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    Monday, March 25, 2019

    Boss keeps moving goal posts to make my targets unachievable (in my opinion) Sales and Selling

    Boss keeps moving goal posts to make my targets unachievable (in my opinion) Sales and Selling

    Boss keeps moving goal posts to make my targets unachievable (in my opinion)

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 06:57 AM PDT

    So I've been here just over 3 months now and I set appointments for this company day by day so far I've booked in excess of 45 appointments since January.

    My boss is constantly moving the goalposts of my target so I can never hit them so for example not only do I have an Appt target but now I have a tangible business £££ target originally was 500,000 I hit 650,000 in Jan so he changed it to 800,000

    Now I just hit 1.4 million since January and it's now £1.6 million so he doesn't have to pay commission due to not hitting my targets when I bring it up or query he tries to say "There are other jobs out there"

    submitted by /u/AntiSocialMackerel
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    SalesForce Employees. Live up to the hype?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 10:15 AM PDT

    For those Salesforce employees or those with an insight. Did/Do you enjoy your time with company?

    Just interested in hearing your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/kippjr23
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    Account Executives for 'Uber for Business'?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    Hi there my fellow sales beasts,

    Just wanted to see if anyone has any idea what the culture is like with Uber in Sales? I just got offered an opportunity to be apart of Uber's new venture called "Uber for Business" Apparently this is new becoming a new initiative for them so they are expanding the team pretty rapidly.

    I typically work for smaller start ups. So, jumping into bed with one of the big 4 isn't too thrilling for me. But as I am hitting the glass ceiling here at my current spot, I wanted to see what it is like over there.

    • is it as high pressured as Salesforce or is it more laid back?
    • What is the culture like on the sales side (yes I know and I heard the news of culture but just wanted a bit of insight on the sales team specifically)?
    • Any idea of salary and comp? stock options?

    Also, not sure if it matters but, I am not being pushed out or forced out in any way. In fact, I am pretty sure they will be offering me a counter to stay as I am one of the top 2 performers in the company consistently. The company's overall health isn't as ideal as we went from looking to secure a new round of funding on IPO path to praying that we are profitable and get acquired. Sinking ship and some teammates from all other departments have been jumping ship.

    I've stayed and was hoping to make it through the storm to see the light on the other side but outlook is kind of bleek. Any help would be helpful!

    submitted by /u/its_aq
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    "This is a cold call"

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 05:29 PM PDT

    Saw this video posted in this sub a while ago.


    I noticed he had an interesting opening, He states "this is a cold call would you like to hang up or do you have 30 seconds?"

    I figured more experienced members here could chime in. - in your experience does this work? I feel like it goes agains all rules of cold calling, but I could see how it might work.

    What's your experiences with this? On another thread, the general consensus was that being upfront about it being a sales call had a positive effect.

    Just wondering what you more experienced folks think about it.

    submitted by /u/mh231
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    Prospecting/Lead Generating in a poverty area?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 09:34 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I really need some wisdom here. I've been in Car Sales now for just shy of a year, and despite effort on my part, I can't seem to produce enough to make this worth it. I just don't think I have the know-how. I've had no formal training here, everything I've learned to sell has been self taught to make some kind of pay check.

    I live in an area where our most immediate surroundings are welfare counties- meaning more people on welfare than are actually employed. On top of that, I'm not from the area, I'm from up North, so I have next to no network here.

    What do I do that will really start pulling people here to buy from me? I've tried Facebook Ads, and though I managed over 8k views on several Ads, they never produced results. Any direction would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Haelsin
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    Conference Presentations

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 08:12 AM PDT

    Hi there,

    Later this week I am going to my first summit where I am going to be giving a presentation on a topic related to my company in front of (what I consider) a large group of people. Since I'm with a small start up it'll be a great opportunity to get our name out there, show my boss that I'm able to handle going to these summits/trade shows/ conferences.

    With all the said, I am nervous as hell leading up to it. I know it's mostly pre-game jitters, but I wanted to see if anyone else routinely gives these types of presentations and if they might have any tips or tricks on how to go about it?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/jrs045
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    Seasonal selling for two companies question

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 08:08 AM PDT

    I made a post a few months ago bragging essentially on my success for my first year of sales after switching from engineering. I did really well last year income wise selling air conditioning, 140k, however the winter months are just brutal for it here. Im talking almost zero income for two months. Im a very tech type of guy, so I was considering jumping into doing SaaS type company but obviously I have no experience in it.

    All in all the question is, would it be difficult to find somewhere that would be willing to have me just do sales for a few months out of the year (nov-feb) and then I continue doing my current job in the majority of the year because earning potential is so high in the summer? Is SaaS an industry that would work for that? Anyone know of an industry where that sort of seasonal sales-work would work?

    submitted by /u/Mr_Scowt
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    Equality of outcome in SDR team??

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 11:41 AM PDT

    Has anybody ever been in a scenario where you are working your ass off cold calling and your boss assigns demo requests to the team members slacking behind? Like why the fuck am I working this hard if I could be sitting on my ass taking hot leads??????????????

    submitted by /u/ToughPoopSoftHeart
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    W2 Employee vs 1099 Employee in Sales

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 11:08 AM PDT


    I am a manufacture outside sales rep. My company has been talking about switching the sales team from W2 to 1099.

    Current 1099 sales people, what are the advantages and disadvantages of your position? How is the legal liability handled, in relation to warranties, etc.?

    My whole team is very worried, but I want to know if this could be a positive experience. I am much younger than the rest of my sales team. I can deal with getting my own health insurance and setting up my own 401(k) program. All of this seems very daunting, but I am determined to find the positives.

    I am currently medium base salary, high commission, with full benefits. Plus a car and car insurance. Will most of this probably get taken away from me?

    submitted by /u/includedoyster
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    Pitch to Sell Red Bull

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 10:47 AM PDT

    Hey guys, Just got a job offer at red bull during the interview the HR and Bussiness Manager asked me to sell him a can of red bull. I came up with something on the spot that he liked. But he wanted me to Come up with a pitch to sell red bull, Just need help coming up with qualifying questions that I can ask

    submitted by /u/Synister_Waffle
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    Anyone here work sales in Florida or Texas? How is the opportunity [Saas]

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 10:43 AM PDT

    Just got my first AE role remotely with a more simple sale in healthcare Saas.

    I live in Washington but would like to move because the opportunity in my city [small town] is very limited besides the one company I last worked for. Also looking for warmer climate with the no state tax benefit.

    I personally love Orlando and Miami, but my girlfriend is a fan of Houston.

    I did do a few linkedin and indeed searches but wanted to see if someone had more input from person experience on the quantity, quality of the jobs? Since I am remote I want to move to one of these areas with the intention of having other local opportunities should I get fired or some issues arise.

    submitted by /u/sleepingtalent901
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    Any idea on how to prepare for a "competency" phone screen?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 10:37 AM PDT

    I have a phone interview coming up with a top SaaS company. So far, I have had an initial phone screen, which went very well, and now I am coming up on a competency phone screen. I've googled this and I wasn't able to find anything, so I'm not sure what to expect. Whether I am supposed to have product knowledge, or should I just sharpen up on my general sales skills, etc.

    I've been doing some research on the software that the company uses, as well as practicing my own presentation speaking skills, but I don't know how much actual technical knowledge I can learn without actually using the software itself.

    Has anybody had a "competency phone screen"? Or even know how I should prepare? Thanks for all replies

    submitted by /u/darrens1lverman
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    How do I get into B2B sales?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 09:23 AM PDT

    I've worked successfully in car sales for 3 years now. I like the sales environment but absolutely hate sitting at a desk all day long. Do I have a good shot at getting into B2B sales, or do I need more experience first?

    submitted by /u/NotMyNormalProfile
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    Salesforce Certification

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 02:56 PM PDT

    I've worked as a sales rep at a company that uses Salesforce (with incompetent administrators) and as a sales manager at a company that didn't use Salesforce. I love CRMs, and am really interested in learning more of the best practices of Salesforce.

    Has anyone independently gotten any Salesforce training or certification? How did it set you up for future leadership positions, whether as a rep, manager, or even Salesforce administrator?

    Any recommendations of good starting points or training providers?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/DSig80
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    How hard is it to get a job at Boston scientific?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 08:29 AM PDT

    How should I leave my sales job?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 08:05 AM PDT

    I'm wondering whether I can avoid submitting the 2 week notice, since I want to be able to leave a few days after finally getting a confirmation for an offer at a different company. And how should I leave if I want to be able to go to a semi-competitor down the road?

    submitted by /u/twinhed
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    How do I break into a medical sales job without experience in sales? Any ideas as opposed to just responding to LinkedIn job postings?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 02:47 AM PDT

    Anyone replace their traditional notes with an iPad?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 06:29 AM PDT

    Has anyone does this? I'm on the road/flying quite a bit to visit clients. I'm finding myself getting worse and worse the busier I am at grabbing notes from my notebook and taking them to OneNote or CRM. I saw someone use an iPad and Apple Pencil and seemed to work really well.

    Also I wouldn't mind not taking a whole briefcase to every single meeting.

    Thought? Thanks all. Happy selling.

    submitted by /u/BringOutTheCase
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    How to identify Charlatan Sales Trainers/Training?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 02:28 PM PDT

    Sales is a profession where many are always looking for that bleeding edge thinking to stay ahead in the game. This in turn, makes sales professionals excellent target for snake-oil merchants. I mean, there are SO MANY Sales "Consultants" out there that, for lack of a better word, "prey" on us. They promise you the moon with their book/training/coaching or whatever, but in reality the content you paid for is about as useful as your local homeopathic remedy for cancer.

    What are the red flags you look for to keep yourself away from this trash?

    Any tips for those of us who have fallen for this? My rule of thumb is to find out if they have any sales experience themselves. If the answer is no, I approach their content with significantly more skepticism.

    submitted by /u/aRationalMoose
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    Sales proposal / document generation tools?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 04:37 AM PDT

    My team creates semi-customized sales proposals to present to our prospective clients to ensure we're aligned on their needs / the value our products and services can bring.

    The document has a master template/framework that is just a word doc saved in a shared folder. While many of the sections are customized for that individual clients, the phrasing/terminology used is often standardized and pulled from previous proposals.

    I'd like to move to a more automated way of generating the initial version of these types of documents. I'd envision a 'library' of the products and services that we are suggesting during each of the phases of the rollout. This library would be treated as the source of truth for product/service descriptions. Team member profiles would also be available as objects to select from for the client service team that would be working with the client.

    Ideally, to generate the document, it would be almost as simple as filling out an order form and clicking generate. From there, each team member would go into the document itself and customize things like data flows, but 60-70% of the setup work would be done for them.

    Does any software / web service like this exist?

    submitted by /u/soccercrzy
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    Advice for Sales Meetings

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 04:37 AM PDT

    So I'm pretty new to sales as I am coming from multi-unit restaurant management and I am looking for advice on how to be effective in sales meetings.

    I learned the hard way as I just thought being the expert on my product would get me by. But then they started talking numbers and I was unprepared and had to look up pricing on the fly. I've since learned I need to prep for any question on any topic I'm trying to sell and really any other opportunity that may arise.

    So my question is what are some ways you prepare for a meeting? What are some things you wish you knew prior to your first few meetings?

    submitted by /u/Boston__
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    NEW Door To Door Sales Roofing

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 03:54 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, so I have been a long time lurker and have a quick question for anyone who is doing roofing door to door sales.

    So I have seen that roofing is a great industry to get into where I live and a lot of my friends do it and make a lot of money and drive new trucks etc..

    Fast forward to now, I just got this new job in the southeast and was trained to do door to door sales and offer free roof inspections. I don't know if it is normal or not but when I was trained they showed me that any loose shingles to just lift them up a little and crease them at the top to make it look more like wind damage but not to do to many or it looks bad and that then we can tell the homeowner the insurance will pay for it and file a claim...

    To me personally it seems like this if off and not legit but everyone is doing it and telling me to do it. So if anyone is in the industry and wants to comment or private message please let me know. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Expensiveness
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    Switching from inside sales/account management to outside sales?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 02:21 AM PDT

    Hi everyone! I work in the logistics field and have been in operations roles since I graduated college. Currently I am 33 years old and want to make the right career move for my future. For the last two years I've held an account manager/business development role where I run several accounts with a group of guys under me. This company is a mom and pop shop with a bad reputation in the industry. We work 10 hours a day with no lunch due to the nature of the business. I do like my job bc the work is easy, feel that I have a good sense of job security and the office is 20 minutes away from my house.

    Would some of you consider an outside sales role with a huge logistics company that could pay more ? This would be a 9-5 hunter role with an industry leader. Work from home, make my own schedule and be on the road 4/5 days. If you would consider a new role, how much would it have to pay compared with current compensation?

    I need some insight because I don't want to make the!wrong decision and lose the job that I have now if I am going to hate outside sales.

    Thanks everyone, this Sub has been so helpful this past year.

    submitted by /u/OptimalMale1
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    Hey all. Just wondering if anyone on here is or has been in the ski industry, and I was just wondering in what aspect/ how you got into it. Thanks for your time!

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 06:50 PM PDT

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