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    Wednesday, November 28, 2018

    Wantrepreneur Wednesday! - (November 28, 2018) Entrepreneur

    Wantrepreneur Wednesday! - (November 28, 2018) Entrepreneur

    Wantrepreneur Wednesday! - (November 28, 2018)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 05:05 AM PST

    Please use this thread to ask any wantrapreneur questions.

    We do this to not overflow the subreddit with wantrapreneur questions, so please try to limit the questions to this weekly thread.

    Since this thread can fill up quickly, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I interviewed one of the first employees at PayPal, He was the lead developer for them and eBay. He now has had several successful tech start ups, If you've got an hour I thought it was a very insightful convo on being an entrepreneur and business growth

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 12:50 PM PST

    Link to interview with Brad Nietfeldt above.
    He is one of the most sought after digital marketing gurus in America. His entrepreneurial career involves producing music, successful tech start ups, working for several fortune 500 companies and in his early 20s he was the lead developer at PayPal/eBay. Currently, Brad has a few brands that give 100% of their profits to charity and he runs a faith-based creative management firm based in Omaha (OMG or Omaha Media Group). OMG has offices in Austin, Denver, Miami, and New York City. Topics covered range from Brad's history in web and app development to his altruistic approach to everything in life, as well as his support and philanthropy for the Madonna Rehab Center.

    submitted by /u/VideoEditorCook
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    Dreamers - What's holding you back?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 10:08 AM PST

    I wanted to get some discussion going about what holds people back from making the leap to self-employment/entrepreneurship so we can identify these demons and talk about how to overcome them.

    Who comes to this sub to dream about the freedom and joy of self-employment?

    What's holding you back from making the jump? What knowledge/skill/confidence do you need that you don't have?

    submitted by /u/its_Hof
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    How to Grow your Small Business with Instagram?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 04:12 AM PST

    If you have been successful at setting up an Instagram account for your small business and using it to find new customers and followers, then you might be looking for some extra hints to get more engagements on this platform.

    And as you know engagement on Instagram is 15 times more than Facebook, so it can be the perfect platform for growing your small business. You don't have to be a huge company to get value on Instagram; the platform allows small businesses to compete with the big ones. So, If you aren't using Instagram for your small business ye, you are missing out on a massive mine of opportunities.

    Are you ready to dive into Instagram marketing for your small business?

    Here are some ways to grow your small business with Instagram to get in touch with your audience and hopefully new customers.


    You will drive more traffic to your other accounts by connecting your Instagram to your facebook and twitter accounts. This way, any content you share on Instagram will automatically post to those accounts. And users can click to see your Instagram profile, like a photo, comment on it, or follow your account.


    Not all of your content has to be polished, professional product shits. Your follower might prefer these product pictures with filters. Or a few behind-the-scenes shots of your business. Your posts should deliver value in visual content that your audience can't get anywhere else.


    Instagram sorts images by hashtags. So if you use some hashtags relevant to your business, people will find you more easily. Also you can create a branded hashtag specifically for your business. This will bring more traffic to your Instagram account and will increase your brand awareness.


    Your audience loves it when you reply to their comments. So try to check your received comments several times a week and respond. Follow them back and try to interact with them on other social media platforms.


    It can be hard to explain your brand on Twitter, but the visual impact from Instagram gives you the opportunity to create a visual vibe for your business. Your profile should go beyond product photos to tell the story of your brand.


    You should understand your target audience and find out which type of content they like the most. You can use Instagram analytic tools to find out which one of your posts got more likes and comments. And create more of them. The one with more comments and likes is the one you should produce.


    Just like any other social media platform, consistency is key. Try to post on a regular basis to stay in front of your audience, and they know when to expect new posts from you.


    Instagram has rolled out useful features than you can use to grow your small business on the platform. Such as Instagram stories, live videos, poll stickers, stories highlights, shoppable posts, username and hashtags on bios, etc.

    Most of all Instagram stories can come real handy. You can upload some behind-the-scenes photos or videos and use question stickers to interact with your audience and also answer their question in your following stories.


    Influencer marketing is one of the best methods to quickly build up your Instagram following, especially when you are new in the business.

    The only thing you should do is to get in touch with influencers in your niche with an established following and get your brand exposed to their followers.

    Start by making a list of the top influencers in your niche. Reach for them on Instagram to make sure they have real and engaging followers. It's not just about their follower numbers; it's about how much engagement they get and how much they are really influencing people!

    Then contact them and tell them that you are interested in working together.


    There are some automation tools that you can to promote your Instagram account more quickly. Instagram automation tools help you by automatically doing all the work for you. You can choose your target audience, and they will interact with them by liking, commenting and following them. So they would get curious and check your account, and if your content was interesting enough, they will follow you back and become your new customers.

    So they will save you more free time, and you don't have to be working with your phone all the time.

    Instagram automation tools can help you in many different ways, such as Instagram bots, auto DM, schedule posts, etc.

    You can read this article to get more information on Instagram automation tools and Instagram bot.

    You can also use Instagram ads If you don't have problems with the cost. These are known as a shortcut to promote your brand on Instagram.

    That's all.

    Hope you find this blog helpful.

    What is your way of Instagram marketing? Comment it below and tell us about it.

    source: instazood.com

    submitted by /u/Instazood_marketing
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    [A Wantrepreneur's diary] - Hi!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 08:01 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    I am Phil, 26 from Germany. I studied computer science and have tried quite a few different business ideas. I want to begin sharing my story with all of its details with you.

    So today is the first day and I try to update every day. As a child I always wanted to invent new things and I build many many useless appliances in my grandpa's workshop. I started my first real business as soon as I left home at 20. I sold T-Shirts or rather: I had a shop for selling T-Shirts. I sold less than 10. It was then that I discovered that founding needs a lot of devotion.

    In university I had my very first real business deal and built a web application which controls an animal feeding machine. Countless hours went into this and I am very proud that my roommate and I finished this. It is in production in many farms today. We didn't get rich. The exact opposite is true: We received far to less money, but we were just stupid students and didn't know how much we could charge. It also was my first contact with depression. We would work our asses of sitting in the dorm each day until night and coding. It was a very good time which I appreciated so much. It was quality time with a good friend. However I quickly noticed one of the biggest pitfalls in entrepreneurship for me: The feeling of "when I don't work we won't get further". This lead to us living the very definition of "hustle porn". Working 10 hours a day was not seldom.

    Fast-forward a bit and I left my student job with 5k EUR I saved. This would last me 5-6 months. I was doing my own new and innovative chat application. You could chat with all people in close proximity. We were in an incubator. I had a quite functioning team and then I myself made the mistake of ditching it in favour of another idea. To this very day I am sorry for this. However I don't think any of us were truly ready to commit to a business back then. My new idea was a multi-tenant hotel application for holiday accommodations. Like the little leaflets which hold all of the information that you can find in your hotel room. I had the plan to do consulting and analytics for the hotels to optimize their offers. To this very day I love the idea. Now this time my team mate ditched me in favour of going to study abroad. Somehow mentally I was not able to handle this and I let go of the project.

    For a few years I only occasionally did projects. I asked myself if the hustle was worth it. I found (at least I thought) love and gave in to her pressure (red flag) to get a "normal job". I lost this job (senior project lead) for a new episode of depression in the beginning of this year. It was then that I met a good friend from university who I shared an office with back in the hotel app times. As it turned out I was very lucky.

    Today I am part of the company this man owns and I love working with them. I have my own shares. We incubate our own ideas and I have my own company again. I discovered that I love founding and creating with others. I love to be par of a team with its ups and downs. I read the sentence "live is about the people you meet and what you create with them" and I love that very thing. It is so fulfilling. I finished some jobs in record time and the team is so proud and I am so proud to be part of that team. These are lovely people. Somehow everything is going so well right now. I also started another project with other people (I will tell you about this in one of the next posts). I know its such a little thing but when I enter the office we hug each other instead of shaking hands. Things like that mean a lot to me. So much empathy. I am a very happy person right now. I still do "hustle porn" in a sense that I work close to 12 hours a day sometimes. However I can take breaks, go for a hike with my family or meet my friend whenever I want. The fear of not getting further was replaced by a feeling of wanting to get further and work for it. I don't suffer anymore, I enjoy. Don't get me wrong there are still days where I have a hard time working. Motivation is a bitch they say, discipline is what matters. I can accept this today and still be happy. In this regard I have become much more stoic.

    I am not sure if this is interesting for any of you, but it feels so good writing about it. I would appreciate your comments. How do you experience entrepreneurship? How did you start? What are the biggest obstacles that you very personally face?

    Love, Phil

    submitted by /u/forteatoo1
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    What is your opinion on the latest GM layoff?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 10:02 AM PST

    As an entrepreneur, I also look at and study other companies. So I figure the news of the most current GM layoff is fitting to this sub.

    • Is it due to the increased tariff in the trade war with China?

    • Is it due to shitty products?

    • Is it due to poor management? Trump gave corporation huge tax cut. GM used that money to buy back their shares instead of (1)investing in research and development to improve their vehicle, and/or (2)save these factory jobs.

    • Is it due to Federal Reserve rate hike?

    • Is it due to any combination of the above reasons?

    • Is it due to any other reason not listed?

    submitted by /u/b10m1m1cry
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    Would you ever spend $800k to get your startup a domain?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 12:56 PM PST

    Article argues it was worth it because of the legitimacy that a .Com lends to a brand. But $800k is a lot of money for any startup.

    Can going that big on a domain ever be worth it?


    submitted by /u/DGen92
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    Wild story of how and why this startup spent $825k on a domain name

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 12:55 PM PST

    I read this story of how Cover bought "cover.com" for $825k and I'm having a hard time being convinced it was a good decision. The author said "It has become an important and valuable asset in the context of our business" and readily admits it's not for everyone. But the author doesn't give any hard ROI numbers. So I'm wondering if it's really worth it and wanted to discuss... would you do it?

    submitted by /u/efographic
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    Anybody went from being in sales (B2B) to being a successful entrepreneur?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 01:31 PM PST

    I won't lie, I'm looking to becoming really rich. Sales will allow me to have a pretty high salary and allow me to be ''well-off''. However, from what I've heard, becoming ''wealthy'' is only possible through owning your own business. I intend working my ass off in sales to acquire the necessary skills to have a successful venture. Any stories and tips are welcomed :)

    submitted by /u/Invaincu
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    Looking for a freight forwarder, any suggestions?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 11:40 AM PST

    I've ordered from China before but this is my first time looking for a forwarder. Is there anything I need to know? What should I be looking for? Any good recommendations?


    submitted by /u/kurtburtwert
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    GIVING Tuesday - Free Custom Workout and Meal Plan H

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 09:17 PM PST


    It'd be my privilege to make a free workout and meal program 100% custom for you.

    Just DM me and we'll get going- I'll send you a questionnaire about goals, injuries, experience, allergies etc.

    Why am I doing this?

    First, because I love it, I'm certified and experienced.

    Second for the feel goods. I travel and can't volunteer at the children's hospital anymore, instead, I spend that time training clients. Ie. I do offer online fitness programming for additional accountability and support if you're interested and I use 100% of the profits to support families while their child is having heart surgery.

    I can't wait to get started on your free custom programs!

    P.S. I can only make a few plans at a time, first come first served!

    P.P.S. Always open to new ideas to promote/ partnerships/ feedback/ anything!

    P.P.P.S. Business owners, let's chat about making your employee benefits package unbeatable with personal training!

    P.P.P.P.S. Upvotes save lives, they actually can because the money I raise goes towards supporting families with their expenses while their child is having heart surgery!

    P.P.P.P.P.S. If a free plan isn't for you, feel free to send the offer to anyone who could use it, parents, etc. Or reach out and I'll give you my email!

    submitted by /u/okec
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    How much would you be willing to pay for something like this?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 01:43 PM PST

    I have a friend who's thinking of starting a grocery delivery business in his local town.

    How much do you think he should charge?

    How much would you be willing to pay someone to bring you groceries every week or every month?

    submitted by /u/matrix_in_you
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    I Made A Pretty Comprehensive Guide On Turning Your Website Into An App With Push Notifications

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 08:48 PM PST

    Howdy from Australia!!

    I think most of you would be like me and come up with a dozen new ideas a day.

    My background is mostly in web dev - although i'm not a guru I can knock together most things I want by putting together and editing open source code

    It pissed me off a bit that I couldn't do the same for apps so I started looking into the possibility of using web dev skills in the app world (this lead me to what is called "hybrid apps" amongst a range of other paths you could go down).

    There's a few services out there that will do this for a monthly subscription or whatever but you can do it pretty easily by using Android studio.

    If you want to look into it further it basically runs on a WebView which is a frame within an app, but you can overlay functionality and features into it to bring it closer to what people call a 'hybrid' app. You actually do need to add extra features otherwise Google Play will call it a glorified website and knock your submission back.

    Anyway, if you like a little tech project here's my step by step guide: Converting Your Website Into An App

    It's prob like 30-60 minutes if all goes well.

    I reckon it's pretty sweet - particularly that you can send push notifications - I have it set up so that when someone clicks on a push notification it will change the web url to whatever you decide.

    The original idea behind the project was that I would convert websites into apps for online store owners and they could use this push notification system much like how one might use Mailchimp to send notifications e.g. "sale now on click this link" but then I kind of wanted to do it for IOS and Android, but you can forget about webview style apps on IOS from what I understand they have very strict rules on getting apps approve and these kind of things would get knocked back on most occasions.

    Anyway, have a geeze and follow along it's a pretty satisfying tech project and maybe if you have a new spin on the business idea you could make something of it??

    Cheers, Chris!!

    P.S. If you do decide to give it a go and get stuck reach out to me and i'll help you trouble shoot :)

    submitted by /u/ChristopherwD
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    What are some of the least "Dropshippy" producers to resell/dropship with

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 01:19 PM PST

    I have been putting together a Shopfiy shop for about a month now. Will be out in a couple day.

    Went through Ali Express first.....all long shipping times and mostly chincy shit that no-one is going to be a re-buyer of at least that I could tell. Maybe some people have success in that area but I think its striking gold when they do. Correct me if I am wrong.

    Then I went to Modalyst who you can select to choose "only items that ship from US" and they mainly source clothing items through Shein and Wish. I went ahead and added about 350 clothing items from Shein and Wish to fulfill my needs through Modalyst just to find that Wish is basically the same exact as Ali. God damn, I thought these companies had US distributions centers. Now I have decided to focus 98% on Shein products becuase they have US based everything, great support, good selection. The problem is that Shein in NOT really dropshipper friendly. They won't consider custom packing slips, they get grumpy if you use their model images, they don't have a dashboard to view collected products. If it weren't for Modalys and its EXCELLENT automation with Shopify I would be screwed.

    So my question would then be....do you know of any companies in the US that strive to work with dropshippers as a vialble business besides just print on demand sides? That will white label for you, process orders in a good amount of time, have customer service, offer good pricing still? Can you assist with suggestions? I haven't gotten a tax ID yet but i figured I would have to before working with any larger suppliers.


    submitted by /u/spgvideo
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    Monetizing a luxury account with 25k followers?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 12:58 PM PST

    I'm currently a college student that has a luxury account with 25k followers. It focuses on sports cars, watches, mansions, etc. I currently make no money on it, but I was wondering what ways I could start monetizing with the small amount of followers I have now. Thanks!

    Here is a screenshot on the Insight page: https://imgur.com/gallery/4N1z3eJ

    submitted by /u/Curryiswhereitsat
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    Valuable resources

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 09:00 AM PST

    I grabbed the second tier bundle. It has plenty useful content for me to enjoy for a while. Thought some would find them useful too.


    submitted by /u/Hase2er
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    Anyone interested in sales forecasting as a service?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 12:29 PM PST

    Just curious given to know if people would be interested in testing out a forecasting as a service idea. The idea is for you to submit a csv file with (Date, Sales data) values and the output would be to sales predictions for the next few weeks.

    If interested in testing out the service please fill this form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScULtqQCRQklL-BGSA2hP2Ej_6zGO8m_IBmXsW3aXyW6kSJbA/viewform?usp=sf_link

    submitted by /u/canhelp
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    As a founder where do you share your struggles?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 12:21 PM PST

    Do you post on FB, whatsapp? Talk to friends, talk here on Reddit or hacker news or any other place?

    submitted by /u/FahadUddin92
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    A step in the right direction

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 12:07 PM PST

    Hello everybody! No questions or anything today but just wanted to say that i have finally got my product onto a stores shelves. It might not be a massive thing in the world of business but it is definitely a step in the right direction. After hearing rejections or not hearing anything at all, it feels good to hear a yes. Here is to moving forward with success!


    facebook: @getsomeflavor

    instagram: @themastermixes

    submitted by /u/schaefferjosh
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    What brilliant business idea have you thought of, but never had time to create, or someone beat you to it?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 11:02 AM PST

    Hello r/Entrepreneur

    I'm sure plenty of us have seen a succeeding idea and thought, "Hey! I thought of that years ago! I could have done that!"

    I keep a list of "Hairbrained business ideas" where I write down every strange, interesting, funny, and awesome idea for a product or business model that pop's into my head. Over the last few years, the list has gotten quite long, and I often find myself looking at ideas and wondering what could become of them if I left the things I am working on and tackled it.

    Share a story about when you saw your idea in a successful business today with which you had no part.

    submitted by /u/unnovator
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    How to promote an authentic make money online business?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 10:44 AM PST

    Thanks for reading. The business model is people curate fashion outfits - the pants, top, purse, shoes etc. When shoppers purchase an item or items from a member's look we share the affiliate commission we earn.

    I don't want to be lumped in with the thousands of 'I make $3600 a month online, ask me how' scams.

    Does anyone have any ideas about promoting a real opportunity in a market where people are expecting a scam?


    submitted by /u/dustydiamond
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    How easy is it to transition from excel to a mobile app?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 10:18 AM PST

    Hi All. I have an idea for an app that I could probably create fairly easily in Excel, but am wondering how easy it would be to ultimately transition from there to an app after I'm finished with all the functions and things. Appreciate any input from people who have attempted this before or successfully done this/know how to go about doing it!

    submitted by /u/FFiscool
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    creating a web dating site, do i need to out source?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 09:55 AM PST

    i have come across a niche community where they are basically using facebook groups as a dating center where people are posting pictures of themselves/ friends trying to find a significant other. the group is fairly new but once it got stateside it really started blowing up. i was thinking of creating some type of website specifically for the people in this group and was wondering exactly where i would start.

    i do not have any background in programming but i do not mind trying to learn. i have been reaching out to old friends in college who graduated in the computer science field to see if they have any skills that could help me.

    i do not mind doing this for fun and actually don't mind learning how to code just for self knowledge.

    submitted by /u/Toooldforpreme
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    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 09:43 AM PST

    I have to conduct a survey for a hypothetical product in Entrepreneurship class. Where is the best place to send out a survey to get lots of responses for free?

    submitted by /u/Seniorof19
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    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 09:34 AM PST

    I have a idea that sounds great in my head, but not sure how to start, where to start, or even attempt on trying it. I want to sell a product off the shelf in a store I work at. I feel like doing this because the product I want to sell is a necessity we use in our everyday life. Thing is, is this even aloud, would I get in trouble, or would it be a great idea.

    submitted by /u/tnegocsole
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