• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 28, 2018

    Legal Advice [Update] Abusive ex-boyfriend is threatening to sue over a joke I told at an open mic [California]

    Legal Advice [Update] Abusive ex-boyfriend is threatening to sue over a joke I told at an open mic [California]

    [Update] Abusive ex-boyfriend is threatening to sue over a joke I told at an open mic [California]

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 06:50 PM PST

    edit: I appreciate all the kind and helpful PMs and will continue to appreciate and respond to those, but I will not be responding to all the messages asking to hear the joke or other questions about my life/comedy in general, sorry. Privacy.

    OP here: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/9t4514/abusive_exboyfriend_is_threatening_to_sue_over_a/

    Thanks to everyone for the advice, quite a bit has happened since my first post.

    I ignored him and continued doing what I was doing, then a few days after I posted he showed up at the bar while I wasn't there and asked around for me. They said he seemed drunk (which is unfortunate as he allegedly got sober after our breakup) and they told him to fuck off and called me to warn me.

    Before I could even react to that, he contacted several people at my work via social media, including one person very high up in upper management who barely knows who I am. He sent them all the same opener, saying he was trying to reach out to me and asked for my phone number or email and saying it was urgent. Two of my colleagues responded to this message that I know of, both said something to the effect that they wouldn't be able to share my info but they'd let me know he asked. He then began threatening them and "warning" them about me and telling them very sexually explicit things about me and asking if they were sure I was the type of person they wanted to work with.

    I was really, really trying to avoid asking anyone at work for help even though I knew they would be nice about it. I didn't want to be the person that drags their drama into the office, but my ex did it for me, so I decided it couldn't hurt at this point to consult with a friendly coworker in legal to see what she thinks. She walked me through getting a restraining order and put me in touch with an attorney that practices in this arena if I end up needing it - I really hope not to.

    Literally two days after the TRO was granted and he had been served, he showed up at the bar again, drunk again, and this time I was there. It was honestly really surreal seeing him. They kicked him out but he loitered outside and refused to leave and the bartender and my friends and some random strangers were all guarding the door, it was quite the debacle, we called the cops and he was arrested.

    So, I think I'm in the clear for now, although I know he's willing to break the law so I'm not incredibly comfortable. I put up cameras in my apartment, my friends are walking me out to the car every night (I used to walk alone, it's a safe enough area it was never a concern before), my employer and colleagues are aware and supportive even though I wish I could've kept this private. I'm doing what I can. There wasn't a huge dramatic ending to all of this but it seems like it should be over now - here's hoping. Thank you again for the advice and support everyone!

    submitted by /u/comedylegaladvice
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    Disabled daughter, school bus trouble

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 08:13 AM PST

    We are in Central Florida, Osceola County

    My daughter is 8 and mentally a toddler. She also has physical disabilities, like muscle weakness throughout her entire body and a g-tube. She can't walk far and is very unsteady on her feet, so we got her a handicap placard so on trips to the store she doesn't have to walk as far. She's been on disability since birth.

    She's been taking the special needs bus to and from school since she started a few years back, and they've always picked her up at our home. This year they are refusing, they are only coming to the front of the neighborhood now and it's much to far for her to walk and she is now too big for normal strollers. I tried asking the bus driver if she could come to our home, like they've always done, she said she wasn't allowed. I called her boss, she said so also couldn't and told me to call her boss. I finally got a hold of the one in charge of stops and she told me no as well.

    Is there anything I can do? I don't always have a car to drive her, and sometimes I'm out of gas. We are going through a pretty hard time financially.

    Thank you for reading.

    UPDATE: I got it into her IEP she needs "curb to curb service", they're still stalling and playing phone tag. Now over Thanksgiving holiday a guy ran a red light and totalled our car. So I can't even drive her to the stop anymore. She's missing school now, asking me to go, and I have to keep her home because she can't make the walk. I'm pulling my hair out with these people.

    submitted by /u/Kroh_Lykwoh
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    Husband's employer has a "use it or lose it" vacation time policy. Whenever he puts in for vacation, his supervisor denies it because they are understaffed and can't spare him. He will lose 4 weeks of accrued vacation time at the end of the year because of this. Is this legal? [MA]

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 10:36 PM PST

    Ex wife wants Half of my retirement. Been divorced for almost 3 yrs. Can I protect myself??

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 05:45 AM PST

    Ex wife wants half of my retirement. I've been working for 13yrs. The decree that she never signed states that she is eligible for it. Now she wants me to pay for a lawyer to get it signed and issue a lump sum. This doesn't seem fair. Is there any help to protect myself?

    submitted by /u/chefcarl77
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    [NY] My employer threatened to fire me if I didn’t reveal my medical issue. Is this legal?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 08:07 AM PST

    Saw my doctor on Monday because of an unexpected medical issue. Doctor recommend I stay out of work for a while and gave me an out of work notice ending on December 11th pending a follow up appointment on the 10th. Called my employer and let them know I would be out of work but didn't reveal the medical issue as it was personal and somewhat embarrassing.

    I received a call this morning from the Director of Human Resources (who also happens to be the owners daughter) and she began asking a lot of very personal questions like: what exactly is keeping you out of work? Have you ever had these issues before? Why can't you give me an exact return date?... and a few other inappropriate questions.

    I told her I didn't want to reveal the medial issue as it was personal and that's when she told me that they were going to let me go because I was being withholding and didn't want to work with them. I began to feel pressured and didn't want to become unemployed so I told her a few of the symptoms I was having and mentioned to her that I felt uncomfortable talking about these things. She backtracked a little and said as long as I can return on the 11th that I could keep my job.

    My question is around the legality of her questioning my personal medical issues. I was under the impression that I didn't have to reveal that to anyone but in order to keep my job I was forced into telling her. I now feel very uncomfortable returning to work and believe it will be a very toxic work environment. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/Milfydogg
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    Our landlord has taken us to court 4 times and lost every time and is now trying to sue us again!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 09:43 AM PST

    I live with my mother in a rent controlled apartment in Manhattan NY, so our landlord wants to evict us so he can charge full rent for the apartment. To this end he has taken my mother to court 4 times and lost every time it seems like merely to inconvenience us.

    The latest game he is playing is trying to claim we owe back rent. He refuses to accept signature conformation mail, so as to avoid having a trail of the rent we send him. He didn't cash two of our rent checks over the past seven years one in 2011 and one in 2014, then he put two of this years rent checks towards the 2014 and 2011 rents from the checks that he didn't cash so he could claim we owe back rent this year. In order to avoid conflict my mom just resent those two checks for those periods and thought she was completely caught up.

    Aside from all this happening, a window broke on the front door of the building, he claims I broke it by kicking it and that the super saw it. Then he changed his claim to that I broke the lock on the door by kicking it and that both the supers saw it, and tried to bill us 800 dollars for it. We didn't pay it because I didn't break the lock nor the window, and he had no claim to our money.

    So yesterday when my mom got home there was a new notice from him that was an invoice for 800 dollars OF RENT and also two months worth of rent despite us having sent those checks and documented us sending them with certified mail. And today when I got home there was a notice that we had been served and had to appear in civil court for living here without paying rent. At this point my mother has sent a check for every single month of rent.

    Is there anything we can do to make him stop repeatedly suing us to try to get us to move out?

    submitted by /u/rawrzapan
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    I had to move in with my parents after three surgeries and a breakup left me with few other options. They decided with no warning they’re selling their house and want me out in four days. I pay them a few hundred for rent and have nowhere to go due to how this was sprung on me. Can I do anything?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 05:59 AM PST

    Im located in Utah. I'm honestly beyond embarrassed I'm even asking this question because I should've never let myself get into a position where I knew I'd be having to move back in, but I've been extremely sick with my lupus over the last few years which resulted in surgeries and going through a really rough breakup that left me with no options.

    My parents have been irresponsible with credit card debt the last few years which I was aware of as I've been not only paying rent but helping them with paying monthly credit card balances. The reason they want to sell their house is they're saying they cannot afford their monthly mortgage and credit card bills and are giving me four days to leave the premises.

    Due to how this was sprung on me, I have little to no savings (been helping them with their bills) so I'd be unable to place a deposit on an apartment and I have absolutely nowhere to go. I'm faced with the very real possibility I'll be homeless.

    Is there anything I can do? I feel awful even asking this because at the end of the day it is my parents home, but I'm at my wits end due to what I've endured while I've been back at home and this being sprung on me out of nowhere.

    submitted by /u/throwaway99387
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    [GA] Wife being bullied and discriminated at work for being intersex.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 02:45 PM PST

    Around Thanksgiving my wife has been hanging out with some of her co-workers and they were talking about having children in the future. She's intersex as she has CAIS and the complications from it caused her to be infertile, so she explained to them in-depth about how CAIS works and whatnot. So she has an ignorant and very conservative co-worker that I'll call her B. When she mentioned that she's infertile as is genetically male, B immediatelly flipped out, called her a freak and a mentally ill man, and then just stopped talking to her.

    So since the start of this week here's what happened. B, who unfortunately is also close to my wife's boss, went apeshit over her being "genetically male" and repeatedly complained to him about my wife. The boss capitulated and now my wife is only allowed to use the male restroom in her workplace so B doesn't get uncomfortable and rumors have been circulating around the office that my wife is a man, and just today when she left work someone vandalized her car with the word "faggot" written in spray-paint. I want to know if there's any recourse she can take against her boss and B over this shit as these two days have been absolute hell for her. Thanks

    submitted by /u/caisthrowaway
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    I found a company using photos of me to sell a weight loss product I've never used. I've asked for the photos to be removed but haven't gotten a response. What is my next step?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 06:52 AM PST

    There's a company using "before and after" photos of me to sell some sort of weight loss system on their instagram. They've captioned them as "quotes" from me so that it appears I've said "thanks 3 week diet!" and a few other things. I've never heard of the product and would never endorse something like it. I've spent the last few months working on my own Instagram presence with the hopes of gaining a following to market my own "diet" food item so the use of my images for a different product is all the more upsetting to me. Is a company legally allowed to use me as a spokesperson without my consent? What is my next step? Do I have a case for a lawsuit and if so, would it be worth pursuing? Company appears to be based out of Texas.

    submitted by /u/rachel8188
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    Do I have any rights when next door neighbor in a small apartment aims a camera right at my door?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 01:01 PM PST

    I live in SAn Francisco Ca.. I have a neighbor from hell.. the most recent problem I have with her is the camera she just put up aimed at my door. I have two kids(4/2yo) and a wife we like our privacy but now I feel like this neighbor can look into my place when my door is open and she can record conversations in my apartment bc wall are thin. Contacted my landlord he's waiting to talk with his lawyer tomorrow. I just want to know if it s against any law or if she can even put a camera Up or if I can do anything at all? I do think it's a complete invasion of my family's privacy and it's stressing my wife out. Do I have any options? Like can I just turn the camera everyday or will that get me in trouble some how? I just want it out of our direction.

    submitted by /u/KasperJax
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    [CA] Can my room mate sue me for watching netflix with her in our living room?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 10:39 PM PST

    We have lived together for 3 1/2 years and sometimes I watch netflix with her when she is watching it. I NEVER have watched it on my wn, only when she is watching something in the living room and I then join in. Just this weekend she brought up the idea that I should have to pay for half of the netflix costs, even from years ago because I sometimes watch it with her. I said that is not fair because i never agreed to it and if she didn't like it then don't use the living room. I also brought up that she uses my Playstation and internet that she doesnt pay for and she said it's fair game because the internet wifi goes all around the house and we share the house and everything in it and the netflix exists OUTSIDE the house so it's different, and that the ps4 is in the living room so it's OK to use, same with MY TV (she doesnt own one). She also uses my cooking stuff, and a lot of other things that I don't give her permission for. The worst prt is that she wants me to pay for more than half the cost of it, actually more than netflix itself ($10 a month) ,she says it's because she is saving me money by me not having to go get cable, which I never wanted anyway. She wants $50 a month from Feb 2015 and she says it totals $5,200, which it doesn't, it's closer to $3,000. So, can she sue me for watching netflix in our living room?

    TL;DR: My roommate wants me to pay for her netflix

    submitted by /u/NetflixAndSue
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    My year has been hell...

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 05:38 AM PST

    So in August 2017 I found out I was pregnant with my first child. I'm 24 years old and I was with my fiancée of 2 years. He wanted to get a dog to be part of our family and I was totally against the idea, but he got the dog anyway. I grew love for the dog and got over it.

    We were living in an apartment at the time and thought it would be a good move to buy a small house for our new family. So in December we bought a house and moved in. My parents helped clean and renovate the entire place, new oven, toilets, furniture, everything. So about a month goes by and it's peaceful, but then my fiancée (now ex) started hanging out with bad people. I had a bad feeling about it and I tried to stop him but I couldn't.

    At that point I was sad and alone most of the time. I was still working, but on weekends I would be at the house alone pregnant while he was out with these bad friends. It got old.

    Things just kept going downhill, he started having his bad friends over to hang in the basement at our new home and would leave me pregnant taking care of his dog that he needed so badly. I actually got dragged down the back stairs a couple times when taking the dog out for a walk. At this point we were basically still together for the baby.

    So in April I gave birth to my absolutely perfect little baby. One week later I was exhausted and so was he so I decided to stay at my parents for the night to get some sleep. The next morning I came back to my house and there was another woman in my bedroom with my fiancée with my clothes on. I flipped out. I didn't hurt anyone or anything, but obviously I was upset and outraged. He ended up calling the cops and getting me arrested. The charges ended up being dropped because the officers were not aware I was a tenant on the deed. I moved home to my parents house.

    Ever since, we've been in court fighting for custody. I got full physical custody and 50/50 legal. One month after I moved out of the house, he had his new girlfriend move into our old room and his friend move into the basement to help out with the mortgage. His friend has a dog, my ex has a dog, and his girlfriend moved in WITH TWO ADDITIONAL DOGS. There is 4 dogs in a less than 1,000 square foot home. Last weekend after my baby spent a weekend at her fathers, she came back very stuffy and coughing, her voice was hoarse.

    Two weeks ago we signed a paternity agreement in court, nothing about pets was mentioned but it does say that we need to keep each other informed of who resides at the residence. The paternity agreement allows her father to have her two weekends a month, all other parenting time is mine.

    I don't feel comfortable having my baby who is now in the crawling stage crawling around with hair on the floor from 4 dogs. Also, dogs are dogs so you never know when or if they could get into a brawl.

    I really don't know what to do here. I already spent 10k (my entire savings) on a lawyer to get full custody. He owes me 5,000 that I put as a down payment on the house, and I refuse to take my name off the deed until I get my money back.

    So I guess my question is, do I go back to court to fight to get the dogs out? 4 is too much. This house is basically the size of a shed. And how do I go about getting my 5,000 back?

    Peace and love people... be nice to your significant others please

    Located in Massachusetts, USA

    submitted by /u/seaglass606
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    (MI) Girlfriend's parents were told by a CPS Agent who reported abuse

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 07:43 AM PST

    My girlfriend left home at 17 after her therapist reported her parents for abuse to CPS. Her parents had multiple foster kids in their custody at the time which were then taken away during the investigation (we later found out they were returned and then her mother adopted them, as she has done before with other foster children). She moved from Michigan to live with my mother and I in Ohio.

    My girlfriend is now 18 and She recently got back in contact with her Mother to try to get her birth certificate and social security card so she could get an ID and a job. This didn't work out, unsurprisingly but during that conversation via text message her Mom told us she knew that her therapist reported her to CPS aswell as many other details of the case that she should not have known. Her father had previously worked in a branch of the military for 13 years and knew many law enforcement officers, her mother is good friends with many CPS Agents because of fostering, so we're sure that's how she knows. Was it legal for the CPS case workers to tell her parents this information? Is there anyway we can legally pursue this?

    Not to mention, with the proof my girlfriend provided.. Those children should not be back in that home. I feel as though their connections definitely helped them in the investigation. We want a proper investigation done.

    Any help is appreciated, thank you.

    submitted by /u/St0rmster
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    A cannabis supply company used my name and work address to send supplements in the mail

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 10:18 AM PST

    Hey this is my first post and I'm on my phone so sorry for formatting. I came into work yesterday and found a returned package on my desk. It looks like something that was sent to Canada and returned. It has my first initial and last name and my work address in the from section. I did not send this package at all.

    When I opened the package it was a really weird handwritten note from the owners maybe and some cannabis supplements and like stickers and postcards from their company. I have never heard of this company before. They look like a real business but when I tried to find their business address I couldn't see anything online.

    Should I confront the business and tell them to not send using my information or just destroy the package? It's really weird and I'm not really sure what to do.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/ahhpurpledrapes
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    My eyes Vs my school

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 04:27 PM PST

    Hi, I am a grade 11 student in a rural area of Australia and am having trouble with my high school. Last year a kid in my grade acted like an idiot and sprayed me in the eyes with deodorant. As a result of this I was sent blind for over 6 months. At this point I was really grateful for the school accepting me back into it however things have worsened since my sight has returned. I later found out that no discipline was handed out to the kid that made me go blind for so long. This year all of the staff and students were told that if another reaction to aerosol occurred that there was a very small chance of me ever regaining sight. This however didn't stop another student from spraying a big cloud of his deodorant in the door way to my next class. From this I was hospitalized, went practically blind for two weeks, have been in excruciating pain for the last 3 months, have lost the ability to drive and read for more than 10 minutes at a time. This has hugely impacted my life, my hobbies, my family and my schooling. As it stands I have one more day left of school and over 16 hours of catch up if I am to pass this year. The school has refused to lay out any form of punishment to the second kid and have in fact rewarded him with the school captaincy. Any advice on what I can do regarding the second kid or where my rights stand with the school , we are already in talks with a solicitor. Sorry if this isn't the right sub.

    submitted by /u/Thewhitelion21
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    Siblings trying to prevent me from seeing my mom. (GA)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 07:52 AM PST

    I was my parents family caregiver for the past few years and my dad recently passed away. I stepped away after siblings started to attack me and returned to work (I went out on leave to take care of them). The family had to hire over $4000 a month in home care and after 2 months of that he ended up in a nursing home unable to walk. I still was the one taking him to doctor appointments and visiting him at the nursing home

    My siblings are now threatening to sue me for manipulation of my mother even though they have my mother turned completely against me. They are trying to make sure I have no rights to see my mom. The siblings that are giving me the most issues are the ones that live out of state that have no idea what's actually going on.

    Under my siblings care, my mom has had to go to the er for a fracture and multiple infections. One of her falls they let her go to bed bleeding and didn't take her to the hospital until the next morning. I was out of town when this happened

    Should I get a lawyer?

    submitted by /u/cgtahp
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    Old company won’t release my 401k or even answer the phone, what can I do?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 09:35 AM PST

    A couple months ago, I realized I had a small sum sitting in a 401k from a company I worked at years ago. There was actually two companies. I thought cool I'll transfer the funds to my new job.

    The first one transferred the funds within a week

    The second.... can't even get ahold of the woman. The 401k company said all they are waiting for is her signature of approval. I've left her numerous messages and she will not answer my calls or call me back or even just sign the documents.

    What can I do? I would really like this resolved

    submitted by /u/witchnature
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    My ex wife tries to divorce me a second time after several years in a different country to get more money out of me.....Now Australia

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 03:24 AM PST

    Hi I keep this short and easy to read. I was married with my ex for several years in Holland and we divorced there as well. It wasn't a good divorce and she took my for almost everything I had. (mid 2015) OK hit rock bottom but I always to try positive I am a hard worker so I got my life on track again and started building up. Fast forward to now. I stopped my job where I been working for almost 14 years and as a thank you the company is selling the machines I always worked with and give me some money for it. Super nice to be appreciated like that. Now my ex wife (now living back in Australia again) heard this and prompt I got a message that we are not divorced in Australia and she want to divorce there. Also a friend has contacted me saying that she said she was trying to get more money from me. Is this possible? The facts; Married in Australia legally bond in Holland. Divorced in Holland went up to the higher court and is settled and done with. (Have all the paperwork) Also the court said that she had to pay back the money I paid to much to here over the divorcing period. $12500 never seen a cent of that. Can she play that game? Can I push and try to get my money still back of her witch I never did cause I was so happy it was over back then...(I send her 1 email about it)

    submitted by /u/jimbrink
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    Work Punishments Include Drinking Soap and Other Abuse

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 12:37 PM PST

    My girlfriend works at a retail store in California. They are supposed to ask customers if they want to buy a particular item and there is a punishment board for not doing so. The employee is allowed to choose their punishment from a punishment board.

    The punishments are either very hard and often demeaning work or obviously illegal punishments. The hard work is things like cleaning toilets or moving heavy objects. Other punishments include doing pushups, coworkers being allowed to hit you with a stick, drinking soap, eating dog food, and sucking on undesirable desirable objects that are not meant for human consumption.

    Is this illegal? They could argue these obviously illegal punishments are not mandatory, but there is an incentive to do them because the other punishments are so difficult.

    submitted by /u/DoctorJonsey
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    The courts accedently entered wrong social and i was garnished.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 11:09 PM PST

    Last month i recieved a letter from my employer stating i owed $1287.50 and they started garnishing me. I put out fraud alerts, froze my credit, and filed a police report. I was then told by an officer that it was not identity theft but the courts had entered the wrong social. The person they ment to garnish just happens to have the same birthday but a completely different name. They have since stopped garnishing me but have already taken 300 from me. Is there any legal action i can take?

    I live in boulder county, CO

    submitted by /u/tarinith
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    Bank saying they can collect the entire sum of money a highway project is awarding us in damages/acquisition to our property, and apply it to our mortgage principal.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 10:50 AM PST

    We own a small acerage in Minnesota along a highway that will soon be expanded. The state (MNDot) is purchasing a section of our land (by force) and removing our privacy boarder of trees facing the existing highway. We finally came to an agreeable number in damages, plus cost of aquisition, ect and have informed the bank.

    When a loan servicer from the bank got back to us, she told us Fannie Mae could take the entire sum and apply it to our existing mortgage principal. (Last year, our bank sold our laon to Fannie Mae but assured us they will continue to service the loan as if nothing had changed).

    We don't understand this. First, why would they want to do this? It would lower our interest rate, thereby decreasing their overall profit. Second, it would reduce the value of our property if we were uable to use the funds to correct the damage. (We were planning to build a berm, plant more trees and even build a fence).

    I cannot find any examples of a mortgage lender doing this except in rare instances. More information, we have never been in default, our credit is good and we have even been trying to put extra towards our loan payment. We have owned our property for a little over 2 years and it is zoned agricultural.

    What are our rights as property owners? Should we now be in contact with a real estate attorney before further discussing things with the bank?

    submitted by /u/honeybeefarmer
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    Girlfriend opened credit cards in my name without my knowledge [IN]

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 05:47 AM PST

    My soon to be ex opened up two separate credit cards that I know of for women's clothing stores and between them charged ~800.

    Wondering what my options are.

    submitted by /u/Star-Waffle
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    Police told me to wait but did not pull me over

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 12:48 PM PST

    I was sitting at a stop sign, cop passes me going the other way. tells me to roll window down, says "wait for me", and proceeds to go pull over semi on the other side of the parking lot. Thought he was going to immediately make a u turn but he didnt come back. I waited for 5 mins and then left once i realize he wasnt pulling me over. He still had the semi pulled over 20 mins later on my way home. Whats with this? Is this legal? Did i do the right thing?

    submitted by /u/tg300049
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    Was assaulted last Wednesday night and I think the police may be corrupting the case. Guy who assaulted me, and his family are very close with the city police department.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 12:28 AM PST

    Last Wednesday night (Technically Thursday morning) I was walking home with my friend and there was a girl about 40 feet in front of us. There was these two guys behind us and one of us starting running towards the girl I guess because he was mad at her. He pushed my friend out of the way and then when he got two steps in front of me he punched my lights out for no reason. Never said a word to him or visa Versa nor towards the girl.

    I woke up in the hospital covered in blood not remembering anything. I didn't realize til after a few hours later when I looked at my texts that I had been assaulted. Luckily my friend recognized the guy who did did it and when the police came he wrote down "so and so punched deezanutza in the face and ran off". I guess I was out cold the whole time face down in the street and my friend had to wave down a cop car. The cop came but didn't pursue the guy who punched me bc he later said it was bc their department had their hands full that night.

    I ended up suffering a broken nose, chipped front tooth, and lacerated lip, and my other front tooth has three cracks going in it horizontally that has been determined by a specialist that it needs a root canal ($1500). My other tooth will most likely need a crown too I guess($800). I have to meet with an ent this Friday to discuss whether or not I'll need surgery to repair my nose. When I went to the hospital they did a full body ct scan and x rays of my head. All negative but I do think I left there undiagnosed with a a concussion too bc I had concussive symptoms for the next 5 days or so.

    Now here is where it gets weird. This guy that assaulted me I guess was in jail for assaulting an officer and just recently got out on parole. When I left the hospital the same day, I called the police department with my claim number. They told me to come in to write out my criminal report of what happened. I asked to speak to the officer and he said my friend is the key witness to the situation. He said that once my friend writes his report and can say for certain that it was "so and so" who committed the assault, He will then conduct his own investigation, on the other guy and then have a warrant for felonious assault with injury or something. My friend came in the next day on Friday and did exactly that.

    Come the weekend and the guy's younger brother and friend asking around about if anyone got in a fight at the bars or got knocked out. One thing leads to another and it's found out that it was me and that they know I know it was him. They ask my friend, who is the witness, to Comeover and they talk to him for a long time about what they can do to make it right for me and the family is sorry that this happened to me. The family and my friend know eachother so they're not strangers. My friend told me all of this later that night and now he doesn't feel right being the key part in someone facing 5+ years in prison. I talked to him for an hour and was able to get through to him they're just trying to guilt trip him out of this.

    So now come Monday, I get texts from a mutual acquaintance between the family and I, asking what they can do to make it right. Specifically stating they'll pay off my medical bills and give me 2 thousand on top of it for me to drop the charges. I immediately sought an attorney for advice and he stated that "unless someone is coming by and dropping you off a check for 100k, I see absolutely no reason for you to accept anything and drop the charges." I decline all offers and told the guy to fuck off I'm not hearing it anymore. I call my friend later that day and told him about this and he tells me that the cops are the ones who gave them the advice to make me offers so their son doesn't go to prison and we don't go through a "long drawn out process" as they put it. I also found out that the family is really close with the city police department. The guy is a wrestling coach at the local high school too.

    So now it's Tuesday and I still have no word from the police as to whether the officer has finished his investigation or not yet. It's been almost a week and still no arrest. I keep calling them and every time I call the officer is either "not in yet and will give you a call when he comes in at 7" (which he hasn't yet) or that "he's out on a call right now and will call you when returns"(which he also, never does). I'm starting to think that the police are stalling this whole thing and trying to find a way to corrupt the case and let this guy get away. I want justice served. I could have died that night. I wasn't able to spend my thanksgiving with my family because of how fucked up my face looked. I had to miss a few days of work because of the pain I was in and also bc I was on pain pills. I have to eat out the side of my mouth right now bc I can't use my front teeth to eat. It's agonizing to eat or drink anything more than slightly cool or warm.

    My question is, what now? What do I do if I believe the police are purposely not pursuing this case due to the family's relations with them? All of my injuries are well documented and my friend and I were very detailed in our police reports. Plus wouldn't my friend saying that he saw that guy knock me out and run off be enough to give to a judge to order a warrant for felonious assault? And what about the bribery? I believe that was a trick to get me to illegally accept money to drop charges since I already told the cop I want to press charges. I left a voicemail with another law office today asking them to return my call telling them my whole situation.. please, I really need advice on this one guys.

    submitted by /u/deezanutza
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