• Breaking News

    Monday, March 25, 2019

    Agent said our auto policy is active, yet after 2 months we have no proof of insurance. Received a citation last night for lack of proof. Insurance

    Agent said our auto policy is active, yet after 2 months we have no proof of insurance. Received a citation last night for lack of proof. Insurance

    Agent said our auto policy is active, yet after 2 months we have no proof of insurance. Received a citation last night for lack of proof.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 12:46 PM PDT

    Hi, we had a small rate increase in our auto insurance 2 months ago, the agent we spoke to asked if we want to renew the policy with new rates and we agreed. A few weeks go by and we don't get any documents and cannot see the policy online. Fast forward -- 2 weeks ago I email her back making sure our policy is active and requesting proof of insurance. She once agains confirms the policy is active and says we should receive them soon. We haven't received anything and still don't see the policy in our account online. Last night we received a traffic citation for lack of proof of insurance, as our cards were outdated and logging into the app didn't have it either. The officer let us drive home as it seems he believed our story but still gave us a ticket, which he said will get dropped if we just bring proof into court. My question is -- what if we didn't have insurance yet the agent confirmed in writing twice that we did. Are we still liable for the fines / other issues that arise out of this? What if we were in an accident? Would the agent / company be liable at all? Thanks all!

    submitted by /u/e05e
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    Just got into my first accident. Sideswiped another vehicle.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 07:13 PM PDT

    I'll be honest. I think I fell asleep for a split second and sideswiped the vehicle on my left side while on the highway. I say I think because I don't remember much but a witness said that I apparently cut them off. Regardless, I reported to Geico and we are waiting on the police report. Most likely I'll be at fault. I'm 22 years old and I've had my license for about 3 years. My mom currently has me on her insurance and the car is under my name and her name. We had full coverage.

    Thankfully, nobody was really hurt. There were minor scratches and dents(dents on my vehicle only). The other cars driver was visibly having a panic attack and claiming she was hurt (even though I didn't hit her side, I hit the passenger).

    What can I be expecting moving forward regarding my rates? Right now we pay 350/month for my mother's and my car full coverage.

    Also any tips I can get from the community regarding repairing the car and trying to save money with this whole ordeal.

    submitted by /u/zeusthunder
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    Windshield has crack running all the way across - do you use auto insurance for that?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 10:24 PM PDT

    Does that count against you when it comes to rate increases? Deductible? I have Progressive.

    submitted by /u/AdamYmadA
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    I need out of country health insurance for 2 months

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 07:02 AM PDT

    My school has a trip to a third world country for nursing students that I applied and got accepted to, but they require that I show proof of health insurance 30 days before the trip. I do not have any health insurance and have no plans to get any because it's not feasible on my income, so I just need something short term to let me go on this trip. Is there a way I can get insurance for just the month before and the month of this trip (it's in November so I have time)? I don't care if it doesn't cover anything, I just need it to say it works outside the United States.

    submitted by /u/kyla5614
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    Work vs Parents Insurance

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 08:22 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I'm 22, and just started my first full time position. Last week I signed up for the insurance plan my company offers which is about 6% of my salary. Today I thought to myself, why pay for insurance if I can continue to have it through my parents plan until I'm 26?

    Is it possible to cancel the insurance plan I just signed up for and remain on my parents plan? If I can cancel it, would I be able to re-sign up once I turn 26? Obviously I'd like to speak to them first about it but highly doubt they would mind, as I live at home and have a good relationship with them. My hope is to take this 6% and invest it elsewhere such as a Roth IRA.

    Is it possible to cancel and rejoin my work insurance plan a few years later? Would it even be worth it to cancel, or just stay on the company plan? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/OmgItsMike20
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    Car dealer said I HAVE to have full coverage. What happens if I change to regular?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 11:53 PM PDT

    Will my finance company contact me? Will my car dealer contact me? My insurance(progressive)?

    Any input is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/yaykoko
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    Home Insurance: What would be covered for Personal Property in an HO5 but not in an HO3 insurance?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 07:58 PM PDT

    I know that HO5 is Open Perils on Personal Property and the House itself, and an HO3 is Open Perils on the house but Named Coverage on the Personal Property.

    Can anyone give any examples of things that aren't on the Named Coverage list and NOT excluded on the Open Perils list?

    I know these differ between companies, but any general things to consider would be helpful to determine if I want HO5 or not.

    submitted by /u/FlameMage89
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    Parent's Health Insurance Still Stubbornly Covering Me After Being Removed (IN)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 09:59 AM PDT

    This is my first post on Reddit, and after breaking down from this issue and being unable to sleep, my last resort is to reach out to anyone who might be able to help.

    This started when my mother took me (24) off her insurance last year in July/September after no longer being able to afford the family plan her employment provides from Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield (Indiana). She did so during their open enrollment period. She did this with my knowledge while I was out of the country volunteering for a government program, and it was understood that as soon as I came home I would find a cheap insurance that I could pay myself, which I did. I applied for the Hoosier HIP (a low-income state insurance) last November, and have been paying my account since then.

    Since coming back to the states, I have found out that my health has deteriorated, and I have thyroid and hormone issues, and might possibly have pre-diabetes. I have also had to go to the ER for a ruptured ovarian cyst. Going into the different doctors' offices, hospitals, and even acquiring birth control, I was under the assumption that my new insurance was covering everything since I was paying them, my mom was no longer paying for me under Anthem, and I was not receiving any mail or calls from Anthem. However, when I would go to certain offices or pick up medications, they would notice that Anthem was still coming up with my account. I would notify pharmacists and doctors that I was no longer under my mother's Anthem insurance.

    Because Anthem kept popping up on my account, I contacted different people, including the state, to have Anthem removed from my account. Anthem then began sending me mail and hospital bills and an insurance card under my mother's insurance account. They have been covering my hospital bills without my knowledge, as I was under the belief that HIP was covering them. The problem is, my mother has been paying her insurance as a single user's account, her rate has since dropped after I was removed. Her bills show that she is the only benefactor under her account, yet they are still sending me a card and covering me.

    We both have been calling Anthem, my mother's employment, my HIP insurance, and the state to remove Anthem from popping up for hospitals and pharmacies, but I just received another bill last week stating they've covered another visit. However, there has been no progress from Anthem's side of the situation. We have been contacting them for weeks, and the people we talked to on the phone have been telling us they are removing me and sending out letters of correction to all the hospitals and offices I have visited, and to send my bills to HIP. Neither HIP nor Anthem have contacted me stating this has been done yet.

    I did not open an individual account with them. I don't understand why this is happening and what I can do to stop this.

    I am considering finding a lawyer to contact Anthem because I am so afraid of being accused of insurance fraud. My mother and I have been recording documents and phone calls between each company, but I don't know what a lawyer could do in this situation. I can't even afford legal help.

    If someone could please offer me any personal or legal advice, I would be so appreciative. This situation is worsening my mental and physical health.

    [This was originally posted to r/legaladvice but I was directed here. I am sorry if there are any grammar mistakes. I feel as though I'm hanging on a thread here.]

    submitted by /u/AwayPear
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    Gonna be shopping for insurance when I turn 18. What limits should I get?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 10:55 AM PDT

    I'm currently on my moms insurance and will be driving for about a year and a half when I turn 18 (got my insurance at 16). For reasons I believe it will be best if I got my own insurance. My question is what limits I should be at?

    My current limits are: 50000/100000 liability bodily injury 50000 property damage 1000 medical payments 500 deductible collision 50000/100000 combined uninsured/underinsured motor vehicle another 50000 property damage

    Is this unnecessary?

    I live in NC and female(clean driving record)

    The car will be a Honda Accord ex

    submitted by /u/unstable_taco
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    Health Insurance Trap?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 10:05 AM PDT

    Hi guys! I'm hoping that maybe you'll have some insight for me. I just recently changed jobs late last year and during open enrollment, I switched to my new job's health insurance. Basically, when enrolling for my previous jobs insurance, I went over everything with a fine tooth comb as it was my first time having my own insurance. I was overly paranoid and asked my dad for help. I also cover my long-term partner as a DP. This time, however, I felt like I learned a lot from last time and could confidently read the policies and make choices. Unfortunately, my previous company laid out the prices in terms of "per month" and the new company used "per paycheck" so when I chose my plan thinking it was comparable price-wise and submitted my choices, I was in shock when the first payment was taken from my check. So now my DP and I are paying DOUBLE what we can afford. At first I resigned myself to it and said I'd just work harder for an extra year to afford my mistake. I just assumed there was no way out. Now, of course, I'm dying inside with my 60 hour work weeks and wondering if there is a way to remedy this situation after all. It's been a few months now so I'm not really holding out much hope, but I wanted to ask my reddit community for help before I give up.

    submitted by /u/Roskosity
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    Self-Funded Health Plans and Employee Termination

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 03:44 PM PDT

    I have a partially self funded health plans, where certain items are paid for by a capitation payment (Doctor visits, Imaging, testing, medical procedures), but things like infusions, injections, and emergency care per item fee paid by my employer under a fee-for-service set up.

    It makes me think that if I get Cancer or something that needs a lot of per item fee based things, that my employer would be incentive to get rid of me. Is this accurate?

    I suppose this a lawsuit waiting to happen if they terminate someone because of they got sick and are costing the company too much money by using the health benefits.

    submitted by /u/SDAMan2V1
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    Claim down payment reclaim

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 03:32 PM PDT

    So I was rear ended 2 weeks ago. My car was totaled. I bought the 2016 buick verano convenience edition with 37k miles on it. It was 16,000 bucks. My apr was 19 percent.... ouch. I put down 2500 bucks and paid 387 a month. Anyways the ladys insurance totaled out my car, and paid my loan company the value of the car. Around 13000 dollars. And my gap insurance paid the rest. I bought my car in November. The insurance would not give me my 2500 down payment back. My insurance was not involved since it was her fault.

    Can I put in a claim to get the deposit back, with hers or mine insurance?

    submitted by /u/Soralm
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    [Northeast US] Attempted break-in. Worried about the integrity of my sliding glass door.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 05:34 AM PDT

    I was woken up in the wee hours of the night by the sound of someone banging on my sliding glass door. It was a sharp tinny sound as if they were hitting the glass with metal or another glass item.

    I called the police and they told me they'd arrested an intoxicated person nearby for DWI. They think it was related.

    This morning, I can see footprints in the snow, so someone was definitely on my patio and was trying to get in and making quite a racket while doing so. They hit the door so hard that a suncatcher I had hanging on it was on the ground and a decorative inlay had popped out and was also on the ground. Further, now that the sun is shining through, I can see brown marks and smears on the glass. I can't tell if the smears will rub off or if they are weakened parts of the glass.

    I've already called the police again to update them that I have evidence that someone was trying to break in. Long story short, it was an ex-girlfriend of a neighbor who got drunk, and the police told me that she "just had the wrong unit."

    While I'm happy I wasn't in actual danger and I don't have to feel afraid in the coming nights, I feel as if they're downplaying what she did because she's an attractive young woman who has probably just wrecked her life. In my opinion, it doesn't matter that she had the wrong unit, but that she attacked my glass door and this may have a financial impact on me.

    So, insurance professionals: even though the glass didn't shatter, I am aware that this is tempered glass, and the outer pane has likely been weakened by her actions. I am now at risk of the outer pane of glass shattering randomly and/or a broken seal in the glass. I paid a handsome price for a nice door and I want to protect my investment.

    If something happened to the glass, I would contact my home insurance. Is there anything I can do now that can help protect me from the long term repercussions of her "simple mix up"? Should I pursue a police report and request that they charge her for attempting to break in (though I'm aware that outcome is out of my hands)? Should I call my insurance? Will this help me at all if something happens to the glass in the future?

    I would like to know how to best protect myself from having to pay for someone else's reckless choices.

    submitted by /u/SpeshulSneauxflake
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    I work part-time for Instacart - about how much more expensive will a commercial car insurance plan be compared to my personal plan?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 11:34 AM PDT

    I work part-time as an independent contractor for Instacart, which is essentially like Uber for grocery shopping. And unfortunately, unlike some other jobs in the "gig economy", Instacart doesn't offer any kind of car insurance. When I started the job, I wasn't aware that I would need special insurance to cover me while I'm on the clock - I thought that my personal insurance would be fine, and I don't recall anyone ever telling me otherwise.

    Apparently, since I started the job, someone brought a lawsuit against Instacart, and one of the results is that Instacart is now telling new recruits that purchasing commercial car insurance plans is the only way to be covered during work shifts. But when this lawsuit happened, I don't recall ever being made aware of it - I only learned the details recently.

    I've been asking around on the Instacart subreddit and have also been doing a bit of googling - from what I've been able to gather, it sounds like the vast majority of Instacart shoppers don't have commercial car insurance. I guess most people are willing to drive at their own risk. But I'm not sure if that's even legal, and either way, it's a pretty huge risk to take.

    I still live with my parents and am currently on their insurance plan. I don't think that I've ever spoken to an insurance agent myself, and I've never really familiarized myself with the details of my insurance plan - I just give my parents money each month to cover the cost. I wasn't even familiar with the concept of commercial car insurance until this week, and so I'm quite confused about how to proceed (my parents don't really understand any of this either).

    It seems to me that I'll need to purchase a commercial insurance plan - but how much more expensive is that likely to be?

    Some possibly relevant details - I live in Virginia. I'm a 25 year old single male, and I drive a used car.

    My parents are saying that because I'm on their plan, my current insurance rate is actually quite low, but that if I have to leave their plan, my rate will likely skyrocket. Is it possible for me to get commercial protection while staying on my parents' plan? And if not, what are my best options?


    submitted by /u/JFox93
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    Payment plan and cancellation of medical debt

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 11:30 AM PDT

    Hi there,

    I am on a payment plan with a few healthcare providers for a total amount of c.$6,000 . I have read that once I pay off half of the sum and if I always pay regularly without delay, the provider might (automatically) cancel the remaining half of the amount due. I am now approaching this stage and am wondering how to best go about it. Should I sent a request?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Catherine_93
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    Can you claim more than one comprehensive incident at once?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 07:06 AM PDT

    I hit a sign and it left a small crack in the bumper. One week later a shingle left a significant scratch. Both incidents were too small for a $500 deductible (truck is in poor cosmetic condition because of rust) but together it might be worth it? Someone is trying to say I can do this. GEICO

    submitted by /u/lavokeolhc
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    Insurance non-sales employees, what's a fun way to describe what you do to strangers?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 09:15 AM PDT

    I've had back-office jobs for most of my career, and I have a hard time describing my job to people. I usually end up muttering something about Excel and changing the subject. What do you say to reduce your job to a couple of quick, interesting-ish sentences?

    submitted by /u/insuranceparty
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    Yearly EU health insurance under €100

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 12:40 PM PDT

    Alright, this is some paper (nothing beyond that) I need to obtain a residence permit. The country in question is Portugal. The arbitrariness of this has to do with the fact that I will be eligible for state health insurance after I get the permit. Hence the reason why I need not spend too much for something I will not be using. I already know about Swisscare's international student plan, which is around €197, for 365 days. Any word on other services costing less is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Never9
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    Out of state car insurance

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 08:40 AM PDT

    Some background. I am currently working in Arkansas but was officially hired to work in Dallas, TX ( I am using my company's TX office address as my official address. Also I dont have a home in TX yet). Currently living in a hotel in AR. I will get a place and move to TX in 6 months.

    I need to buy a car and I am considering driving to Dallas and purchasing a car and having it registered in TX. There's also the added bonus of more car options and less tax on the car. Now I read that my car insurance info needs to match the car's registered State. However, if I buy TX car insurance and have any accident in AR, I think I might have issues with claims. How do I solve this ?

    Registering my car in AR without having any address proof isn't an option, correct ?

    Any help is appreciated !

    submitted by /u/baccha_seth
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    Shell Gas station put 9 gallons of water into my car gas tank

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 09:47 PM PDT

    I went to a shell gas station to fully gas my car (12 gallons). After I started my car, it started breaking down and when I got off work, the car wouldn't start at all.

    I left the car over night at my work's parking lot and towed it to Toyota the next morning. Then Toyota called me saying they found contaminated gas in my car. They found that 9 gallons of water were inside my car. Then they are billing me $4800 for the fixes to be done.

    A Geico person is coming to Toyota on Monday to see the adjusted price. Is there anything else I should do? Like talk to the Shell's owner? Or talk to my state's department and agriculture?

    I also have the gas receipt from shell.

    submitted by /u/jaycesuo
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