• Breaking News

    Tuesday, February 8, 2022

    Legal Advice Yesterday, my former employer stole $1400 from me

    Legal Advice Yesterday, my former employer stole $1400 from me

    Yesterday, my former employer stole $1400 from me

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 07:25 AM PST

    I am a senior in college and applied for a virtual internship with a small health advocacy group for the Spring 2022 semester. I started January 4th, and would work on projects, then email my hours to the HR/payroll lady, they would be approved and I would be paid every two weeks. Nice gig, and $18 per hour.

    Last Tuesday I logged in to my account being deleted, I call my boss and she tells me that I was fired. I tell her I was confused because I had no clue there was issues, and she then gives me my job back immediately on the phone. I get a new account. Then on Thursday I get an email saying I am on probation, and I have a week to improve my performance. I complete all my tasks by Friday correctly, and get paid Friday, a $1400 check since I was working nearly full time.

    This Monday I wake up to an email that I was fired for faking my hours. I have never faked hours, they were approved and I was paid accordingly. I don't care about the job at this point, I was over it. But then I see that they are "recalculating my correct hours", and I will get a new check in two weeks. How can she withhold pay for weeks? How can she decide my hours when I worked from home, submitted my hours and she already paid me? I check my bank account and my $1400 direct deposit I received on Friday was reversed. I email her asking for clarification, and have not received a response back, just intimidation emails. This is ridiculous because it's clear that she is trying to take her money back, and fire me then not pay me correctly. It's hard to prove the exact hours that I worked because my account with all my information was deleted AGAIN. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/sharkdoo
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    I want to report an murder attempt on me, but I'm afraid I'll be arrested instead?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 09:44 AM PST

    Long story short, my ex husband (at the time married) tried to kill me in a car crash. But wanted it to look like one, where he'd survive. By going 90 in a 35, and trying to get other cars to hit just my side. It didn't work, and I got to safety after I could jump out.

    That was last spring. I want to report now, but if I do, and they don't find anything, will I get arrested? I have a video of him confessing, but he doesn't know I took it. And I have texts from that night laying out the timeline and him admitting to it. Would that even be enough? It was all back roads. So no security cameras. And I have a witness but he was the one who helped me after I got out of the car, so he didn't see anything.

    His motive was that I asked for a divorce because of the abuse, so I guess it'd double as domestic assault. He's also military, so I'm worried that might be more complicated

    submitted by /u/Femme_Basket_Case
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    Can a landlord restrict what time I cook

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 02:35 PM PST

    I live in an apartment building, and my landlord is trying to settle a tenant dispute. I have lived here for a year and a half without issues. A week ago, a new family moved in next door, and they are constantly reporting me for noise violations. I work late and cook dinner around 10-11 at night. I'm not being loud at all. Turning the sink on or pressing buttons on the microwave have been reported to building management as a disturbance. Maintenance showed up today and ran tests to see what could be heard from their apartment. Apparently, running water, walking normally, or using the microwave can be heard next door. The maintenance team said they would put noise dampening material between my wall and their bedroom to block noise. They have told me to not cook after 8 pm as these are the quiet hours. Nowhere in the lease does it say I am not allowed to cook after a certain time and the quiet hour rules were quite vague. I'm being as quiet as I possibly can while cooking, but this is the only time to cook dinner due to my schedule. I don't think the noise dampening measures will do much, and I am tired of living like this; it has been a week. Is the building allowed to restrict my cooking during quiet hours?

    submitted by /u/LiaAmity
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    Roommate Kicked Me Out For Religious Differences

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 09:46 AM PST

    I 23/F had been living with my roommate for 5 months when she sat me down and told me she really wants me to renew the lease with her on the condition that I convert to Christianity and live a Christian lifestyle. I told her I would not be changing my beliefs just to live with her, and once the lease was up in April, I'd be moving out. I'd already paid rent through the month of February, as well as last month's rent when I moved in. Fast forward a month to this weekend, I had a male over to spend the night. In the morning, she lost it, kicked him out, and then told me I had 30 days to get out. She then informed me that she would be calling the apartment complex to have me evicted immediately since I was subleasing from her and was not on the official lease. She said "this is my home and you're inviting people over when I made it clear I wanted this to be a Christian household." I told her I paid to be there just the same as her and she said "um, who's on the lease?" I packed all of my stuff and moved out before she got home from church.

    Now she is threatening to bill me or sue me for damage done to the vinyl flooring while I was living there. This is our original move-in agreement:

    "So the only thing I'm really requiring to move in (if you like it and want to) is last months deposit and of course prorated for august then rent due on September 1st. Last month will go towards last month unless there are damages or if you just turn out to be a terrible person and destroy my place and are disrespectful which I don't see happening. At that point I'd give you a 30 days notice to move and the last months rent would go towards repairs. Again, I don't see that happening but want it in writing just in case."

    As mentioned above, she already has rent for the month of February which I will not even be living there, and last month's rent that I gave her as a deposit, which she specifically stated would be put towards any damages done. Aside from our verbal/text message agreement, there is nothing legally biding me to her as she did not want any documents signed when I moved in.

    Was her kicking me out because I'm not living a Christian lifestyle legal? Does she have any right to make me pay for any damages done to the apartment?

    submitted by /u/EntertainmentHead596
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    is this a scam or is this person genuinely trying to give me closure on my brother?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 09:08 AM PST

    post was removed from r/relationship_advice by the moderators, so I have asked here

    So me and my brother are around the same age of 26, and im in Mississippi. He had moved out one day at the age of 22 and he quite literally disappeared. he never would answer phone calls, text back, and I think his phone number was changed from what it seemed like.

    We had went years without knowing where he went or what had happened to him. Obviously it made me, his sister, and our mom very upset. At times we considered the possibility that he died and we won't ever see him again, and that sucked. Literally nobody was ever able to find him or find a way to contact him.

    One day I get a random call from out of the state, and I didn't think anything of it. I get these kinds of phone calls a lot so I just ignored it. I got a voice-mail and I figured I'd listen to it.

    basically, it was this random girl saying, "Hey [my name], I imagine you want to know what happened to [my brother], right? It's extremely important, so whenever you have the chance, please call me back."

    I obviously got extremely worried, so I called her back instantly. I was more wanting to know what happened to my brother so I just asked her a bunch of questions, such as if I'll ever even be able to see him again and how she even knew me to begin with. She didn't even answer, and got really defensive, saying, "We need to schedule a time to meet in person, anywhere you feel comfortable. trust me please when I say it will all come together and I will answer everything", whenever I asked her who she was and how she knew my brother and I.

    I even asked her to send pictures of herself and asked if we could video call, so I know I'm at least talking to a real person and not trying to have someone rob me and using my missing brother as leverage or something. She sent some pictures, and said she was "more than happy to video call", gave me her Skype, and we had roughly the same convo over video call as when we first talked. she just kept insisting we meet in person, saying that she would be driving from her state to come here.. I literally just asked "will my brother be with you?" and she just said, "it's complicated". like wtf does that mean? this person is so vague

    like is this a scam? I know sometimes robbing scams use girls or some other lure. I just don't know if I should trust them. From what people have said in the post before it got removed, it makes me feel like I should meet them but I'm wary about if this could be a scam, as I always wanna be extra safe

    submitted by /u/sad_mango_slice
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    Some guy who claims he used to live at my house 3 years ago getting packages delivered to my mailbox and showing up to get them from me

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 02:47 PM PST

    He showed up at the door saying he had a package delivered here. He said he used to live here 3 years ago. But I said I lived here longer than that I think. And he said maybe it was 4 then. I've lived here for 4 years and a month. There was a package in my mailbox which I gave to him, and he said he has another coming tomorrow or wednesday.

    Is this some kind of scam? He claims the packages are from Etsy and is linked to his cell or something and can't change it. What are my options/correct procedure. I don't wanna be helping some guy covertly get drugs delivered or something. How do I get this to stop with the least contact with the guy. Should I be notifying police? The post office?

    The package was delivered into my locked mailbox (have one of those neighborhood ones with like 15 boxes all together and each person has a key to their own), not just my front door.

    Edit: Also, he gave me his cell number and wants me to text him when the other package arrives, and I had already told him he would and he said he'll be notified when the package arrives (package tracking I assume). What do I do when he shows up?

    Update: I was able to find online some things to indicate he did actually live here 5 years ago. Apparently he's lived in a lot of places in the area in the past 20 years. And given some commenters describing having the exact problem with Etsy shipping things to old addresses automatically, his story is sounding more plausible, though still possible it's a lie. Took the advice from some and called the post office and explained the situation. They could see that there was another package scheduled to be delivered to my house, but it wasn't showing who it was for. And they said they will have it held at the post office and the guy can get it there. So, hopefully that will get him to not end up showing up at my house whether it was nefarious or an honest mistake.

    submitted by /u/Shufflepants
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    What can I do if my mother molested me for 7 years, but I have no physical evidence?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 09:16 AM PST

    When I started hitting puberty, my mother would touch and grab my randomly erect penis through my clothes. She normally did it whenever she took me to the mall and would buy me toys/games afterwards.

    She also used to watch me shower as a form of punishment and I've caught her watching my nephews play in the living room while they were completely naked. They were about the same age I was when she started doing those things to me.

    I never told anyone until very recently, I'm 24 now and I'm just curious if there's anything I could do from a legal standpoint to fight this. I do have some mental issues, but no actual evidence of anything that has taken place. I live in Texas if that helps. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/ChizzHonorFace
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    [CA] I'm being sued for Unjust Enrichment because I bought a car from an auction while it had an active insurance claim, I accepted the payout after I purchased the car, and the insurance took the car away from me.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 11:45 AM PST

    I am a CA car dealer.

    I bought a used vehicle from a car auction (Manheim). I purchased he car as a clean title, however it was sold AS IS. There were pictures of the car, and it was evident that it was involved in a crash; but my dealership fixes cars involved in accidents before selling them, so no problem.

    What I didn't know and what wasn't disclosed to me was that this car was involved in a collision recent to my purchase while under ownership of the auction, and the auction had a pending insurance claim while they were selling me the car.

    3 months after I purchased and started repairs, I got a call, for the first time, from an insurance company saying they need to total loss the car and take the car away from me. I'm not going to allow that because at this point it's my car, I've spent money repairing it, and I'm getting ready to put it on my lot for sale.

    I let them know that if they wanted to take this car out of my hands they'd need to pay me out. They sent an appraiser, appraised the car, and paid me via check to my dealership before hauling the car away.

    The auction gets wind of this, bans me from the auction, and is now suing me for unjust enrichment because I accepted the insurance payout for this car which was involved in a collision under their ownership.

    If I had known that this car was under insurance investigation or had a claim while being sold, I wouldn't have even touched it.

    Car bought in FL, shipped to CA.

    I want to counter-sue for willful/fraudulent misrepresentation because the auction sold me this car and willingly did not disclose that there was an insurance claim against it and that the car would be deemed a total loss.

    What course of action do I have here?

    I bought the car for 2k. I spent 9k to fix it up. I got paid out 15k by the insurance. The auction's book value of the car was 11k, sold to me for 2k.

    submitted by /u/Bizarrmenian
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    Can My Employer Force Me to Sign a Backdated I9 Form (not mine, another manager's)? [Indiana]

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 04:57 AM PST

    I am a manager in my field, and I am being asked by my companies' head of HR to sign another manager's I9, backdated for 1-17-22. Am I correct in thinking this would be document fraud and I could get in trouble for this? I am not directly responsible for this other manager - they are only temporarily working at my facility this week.

    1 - can I get in legal trouble for signing the I9 document for 1-17-22, as I would basically be lying that I saw their I9 documents on that date?

    2 - can my employer punish me for refusing?

    3 - should I contact our corporate compliance team?



    I emailed our corporate compliance officer and they are opening an investigation. Apparently I uncovered multiple layers of shady things.

    submitted by /u/RhinestoneCollar
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    My fraternity is refusing to let me drop and says I owe them $10,000, how do I avoid getting sent to collections?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 08:06 AM PST

    In Spring 2021 I rushed a fraternity at my college, went through pledgeship, got initiated, and paid my dues. However, my financial situation is no longer in a place where I can afford the $2,000 a semester to be a member. I figured that I could just drop the fraternity and not have anything to worry about, but my chapter president is telling me that I'm not allowed to drop until I've done at least 7 semesters. This rule apparently comes from our bylaws, but I have no memory of signing a document promising to follow these bylaws, and I was never given any list of our bylaws or any mention of them at all until just now.

    Without counting the two semesters I've already paid, that's $10,000 dollars they're saying I'm obligated to pay that I don't have, and they plan on sending the debt to collections relatively soon if I don't get it paid. I asked for a copy of whatever document I signed, but they just redirected me to a website (omegafi), and said that I agreed on there, but once again, I have absolutely no memory of ever agreeing to any bylaws. I can't even find anything about our bylaws on that website. I remember agreeing to national policies around hazing, alcohol, and parties but never anything about 7 semesters or anything involving the bylaws. What steps do I need to take to keep from getting sent to collections?

    submitted by /u/GarlicVirtual
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    Is what my girlfriend’s boss asking illegal?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 12:01 PM PST

    So my gf was late for work today by about 7 minutes. She is supposed to clock-in at 9:00 AM, when the store opens. Her boss confronted her today about being late and said she now has to be there at 8:30 AM. But apparently she isn't allowed to go inside or clock in until 9:00 AM, she must simply wait in her car until the other employee shows up and unlocks the building. But she still isn't allowed to clock in even if the other employee is there around 8:45. She must wait until 9, even though the other employee can clock in before 9 and go inside. Is this not Illegal? To make her be there and not allowed to work/clock in?

    This is in Illinois btw. Looking for advice. It's just rubbed me the wrong way I don't want her to be taken advantage of.

    submitted by /u/TadpoleJohnson
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    Ex Stole my car. Help!

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 05:22 AM PST

    I was in a long distance relationship and we had talked about eloping and I had even bought rings. She would come and visit maybe once a month, but getting to the point, I had bought a car for her. She is on my insurance aswell. The relationship has ended and I said she could use the car until I had time to come and get it. I have since sent text after text with no response for a month requesting to get my car back. At this point do I just report the car stolen? Or is it an issue because she is on my car insurance? I live in Georgia and she was in Texas the last I knew.

    submitted by /u/Automatic_Stretch_42
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    Fired my lawyer, lawyer doesn't want to get fired. How long can my lawyer drag this out? [NJ]

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 05:16 AM PST

    If relevant, this is family law in NJ. Firing was done in writing, after communicating my complaints also in writing. All communications, including my email to terminate our attorney-client relationship, were ignored until I wrote them that I will contact the NJ State Bar. They replied within minutes to that, but they are completely gaslighting me with respect to the complaints I made.

    I have read that it is the client's right to fire his attorney at any time, but what good is that bit of legal protection if the client is also the one who has to enforce it? I am in the process of retaining another attorney, but they said that they require a signed Substitution of Attorney form from my current attorney before they can look at my case.

    Can they drag it out for weeks, months, longer?

    submitted by /u/KeyDay8593
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    Can a landlord increase a agreed upon price?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 03:31 AM PST

    Its as the title says, I have a set fee for both water and rent. They are both laid out in my lease that doesn't expire for another 6 months and it does not say that they can change the rates on my lease. Today I found a email saying that they are going to increase the amount due every month starting in April, and I was wondering can they do that?

    submitted by /u/Taigaaisaka777
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    [Missouri] A swinger's event is held in a (rented) building owned by my city. City doesn't know they've leased out to a swinger's event -- was just described as a "community group" on application. If this were to be discovered, would there be legal consequences?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 08:55 PM PST

    Basically this. It's a very small town that's very conservative. I know that city laws is that public nudity is not allowed. It's unclear if being nude inside a rented city building is illegal. The only thing that's allowed (as per the advertised swinger's party event rules) is foreplay and oral. Sexual contact is not specifically outlined in the rental agreement but I'm kind of feeling like it's implied? I'm kind of surprised the organizers of the event did that. In any case, I don't want to go if this is potentially an arrestable/chargeable offense.

    EDIT: for the love of God, don't downvote this, I'm really trying to get an answer here

    submitted by /u/TypicalAd8685
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    Military Separation for "not being vaccinated"

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 11:10 AM PST

    Just got a letter in the mail from my command for not being vaccinated and being administratively separated, however they do not state what condition I would be discharged as. Even though I AM vaccinated, they just don't communicate.

    My reserve command has been awful with anything admin, and have been waiting admin Separation for having to come home from A-School before finishing. This took just about 2 years for me to get to it (prior service member), and had to leave for family issues. Now they hit me with this when I've been waiting since November for Separation....

    I need help in figuring out what to do, do I just let them process me out for this and take it? Or do I fight this separation and wait even longer?

    submitted by /u/DJBard7
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    My apartment complex gave me 3 days to pay or get out because someone broke into their office and stole my money order

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 09:31 AM PST

    I reside in Jackson, Missisippi. The manager at my apartment info the tenants that someone broke into the office and stole money orders. I submitted the receipt and they still want me to pay for the month or they will be forcing me to move out.

    Is there anything I can do besides repay for the month that the money order got stolen from? I do not have the extra funds. I don't see why I have to be penalized because the money order was stolen.

    submitted by /u/tiger2380
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    I found someone who is misleading people to believe that she is affiliated with my company to sell her own product. How munch do you need to prove trademark infringement?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 10:24 AM PST

    Throwaway for obvious reasons :)

    My company is a big name in our field and operates a very popular website where members of the industry can list their businesses.

    I just found out that there is a Facebook group that uses our exact name/tagline and that the admin sells a training program directly related to the industry we're in. I was able to join the group and sent a DM asking about the training program.

    I asked "Are you affiliated with the ______ (company name) website?" and she said "Yes.". We kept talking and I tried to casually slip in some company-specific questions to see if she would go any further but I think I spooked her because she started backpedaling, saying "I'd prefer not to discuss that as this program has nothing to do with that."

    Honestly... I don't buy it. I checked our records, she has a profile on our website that she set up exactly one month before making her FB group with the same name. There's no way that it was a coincidence or an honest mistake. My theory is that she used our name on purpose and is taking advantage of people who think that she is affiliated with us when she's not.

    But what would be needed to prove trademark infringement? This doesn't feel like enough. Would it even be worth it? If she's been doing this for over a year, it's possible that she's made at least 6 figures if I had to guess.

    submitted by /u/Adventurous_Ad6799
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    Girlfriend payed 1k for school, they accepted it, claim they don’t know how transfers work and they didn’t accept it. CANADA BC

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 02:15 AM PST

    My girlfriend send $1000 to a language school. They fucked up and told her to send e transfer. She did, someone accepted. Then they claim they didn't have any structure in place to accept the etransfer at that time. They clearly don't know how etransfer work. We have a confirmation someone with access to the email accepted the transfer, they even sent over them trying to accept it now, it says "this transfer was already accepted". They are denying accepting it but reality is some random employee could have accepted it for all they know. They don't understand it's not being sent to their account just to their email.

    Anyways I tried looking on small claims etc but couldn't for the life of me figure out where to go from the website. Can anyone direct me so I can easily follow directions to claim this?

    submitted by /u/soundisamazing
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    Landlord wants us to pay for Common Heating and Power (CHP) bills

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 12:20 PM PST

    After around 7 months into our 1 year tenancy agreement our landlord suddenly sent us an invoice for Common Heating and Power charges. He said that it's our obligation to pay it and its in our A.S.T under 9.4, where the CHP is for our gas consumption. We pay all other utility bills (electricity, water, council tax etc.). The invoice is under the landlords name and I'm surprised that we weren't informed by these upcoming charges or if we should have opened an account in our name since we are responsible for all the utility bills according to our contract. Any advice on whether or not we should be paying for this and what exactly it is for would be appreciated.

    "9.4. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Landlord, to pay for all gas, electricity, water and

    sewerage services consumed on or supplied to the Premises during the Term, and for all charges

    made for the use of the telephone (if any), TV licence (if any), TV service (if any), and Internet service

    (if any) during the Term. This includes standing charges and other similar charges and VAT, as well as

    charges for actual consumption."

    submitted by /u/Puzzled_Swordfish_31
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    Grandchildren don't want Land.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 08:19 AM PST

    TL;DR: Greedy family wants land, can we opt out of inheritance?

    I am a in law, my husband's family is at each other's throats about who gets a peice of 5 acre land when his grandparents pass on. My husband and majority of his siblings have stated that they don't want or care to inherit any of the land or grandparents possessions. Are there any documents that my husband and his siblings can have drafted that states they do not wish to inherit land specifically? His other family members do not believe us when we say we don't want it.

    submitted by /u/lou-Starjelly
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