, he would have absolutely rejected my vacation request. He said his boss is going to kill him.

    The thing is, I'm over 200% to goal right now for the quarter, I have great pipe for next quarter, and I'm just all over killing it. I've been with the company over a year and have been the only reliable rep who has consistently performed. They rely on my for everythingggg, and since we had a rep recently quit, my boss is counting on me to bring in that reps revenue too. We only have two reps, me and one who just started. I'm also in tech sales.

    So, theory question here, is it always bad to take off the last day of the quarter? Regardless? Or is it circumstantial, which is how I feel it should be.

    As always, thanks for your opinions!

    submitted by /u/ccmiada
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    Eco-lab offer

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 07:34 PM PDT

    Tldr- I have a recruiter containing me from Eco-lab for a Territory Manager position. Just looking for insight into Eco-lab and if this is worth my time.

    submitted by /u/dafluffymoose
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    What would it take for you to change employers?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 03:25 PM PDT

    Assuming you felt fairly confident you would have a similar level of success hitting targets at either job, what change in OTE would justify the move for you? I'm having some trouble evaluating an offer.

    submitted by /u/Charlieryder
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    Car salespeople, where do you work and how much do you make?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 10:54 PM PDT

    Just started selling solar, anyone got a pitch to something they recommend?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 07:07 PM PDT

    What’s the best healthcare sales company?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 03:11 PM PDT

    Stryker? Boston scientific?

    submitted by /u/mortmortmort21
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