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    Tuesday, November 27, 2018

    Startups Weekly Feedback and Support Thread

    Startups Weekly Feedback and Support Thread

    Weekly Feedback and Support Thread

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 03:07 AM PST

    Create something? Let's see it!

    Feedback or Support Requester

    Please use the following format:


    Purpose of Startup:

    Technologies Used:

    Feedback or Support Requested:


    Post your site along with your stack and technologies used and receive feedback from the community. Please refrain from just posting a link and instead give us a bit of a background about your creation.

    Feel free to request general feedback or specific feedback in a certain area like user experience, usability, design, or code review.

    Feel free to request support with hiring talent, finding a job/clients, recruiting a co-founder, getting your pitch deck made, or anything objective based that is specific to your startup.

    You can also receive advice and feedback in instant chat using the /r/startups discord.

    Feedback Providers

    • Please post constructive feedback. Simply saying, "That's good" or "That's bad" is useless feedback. Explain why.

    • Consider providing concrete feedback about the problem rather than the solution. Saying, "get rid of red buttons" doesn't explain the problem. Saying "your site's success message being red makes me think it's an error" provides the problem. From there, suggest solutions.

    • Be specific. Vague feedback rarely helps.

    • Again, focus on why.

    • Always be respectful

    • /r/startups would appreciate your expertise on our discord.

    Support Providers

    • Please post some background information about yourself and why you're capable of providing support

    • Feel free to share a relevant URL

    • Be extremely clear what you are offering your support in exchange for: money, equity, barter/trade of services/products, or a mix of those--or if you are volunteering your support for free

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Cap table software or platform?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 06:56 PM PST

    I'm outside general counsel for a few startups and I've been tasked with keeping track of their cap tables because they can't seem to properly manage it themselves.

    I was originally using excel but it became unsustainable. Now I'm using Truequity which I really like conceptually, but it only seems to function properly using Safari (I work on Windows in the office). Although the site formatting (?) is always a little wonky. Also, it won't let me print any reports or charts directly from the website which makes it difficult to share information with the clients.

    I've played around with a few others but they're either not very user friendly or overly pricey.

    Looking for recommendations with similar features as Truequity. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/emerald475
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    Startup Blues

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 09:07 PM PST

    For the second year in a row, Amazon pulled my product on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Granted, it's due to negative feedback - the majority of which is focused on a faulty battery pull tab, which tends to slide inside the units during shipping.

    This wasn't supposed to be my Black Friday sale, I wanted to retire the last of these units. It was supposed to be the new model 2, but it's been delayed because my firmware developer was "almost done" porting to the new BLE SoC for 6 weeks, but in reality he wasn't. We now think he harmed himself and no one can get hold of him (or the firmware). So we are starting from scratch and missing $500k in holiday orders (a major milestone for me).

    Mind you, this all happened as I was closing a seed round and collecting checks, half of which are in and the other half of which are not likely to come in now.

    As I'm cutting costs and realizing more mistakes I probably could have avoided, I am amazed that I've held it together. I've grown with my company and never could have survived a failure like this a couple years ago. So I guess there's that.

    submitted by /u/sarbanharble
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    [HELP] Chicken or egg online

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 06:03 AM PST

    I'm looking for a little bit of advice or general help with an online project.

    A team of two web developers created a campsite search website. A campsite would join the website, create a profile and become searchable for campers. Nothing groundbreaking but it felt like other competitors were outdated and didn't do a great job - especially on mobile. On initial "launch" we managed to get around 140 campsites to join us (some paid, some free). But even that amount of campsites are spread thinly across the UK which gives poor search results for the campers looking for campsites.

    Here's the issue - chasing campsites or chasing campers, the proverbial chicken or the egg. Obviously the website needs both to work well. We think the campsites don't believe the website is valuable enough as not many campers are searching - likewise the campers aren't getting much joy because the variety is lacking when searching by location.

    I'm struggling with where to put the efforts in terms of acquiring users from both sides. We are web developers with little knowledge in other areas of business. We managed to convince 140 campsites originally but since our latest release it seems campsites aren't as willing and we're running out of steam / ideas.

    Contact is generally done direct to the campsites email address with a low percentage of reply and even lower percentage of the campsite joining. We started a blog and ran some competitions on social but this seems to be a temporary fix mainly people who are competition hunting.

    Is it best to raise the profile on social media with the campers which adds value for the campsites or ensure a good number of campsites are joined first? What strategies would work best in this field? Any advice would be great!

    TL;DR Website needing users from both sides.

    submitted by /u/nathgreen
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    [HELP] I did my MVP iOS and I have no clue hpw to contact an investor

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 04:06 PM PST

    Edit: sorry for typos, I'm writing this on the mobile.

    I created a mobile app for restaurants (one app worls for all registered restaurants), where users sit on the table, scan a qr on the table and gets connected.

    Users can view the entire menu with rich UI Users can call the waiter from the phone. Users can order from the phone with customization. Users can check the bill (each person can check the bill of his phone only as well) and ask for it.

    I finisjed the MVP and crafted the app beautifully. Without exaggeration all whom I showed from friends a colleagues it liked it alot and some are asking me for updates from time to time!

    I even went as a guest to Arabnet a startup conference expecting to be bashed but all investors but one were really interested. However all said that they need to see some traction before they invest.

    The problem here is that I'm a developer. I made the app, and I and all whom I shared it with can see tye potential . But I have no idea how to get in contact with investors or reach restaurants. The app MVP is complete but I don't know how to continue from this point.

    Since I'm an iOS developer it's iOS only so I need an android dev to xlone it. Also I need sales to go through restaurants etc.. Im spending from my pocket and my budget is seriously tight to hire someone.

    The app is all me now so no one is evolved yet. I need advice guys, how to get in contact with investors and convince them to invest even though the app didn't lunch yet?

    TLDR: I have my MVP complete and working but I don't know how to continue from this point.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/MohammadBashirSidani
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    Representation in SE Asia Q1 2019

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 05:49 PM PST

    Hello Everyone,

    I'm letting this sub know that I will be in SE Asia for pretty much the entirety of Q1 2019 if you're in need of any representation in the area and are unable to make the trek. I will be traveling the area during that time and am more than willing to work with anyone in need of someone on the ground- I'm a very advantageous individual so really nothing is off the board. DM me if you'd like more info about myself, my whereabouts or any proposed task.


    submitted by /u/bob__sacramento
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    How should you deal with a buggy MVP?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 04:12 PM PST

    Hi there!

    We're building a software in a niche field and have an MVP based on customer interaction. The challenge now is that these customers want to try out the product on their own. The product is in an alpha stage with a few bugs.

    I'm afraid that delivering the buggy MVP may turn them off completely. On the other hand, I don't want to undersell the product and declare upfront that it is buggy and make them lower their expectations.

    Any advice on walking this fine line?

    Or maybe I'm looking at the whole problem incorrectly?


    submitted by /u/hsnk42
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    What internet services don't kick people for political reasons? (payment processors, web hosting, domain registrars, etc.)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 08:54 PM PST

    I'd really like to know what services that are required to run online websites that take payment processing and such do not kick people for political speech they disagree with.

    I think it would be very valuable to everyone to have a collection of these resources documented.

    Website operations

    • Personal email
    • Business blast email
    • Payment processors
    • Website hosting
    • Video hosting (bitchute.com)
    • Social media platforms (gab.com, minds.com, etc.)
    • Domain registrars


    • Sponsors
    • Credit cards
    • Banks

    Maybe someone already has a website link that has a giant list?

    submitted by /u/ConceptHut
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    Perks of outsourcing your MVP development

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 07:32 AM PST

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