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    Saturday, December 22, 2018

    Stop focusing on “finding better people” Entrepreneur

    Stop focusing on “finding better people” Entrepreneur

    Stop focusing on “finding better people”

    Posted: 22 Dec 2018 06:33 AM PST

    I hear people say all the time that the key to success in entrepreneurship is finding great people. That if you can find people who care about your business like you do you will succeed.

    News flash: Nobody will care about your business like you do. Why would they?

    Stop looking for people like this and blaming the world when you can't find them. They don't exist. And if they do you can't afford them.

    Simplify your job so that normal people can do it well. Stop asking your employees to be good at 20 things. They'll end up being crappy at everything. Your customers will get a shoddy product. Turnover will cripple you. You'll be inundated with questions and problems. Training will be nearly impossible. Scaling isn't feasible.

    Simplify things so normal people can deliver your service really well and you'll be on your way!

    We experienced in my small business and weren't able to grow until We made it happen. My story here and here.

    submitted by /u/sweatystartup
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    What is a small niche business in your town that is successful, and made you think "I should have started started this..."

    Posted: 22 Dec 2018 03:00 AM PST

    Ran across a popular thread from a few years back that had some great ideas in it.. here's mine:

    I had a friend who worked for a door to door company selling magazine subscriptions.. owner made about $700k net profit a year off of only 10 sales people..

    What's in your area that's unique that turns a nice profit?

    submitted by /u/FlippinFlags
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    Created a digital agency 3 years ago and failed... Now starting again with a strong client base

    Posted: 22 Dec 2018 09:44 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    I wanted to share my story on Reddit to hopefully inspire people that knockbacks in business don't mean you quit. I am learning every day, so if you guys can provide any tips/feedback on how I can grow that would be great. But let me tell you about my story.

    I've been doing SEO from the age 14. When I was young, I wanted to earn money, so I thought I would become a paperboy, but that didn't happen. My mother refused because she was scared I "would get hit by a car". She wasn't sure why I wasn't happy to be a typical teenager contempt to getting £5 a week in pocket money.

    I then searched on Google how to make money online, as everyone does! I read blogs/forums, and this gave me the idea to create my own gaming forum on the Sony PSP, which I loved playing.

    That website earned me a bit of money through AdSense and donations, which gave me the taste of making money online. I still remember making my first $1 online, one of the best days of my life! You can see a Wayback machine of the forums I created here: https://web.archive.org/web/20081204111531/http://www.modifyurpsp.com/

    It became a busy forum with over 10,000+ members with an active community of modders, but I got bored of it. Banking money from that site I got into affiliate marketing and joined kudosnetwork and freebiejeebies. It was simple, these networks had deals with companies to get them customers through affiliates and the affiliate receives £20 per referral. Just like a pyramid scheme.

    So I created websites on gaming sites ranking for keywords like "free ps3", "free Xbox" etc. You can view two of my sites here



    I created these websites great, but they were getting no traffic at all! And that's when I stumbled upon SEO and ranking websites. I used to spend hours after school learning about SEO, and it became a hobby! I loved the hustle involved with SEO and always chasing the rankings - It's like chasing that hot girl you chase.

    Long story short, I had a number of affiliate websites on gaming devices and then moved on to creating Amazon Affiliate sites. Flipped a couple of them and made nice money during my university days.

    Graduated from University at 22, I got into the big bad world and got a job. I was an e-Commerce manager for eight months and then senior SEO executive for six months. The SEO agency had a retainer of £20,000 a month, and the work they were doing for clients was so S***! The staff worked at the agency were doing SEO totally wrong. Keyword cannibalism between pages, only backlinks they were creating were directory links; it was an SEO's nightmare. Made my blood boil that companies are paying big and the work being done was rubbish. This is when I knew I needed to create my own SEO agency and save businesses from agencies like this!

    So I quit my job and registered my own company and started working from home. I had 0 clients; I planned nothing. I knew I loved doing SEO but how would I get customers? I was uncomfortable talking to people and had no idea how to sell. I just knew how to rank websites.

    Nevertheless, I was cold calling 20 businesses a week, cold emailing, walking into businesses telling them about SEO. Within four months I built up a retainer of £1,200 a month and done a few website designs. But I was depressed, waking up and working from my own room got to me mentally and physically... So I quit.

    I got a job as an SEO manager and worked at an agency for 2 years. I loved it! I was leading the department and they were doing SEO the way I wanted to do it. One good achievement was taking an e-commerce gaming PC online store from making £25,000 to £190,000+ a month.

    All the clients were happy with the work. I was going to meetings, sales pitches, I became a more confident person. I loved talking to people about SEO and showing the results!

    However, the agencies growth goals were not the same as mine. I wanted to work with new clients every month, whereas they wanted to sustain the clients and not grow. So I quit that job and joined one of the UK's top 100 best companies for the work for as an SEO lead.

    Great place to work, unlimited paid holidays, good pay, social events, it's offices were Google-like. However, the rate they were doing SEO was slow. I came in as an SEO lead, but I was doing other jobs that I didn't enjoy. So five months in I quit.

    Thankfully, when I was working for that company, a number of clients from my ex-agency started coming to me, and I was getting referrals from past clients. This meant I was working in the day for a company, and doing SEO for clients in the evening.

    I was working with big companies, from Fortune 500 companies to e-Commerce business and service based. My SEO retainer was £5k per month, and I had a good client base, so I thought it's time I quit my job and do my agency again.

    And here I am, starting again what I quit three years ago. But this time I am more confident in my skills, I have a strong client base, and I have two virtual assistants that help me so I can focus on growth.

    My plan moving forward is going to network events, cold calling/sending email and making my agency successful! I know a number of friends that work for SEO agencies within a 50-mile radius of me and the work they do is shit! Looking forward to 2019 and achieving my goals of becoming the best SEO agency in my area, for me to do that, I need to help other businesses achieve their goals.

    Thanks for giving us this opportunity to share my story :) If there are any fellow hustlers out there I would love to connect, maybe create a Skype group?

    submitted by /u/sweetdude123
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    Monetizing storytelling?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2018 12:23 PM PST

    I like to write short stories about ghosts, pixies, faeries, the supernatural, etc. It's fun and I post them on various websites and subreddits from time to time. I get good reviews and am wondering if there are any suggestions how to monetize this kind of thing? Who gets paid to tell stories (besides "journalists") in 2019? Not looking to make a career out of it, just bring in some beer money and gain a following with a few tall tales. I suppose I could compile them into an e-book with a website is one way. I'm stumped. Would you buy My_2018_Account's e-book of ten spooky stories for $4.99? Just some thoughts on a line of work that is as old as time itself. Are there any e-bards out there?

    submitted by /u/My_2018_Account
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    Advice on cofounding split?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2018 01:51 PM PST

    Hey, So I had an idea for a web company and have all the sufficient design/web skills to build it, but I told a friend about it and she decided to join on. She has none of the skills for it but is very passionate and motivated to get it built. I know it was a bad idea to have such a cofounder friend, but what do I do know with regards to credit for accomplishment --> stock?

    submitted by /u/veilerdude
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    How and where do you find non-tech co-founders?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2018 01:41 PM PST

    Hey everyone.

    I'm a tech guy with a lot of experience in the field. I've been using http://cofounderslab.com to look for marketing co-founders but it seems like they're more talk than action, consistently.

    Here's the question -- where do you look for potential co-founders? I can create almost any software but the biggest hurdle is finding customers BEFORE the software is created (the lean startup method, which I prefer over any other approach). A good marketer should be able to identify the sales channels and open the proper doors (and windows), but I just can't find the good ones. So again, where do you find them (preferably from personal experience)?


    submitted by /u/odessitv
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    Am I allowed to sell print on demand items with free stock photos on them?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2018 01:30 PM PST

    Lets say I find a picture of a beach that I like on https://www.pexels.com/, would I be able to put that picture on a phone case and sell it to make a profit? Im guessing I am able to do it as long as the picture says I can right? But can I do it for ALL free stock photos or is it only certain ones?

    submitted by /u/SteamBote
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    The Wood Art of an Engineer. Viable options?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2018 09:43 AM PST

    This morning I am proud. I am astonished and thrilled. Why? My dad, the engineer.

    I won't bore you with a long backstory but my dad has always been a technical guy. He is an engineer at Boeing and is more reserved and quiet in temper. Keeps to himself and leads by example. I never thought he had a creative side.

    Until today.

    My wife and I arrived for the holiday weekend to be astonished by two pieces of wood art my dad made. They are plywood with veneer and custom coloring.

    I've already asked him to make me some for our home and cannot wait until they're ready.

    Thing is they may take awhile. His friends and coworkers have already asked for some. And put money down! He is charging around $500 for them but is not sure if that is fair value price?

    Now the world of art is all about perceived value. There's no doubting that. Still I could see this as a viable price. What about you all? Do you like them? What would you gauge their value at? He's thinking of going Etsy with them.

    Follow the below link and give opinion in comments! Can't wait to hear.

    The wood art of an engineer

    submitted by /u/cpycreator
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    Help starting an outdoor art program for children!

    Posted: 22 Dec 2018 01:21 PM PST


    My good friend and I are starting an outdoor art and education enrichment program for children in California. We are not looking to start a school, just create a quality program that gets kids outdoors completely unplugged and in touch with nature. Her and I both used to work for a similar company which is no longer in business. We both worked at the company for a few years as teachers and as managers, running the business and creating the content so we're very comfortable starting our own. We both have years of childcare and teaching experience and were both artists. We have plenty of clients from families we've known over the years, a solid curriculum, and a place to start (a national forest).

    However, we don't really know where to start on the business front! Is it better to file as an LLC or LLP?

    We have plans to create a website (a good friend is designing it) as well as insurance (luckily, another good friend is helping with that). We're just a little unsure what is the smartest way to actually start this business. We've been doing research but this is not necessarily my forte, so it's been a little overwhelming.

    ANY advice on this would be so very much appreciated!!


    submitted by /u/troby07
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    When you have a few spare random minutes while out and about, in the bathroom, etc - what do you do to grow your business?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2018 01:20 PM PST

    What should I do about negative people?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2018 12:56 PM PST

    I launched rare tea membership program recently and there seems to be some confusion. My rare teas only show up for people that are members(I should probably change that?). I have had ZERO signups yet some people are saying that the teas are not rare. How would they know if they are rare if they are not members?

    I announced this program on several tea forums but had to take one announcement down because the few people that responded had a lot of valid questions. When I re announced it, someone insulted my tea and said it's not rare. Again I think they are confused.

    This is the membership signup page https://www.calmingleaf.com/pages/rare-tea-membership. Please let me know how I can make it more clear!

    If it is clear, then maybe I am making my announcements in the wrong places. I don't know what to do!

    submitted by /u/CanadianAndroid
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    The App Rule for all new businesses

    Posted: 22 Dec 2018 12:53 PM PST

    Whether or not a business in 2019 and beyond will be successful, is worth investing n, whether it will become worth billions or lose hundreds of thousands will come down to this one and only rule.

    Assume people can only install one new app every year. Does what you provide warrant that precious install?

    Example: Bird. They did nothing special. The got e-scooters you can dropship from China, brought them to the U.S en masse, and used them as a personal transportation solution. If you're going to ride a Bird or a lime every day, then that install is worth it. This is the App Rule.

    submitted by /u/virginlor
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    I will review your website

    Posted: 22 Dec 2018 12:50 PM PST

    Just leave a link to it below and I will give a good review about it. It will include stuff you should add, things you should change, and what I like about it.


    submitted by /u/SteamBote
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    How do I become an entrepreneur in the car industry without a college degree?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2018 12:07 PM PST

    Hello, thank you if you're reading this.

     I'm 22 years old. I started in detail at a car dealership here in Southern California, worked my way up to a lot porter after 3 months, then after another 2 months, and very hard work, they say I was an avid car enthusiast, a hard worker, and good with people, so they promoted me to a salesman. I'm making decent money for my age, and I can see my self growing in the industry. However, as much as I enjoy car sales, I don't want to be doing this as a career. (Unless I could work my way up to a Porsche dealer, and make six figures just selling) my goal in life is to manage, or ideally own my own car dealership one day. I currently work for a relatively low volume family owned dealership, and don't see myself working here for a decade to work my way up to the desk, becoming GM, or something like that here. It would take a very long time, and I wouldn't be making the money I really want to. I'm on the fence about wether I should keep working here, gain experience after a couple years to get a job at a higher end, higher volume store, (but then I would have to start over again) 

    Or if I should get some online schooling done on the side, and try to get an MBA or a degree similar in business that would make it easier to franchise a dealership, or something like that. Also I'm concerned if the car dealership model will still be around 10 years from now. I've heard differing opinions from people who work in this industry, and I just don't know where to focus my goals or aim my ambitions.

     Are there any entrepreneurs in the car industry here that have any advice to give, or insight on what steps I should take to accomplish my dream of owning and running my own dealership one day? 
    submitted by /u/ryanleebmw
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    Really basic accounting question

    Posted: 22 Dec 2018 11:56 AM PST

    I hadn't thought of this earlier and with the end of year quickly approaching, and my accountant is out on vacation, I'm looking to see if anyone here could help me.

    I have cash sitting in my business checking account from sales I've made over the past few months. I plan to reinvest all of this money in marketing come January. However, will this cash now be designated as profit and therefore taxed as such come December 31st?

    submitted by /u/crek42
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    Job Post Advice Needed

    Posted: 22 Dec 2018 11:12 AM PST

    Hi all - So Im at the point where Im a bit fed up with working 24/7, not being able to take vacation, being understaffed, etc. I run 3 businesses, 2 of which need my daily attention. I have a shipping/receiver who is going on long term leave (3-4-5 months) and I'm going to need someone to cover his position while away.

    Once that time is over, I'd like to groom this new person into becoming someone I can make as my right-hand man/woman. I want to teach them many of my tasks so I can finally get back to being an entrepreneur, loving work, and being able to take an actual 7 day vacation.

    So - how the heck do I post a job requirement for the above that would attract someone good?

    submitted by /u/Light9576
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    Best way to educate myself on business operations?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2018 10:06 AM PST

    I'm stepping into a new role at a digital marketing agency where my goal is to get our business ops in order. Things I think we need to work on:

    Managing expenses Client profitability Employee profitability Resource management Developing internal processes Organizing Quickbooks Many many other things

    My goal right now is just to start educating myself on the best ways to approach these issues. What books, exercises, resources do you guys recommend?

    submitted by /u/ChapinSayPlease
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    Retail start up idea

    Posted: 22 Dec 2018 10:02 AM PST


    I have an idea for a retail/DIY (similar to a color me mine, but a different product) and want to test consumer interest. What are some reliable methods?

    I was thinking of spending time in a shopping center polling passers-by and asking if my idea would interest them enough to frequent the establishment, and inquire into ideas too change/improve upon my idea.

    I would design an image of what the storefront and inside would look like, provide images of some products, and an overview of what they would get with some price points.

    My concern with this is that people may give me a more positive response than is warranted out of politeness, but I don't know any other way to communicate with my target audience.

    Have any of you opened a storefront or done any consumer surveys to help gauge feasibility of an idea? Any suggestions would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/gimmecoffee722
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    Following Instagram Accounts

    Posted: 22 Dec 2018 02:14 AM PST

    I see a ton of entrepreneur or business advice accounts.

    Just curious, to those who follow them:

    1: what do you expect to get out from it 2: what are you tired of seeing?

    To those who see them but don't follow:

    1: what makes you NOT want to follow? 2: what would make you want to follow?

    I personally follow a few that give out pretty decent tips, but a ton of them are just pumping out shitty motivational quotes. Tired of seeing that shit everywhere. Like damn if you're giving advice, give me something practical. I don't care about feeling good

    submitted by /u/cheesecakeparty
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    I am your technical co-founder, pitch your ideas and I will work for equity!

    Posted: 22 Dec 2018 09:55 AM PST

    I am a web developer based in Germany, often times people here ask for a techincal co-founder to actually realize their ideas/websites/apps.

    And this is what I am offering, I am your technical co-founder who will build your idea for 10% in equity only + covering my monthly expenses. (About $300/month).

    submitted by /u/Max-20
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    [UK] Applying for a Trademark that's (possibly) taken

    Posted: 22 Dec 2018 05:45 AM PST

    So I want to apply for a trademark, but I need to know if I can or not. The name we're applying for is almost exactly the same.

    So for example, I can't give the actual thing I'm applying for, but for example someone already owns TradeMark, in classes 1 and 2.

    I want to apply for Trade Mark, in just class 30.

    Can I do this? Is this not what classes are for, or will the name be too similar? Please let me know, as it costs £200 to apply and its non refundable.

    submitted by /u/bigboyparpa
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    Stuck on Alibaba situation

    Posted: 22 Dec 2018 05:12 AM PST


    I've made one order of 60pcs from this seller and the items are selling steadily. Usually averaging 2-3 a week and currently have 25 left since them arriving at Amazon on 05/11. I've sold 17 of the 42 days they've been on sale.

    Because of the Chinese new year, the workers are away from the end of January to middle of February, so they want me to order before the end of this month.

    Can't decide if I should order after Chinese new year, or order now.

    submitted by /u/RipplingShore
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