• Breaking News

    Thursday, September 9, 2021

    Legal Advice WI. Divorce was final 2009. There was over $200,000 in a college fund last I checked. Bright Start 529. My soph in college called, worried about rent and food money. I then learned there was no money. Essentially, my ex husband stole it from the kids.

    Legal Advice WI. Divorce was final 2009. There was over $200,000 in a college fund last I checked. Bright Start 529. My soph in college called, worried about rent and food money. I then learned there was no money. Essentially, my ex husband stole it from the kids.

    WI. Divorce was final 2009. There was over $200,000 in a college fund last I checked. Bright Start 529. My soph in college called, worried about rent and food money. I then learned there was no money. Essentially, my ex husband stole it from the kids.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 03:37 AM PDT

    The legal question I have is, since any money left over was to be divided in half and distributed evenly between both parents, how do I begin a complaint to the courts? What forms should I look for? Since I assume the money is gone, this would simply be for punitive measures. Therefore, I don't want to spend a lot on a lawyer.

    The bonus would be, I could recover some money and pay my son's rent. Please help me get started. I'm not interested in banter about the politics of our family dynamic, but it's important to note that I moved 800 miles away from my abusive ex. I am no contact with him.

    Thanks for any suggestions. I know family court is something most people don't like to touch.

    submitted by /u/Stabfacenotback
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    MI- I was planning to visit my family out of state this holiday season but my supervisor told me (verbally) I can't have any time off this season because I'm single and have no children, she said said everyone else will get time off because they have children. Are they allowed to do this?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 10:13 AM PDT

    Can I be charged as an adult for having fights with my younger sister?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 03:14 AM PDT

    I'm an 18 y/o male in the US living with my parents while I attend college. My younger sister (16 y/o) hates me and often creates situations where things easily escalate and get physical. Usually, it's just me trying to pull her away from something she refuses to let me touch (i.e turns off power to my room and won't let me get to the fuse box, ridiculous stuff like that). Other times, I can't help but feel enraged and wanna fight because she's messed up some of my stuff or did unrepairable damage to some of my possessions (i.e destroy my laptop, throw food on my car, throw some of my things outside).

    For the most part, I see this more as an internal family matter but as of late, she's been threatening to call the police on me even though she starts this stupid shit. Am I supposed to just suck it up and deal with her because I don't want a criminal record to get me kicked out of college and ruin the rest of my life.

    Edit: there's a lot of comments telling me to just move out but it really isn't that simple.

    I understand that moving out is an option but that's not something I can simply just do. I don't have a reliable means of income to do so and I have to live at home in order to receive payment for taking care of relative of mine since I'm their official caretaker.

    Not only that, but I oversee a bunch of matters when it comes to taking care of the house (tenants, micromanaging parent's bank account for bills and such, construction/renovations, etc.). For me to simply abandon all these responsibilities and the house I've taken care of for so long and move out because of a petty sibling seem ridiculous.

    submitted by /u/burner12435533
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    I believe my mechanic stole my catalytic converter and is lying about it.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 09:13 AM PDT

    I had taken my car to a local mechanic to have the ignition switch worked on, the key would only go half way in before getting stuck and I couldn't start the car. He kept my car for two weeks claiming he was waiting on the part to come in. When I went to pick it up not only was there not a new part in it, (he had removed pins in the ignition switch so my key will go through now, it works but it's a shoddy fix) he proceeded to tell me that a thief had shown up in the night, stole my catalytic converter and punctured my gas tank. He patched my gas tank, which is leaking already, and welded a straight pipe where my converter is supposed to be, which is already rattling and coming apart. He claims since I waited an extra day to come pick it up that he is free from liability and doesn't have to replace the part for me, even though it happened on his property. This happened in Kentucky. Is there any legal action I can take?

    submitted by /u/Longjumping-Fun-2372
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    Spent $2000 on accident at a fruit stand in Costa Rica

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 11:24 AM PDT

    Hi everyone! My girlfriend and I were traveling in Costa Rica and had stopped at a fruit stand to get some mangoes or something. The currency is the Costa Rican Colón, and 1 Colón is equivalent to 0.0016 United States Dollar (or 1 dollar is equal to 624.42 Colones). We were told we were paying 2000 Colones for the fruit (3-4 dollars), but instead, the store charged our mastercard 2000 USD.

    After filing a claim with Mastercard, they said that they contacted the Costa Rican police, but since we didn't keep a receipt of the incident, they can't pursue the store and we lost the claim. We also contacted the store on Facebook and Whatsapp - they read the messages but didn't reply. I'm wondering if anyone has some ideas on how to fight this?

    submitted by /u/Cmags96
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    School kids petting dog through fence - big liability risk?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 09:23 AM PDT

    Our house backs onto a school yard and at recess, the kids come storming out and they absolutely love our 10 week old puppy.

    She's a sweetheart to them, and the teachers actually thank us for letting them pet her.

    My worry is that something happens and she nips one. I think as a parents I wouldn't want my kid being exposed to a dog without my permission, either.

    What are your thoughts? Should I build a second fence or barrier to separate them more?

    Location: Canada

    submitted by /u/Moist_Philosopher_
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    UPDATE: Neighbor wants to build spite road through shared wetland (Idaho)

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 01:18 PM PDT

    Thank you everyone who weighed in on my original post. Everyone's comments got me moving in the right direction on how to tackle this issue. I'm providing an update below as well as what I think might be the best course of action for my father at this time. If y'all have a some thoughts I would appreciate hearing some opinions on where we go from here or if this is end-game. I apologize in advance for the lengthy post.

    Original Post: Neighbor wants to build spite road through shared wetland (Idaho)

    I contacted the jurisdictional agencies responsible for permitting the project. The neighbor was smart about his application and rolled his permit for the spite road into the permit for constructing and expanding an existing culvert on the shared road into the property. In Idaho neither the Army Corps or Idaho DEQ have authority to require a water quality certification (CWA 401) in this case because the property is farmland and the neighbor is farming his adjacent properties. In the permit application it was stated that this project is related to agricultural activity, an thus meets the exemption criteria from Clean Water Act §404 under Idaho law. I did learn however, that the neighbor stated in the application that "an easement was not available as an alternative" --I spoke with the person at the Corps. that issued the permit and he alluded that the neighbor had provided verbal justification of this statement that they found to be sufficient (e.g. he told some sneaky snakey lies) and no further proof was required --I doubt that the permit was issued solely on the basis of lack of alternative, however, I find it interesting that this was a consideration. I am making a FOIA request to get a copy of the permit application. The permit can be reviewed if we can prove it wasn't filed in good faith regarding the usage, purpose and design. Given that there is active farming this would be difficult and I don't think him lying about the easement is enough to fight it.

    At this time I have advised my father to contact a real estate lawyer. I suggested he ask about the prospect of requesting a temporary injunction to stop the road from being constructed on the basis that the road would cause irreparable harm to my father's property value --my father estimated that removing his shoreline (with the road it will likely become an ephemeral mud pit that occasionally fills with a little bit of water) and putting a dusty, noisy farm road ~100 ft. from the front lawn would decrease the market value of the property by 250K (no idea how accurate this number is, but lets just go with it for now). I realize that this approach would require later obtaining a preliminary injunction and either a settlement with the neighbor or a permanent injunction to block the construction of the road. I have also advised my father to ask the lawyer if he should put the property on the market immediately to bolster his likelihood of success on merits --no idea here if it matters that he desires to sell the property in the short-run or some arbitrary date in the future. Also, not sure if having an ongoing court case involving an injunction would make it impossible to sell anyway thus making putting it on the market a moot point, again I am NAL so I am speculating here. I instructed my father to make it clear to the lawyer that balance of equities should not be an impediment to obtaining an injunction, as there is an easement available to the neighbor and he would not suffer any financial harm if the injunction was granted. Finally, I advised my father to keep his head down and don't let the neighbor know that he's aware of the permit status and planning to put up a fight to stop the road. My advice was to avoid unnecessary communications and keep it cordial, also to continue to offer the easement if the topic of the road comes up again.

    submitted by /u/EmeraldEmesis
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    My now ex boyfriend let me borrow his car 6 months ago since he went to go work out of state. I’ve since maintained it and assumed responsibilities for the for the vehicle. He suddenly ghosted me and never spoke to me again and won’t answer phone calls or texts. What can I do with the car?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 12:20 PM PDT

    [NEVADA] Former employer threatening to sue a group of former employees... for being friends.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 02:42 AM PDT

    Hi! Really appreciate your time.

    I worked for a horrible, abusive company for two years. Luckily, so did a bunch of other great people. There was bait and switch, lying, manipulating, screaming, cursing, name-calling, gaslighting, belittling remarks, impossible tasks, managers messing with time clocks, wanton covid exposure, discrimination disguised as "company needs" and "joking around." You name it, we went through it.

    After I was laid off I got a text from some ladies I befriended in another department. One had left the company a year ago, another left a week after I did. They invited me out for drinks. What I thought would be the three of us turned out to be closer to 8. All former employees for the company, some I'd never met before. There's a rotating crew of 12-16 people and we hang out about once a week. A few people that got fired in one of the CEO's outbursts just started getting together randomly to start and more people showed up each time, snowballing into this awesome sort of dinner club.

    Mostly we talk about fun stuff we're doing and current events, but periodically stories of our shared former employer come out. These stories are bad, but they're either true, or at least seem to be on track for my expectation of the company as I know it. We mostly avoid it and focus on the positive.

    Turns out the CEO learned about our weekly gatherings and sent an E-mail to someone's personal address threatening to sue if we don't stop convening.

    This doesn't sound right. We aren't scheming, and have even openly agreed that even if we were to do anything, companies usually get away with this stuff anyway. Besides, it's career suicide suing any employer. Especially in a small city like ours. None of us have signed any documents about not saying anything regarding the company or our experiences with them, so that's not the issue.

    Are we safe? Should we start looking for consultations? We'd ideally like to keep spending time together and brush this off as another one of the CEO's insane stunts.

    submitted by /u/throwrajellibelli
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    I've just been informed my ex wife is moving across the country. We have joint physical 50/50 company of my 16 year old son in California. How does this work?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 12:05 PM PDT

    Just like the title says, my ex wife just informed me via email that they're moving to Idaho, from California, with our 16 year old son. She says he picked to go with them and wants to avoid a legal battle, as she has to be at work on Oct 25, 2021. I'm aware that when he turned 14 or 15 he was allowed to choose which parent to live with. I'm a stay at home dad with my new wife and kids, I do not have a job, that is my job, to take care of the kids. How does any of this work? I can't afford a lawyer, she says she wants to do mediation. Will I have to pay child support now? Do I agree to anything? This is all very sudden and came out of nowhere and we're scrambling to figure out what to do now

    submitted by /u/ImThe1Wh0
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    [Texas] My apartment has been ignoring my maintenance requests and messages for months and are trying to charge me undeserved fees on my way out

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 09:42 AM PDT

    I'll try to keep this short, although there's a lot of backstory, TLDR paragraph at the bottom; My apartment has been screwing me over for the past year - they left my AC broken until I sent them written notice about it the other month and I had to buy a portable unit to have livable conditions through the Houston summer heat, I'm still dealing with a gnat infestation that's been here since Uri hit in March, I've been soaking up water from a leak seeping out from the tiles in the kitchen for the past two months (which has been damaging the floor as well as attracting bugs), the walls are crumbling with multiple holes, and multiple appliances (lights, fans, blinds, toilet, dishwasher) have been broken ranging from weeks to months.

    After normal attempts at maintenance requests and email and oral communications got us nowhere, I delivered them the first written notice requesting resolution of the outstanding issues back in April. They finally sent maintenance but didn't fix most of the problems and it continued like this until July - sending request after request, mostly getting ignored, and issues mostly remaining unresolved whenever I did manage to get them to grace me with a visit.

    With my lease ending on October 2nd and it detailing the need for a 60 day move out notice, I finally sent them a second, final written request in July, outlining all outstanding issues and stating that if they weren't resolved by August I wouldn't be renewing my lease. I got tracking notification of the delivery of that letter but they never returned it, the only response I got was an email stating maintenance would come by that week to fix my AC; which they finally did. But they ignored all other outstanding issues and my follow up emails asking about it, outside of an unannounced attempt at a visit from them. I was on a work call when they knocked and had told them I needed advance notice before they dropped by so I didn't answer, so they unlocked the door and tried to let themselves in, although I had the deadbolt latched so they weren't able to enter (unfortunately, this is legal in Texas, just mentioning it to help give a picture of how they operate).

    Issues continued popping up and they continued to ignore all attempts at communication, so a week ago (30 days out from my lease end) I emailed them reiterating that I wouldn't be renewing my lease as they had failed to resolve 90% of the outstanding issues, and stating I would need to stay 5 extra days prorated to cover the gap between my lease end and my move in date at my new apartment. They ignored this too.

    Then last Friday (the 3rd, when rent is due) I attempted to log in to pay my last month of rent, only to find my account had been deleted ("Invalid login" error, both when logging in and attempting account recovery); because of the labor day weekend I had to wait until Tuesday to reach out to them. Emailed them again stating I hadn't been able to pay rent because of them deleting my account and needed to know my balance so I could create a money order for it. They didn't reply to this either, but I found a written notice outside my door yesterday to vacate for lack of rent payment, with an inflated amount owed cited with late fees tacked on.

    It's also probably worth mentioning that they towed my car a year ago after failing to register me in their system properly and didn't fully reimburse it. And I had a latent, chronic medical condition re-emerge as a result of them not fixing the AC for a year.

    TLDR: My apartment has been ignoring / failing to fix severe maintenance issues for the past year, and the past couple months they've been completely ghosting me. I've created a paper trail along the way. While attempting to arrange final payments and move out procedures, they deleted my resident portal account, preventing me from paying rent on time, then silently dropped a notice to vacate for unpaid rent with late fees tacked on outside my door.

    I've pulled out a money order for that amount and am planning on delivering it to them today, but I'm getting charged for things that aren't my fault and they've failed to pull through on their responsibilities for the last year. I think I'm going to have to take them to court to right these wrongs, paying the amount ASAP so that they can't hold that against me. I just need to know how I should go about that (assuming that it's a good idea); I'm sure they're also going to try to take my deposit. And I can't have them causing any further problems that might get in the way of moving into my new place. Any and all advice is greatly appreciated

    Edit: My browser messed up the formatting, cleaned it up

    Edit 2: Someone posted "Is there a question?" but seems to have deleted it: In case that wasn't clear in the last paragraph, I'm wondering how I should be approaching this, if I'm right that paying the inflated amount upfront is smarter, if suing them is a good idea, and if so how and when I should go about it, what I should do in preparation for it etc. I've never been to court before so I feel like a fish out of water here, my apartment is out to screw me and they've already done more than enough of that. I'm not ok with letting this slide but I'm not sure what the outlook of suing them in small claims court is likely to be or what to keep in mind going into it. E.g.: if paying the inflated bill and then suing them is the right approach, how / when should I announce it? Today when I go into the office to pay the rent, or further down the line via certified mail or something?

    submitted by /u/ShaolinShade
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    Sales guy accidentally left voicemail during training on how to lie and scam their customers

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 01:13 PM PDT

    Apologies if this isn't the right sub. A company that gives small business loans called and accidentally left a voicemail. They must have been training a new person for their boiler room because they went off about how they needed to lie to the "flimsy little businesses that don't know shit." "As long as you're closing, it doesn't matter what you say. As long as your numbers are good, it doesn't matter if you lie to them."

    That kinda sucks but not necessarily out out of the scummy salesperson norm. However, at one point the guy says something to the effect of "Tell them it's just a soft credit check. It's a lie, but they don't know that."

    I've got the company name and even the name of the guy that left the voicemail.

    The call was to GA from NY.

    Is there anything I can do to make a stink for them?

    submitted by /u/rude_prune
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    My parents claimed ownership of my home and rented it out without my permission-GA

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 09:53 PM PDT

    I own a mobile home in a town close by. I moved last November to the location I'm at currently. I live in Georgia. I actually had to move because I lived on my parents property, in a home I have the title for, that's in my name. It was moved there when I was 17 and being next door was convenient. Fast fwd a little over 10 years and my parents had become raging drug/alcohol addicts that often had violent outbursts which involved guns. I have children and we got out of the situation. Most of these incidents have been documented by law enforcement.

    A week after we moved into our new home I stopped back by my old house to grab some things and noticed the back door had been pried open with a metal hoe. I filed a police report and documented it, but nothing ever came of the "investigation".

    Tonight I decided to ride by on a whim, as I had a feeling something was going on. I had had the power cut when we moved and I waited until dark to go by (it's off the main road a little bit. Also I was trying to avoid potentially violent conflict) to see if I could see lights. Sure enough the house was not only hooked up to electricity, but there were two vehicles parked out front and people living inside.

    I'm sure my parents are renting it out to someone. And I know the person who they are renting to, and I'm also pretty sure they have him deceived into thinking the house actually belongs to them.

    I called the sheriff dept and they told me it was a civil matter. What can I do about this? Also, I am the only person that has ever had a key to the residence. There is only one key that even exists. Would that not be at the very least breaking and entering?

    submitted by /u/kkerzerkk
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    UPDATE: TRU dispute resolved in my favor for student loan that I paid off voluntarily, years after the date of first delinquency.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 07:40 AM PDT

    I'm not sure how to post a proper update on Reddit, but I disputed with TRU and it was resolved in my favor! In terms of the most beautiful words in the English language, "Cellar door" ain't got shit on "information deleted."


    Link to OP: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/pazqvc/recently_paid_off_old_student_loan_debt_that_was/

    submitted by /u/perrybiblehelloship
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    New apartment management “lost” my lease prior to move-in (TX).

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 08:01 AM PDT

    Alright, so I understand the ultimate advice here is going to be to talk to a lawyer, but I just want to get a basic understanding of my rights before talking to the apartment management again.

    I e-signed a lease for my new apartment complex back in early July for a September 24 move-in, never really heard back from them after that (they did send a welcome letter after signing, but that's it). Wednesday of this week I contact them to see what's going on, they say that the complex changed management companies and that they lost a lot of information. After some questioning they admit the my can't find or otherwise access the lease I e-signed in July. While they could see a rate was quoted to me in the e-sign system, they couldn't find the lease agreement itself. They asked me if I had it and could send it to them. I looked through my email and the only thing I ever got was a link to e-sign the document, which is expired. I could not login to find the document either since I never made an account.

    So, at this point, it looks like neither of us have the original lease agreement I signed. My assumption is that they may have to generate a new lease for me to sign. Can I refuse and just not move in without penalty? They're not exactly inspiring much confidence in their ability to run a complex at this point.

    EDIT: Just talked to them again. They definitely don't have the lease. It may not have been fully finalized before the previous management company left. They said they would just need me to sign their lease agreement instead, asked for my welcome letter so they could guarantee the previous rate, pay stubs for income, etc.

    Sounds like I'm off the hook, no? I did put a $150 deposit down that I would like to get back, the welcome letter does mention that and that I paid that. Should I just cut my losses?

    submitted by /u/haha-U-thot
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    Can my employer claw back "over-vested" stock?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 01:20 PM PDT

    I've received several Restricted Stock Unit grants over the past 4 years that vest quarterly. For "Reasons", my vesting was supposed to pause over the past year. I just learned this.

    My vesting didn't pause over the past year. I've had several shares vest, about half of which I've already sold. I also still have some older vested shares (that were supposed to vest).

    1. If my employer notices this mistake, can they claw back vested shares? What about the ones I've already sold?
      The stock price has steadily increased over the past several years. Would I be liable for the value at vest? Or the current value of those shares (even if they've already been sold)?
    2. Can my employer withhold wages and/or fire me for this?
    3. If I leave my job and they later notice the mistake, can they go after me for overpaid shares?

    I live and work in Illinois, although I lived and worked in California part of last year. My employer is headquartered in California but has offices in Illinois.

    Thanks! This has been weighing heavily on me.

    submitted by /u/dadjokeexplainer
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    Dad in hospital. Step mom got his daughters banned. Can’t get updates and she’s lying to us. Causing dad distress

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    My partners dad is in the hospital and his wife has told the hospital not to give updates to his daughters or that his family can't even go see him. He's been in the ICU on a vent for about a month now and we just found out he is actually declining when his wife has been saying he is doing fantastic. His wife is going in there and actually causing distress and cursing/arguing with all hospital staff. Not relaying information to his family what is actually going on. Is there anything that can be done to pretty much to like get the wife banned so his kids can step in and take over for here responsibility?

    My dad is in Louisiana

    submitted by /u/lemonsemonswemens
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    Employer “overpaid” me and is now taking money out of my checks.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 01:04 PM PDT

    I'm not really sure if this situation is one that requires legal action or not so I'll put it all out there and any advice would be much appreciated.

    About a year ago I got a job at a bar fixing stuff, cleaning and other random/busy work. For this I was paid 8 dollars an hour. After a few months I was offered a bartending job at the same bar. As a bartender the wage my employer pays is 2 dollars an hour - my entire income is therefor tip based. I've been bartending at this bar for about 8 months now.

    A couple weeks ago my employer approached me and said she had made a mistake when my position changed and forgot to change my hourly from $8/hr to $2/hr. So for the past few months I've been making an extra $6/hr. She didn't say anything besides this, just that we would "talk about it".

    That conversation never happened. Even after multiple instances of me asking if we could meet and go over all of the numbers to figure out what she thinks I owe. A few nights ago she drunkenly told me I owe the business $1600 to which my response was "are you serious??" - she walked away. Again, she was drunk but it's still clear she's avoiding the situation.

    Yesterday I got my paycheck (our tip-outs are done by the house once a week via a check) and it was $400 short.

    So in summary the situation is this: my employer claims to have overpaid me for several months but is avoiding me whenever I ask for more information or specific numbers. My employer is now taking money out of my paychecks without telling me and for an amount that I still don't know.

    Is this legal? I live in New Orleans and on top of everything with the hurricane, $400 a week is a very noticeable loss. Thanks In advance for any advice.

    submitted by /u/slamagon
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    Former workplace forging PTO for the day I was injured at work

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 06:41 AM PDT

    I smashed my foot between two forklifts at my former workplace and was put on disability rather than Worker's Comp. I had no idea how any of that worked at the time and I am currently involved in a lawsuit for that. Former workplace is claiming I was not there that day that I was on PTO. I did not request PTO from anybody. Manager seen supervisor seen it coworkers seen it I clocked in that day we use ADP. We have cameras everywhere, I have literally every employee on my side as back up to confirm that I was there. My current lawyer told me that I must get the proof that I was there myself which baffles me because I have another lawyer for something else who got all that information by himself but she was not able to share that information with me for legal reasons. And what are the consequences if my former workplace gets caught forging information for the case or getting caught lying?

    submitted by /u/dirtyglen
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    Turned down a job and was threatened with legal action.. should I be worried?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 06:06 PM PDT

    I had a job offer from a state away, that I did not initially decline. I'd countered the offer requesting relocation costs and they met me in the middle by increasing the yearly salary slightly. I advised that it would be difficult for me to be able to move without having sold my house first, so therefore could not commit but that I was willing to start the process as I was interested in the offer. I began the repair work necessary in order to sell my home and ended up getting a better offer for a different company that would not require me to relocate. I let the initial company know I was no longer interested in the position and was accepting another offer but wished them well and apologized for the inconvenience. I expected at the most a curt response but got a very rude and aggressive email that I did not reply back to.

    Three weeks later, I get a call from a colleague who works in the industry and ran into the person who I turned down the offer to. He spoke negatively to her about me as he knew we were friendly and made a comment that he might have to go ahead and sue me since I accepted a job (I didn't) and we had a verbal contract (again, I never committed to anything other than saying I was interested) Should I be concerned?

    Edited to add: I'm based in Louisiana but the job was in Texas.

    submitted by /u/justan0therjess
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    Can I get evicted for the smell of weed even if I’m not smoking it?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    I'm at my wits end with my neighbors. They all have constantly complained about the smell of weed coming from my unit.

    I live in Massachusetts where it is legal, and I only smoke outside, far away from my building. My neighbors have caught me walking out with a joint and have complained a lot about the smell.

    It's not normal neighbors either, we're dealing with very wealthy Karen's.

    My lease has a no smoking contract, which I've strictly abide by. I'm also not loud, and I keep my weed in mason jars under the sink.

    Could I still get in trouble for this? I literally roll a joint and the run out of my building as fast as I can because I don't want the smell of the non-lit joint I'm holding to "stink" up the hallways.

    I like smoking Gelato, it's loud AF

    submitted by /u/peepeehehe666
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    (Georgia) Can I revert changes that were made to my birth certificate

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    I'll try to make a long story short… when I was young my parents divorced and my mom remarried when I was about 3. Her new husband pushed her to let him adopt me. At the time my dad was going through rough times so they went through with it and now my birth certificate has no trace of my dad and has this other guy on it. My mom and stepdad divorced when I was in like 3rd-4th grade. He was a jerk and I have no relationship with him. When I see him in public he is a stranger. My mom has always kept a good relationship with my dad. They never got back together, but he was always my dad and I never questioned his love for me. Unfortunately he passed away in March and as much as I've always wanted to revert my birth certificate, losing him has really made me want ex-stepdads name completely wiped from my past.

    So I'm married now so the only thing I want to change is what the birth certificate says. I want it to have my real dad listed as my father and I want it to show my original last name as my family name. Is it possible to reverse a birth certificate after a legal adoption like this? Can I do it without having to contact my step father and with my real dad not being there? I will probably contact someone at a local office soon to see about it, but I just want to put the question out there to satisfy the brain itch.

    submitted by /u/vicmidnightmatinee
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    Will International criminal records show up in an FBI fingerprint background check?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 01:41 PM PDT

    I am planning on getting an FBI fingerprint background check for visa purposes. In the past, I had one arrest record in Korea and I was wondering if this would show up in the FBI database once I submit my fingerprints? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/meltingsticks
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