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    Tuesday, November 27, 2018

    Filed a formal complaint, but am I in the wrong? Illinois Insurance

    Filed a formal complaint, but am I in the wrong? Illinois Insurance

    Filed a formal complaint, but am I in the wrong? Illinois

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 02:36 PM PST

    Hi everyone! I just want to let you know that I'm not very familiar with insurance terms, so bear with me please! This is all what I've gathered from my new agent and the corporate customer service. Some of it, I may have interpreted wrong. Sorry if that is the case!!

    A little background first: my boyfriend and I bought a car back in June and I immediately switched over to his insurance and we informed our agent of all necessary info to get the car added to the plan. Though we bought the car together, it was mainly going to be driven by me. We informed her that and told her that I would need to be on the policy. We were reassured multiple times by the agent that it was fine and I was on the plan. I checked the insurance company's website and looked around and I wasn't listed anywhere, not even as a driver. We called her back and she reassured that she'd be sending me cards with my name on them. (Not exactly sure if this is necessary or not?) We waited and waited for something to come in the mail but never did, but we're told once again I was fine to drive.

    Four months go by and my boyfriend purchases another car to use primarily as a work car. The day he buys it, he calls the agent and informs her of VIN and all other information. We are again told everything is fine and she'll add the car right away and we're good to drive home. He used it as a daily driver up until recently when it had some mechanical issues.

    Two months after he has been driving it EVERY day, we find out she hasn't even added this car to the policy AT ALL. It is completely uninsured and of course we are calling wondering what the issue is. She tells us she lost the VIN and asks for it again, we give it to her and she reassures is that we are fine to drive it.

    My boyfriend and I discussed it and decided to switch agents to a closer town. Once we tell our agent we will be switching and to please forward everything over, she tells us we owe the company ~$70. We go ahead and pay, just too frustrated to even care. Turns out, this was her adding the work car to the plan (after 2 months), in what looked like to save her ass. She even reached out to my boyfriend on her personal phone texting him saying "Can you tell me what is going on? Lol." Paying the $70 halted the transfer and caused more issues. FINALLY, we contacted our new agents and they were SO helpful. We're still in the process of transferring all the information over, but our new agent found out that I was listed as a "driver" but wasn't able to use our emergency services or towing options because previous agent didn't complete anything, which means I'd have to wait for my boyfriend to get to me to call a tow truck or emergency service. This is obviously important to me because my boyfriend has a very demanding job, which he couldn't always be there for me.

    Anyways, my boyfriend has been driving UNINSURED the past two months because she refused to put the car on the policy for some reason?

    Like the title says, I filed a formal complaint with the previous agent. Was I in the wrong? And will anything happen? We knew her personally and we don't want her reaching out to us to ask why or anything. But, you can't let your clients drive uninsured but tell them they are insured. It's not ok.

    Also, if any of you have any advice or want to correct me, please do so!! I try to understand everything, but obviously am a little confused.

    submitted by /u/annabelle3599
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    Seeking legal advice ASAP (fender bender - leased car)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 06:54 PM PST

    Hi there, I was recently involved in a fender bender on a public street outside of a Trader Joe's parking lot in San Francisco, CA. I was in the far right lane behind several cars waiting to pull into the parking lot when a car swiped the left side of my bumper. Luckily the damage is superficial, however, it is a leased car and I need to turn it in in July in impeccable condition. The scratches are about a foot long. The driver first apologized to me and said, "I'm so sorry, I thought you were pulling up," however started to change the story after we examined the car. She said, "I am not so sure this occurred tonight." She was very adamant about me giving HER my insurance information and registration info, however, when I asked for hers, she was adamant about emailing it to me later. I had no reason to believe that she would ever email it to me, so I did not hand over my info. When I started to video record her and state what had just happened, she got mad and grabbed me attempting to take the phone from me. At that point I was uncomfortable and called the police. I was told by the dispatcher to wait there until he/she arrived. After about 20 minutes and no cops in sight, she left and before she drove away, she said she called the police too. I called the police back to let them know that she left the scene and was advised to file a hit and run. When I got to the police station they me it was not the law or a requirement to call the police in a scenario such as this, and that even if an officer had arrived they would not have made a report. They ended up calling her from the police station and acted like an intermediary and got her license and insurance information.

    Her car was dented and scratched all over it. Now that she has my insurance info, I am worried she is going to twist the story and say something like I hit her and caused damage to her car (even though it was already the most beat up car I've ever seen in my life!). I pay an extra fee per month on the lease to cover accidentals and minor issues. MAYBE this extra insurance would cover the scratches she caused, however, I am worried if I do not file a claim with my insurance company that she could file her own first, and then I would look at fault. Is there such thing as filing a report but not a claim with an auto insurance company. I use SafeCo. Should I call the dealership and ask them if they think the scratches would be covered by the extra insurance I pay monthly on the lease? I am trying to avoid paying a $500 deductible if I do not have to, but I also do not want her to be able to say I caused damage to her car when she is 100% at fault here. Any advice is much appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/KRK148
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    I lied to my insurance company and I'm freaking out.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 08:48 PM PST

    So before you freak out and call me scum for fraudulently making a claim, let me explain.

    I'm 18, male, clean record, driving my own vehicle. I was turning right at an intersection, yielding to oncoming traffic. All of a sudden, I'm rear-ended by a young girl with a car packed full of her friends.

    Everybody was fine, the cars were drivable afterwards, and I wasn't to shooken up since I wasn't at fault. We exchanged info and went on our ways.

    When I got home, I told my parents and they immediately made me call my insurance company to make a claim on their 24 hour claim hotline. I start answering questions, and then we get to a certain question:

    "How many passengers in your car?"

    Now, I lied to my parents about where I was since I was hanging out with my ex girlfriend whom they hate. And when I say hate, I mean HATE. It was just the two of us in the car, and the passengers in the other car obviously saw her since she got out and had to look at the damage herself.

    Back to the questions, I was answering them on the phone in front of my parents. Obviously, I wasn't going to say to passenger in the car since I told them I was by myself. So, the only option for me in the moment was to lie to my insurance about the number of occupants in my vehicle.

    I made the claim about an hour ago, it's currently 1 a.m. To put it lightly, I am FREAKING OUT. The damage is most likely in the tune of a couple thousand dollars, so I'd really like the claim to not be thrown out or to have my policy terminated. It would be especially embarrassing since my parents pay for my insurance in the first place.

    I need advice, and I need help quickly. I can't find any internet resources on the topic so hopefully somebody here can help.

    Thank you so much in advance!!!

    submitted by /u/NotAThrowaway66151
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    CityMD - Flu and TDAP billed as "urgent care"

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 12:51 PM PST

    Went to CityMD in New Jersey to get a Flu and TDAP (wife was expecting). They billed my insurance (United HealthCare) for $300 of urgent care which all went to my deductible and my plan discount was $197. The bill CityMD sends says that they only billed $197 and then lists out the two vaccinations and two administrations.

    From UnitedHealth when i sent them a message.

    The claim was billed with codes for a sick urgent care visit. UHC would need a corrected claim with codes for the immunizations given.

    I think my next move is to call CityMD and ask them to re-submit with the right codes. Any thought on how to handle?

    submitted by /u/Flyinace2000
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    Auto insurance: Personal vs. Commercial -- ???

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 05:08 PM PST

    Let's say I run a small time, weekend side hustle doing pressure washing [or indoor carpet cleaning, or lawn mowing service, or any other similar service type business]. Would the vehicle that I am using to transport the equipment (pressure washer, vacuums, mower) to the worksite fall under a "personal" or "commercial" vehicle? The way I understand it, a commercial vehicle would be a vehicle that transports goods or people; a personal vehicle is, well... just used to transport yourself to wherever you need to go (to get the job done).

    I called my auto insurance to get an answer and their response was kinda vague... but they eventually told me that it would be considered "commercial." Because of how unclear (and unsure) the rep was, I called a 2nd time and got a totally different answer. The 2nd rep felt that it would fall under a "personal" vehicle.

    My logic goes like this:

    • i buy a family vehicle (van) so i can drop my kids to school and then head to my normal 9-5 job. [at this point, the van is a "personal" vehicle]
    • in the future, money becomes tight and I seek out a PT job at the neighborhood grocery store. [still, at this point, van is a as "personal" vehicle]
    • the PT job lets me go, and I decide to do a side-hustle vacuuming carpet over the weekend. I pack my dyson 5000 into the van, and head to the job. I unload the dyson 5000. Walk into the client's home and start cleaning the carpet. [so is the van now a "commercial" vehicle?]
    • There isnt any option (as far as I know) to split the insurance policy coverage between personal and commercial.
    submitted by /u/Isaiah_6_8
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    Dental Insurance Missing Tooth Clause Explanation

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 07:16 PM PST

    Missing Tooth Limitation: The amount payable is 50% of the amount otherwise payable until covered for 24 months; thereafter, considered a Class III expense.

    I have a missing tooth from about 12 years ago. I am considering getting an implant. Will this insurance cover any of it? Thanks

    submitted by /u/soyeahiknow
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    Insurance check being sent to body shop

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 10:50 PM PST

    Wondering if anyone can help me out here. I hit a deer a month ago and took my car to get an estimate and then dropped off to a body shop of my choice. The claim representative gave me a check with my loan company on it which was all but useless and told me to wait until I had to actually pay the claim and then to get another check sent directly to the body shop. I just called today and they are sending another check directly to the body shop however they said it would take 7-10 days. The problem being that my car should be completed this week (I was on vacation for 2 weeks and did not have the ability to call about the check earlier). My insurance said that they can contact the body shop and give them "Proof of payment" while the check is in the mail. Is it common for body shops to accept this type of word from insurance companies and relinquish the car or will I need to wait another 7-10 days to get my car? Thanks for any replies!

    submitted by /u/THE_righteous_Pirate
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    Health insurance - out $5K for an MRI?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 10:16 PM PST

    [CA] I will preface this by saying - I feel like an idiot and am just trying to understand options.

    I have had knee pain and found an orthopedic doc in my city. He did an exam and recommended an MRI, suspecting a torn meniscus. He had recommended I go to a outpatient freestanding center/company he refers everyone to. I took a look at their Yelp and asked a friend who went there - they have had some very shady billing practices where they've sent folks to collections and have been non responsive in alleviating the problem. I look to avoid them since I just got myself out of credit hell.

    I am Anthem Blue Cross PPO, so I go onto their care finder tool online and search for MRI facilities. I see UCSF pop up and it estimates only $200 out of pocket with my insurance (of total $2500). I call, and make an appointment and provide all my insurance info. UCSF says billing will call me if there are any issues with insurance.

    In the meantime, I call my doctors office (not affiliated with UCSF) and ask them to submit an authorization form - they call me back and say because I have a PPO ("such great insurance"), it's not needed.

    I go check my app today and see two claims from the day of my MRI denied, totaling over $5K in costs. I haven't yet received a bill from UCSF but am sure it's coming. I feel like an idiot for not checking with my insurance company first by calling them and just trusting their care finder tool. I later google it and find that Anthem has moved away from covering patients MRIs at hospital facilities in CA earlier this year (I think) without stringent medical requirements.

    I feel terrible - out $5K+. Is there any steps you'd recommend I take? Calling my doctors office or calling UCSF? Appeals? While I am dealing with the stages of grief and am upset (at the doctors office, at UCSF billing, and at that care finder tool), I know it's ultimately my responsibility to check by calling. Just want to see what others might do to lessen the burden since I've already screwed up navigating the healthcare system with my ineptitude. Any advice on next steps would be great.

    submitted by /u/Winjunk
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    Home Insurance and liability for contractor bills

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 03:58 PM PST

    Thanks in advance to anyone who reads this.

    We had a sump pump failure in April and made a claim to our insurance(Amica) which we pay extra for flood insurance with a limit of $25k. Everything rolled along and work was finished a while ago and our basement was functional again. The problem is that through the process the insurance approved more cost than our coverage allows and now we are being hit with a $2k bill for packin/packout of our stuff. It wouldnt be as much of a problem but we were never given the option to review the costs of anything and if we had known we probably would have just moved the things ourselves. Do I have any kind of leverage in battling this because its really a bunch of BS.

    One of the major problems I have with us being hit with this is that we went through Amica per their advice because it would give us a three year warranty on work. This sounded great in the beginning but in hindsight the whole process seems fishy as none of the contractors involved bid, they were simply assigned the job and showed up.

    Anyway just looking for others input in the event someone else has had to deal with something similar.

    submitted by /u/barf_the_mog
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    Hospital insurance to supplement health insurance for pregnancy?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 11:28 AM PST

    My wife and I are planning to start a family in 2019. Her employer offers hospital insurance through Aflac which essentially pays out lump sums when various events occur ($2000 if hospitalized, $50 for one-night hospital stay, $100 for multiple-night hospital stay, etc.).

    There's obviously a very high chance of her being hospitalized next year with the pregnancy. Based on the premiums (around $70/month) and the benefits listed above, it seems like a no brainer to use the insurance for a year til the baby is born and then cancel the policy the following year.

    What am I missing?

    Edit: She is already covered under her normal health insurance, the hospital insurance would supplement that.

    Edit #2: She is not pregnant yet and won't be until after the policy would be in effect.

    submitted by /u/fi8675309
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    Car insurance: Is it bad to get insurance coverage on a car I dont own, but drive frequently?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 02:33 PM PST

    Basically, I moved to Cali from Oregon. I had SR-22 insurance with Progressive for alcohol related driving issues, my insurance expired on NOV.1 and I have sold the car the previous policy was for. I drive my family members car frequently till I buy a new car and need insurance to drive it. I am wondering if it is possible or recommend to get insurance on a car I dont own, but is in my family.

    submitted by /u/InsuranceAnony
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    Insurance with (News to Me) License Suspension

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 08:19 AM PST

    I've been on the phone with my insurance company and the DMV all morning about this issue and am now looking for advice here, though I suspect I'm out of options…

    On Christmas morning 2017, the car my gf and I used to own was totaled in a hit-and-run accident, while parked in front of our previous apartment in Florida. Coincidentally, this was two days ahead of our out-of-state move for work. With our moving truck rented, our lease about to expire, and a police investigation open, we decided it was best to tow the car to the house of my gf's parents, where it would sit unused for 6 months. A few weeks into January, the police let us know that they weren't going to find the at-fault driver, so we cancelled our insurance policy and my gf asked her parents to return the license plate to the DMV.

    Later, my gf's father decided to take the car on as a hobby project, so we transferred the title to him at the end of May, at which point he added the car to his insurance policy. In July, he and his wife took a road trip to visit us—in the previously inoperable car—and when they arrived, they handed us… the unreturned license plate. My gf was upset, but with her parent's reassurance and our not having received any mail or calls from the DMV, we assumed there were no further issues.

    This past weekend, as we were buying new insurance, my gf and I found out that my license had been suspended… since February… for not returning the plate. I frantically called the DMV, who lifted the suspension, but who are firm that it will remain on my record for the next three years. During those three years, we will pay an insurance surcharge of $200 per month for having a suspension on my record.

    Oh, and the letter from the DMV that was meant to inform me of my pending suspension—the one that they referred to on the phone this morning as "just a courtesy"—was sent to my parent's permanent address back in February. My parents, of course, did not mention the letter to me.

    I'm trying hard to accept blame for this, but it's going to take time.


    TL;DR: My FL license was suspended (without my knowledge) for a lapse in coverage during a time when my car was 1,000 miles away and inoperable.


    I somehow really fucked up, I know. Do I have any options left to help mitigate the massive insurance surcharge?

    Edit: grammar and spelling

    submitted by /u/hutdugs
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    Do I qualify for Medicaid?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 03:02 PM PST

    Hi guys I posted this on /r/HealthInsurance as well, trying to navigate the whole health insurance system while unemployed. I'm coming down to the wire kinda and I'm really kicking myself for procrastinating. Some background information:

    Voluntarily left my job effective Oct 13, 2018. I understand I have 60 days during this Special Enrollment Period to do something and that it happens to coincide with the Open Enrollment deadline of Dec 15 which is making the choices confusing for me. I'm kind of down the wire with time because I will be taking a vacation from Nov 28-Dec 15. The way I see it, I have three (sort of) options:

    1. Enroll in COBRA and give myself coverage retro to Oct 13 moving forward. This is the most expensive option.
    2. Enroll during the SEP, but since it is now after the 16th, coverage would not begin until after Jan 1, 2019.
    3. Enroll during the Open Enrollment period, but then coverage won't start until Jan 1, 2019 as well.

    I understand this leaves me totally uncovered from Dec 13-Jan 1 in scenarios 2 & 3, but based on 2018's rules, I would not have to pay a fine if I'm uncovered for 1-2 months. If something happens while I'm on vacation I have until Dec 24 (postmarked) to send in COBRA paperwork/payment. I'm screwed no matter what if something were to occur between Dec 24-Jan 1.

    Now my next questions is, do you guys think I would qualify for Medicaid in the mean time? My YTD gross income when I left my job was $79k. I have currently not had any income since then. On the Healthcare.govapplication, I listed that I was not currently receiving any income. When it asked about student loan interest deductions, I included about $200/mo, so they were estimating my current income as -$200/mo. Then I corrected my expected income for 2018 to $79k on a third question it had. As a result, the system thought I might be eligible for Medicaid. I will be starting work in January at a start-up with myself and a business partner and I'm unsure of when I'll actually be able to earn an income from that. I understand once I do start earning income again, I need to inform the Marketplace.

    The hardest part is trying to figure this all out before I leave on vacation on Wednesday. It will make it significantly harder (though not impossible) to continue figuring this out while I'm abroad. I'm in Michigan. I filled out my application today and the status is "waiting for state agency to contact you."

    So.....Am I understanding this all correctly so far? Did I fill out the application correctly? How long do you think until I get answer regarding Medicaid? What would you do if you were in my position? HELP!!!

    submitted by /u/unemployedbum123
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    Supplemental Liability Insurance U-haul Cargo Van

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 02:38 PM PST

    Hi, I don't own a car (so no car insurance) and am renting a U-haul cargo van for a move from one state to another. The thing is U-haul doesn't offer supplemental liability insurance for their cargo vans (just their trucks). I've made some calls to the major insurance companies and it seems none of them will offer me insurance. Any ideas about what to do or am I reading this situation wrong? What happens if I get into an accident with someone and damage their car or person?

    submitted by /u/sibarad
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    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 06:24 PM PST

    Im about to purchase a 2016 M4,, my parents want me off there insuarance, im a savage ass driver, im talking crispy creme icy skrt skrt around the turns, no tickets or shit. Geico wants $360 a month,, common now. whats my best option around $200 a month

    submitted by /u/nicvic23
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    Complicated car insurance issue, need help/advice from someone in the industry. Any info much appreciated

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 02:22 PM PST

    Basically, I had SR-22 car insurance in Oregon with Flo's company and have moved to California. My policy expired on Nov.1 and I no longer have the car I had the policy on. I want to get insurance that will allow me to drive my family car around and will protect me if I drive other peoples cars. The agent I spoke with was kind of weirded out by this and said they dont really offer anything like this. The problem is I have another alcohol related driving offense that was never fully recorded on my old policy. I am trying to find the best way to delay the inevitable of them adding that on to my costs, getting insurance to keep me insured in the mean time and maintaining my current company so i can get the discount for staying with them, because they are much cheaper than any new policy I found. Is it possible to get insurance for a car my family owns, even though the owner has insurance for themselves on the car? Should I tell them I moved out of Oregon, its much cheaper there? I am super broke college student, so any way to do this would be good.

    submitted by /u/InsuranceAnony
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    In hospital recovering from spleenectimy. Any advice on things to make sure are in order before getting discharged?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 01:01 PM PST

    I've been in the hospital since the 16th, 10 days ago. I spent the first 7 days in ICU for a spleenectemy after two lacroscopic attempts failed.

    On day 6 someone from billing came in about payment. It was only like $600 out of pocket. I asked if this was for everything since getting admitted on the 16th. She said yeah. Then when I went to look at my insurance claims online there was only one for a single person I had talked to.

    Is there anything I should double check with the hospital billing before leaving to make sure everything is straightened out with insurnace as best as possible?

    submitted by /u/msiekkinen
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    No-Fault accident, I didn't have a license will I get in trouble with my insurance company

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 12:35 PM PST

    I was in no fault accident 2 days ago and my license was expired but I had my road test in 5 days. The police came and filed a report and he concluded that it was the other drivers fault and gave a case number. He gave me a ticket for not having a license and let me go because i had insurance. I didn't get the other person's insurance information but it is in the police record. I'm wondering if I should file a claim with my insurance or wait for the police record to become public(in less than 9 days) to file a claim with the other person's insurance. If I file a claim with my insurance which is on my parent's name I'm afraid the premium will increase and they will also get in trouble for letting unlicensed driver drive. If I file a claim with the other person's insurance I'm afraid they might say I filed the claim too late and I won't be covered.

    I'm currently experiencing some whiplash symptomps so I'm going to the chiropractor to get checked out and hopefully the other person's insurance reimburses me for it.

    submitted by /u/ihatereddit1352563
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    I don’t know how insurance works

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 12:32 PM PST

    Are insurance rates going to go up because of the California fires? And can you explain why or why they won't? And if it's really simple and I'm stupid just tell me.

    submitted by /u/Beans-n-egg
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    Unsure how totaled cars work

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 12:30 PM PST

    I recently took out a deer with my truck. The estimate that was sent to my insurance company was around $7,500. From what I can see on NADA, the truck is only worth around $13,000 clean retail, $8,000-$10,000 trade in. I also understand, in Iowa, that a car is considered totaled if the repair value is greater than 50% of the ACV. Last I heard, the shop was going to start on repairs. Shouldn't the vehicle be considered totaled, since the repair is, at best 57% of the value of the vehicle, or is there something I am missing? If they do repair it and it should have been totaled, is this something that can come back and affect me later on?

    submitted by /u/fryingpas
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    Car hit by uninsured driver in CA. What are my options?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 12:01 PM PST

    I was stopped at a red light and got rear-ended. Took photos of the driver's license, car title. However, other driver doesn't have insurance and since my car is old, I only have basic coverage, so wouldn't be covered for the uninsured under my own plan.

    The damage wasn't too severe, but my back bumper is cracked and there is a rickety/clicking sound when I drive that seems to be coming from the back end of my car, which makes me concerned about internal damage. I reported the incident with my insurance, but they haven't gotten back to me with any additional info. Also planning to have a mechanic look at the damage.

    What are my options at this point since other driver doesn't have insurance?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/constantkaleidoscope
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    Partial Liability?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 08:11 AM PST

    Hey guys! I recently was in a car accident in which a person was taking a left exit, decided they didn't want to do that, and quickly changed into my line. They hit my car on the back drivers side and threw my car into the next lane. I started my claim with their insurance (Geico) and they are claiming that I am 30% at fault. This is because the driver is claiming that they were still 5% in my lane, which is untrue. My insurance is telling me to file with them and they can sue Geico, however this is a $1000 deductible and I am a poor college student. Is there a way I can contest this without upfront costs? Please help!

    submitted by /u/lex_mf_luther
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    Got hit by driver running red last week. Progressive is telling me "coverage is pending"

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 10:38 AM PST

    What does this even mean? I asked her and the agent told me it means exactly what she said :/

    Just to be clear, the driver that hit me (they ran a red light and thus should be 100% at fault) is insured by Progressive. They are investigating the claim but can't move forward because "coverage is pending" and "needs to be resolved". What does this mean?

    submitted by /u/epilysis
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    Allstate doesn't want to pay

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 04:22 PM PST

    So I got in a wreck in 2016. It was a hit and run and I got the other guy on my dashcam. The police found and ticketed him. His insurance paid to fix my car. But on the medical bills, I went to get checked out and felt bad afterward, they got really weird.

    The first agent called and left five messages in the first week or so. I called them back, and they said I never called you. I pointed out they did and left messages. They responded it's not my case anymore, call this other lady at their company. So I called them and nothing happened. I filed a complaint with the state insurance commissioner. A manager wrote me and said they needed my bills. I sent them in and Allstate's employees said that's not what your health insurance paid. They listed the health insurance billing amount, but I hadn't supplied that to them.

    So years go by, and I still don't have an offer for my medical bills. The insurance company makes my wife an offer for her bills (same wreck) and they include lost wages. Then they offer me my bills with no lost wages. I complained, hey that's not right. They said they would fix it. I also filled a second complaint with the insurance commissioner. 3 days after the statute of limitations expires they make the offer with lost wages. I went to accept; they emailed me, reneged, and told me to hire a lawyer. I filed my 3rd complaint with the insurance commissioner. In all I have had over 60 emails and phone calls with the insurance company trying to get them to pay.

    Now they say they want me to sign a release. But they didn't ask my wife to sign a release. Also the wording reads like I am responsible for any financials even if they don't pay. And they already reneged on one offer and said go hire a lawyer after dragging their feet for years. I don't want to be liable to my health insurance for what is owed them if the car insurance doesn't pay.

    Any thoughts or advice here?

    submitted by /u/AgitatedBeginner
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    Question on a diminished value claim

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 09:55 AM PST

    A month ago someone had rear ended my dads car (2015 VW Passat), the other insurance took liability for it and we went through the process of getting his car repaired.

    After it was repaired we made a diminished value claim. The car is currently financed through VW, and they said we need to have the title of the vehicle to make a claim.

    Since the car is financed we would eventually own it and at that point if we want to sell it wouldn't the price be lower because of the accident report?

    EDIT: I was just wondering because I have very little knowledge about how any of this works, so it's an interesting learning experience on how this works.

    submitted by /u/Diagetic
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