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    Thursday, August 12, 2021

    Startups Departing Employee - What Do You Regret Not Asking the Employee?

    Startups Departing Employee - What Do You Regret Not Asking the Employee?

    Departing Employee - What Do You Regret Not Asking the Employee?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 11:45 PM PDT

    We have an employee that is being transferred out, what should we ask him to deliver before he leaves?

    What things do small businesses regret not asking departing employees?

    Anything such as tasks that you wanted them to do or specific questions about working with the company?

    submitted by /u/PsychedelicEmporium
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    What Computer Science topics do you think are important to learn/know to build a tech start up ?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 01:06 AM PDT

    Just trying to streamline the learning process for a currently non-technical founder who has done only the basic programming class, so they know basic loops and data structures such as arrays and lists, but they haven't moved past that. Their goal is to become technical enough to be able to build up an MVP on their own, to make iterations on the MVP on their own, and to be self-sufficient as the main programmer of the product until they are able to find a more technical co-founder. I was thinking the most important for them to learn would be data structures and algorithms, a software engineering class, and maybe a database class. However, even within those topics how much material would really be needed for a solo founder to build up an MVP on their own? I know the skill set will also depend on what product they want to make but for a general case case, assuming any specialized knowledge will be learned dependent on the specific product requirements, what would be the essential fundamental topics to know to be able to build an MVP on their own? For example in Algorithms, is it really needed for them to know how to do a running time analysis for algorithms, or Is it possible to hack together an MVP with just knowing the existing algorithms and implementing them in the correct situations? So essentially they would skip the discrete math and just learn which existing algorithms are efficient and just learn to code them and implement them? Also, is databases knowledge really needed? or can it be learned as needed when the problem is faced?

    submitted by /u/UniqueProgramer
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    is it really possible to find a co-founder online and make it work?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 09:31 AM PDT

    What I've heard from other successful entrepreneurs is that you need at least 6 months with that persom building other projects and indeed knowing her better before trying something.

    But I've read in some comments here on reddit people asking for confounders online, saying that they will do this and that... without ever knowing the person before, is there chances of it really happening and working out?

    submitted by /u/Reception_Willing
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    Senior Marketer & Board Member of international Marketing standards body - practical marketing tips for startups

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 12:44 AM PDT

    Hi everybody, I'm brand new to the group so not 100% au fait with the workings here so apologies if I'm not hitting the mark.

    I'm keen to start building on my experience marketing for start ups so am looking to embark on a series of practical marketing guides in article form that actually provide value and help to early stage startups.

    I'd love to hear your ideas for what you would find useful if you could drop me a comment here. You guys know what it is you need to hear better than I do - my job is just to remove the gate keeping element from marketing practice and make it easy to understand and execute.

    Here's an article I wrote yesterday, hopefully some of you will find it useful!


    submitted by /u/hillz2000
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    Development of new language learning tool

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 12:32 AM PDT

    Hello everyone! I am working on a research project to develop a new language learning tool directed at professionals who want to learn the field-specific language, for example, for a job placement or training abroad. I am searching for a few survey participants to help us learn about the market demand. The survey would take literally 5 minutes to complete and I would be grateful for your help! Thank you very much in advance. https://forms.gle/mnBcfpWGVfyKtbYv6

    submitted by /u/klaudiaap96
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    Decision time.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 02:47 PM PDT

    Hello. Very small new self-funded business. I am needing packaging designed for my first product. Yay!😁

    So I bid out to 4 design companies in the US. Three of them are all about $500 for company logo plus 200 for first pkg design.

    The fourth is $276 for logo, stationary, business cards, and first product design. Lots of rewrites and back and forth until I am happy. The cheap one is new and has only one product design to show. His corp logo will not be as "official" as the others.

    With no income, I try to be frugal but is this a good place to save? TIA

    submitted by /u/f1ve-Star
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    Pre-Seed 30% equity for € 300k

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 02:41 PM PDT

    We (3 founders with equal stakes) have an amazing line up of renowned angel investors. Nevertheless, they are asking for 30% in our company in return for € 300k which only gets us to the launch of our MVP.

    We've already received a research government grant of 500k, which funds 5 people, so there is some value in the company already. Since we are building an app on Ethereum, the complexity is pretty high.

    Is this a smart move, considering that we are anticipating a Seed and Series A round?

    submitted by /u/83879
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    White labeling software product. Is it a good idea?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 11:11 AM PDT

    If you had a product and you are struggling with sales, is it a good idea to white-label it and partner with a third party for sales purposes (we take care of tech, they take care of sales/business side)? Please share your experience if anyone here has done it, pros and cons.

    submitted by /u/gorkiam
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    Struggle from a non-tech aspirating founder

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 09:44 AM PDT

    If I would like to create a live stream platform but without any tech background / coding skills but have a concrete idea and a strong believe about the product in mind - what should be my next step?

    I have attended courses from accelerators and be in the start-up environment for quite a while, as well as roadmap this idea for quite some time. The only thing I lack would be the tech skills to execute the product demo. Is finding a tech co-founder the first thing I should be focusing on right now? Or I could liaise/hire an overseas developer or using those simple app/website builder to demonstrate that the platform has actual users?

    All your contributions and sharing are greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/bigdicunited
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    Best affordable/free business email provider for low volume communication ?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 08:40 AM PDT

    Working out of a tiny room. We have a shopify store. There is no big team, it's just my buddy and I. We only need it to communicate with clients, suppliers, business networks ocassionally and to look professional. We only have 10 to 20 emails per month (that involves talking to actual humans).

    Gsuite, Outlook and the typical services cost $10/month where I live and for what we do with the email, does not seem worth it. More of a consumer perception matter to be honest.

    So how do we stop looking like schmucks running [info@gmail.com](mailto:info@gmail.com) to [info@companyname.com](mailto:info@companyname.com) affordably ?

    submitted by /u/earthlingneuron
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    Collaborator asking for source code

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 04:46 AM PDT

    Hi, I run into a problem and would like to have your advice. I have been working with a clinical collaborator on a project in my personal time. I came up with the idea and did most of the technical work. And the clinical collaborator is responsible for the clinical trials. But lately due to other work engagement I cannot invest my full time into this project, so my collaborator ask me to pass the source code to him so that he can find someone else to work on the project full time. I fear that once I pass the source code to him, I will no longer have control on the project and all my efforts put into it in the past few years will be for nothing. Personally I still want the project to go forward and do not want to burn the bridge with my collaborator. How can I protect my own IP and rights in this situation? Thank you very much!

    Some additional background: the project is probably still 3-4 years away from commercialization. We haven't received any significant amount of funding yet.

    submitted by /u/teristam
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