• Breaking News

    Saturday, March 23, 2019

    Legal Advice Chase repossessed my car, except I bought it with cash from a dealership and the title says no liens, and is free and clear.

    Legal Advice Chase repossessed my car, except I bought it with cash from a dealership and the title says no liens, and is free and clear.

    Chase repossessed my car, except I bought it with cash from a dealership and the title says no liens, and is free and clear.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 05:52 AM PDT

    I bought my car in Dec. from a dealership, and paid cash for it. I received the title from the DMV showing it in my name, and it's free and clear of any liens. Yesterday it was repossessed by Chase Auto and they said it is their car and won't give it back. The dealership and I ran reports from the DMV all showing there are no liens and it's my car.

    Do I really need to get expensive lawyers and sue them to get my car back? How can a corporation just take my property and have no ramification for it? They messed up on their paperwork, they shouldn't get to keep my car anyways. How can I get my car back? I tried to file police reports, but they say it's a civil matter. In my book, I own title to the property free and clear and they have it.

    Edit: I am in Virginia, Prince William County police.

    Tldr: Chase stole my car and won't give it back.

    submitted by /u/tworaspberries
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    [Phila PA] Broker gets fired for sexual harrassment at real estate company, still comes into work every day

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 03:44 AM PDT

    A real estate broker at our company got fired for sexual harrassment and inappropriate conduct involving multiple women at our location (we have a zero tolerance policy).

    The broker has been coming into work anyway and sits in an office on a different floor, and goes through his partner to continue using company resources to conduct business as usual. He has been able to access the building, even though his badge has been deactivated, becasue he is personal friends with the building owner, who has been accommodating his needs and OK-ing him with security.

    Management is aware, the CEO is aware, HR is aware, everyone in the office is aware through the grapevine--all that has happened is that we have been instructed to keep our office doors closed on our floor so that everyone needs to use thier badges to swipe in.

    As someone who came forward with one of the claims, I feel very unsafe at work (I also directly support this individual as an admin to make things more messy). Does anyone have any advice in general? Just not sure where to go from here, aside from just hoping he will go away eventually and just sit tight and wait it out.

    Are there any legal or other actions that I should be taking to protect myself and the other women? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Tenskwatawa000
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    Boss has been hiding a poster on workplace wages and duties. [KY]

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 10:31 AM PDT

    While I was bartending last night at a popular American wing and sports bar, I came across a corporate poster in the closet. This poster detailed tasks that those working at a "tipped" wage ($2.13/hr.) were prohibiting from performing. Many of the tasks listed are things I do every shift I work.

    According to the poster, things such as food prep, "deep cleaning", trash, maintenance, and dishes are all tasks which must be performed at a higher pay rate ~ Called "Tipped Other", ($5.00/hr.).

    After reading the poster, I asked my boss if it was something that was supposed to be hung up and followed.

    He responded with: "I can't hang it up, people won't understand it and they'll think they deserve more money."

    But isn't it saying exactly what we're supposed to understand?

    Are we not getting paid enough?

    If that's the case, what are my options recourse? What's the next step?

    submitted by /u/wowthatcatishuge
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    Hoarder in my building died. She was infested with cockroaches, they are literally pouring out in to the hall now. My building keeps telling me to file maintenance requests and has ignored most of my calls since November. I am being financially impacted now. (TO, Canada)

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 10:11 AM PDT

    As the title says, there is a cockroach problem in my building but specifically on my floor. A woman two units down from me had dementia and recently died in her apartment. I knew something was wrong because I began to smell something in the hall, she had been in there four days.

    While she was alive the building had tried to address the pest infestation in her apartment, as it began spreading quite rapidly. Anytime they tried to spray, she refused to let them in and I believe it's because she was mentally unwell. They served her an eviction notice but she died before the 90 days I think? She was always wearing the same thing and was dirty all the time. I called the LHIN (Local Health Integration Network), the city and anytime I had someone lined up to help her she would refuse to let them in, even though she would initially agree. She would speak to my wife but not me, but then forget everything she told my wife or that my wife said to her. We tried to help her but she would forget who we were. It genuinely makes me quite sad.

    Anyway. She has died and they have been unable to locate any relatives, she literally had no one. Last night I came home and there were literally cockroaches covering her door and all over the hallway. Adults, babies and every other size. I called building management and they keep telling me to put in a maintenance request, this is has been there solution to every call we have placed. BETTER THAN THAT, they also keep telling me to get her to put one. In case you weren't reading, she is literally dead. They haven't even gone in to clean her apartment yet and a few days after the mailman delivered something and left her mail slot ajar, making the whole hallway smell of death.

    They refuse to deal with this problem and I am VERY angry. My dog and cat have started eating roaches in our apartment and I have had to ask some friends to care for them temporarily. I pay a lot of money to live here and I am ready to threaten legal action as we have been financially inconvenienced and we have been deprived of the quiet enjoyment of our unit.

    I don't know what to do, I am at a loss and any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/tedcruziszodiac
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    Failed a random drug test...for cocaine

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 07:55 PM PDT

    A month ago I was chosen for a random drug test at my workplace. I didn't think much of it, I've been employed at this place for five years so I've steered clear from any drugs.

    A few days later I was pulled aside at work and was fired for testing positive for cocaine. I have NEVER. EVER. Done cocaine. I was so baffled I didn't start crying until I got home. They allowed me to retake the hair test at my workplace's medical facility the same week. Obviously not trusting their labwork, I went to my doctor and had them do a pee and hair test the day before I retook the hair test at my former workplace. I got the results from the pee test immediately and of course I tested negative for anything.

    A few days later I received a letter saying the hair test done at my workplace tested positive for cocaine AGAIN.

    I waited a whole month to get the hair test done at my doctor's back (they seem to send it out of state). I got my letter back a few days ago and it said I tested NEGATIVE for cocaine. I was ecstatic and called my former workplace's Human Resources and told them about my results. They talked to the people at their medical facility and they said they wouldn't overturn their decision because I could've gotten clean for a little while and that is why I tested dirty with them.

    I just want to know is there ANYTHING I can do. I am at a loss. I've worked at that place five years and was making good money and my mind is blown as to how I could've tested positive for cocaine in the first place. I appreciate any advice.

    submitted by /u/crackiswhickitywhack
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    [NE] My parents are supposed to be getting a divorce, and my mom has dementia

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 07:44 AM PDT

    Hello, r/legaladvice

    About a month ago my dad told my mom that he wants a divorce. They've been married 32 years.

    My dad moved out into his own apartment and I've been staying at their house with my mom and my 10 year old. My (52 years old) mother has (suspected) dementia (I do not know if she's been diagnosed, but its a pretty universal assumption by me and my sister, who happens to be a nurse), and does not have a job or a car, so I have to be here as she can't be left alone.

    I need some advice about how to proceed. My mother cannot remember things from day to day, so is dependent on having another competent minded adult in the house. My goal is to find out how to keep the house for me and my mother, as we both love it and I believe that staying here is in the best interest for her (I don't think she would handle change well). About $100,000 is left on the mortgage that both their names is on, on an original $185,000 purchase. How would this work out? Can his name be removed after a divorce if we pay him for his half of the equity? Would we have to remortgage and buy it outright from him?

    Can my mother receive disability if we get a diagnosis about her dementia? Would her being put on disability affect any kind of alimony that she might receive? And maybe not really a legal advice question, but shes in total denial about her dementia, how do I talk to/convince her to go to a doctor about it?

    Another question I have is about his 401(k). Its not retire at 65 level money, but it is in the 6 figures. Would she have any claim to half of that? Would she receive only cash if so, or would it be some kind of rollover into her own (she currently doesnt have one) retirement plan?

    My father has been fairly civil towards me but not very open about his plans or timeline. Apparently he told her yesterday that he had retained a lawyer for THEM to navigate the divorce. This immediately set off a red flag in my head. She should have her own lawyer right? Isn't a lawyer representing both sides in a divorce a conflict of interest and cause for concern?

    I'm essentially navigating all of this on her behalf as she both does not know how any divorce stuff works, nor is she capable of remembering anything she does learn about it in the process.

    I just want to keep everything as status quo for her as possible to help manage her anxiety levels and dementia progression.

    submitted by /u/parentdivorce87
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    My pet is on my lease. I just moved in and landlord is telling me I cannot have him.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 11:48 PM PDT

    I just moved into my new apartment and I am being told I cannot have my dog. I have a signed lease by my landlord, my boyfriend and myself... PRIOR to me even moving my first box in. I have paid the deposit and first month/fees already. My dog is on the lease by name.

    Lease in question. https://imgur.com/gallery/9MZWHX6

    I am now being told I cannot have my dog. Can my landlord legally do this? It has been 1 week after I have paid and both parties signed the lease! My dog is on the lease by NAME!!

    Sorry for such a scrambled post but I need all of your help!

    EDIT: The dog is digitally written by name and signed by the "landlord" who approved him... And pysically signed by ALL parties.

    Sorry long time lurker. First post. The Reddit bot told me to update my location or something. I live in Saint Louis, Missouri USA

    submitted by /u/NoOne2You2
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    [Fairfax VA] Renter is trying to charge more for each male that will live in the house.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 07:27 AM PDT

    My friends and I are searching for homes to live in next year and we found a home we really like. The owner is renting a 4 bedroom home and charges 2800 a month for 4 females. He then tacks on another 100 for each male that replaces a female because "men usually cause more damage". So my group of 2 guys and 2 girls will have to pay 3000 a month. Is what the owner is doing illegal and if so what is our best course of action?

    submitted by /u/throwaway1983729276
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    My ex-employer won’t give me my last paycheck OR tax paperwork, and may have been misclassifying me as an independent contractor. I have no idea where to begin or what to do...

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 06:27 AM PDT

    So I was working at the same place for over ten years, as an "independent contractor" (more on that later). After all of that time being mistreated and used up, with no raises and the constant threat of being fired, I finally decided I'm worth more than that, and I left. I know, I should have a LONG time ago, but I was going through a lot and the idea of not having any income at all was scary, and he knew that.

    I gave my two week notice, and he informed me that my "contract that I signed when I started" (which I don't remember, but he makes things up as he goes and he knew how much of a mess I had been emotionally after my divorce and suicide attempt, and that I pretty much always do as I'm told), I had to give him two MONTHS notice. Ok. Fine. I worked until exactly the date that would be two months (it was over the holidays so there were a lot of days I wasn't working, but my last day was two months to the date that I gave my notice). He got on me the same day that I need to finish the work quickly and get it processed as people were waiting on it. I did so.

    Six weeks later I still hadn't gotten a paycheck.

    I should pause here and explain that for the past year or so, checks regularly came weeks late, and anytime I said anything, he would tell me it's the mail. I even flat out caught him lying in two back-to-back emails that he had put it in the mailbox on two totally different dates.

    Oh yeah, he also hasn't sent me my 1099, so I can't do my taxes.

    I emailed him, and he said to me that things are messed up because of my "short notice," and they were in bad shape, but that it would be in the mail by the end of the week.

    Of course it was my fault.

    Now it's almost April (the work I did for him that I wasn't paid for had ended January 18th), and still nothing. Any emails are ignored, and he's blocked my number. I'm out about $500 and still can't do my taxes because I don't have the paperwork and he won't send it to me.

    Should I lawyer up? Or is there somewhere I can file a complaint? I don't want to spend more on a lawyer than I would getting the money, but now as I'm doing research, I've had a few people tell me that he has been illegally classifying me as an independent contractor all of these years and I should have been an employee.

    I'm completely lost and don't know what to do. Not only am I out money and going to fall behind on my taxes (even more so than I already have over the years, thanks to his "independent contractor" shenanigans), have over ten years of employment history that I can't use because he won't give me a reference, and I'm all around screwed. Please, if anybody has any advice and can help, I would greatly appreciate it.

    Thanks in advance

    EDIT: I'm in NH and he's in FL, which makes this even more convoluted. Grammatical errors and typos.

    EDIT 2: I didn't give details about what I did, sorry. I did warranty inspections for furniture stores. Basically my boss (the owner of the company) would get orders from different furniture stores, and put them into my queue, or other inspectors queues, depending on the area. If he was irritated with us, or wanted to teach us a lesson, he would either give ZERO work with no notice and give it all to somebody else, or give way too much and I would be working twelve hour days all week trying to get it all done. But if it was assigned to us, we had to do it. I had cases where customers were so angry, they would physically threaten me...didn't matter, it was assigned to me, I HAD to do it and go into their home. He didn't care how uncomfortable or dangerous it was, the order had to get done.

    Once an order was created, we had to contact them within 24 hours. Note that this is not dependent on when it was assigned to us...it was dependent on when it was CREATED. So, if an order was created at 4am on Saturday morning, I HAD to call them before 4am Monday morning. Orders would come in every day of the week, so this means I had to work essentially 7 days a week.

    We also had to upload the pictures and complete the order out within 24 hours of doing it. HAD to.

    I would call a customer, set up a timeframe, and go to their home to complete the warranty inspection. The day and time was decided and agreed upon by the both of us, but it was made very clear by the owner that the customer takes priority, and if they're only available on a specific day, I had to to figure out. I even had to go on Easter Sunday one year, because that was the only day the customer would be available, and it "had to get done, it was MY order."

    We had to do the inspection EXACTLY as we were trained to, if there was anything done differently or forgotten I would be sent back and would have to redo the inspection.

    It wasn't a short term thing either, like I said, I was there for over a decade.

    If there is anything else I'm forgetting please let me know and I can provide any information or details.

    Thanks all!

    EDIT 3: I'm now remembering about five years ago there was a time when he couldn't pay anybody, because the IRS froze his account because of tax issues. I don't know the details about that though. He ended up paying me, but it took four weeks and he never got caught up. So for five years or so I've been getting paid six or seven weeks after the work was completed, whenever he felt like sending a check, and it just became the new pay period...

    submitted by /u/ToughActinTanactin
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    Possible separation/Divorce (MD)

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 06:40 AM PDT

    My husband and I have been married for about 1 1/2 years - recently discovered he had an affair.

    We're in counseling and trying to work past it but I want to make sure all my ducks are in a row incase he decides he's out - he's made it clear he isn't happy and isnt sure if we can get to a happy place again.

    House was bought in my name before the marriage and he moved in and has paid "rent" ever since and we pay utilities equally - all are in an account under my name.

    We've been saving for a bigger house and he's been contributing a small amount toward this every month and it's tracked using an app like all our other expenses - he pays me what he owes once monthly and I pay all the bills and move money into our savings account. Over the last year he's contributed about $3000k. I on the other hand save about that much each month bc I make much more than him.

    Initially this was placed in a joint high yeild savings but I just moved all the money to my own account - we each have separate checking and savings in addition to this

    We both have student loan debt - mine is higher than his.

    The tricky part is i'm 6 months pregnant - if we do split (I hope we don't) - I'd like to have a good co-parenting relationship with him but I want to protect my assets - I make the lions share of the income but don't want to have to pay him alimony or support him. If he leaves he can figure that out himself (thats bitter me speaking but also - fuck that. I didn't fuck up this marriage)

    He makes about $70k a year so I think he could figure it out.

    My question is - is there anything else I should consider to protect myself? I assume because we havent been married very long we'd end up leaving with what we came in with - i'd get the house and hopefully just give him the money he's paid into our savings plus maybe a bit more to account for interest it's earned. Hoping I wouldn't have to shell out more.

    Any thoughts or considerations are appreciated. I hate that I even have to think about this.

    submitted by /u/Kat069
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    Cease and Desists (company name)

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 07:26 AM PDT

    I created a company name in New Jersey in 2015 and have been doing business with that name for about 3 years. Another company in California recently sent a "cease and desist" from using that name through a lawyer. They claim to have been using that name since 1990. Not much information about them online.

    The name I applied for was granted to me by the state of NJ . What are the ramifications here if I don't change it? What should I do?

    submitted by /u/forde250
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    Wife's van was totaled by postal carrier, who wants to pay for repair, not replacement

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 08:57 AM PDT

    We're in East Central Iowa. In October, my wife and kids were t-boned by a postal truck. He wasn't paying attention and pulled out of a parking lot while she was driving by. The passenger side was smashed, but the car was still drivable. Police came to the scene, obviously the postal guy was found at fault.

    As he is a government employee, he is self-insured. This means we cannot deal with his insurance agent, as he doesn't have one, and ours would not deal with him. We've had to take every step of this process ourselves.

    We were instructed to get two estimates to repair the van, and he would pay for the lower of the two. The first estimate was $5600, the second was $9100. The clean retail of the van is $7000 (It's a 2010 Chrysler Town and Country).

    As the repair estimates are well over 50% of the value of the vehicle, both body shops informed us the vehicle is a total loss.

    We finally received a check from the postal carrier today, for the lower repair estimate. We do not want to repair it. It is badly damaged.

    I'm not certain, but in an insurance situation, wouldn't the totaled vehicle be reclaimed by insurance, and the retail value of the vehicle be reimbursed to us?

    What should we do?

    submitted by /u/Noshkanok
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    [Japan] My girlfriend threatened me with a knife and put a pillow over my face, pushing down on it. Can I press charges?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 05:46 AM PDT

    I'm not sure if anyone can help me with this.

    I moved to Japan last year. 2 months ago, my girlfriend grabbed a knife and came to me with it and also put a pillow over my face and pushed down on it. She also abused me for the majority of the year both physically and psychologically.

    I have now left Japan and we have broken up, but I want to press charges for domestic violence. Does anyone know if this is possible?

    I'm not sure about the laws in Japan and I'm also not a Japanese citizen, so if anyone on here has experience/knowledge to share, please let me know.

    I have video footage of her being abusive, kicking me, threatening to call the police in my apartment while I'm sitting on the bed doing nothing, screaming and shouting and throwing/destroying my belongings.

    submitted by /u/peaox
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    New York: Absent father for over 12 years- will I have to pay for his elderly expenses?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 07:57 AM PDT

    My father never came back when I was 8 years old. He was and still is in an entirely different country. My mother brought up her concern that when he is sick and elderly, I will still have to take care of him and his expenses/funeral arrangements. Is that true?

    Background info that may apply: - he doesn't hold consistent contact with me or my mother directly, only every few months or so - he gifted me no more than $3,000 total in my entire life (something like $500 every other year or so to estimate- not sure though) - my parents never legally separated or divorced - I am now a legal adult

    Thank you for your help!

    submitted by /u/magzack
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    Apartment complex sent a paid bill to collections. I was denied a house rental because of this false claim.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 09:31 AM PDT

    A year ago I broke the lease on my apartment for personal relationship issues. The fee for breaking the lease and all other fees and rent were all paid in full. The apartment complex, a year later, said I did not pay the fee for breaking my lease. This was the beginning of January. They sent the bill to a collection agency.

    I pulled up my bank statements to prove that I did in fact pay the apartment complex all required fees. They said there was absolutely nothing they could do since it had already been sent to a collection agency.

    I contacted the collection agency in January. I sent them multiple bank statements so they were able to see that I ALWAYS paid rent on time and I did pay the lease breaking fee. On my bank statement it even showed that one of the payments to the apartment complex was for breaking the lease. They said they would look into it.

    After calling the collection agency multiple times they finally resolved the issue. It took them over 2 months. It's now March 23rd and the collection is finally off my credit.

    The first week of March I applied for a rental house with a friend but was denied. The property manager said we were only denied because of the collection on my credit check. Even after explaining that it was false and that all fees had been paid to that apartment complex.

    The rental company did a hard inquiry as well, so that hurt my credit. Now I'm out of the rental property and have a lower credit score.

    Is there anything I should or could do about this?

    Edit: Located in Colorado, USA

    submitted by /u/SoleSurvivorGirl
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    [Michigan] An uninsured drunk driver hit my legally parked car. Her phone number is not on the police report, but I need that to file a small claim

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 09:30 AM PDT

    The last time I called the police department, they said they cannot give me personally identifiable information and wouldn't provide her number, assuming they have it elsewhere. So, how am I supposed to go after her? I have her full name and address. She lives a block away. Her SUV was taken from the impound to a dealership already, so either she's out of jail (drunk driving/hit and run) or a family member is taking care of it.

    I have liability only since it's an older car. My own insurance won't be doing anything. There is a pre-trial hearing in about a month that I have to attend. What is the best course of action here?

    submitted by /u/LetItGooLetItGoooooo
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    Can I tell the property management company that we can't have any more viewings the last 48 hours before our truck comes and we leave?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 11:13 AM PDT

    edit: sorry bot, I'm in NV!

    I'm leaving a rental home that I've been in for a year and a half, all very amicable, the landlords have been great but they're out of state and use a property management company. Since I gave notice, they asked me to keep the place clean and allow showings. The property manager put my personal cell phone number in the listing and I've been absolutely swarmed but have been doing my best to schedule showings between wrapping up my employment and packing an entire house. I've had a ton of people through almost every day for the past month.

    Now we're at the final weekend. The moving company comes Monday morning to wrap my large furniture and load the truck. With all the last minute packing, boxes are literally everywhere now and I'm going to be running around a lot this weekend finishing it up.

    I know they have the right to show the place but I've been avoiding calls since yesterday (tons of them, this area is high demand). Someone must have complained to the property manager because he texted me this morning telling me to call the realtors back and let them see the place. Can I tell him/how do I tell him that it's really not practical at all for me to be doing this in the last 48 hours? There's no lockbox or anything, the property manager isn't showing the place, he literally just gave out my number and I've been letting people in myself when I'm home between everything else I have going on.

    submitted by /u/stressnduress
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    What can I do about my landlord constantly letting himself into my apartment?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 08:24 AM PDT

    I am in NY.

    My lease ends in August. In December, I paid my rent two weeks late but I let my landlord know ahead of time to expect it late. He was fine with it, but ever since then he takes it upon himself to let himself into my apartment whenever he feels like it!

    Every once in a while, he'll call me and if I don't answer 5 minutes later he'll be knocking at my door. Since he didn't leave a message or even text me I don't answer. Then he'll just let himself in every time! No valid reason, sometimes he's bringing me mail or just wants to "check up on the apartment".

    This has happened six times now and it is causing me A LOT of anxiety. I don't feel comfortable in my own home anymore because he comes in whenever he wants. I have asked him to stop, and he agreed but it's still happening.

    I have no idea what to do aside from filing a police report. I'd really like to move.

    Edit: Also on top of that he also shares the keys to my apartment with his son who is not on the lease who also lets himself in!!!! I even caught him coming out of my apartment when I was arriving home. This is literally driving me crazy.

    submitted by /u/Throwaway37473818
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    [Oregon] Marijuana smell being pinned on my unit [update]

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 06:55 PM PDT

    So I had the meeting with a lawyer on school campus. He gave me a lot of good advice and told me to have a meeting with the site manager. I had the meeting with the site manager and was recommended by my lawyer to have the violations deleted from my record because of the inconsistencies of the violations and what is said in my lease. Of course the site manager said he couldn't do it, and my lawyer said to tell him that "couldn't means you won't, and because I care about my record and how much of a model tenant I am that I'd need to seek some legal council." The site manager was almost speechless and looked like he had no idea what to do or say. He then told me that'd he'd see what he could do and I told him it was nice to meet him and to have a good day. Thanks for all the advice from everyone and will continue to update.

    submitted by /u/grendelwch
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    [NY/Westchester County] Busted elevator has tenants cutting across roof and triggering very loud alarm in the middle of the night

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 05:57 AM PDT

    I live in an apartment complex that consists of five connected six story towers. The elevator in the tower next to mine is out of service with an estimated repair time frame of three to four weeks. At 4:00 this morning, somebody took the elevator in my tower to cut across the roof, triggering emergency exit locks in the process. It took a little over an hour for a maintenance guy to show up with the key needed to shut the alarm off. There is no way to sleep through this thing, in my bedroom it was easily louder than the alarm clock that is about a foot and a half away from my head. I'm on the fifth floor, so I imagine it's even worse for my upstairs neighbors.

    I just ran into the superintendent and asked if there's anything that can be done to prevent this from happening again, or at least ensure a quicker response. He was sympathetic and conceded that it will almost definitely happen again, but said that short of placing a cot by the roof access doors for a maintenance guy to sleep in, there is not much that can be done. He's going to print up some "a broken elevator doesn't mean you can go on the roof" signs to hang in the next building, honestly all that is going to do is inform the people who didn't think of the roof as an option. There's already a bright red handle with "WARNING: ALARM WILL SOUND IF THIS DOOR IS OPENED" printed on it, and whoever tried the roof last night ignored it. Probably because having to walk up the stairs when you're getting home at 4AM fucking sucks.

    I am going to try to reach out to the management company today, but I am expecting a similar response. I have no idea what to do here but I cannot be woken up to a blaring alarm however many times over the course of the next three weeks or so. Is there anything I can do here at all? Would it be worth calling the police or fire department's non-emergency number next time it gets triggered? Are there any legal or code enforcement issues I can bring up to the management company to light a fire under their ass? I honestly don't even know what else to ask here, I am just desperate for a solution to this bullshit. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/iwouldlikesomesleep
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    My apartment literally shakes back and forth when I walk in it. How do I handle this with my leasing office? Los Angeles, CA

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 02:38 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I am a college student who recently got an apartment with another student (1b,1bth) near our university. But recently we have been noticing that the building shakes quite a bit when we walk from one room to the other. We live in a back house on top of a garage so its all purely wood. I checked the wood and it seems to be wasting away. I have emailed them to come check it. (they are good at responding taking from 24-48 hours max) but now it has lead me to a few questions.

    Can they charge me if the building falls apart while I am living here?

    If I choose to end the lease, due to safety, can they charge me for termination of the lease? I would not be moving if I wasn't fearing falling through the 2nd floor.

    Can I charge them for renting me an unsafe unit?

    Any legal advice is welcomed. I appreciate it. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/greencuptissue
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    My dog bit me due to my mistake and Indiana wants to kill her.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 06:14 PM PDT

    So my dog is a Shiba Inu mix and I recently discovered they have prey drive, she got into a scuffle with a cat and when I tried to separate them she bit me. It was very shallow but I was encouraged to go to urgent care as a precaution against infection. well as it so happens if you can't prove rabies vaccination they euthanize here. she is vaccinated but in Arizona where you could self vaccinate and my parents took care of that but I have no record. I'm bi-polar and if they kill her I'm genuinely afraid I'll snap I don't mean to be threatening but she gets me through life. Is there anything I can do? if worst comes to worst I'm willing to stake her across state lines I will do anything to protect her and consequence be damned. I don't know what to do.

    edit: I forgot to mention an officer will show up tomorrow morning. what happens if I refuse to let them take her.

    submitted by /u/Bellumsenpai1066
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    [USA] My friend is a trafficking victim, and dying. What are her options? Who do we ask?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 11:37 PM PDT

    Ok this is a very long story, please hear me out!

    My best friend is a child sex trafficking victim. She was brought here as a child and escaped at 17. She also has a terminal genetic disorder that WAS on it's last few years—but her "T-1 Visa" recently needed renewal and was denied. She was living in a psychiatric housing facility (she has extreme intractable trauma disorders with stress psychosis that nothings helped and she just gets worse and worse so she needs 24/7 assistance) but also lives on palliative care ajd many physical supportive treatments. She is tube fed in the day and on TON at night, she uses an Air Bot to breathe, and she is confined to a power chair with daily use of a port and a hickman line. I take care of a lot of her needs at her home but my apartment isn't accessible so I can't take her in. Should note that an equal number of her physical problems are from abuse as they are from here mitochondrial disorder. She's also deafblind and nonverbal.

    She's on dialysis and has been needing her loop recorder replaced with a defibrillator pacemaker for the last year or so. But she was removed from the facility after her visa got rejected and she lives on the street. Since March last year she's been removed from all 30+ of her daily meds, her IVIG, mito treatments, blood ajd iron transfusions, oxygen, feeds, TPN, daily psych appoijtments+8 psyxh meds, etc. It only lasted two months before she was back in the hospital but every time she goes she gets rejected out right, or admitted, stabilized, and then thrown out again off everything that made her stable. So she's been hanging between dying on the street and emergency admissions that end way too fast for about 1 year. In this year she's progressed to imminently terminal with the inconsistency/on-off treatment.

    She would've had 3-5 years left with a regular pacemaker in in the end of 2017. She's been in the hospital now on some sort of shady ""charity care"" since October because over the summer shebuad two strokes, countless ER trips for cardiac events, and then her heart just stopped. She doesn't remember much anymore, like my name or her old dog, because of how long her brain has been started of oxygen. She's 25 and 84lbs because she only gets her feeds in the hospital but no longer tolerates them.

    Her doctors here are saying a defib PM could give her a little more time but she's in multiple progressed organ failure from being off treatment last year. So the pacer could mean she won't die any day now like she's about to, but they can't do anything to prolong the rest of her. TL;DR giving ger the defib would just mean she can survuve the time it takes the rest of her body to shut down. She has, in that scenario, until the summer.

    But her medicaid and SSI she had as a T nonimmigrwnt are gone. I can't get a straight answer if anything they're suggesting is possible with whatever "charity care" is.

    That's where I need your help! My friend wants this—she wants to die with me in my state and I'll take her there no problem. But I'm afraid of her getting deported, or rejected for the pacer surgery.

    My question is: •what should I be looking for to help her in terms of keeping her meds/feeding supplies/treatments/doctors/etc. outside the hospital like she use to have on medicaid? •is there any kind of medicaid-like program for nonimmigrant end of lofe care? •what exactly is charity care, and would it let yer have her surgery?

    Also, what happens to illegal bodies with no family when they die? If she dies in my house, will I be arrested for keeping someone illegal? Are rules different for trafficking victims? Please help! What would you do in this situation?

    (if it matters, she came to America at 10 from being sold around Russia & the EU as a child. She doesn't have the psychiatric capacity to take the network that hurt her or killed her siblings to trial. She's 25 now (we think. we dont know her birthday) but she's been alone since she was 17. She has no ID or any records from before 2011.)

    submitted by /u/crookedantelope
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