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    Wednesday, November 28, 2018

    A quick thought which has helped me start multiple businesses small business

    A quick thought which has helped me start multiple businesses small business

    A quick thought which has helped me start multiple businesses

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 07:52 AM PST

    A massive hurdle for me was realizing you don't need to be the best business in your field.

    Look around you and see how many businesses you're competing with. Is it 10? Is it 50? Either way, congratulations you've chosen a product/service that's so popular it's keeping 10-50 businesses alive! To find initial success you truly only need to be better than like 25% of the businesses in your field. How many dumb, shitty business managers have you met or dealt with? They're all out there right now slithering around making money. Annoying, I know! The good news is that's the person you're competing with.

    My point is, as a startup don't get intimidated by the top dogs in your field. Get in the mindset of you only have to be better than a few to have initial success. Thinking you only need to be better than the lowest hanging fruit opens the door to countless opportunities.

    It should go without saying but of course your end goal is to not be better than only 25% of your competition. It's a great starting goal which is obtainable and most likely profitable.

    So you don't think I'm talking out of my ass completely - I own 3 businesses and have sold one.

    submitted by /u/chop-chop-
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    Need advice dealing with a client.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 01:01 AM PST

    Hi guys, I sell some stuff on Amazon. One such customer bought item "X" from me. Few days later he put in a return request because he found item "X" at a cheaper rate on a chinese website. I know for a fact that this is not available on any chinese website, so I politely ask for a link to the item and also simultaneously offer a refund once he sends the item back to me. He refuses, saying that Amazon is supposed to pick up the item and he is having nothing to do with it. I tried calling him, but he disconnected and messaged me saying "kindly don't call me again". Fine, but now he is messaging me saying

    "As communicated multiple times i wont arrange shipping , you guys have to do it. You sent a product which doesnt even fit my bike so why should i do shipping."

    How should I handle this? I don't usually do pickups for returns, unless the request is very genuine and the client is polite/supportive. I'm not really keen on going out of my way for this guy, as he really comes across as arrogant and entitled, what do you guys think I should do?

    Attaching the entire dialog below for your reference.

    Our first contact

    Hi ABC,

    Can you please tell Us where you found this for a lower price, as we are the only ones who make this in India.

    Or did you have any other issues using the item?

    Regards, XYZ team.

    His reply

    I bought from DEF at 700 thanks

    Our second reply

    Can you please share a link? Maybe you bought the wrong product.

    Our Third reply

    Hi ABC,

    Please have the item sent back to us, we will issue a refund once we get it.

    Regards, XYZ Team.

    Their Reply

    For that please accept refund so that amazon picks it.

    Another Reply

    Hello i have answered your question and as discussed this item is available at below 50 percent of your price hence kindly accept the refund

    Our Reply

    Hi ABC,

    As we stated before, once you ship the item back to us, we will refund you immediately. Amazon does not handle our shipping, hence the return will have to be done by you.

    Also, we would appreciate a link to the item you bought, just for our reference, as we have not seen any similar item on DEF.

    Return Address : - XYZ,....

    Regards, XYZ Team.

    Their Reply


    The product is pathetic and doesn't even fit the bike


    Our Reply

    Hi ABC,

    We will provide you with a full refund as soon as we get the item back. Please share the docket slip with us when you send it so we can track the status.

    Regards, XYZ team.

    Their reply

    Hi Team,

    As communicated multiple times i wont arrange shipping , you guys have to do it. You sent a product which doesn't even fit my bike so why should i do shipping.



    submitted by /u/psych0hans
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    Profit margin - products

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 03:46 AM PST

    What profit margin would you guys consider the bare minimum for selling a physical product?

    Example if I buy a pen for 3 dollars cost price. What % profit would be the bare minimum?

    submitted by /u/pist0l15433
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    How do I get clients?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 12:40 AM PST

    So I just started off a photo editing service business. I've tried traditional calling. I've tried fiverr, freelance and possibly every freelancing website out there.. How do I get clients? How do I promote business. I'm just a broke teen who can't even afford money to promote. Life's a bitch.

    submitted by /u/not_eleven
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    Who pays the custom fee?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 10:15 PM PST

    I own a small business online. We are open internationally and we offer free US and international shipping. But does this mean we also pay for the custom fee? I have been doing this so far, I ask customer to send the invoice and refund the amount.

    submitted by /u/ccstarrz
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    Landscaping Charges and Payments

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 06:06 PM PST

    Hello, so I just turned 18 and my father has a landscaping company and he is old school and is stuck with collecting checks in person and/or cash from his clients. So he asked me to be his partner and help out the family business. I want to take the company into the digital age where clients don't make excuses on why they can't pay because of the lack of ways to process payments. I want to have a portable card reader and a new system to charge people efficiently. We have around 100-150 clients in total to charge every month. I did the math there are around 70k+ that is owed to the company for months, mostly because the clients pay the minimum because the lack of ways to charge them. Should I have different services or stick with one? Some clients ask if they can pay through Venmo or Paypal. Will it be confusing to have many payment services?

    submitted by /u/LokahiBuz
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    Small Business Owners: Where do you get your insurance on your business?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 08:58 PM PST

    I have a broker now, but I'm getting terrible service and I don't know where to start to find small business insurance.

    I own the building, and also have a staff and inventory I'll be looking to cover.

    submitted by /u/TomCruiseDildo
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    Anyone run an electronic recycling business

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 05:05 PM PST

    I have done electronic recycling as a side hustle for the last couple years off-and-on. I'm thinking of making a push to make this a legitimate business pursuit. I was wondering if there was anyone here currently running or managing such a business who would let me pick their brain. I'm curious about the size of area it takes to be viable as well as different value-added services that can help mitigate the commodity markets and generate more margin. Id also love to know how much product you have to move to make it work for you. I'm also just curious to hear others' stories from this industry.

    submitted by /u/continuousplay
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    Possible to download Groupon Customer Data?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 08:51 PM PST

    I know eBay allows you to download previous orders with customs names and addresses. But I can not find a way to do it for groupon.

    submitted by /u/itsgoingtobehuge
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    Yelp Business Ads, No Access to my Account...and then a Private Investigator?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 08:31 PM PST

    Hello all,

    New to the Reddit world. I have a question and hope you all can help me out. I just reviewed some posts regarding Yelp and small businesses. I am in the same boat as many of the writers and readers. I feel very deceived by Yelp. So, here goes my story.

    I operate a small family owned moving company. I decided that Yelp would be a good way to advertise since many of my customers have asked if I had a page so they could write a comment. Cool, why not have a page? I set up the account and then a couple of days later a woman calls and starts talking to me about this $900 dollar promotion to place our ads on top, yade yaa. She states that I do not have to pay anything since I am a new customer and it is on a trial basis. Okay, cool. I must admit I should have asked A LOT MORE QUESTIONS. So, I set it up.

    Then today, I am like...you. know what...I am not getting many inquiries, no calls, so I want to take off all the ads and just let the page do its thing AND I want to take off my credit card information. Which is interesting...because you are not able to take off your credit card information, unless you have another card...rookie mistake for me.

    I call and tell the first woman that I would like to remove my credit card information. "No, we cannot do that until December 1st and you can call after December 1st after the payment is processed." Oh, okay...how much is that going to be? "450" plus whatever ad clicks. Umm...what? I was keeping my cool and just trying to understand how I would have to pay for that...with the $900 promo...I just felt really confused. Since I am a small business. 450 is a lot of money for advertising. At least for me, at this time. =)

    I call again a couple of hours later and speak to an account manager. I started off really nice, asking the gentleman to please explain to me exactly how much I was going to owe Yelp and why had no one really explained how Yelp worked. His answer to how much I would owe was that he would not know until after December 1st since Yelp has to verify all the "clicks" and "reviews". Okay. then I ask him about how Yelp works...and again I am not getting a clear answer. So, yes...I cussed a couple of times. My exact words were "So, I am pretty much fucked?" The response that he gave me pretty much was..."well, you signed the document." Roger that, I should have read the fine print.

    Now...here is where it gets a bit weird...and I was trying to find this answer somewhere on Reddit or anywhere online. All of these conversations happened before noon. I then headed out to run some errands. Around 5 pm I look at my email and there are some emails from Yelp. One stating I took off the Ad Campaign...confirmation, good. Then I have another one stating I started a $300 dollar ad campaign...okay...weird. THEN I get an email stating my Yelp Business Owners Access has changed...wait what? Some other company shows up. So, I go on my account, and now I do not have access to my business Yelp page. I check who this person is and it is some private investigator in Florida. What? How can someone else take my page with my information on it?

    So, I am not quite sure how I should go about this...and I wanted to know if anyone else had experienced this...and what in fucking God's name have I got myself into. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Davie_Bee
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    Do you have a specific way of doing business?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 08:12 PM PST

    I've been narrowing the way for business strategy. Are there any strategies that you fall on?

    The two ways I came up

    Japanese branded method: to have a high quality product 2x - 10x better than brand leaders. The brand leaders for the most part has people buying for the brand which forces them to lower quality to increase their margins. They can't leave that money on the table. A new brand priced 1.25x - 2x in pricing and 2x - 10x better quality creates converters.

    "high end" Chinese branded method: is to aim with a higher quality product 1.5x - 2x better than brand leader. Enough to get noticed as an potential buy. Better features, a different styling not available in the market. Priced at just 0.5x to 0.75x the market leader.

    The other methods I have seen is the Chinese branded method in a product 0.5x to 1x compared to brand leader. 0.2x - 1x the cost. European/american method is 5x - 20x better than brand leader at pricing of 4x - 20x.

    TLDR: Position brand: More quality (2x to 10x better) at slightly higher price OR
    slightly higher quality (1.5x - 2x) at slightly lower cost (0.5x to 0.75x)

    submitted by /u/ShoemakingHobbyist
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    Looking to start my own business..

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 08:05 PM PST

    Same name, different industry - not sure what to do about it

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 07:44 PM PST

    I chose my business name over a year ago, but I haven't launched my business yet. I was planning on launching within the next month. The other business is new, I don't think it was around a year ago when I was deciding on a name. If I'd known about it, I would've chosen a different one.

    I have a DBA registered with my business name, but no trademarks. As mentioned in the title, they're in a different industry. Do I have any grounds to ask them to change their name?

    Ideally, I don't want to have the same name as another business, even if they're in a different industry. I'd like to avoid brand confusion as much as possible, and I don't really want my customers googling my business and finding something else as the top result. I'm not against changing my business name, but I've already spent a lot of money on packaging with the name printed on it. If I change the name now, all that will be wasted. I'd have to redo all my product photos, and it would also delay my launch date.

    What I'm thinking of doing is proceeding to launch with my current name, and then rebranding within the next year or so, assuming the other business is still around. But what do you guys think? Am I better off eating the cost and rebranding right now? Or should I just accept that other businesses will have the same name?

    submitted by /u/asterxmoon
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    Social Media Mentor

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 03:47 PM PST

    I have alot of experience handling social media channels but it's always been sort of a customized approach. So it's never the same with every client. I had to learn on my own and I do what works for them. Sometimes I start with an audit and sometimes they don't need an audit. I'm really interested in learning more about crowd funding and fundraising for social media channels but I'm not sure where to start. What's the process of handling social media channels. Do you start with an audit or a relationship? Right now I'm volunteering and thinking about volunteering til I gain more experience with the business side of things.

    submitted by /u/KJtheconsultant
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    My 5 Pillars of Success in Business & Entrepreneurship

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 07:31 PM PST

    Hey there fellow business owners, I started a passion project six months ago around a podcast to empower and educate creative entrepreneurs around the world to thrive and be successful. As the founder of a business here in Iowa, I have had the honor of growing and scaling a thriving video and photography production company. Today I released Episode 22 of my podcast after being asked by hundreds of my listeners to do a topic on what I believe makes a business successful.

    I feel this would be a great insight for my friends here, and I hope you find value in this episode.

    Here are the show-notes and the episode to listen:https://www.theabundantdesi.com/blog/episode22

    Thanks for considering a listen, and have a great day!

    My best, Arsalan Monawar

    submitted by /u/KingMonawar
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    Small business owners, what are your biggest challenges with payroll?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 06:32 PM PST

    To start off, I need to say that I handle payroll for about 25 separate businesses, mostly restaurants, bars, clubs, and a couple music festivals. I've thought about starting some kind of payroll consulting business, but I'm really unsure of where to even start. Which comes to my main question. What are your challenges? As a small business owner, would you ever consider hiring a consultant to clean things up?

    I feel like for the most part, payroll can be pretty simple. Most people will get paid hourly or salary. All you really need to do is purchase an application to run payroll, input some hours, print checks, pay taxes, record journal entries, and done. It only gets really messy when you start getting commissions, cash tips, paycheck tips, service charges, auto gratuity, benefits, garnishments, employee advances, multiple work locations, different state taxes, etc.

    I feel like I'm ranting now, but let's talk payroll.

    submitted by /u/shines270
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    Small business licenses question

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 06:26 PM PST

    My wife is working on starting a small home based business making home decor and things of that sort. We are unsure of which license to pursue, LLC or Single Proprietary. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/ectoplasmic_sea
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    What app should I use for managing customer purchases and inventory?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 05:36 PM PST

    My wife and I started a small botanical wellness company a couple of years ago. We manage all of our customers and what they're history in excel but that's starting to get clunking and we'd like to move to a more streamlined system. I have a day job and she stays at home with our three little ones, so cutting our little tasks here and there is the name of the game.

    Is there an app we could use that we can keep track of customers details and what they need and past orders. And something that maybe tracks inventory would be great as well. Also, we're looking for a free to cheap solution.

    submitted by /u/Zohso
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    Successful business needs help, please!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 05:03 PM PST

    I say successful, but not nearly as successful as it could be. The trouble was I took a big risk with very little capital. The business now has been open and operating for 3 years. My brick and mortar lease is about to expire. This is a relief as each month always feels tight. I have not really started "paying" myself because I know the business always needs the money and I don't mind living like a "poor college student" as I have always kept the frugal mindset. When starting my business I had the mindset of working a minimum of 70 hours a week with no days off. The business has won local awards every year, best new business, readers choice best new store, best shop. I don't have any investors and my credit is poor(600). I saved for 10 years and took a risk gambling it all for the business. I'm proud to have made it this far, but know my mind and body cannot take another year working this hard, without having time off. It seems like the numbers would indicate a successfully trending business that banks or other lenders would be willing to help get to the next step. We have made it this far with zero paid advertising or manufactured product. These are 2 areas I really want to expand. I have innovative products to make, but no funds to work on them or hire other people. What are options for small businesses to get lending or even employee help to start freeing up more time so I can develop more relationships and products, while an employee can keep the business open for sales. Or should I close the brick and mortar, work for someone else and start saving again eventually manufacturing my own product(s). Oh side note, i know brick and mortar has "died", but what I offer is actually things best suited for hands on purchasing and am located in a highly populated and trafficked area. Would love to get some realistic feedback and strategies on how I can continue to learn, grow, and benefit my community. Thanks for reading and responding.

    submitted by /u/randyindiego
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    Best CRM software for managing customers, orders, and inventory?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 04:51 PM PST

    Ive done so much research on this and ive yet to find an affordable program that isnt too focused on prospects/leads or isnt a full blown six figure ERP software.

    Is there anything out there that is cloud based that can manage customers (store notes, sales data, price points, etc) offer a mobile app for salespeople to input orders on the road and track everything from the desktop that isnt thousands of dollars a month?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/nutlow182
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    Local businesses without website or just lacking (online presence)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 04:53 AM PST

    I've been getting into web development and have noticed that even in 2018 quite a few local businesses (I'm in Chicago) do not have a website or have a very poor one. Is there a money to be made (a side business) approaching the owners and selling them a website overhaul? Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/mrbigbluff21
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    Owners of businesses with a public restroom, what do you do if a customer makes a huge mess during the day?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 08:58 AM PST

    Who cleans it?

    submitted by /u/Polite__Troll
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    [UK] New business looking for delivery options.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 02:52 PM PST

    Just started my business. I sell dietary sweets. Vegan, gluten free, dairy free, halal etc.

    Facebook sales are good but random. No one is using my website for now.

    I'm wanting to sign upto something like deliveroo, just eat. But none of these tell me. What fees they charge without first signing up.

    My Margins are small most items are £2.50 or £5. So my order totals are low aswell.

    I've got a few ideas to try boost this but still need a dedicated delivery option. I do. Work then deliveries and it's killing me.

    Or would it be better for me to start dropshipping for businesses etc?

    I'm. Not on. Ebay etc yet. That's definitely a future plan.

    I just want to either get deliveries out the way to I can drive traffic to the website or vice versa.

    submitted by /u/gl0ckage
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    Logo needed for restaurant.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 02:39 PM PST

    Hi guys! I'm looking for a good logo designer that can make a logo for my new Sushi restaurant.
    Please don't tell me to look on fiverr and freelancer... I need a serious one.

    submitted by /u/Conchiniglia
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