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    Thursday, February 3, 2022

    Accounting Just don't spin your wheels...

    Accounting Just don't spin your wheels...

    Just don't spin your wheels...

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 06:15 PM PST

    For all my industry homies closing the books

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 04:30 PM PST

    Remember it's 1.31.22 not 1.31.21

    submitted by /u/dannydoz06
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    What’s the r/accounting equivalent to Rob Gronkowski taking advantage of WFH

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 07:31 AM PST

    Not that it matters, anyway.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 10:35 AM PST

    It is truly fascinating to see firms struggling to retain/hire seniors, yet (from what I can see) refuse to raise salaries/offers

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 11:13 AM PST

    Most audit firms (mine included) are struggling to hire and retain seniors. We've had a perpetual opening for a senior position for 1 year+ with no real bites. I know for a fact the offer salary range has not changed from 2-3 years ago. If they'd be willing to part with $20k more a year, I'm sure they'd get a lot more interest.

    submitted by /u/pm_me_gaap
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    Worked my first 12 hour in industry

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 08:48 PM PST

    How in the flying fuck do you public freaks do this every day, if not more, for months? I can not imagine dedicating this much of my life to work, consistently.

    I applaud the impressive careers and experience you guys have but…. Good God. I just can't imagine.

    submitted by /u/Wittyjesus
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    I know this is an unpopular opinion but i hate WFH.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 08:41 PM PST

    It literally feels like I am living my life through a screen.

    Sure, it's more convenient. I get to sleep in. I get to work in comfortable clothes. I don't have to commute for 30 minutes on a crowded bus. I can take a quick nap and no one notices.

    But if I had a choice, would I choose to live my life through a screen, in a virtual (meta) world, all for the sake of convenience and comfort? No. I am a physical human at the end of the day, and I want to interact with the world in person.

    I miss the burst of energy I got whenever I stepped outside to go to work everyday. I miss the feeling of "going somewhere". I miss the feeling of the morning ritual of getting dressed & going to the office. I realize I can still do these when I do WFH but it's just not the same when it all leads me back to my room.

    And I get that there are a lot of unpleasant things about working in-person like the commute, unwanted interactions, etc. But in my opinion, life is not supposed to be about maximizing comfort. I don't want to feel comfortable every day. For me, experiencing and overcoming those momentary unpleasantness is part of... life.

    Look, I am not hating on people who love WFH. But literally every thread I read people going crazy about how much they love WFH and I feel so sad and scared knowing that WFH is the new norm.... and I hate this new norm the world has created.

    /end rant

    submitted by /u/Patient_Panda_6531
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    Anyone Burntout and not motivated to work during busy season?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 12:17 PM PST

    Edit : I'm a manager

    submitted by /u/24iCPA
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    Anyone else job make you sit and try to find why a balance sheet account is off by $0.20?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 07:23 AM PST

    This is the first accounting job in my 8 year career that I've had a company so anal about exact $0.00. Usually it's off due to an excel rounding. And they want you to go through the transactions and find it. No this is not a small company. It's rather large. One of the largest glass companies in the world. So there are thousands of employees and they make billions each year.

    With that being said they are worried about $0.20 and cause the team to put more time into these balances during critical closing times.

    submitted by /u/a_jordan59
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    “When you’re a senior this work won’t be acceptable” Bruh I’m trying my best I’m sorry I’m making errors!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 05:16 PM PST

    The servers at chili’s always warn you the sizzling fajita tray is hot, you never believe them, so you touch the tray to see how hot it actually is…... Yeah it burnt the hell out of your hand.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 01:35 PM PST

    Everyone said how busy… busy season is but, I never believed it could be that bad. I touched the scorching plate this week. I should have listened. Busy season is dammm hard.

    submitted by /u/lasalle342
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    I haven’t done anything since Friday. AMA!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 07:15 AM PST

    Finished up my work on Friday and have been at a complete standstill waiting for the client to return some documents. I've been logging in everyday and doing nothing except moving my mouse periodically every day since Friday. Ask me anything!

    Edit: I've asked if I could not work and someone let me know when the documents are in, and I was told I have to work since it's busy season. I've asked my seniors if they have anything they can hand off to me, and they don't. I've emailed the client asking for the documents and my contact is OOO until tomorrow.

    submitted by /u/aneuhope
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    Tax Exit Opportunities

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 11:28 AM PST

    I feel like this never gets talked about. It's always "audit has better exit ops but tax is still good if you like it" and people never talk about what exit ops are in tax. I want to hear from people that have seen or done the exit from tax public accounting.

    What sector where you in while in public accounting?

    What are you doing now ?

    How much experience do you have?

    How long did you stay in PA?

    How much of a pay raise did you get ?

    There is some much info on this for audit folks and I hope we can get the same for people starting in tax. Cause I think I like tax better and audit is mind numbing to me but the so called lack of opportunities scares me.

    submitted by /u/_notathrowaway905
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    12.20am work check - C'mon my people, who else is doing work now!?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 09:21 PM PST

    Exporting 15 companies TBs from QuickBooks to consolidate them in Excel while re-watching Psych.

    What work are you guys doing at midnight?

    submitted by /u/scaredycat_z
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    Salary check.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 08:57 PM PST

    if you guys are comfortable, would appreciate to see how the rest of the country stands. - 1st year - Tax - HCOL - $70K

    submitted by /u/daridari96
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    Is it just me or are all the top posts about how to avoid doing extra work

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 01:14 PM PST

    I passed my exams! I can be a licensed bean counter now.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 10:04 PM PST

    Busy season in a nutshell

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 07:25 PM PST

    Who else takes naps while working? Raise your hand!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 12:21 PM PST

    Does anyone else on here nap on the clients dime? I do, and I used to feel guilty about doing it but now I don't!

    submitted by /u/BreakItEven
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    There’s way to much busy work in public accounting

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 10:16 PM PST

    There will be times when the client will send over a preliminary trial balance (and it'll be clearly labeled as preliminary so there's no reason to think it won't change). My manager will get all antsy about urgently needing the preliminary numbers entered into the tax software. So I do, then when the client sends the final trial balance I basically have to do the return all over again. What's the point of this? Is the firm just looking to increase the hours they can bill? I swear a large amount of time in public accounting is spend doing silly time-wasting tasks like.

    Why can't we just chill and when the client gets us the final numbers, prepare the return then. And in the meantime we can either work on other stuff or leave work at a reasonable time.

    submitted by /u/dsm1324
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    Birthday's on Saturday

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 10:07 PM PST

    Don't even have time to think about my own birthday cause I've got insane deadlines due on Friday with my firm's biggest clients.

    Fuck this shit. I'm so over this.

    submitted by /u/TiredTuna
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    A3 here, I’ve never felt this unmotivated during busy season

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 05:51 AM PST

    EDIT: To anyone who reads this and is/has been in the same position, screenshot the comments these awesome people left. I hope it serves as the reality check/comforting words you need and deserve for whatever you are going through. Thanks everyone ❤️

    Disclaimer I have a reason for why I'm dropping the ball, I'm literally 7 months pregnant but I really need to pick up the slack or I will get screwed over in my YE snapshot.

    Had a couple of personal reasons and doc appointments back-to-back over the last week so I've had to skip our daily huddles. This just makes me dread seeing my team again because I've made little progress on my work since I last saw them (which I've openly admitted to my senior).

    I know some/most on here will tell me to get over myself and handle this more professionally (ie be up front with my team, just start doing the work, etc.) and you're right. It must be a combination of the hormones and first-time mom anxiety and the fact that I've made zero progress on baby registries/reading the books I wanted. I have not gotten to enjoy my pregnancy at all and it's because of these damn audit engagements. I also think I have PTSD from 10/31 YE and just don't want to put myself through that so close to my due date.

    My doc wrote a note asking that the firm "not allow me to work more than 8 hours" and I CANNOT BRING MYSELF TO present it to the senior manager of the team. Afraid of judgement, afraid they'll treat me differently? I don't know. I shouldn't have to worry about this. I can feel my priories shifting, I already don't feel in control of my body and the pregnancy anxiety combined with busy season stress is putting me in a tough spot. I'm looking into therapy. I'm just unhappy.

    To those working crazy hours, I'm sorry I can't be you right now. I don't want to. I haven't been given a lot to do yet, but I'm avoiding it anyway and I'm sure it will catch up to me soon. I just hope I can get over the passive aggressive tones of my team because I know they're working more than me and I feel bad, I'm just not in a good place.

    If you're gonna lecture me, please be gentle :(

    submitted by /u/kabab26
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    Why accounting

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 02:52 AM PST

    I would think that we're all logical thinkers so I'll put it this way:

    Big 4 Firm Senior Associate (2 years out of school) 90K/yr No stock compensation 50-60 hours a week 5 years of school

    Sales Exec at Tech Company (2 years out of school) 100k+ a year Stock comp 40 hours a week if that 4 years of school

    What's the "this is why you get and stay in accounting"? Cuz going to school for an extra year and working 80 hours a week for 2 months out of the year seems like BS. Also, I'm wayyyyy smarter and harder working than all my friends who are in tech sales so when I found out they make this much and barely even work I don't even know what to point to and say "this is why I'm doing this" HELP

    submitted by /u/LiquidNitrogen2021
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    Public Accounting Dream from former CPA

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 02:50 AM PST

    It's 3am, and I just woke up from a dream. I was in a room, apparently at the (successful regional) firm where I interned in college.

    I spoke to one of the partners (a local dad that I see IRL occasionally and am friendly with). He was asking if I really let go my license, which I really did.

    Then I sat down with my now IRL wife among a large group of young CPA hopefuls/interns/staffers. I was talking to a guy who was the "senior" at the time that I interned; he was the same age as the last time I saw him. I told him that I had left accounting to buy an unrelated business (true IRL), and that it was great because I could tell people that were nasty to me to F off whenever I wanted to (which I don't do; but as the owner, I guess I technically could).

    We were catching up on the status of people I had known; among other sad stories (which I don't remember), he told me about the sad lives of a couple of people with whom I had worked, including one guy that I had no recollection of until now - he told me that he died from loneliness.

    While a catchy presentation was playing in the background getting the young people all hyped, I said in a joking manner, "A CPA that died a lonely alcoholic suicide death! Imagine that!" to riotous laughter from some of the young people around me, who then kept watching the presentation.

    I woke up and tried to ask my sleeping wife what was wrong with these people, that they thought it was funny…did they think it wouldn't happen to them? But like I said, she was sleeping, and therefore didn't respond.

    So I came outside to smoke a cigarette, and thought I'd share. If you go into public accounting, you may have a very happy life; but don't ever buy the brainwashing that it is THE profession (a weird term by which some of the more pompous types refer to public accounting). There is a whole world out there, and PA is just one way to get some bread to feed yourself and your family…that's how they keep you in a miserable job where you spend all of your young years working crazy hours and missing out on things like watching your children grow up.

    I'm not sorry for any of the turns my life has taken up until now; I have a lot of knowledge that helps me run my business better…but please don't let it become your whole identity, it can really cause you to lose perspective on a lot of things.

    submitted by /u/Difficult-Line-9805
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