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    Sunday, March 31, 2019

    Accounting Good luck next week y’all

    Accounting Good luck next week y’all

    Good luck next week y’all

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 02:51 PM PDT

    I wish this happens a lot more.. (ctto: r/thebig4accountant)

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 08:36 AM PDT

    How I look/feel going out on my first weekend off after busy season.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 12:21 PM PDT

    Dating an accountant during busy season?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 04:04 PM PDT

    Hi, i am dating an accountant during his busy season. He is fully withdrawing as we bear the deadline. We used to text all day and he would text me the minute he woke up and the minute before bed say good morning and good night. I completely understand he can't talk all day anymore but he has stooped most communication even on the weekends. We had a great night last night and now he hasn't said 5 words to me today. He says he needs to decompress but it is hurting me so much. I feel unwanted. I've read how the busy season takes a toll on you but is this normal? Do others tend to push their significant others away during busy season?

    submitted by /u/xobaby627
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    Getting out of B4?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 09:15 PM PDT

    Currently work at B4 (assurance) in a fairly large city. I've always had the expectation that I was going to start in public for the experience and as a stepping stone to something else. Now that I'm here, I realize I haven't really built a plan for what to work towards next.

    For anyone who has gone from B4 to industry, or anything else, what's your story? How did you make it happen? How long did you stay at B4? What did you transition to and how has your life changed?

    submitted by /u/chewbrooka
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    Accounting career without a CPA?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 12:48 PM PDT

    I am wrapping up my busy season internship in a mid-side public accounting firm. I am at 127 credits in school and have decided that public accounting may not be for me. Although, everybody around me tells me that I must pursue a public career and get my CPA to be "successful". I would like to not go back to school, and just begin my career right now in industry.

    Is this career suicide? Is the money way less on the industry side? Are there good career paths for those who do not get their CPA? Will it be hard to get a decent job without my CPA?

    I would appreciate some advice from professionals who work in both public and private.


    submitted by /u/LORD_JEW_VANCUNTFUCK
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    Can someone explain the accounting pay grade philosophy?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 05:20 PM PDT

    I'm currently a high school student and I've been considering accounting as a career choice. I plan on majoring in accounting when I go to college (currently a junior) and from there I hope to land a job at a big4/large public accounting firm. Throughout this thread I've seen tons of people complain about their pay grade and I've been confused on a lot of things. I was hoping if someone could explain it to me. Here are a couple of questions that I have:

    1. What are all these titles (B4, Senior II, etc.) and what relation do they have to the pay grade. (i.e. what salary is associated with each title)
    2. Why do most people on this thread hate their jobs? Seems like a sort of trolly question but I've seen a ton of people with 100K+ salaries telling others to "jump ship to private" and find other career choices. This seems odd to me just because a ton of people would wish to have a 100K salary yet most individuals on here advocate for others to "leave while they can".
    3. How hard is it to get to a 100K salary, and what should I expect as a prospective accountant when it comes to getting raises, bonuses, etc.?
    4. And lastly, would you recommend to other people the accounting career choice? Should I still pursue it or would it be best for me to "jump ship" to another career path? I would really appreciate an answer to this question because while I truly do like accounting and the idea of an office job in a big city (I live in a metropolitan area), I would like to know from other accountants if it's best for me to start thinking about other jobs.

    Thank you all, and good luck to you and your salaries :)

    submitted by /u/manofhighintellect
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    Meeting budgets on tax returns / utilization %

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 02:15 PM PDT

    This is my first year at a firm that gives out strict budgets. My old firm may have been tracking this as well but they never seemed to care about budgets or at least never showed it.

    I feel like 75% of the budgets I'm given are very tight and hard to meet. If I'm given say 4 hours to do a return with 3 consolidated 1099s, 10 moderate to simple K-1s, a rental property, and misc wages / sch A. It ends up taking me 6-7 hours since I'm meticulous and have always been getting high remarks on my preparation skills will I be yelled at for going over budget in my review?

    I'm not going over the budgets by much, but definitely am going over slightly on a regular basis.. do I prep faster and risk making mistakes or keep taking my time and getting good feedback / going over budget?

    submitted by /u/taxaccountant1234
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    I made a mistake majoring in Accounting; how do I survive 3 more semesters of this?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 01:57 PM PDT

    I majored in accounting after engineering didn't work out, and my parents convinced me to do it, and I agreed because I don't have anything I'm passionate about or good at. I realized after this semester that I really couldn't handle accounting; I didn't think of it too much after barely passing Intermediate I with a C-, knowing that I didn't really read the textbook/do the homework at that time (it was a once-a-week night class), but I'm barely hanging on in Intermediate II despite having it as a day class and somewhat keeping up with assignments. I'm handling a lot of schoolwork now, too (taking 5 classes, and auditing Intermediate I again), but I'm at my wit's end trying to get myself to just study, even doing things like installing webpage blockers and putting my phone away from me, but it's just not enough. I just wasted 3 days trying to study 1.5 chapters, and trying to get myself to focus is constantly trying to tell myself to stop doing other things and just focus, but it seems impossible. I can somewhat do it for any classes outside of my accounting major, but it's impossible otherwise. How do I handle 2 more semesters, and finish off this one on decent standing? It feels like when I study I can't pin down anything I'm reading and nothing is sticking, and there's so much to study and my professor is vague about what will be on the test so I can't even narrow it down all that much to what I need to know (and everything is fair game). Every time I start a practice question I completely blank out on what I'm supposed to be doing, and sounds bad, I know, but I'm desperately trying to hang in there while trying to manage my game addiction, having a job on campus, and keeping up with all my classes. What do I do? I have 4 weeks left in the semester and with final papers and exams for other subjects coming up that I haven't even been able to get a start on, I feel hopeless. (And I didn't 100% have a choice in my courses; they're all in my major/minor, but maybe taking the easy A class wasn't a good idea.) I hope this isn't too vague, I could just use some words of advice beyond "suck it up"....

    submitted by /u/cloudmezzo
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    Big 4 company/Industry Research tips?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 07:00 PM PDT

    How do you find things like client lists and industries that the Big 4 work in?

    Or does anyone have any recommendations on what news sources I should be reading to stay on top of the recent accounting developments?

    Anyone have any pointers or tips on what direction I should googling?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/RandomSideCharacter
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    Homework question im having a lot of trouble with

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 06:37 PM PDT

    Homework question im having a lot of trouble with

    Can anyone help with this question. Im having a lot of trouble with it and cant seem to figure it out after reading the textbook.


    submitted by /u/biddlecom
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    Declining internship offers

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 04:18 PM PDT

    Hi everyone. I was wondering if someone has multiple internship offers and has to obviously decline all but one, is this equivalent to burning a bridge with the other firms? If you try to apply to one of these other firms later on, will they not even consider you because of the prior declining? Thanks

    submitted by /u/Throwaway512648
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    FAR is kicking my ass, any advice for studying?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 12:19 PM PDT

    FAR is just such a massive amount of information and honestly I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by it. I try studying on my commute to work (1 hour each way) and when i get home for a little bit and on the weekends, but by the time I feel like I learned something new, I forgot like 2 previous things I learned. Does anyone have a method to tackling this stuff on a routine they found successful? I've been using Becker and I feel like the lectures are pretty useless.

    submitted by /u/maddog3294
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    Have y'all done any of these things yet?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 01:27 PM PDT

    Extending Big 4 Offer?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 09:59 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I just finished an internship with a B4 and accepted an offer for next fall. That's great, however, I am now studying and in the process of applying to law school. If I was to attend law school, would I be able to extend my offer with the B4 office due to me continuing my education?

    Also, does having a JD in addition to a CPA help with entering the advising/consulting world when it comes to B4? Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/accountant_404
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    Taking a break?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 08:29 PM PDT


    I've reached my melting point. I need a break, but I do not have my 30 months of experience for CPA (Canada). Luckily, I have already passed the exam. I have 12 months of experience, at my current job (Big 4).

    I am thinking of leaving work for 3-6 months as I have been dealing with some health issues (minor, but stressful) and family problems.

    Would this negatively impact my career? If I do this, will it take me many months to get a job?

    Sorry if this is vague but I don't have energy to do anything :( Any help is appreciated...

    submitted by /u/BeraKing
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    Does anyone else feel like they don't' fit in at work?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 02:34 AM PDT

    When i worked in tax firms i found the people there to be so dry, majority of people there seemed so.. what can i say? quiet, shy, awkward, i suppose the opposite of charismatic ?

    I never felt like i fit in at these places. I like talking to people (even though i'm introverted) making people laugh, meeting new people etc

    Is this normal?

    submitted by /u/cruelpain
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    Internal Controls - Audit Homework

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 07:46 PM PDT

    Hi guys, I am current stuck at this question. It asks me to point out what is the difference between fraud risk related to cash in governmental entity and that in for-profit entity.

    I would think they are the same, but my intuition says that there has to be some difference because if not, why bother asking lol.

    Thank you so much.

    submitted by /u/confusedacctstudent
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    Is this a good plan for CPA?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 03:53 PM PDT

    I'm in TN and plan to get my CPA in TN. I was thinking that I would take my exam right after I graduate with 120 credit hours. Accept my job offer, and get my extra 30 credits while I work over the summer.

    Do you think that's an okay plan? Would I work?

    submitted by /u/mike124246jones
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    Affordable dress shoes

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 03:34 PM PDT

    Besides Allen Edmonds recommendations (because they're not that affordable), what are some shoe brands that are affordable and durable?

    What dress shoes do you have/have bought and liked?

    submitted by /u/NYGMike
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    Soon to be Accounting Major

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 03:25 PM PDT

    For the fall semester I plan on changing majors from Computer Engineering Technology to Accounting. Is there anything I should know going into the accounting major? Any advice or tips would help

    submitted by /u/bandit4522
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