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    Sunday, March 31, 2019

    Ambulance billing? Insurance

    Ambulance billing? Insurance

    Ambulance billing?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 06:41 PM PDT

    So I work on a 911 ambulance, and we often run into patients that 'have' to go to a certain hospital because that is what their insurance covers. I am usually accommodating to these requests, however, sometimes we can't honor these wishes.

    Yesterday we had a case that the patient and husband said they had to go to hospital A, because that's the only place their insurance pays for. I agreed to take the patient there, however the situation changed rapidly, prompting an emergency transport to the closest hospital 'B'. Our protocols required us to go to the closer hospital, and even if we had tried to go to hospital A, they would have turned us away and directed us to the closest hospital. I tried explaining this to the husband, who didn't seem to understand the severity.

    It's always been told to us medics that in emergent situations, insurance will cover the emergency stabilization of a patient, provided we document the reasons why we had to go to the closest facility. I know this is heavily dependent on individual plans, but is it generally true that insurance will cover true emergencies, at ER's that are out of network?

    submitted by /u/ofdff
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    How do I help my father without medical insurance pay for hospital bills from car accident with an at-fault insured driver?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 12:30 PM PDT

    Need help finding out what insurance I have

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 12:08 AM PDT

    Supposedly, I have dental insurance through work, but there's a problem, I never got sent any insurance cards. It's coming out of my paychecks so I'm definitely paying for it, but HR insists they have absolutely no way to look up what insurance I have and that I should call the providers they use to find out. They only have two providers (Redirect and Aflac) but Redirect says I definitely don't have dental with them, just health, and the number HR gave me for Aflac goes nowhere (and calling the 800 number for Aflac requires me to have a policy number to get anywhere which I can't do because I don't have cards or any information whatsoever to give).

    How the hell am I supposed to find out who my plan is through and get the information? I have two broken teeth that are infected and I need to have them pulled before the infection gets down to the bone and gives me septicemia (this is, unfortunately the second time I've had this problem, but I had kids medicaid last time my teeth tried to kill me, now I don't, just whatever work is gouging me for).

    submitted by /u/MythRat
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    [Homeowners Insurance] Will my insurance help me seek cost of home damages from the seller?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 06:00 PM PDT


    recently moved into a new house and I found damage done to pipes during the prior sellers renovations. This damaged caused leaks resulting in tons of water damage. I've already filed a claim towards my homeowners insurance for the damage done by the water, but now that I just found out the cause of the damage, I'm pretty certain my policy won't cover it.

    The restoration company told me my insurance would help me seek the cost of repairs from the seller.. is this true? My adjuster comes next week, and I haven't told him about the issue being possibly the sellers fault yet.

    I've contacted an attorney just in case, but being that it's the weekend, no one is available for consultations.

    Any advice is super appreciated. I just bought this place three weeks ago and I've never had to use homeowners insurance before.

    Thank you!

    edit: I live in Arizona

    edit: More basic details; the seller is an investment company that flips houses. So no one was living in the house prior to me moving in. I believe this is why the issue went unnoticed until I inhabited the house.. used the plumbing, and discovered the leak.

    submitted by /u/ohaitharr
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    Help choosing a life insurance policy to fund a buy/sell agreement

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 02:57 PM PDT

    As the title states, my business partner and I need to get life insurance policies in order to fund a buy/sell agreement.

    What type of policies should we be looking at? Term/universal/whole life?

    Any guidelines or rules of thumb for amount of coverage?

    Any other considerations?

    My wife and I finally got out trust put together, so this is the next thing on my list of things to tackle. Appreciate any input from those of you who have been through this process.

    submitted by /u/whatareyoubrewing
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    two accidents in two weeks

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 03:06 PM PDT

    Thought I'd look for some answers here since our insurance company just told us, "I don't know what's going to happen." Two weeks ago I got rear-ended, minor damage to the bumper, took the lady's info, and had an appointment Monday morning to repair an estimated $900 worth of body work to the rear bumper. Today (Saturday) I got rear-ended again doing much more damage. We called the insurance company of the first accident, and they told us they would still provide a rental, but we should wait and see what the insurance company from the second accident says. Is there anything we should know/prepare for? Will the insurance companies just hash it out on their own? What will happen with the first claim if the second claim totals the car?

    Guess I just want to cover my bases and got spooked when the insurance guy made me feel like this has never happened in the history of cars and insurance.

    submitted by /u/MassiveDiva
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    Any experience with Root Auto Insurance?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 08:31 PM PDT

    I have been shopping around for auto insurance (my husband and I are divorcing, I'm wanting to be proactive so I have been getting quotes from most major insurance companies).

    I was recommended to check out Root Insurance and have a few questions.

    First, how do they determine whether you are the driver or passenger? The FAQs simply states that they "use an algorithm to recognize patterns" and determine this, but this seems rather vague to me and doesn't really seem to answer the question.

    In addition, minimizing driving during unsafe hours (especially during weekends) will increase your score. I am a college student and frequently spend evenings at my campus library and drive home (usually past midnight, occasionally on weekends too especially this time of year). Would I not be able to just turn my phone off if this were the case? Logically, I could just turn my phone off before I left, and if any issues arose I could just claim that my phone died.. right? Which I highly doubt they would even flag that. But I obviously have no idea how this works.

    submitted by /u/itswednesdaymadudes
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    Just found out my parents health insurance changes Monday. I have questions.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 07:06 AM PDT

    My parent lives on the other side of the country, new plan is blue cross blue shield of Florida. I live in the NYC area. I'm worried that I won't have a large provider network.

    I do have access to insurance through work. I've never signed up for it sense I had the insurance through my parent.

    Would this switch in coverage be a qualifying event to get onto my employer's plan?

    submitted by /u/YouHuffleIpuff
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    Why are my quotes so different?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 07:35 PM PDT

    So I'm buying a car+renter insurance bundle for the first time, and I'm shocked at how different the prices I have been given in my quotes are. I put in pretty much the same specifications when it came to things like coverage levels and deductibles. I've had companies like GEICO and Progressive provide quotes in the $50-70 range, while Allstate is nearly $90, and Liberty Mutual is over $100 a month for a bundle. For the cheaper quotes, do those companies have a deficiency in how much they actually cover compared to someone like Allstate? For the more expensive quotes, is it possible that I am missing out on certain discounts and I should actually see an insurance agent in person for those plans? Any help would be immensely appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Cornexclamationpoint
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    I'm no longer covered because I missed the deadline to re-enroll. Am I out of luck until November?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 03:09 PM PDT

    I live in Kentucky and have been covered by Wellcare, which is a Medicaid-funded insurer, since 2014. I am 31 years old. I received a letter in the mail in January asking for income verification. I procrastinated, then forgot. I had until February 28 to do this and I missed the deadline. A couple weeks ago I called and learned that I'm no longer insured.

    I've looked into enrolling, but from what I've read, open enrollment isn't happening again until November. I really can't afford to buy a policy right now and my girlfriend is pretty upset with me, and has been on me to buy a plan. The whole situation is extremely stressful for me.

    I'm not even sure what I'm looking for. Maybe just some advice as to what you'd be doing in my situation :) I don't currently have any major medical issues and the only thing I'd use insurance for are unforeseen circumstances, as well as therapy counseling, which I can no longer do at the moment due to this change. Thank you so much for your help!

    submitted by /u/MisterRoger
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    Insurance Ajusters of reddit, i need your help

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 06:31 PM PDT

    Hello there guys long story short, there was a guy i hit going in reverse he was parked infront of my driveway so i had almost no room backing out and i did hit him causing small damage on his vehicle i did give him my info but i have yet to admit fault(was it mine ?) And yes i did take pictures of the damage

    submitted by /u/Jeif96
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    Damaged a parked car with an off-road vehicle

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 05:50 PM PDT

    I was backing a non plated/non insured road race car out of the garage and hit my 2018 Colorado. Minor damage, scuff in paint, broken tail light and minor dent. $600-$800 is my best guess in damage.

    Colorado has collision and comprehensive coverage.

    Which if any is the best insurance to pursue for this damage?

    submitted by /u/LaterApex81
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    How will this affect my insurance?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 05:21 PM PDT

    Hi, I just received an infraction for failure to obey a control signal (ran a light that had just turned red as I was coming down a hill-not justifying it, just explaining what happened.) The officer was very nice and indicated that if I paid the $134 fine by the listed date, no points would be added to my license. I know that a lack of license points doesn't mean my insurance rates won't still increase.

    Two years ago, I got in a fairly bad car accident where I was at fault, and one year ago, I got a speeding ticket for going 85 in a 65. While I know local factors will change the exact amount I can expect my rates to rise, with the addition of this violation, about how much should I expect my rates to increase? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/hx41crawf
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    Renters Insurance Question

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 02:21 PM PDT

    Recently I had a beer spill from my kegerator, to the tune of the entire keg...It leaked out, into the hardwood. Its clearly damaged, warped etc. Our landlords know and we are dealing with it through them, its not a big deal.

    However, if we do have to help cover the damage costs, I was hoping to see if we could file a claim on our renters insurance.

    At the time of the incident our policy was still set up for the LOWER apartment. We currently live in the UPPER apartment, and have for a few years. I just never switched it over when we moved. I have since switched it to reflect that we live upstairs.

    I guess my question is, does a policy cover ME (and wherever I happen to be living?) or is it very specific to the address on the policy? Would submitting a claim for something that happened in the upper apartment, when at the time the policy was set up for the lower apartment be fraud?

    submitted by /u/SufficientDragonfly6
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    Would anyone have any recommendations on high risk auto insurance in California?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 11:49 AM PDT

    I'm finally able to afford financing a car. When i went to get a quote with AAA I just found out I have 2 points on my record with bodily injury from an accident in 2017. My previous agent at State Farm never notified me until I called him to clarify now. Not very neighborly if you ask me...

    submitted by /u/forever_a_lynn
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    Haven’t driven in a while (21 M)

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 11:23 AM PDT

    After a series of tickets and getting my license suspended because of these tickets a few years, I haven't been driving. I've been trying to focus on my finances and such since then. I need to start driving again soon but I know my insurance will probably kill me financially. Would there be any forgiveness since the tickets were a couple of years ago or will my rate cost me an arm and a leg?

    submitted by /u/throwaway22456790
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