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    Friday, August 31, 2018

    Accounting A tribute

    Accounting A tribute

    A tribute

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 06:44 PM PDT

    When you let the accountants control the marketing...

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 08:05 PM PDT

    When that asshole “another user” guy is hogging up all the Excel files again

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 04:40 AM PDT

    When you finally land an internship...

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 03:35 PM PDT

    Couldn't be bothered to find out how to link gifs/pics to imgur so this should do: 😂🤩🤩🎉🎊🎉🎊

    After weeks of applying to several internships and coming up empty but for rejections I'm rather glad I stuck it out this long and didn't give up. My school just called me and I passed one of the 3 interviews I had this week, the position being for the AP/AR department and the bonus is that I will be compensated as well!

    Paid or unpaid, I don't care really, sure the money will help, but I can finally start getting my foot in the door of accounting! I'll have to do my best and I'm really excited! Today massively sucked so this good news is something that will help me keep my head up for the weekend! If I can do well with this, I can start getting my life together, talk about karma!

    submitted by /u/Cakeitis
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    Former Enron CEO Jeff Skilling out of prison

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 08:45 AM PDT

    So, my firm blocked indeed.com...

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 06:52 PM PDT

    Audit Travel Packing

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 12:41 PM PDT

    I'll be starting in assurance in the B4 in a few weeks and I had some questions about what you all like to pack for your travel audits.

    I was looking into buying some new luggage, but I'm looking for some insider tips on what is the most useful. I didn't know if just a regular carry-on suitcase and a backpack is what everyone seems to pack or if a large 50L duffel bag is preferable. I have mostly only traveled for short weekend trips and I have been fine with a duffel bag. I found a cool minimalist bag called the Pakt One that seems like a cross between a 35L duffel and a suitcase, but it's like $275 and I feel like that might be wildly unnecessary.

    I'm also curious about what everyone likes to take with them on travel audits for both clothes and personal items. How do you all keep your nice dress shirts wrinkle free while traveling? Or do you just prefer to iron at the hotel? I'm a man, but if women want to answer too I'm sure this will be helpful for a lot of people.

    So for answers I was thinking this format:

    1. Duration of Travel Audit (1 week at a time? 3 days? 2 weeks? etc)
    2. Type of Bags Packed (duffel, backpack, carry-on, full suitcase, maybe even brands if you have a great recommendation)
    3. Basic Contents of Bags (clothes and personal items)
    4. Important Items You Learned You Need/Want (items like cold medicine, games, earplugs etc)

    Thanks for the answers!

    submitted by /u/BWiegs1919
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    Took FAR today

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 03:34 PM PDT

    Very...odd exam. I honestly felt like the sims were way easier than the MCQs. Cash rec, AR rec, foreign exchange transaction, consolidated financial statement, PPE rec, and I forget what the other two were at the moment but overall I feel pretty confident about them. The material wasn't really difficult, the docs are just a pain in the ass to go through especially with the one stupid fucking monitor.

    MCQ though...woah. It all feels like a blur at this point because I was surprised more at what I didn't get. I seriously got two, no more than three questions on bonds/leases/notes. Blew my fucking mind. That was a weak spot that I honed in on recently and they. Just. Never. Came. Ugh. Didn't get much on inventory either. Most notable group?/subgroup? was probably Gov/NFP, which I guess was decent. AFS/Trading/HTM debt and equity securities also stood out, which I admittedly am not too sure on.

    Overall...I want to say I passed, but being confident on sims and really just up in the air on MCQs leaves me feeling not as good as I did about REG last month. And if I pass these two I'll be done for good. In the meantime, thank Christ football is back.

    submitted by /u/Hoooookay
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    Resume Changes before College Recruitment

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 06:03 PM PDT

    Going from industry to public accounting

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 07:12 PM PDT

    Just wondering if there are many people who have gone from industry to public accounting?

    I took an industry job out of college. Pay isnt that great, but the people I work with are. Thing is, I feel as though I have stopped learning and devloping my skills, and I am getting very bored at work.

    I am considering going into public accounting, but unsure where to start. I have my CPA license and almost 3 years of experience with state and local tax (sales/use and income).

    A few questions I have:

    When is the best time to apply? Should I be applying for senior positions? Do the mid-tier and local firms place as much preference on public accounting experience as the big 4 do?

    submitted by /u/cpa0630
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    Ozark is like "The Accountant" but good

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 11:18 AM PDT

    While looking at reviews for a healthy snack to bring to the office...

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 08:17 PM PDT

    Salary not disclosed until interview - leave interview once shared?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 04:12 PM PDT

    Given how practically no job postings say what the salary is, you only find out in the interview. Say it comes up near the start and it's below the minimum you'd leave your job for, is it appropriate to end the interview on the spot?

    Practically speaking I don't see why there's a point in continuing if they aren't open to increasing salary or giving other benefits, but maybe that's rude and unprofessional. Don't see a point in selling yourself to somebody you no longer have interest joining.

    I'm not in this situation, just wondering if it ever comes up when I'm searching.

    submitted by /u/banmenow
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    While studying for the cpa exam how much money do people save up from not living a life

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 01:50 PM PDT

    Stick with recruiters or go it alone?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 05:11 PM PDT

    Background about me: Two years at a B4 firm, one year at a small firm looking to go back to a bigger firm (even B4) or industry. The small firm lured me in with promises to pay OT and have generous PTO but I was duped as they changed their policies not long after I joined. I do have my CPA. I am looking to move out of state, so I decided to start with a recruiter.

    A couple of weeks ago, a recruiter contacted me and asked to talk. Gave her my resume and we talked about for about half an hour. The recruiter sent my resume to a company, the company said they wanted to interview, and for two weeks there has been silence. I even contacted the recruiter twice in that time span and she responded saying that she would follow up and nothing happened. She also talked about trying to set me up with other jobs, but that was all talk.

    Two days ago I got contacted by two recruiters - one for an actual firm and another from a recruiting agency. I talked to the recruiter from the firm, and the next day had a phone interview with a higher up in the practice. It's only been a day, so I'm assuming it may be a week for any follow up from that firm. However, for the recruiter from the recruiting agency, we talked and he said he'd send jobs my way, but he hasn't done anything yet.

    I look at LinkedIn and Indeed and see a shit fucking ton of jobs in the city I want to move to. Should I start taking a more active role and apply directly to other firms and companies? I wanted to rely on the recruiters since I'm in tax and have the 9/15 deadline looming and I'm looking to move out of state.

    Summary: 3 years tax experience (2 at B4, 1 at local firm), CPA, looking to move out of state.

    submitted by /u/therealcz
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    Thinking of becoming an accountant?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 08:20 PM PDT

    I am not so sure if this is allowed on the subreddit but I am wondering is going to a community college first frowned upon? I would obviously transfer to a 4 year university after I was done with community college. I definitely know I want to work in private accounting. I guess my question is would it be okay if I did community college first just to get my prerequisite classes? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/celeste_328
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    KPMG Theme Song (lyrics start at 0:36)

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 01:39 PM PDT

    [CAN] CFE Help - Some questions

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 12:47 PM PDT

    It's almost time for the CFE, I don't feel prepared at all.

    There's nothing left I can do except to keep studying and try to fix my weaknesses and keep writing cases (I bought extra cases from Densmore to write).

    I noticed the following weaknesses:

    • I'm really bad at providing good procedures for audit (I'm doing the assurance role)
    • I did a few Day 2 cases, I find it hard to pick out the actual accounting issues to discuss and then I run out of time to tackle the Assurance role requireds
    • I'm really bad at management accounting quants
    • I sometimes misread the case information (I was always horrible at word problems, and sometimes the wording throws me off)
    • I have no idea how I'll remember any Tax stuff in detail by the time I write the exam

    I've reduced my NAs a lot, but I still get NCs because my technical is weak and I can't type out the answer that fast. Sometimes I struggle too much on a quant, I know I don't need a perfect quant but I find it hard to let it go and drop a calculation.

    If someone can provide me some guidance, I would really appreciate it....I can't even sleep anymore.

    submitted by /u/aisutron
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    I have mastered VBA, and macros. Why can I not crack $120k?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 03:29 PM PDT

    Wish I had the requirements for this job, especially #3

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 05:58 AM PDT

    Is Novogradac a bad firm? Hesistant to accept offer

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 10:36 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, currently going through recruiting and have an offer on the table from Novogradac but I've heard from a lot of people that they're a bad firm to work for. Any thoughts on this?

    submitted by /u/OrganicPurchase921
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    [CAN] CFE Day 1 Is it possible to fail communication AO?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 10:31 PM PDT

    Hi guys, I am just wondering whether it is possible to fail the communication AO.

    I noticed when I write my response in the 4 hour time frame, I tend to rush myself and end up typing sentences with substantial amount of grammar and spelling errors (sometimes due to keyboard strokes being jumbled with one another).

    I also have some occasional sentences where it makes no sense because I type in such a hurry that I end up repeating the same points in a sentence. "You would earn profit for a profit"

    I am wondering whether anybody has received No in communication AO and wonder whether I should allocate any time (or substantial amount of time) for Day 1 to check my spelling and grammar to get yes on Communication AO.

    This is particularly concerning as I am not a native speaker so unless I take my times to write, it is pretty easy to write a sentence with grammar and spelling issues.

    Thanks in advance for your tips and advice!

    submitted by /u/genericpreparer
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    How old were you when you launched your own accounting practice?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 05:31 AM PDT

    How to gain experience for CPA license requirement when you don't work under a CPA?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2018 09:55 PM PDT

    I have received a job offer from a relatively small company for an operations position. The position sounds great, the pay is great and the position would involve a fair amount of accounting functions. However, I would not be working under the direct supervision of a CPA.

    As I understand it, you have to be under the direct supervision of a CPA to obtain your license in my state.

    I don't have a goal of working solely in accounting. In fact, I never wanted to limit myself to just accounting, and am absolutely open to different career opportunities, but I DO want to have my CPA.

    TBH, I really want this job, but I'm also concerned that my passed portions of the CPA would expire before being able to gain the required work experience for licensure.

    Wat do?

    Could I work part time on the weekends preparing taxes at H&R block or something? How would I go about obtaining the required experience?

    submitted by /u/ThisHappenedBro
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