• Breaking News

    Saturday, January 27, 2018

    (Arizona) I’m dealing with a hard-headed adjuster that seems to be wanting to climb the corporate ladder. Insurance

    (Arizona) I’m dealing with a hard-headed adjuster that seems to be wanting to climb the corporate ladder. Insurance

    (Arizona) I’m dealing with a hard-headed adjuster that seems to be wanting to climb the corporate ladder.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2018 01:54 AM PST

    Would I be able to sue a large insurance company because an adjuster has unjustifiably delayed my claim? Accident is coming up on two months, and still without my vehicle.

    Are there any ambitious lawyers that want to make some money on things like this?

    submitted by /u/American_Person
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    (Question) Insuring Art Collection (value ~ $3000)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2018 01:29 AM PST

    I have a collection of original pieces (about 10) purchased prices range from $200-500 each.

    Since the overall cost was low are these covered by a standard homeowners policy? How is value determined?

    Additionally, I know one of the artists have gained popularity since my purchase and similar size/style paintings are now selling at twice the price. Does that make a difference?

    Location: USA

    submitted by /u/ReneeCosplay
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    Healthcare.gov appeal tips?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 11:18 AM PST

    Essentially, I was given incorrect information when signing up for my plan - the doctors I was told were covered are not. I spent 4+ hours on the phone this morning trying to get this straightened out. A very helpful CSA from the insurance company did a conference call with me to healthcare.gov and even explained it indicates covered on her end. But, as I'm not pregnant, newly married, and have not moved, I was denied the opportunity to change my plan. I'm stuck in an over $500/month plan that I spent hours researching to ensure it had the coverage I needed, and it's pretty useless to me now.

    After escalating to several supervisors, I was finally told I could mail an appeal form. Has anyone done this successfully before?

    submitted by /u/xRilae
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    What is the most new Driver Friendly Insurance ?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 09:38 PM PST

    Hey guys, finally got a new job that will allow me to affort to pay car insurance so I will buy a car soon, just gonna finish saving some more money.

    In the meanwhile I'm looking at online quotes for insurances companies and for far online Geico & Progressive have given me quotes.

    Geico gave me :

    3,854.00 for 6month policy.

    Progressive gave me 2991.87 for 6 month policy.

    both of them gave me

    $25,000/$50,000 bodily injury liability

    $25,000 Property Damage Liability

    $50,000 limit per person per accident

    Optional Basic Economic Loss I decline

    Additional Personal Injury Protection I decline Residual Medical Payments I decline

    Uninsured Motorist $25,000/$50,000

    $1,000 deductible for comprehensive and collision.

    Emergency Road Service I added it because it only $24 for it.

    I also tried getting a Liberty Mutual & Allstate quote but they told me they couldnt give me one.

    Anyways, what are some other insurance companies I should check? also when I actually decide to buy the car, should I go to the office to get quotes, or call them? will I get better rates by doing so?

    I live in NY state.

    One more thing. My uncle is a retired military personnel, and I hard that USAA is super good, would he be able to help me get insurance there?

    submitted by /u/anonyredditian
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    [Medical] [California- Anthem Blue Cross PPO] Insurance company will cover knee-replacement, but not visco-supplementation.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 09:37 PM PST


    Are there any options I have here? I am very unaware when it comes to options beyond the appeal I have filed online.

    Background: Survived a motorcycle crash then a 38' fall onto concrete off an overpass in late 2015. 20+ surgeries but namely: Right BKA, sheared pelvic ring, L femur shattered, L4 replaced with metal cage and L3-4-5 fusion, and L ankle ATL and arthroscopy.

    Current issues: The only pain I have now on a day to day basis is in my left knee, due to wear and tear of the cartilage. I would be eligible for a knee replacement if I weren't so young... which of course would be covered. I paid $1000 out of pocket for an MRI to prove I have cartilage wear and tear in my L knee, and sports medicine doctors at UCLA and UCSF medical have both recommended the visco supplementation. On top of that I've done 3 months of intense PT (80mins 2x/week). I have 0 deg dorsiflexion in my left ankle, which puts further stress on my L knee. Also not having a right calf to accelerate my body up puts further stress on my left knee when going up/down stairs. Forcing pain in my knee though is a conscious choice since podiatry has told me sacrifice the knee over the ankle, as those replacements are better in the long run- given that I'll eventually need it. In a similar strain, they'd cover an ankle replacement, which doctors are against since I'm so young, but won't cover custom orthotics. When I appealed that back in September they just said "sorry we don't cover it, we have to be fair to members who don't need it and accept that when they choose their rates". Which feels shady to me since open enrollment was October and apparently they dropped visco coverage in December.

    I feel exasperated.

    The most confusing part to me.. I have a PPO plan where the company (I am listed as long term disabled, they still pay the medical premiums) pays about $580 a month, I pay $150. So it's not like I have a cheap plan (Anthem Blue Cross PPO). In theory I guess...

    This is in USA, California

    Edit: Found the applicable guideline: https://www11.anthem.com/ca/medicalpolicies/guidelines/gl_pw_c160709.htm

    submitted by /u/Eksingadalen
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    Firearms Insurance

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 06:52 PM PST

    Figured I would at least ask - how do you get firearms insurance? Who underwrites it? Any considerations? Any gotchas?

    A brief search showed NRA offers a policy but I'm not a member and really, really would like to avoid that - but is it worth it?

    Additionally my collection isn't large but it is growing and I plan to grow it over a lifetime.

    submitted by /u/Ticonix
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    Anyone familiar with Liberty Mutual's home computer coverage of their renter's insurance?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 12:05 PM PST

    I recently got new auto and renter's insurance with Liberty Mutual. I got the renter's insurance because the rep told me that it would include $5000 of home computer coverage, with a $50 deductible. I was told that it would include smartphones etc. Is there any way to be sure of that??? I know it sounds weird, but I am looking to cancel my cell phone insurance and I don't want to do it if the renter's policy doesn't have it... Because then I would lose all of the time I have accrued as "claim-free". The reason I ask is because I find insurance confusing and looking through the documents, it doesn't mention smartphone anywhere.. Any help or advice would be amazing.

    submitted by /u/randrae
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    What to do if party at fault doesn't respond to calls from their auto insurance

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 02:11 PM PST

    Location: Alabama Location of incident: Private Bank parking lot

    I was parked in a bank parking lot, and this lady pulled in next to me and somehow managed to scrape the side of my car. Instead of stopping when she hit it, she just kept on going until she got fully parked in her spot! So the side of my car is all scraped up and dented now. I immediately called the police, and they said they could not file a report because it was on private property. I called my insurance right after that, and they started a claim and connected me to the other person's insurance company (Allstate) to get everything going. I got a picture of the lady's insurance card and got her number and all that so I could give them all her information. They quickly got the claim filed, gave me an estimate and all that, but they have not finished the proof of liability because the freaking lady won't call them back! Allstate said they should come to a decision in a couple of days (supposedly), but what if they can't reach her? What if they say they won't pay for it? Unfortunately, we have cheap Geico insurance that won't cover the costs or anything like that. What can we do?

    submitted by /u/xenzt
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    Policy holder won't cooperate with insurance tips

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 05:45 PM PST

    Hello everyone,

    I was in a car accident long story short we have the same insurance (American Alliance), the other party is not cooperating and so the claim was denied. My damage is lower than my deductible. There were two claims filed one on my behalf that a rep filled when I initially called and a second one the second rep filed because I told her I was at no fault and I wanted it to go through the guys insurance. I received two letters stating my claims were denied one due to my damage being lower than my deductible and the second one was because the policyholder was not cooperating. What is my next step? The damage is estimated to be less than $500, I was referred to a body shop that works with the insurance should I go with them? The second rep I spoke with told me they would reimbursement me for the damage if the other party was found at fault but this was before we knew he was not going to cooperate. Would I still be refunded if he's ever found at fault? What will happen to him for not cooperating? Will the insurance drop him or will it go up? I know it's not guaranteed, but how can I make sure the insurance acts with their best interest on my behalf? Also will my insurance go up for filing a claim? This is not fair and I'm angry about it but I'm also thankful that it was not a major accident.

    submitted by /u/tempaccount8881
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    Wife was rear-ended by a transport truck and pushed into another vehicle. Insurance company holding her at fault for 50% of car in front. Anything we can do?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 07:10 AM PST

    My wife is not grievously injured, thankfully. Thought I should start with that.

    As the title says, my wife is being held 50% at fault for damages to the car in front of her. I understand that there is some sort of legislation here (Ontario, Canada) that states that the middle vehicle in a three car collision while in motion is liable for 50% of damages to the front vehicle.

    The problem here is, we feel there is absolutely no wiggle room in this legislation to deal with extenuating circumstances. My wife was pushed by an 18-wheeler more than 50 ft. into the car in front of her. She had no control of her vehicle (a small sedan), and yet she is somehow supposed to be "at fault"? Now her premiums are going up and the people at the insurance company are telling us how "unfair" it seems, yet offering us nothing in terms of resolution. Do we have any recourse?

    submitted by /u/phantrombulist
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    FL- Medical device issued before preauthorization denied.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 03:40 PM PST

    Two weeks ago I was issued a take-home medical device by a local clinic. They told me when I picked it up that the insurance company did not authorize CONTINUOUS monitoring but I was covered under the EVENT based monitoring. Basically I press a button when I'm experiencing symptoms and it's sends a measurement to a remote lab wirelessly. I accepted the device and took it home. I've been wearing it for two weeks now. I signed a paper when I took it home which I now need to find and read.

    Today I got a letter in the mail from the insurance company that said both preauthorization for both monitoring plans was denied and my doctor can appeal on my behalf.

    If the appeal is denied (and I suspect it will be) what do I do? I assume the clinic will bill me the retail (monitor rental) amount, as will the remote monitoring lab.

    I understand both of these people provided a service but I'm afraid I'll get a thousand dollar or more bill I cannot afford. I would not have accepted he device knowing it wasn't covered by insurance. The nurse specifically said I was covered.

    Do I have any options?


    submitted by /u/FineTriangulation
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    New Commercial Insurance Broker in Alberta - Need Help Choosing Brokerage

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 11:50 AM PST

    I am new to the industry and just passed my level one/two exams. I am looking at various brokerages, and am wondering what is the expected commission split between broker/brokerage for commercial insurance?

    Any information on the big commercial houses such as Rogers, Marsh, BFL etc? What are the things I should look for when selecting a brokerage? What kind of split is standard with no marketing/CSR support?

    Would appreciate any advice!

    submitted by /u/UnknownPlayer717
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    Auto Insurance Question

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 11:50 AM PST

    I was in a car accident a few days ago in the morning, where I rear-ended someone at ~5mph. I gave him my insurance, registration, driver's license, and phone number while he only gave me his registration, driver's license, and phone number. There wasn't a police report, or witnesses.

    The damage to his car is localized to the the lower left bumper. The damage is minimal, and is basically some scuff marks from the white paint of my license plate holder. The scuff marks are the kind where you can rub off, and the paint is a-okay.

    The damage to my car is basically my bumper being slightly knocked out of alignment but it isn't noticeable unless you know where and what to look for. My car doesn't have any sensors or fancy features like that so the cost to repair on my own will probably be doable (<1k). To be sure, I'm taking it to a body shop later today to confirm/disprove my suspicions.

    The other driver was an agreeable person who shrugged off the accident after he saw the minimal (to apparently nonexistent) damage. He mentioned he was going take a look at his car in afternoon to see if there was damage beyond the scuff mark. I have not heard from the other driver since the scene (again it's been a few days since).

    I want to take my car to a body shop for an estimate to determine if I should file a claim. I want it to make financial sense because I can't have my insurance premium increase right now but I also don't want to land in hot water with my insurance company, the law, or have the driver contact me 1.9 years later (within the statute of limitations) with some ridiculous bodily injury or extensive car damage story.

    I have a couple of independent questions. 1) What should I do? 2) Will I be notified if he files a claim with my insurance?

    For the record, my driving history is entirely clean. Never a moving violation ticket or car accident for over 12 years of my driving life.

    I definitely need some recourse so any advice helps, thank you.

    submitted by /u/informationincognito
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    did I get shafted on deductible?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 11:07 AM PST

    Hi internet,

    I got a new job back in March, and didn't get enrolled in insurance until early May. The plan's deductible was 1300, which really messed with my budget, but I got it over with. Now, seven months later, my deductible reset on the 1st and it is now 1500. Why in the blue hell did my deductible reset more than 4 months early. I'd understand if I paid a prorated deductible but this seems like some shady business. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/StitzieJ
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    State Farm - “Home Systems Protection”

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 12:36 PM PST

    I'm in the process of buying my first home, and currently working on home insurance. State Farm is now apparently offering some endorsement called "Home Systems Protection." Essentially, for a $15/year premium (and $500 deductible per occurrence) they would cover any electrical or mechanical breakdown of the heating, cooling or electrical systems of your home up to $50,000 per occurrence. The State Farm agent also claims this would not affect/increase my yearly insurance premium or count as a normal insurance claim against me.

    My question is: what is the catch? I know there is one but I'm so new at this that I can't figure it out.

    I asked for some documentation and he quickly sent me a 1 page .pdf file that essentially says the same info with some "Covered Loss Examples" that all seemed reasonable. Couldn't find a link on their website to share however.

    Anyone actually used a policy like this before?

    submitted by /u/cjr8f8
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    Whose insurance do I put our new car under?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 07:56 AM PST

    My fiancee and I will be purchasing a car soon and financing it. The car loan will be completely under my name alone though both of our names will be on the title. When insuring the vehicle, whose car insurance would this car go under?

    My understanding is that since we are not yet married, we cannot have a joint insurance policy (perhaps I am mistaken?). Does it matter who puts the car on their policy?

    submitted by /u/Sephiroth0327
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    How Long Should it Take My Insurance Company to Pay the Lienholder?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 05:46 AM PST

    Hey everyone! I'm in Ohio. Car was totaled that was financed through my credit union. My insurance company, Progressive, and I agreed to a claim pay out, that they had me sign the paperwork for a couple days ago. When I asked if they would be cutting me the check or be sending it directly to my credit union, they told me that they'd send it to the credit union. As far as I can tell, this has not occured yet (since it looks like I still owe the full amount on their website).

    So, yeah, it's only been a couple days, but how long does this process typically take? I'm asking because I will need to get the new/replacement vehicle financed as well, and don't want this huge debt from the previous auto hanging over my head when applying for a new loan.

    submitted by /u/adrift98
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    Renewing car insurance with a "bad" company

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 05:05 AM PST

    This year I have been insured with Hastings smart miles, with a black box and I have hated it. Mainly due to curfew rules granting an absurdly low driving score, and other issues all black box/score related. This year they have offered me cover for £450 which is very cheap compared to other companies £700+ offers. I gave them a ring to ask about removing the curfew and the guy has told me that for the second year with them they will NOT cancel my insurance due to any bad score, they just won't offer me a third year if it's below 40/100. This means I'd be able to drive at night as much as I'd want.

    The problem is that I know from experience the companies downfalls are in the fineprint.

    Has anybody taken on a second year with these guys and had any problems?

    submitted by /u/jonnyboy07111
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