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    Friday, September 10, 2021

    617 days ago I started this journey Student Loans

    617 days ago I started this journey Student Loans

    617 days ago I started this journey

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 10:03 AM PDT

    $31,768.29. I'm not really sure how I'm feeling right now, not terribly excited but sitting here with a completely serious face just feeling....at peace? Not happy...just peaceful. $31,768.29. That's the number I keep saying in my head over and over. At age 25 I have paid off $31,768.29 in 617 days. $51.34 every day I took a breathe for 617 days. $31,678.29. On an income of $55k a year in one of the most expensive cities in the U.S, I did it. I freaking did it. Absolutely no excuses, You can do it homies. $31,678.29. Ya boy is debt-free.

    submitted by /u/DennisReynoIds
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    Just got an approval email for my loans

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    I applied for school closure last month on my itt loans and was denied based on the timeline. However I just received an email from noreply@studentaid.gov that I was now approved. Is this likely some sort of error or has something changed?

    submitted by /u/Bakerfamily01
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    Official statement from Federal Student Aid Chief Operating Officer Richard Cordray regarding BDTR approval emails with an incorrect school name

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 10:05 AM PDT


    Official statement from Richard Cordray, Federal Student Aid Chief Operating Officer:

    "Due to a technical error, some federal student loan borrowers recently received approval notices for their borrower defense to repayment claims that listed an incorrect school. We have corrected the error with no negative impact to approved claims. We will issue updated notices toall impacted borrowers before the end of the week."

    So anyone that got an email with an incorrect school listing (like I did) - the approval is legitimate, your loans will be discharged, and a new letter is coming out in the next day or two.

    submitted by /u/FreedanZero
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    Should I pay on my student loans with Nelnet ending its service at the end of this year?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 07:02 AM PDT

    I currently want pay off a few my loans which are serviced by Nelnet. But with them ending service of loans and they would be transitioned to another servicer. I'm just worried that there will be issues with payments and balances getting messed up since it's so close to 2022.

    submitted by /u/trandon1
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    Should I transfer schools?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 09:12 PM PDT

    Hi All!

    To keep things short, my current school right now costs around 4k per quarter. I can pay the 4k and will graduate within 4 quarters, meaning that tuition will be around 16k. The school is an online-only school, and I feel that my education is suffering due to it. I am 22, and I pretty much miss the social interactions with both my peers and teachers. The degree that I am getting is a Data Analyst degree, and I am indifferent to it. I thought that I would enjoy it more than I thought. Overall, cheap school, but boring education and no social life.

    I recently got accepted into a private school, and the field of study in finance, which interests me more. The problem with this school is that it cost 6k to attend, and I pretty much only have the 16k saved up (this is after aid+7k loans for the year). The school is great, and the teachers are pretty cool as well. However, in order to afford attendance, I would have to work, and I would also be losing money from my previous school (around 10k) with 7k debt. My fear is that I am not sure of when I would graduate from this school, it could be 2 years or more. I also thought that I would get more aid, but my mother's income has recently dropped, so my parents cannot help me out here.

    Current school: 16k out of pocket + 8k debt

    New School: 18k per year + 7k debt yearly

    The only benefit to the new school is that it is a superior education, meaning that everything is better and I think I am more likely to get a job with the new school.

    Please, if you guys want to share your opinions, do it.

    I keep going back and forth, and I am indecisive atm.

    One other thing, I also am appealing the aid given to me by the new school, and am waiting to hear back next week.

    submitted by /u/TAHITI_Mangos
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    Question about FSA and Great Lakes

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 07:30 PM PDT

    I am getting married next month, and one of the first things my fiancee and I plan to do is aggressively pay down her student loans.

    We were looking at her outstanding loans on studentaid.gov tonight, and I noticed that we were only able to make the minimum monthly payment on there. To make a higher payment we had to go to the Great Lakes website, where she apparently does not have an account.

    Would she just have to make a new account on Great Lakes and they would have her loan information? Or do we need to call Great Lakes to sort this out?

    submitted by /u/TheFungusAmongSus
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    I had the option to take about 10k of subsidized loans. I didn't. Now I wish I did, or took out more than I did. Can I change this? Or is the offer withdrawn?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 03:28 PM PDT

    I didn't really pay attention to the period the loan applied to, and also was mistaken for some other reasons. Are the government gates closed?

    submitted by /u/TryingToExplainWell
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    Parent plus loan

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 02:42 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    So I am stuck in about 185k in debt, and I graduate this December. Most of that is under my dads name. I went to a private out of state college, and did 2 years of a major I didn't want to pursue, so it took me 5 years total. Long story short, I am responsible to pay for all of that. It seems like my dad isn't wanting to help pay it with me, so I know I'm stuck with it all. He doesn't qualify for the public service forgiveness bc his job. I will qualify for that since I'll be graduating with my BSN and will work in a hospital. My dad keeps mentioning he wants to have the huge debt out of his name, and transfer it to me (23yo living with fiancé, no kids, out of state). Is that a good idea? I just feel so stressed with all the ramifications at such a young age. I am so adamant about this because I don't want to have my future kids dealing with this stress. I want to be able to live comfortably and opposite of what I'm going through now. So yeah, I was wondering if transferring the debt to me is a good or bad thing. Mind you, he is divorced and wants to buy his own house. I can put myself in his shoes and see how it's gonna be so hard to buy a house with that amount of debt already, but also I don't want that amount at such a young age. Any advice or thoughts are appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/BasicWish621
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    Private Student Loan For CG Spectrum?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 05:54 PM PDT

    Hi! I was wondering if anyone knows how to get a loan for a school/program that doesn't have a federal school code. It's called CG Spectrum and is in Canada, I live in the US. CG Spectrum This is the link in case anyone has heard of it and knows how to go about getting a loan like that. Any help would mean a lot!

    submitted by /u/CammyBear03
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    Should I do PSLF?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 05:07 PM PDT

    I have been putting away 20% of my income to pay off my student loan of 23k. I qualify for the PSLF but decided against because I did not want to have wait for 120 payments to be debt free.

    Lately I've been wondering if it makes more sense to sign up for PSLF, have a smaller monthly payment and boost my retirement savings. What do y'all think?

    I'm about 1 year into aggressively working towards being debt free and it ain't the most fun haha.

    submitted by /u/EntrepreneurDue2716
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    Things to ask before refinancing. Anyone done this before?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 04:12 PM PDT

    I've never refinanced before. I'm finally moving forward with refinancing my private student loan. Anyone ever done this before and have any advice they can offer? I'm not sure what questions to ask the bank before I move forward.

    submitted by /u/Ambitious-War3546
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    Who is taking over for Fedloan Servicing

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 08:08 AM PDT

    Does anyone have any insider knowledge who might be taking all our loans that are with FedLoan Servicing ending their contract right before the COVID relief ends? I am still taking screenshots and making notes of my progress, just curious if anyone has heard anything yet.

    submitted by /u/nate3531
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    I'm a Freshman in college, and had to take out 3 loans worth a little over 6000 (just for one semester). I don't know if I should try to pay them off right now and not have money left, or use my money to pay next semesters loans.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 02:38 PM PDT

    So I had to take out three loans worth $12,000 for the 2021-2022 school year. So far, 6,000 has disbursed (since it's only fall semester). I have 2,000 in my bank account right now, and am about to start working on campus. During Christmas break, I plan on working at my old job at home, where I can earn $1,600 if I work all four weeks. Should I pay off the loans for this semester with that money, or should I use the money to pay next semesters balance? And therefore not have to take out any more loans?

    I don't know if it would make a difference at all. I know I wanted to start paying off interest for my unsubsidized loan right now, though. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/angelic-one
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    Rehabilitated student loans

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    My student loan was recently rehabilitated but it is only showing up on my Experian credit report. My report is also showing my old closed loan so my debt has been doubled. Are the old loans supposed to come off my report by itself or should i dispute the closed loans?

    submitted by /u/Karelxss
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    Student loan help

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    Hello! I have a student loan of 5,500 that I will have to start paying off February 11, 2022.

    I have heard that once student loans hit, your credit score will drop. My roommates score dropped pretty low.

    It's currently the only debt I have since I paid off my other debt earlier this year. My credit score is pretty high and I'd like to keep it as high as I can since I will be needing it for an apartment in March.

    My question is, is there any way to avoid a credit hit either by starting to pay it off now or later?

    I will also be starting grad school in April and take out loans for that. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Logical_Honey347
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    Paid off a old student loan and have been going to school using Fasfa....

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 11:31 AM PDT

    So, I had a student load that I defaulted in 2012. After years of getting my income tax refund taken, I was contacted by a company called Navient. Through them, I was able to pay off a old student loan in 2019. Since than I have been going to school using Fasfa. Today I tried attempted to get a Federal Work study program but needed a default clearance letter that I needed to give to my school to move forward. So, I was instructed to contact Debt Management and Collections System (The phone number to reach them is 1-800-621-3115). When I contacted them, they told me that I still had an outstanding debt of $18,000.

    So, my question is this: If I had a default loan, should I be receiving Fasfa? I have been getting my income tax refund for the last 5 years ever since i got out of default.

    I am so frustrated and have no idea who to contact about this imaginary loan that they say i am defaulted on when I know I paid my student loans off.

    submitted by /u/NewGuy12349876
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    Anyone willing to share promissory note terms?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 08:19 AM PDT

    I need to see terms and conditions of a private student loan promissory note. Anyone have one they are willing to send me ?

    submitted by /u/thundereverday2
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