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    Thursday, February 10, 2022

    Fired Sales and Selling

    Fired Sales and Selling


    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 05:34 AM PST

    Wow. 6 months into my first BDR position at a small SaaS. Here's what happened:

    I was their first BDR. Quota was 6 meetings per week. No training for the first month, it was sink or swim.

    4 months into it, my quota is doubled.

    They had no systems or processes. Everyone was figuring it out as we went along.

    They had no real ICP or offer, just "buy our product"..

    What now?

    submitted by /u/guitarnguns
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    Am I a bad salesman?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 05:33 PM PST

    I sell heavy equipment, such as excavators, loaders, dozers, been doing it for two years now. I am successful at my job. I build good relationships, I have repeat business, and I manage to steal customers from competitors. I'm above average on my sales team for sure, the numbers show it… but I'm second guessing myself after joining this subreddit last week and lurking.

    Maybe it's just a different industry, but you guys use lots of acronyms I've never heard of; I've only ever read one sales book (good to great) which I didn't feel helped me…

    I've mainly been successful with getting a lunch with someone and just have a down to earth friendly conversation. I'm a very open person so talking about personal life is pretty easy. Usually my main goal is just to get someone to allow me to quote them. Once they say yes I feel like I'm in at that point.

    I do think I could improve my sales, I think the main thing I could improve on is just knowing product knowledge of competition. But yeah, I feel really out of place on this sub reading all of these posts and it's starting to make me second guess myself.

    Wasn't sure if I was the only person feeling this way or is this sub more just for people in software?

    Thanks for coming to my TED talk

    submitted by /u/Rinaldi363
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    A story to share - I got fired while top of the dashboard - and the road back!

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 07:00 PM PST

    I was working extremely hard, had some great relationships with everyone at the company and was doing well.

    I was on the top by a significant amount, probably 50% ahead to the next rep and then they let me go. I was working on one of the biggest deal in the company's history and one meeting didn't go well and before I knew it, I was taken off the account and few weeks later I was let go. It happened in less than 2 weeks.

    I was angry and down and devastated. It took a huge toll on me that I didn't realize for a while. I asked for answers and they didn't have the courtesy to get back to me. The VP didn't have the guts to tell himself. I asked around and it was done in such a callous and demeaning way.

    3 years later and almost a year at my new job, working hard and putting in my time, I finished first on the dashboard again, in an organization with over 150 sales rep and boy did that feel good and amazing. Reflecting on the journey was great.

    The morale of the story is to never give up and to believe in yourself.

    I would love to get on LinkedIN and yell out a big "FUCK YOU" too all my doubters on my skill or hard work. But this drove me internally to succeed.

    Unfortunately, that has to wait but I am glad I am able to vent to my fellow sales person.

    submitted by /u/learningman33
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    What’s a good sales gig if you like negotiating and making deals?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 06:53 AM PST

    Car Sales? Real Estate Agent? Other? Between car sales and real estate agent, which is better (for negotiations/making deals) and why?

    submitted by /u/FlyingAces
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    How to prepare for entry-level SDR interview sales roleplay

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 05:55 AM PST

    I've been interviewing for different tech sales jobs, and they all have a step in the interview process where you pitch a product.

    Is there a simple formula/outline for how to structure something like this? I know they just want to see that you can sound like a professional and not lose your shit, but I'm wondering if there's a general structure that is universal to these initial sales pitches/calls.

    These interviews are all for companies that are hiring recent grads/career changers so no formal sales experience expected

    submitted by /u/pythonGobbler
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    At your company for 2+ years?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 05:36 AM PST

    For those of you who have been at your current company past the 2 year mark, why are you still there and what would make you wanna leave if ever?

    I've noticed many people usually leave at that 2 year mark.

    submitted by /u/YourMortgageBroker
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    Doing a career change into sales. Help me understand some things.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 05:17 AM PST

    Just some background, I have my Masters in Applied Clinical Psychology, been in the field 10 years. Due to my personality traits I blasted past my coworkers at every position and I climbed the ladder extremely fast, and have been in Director positions for the past four years. I went back and got my MBA and graduated over a year ago. I think sales would be perfect for me, but I'm fully aware I have no experience in the field. I'm a quick learner, so I'm not worried about it, I just need a little time to get my bearings straight.

    I have an offer at a small-medium company trying to find their footing in the US market. The position is for a SDR (apparently this is a sales development role) which has a high base pay (according to my research), and an OTE that is only about $15-30k more. If I meet my OTE, it's right around where my current salary stands, just a touch less.

    I know this can vary wildly company to company, so just generally speaking, these are my questions: * Is the OTE typically achievable? Or is this a high target where all the planets align. I guess I'm asking do companies (especially small-medium size) give you a high OTE as a bait, or is it pretty honest? * What is the expectation of how many hours you need to put in? I'm no stranger to the 70+ hour work weeks, I paid my dues in my career. But is the OTE reflective of a decent effort in a 40 hour work week? Or is it a target that you have to constantly grind out super long weeks to even have a shot at meeting? I have always been a hard worker, I have always put in max effort when I'm working, and at every place I worked, I can always crank out far more productivity in 40 hours, which would take other people 50+. * This "SDR" involves cold calling and sending messages. I don't mind losing my current status or prestige at work at all, I truly don't care. I know I need to earn my stripes. I'm totally willing to learn to excel in this field. I have a great presence in front of people, and I can really shine there, instead of cold calling and sending messages. I want an opportunity to shine in front of people, and I don't want to risk being a glorified telemarketer for years of my prime. Can someone explain what this SDR type position really entails? Sounds pretty miserable. Is it even possible to jump into a more senior role with my experience?

    I realize that I need to take a gamble to have a chance at high reward. I hit my ceiling in my current career. I am a very humble person and am always learning from others. But I don't want to fall into a trap where I got baited into a glorified telemarketer role where I'm taking a huge paycut, hating my job, working tons of hours, and have a slow climb ahead of me.

    Any other advice is welcome. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Zarski843
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    Are there any pros of working a sales job in medical devices industry over tech?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 11:00 PM PST

    I'm currently an SDR for a series B tech startup. I like my job, but I'm wondering what the medical device industry is like. I got an interview request for a major multinational pharmaceutical and medical device company, and I'm wondering if it's worth accepting it. Is the work life balance better? How about pay, or career prospects? Any input would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/IMEUF
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    Is it normal interviewer does not say company name ?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 07:35 AM PST

    I want to get in sales, and I look for jobs everywhere. I just got off the phone with someone who refused to tell me the business name. Only thing he said was they sell fire extinguishers. Does anyone have any experience with this particular sales ? And how normal is it that person is not telling me company name? Insisted i go in but i dont want to waste my time. It seems like a scam.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/bitchshutup314
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    Will hear results of interviewing at a new company during my current company's global sales meeting.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 07:34 AM PST

    I'm interviewing with a new company and it's looking like my chances for getting the position are high. Not counting my chickens before they're hatched but it's a high probability.

    I will hear next week, which is during my current company's in person global sales meeting where I will present my strategies for success in 2022, hang out with my coworkers, do training all week, etc.

    I'd have a really hard time with this if I hear on Monday or Tuesday that I'm being hired at the new company. Should I just do the meeting virtually and not go in person? What would you do in this situation?

    submitted by /u/wkern74
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    Follow up Emails

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 07:24 AM PST

    Do hiring managers ever actually read them? An if so, what are some things they want to see within the email?

    submitted by /u/gindance
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    Loan broker

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 07:10 AM PST

    Hi, chat what is the best way to get successfully referral for loans I am currently working with a lender based in Germany I can't make a website because that would go against their term and condition.

    What should I do?

    submitted by /u/jefferymr15
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    Anyone have a cold email template with a high response rate?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 06:48 AM PST

    I'm a new SaaS SDR looking to get my rates up. Currently sent 85 emails, 47 unopened, 35 opened, 3 replies.

    Is it more efficient to have quality leads within ICP or just highly personalized emails?

    submitted by /u/Fluffy_Equivalent_89
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    Tax Season!!! HELP!!!!!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 06:28 AM PST

    I will make this short and simple because I need some tips or tricks on what to do with this income and how I can avoid paying out so much every year. I work in the car business and I am a sales manager for a manufacturer that pays out direct incentives via 1099-MISC. I have received over $40,000 from the manufacturer just this year! So after doing a quick estimate on my taxes it looks like I will owe around $11,000 between state (NY) and federal.

    This is my first year making this kind of money and I did not prepare for something like this. At this point what can I do to reduce this amount and more importantly what do I need to do this year so that next tax season isn't so terrifying.

    submitted by /u/Domo4200
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    How Soon should I start looking for a new job if I’m moving across country?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 06:25 AM PST

    I'm moving from MO to FL in late May, should I start applying for jobs now or at least sending emails introducing myself?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/epicpurple72
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    Traveling Sales Reps, what app do you use to help manage your routes?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 06:06 AM PST

    I just started a traveling sales roll that covers a territory of about 200 mile radius. I will be on a two week schedule once I figure out my routes.

    I have heard of CJournal which creates an optimized route, as well as Fiori which is part of SAP. I can expense whatever the cost of the app. I'm looking for any other suggestions for route optimization.


    submitted by /u/evanroot
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    BDR Manager 30-60-90 Presentation

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 05:50 AM PST

    I have an upcoming interview for manager of a BDR team with a 30-60-90 day plan presentation requirement as part of it. I am an external candidate for my first management position.

    I've created 30-60-90s for individual contributor roles before, but not management and google searches tend to be for IC roles.

    I want to ensure I don't fall into the trap of relying on my IC skills alone as these are not team focused and can deliver the wrong message. Would anyone have any tips, advice or possibly templates that would be good to use?

    I aim to be minimal (in text), relevant and metrics driven, but it's taking longer to create from scratch than I had hoped.

    Edit: So far my general approach is highlight week 1 to build a foundation, as it's important to begin building trust and relationships with reps early (like leads, the quicker the more impactful). Then Month 1 is focused on discovery (people, processes, stakeholders, messaging, training), Month 2 is implementation (baby steps, cadence, communication, monitor progress, provide feedback, review & tailor), Month 3 is Growth (begin making plans for individual reps based on coaching/development needs, identify potential leader on the team, identify who is a promotion candidate in the next 6-9 months, execute on what works but continue to monitor and listen, then review and tailor as required). I don't yet have clear details on each of these points, rather high level and try to add more, but I don't know if I'm going in the right general direction or just chasing my tail.

    Happy to provide more information if needed

    submitted by /u/harblstuff
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    Thank you for sharing the resources by the Sales Community!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 05:17 AM PST

    Firstly, let me tell you background for this post. I had posted a few days ago regarding LinkedIn Msgs for which I had got positive/negative comments but two of the members of this sub DM'd me and shared their resources. I have now changed my strategy and have been extensively using Linkedin to strike conversations i/o bombarding corporate sales pitch. I wanted to share this today. Just to let you know I am in TechService sales so this might or might not work for your industry.

    Message 1: While sending a Linkedin Request to the target person use this simple message format "Hi Mr/Ms ABC - My name is XYZ and I would like to connect with you on Linkedin for professional networking & business. Thanks." This will increase your acceptance rate by 30%-40%.

    Message 2: Once your prospect accepts the connect request, put this msg after 24 hours "Mr/Ms. ABC – thanks so much for connecting! My name is XYZ and our company "name" specializes in solving issues like 1....2....3...... by providing improvements in terms of 1....2....3..... to our client's by "name of service". Are you currently using any "generic service name"? I'd like to connect and see if I could be a resource to your team at "ABC's company name". Do have 30 minutes to connect this week or next? (Example of name of service is like Salesforce, Example of Generic service name is like ERP)

    Message 3:.....Followup Message after 3 days of your last msg.

    Message 4:.....Followup Message after 5 days of your last msg.

    Do messaging after regular intervals 4-5 days, remember study shows it takes on an average 7 attempts for a SalesRep to get response from the potential buyer. So don't give up before 7, try to be humble and friendly in messages. You can also use phrases like " I hope I am not bombarding. I'm reaching to you consistently to understand..." in your 4th & 5th message this works well to atleast get a Yes/No response. I have read 100's of bullshit articles and seen videos but no one talks about the real grinding work we as a SalesRep has to do everyday while chasing prospect clients. Not every company comes up with a product like "iPhone" that meets its quota by itself! Happy Prospecting!

    P.S. Special Thanks to u/Lela_Cerovic & u/msgolds89 for your DMs.

    submitted by /u/tusharg19
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    How can I find my motivation again?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 01:22 AM PST

    I'm 29 years old and have been in sales for 10 years, currently working in car sales (5 years). Last year was my highest earning year to date (£49k/$66k USD), and I have been the top performing salesman here for a few years now.

    I feel tired most of the time and have done for years, but just recently over the last 6 months or so I feel completely exhausted, uninspired and not motivated. My performance has still been good but I lack the motivation to perhaps go that extra mile and make that extra sale.

    I've worked 6 10 hour days per week almost exclusively for these 10 years, and haven't allowed myself to have a single vacation. I had 6 days off over Xmas which was my longest break for 5 years, I started feeling better after a couple days and went back to work reasonably refreshed, but soon fell back into this slump and back to feeling like shit most of the time.

    I feel like I need to go on a 2-3 week holiday to unwind and refresh, but I just know that once I'm back to work I'll probably end up feeling just like I do now.

    I also feel like I want to earn more, however due to recent changes within our dealership, and global supply issues, I pretty much know that I won't be able to earn more money from this job this year. So that leads me to thinking about a new job with a new challenge and greater earning potential. My current job is safe, I'm pretty much guaranteed a reasonable level of success here, but it just doesn't inspire me anymore. A new sales job in a different industry may not be as safe, although I do feel like I can do much better than the level I'm at now and I don't doubt my abilities. The only concern I have is whether it'll fix the way I'm feeling nowadays and bring me back to life, or if I'll end up in the same situation.

    Please share your thoughts

    submitted by /u/OSRSvsFIFA
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    Does anyone here work in AdTech?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2022 01:16 AM PST

    Curious if anyone on this sub works in the AdTech industry. If so I have a couple of questions:

    • How do you find the pay compares with broader SaaS sales?

    • What do you like and dislike about the industry?

    • Any insight on what particular firms pay well?

    I'm currently in the process of scoping out a job with TikTok which would be on business development around selling advertising. Currently have a strong background in Programmatic advertising working at a trading desk.

    submitted by /u/inspire70
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    7 stage interview process for saas AE - this normal?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 02:02 PM PST

    Had an intro call today for an enterprise AE position. CRO tells me it's 7 stages:

    -first 3 are 45min "digging into specific examples of process" w him and 'maybe' VP of sales -4th is a personality test to gauge if I'm a good fit -5th is a mock pitch w a panel -6th is HR, -7th is comp negotiations w him.

    Anyone else see this in the market? Seems excessive given the time commitment. Especially the personality test, feels super antiquated to me.

    submitted by /u/epictetus89
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