• Breaking News

    Monday, November 26, 2018

    Legal Advice [CO] My retired piano teacher who sexually abused me has started teaching children again. I fear that she intends to abuse other children and I want to stop it. I have proof of her abuse against me. How do I go about this?

    Legal Advice [CO] My retired piano teacher who sexually abused me has started teaching children again. I fear that she intends to abuse other children and I want to stop it. I have proof of her abuse against me. How do I go about this?

    [CO] My retired piano teacher who sexually abused me has started teaching children again. I fear that she intends to abuse other children and I want to stop it. I have proof of her abuse against me. How do I go about this?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 04:35 AM PST

    Between the ages of 9-11, I took piano lessons with a teacher who sexually abused me. If memory serves, I believe that she did it almost every week for the 2 years that I took lessons with her. The only reason I stopped going to her was because she retired.

    My teacher used to take photos of the abuse (polaroids), and would give them to me, under the guise that it was "our special secret". I won't get into specifics, but I have possession of several photographs of the abuse where both me and my teacher are clearly identifiable.

    I never told my parents or anyone else about the abuse or the photos due to immense shame and guilt.

    Recently, I found out that this woman has decided to start teaching again, but specifically becoming a children's instructor. I am absolutely certain that she intends to hurt more children just like me, and I want to stop it before it's too late.

    So my question is: legally, what can I do and what should my course of action be? I don't want money, I just want her stopped.

    I have the photographs, but I am worried of the legal repercussions of having them in my possession, as they are technically child pornography.

    Please walk me through this, because I genuinely don't know what to do, and I'm scared she's going to hurt someone else and it will be all my fault because I didn't stop it sooner.

    For reference, I am 19 years old and I live in Colorado

    submitted by /u/throwaway4201979
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    [Update] Can my employer force me to give them my DNA to "identify who used the toilet in an illegal way" (boss's words)? [IN]

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 08:03 AM PST

    Original post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/9z7rka/can_my_employer_force_me_to_give_them_my_dna_to/

    So I met with HR first thing this morning.

    They were confused why I was "early".

    Turns out they intended to question me about the urinal shitting and thought I'd gotten the time wrong.

    It also turns out that my boss misrepresented the strength of the evidence for me being the shittener.

    While it is true there has yet to be a shittening when I was absent, HR either was not aware that faculty, students, and members of the public all also have access to the bathroom. (The door to the IT space has a swipe card since there's expensive electronics and swipes are more easily revoked than keys. Faculty offices and classrooms have normal keys)

    I get the impression it was presented like "swipe card data shows OP is the only person present on every day a urinal shittening occurred", neglecting to account for the fact that in addition to the swipe card data, students, faculty, or members of the public who are not present in the swipe card database could have done the urinal shittening since they do not swipe into classrooms, study areas, etc. So even if I was the only person who was present in the swipe card data during all shittenings, that's an incomplete dataset.

    They asked me some basic questions, but I got the impression that they were "going through the motions" once they realized it wasn't a clear cut "OP is the only person present on all the days a urinal shittening occurred". When I mentioned the stuff about being told not to go to HR etc she made a face like that pikachu meme that is going around and asked me to type up a description of the events and email it to her. Luckily I had a draft presaved based on my notes from the day of the incident :)

    So yeah, no one wanted my DNA. I would speculate that my boss was trying to intimidate me into confessing to being the urinal shitter. First by asking if I'd submit to DNA, and later in the meeting by insinuating they'd report the matter to the police, get DNA, and then not only fire me but charge me with a crime.

    It's not clear exactly what will happen with regard to my supervisor. HR was very cagey and wishy washy, but I was able to get them to speak in generalities and "IN GENERAL" (picture that in an HR voice) asking someone for their DNA would not be ok, but stressed that they need to "investigate". I suspect that if they're not accusatory "So did OP agree to give DNA?" my supervisor will be silly enough to admit he asked.

    Anyways, there will be an investigation, and in the meantime my supervisor's supervisor (who I have a good relationship with) is supervising me and supervisor is not to interact with me.

    My supervisor's supervisor and I don't usually work together day to day but have a good relationship - we interacted during the ADA issue and he had commented if I hadn't had to request time off, he wouldn't have known I had an issue. (Apparently some projects I've done had crossed his desk and he liked them)

    I got the impression he felt my supervisor was inflexible and I was a reasonable person but that he didn't want to outright say it because he's one of those "praise should be public, criticism should be private" types.

    New supervisor asked me "what I've been working on" and I described a few processes I've automated and how I've used the extra time to study some new technologies that might increase efficiency and reduce costs (both due to time saved and that they're open source so no licensing costs), and he seemed impressed, mentioning that a role with more responsibility (and pay) will be opening up in the near future, and that I should incorporate these accomplishments into my resumé and apply for it. He said that normally they ask for previous supervisor to contact, and I should list his extension to call with questions about my performance.

    Said role would mean I would no longer be working with my supervisor in addition to the $$$ and I am cautiously optimistic I will get it.

    I also suggested that since my former supervisor and I work in close physical proximity, and that in the short term I could work from home on days I don't have meetings. He seemed surprised I wasn't granted that privilege already given the nature of my job and the fact it sounds like I'm "extremely productive" and that he thinks that sounds fine. (the university has been encouraging supervisors to allow workers to WFH when it doesn't impact productivity as part of a "green initiative" - I may have "accidentally" outed supervisor as violating that policy on top of our most recent disagreement) I am smart enough to "pick my battles" so I never raised it before, knowing leting it get uncovered during a more serious dispute would stack the deck better rather than blow the whistle and be seen as "difficult")

    Also, a coworker emailed asking me if they can push a meeting we had from Friday until Monday. Apparently their other meeting cancelled so if I moved mine they could work from home on Friday. (Dude bought some property out in the country and has a long commute so I'm happy to accommodate him)

    I suspect the other meeting was with my supervisor, so they're probably suspended or also ordered to work off campus, I doubt the latter since their job involves a lot of meetings

    Anyways, I'm pretty happy - in addition to all of the above, my supervisor's-supervisor said that it sounds like I had a stressful morning and if I wanted to use some sick time for a "mental health day" the rest of today he'd approve it since it looks like it's been a long time since I'd taken sick and they allow mental health days. (And remarked again that it sounds like I'm very on top of things. He's apparently the old school sysadmin type who respects someone who automates things and mostly is responding to alerts, rather than thinking reading up on new tech because you automated a troublesome process is "being lazy" and "sitting around goofing off")

    So now I'm at home having a nice cup of tea watching Star Trek TNG in HD in my apartment.

    TL;DR: My purity of essence is preserved: Supervisor was going rogue - no one in a professional context wants my precious bodily fluids. I have a temporary new supervisor who encouraged me to apply for another position within the uni with higher pay and more interesting responsibility when I brought him up to speed on what I was working on. (And worst case I'm certain my current job is secure) Also managed to "accidentally" reveal some policy violations while bringing new supervisor up to speed.

    submitted by /u/fecalprivacy
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    Woman on tumblr posting ads for videos involving incest and bestiality with her toddler daughters. What can I do?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 11:46 AM PST

    I have the url, but I'm not sure if I should post it for fear of it being considered distribution.

    I came across the blog when I was searching for content related to the show Taboo with Tom Hardy. I searched 'Taboo' and at the top of the results were the woman's posts, where she blatantly advertises that she sells videos of she and her daughters (two of which are toddlers, one is apparently 17) participating in incest and bestiality. It's fucking disgusting, and as a victim of csa, I feel compelled to do something. I just don't know what.

    There's sexually explicit videos and pictures of she and her eldest (over 18) daughter, which leads me to assume that she has similar content of her younger daughters. But I refuse to look over the blog and check.

    I attempted to report the url to the cyber tipline for missing and exploited children, but I keep getting a server error. I'm not sure where she's located, so I can't just call the police. I'm not sure what to do.

    Any advice??

    EDIT: Sorry, forgot to add that I'm in the US. South Dakota, specifically.

    submitted by /u/doomtaxi
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    [Update] Neighbor threatened sexual assault after we confronted him about frivolously reporting code violations

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 10:50 AM PST


    As many people recommended, we did consult the appropriate lawyer about getting a restraining order. She said given the evidence we have, it's probably not enough to get a restraining order. We showed her the video and it doesn't show him acting violently and has no audio so nothing really backs up his threats. Since it wasn't guaranteed and we didn't want to piss him off further, we decided to let it go.

    I did find out which biker club he used to ride with and it's an offshoot of one of the 1% clubs. It's been a bit difficult to find contact information for them (I think it has declined quite a bit from its heyday), but as it turns out, it won't be necessary because THEY MOVED!

    A few days after the incident, they packed up their trailer and were gone for three weeks. We thought they were just laying low but they actually purchased a home out of state during that time. Selling their home took a few months because they wanted an obscene amount for it that was unreasonable even for California's housing market, but they were back and forth between properties the whole time so we barely saw them. As of yesterday, they are officially gone.

    The husband did make a half-assed apology to my husband that went "too bad we had a falling out" and my husband didn't even acknowledge him. Building a spite fence or cutting down a tree is a "falling out". Threatening to gang rape someone and trying to provoke a fist fight is on a whole other level. Fuck that guy. The whole neighborhood knows about it too and by the end, no one was really speaking to them. No one is going to miss them, which will probably upset the wife the most about the whole situation.

    So, all's well that ends well I suppose.

    Bonus edit: there have been 3 SUV's parked around the neighborhood for over an hour. One of the guys in the SUV just asked my husband if the neighbor's son was home because they're there to serve an arrest warrant for him. Apparently shitty apples don't fall far from the tree.

    submitted by /u/NoStateShallAbridge
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    [MD] My roommates (husband and wife) got a job that comes with housing and have forced me out of our apartment. Now they want to make me pay.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 05:36 AM PST

    So I moved from FL to MD on my friend's request. Before I move they called me to make sure that I was 100% invested in moving, and that I planned on staying the full term of the lease, I agreed.

    3 months in, they tell me that they're considering moving, but if they did, they'd only do so after the lease ended. Lame, but whatever.

    2 months after that, and they tell me that (the husband) has gotten a new job that comes with housing, so they want to be moved by the end of the month. VERY lame, but whatever. I start making plans. I move out of the apartment and start selling items off.

    2 weeks after that, they tell me that the landlord has to show the apartment, or they have to pay for the next month's rent as well, so they want to be out a week before the end of the month, cutting my time even shorter.

    Now I just received a text from them saying that if the apartment isn't sold off to someone else, that they want me to pay half the rent for the next month, despite my not living there for 2 weeks and counting.

    I don't know what rights I have concerning the issue, and any help on the matter would be helpful. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/xNaRwHaLxBaCoNx
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    My dad goes to pain management for his back pain and he is prescribed 150 hydrocodones per month. He's been running out and saying the pharmacy must be shorting him which we laughed off as they are usually pretty tight. Today we found out they may have been for a while. explanation underneath.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 10:17 AM PST

    As I said he gets 150 hydrocodones per month and has said when he ran out early that they must have shorted him. His memory isnt what it used to be so we chalked it up to him doubling up accidentally when he forgot he just took one. Well today we picked up his script for him and counted it and it was the full 150. then he pulled out the bottle they gave him last month which was a smaller bottle. We then tried to put the 150 in there and they didnt fit at all we still had 10 or 15 in our hand. It is the same pill, not a different brand that may be smaller. I'm obviously fucking pissed as he's been in pain for the last part of the month here lately as hes running out while taking his prescribed dose. He doesnt want to call the cops and from here on out i am going to let him call in his own refill so they think its him picking it up then i am going to go with him. But, is there any anonymous way for me to have that pharmacy audited or reported for their shady practices? I'm in North Carolina.

    submitted by /u/Kinnakeet
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    My mom died and had set up a trust. The attorney is telling me the house she left will need to be sold. Can this be explained to me and what can I do?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 09:10 AM PST

    My dad (he died 5 years ago) and mom had a horrible and lengthy battle with cancer. I spent the last few months with my mother caring for her under FMLA. I have a brother who just turned 18. My mom told me the house would be mine so that my daughter could experience living in a stable home in Ohio. We had many talks about it. My mother ended up passing on November 16th. In the will, it listed her sister and law as a trustee for a trust. This trust was to keep assets (and listed the house) in a trust for my brother and I until he turned 25, when it would be split. The trustee is listed as having power to do basically anything with the assets. Today my aunt had a meeting with the attorney, which I requested to go to but was not allowed, and afterwards I get a call where she tells me that the house will need to be sold. This is my brother and I's childhood home and in no way did my mother want this. Can anyone explain why this could be happening and if there is anything at all that can be done?

    submitted by /u/Trust_noxone
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    Car was impounded for a drug charge that was later dropped. Chicago saying I owe them $15,000 for the car.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 09:45 AM PST

    I guess I'm trying to see if what they did was wrong. I feel violated, and I have heard that this would not fly in other cities.

    An unmarked SUV full of undercovers pulled guns on me without announcing they were police. This caused a high-speed chase as I thought I was being mugged or abducted. I'm sure this is why they dropped the charges, as they endangered my life as well as others on the road. They did find a small bag of drugs on me at the time. However they kept the car after dropping the charges.

    I'm not one to take advantage of society, but I feel violated both in the way that the police made me fear for my life, and then in the aftermath they are saying I owe them $15,000 for a car valued at 600$.

    I attempted to sign the car over to the city of Chicago in an attempt to stop the storage fees, but they would not accept that. It is gaining interest at a rate faster than I could pay it down.

    submitted by /u/Del_Phoenix
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    [MI] Update! Do I need a lawyer for age discrimination?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 06:37 PM PST

    First, thank you all so so much for the kind words and suggestions. I even saw that it made best of legal advice and was floored by the over whelming support from both communities!

    Unfortunately, this update has good and bad in it.

    I did find an attorney to help me. I made an appointment and tearfully explained my situation begging him to let me make payments as I could only afford such and such amount but I could sell my car if needed. Not sure if it was because of the holidays or he just wanted me out of his office (I kid, he was so nice and understanding) but he told me not to worry about it and I could make a donation or volunteer at a charity. He agreed to start off with a very strongly worded letter and we would keep in contact from there to see what happened.

    The bad.

    I don't want to go into much detail just in case, but law enforcement is now involved. I am ok and unharmed, that's all that matters. What I am able to give out due to it being reported on was after having to change my phone number, he attempted to show up at my apartment and waved a gun at security when they told him they wouldn't let him in. However, there is now another investigation as he may be linked to another criminal case in my area.

    Again, thank you all for the kind words and support. Just wanted to give you guys some closure while I was getting mine :-)

    Edit: I did want to add an answer to a big question I left out previously because I was unsure if I should have disclosed it, that previously the amount of damages he was looking at originally was over $6.5k. He claims the cost of dinner was $250 (it was at a frickin' restaurant that rhymes with Bolive Darden), his gas guzzler of a car at $150 for mileage, but the best was when we were talking, I had mentioned how I wanted to go to South Africa and he allegedly started buying the works for me. /shrug

    But seriously, I know I've tried to use some humor in this, but I'm a little broken inside. I'll be starting therapy soon because it has given me horrible panic attacks and I've just been trying to cope with how I could have been a statistic.

    submitted by /u/Agediscriminator
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    Dentist is suing me for $15,000 over a 1 star Google review... [UPDATE]

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 02:07 PM PST

    Original post 7 months ago : Just got served with a lawsuit seeking $15,000 in damages for leaving a 1 star review

    I messed up and didn't take the biggest piece of advice given to me repeatedly on my previous post: "get a lawyer". I thought I could just respond to the lawsuit citing anti-SLAPP laws in CT, fax over the form and wait for the dismissal letter in the mail...

    Weeks ago, I discovered that they had not received my response and if it wasn't mailed on time It would be too late. I paid for overnight mail and it was received on time according to the person on the phone. Weeks later I receive a letter with a date for my court "hearing".

    I went to this hearing and thankfully the judge stopped my former boss and his lawyer (who also brought a new employee to testify??!?) mid testimony and asked me if I understood what was happening because "normally the defendant doesn't show up for this."

    The judge kindly explained to me that I had already lost by default for not responding, and they were here to determine how much money I owe in damages. I pulled out a copy of my response, and the case was continued. Today I filed the proper motion and paid a fine of $130 to re-open the case against me in the clerks office at the court house. I was told to wait for a response in the mail. I am also getting a lawyer if I can afford it.

    TL;DR: I didn't get a lawyer and filed the paperwork myself. It wasn't received by the court in time and I lost by default. The judge stopped the hearing because it was obvious I came ready to defend myself even though I had already lost. If you give a 1 star google review, run it by your attorney first.

    submitted by /u/IGaveOneStarOops
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    Landlord won't stop entering home

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 12:43 PM PST

    In the beginning, he would let himself in any time, no worrying. I told him that is very uncomfortable and he needs to let us know and to KNOCK. Now, he sends a text that he will be coming (with a LARGE time frame), knocks, but 3 seconds later, unlocks the home!!! How Can I amicably explain the violations? Print out the law for him to read and highlight the important sections'?

    This is super uncomfortable and in the bay area, Sa Jose

    submitted by /u/fazer0702
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    My daughter is in a relationship with an old guy, she is extremely underage. I reported this to the cops multiple times but they can't do an investigation because of lack of evidence. What can I do?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 11:32 PM PST

    She's fourteen, I have no clue who he is. I caught a glimpse of him twice. She told me that they were dating and said not to tell her father. Now that everything is out, she refuses to admit anything. I presume they are sexually active because the first thing during the conversation was protection. She even showed me a picture of him and he had a almost fully gray beard. I checked her phone again and everything was deleted. I have no clue what to do legally.

    submitted by /u/throwaway6547sh
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    [FL] Two cops stopped me while I was walking home from work. I didn't have my I.d to show them, then one of them tells me its illegal to not have an I.d on me. Is this true?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 02:43 AM PST

    broward county

    submitted by /u/Xyphered
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    My name isn’t my name

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 08:07 AM PST


    A few years back I got a replacement SS card that had a typo. I called about it and was told by the local office I shouldn't worry about it. So I didn't. I currently live in the United States.

    Well I was trying to get a copy of my birth certificate and an issue as come up. My legal name isn't my name. It's the "typo".

    Should I worry about this as all my student loans, cars, homes, credit cards and even my degree are in the correct spelling and not the typo. I'm 37 years old and this has never been an issue but now I know about it. I don't wanna be charged with some type of fraud one day because of a simple mistake that went unnoticed for 37+ years.


    Added information: This is my first name in question. All I can find online is about last names and most of those are married name vs brithname issues.

    submitted by /u/JZHJR-
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    NZ- is my mother stealing from my autistic brother???

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 12:16 AM PST

    New Zealand.

    So my younger brother is 15, close to 16, and he also has aspergers. He is high functioning but get stressed easily. When he get stressed he swears and yells in his frustration. Mother yells a bit at him, and doesn't handle his outbursts well. She has a "swear jar" for his language but it also includes his tone of voice, swearing, talking back, being rude, not doing all his jobs (which is the whole house pretty much) and if he doesn't use his manners. Each time does one of these he has to put anywhere between $2-$5 in it.

    But the issue lies in the fact that mother will make him put money in there for the smallest thing. And in one we out burst can end up having him put $20. Mother told me one day when i visited that he ended up putting $350 in it by the end of the month before. She then goes and spends the money on herself on things like a new phone (and not a cheap one either) and gloats about how my brother paid for it and laughs. I have personally witnessed her winding him up when he's getting frustrated and then gloat about how much he has to put in and what she's going to buy herself next.

    This very much upsets my brother as he has a job and works very hard to earn the small amount of money he gets (he does a paper run 2/3 times a week. He's estimated she's taken at leat 70% of his earnings which he's wanting to save for uni. Is this stealing and if so what can I do legally for my brother?

    submitted by /u/Micathedoggyboy
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    (WI) The Church of Scientology has been sending me mail for years now, are there any legal ways to get them to stop? I'm afraid I'm being stalked.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 08:30 PM PST

    Throwaway because I have no idea if my accounts are being monitored. Also, I swear I'm not mentally ill, or have bedbugs, or carbon monoxide in my apartment. This is really happening and has been for 7 years now.

    When I was 18 and dumb and going to school in Washington DC, my friend and I decided to stop at the Scientologists' table by the subway station and take one of their "personality tests". It was all a joke to us, we just thought they were the funny celebrity religion that believed in aliens, not the scary cult they've been exposed as. Anyway, I took the test. All I gave them was my first name.

    You can imagine how surprised I was when I got mail at my dorm, addressed to my first and last name, inviting me to their local church. I ignored it because I was freaked out. This has since happened whenever I changed my address in DC. When I moved to Boston after school, it took a little while but they began sending mail to my house there.

    I've since moved again to Milwaukee for work. Again, it took a few months, but last week I got mail from them again, inviting me to the local church here.

    I've read accounts online that church members tail people, and that's how they get their addresses. I'm really freaked out by this.

    I know I was stupid to take that personality test. I had no idea it would put me on their radar. Is there anything I can do? I have no interest in their cult, but obviously, cults don't just take "no" for an answer.

    submitted by /u/PretendDog5
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    Sister bought a car. Dealership put it under my name.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 08:15 AM PST

    (FLORIDA) So I have a twin sister and we have similar names and have the same address and DOB. She bought a new car and the dealership mistakenly put it under my name. The documents are under hers but I am positive that someone in finance selected my social when completing the bank loan. This has caused so many problems for me. All her accounts then merged onto mine. My credit went down 150 points. Even if the dealership fixes the error I still have to contact every single credit card company under her name and fix the issue then hope my credit gets fixed. Do I have a case against the dealership? Credit card companies have started to close my accounts, everything has gone down hill. All because of a clerical error from the dealership on a very expensive car.

    Please help.

    submitted by /u/Xxpinkgl1tterxx
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    (OH) I am 18 living on my own and my parents refuse to provide me with my social security card or my birth certificate. Can I call the police to assist? Is this theft?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 07:28 AM PST

    [OH/PA] Small hotel trying to claim damage to a room we didn't damage

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 08:33 AM PST

    So this happened back in September but it is still plaguing us. My brother and I are from Pittsburgh, PA, which is why I have this marked as OH/PA

    We stayed at a small name hotel near Blossom Music Center in Cuyahoga Falls, OH. When we got there, we took turns taking showers, which worked just fine (important!). We chilled watching TV for about an hour, then went to a concert at the music center.

    After the show, we came back, grabbed the 12 pack we put in the fridge, and went outside and chilled with other concert goers for about 2 hours. When we were outside, we used one of the other people's bathrooms since they were closer to where we were, also important. I went to bed, and an hour later my brother went to bed (or so I was told). Also to note, I didn't get drunk, I was exhausted from the show and just wanted to go to bed early since I was the driver for the trip over.

    When we woke up, we gathered our things, checked out and left. Everything looked fine.

    About 2 weeks later he gets a call from a cop saying that the hotel said there was damage to the room. They said a pipe to the shower was broken, and that someone kicked a wall in the bathroom. My brother calls the police station back and they have no record of the officer that called. We didn't hear anything for about 3 weeks.

    After those 3 weeks, $400 gets pulled out of my brother's bank account by the hotel. We call the police station back, and they said that the hotel did that illegally. They told him to call the bank and file a fraudulent charge and to get his debit card numbers changed (which he did, and got his money back). The police also said they went to the hotel and told them that if they wanted the money, they would have to go to court. We didn't hear anything again until today. They called him and left a voicemail.

    My brother calls back and the lady at the hotel who answered is insisting we damaged the room. We didn't. I think they have the wrong room, or it got damaged with another tenant. He explained that this will have to proceed to court, because we are not paying without them being able to prove we damaged the room. He said "the next time you contact me better be through legal means, because I think this is a scam" and hung up.

    Now, being from another state, what is the best way to handle this should they decide to go to court? For such a small amount ($400) would a lawyer be needed?

    submitted by /u/Jekerdud
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    [CA] Restaurant customer threatens chargeback over the $100 tip he left. Manager obliges and is now asking for the $100 to be given back from the waitstaff.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 08:56 PM PST

    California, Alameda County.

    Waiter at a restaurant that is no stranger to decent sized groups and dinner parties. A particular customer left a $100 tip on his receipt that was charged to his credit card along with the price of the dinner. The $100 is clearly legible on the receipt. Tips are cashed out at the end of each shift between waitstaff, bartenders, and bussers.

    Two weeks later the customer calls back and complains, saying he never left a $100 tip and threatens a chargeback for the entire bill. Restaurant manager informs him that it is clearly visible on the receipt but as a good will gesture offers to refund his $100. Manager then asks the staff that recieved a portion of the $100 tip to return the money. You fill out a form that says you're giving it back and it's deduced from the next time you're tips are cashed out. The forms are typically used when a tip amount is entered incorrectly by the staff, never seen it happen before when management offers a refund to the customer.

    Am I obligated to give the money back? Can I be fired if I refuse?

    submitted by /u/SerLemonOfGalam
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    Theater show - copyright issue

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 04:51 AM PST

    Wrote a musical theater show for a performing arts company with no contract. Working as 1099 independent musician for group. Was never paid for my work even though company profited and booked multiple tours. Personal and business relationships in the company went south and head of company says he owns my work since it was performed under his company's name. Now he is telling me I can't perform my original songs and arrangements with another group. Thanks in advance for any advice.

    Edit: state of MN

    submitted by /u/DaveAF
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    Sexual harassment-now being sued

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 01:26 AM PST

    This is a throwaway account for obvious reasons. I am a 34/f Florida

    About five years ago,a group of girls complained on our manager for sexual harrassment. There were many more girls,but they were too scared to report it.

    He would constantly try to kiss us,grope our leg under the table,and say inappropriate things. I got to the point where I was calling out just so I did not have to be around him. I finally told my husband and he said to call Human Resources. Two other girls called and complained as well. They stated the call would be anonymous.

    Needless to say he was fired even tho he has been with the company for over ten years and I moved because my husband relocated. Well I was served with a lawsuit. He is suing all three of us plus the company. Stated he was discriminated against,racially profiled,and that we complained because we had poor work performance.

    It's been five years. I don't know what to do. Do I answer the petition? Do I call my old workplace? Do I call a lawyer? This has brought back so many fears. I am now worried for my safety since he knows where I live. I am worried about retaliation. I can't sleep. And I am having nightmares. He is suing each of us for almost 20k. I regret making the call. But I could not go on being groped and trying to get kissed on daily.

    submitted by /u/Jamantee222
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    [MD] My car was towed from my neighborhood with the parking pass in the car. Property Management received a tip from a neighbor who claimed my car had been in a spot for more than the 8 nights in a month limit. They have no proof other than the neighbors word.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 12:02 PM PST

    I live in a townhouse community with an HoA run by a property manager. I'm in Montgomery County Maryland and I don't know what legal protections I have. My car was not parked in a spot for more than the allotted nights but it doesn't matter. They towed my car with no proof other than a neighbor claiming it was there for too long.

    I called the tow company who directed me to call the Property Manager who then directed me to email the board of directors for the HoA as they are the only ones who are authorized to tell the property manager my car was towed illegally and pay to get it out.

    submitted by /u/BallnGames
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    Fired for false pretenses. Filed for unemployment, asked to collect statements, old employer threatening to fire anyone who gives one.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 02:08 PM PST

    State of Ohio

    So here goes, I was fired for making a death threat at work(obviously I did not) after a verbal altercation was started by another party against myself. Which was all but unsubstantiated seeing as how the one witness changed story multiple times. Said witness has a past of poor behavior and received a final written warning a few days before said incident.

    I filed for unemployment(denied, saw that coming) but according to the unemployment department they questioned my employer and found some inconsistencies with my former employers statements (changing story, and apparently tried to make my spotless record appear not so spotless leading up to said incident) and have now given me an additional 48 hours to collect statements about the incident, character statements of myself and those involved in starting the dispute.

    So I started asking for statements today at about 2 o clock which was when I was notified to do so.

    About 10 minutes ago a few of the people I had asked for statements notified me that they were threatened with termination if they provided me with said statements. Apparently one of them asked if it would be okay and they gathered everyone around to threaten said action. I attempted to call the lady dealing with my case/application but her office closed a half hour ago.

    So I guess I am just asking is that legal/is this becoming a legal issue? One of the people I asked was actually present for the incident which led to my termination but he claims he wasn't interviewed in the "investigation" that took place regarding it. I've started asking colleagues that have quit recently due to the toxic work environment. How should I proceed?

    Any information would be appreciated I am just going to be an anxious mess until I can get back with my case worker tomorrow.

    submitted by /u/DangerDotMike
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