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    Sunday, September 30, 2018

    Personal Finance Should I Quit My Job

    Personal Finance Should I Quit My Job

    Should I Quit My Job

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 06:41 AM PDT

    Could use some advice on quitting and when you know the right time to walk away. I've had quite a few jobs the last few years, though all are in the same field (finance) and all are very high-paying ($200K+). All my jobs since grad school have been very high-stress, high-hour jobs, where you are on call pretty much 24/7. I've held many different jobs due to the fact that once I find a place too stressful or the people too toxic, I like to find a new job, take a few months off to unwind, and then start up again in a new high-paying/high-pressure job. I believe that doing this has extended my career by 2-3 years and has increased my net worth significantly (due to signing bonuses and negotiated pay). Truth of the matter is I am not meant for this type of work. In college I thought money would make me happy and I wanted a certain level of "prestige" to my career, but honestly, I'd trade it all back to start over and actually figure out what I enjoy.

    My current financial situation is "ok". I dug myself out of $250,000 of student loans grinding away the last few years and could pay off the rest of my loans tomorrow if I wanted. I'd have about $60,000 left over in savings and $100,000 in retirement between my wife and I (she works but doesn't earn that much). I prefer to keep some loans and about 2 years of living expenses just in case I rage-quit, which I know is not good financially, but for my peace of mind it really is needed.

    My issue is that the last few months have been brutal. I have had no free weekends and have worked till 2-3 am every night almost. With a few matters wrapping up, I've been given other matters that are just as stressful and those are starting to ramp up as well. I thought i'd have this weekend to relax and maybe get a fresh start, but I ended up having to work. I didn't work all weekend, but enough to affect my plans. I haven't exercised in months, I'm constantly sleep deprived, I see my friends becoming established in careers and having more and more free time to enjoy nights and weekends, and I have had to continually cancel plans because of work. Just not sure if I can keep doing this. You definitely get used to the work-sleep / work-sleep atmosphere but it doesn't seem like a way to live. I'm so ashamed the way I treat my body and my mind. I'd like to think I can succeed doing anything and that it isn't fair to me to continue doing this type of work.

    Anyone ever quit a high-paying job while not in a set financial situation because if was just too stressful and time consuming? Most of this post was just to bitch, but I'm legitimately thinking of giving notice in the next few months and then exploring other options. Thanks in advance!

    EDIT: Wow, didn't expect so much feedback here. It is actually really awesome to hear all the different perspectives and some great stories on people saying screw it and finding something better. I told my wife I posted this and she was (i) shocked that I post on reddit and (ii) thrilled to read through these with me as we try to plan out the next 3-6 months financially.

    And to the executive that would never hire me ... don't worry, I'd never work for you :-)

    submitted by /u/Birdman4Lyfe
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    Money was stolen & Bank Of America isn't reimbursing me.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 08:12 AM PDT

    I'm getting absolutely no help from the banking institution that I thought I could trust and I feel as though I'm running out of options so I'm here, hoping I can get some guidance from someone.

    What happened?

    2 transfers totaling a little over $2000 was transferred from savings account through the Zelle transfer service, something I've never used or heard of, to 2 email accounts with names attached to each one. Likely fake names but still, there were names. I caught it while it was still processing but it didn't matter, the bank couldn't cancel or stop them. So I file a claim through Bank Of America thinking everything was going to be okay. I'm protected, so it'll be okay. Wrong. It's been about 3 weeks and this entire process has been nothing short of a nightmare all because of BOA. 11 days after filing my claim, BOA denied my claim saying that the login into my account before the money transferred was consistent with other logins. They were basically saying I did it. After getting royally irate on the phone with them, I tell them that I'm going to get my money back and they need to tell me what to do to make this happen. They tell me to go and get my phone scanned for viruses by my cell phone carrier. So I have to somehow prove that someone stole my money. Not once did they mention a police report so i asked if it would help. They said that it would. No idea why they wouldn't mention this first before this useless phone scan. So I filed a police report with my local police and requested the case be investigated. Finally someone actually helping me. After a few days I finally got ATT to scan my phone but the device they use can't print or email so I can't fax anything to BOA. I was able to take pictures of the different screens showing the results hoping this would be sufficient. I call BOA and after being transferred several times I finally get someone to tell me other options because ATT can't give me anything written or digitally showing the results. They tell me to go to a third party store that works on and fixes cell phones. After calling 10 different places in my area, I found 1 that said they could scan the phone and hand write the details on their company letterhead with their info. BOA said that would suffice. I mean what else am I supposed to do? I asked why I couldn't use one of the trust third party apps, download the report and send that in. That would give them everything they needed to know.

    So I've jumped through their hoops, recorded all my phone calls once I noticed they were playing games with me, filed a police report and gathered all the info I could from Google showing that I didn't access the BOA app on my phone the days the money was transferred and I've faxed this info over to them to try and get the claim looked at again. I'm not hopeful. I've filed a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau after it was suggested in a few forums online and I'm in the process of filing a complaint with helpmybank.gov. I'm pretty sure that my email account was hacked and my banking info was then gathered through it somehow because there was a label created in my email to read and delete all Bank Of America emails thus the reason I never caught this when it was happening. So now I've been racking my brain trying to secure anything I have that has a password to ensure this doesn't happen again because they bank isn't protecting me. I'm fairly computer savvy so I keep my home PC virus free and I never open shady emails. But I guess when you have companies being breached and tens of millions of people's info is now out there, it makes it a little harder to protect yourself.

    If they deny my claim again, what can I do? I didn't do this. My money was stolen from me yet the bank is treating me like I did it and they haven't helped me one bit. Calling them is a nightmare. I asked about a specific part of their privacy policy the other day and I was transferred 5 times over an hour and a half and STILL couldn't get it explained. I've never used the Zelle service and I've never transferred large amounts like this yet the bank didn't catch it. It blows my mind and I thought I was protected. My mind has been so scattered since this happened that it's hard to focus on my day to day life because I'm constantly thinking about this and other fraud incidents potentially happening. What can I do? I need help. Can I take this small claims court? Should I hire a lawyer?

    Thank you for taking the time to read this.

    submitted by /u/OmegaAether
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    I think i was tricked by my parents and i can't find a way out! They keep taking all my income.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 11:54 AM PDT

    So what's basically happened is that i lost my job and couldn't maintain my apartment in which i got evicted. My parents offered to house me for a short period of time if i allowed them control over my finances and i thought good on them and accepted it. Now, these are the same parents who charged me for stuff i broke as a KID when i got my first job. Supposedly i owed them near 3k dollars for the cost of raising me and damages i caused growing up. Now, they had me sign an agreement for the control of my finances and that i basically do as they say. They weren't very specific and i trusted them and signed the thing. Now as a result they charge me 600 in rent every month for a single small bedroom in which i can not even have anything other then clothes and a bed in according to their rules. I am only making minimum wage and i barely make 800 a month and my dad takes 600-700 out of that paycheck to pay "Rent" and my "Past debt". I trusted him and didn't argue because the goal was to have me back out on my own in three months so i wasn't too worried and i was just going to endure it. At this point i have been here for 7 months and i have no access to any of my money. I bank through USAA so there are no physical branches i can go to and withdraw my own money from. I feel completely taken advantage of and i even brought that up to him several times in which he argued and refereed me to the agreement stating that he can kick me out if i don't follow his agreement and sends me out of the house if he doesn't want to see me. I feel completely disrespected and taken advantage of, yet i see no way out myself without the result of being homeless. I have considered opening a second account and routing half my money from two or three checks to that account and using it to secure an apartment for myself and convincing him there was a mistake at work and they plan to fix it. Right now i went over it myself and i have made no progress in 7 months to getting out of this situation. Is there some sort of legal action i can take against this or something to at least get out? I don't think i have a way out of this without regretfully ruining my relationship with my parents.

    Edit***Recently they have also added accounts from American Furniture warehouse to my credit and i show an extra 5k in debt in which they blew off and said that it would only help me. Is this even legal? I'm far from pleased with this yet arguing that fact could have me homeless.

    submitted by /u/RIPmylife12
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    Took a job offer from a temp service, 90 days later no pay increase or job offer from company, as stated in posting. What are my options?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 05:01 PM PDT

    So I started working for a temp service in Phoenix, Az having responded to an ad for a starting pay of $11.5/hr with that going up to $15/hr after 90 days and an offer to work for the actual company. I'm being paid by the temp service now. It is now 113 days in and not only am I not in the next "group" to be hired but those being hired on are only getting $13/hr. What can I say to either the temp service or the company HR? I was previously making $16/hr at last job and have done nothing that would make me ineligible for hire with new company.

    submitted by /u/Maccnificent
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    Supporting mom with cancer and I am drowning financially

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 08:37 AM PDT

    My mom has been sick for the last 6 months with a bunch of mystery symptoms that have stumped her doctors. After being in the hospital the last couple weeks she finally got a diagnosis of lymphoma.

    My mom is 61 and she previously worked as an independent contractor so she didn't have insurance or a 401(k). My brother has had some mental health struggles over the past few years and my parents spent a lot to assist him in getting back on his feet, and then dad had a prolonged illness prior to hers and passed away a few years ago. All of their savings have been wiped out and then some. She still has a mortgage of about $65k on her house and has no other assets. She also has about $25k in credit card debt.

    I make about $85k a year but I'm a single parent with one child in college and one who will be going in a couple years. I live in a modest house that needs a lot of work and drive a 13 year old car that is always on the verge of breakdown. I have been giving my mom at least $1200 a month to keep her afloat while we try to get disability for her. It was denied the first time when she stopped being able to work, but we are reapplying for a fast track approval because her diagnosis. I don't anticipate her ever being able to go back to work.

    In the meantime have been running a financial deficit every month since she got sick. There have been a lot of incidental expenses that I've also picked up the slack on as well that are costing me $200 - $500 a month or so. All in, I've paid for nearly $10k of expenses and wiped out all of my liquid savings in the process.

    Right now I'm drowning financially trying to help her out and none of my other relatives are willing or able to contribute. I desperately need suggestions on what I can do to protect myself financially and if there are any resources I can get for my mom other than disability. Like maybe food stamps if she's eligible or anything else that could help?

    I would like to get another job to fill in some of the gaps, but it has to be unscheduled and probably has to be working remotely since my mom basically needs round the clock care right now. She has home health care during the day and then I have been staying with her in the evenings as much as I can so something like delivering pizza or driving Uber isn't very tenable right now.

    I feel stuck right now. Every month I get further behind on my bills and I'm starting to have to rely on credit cards to fill the gap. She will probably have to do treatment for at least 3-6 months and I don't know if I can support her financially like this the whole time unless something changes.

    For anyone who has been in this situation before, what's my next move? Suggestions on how to find remote side jobs or for benefits to apply for would be really helpful. Or anything else.

    Edited to add: these suggestions have been amazingly helpful, my family and I can't thank you guys enough.

    submitted by /u/ccthrowaway9988
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    is it better to max your 401k committment as fast as possible each year?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 05:12 AM PDT

    Keep reading that it's better to be invested sooner rather than later so is it better to fullfill your 401k annual commitment as fast as possible? So if you are able to safely (over 6mo mark) live off your savings, should you contribute 100% of your salary/bonus/whatever to your 401k and hit the annual max as fast as possible each year?

    submitted by /u/mfairview
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    what are some good skills to learn now that can help your finances down the road? 26 yr old here

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 04:29 PM PDT

    does anyone know what skills i should learn for my personal finances that will pay dividends down the road?

    submitted by /u/blueeyesdragon92
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    32 yo recent graduate with $550,000 in student loan debt. Not sure how to go about getting this down and eventually gone!

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 04:47 PM PDT

    A little about my financial situation. Im starting a new job and my contract is for $220,000/ yr before taxes. My husband bring home about $2000/month after taxes. My bills per month (rent, utilities, loan minimum payments, everything except food and fun) is about 5400. I have two loans which were both for my education; private and federal. My private loan is $91,000 @ 5.55% interest and my federal which are consolidated is $459,000 @6.88%. Im paying the minimum monthly payments on my private loan which is $1757. My federal loans are on income based repayment and are currently at $333 but once I get to my tax return for my new job salary this will increase substantially to around $4000. I have no credit card debt. I have no assets. I am overwhelmed and not sure how I will ever get rid of this. Thanks for any advice you can give!

    submitted by /u/noodleisfat
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    Today, barclaycardus.com suddenly began requiring my username to be entered in all caps

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 02:33 PM PDT

    Yesterday I logged in to the site to activate my new nerfed Barclay Rewards card (which was once a Sallie Mae card). It took me a while, because this card is of no use to me.

    Today I tried many times to log in with the same credentials. It didn't work. I knew I was using the same credentials.

    I clicked the "forgot password" link. It asked me for some info, then told me my username, which I noticed was displayed in all caps. I thought "no way...." opened a new browser tab, and tried logging in again, copying and pasting my username in all caps, and the same password which had previously failed, and it worked.

    This is so bizarrely disappointing that I had to share.

    submitted by /u/DarxusC
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    Wife's employer didn't pay her for vacation time

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 10:53 AM PDT

    My wife work's in retail at the moment. Over the course of the year, she's been accumulating paid time off till she got 3 weeks. She discussed with her manager and wanted to use those 3 weeks to go see her family abroad and was assured that she'd be paid during that time.

    However, upon returning, she did not get a paycheck for any of those weeks off. The manager wasn't in today, so she asked the assistant manager about it. According to the assistant manager, the manager said my wife had never asked for paid time off and wanted it unpaid.

    How on earth does that make any sense? Why would she want unpaid time off?

    My wife still has her job there, but I think the 2 of us will work on her finding another job that isn't as shitty as this one. Right now, her paychecks do make things easier on us and we didn't expect this manager would go back on his word of marking the 3 week period as paid time off.

    Is there anything that can be done in my wife's situation to be paid for that time? Would appreciate any advice, thanks.

    submitted by /u/crappy_dude
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    someone has my SSN

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 08:09 PM PDT

    For reference, I am an 18 year old with absolutely no credit history or any credit cards opened in my name. Last night, someone stole my phone. this morning, my mom contacts me telling me that someone found it and to call my number. I called my number from my friend's phone, and the person said that they work at the place I lost it in and to give them my passcode for confirmation that it is mine. I naively believed them and told them my passcode. I don't hear from them and I soon get an email saying that my online banking password was changed (I have a debit card). I freak out and cancel my debit card and talk to the fraud representative for my bank. The thief had attempted to transfer funds from my account but failed to do so since my account was locked. I realized shortly after this that I kept a photo of my SSN in my email (I needed it for college purposes). The only way to change the password for my online banking account is with my SSN, so I know they have it. I don't know what to do now and I'm beyond scared of them selling it to someone or trying to open accounts in my name. I'm at a loss of words because of this and don't know what i should do going forward to protect myself.

    submitted by /u/SaltLeopard
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    Finance outside the USA

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 06:36 PM PDT

    Hello, first of all, I apologize if my English is not very good. I am from Ecuador, a country in South America.

    Anyway, I have some doubts. Although I know that the contexts are different, finances work more or less the same all over the world.

    I am 27 years old. I make $ 20,000 a year in a country where the base salary is $ 5,000 a year. During the next 6 months I will live with my mother (who I help financially with $ 300 a month) What happens in 6 months? She will retire and start receiving her pension. That will allow me to do without that expense.

    My plan is to move. I am considering places to live, but I would like to know how much I should pay. In a good place in the city you can get an apartment (for one) with furniture at $ 500 / month. Is it reasonable for me to spend 1/3 of my income on rent? Or is it better to get a roommate to reduce expenses? A department for 2 people is at about 650 - 700 / month. I made calculations and in food, services and other expenses I spend $ 400 / month. In entertainment and things like that I spend about $ 160 / month. Thanks to my work I get to travel to the US at least once a year, so I take the opportunity to buy clothes (it's much cheaper) so I spend about 400 / year on that. And my health insurance is about $20/month. Also, I pay about $ 130 / month for social security, which will give me a pension when I retire. This expense was already excluded from the 20k / year that I mentioned.

    I go to work by bicycle every day. And when I can not, I use Cabify (like Uber) which comes in $ 2- $ 3 per trip. I do not spend on gasoline or public transport.

    I'm lucky not to have debts more than $ 600 that I'll end up paying in January.

    What interests me is making a plan for saving and managing my personal finances. I have a girlfriend, but we do not live together or plan to do it soon.

    I have $ 2500 in a savings account with which I do not know what to do. It would be good to put them to work but I do not know anything about investments.

    I would like your help with tips on how to organize my finances, start saving better, invest my money (if possible) and define how much I should spend on rent when I move.

    Thanks Reddit!

    submitted by /u/lalocura777
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    Should we sell our truck?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 08:26 AM PDT

    Background: We bought a used 2011 F-150 SuperCrew Cab Lariat pickup truck in June. This was because my husband and I were planning on buying an RV to live in part-time in Florida and we needed something to haul it. We paid $18,300 for it. We currently have a loan for $14,600 at 4.34%, which is $295 per month.

    Current situation: We decided to just move to Florida completely (currently live in PA). My job agreed to let me be 100% remote and work from home, so we have a guaranteed $55k per year (plus any overtime I work) until my husband finds a job. He works in IT and makes around $65k currently.

    We will be able to live without dipping into our savings on my salary, even with the truck payment. However, we also have a fully paid off 2013 Honda Civic and realistically don't need a second vehicle at all. We will be using the truck to move in December because it will save us a ton of money to be able to haul a cargo trailer rather than paying for a U-Haul for that far of a distance, but after that, should we sell it? It is in great condition and the current "average" KBB private party value in my area is $18,712 - more than we paid for it. We love it and its a great truck, but we'd be crazy not to sell it since we don't need it, right?

    TL;DR: Bought truck for a purpose that no longer exists, KBB private party value is above what we paid for it - should we sell?

    Edited to add: Not sure if this is relevant or not, but I thought people might be getting the idea that we are older due to our random desire to be snowbirds in FL. I am 25 and my husband is 29, if that helps with context at all.

    submitted by /u/VaveJessop
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    Plan to purchase in 18 months - can we afford?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 08:35 AM PDT

    My wife and I are looking to purchase a starter condo in the next 18 months and we will both be 30 years old. Within the last few months we both received promotions and have taken steps to tackle our finances and manage out debt. We have been able to pay down some debt and start an emergency fund. We finally sat down, created a budget and set a goal. Now I just want to make sure this is actually an obtainable/smart plan. Below is a breakdown of our monthly income/expenses as well as savings and other notes/details. Looking for advice on if we can afford/what we can afford or what we may have to adjust to make this goal a reality. I know there are a few things we could cut back on so I anticipate some great feedback and angles we may have not considered. Thanks in advance!

    Monthly income

    -Me: $3,650

    -Wife: $1,550

    Total: $5,200

    Monthly expenses

    -Rent: $1,000

    -Electric: $50

    -Internet: $75

    -Cell phone: $80

    -Food: $400

    -Car payment: $300

    -Gas: $70

    -Personal loan: $400

    -Medical: $250

    -Auto insurance: $150

    -Dog food: $30

    -Entertainment: $250

    -Roth IRA: $250

    -Netflix: $15

    -Spotify: $15

    -Gym: $30

    -Laundry: $15

    -Pet rent: $25

    -Parking: $30

    -Rent insurance: $15

    -MJ: $100

    -Uber: $100

    Total: $3,650


    Monthly: $1,550

    Emergency fund: $5,000

    Roth IRA: $25,000

    401k: $20,000

    Total: $50,000

    Other Notes

    -The medical bill will be paid in full in November. We will then increase our Roth IRA contribution by $250

    -We both contribute to a 401k

    -We are making a conscious effort to cut down on food, entertainment, uber and mj to trim excess spend

    -Total car cost will go down $150/month once we pay off $2,500 left on loan (unusable lemon)

    -We are looking to buy a condo in the $250k range.

    -On track to have ~30k saved for a down payment/closing costs

    -Our current DTI is 18/32

    submitted by /u/pfhousehelp1
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    Just got my first REAL job, but still have a mountain of student loan debt. I'm financially illiterate and could use any advice you're willing to give.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 11:59 AM PDT

    First off, thanks in advance. I see a lot of folks in similar circumstance post here and get great, solid, actionable advice. I've tried to absorb as much of that as I can, but wondering if there is something else I'm missing.

    I went to school for painting. It seemed like a good idea at the time. By the time I graduated, I had $80,000 in loans. I didn't realize it was so high until I looked into it after I received my degree. I also didn't realize that art wasn't just a low-paying industry, but how completely stacked the odds are against you of actually making it work. They don't tell you that in art school. Years after graduating, I started seeing all of my art school friends inherit large sums of money and then it clicked for me - fine art is unfortunately mostly reserved for the wealthier classes.

    I spent most of my years after college working various odd jobs while trying to make in roads into a career as an artist. It never took off as I wanted and needed it to, and that's ok. About a year ago I pivoted my career and taught myself graphic and web design.

    I just got a full-time job starting at $40,000 as an in-house graphic designer.

    I've been paying the minimum amount on my loans to not default but it's just been towards the interest. My mom, also not having a good grasp on finance, insisted I take out a parent PLUS loan through her in order to do study aboard while I was in college "to follow my dreams". If I could turn back time!

    I have $50,000 in federal loans in my name and $30,000 in loans in her name. The loans in her name are consolidated at 8% and I pay $215 a month towards them, but again this is just covering the interest.

    The loans in my name are not consolidated yet, but I will be paying $275 a month towards them once I start this job on an income based repayment plan. The rates vary from 3% to 6%

    That's about $500 a month towards the loans, but with most of that going to interest. I've been broke for a long time, and know how to live broke so I feel capable of making high payments towards the loans, but I'd like it to at least be productive.

    This seems both high and unproductive.

    Is there anything I can do? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/number34
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    My old company got bought out, and I think my "unvested" 401k just got rolled over to me.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 05:41 AM PDT

    I'm not alone. Other former employees had the same thing happen.

    I was there 3 years, had a 401k, takes 5 years to get vested.

    When I left, I took my money with me. During employment, my vested, and unvested deposits were in 2 separate accounts. I could see both on the website, and got statements for both, but I only had control over mine.

    I left 5 years ago, and since then, I still get quarterly statements on "their" money, I figured they just leave old unvested money in those accounts to remain invested and grow.

    However yesterday I got a 1099r and a deposit stub showing that it had been rolled over to a Charles Schwabb IRA on my behalf.

    So shouldn't I be able to contact CSB and roll it over to my main IRAs?

    submitted by /u/Spikito1
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    [US-FL] Father passed away, mom wants to put my name on the house

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 03:05 PM PDT

    As the title says, my father passed away, my mother wants to make sure nothing happens in the future and no other family members can have a claim. What are the implications and requirements for this on my end? Are there any best ways to handle this? This will be on top of being put as executor, power of attorney, and sole beneficiary on her accounts.

    submitted by /u/LydiaInMint
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    Dental Insurance charging me after saying 100% covered

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 01:26 PM PDT

    Apologies if this isn't the right place to ask this question and I'll move it!

    About two months ago I went to the dentist for a cleaning and discovered I had two cavities in my molars. I have never had a cavity before, so before making an appointment to get it filled, I called my insurance to see what they would cover.

    I explained the situation to my dental insurance and they confirmed with my dental office that it would all be covered by my insurance. When I went in for my dental visit, before getting the treatment, I re-confirmed that it should all be covered. The receptionist said it was. After the appointment, she again said it was all taken care of and that I was good to go.

    Now, I have just received a bill in the mail for $70 bucks because I got "composite resin or acrylic restorations" and my insurance plan only covers "amalgam restoration". I'm a little taken-aback because I never requested anything special and confirmed with both my insurance and dental office that the fillings would be covered before going in. I didn't even know there were different types of fillings.

    $70 bucks isn't the end of the world, but I am wondering if I have any recourse here. Were the composite fillings deemed necessary by my dental office after the fact? Why would they do them without asking me first?

    I have only had good experiences with this office in the past (granted, I've only ever had cleanings done here) so I don't want to think they did anything malicious, like over-charge for an unnecessary add-on, but I do wish they had told me beforehand. I would've said to just do the amalgam fillings. It makes me wonder if my insurance is the one who misunderstood (?).

    For the future, what can I do to make sure this stuff doesn't happen to me again? I thought I did my due diligence by confirming with both insurance and dental office that everything would be covered (both via the phone and in-office before getting the work done).

    submitted by /u/thawowtso
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    New to Property Taxes (California)

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 02:06 PM PDT

    So this will be my first year paying property taxes, and I have some questions on the process of paying them.

    How do I know when they're due? Will I get a notice in the mail?

    How do I know how much I owe? Will I be notified of this?

    How can I pay it? Do I need to go somewhere? Can I do it through something like TurboTax?

    submitted by /u/ApplePonyEater
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    I live in KY and work in OH. Tax return question.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 06:26 PM PDT

    Hello all, I live in Newport, KY but work in Cincinnati, OH.

    My question is will i have to do anything special for my tax returns? Or do i just file them as normal?(i usually use turbotax).

    I also work another job that is in KY.

    Just curious if I need to know anything special before the time comes. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/BattleDuckTV
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    My SSN isn't attached to my credit history and I'm going insane

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 04:42 PM PDT

    When I first came to the US I was on a student visa, therefore, I didn't have a social security number. This still allowed me to open a credit card with Citibank. I've had it for 2 and a half years now. No other credit lines.

    A year after the student visa, I got my SSN but I didn't know I was supposed to update the information with my bank. When I viewed my FICO score on Citibank's website, it showed up just fine. The trouble began when I tried to apply for a new credit card.

    Pre-qualifying forms don't work. They show that I have no history. Applied for another Citibank card and even there I got denied (715 score) because "I had no history." After the denial, the bank updated my addresses, SSN, etc. That was two months ago. Today, when I go to credit karma, I still have no history. It's like I don't exist.

    I called Equifax 2 weeks ago and I was able to update my SSN through them, apparently, but it hasn't really taken effect. Getting in touch with Experian has been a NIGHTMARE. It was impossible to get a human on the phone. Even after finally finding the option, I wasn't transferred because I couldn't satisfy the machine's identity verification questions.

    A week ago I had no other choice but apply for a secured credit card with Discover. Only now I'm able to see my scores and "history" with Credit Karma, but they think this is my first credit card ever and I have zero years of history, which is false.

    I am desperate here and out of options, so please if anyone went through this let me know what you did to solve your problem.

    submitted by /u/billbillbills
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    Looking for ways to pay moving expenses for a great new job

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 08:03 PM PDT

    I just got offered a job in the next state over and it's a great situation financially. The one problem is that I don't have enough money at the moment to move out there. There's no relocation allowance or anything like that with this job.

    I'm wondering how to pay for my first month or two of expenses before I get paid. (We only get paid once a month, and my first full check won't be until November 25.) Should I put it all on a personal loan? Credit card? The main expenses I have to cover in the meantime are:

    Car payment ($300 x 2) Insurance ($120 x 2) Phone ($100 x 2) Lease ($400 rent x 1.5, plus one-time deposit of $400)

    submitted by /u/ShlomoKenyatta
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    Why do so many people buy ETF’s over mutual funds?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 04:56 AM PDT

    I've been investing for about a year and have a taxable brokerage account, Roth IRA, and 401k. The Vanguard 401k is set to the default target 20XX fund while my other two are self managed and are all in total stock market and sp500 mutual funds (Schwab).

    I see many people mentioning buying ETF's instead of mutual funds so I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong. I understand ETF's carry commission fees when buying and selling while mutual funds do not, and mutual funds tend to have higher expense ratios. The fact that I make lots of small purchases by investing a portion of my biweekly paycheck makes it seem like I would get hit with a lot of commission fees buying ETF's, which makes mutual funds look more attractive. Another thing that I recently read was that I may have to pay capital gains taxes on my mutual funds even if I don't cash them out, since the equities that back them are being bought and sold, while I wouldn't have to this with an ETF.

    I have a few thousand invested in mutual funds. Should I switch over to investing in ETF's instead? I don't want to get billed with huge capital gains taxes in the future when my investments are worth much more.

    submitted by /u/zbag2219
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    Is it better to pay off my credit card or my debt collector?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 07:51 PM PDT

    I know it's important to pay off both, but I'm finally in a position where I can start paying off my debts and I'm unsure of where to begin. I'm 24, and made a few dumb financial decisions. But I'd like to see my credit score rise and set some financial goals so that this doesn't come back and hurt me when I'm 27-30.

    I ran a credit report myself and saw that one of the "good" things about my credit score is that it is diverse (mostly because of car loans and student loans).

    submitted by /u/likethat11x1
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