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    Friday, January 26, 2018

    Accounting Busy season side effects

    Accounting Busy season side effects

    Busy season side effects

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 04:54 PM PST

    Second week of busy season for audit for me, working 10-11hours per day. Today is FRIDAY I thought I can go at 6pm but NO something HAD TO COME UP AT 5:30 so I STAYED UNTIL 7:30 and now I'M IN A MOOD TO MAKE BAD DECISIONS TONIGHT before work tomorrow. Because the cycle will repeat ALL OVER AGAIN on Monday.


    Even alcohol doesn't make me feel like this.

    submitted by /u/amici1992
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    On my way back to town to hand in some WoW quests, an NPC drops this gem.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 06:54 AM PST

    Prometric really needs to implement a second monitor...

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 01:01 PM PST

    Just took FAR. Finished the MC sections with a good 2.5 hours left. But then every SIM I got had a resources tab and god damn I easily wasted a good 45 minutes trying to sift through the information via the bullshit split screen feature.

    For the other 3 sections it was basically a mild inconvenience, but for FAR, it felt like I was slowly developing brain damage. Oh and that's all with the calculator covering 25% of the screen.

    Sorry for the rant, I really needed to vent. Hopefully, I'll never have to deal with this exam ever again. Now excuse me while I drive home and get high as balls.

    PS I think Becker did a pretty good job for preparing me for FAR.

    submitted by /u/K0RnD4Wg
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    Just took FAR, AMA while it’s still fresh in my mind

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 03:14 PM PST

    Served tables to pay for college, finished accounting degree, worked in public for five months, hated it went back to serving tables. AMA

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 08:26 AM PST

    Took a ~10-13k cut in my yearly salary by going back to serving tables, but I'm working 20 hour weeks and am not miserable as fuck anymore.

    submitted by /u/ShibaInu_Master_Race
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    Culture 2

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 05:15 AM PST

    Who's bumping that new culture 2 on this lovely Friday

    submitted by /u/dabirds581
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    Busy Season Pro Tip: Wear Sweaters!

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 06:07 AM PST

    Guys and maybe gals, working 10+ hours a day sucks, working that much while wearing a tucked in shirt is even more shitty. Rock the collared shirt + sweater combo, it feels 10x better and still adheres to the business casual rule.

    submitted by /u/SeriousIntern
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    NASBA will not be able to print or reprint Notices to Schedule (NTS) or accept any payments between February 17 and March 4

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 01:12 PM PST

    I finally saved up enough for braces...will it be looked down upon at big 4?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 04:44 PM PST

    Long story short, I grew up really poor, so my family never got me braces. After HS, I thought I would just live with it, but about 1-2 years ago, I decided I really wanted them, so I started saving up my spare income. I'm 23 now and I finally saved up enough spare income to afford them. Unfortunately, I have a huge overbite and somewhat crooked teeth so I'm guessing I'll have them on for like 2-3 years. I also know that braces involves going to the orthodontist like once a month to get them tighten.

    This would essentially be like me taking an extra hour or two (depending on where I'm at) for lunch once a month. I always hear horror stories of staff at big 4 who say they work tons of hours and there is an unspoken rule that you can never take time off until you're at least a senior and then it's questionable.

    EDIT: I would start the job in september 2018

    submitted by /u/PuzzleheadedOpinion
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    I sell pot. What forms do I need?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 11:33 AM PST

    How do you do, fellow kids! Your friendly neighborhood dispensary owner here. Finishing things up and getting pumped for season two, but I still need to file federal taxes. We're an llc taxed as a partnership, so I assume I just need basic business income forms? Or is there something special for us dangerous drug dealers to fill out? You guys rock, stay strong: busy season goes faster if you take if one day at a time!

    submitted by /u/formulapharaoh9
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    Quick Rant

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 07:24 PM PST

    Last year, I was the Senior for a first year audit for the firm. I busted my ass figuring out the client, and setting up the file to make it extremely easy for this year, to offer a breath of fresh air in the middle of my busy season (for example, spent two days last year setting up the financial tie out workbook, this year, it'll take an hour to populate the entire financials/tie to our testing).

    I found out this week I'm being pulled off the client this year because they need me full time on a shitshow of a client (which will conveniently extend my busy season a month). They are giving my original client to a first year senior who isn't the strongest, because it's something he can handle. So as I'm pulling 70+ weeks because I can handle it, this low performer will be performing 45-50's and still probably screw it up.

    Moral of the story is to just to the bare minimum to not get fired.

    submitted by /u/Dildo_Swagins
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    [CAN] Densmore vs. PASS CFE prep courses

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 03:52 PM PST

    Has anyone taken any of the prep sessions? Are they worth the money?

    submitted by /u/ead09
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    Quick question for tax accountants

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 05:48 PM PST

    My old job, owner slept with so many "ladies of the night" and had so many kids. I would say dozen or so. All of these women and kids do not work at the company, but they are on company payroll, kind of like child support through the company. Also he gave them a lot of stuff, like cars to use, as hush gifts, but these are deducted from company tax. I also know a lot of his personal cars are deducted from company, but not used for company purposes. He has family (brothers n sisters, and cousins) that works there and uses company cars.

    Are things like these illegal or just disgusting? Is there anonymous reporting to IRS available or is it so small not even worth the bother. TIA

    submitted by /u/naps96
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    What to wear to VITA site?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 10:55 AM PST

    What is appropriate to wear? Also, am I allowed to bring that tax book they gave us? And any tips to dealing with clients? I haven't done anything like this before and just curious as to how it's going to be

    submitted by /u/shelfs
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    What math skills are sufficient for accounting?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 08:54 PM PST

    Hey guys, let me introduce myself. I am a college freshman and I've been lurking on this sub for a little bit now since I have recently been looking into majors because I want to declare my major [I am business (undecided) right now]. Accounting definitely looks promising and something I want to do. All of that out of the way, I am not the best at math, more specifically Calculus. I took Calculus part 1 last semester and got a C and am currently taking the second part this semester. Is this going to hurt my chances moving towards an accounting degree? How important is Calculus as an accountant?

    submitted by /u/garlic_knot
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    [CAN] New hire at a small firm here (warning: rant, long)

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 08:53 PM PST

    Hello intelligent redditors.

    • I recently started at a small CPA firm with small clients.
    • My week has been horrible.
    • Here goes.
    • Here me out bros.

    • First of all, I know nothing about everything.
    • Let me be clear. I know NOTHING.
    • Zero prior experience.
    • ZE-RO.
    • Remember when you first opened Caseware?
    • Hi! That's me!
    • Right now?
    • I feel so very incredibly lost.
    • I don't get training.
    • I get minimal attention.
    • No help.
    • Nobody really comes to ask about me.
    • Partners are friendly but too busy.
    • Managers ignore me.
    • Senior is either too busy or
    • just don't want to train me.
    • I'm scared to ask questions now.
    • I get shut down.
    • Explanations are brief and I don't get them.
    • For a whole week, I just stared at my screen.
    • Self-learning minimally.
    • I've been introduced to about 5 softwares.
    • Including Caseware, of course.
    • Studied these on my own.
    • Within so little time.

    • Sigh...
    • Let me breathe.
    • Okay, here goes.

    • Training procedures are just instructions.
    • (I want to learn the why's!)
    • Partner told me to surf some files.
    • (Which part am I to look at?)
    • I'm told to take things easy.
    • The suggested files look complicated AF, with
    • Multiple share types, legal liabilities, doc trails, etc.
    • Meanwhile.
    • ITCs are really killing me.
    • I don't understand any bookkeeping.
    • Any taxes.
    • Any anything.
    • Any everything.
    • Then I'm told that
    • I'll be handling a file soon.
    • (Like... what in the actual F***?)

    • I don't get along with the staff.
    • I don't click with a particular someone.
    • Nobody likes to talk.
    • Or we just lack the opportunity to do so.
    • People just stare at computer screens.
    • Doing something though, unlike moi.
    • Nobody goes for drinks.
    • So far,
    • I can't ask anyone for lunch.
    • Which is why
    • In the boulevard of broken dreams,
    • I eat alone.
    • Dun.
    • Dun dun.
    • Dun dun.
    • Dun dun.
    • ...

    • I miss how
    • At my old job,
    • A higher-up took me out
    • To get lunch on my first week.
    • Didn't know what it meant back then.

    • Today, I looked at some accounts.
    • Learning on my own through Caseware.
    • The good thing is, I understand some parts.
    • Because I'm like you.
    • Not stupid!
    • And got education!

    • I turned down a real badass job for this.
    • A REAL badass job.
    • But accounting is good.
    • Going to get my license here though.
    • If I stick around long enough, I'll learn.
    • But I don't enjoy feeling lost.
    • And I don't want to know less
    • Than those at other firms.
    • I want to learn quickly.
    • So I can start reading and doing things.

    • I hear the busy season is coming.
    • I hear the tax season is coming.
    • Tough times are near.
    • But all I hear is
    • Trouble coming.
    • I don't know how to do anything.
    • Shouldn't I be learning...
    • How to fill out the tax forms?
    • I thought that's why I got hired.
    • :/
    • I are lost in the sea.

    Dear fellow intelligent redditors.

    • How's your experience at small firms been?
    • What and how much do you learn when you start out?
    • Save me
    • How to rescue myself?
    • If I just do what I'm told... will things get better?
    • Advice?
    submitted by /u/tooo_spicy
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    Taking BEC tommorow

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 08:41 PM PST

    T-minus 14 hours till I take BEC. Just started busy season earlier this week and don't know how to feel. Amy advice on last minute topics to look at? Worth practicing Sims or WC? Already pounded all of Becker mcq to the point that there is no more to do. Lol

    submitted by /u/n_i123
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    Accounting and Consulting Firm | Accounting Firms in India

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 08:18 PM PST

    TCF, one of Association of accounting firm, Accounting Firms in India, is a local accounting and consulting firm specializing in foreign companies seeking to invest in India.

    submitted by /u/nehamehtaseo
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    [CAN] What happens after networking events from the recruiter side?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 08:13 PM PST

    I hear things about them having debriefs afterward discussing who they like or receiving emails about recommendations. Some more info on this would be nice, I'm just a bit curious. Edit: Specifically about the big 4.

    submitted by /u/jamming90
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    Need advice on a business degree that complements accounting

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 07:53 PM PST

    I'm entering my second year of university (in Australia). I'm doing a double degree in Business and Accounting and I have to now decide what I want to major in for Business.

    I guess what I ultimately want to know is how much my major would affect my jobs/career in accounting in the future. Regardless of what major I pick, accounting is what I want to do. I want to work in an accounting firm some day and want to pick a major that complements accounting, not the other way around (accounting complementing my major).

    This may sound really naive but if say I picked HR to major in, would I actually be doing HR work (interviewing potential employees, shortlisting, etc.) with my accounting work, or if I picked business stats would I actually be collecting data/calculating stats whilst doing accounting-related work? Would this even be an option for me?

    Is a double degree, instead, more of something that gives you a broader perspective on things (and possibly higher employability) but not actually something that allows you to work in two different fields at the same time? Do such jobs even exist?

    Does it also depend on the major I pick?

    submitted by /u/Thranrond
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    Compensation for tax JDs?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 06:54 PM PST

    Hello, I think I am fairly familiar with what JD starting pay is in tax groups at Big 4 firms. However, does anyone know what the typical comp range for managers who have law degrees is? Do comp differences between those with accounting backgrounds and legal backgrounds eventually even out?

    submitted by /u/glorp69
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    Meet the Firms Night

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 06:42 PM PST

    Meet the Firms night is in less than a week and I'm pretty nervous about it, partly because i don't know exactly what to expect, so I'm hoping y'all can answer some of my questions.

    1. Some of my professors have instructed us to create a 2-minute commercial about ourselves prepared for when we talk to recruiters. This seems unnatural and uncomfortable because that's not how normal conversations are done, so is that the wise approach or should i just go up to a recruiter and start a conversation?

    2. How confident should i be? I know its always good to look and act confident, but given my qualifications, how desirable am i? My resume highlights include 4.0 accounting gpa, expert certification in excel, plans to obtain my MS in accounting and CPA certification, minir in psychology, i volunteer and am active in my church, i don't work while taking classes, and all my work experience is manual labor with no relation to accounting, so lack of experience is a weakness. Would i be a "hot commodity" or is my lack of experience a big downfall? My social skills could use some work. I've recovered significantly from my social anxiety/awkwardness, but I'm still not perfect.

    3. Will I have time to actually converse with big 4 recruiters, or will it be so packed at their tables that I will only be able to hand them a resume?

    4. What are some conversation tips? Or do the recruiters mostly lead the conversation? I'd like to just talk to them without any pressure, but my professional development class led me to believe that the business world is super judgmental, "this is exactly how you give a handshake", "here are a million rules for dining", "don't sit before your interviewer", etc. Also how long should each conversation last?

    5. What should I know about each firm before talking to them?

    6. What should i consider when deciding where i want to work? Like i said, i only have theoretical experience in accounting through the classroom. I really have no idea what to look for in a firm. They all look the same on paper.

    7. Any other tips? I like to over-prepare

    Thank you to any and all who can help me prepare and perhaps calm my nerves with advice! :)

    submitted by /u/HunterJK94
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    [CAN] When did you start studying for the CFE?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 06:10 PM PST

    I'm writing the 2018 CFE, after i finish the capstones. I work at national firm so would have access to study resources and 2 months off work. But should I begin studying now? Or wait till the summer?

    submitted by /u/BBA2017
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    Just took AUD AMA

    Posted: 26 Jan 2018 02:06 PM PST

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