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    Monday, October 19, 2020

    Third Interview - Please Help! Sales and Selling

    Third Interview - Please Help! Sales and Selling

    Third Interview - Please Help!

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    Good morning all!

    Simply put, I am experiencing new levels of stress induced by waiting for a job offer. In context, I conducted three rounds of interviews with my dream company for my dream role. The first interview was conducted over the phone with HR, the second interview was conducted over the phone with two managers and lastly, the third interview was conducted via video call with both the General Manager and the Inside Sales Manager.

    During the third interview, the General Manager confirmed with me that this was the third and final interview and congratulated me. She also looked me in the eyes and admitted to me that she rarely interviews applicants for this role with such relevant experience. Upon conclusion, she emphasized that they would collaborate internally and update all applicants next week at the latest.

    Well, you guessed it! This was Thursday, 10/8 and I went through radio silence all of last week. As I turn to this community, should I reach out for an update at all? If yes, when? How would I go about wording this request?

    Thank you in advance and have a wonderful week ahead!

    submitted by /u/tcdurb01
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    Here’s a way to search for tech-related/SaaS, Remote-only SDR & AE roles

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    Hopefully this doesn't go against the rules of this sun, but here is a site that allows you to search for remote-only roles. It's focus is on tech-companies and SaaS companies.


    If you go to that link, you'll get all postings that are remote only, throughout the nation.

    You can change the search parameters to narrow it down by experience level; choosing entry-level will pull up mostly SDR roles (just an FYI).

    You can also choose to search only in your (closest) geographic area (or your desired area). Of course, you can also look for local, in-office roles too but I know many here have wanted a way to find remote SDR roles, so that's why I suggested it as I did.

    Good luck and happy job hunting!

    ** I have no affiliation with BuiltIn or any of the companies that are hiring on their website.

    submitted by /u/blondesellery
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    Looking for cold call openers? Check this out!

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    We speak with SDRs every day. One of the biggest questions from SDRs is how to open a cold call. We did some research and collected the opening lines that are being used by top reps and sales leaders. Feel free to use these!

    Gong's suggestion

    From their blog post here

    "Hey Lisa, how've you been?"

    How've you've been produced at a rate 6.6x times higher than their baseline of "How are you?".

    Armand Farrokh's approach

    This is an example that comes from Playbook 1 (after episode 10) on his podcast 30 Minutes to Presidents Club

    "Hey Nick, we work with a number of vendors and portfolio companies. It's Armand at Carta. Have you heard our name tossed around? - Armand Farrokh (Armand is the Director of Sales at Carta and is the host of 30 Minutes to Presidents Club)

    Josh Braun's approach

    From his blog post here

    Sales Person: "Hi I'm Josh. I was hoping you could help me out for a moment."{Pause}

    Prospect: "Sure, what can I do for you?" (This is generally the response I get when I use the opening above.)

    Sales Person: "Thanks John. Again I'm Josh with Sales Critique. I'm just calling to see if you'd be open to learning about an unusual but effective idea that might help you folks convert more demos into customers."

    (Pause for as long as it takes to get a response.)

    Sales Person: John, feel free to say no, but does this sound interesting?

    That's it.

    Morgan Ingram's approach

    Listen to his explanation and why it works on his appearance on the 30 Minutes to Presidents Club Podcast (Episode 16).

    PLA approach - Pleasant, Laugh, Arms-up

    "Hi Nick, thanks for taking my call. I know I'm calling you out of the blue here (laugh). However, do you have a few moments to chat"

    Brian Burns' approach

    Check out this video (only 1 minute) where he explains why this opener works!

    "Hey Jack, it's Brian. I only have a minute…"

    We're releasing a full guide on cold calling in the next few weeks! More to come!

    submitted by /u/thesdrnewsletter
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    First sales Job!

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    Without naming names I have an interview in two hours for a big name furniture and appliance store. The pay is 3% commission with them clawing back your base ($14) pay if you sell more than that in the pay period. I am unfamiliar with the industry and I'm very concerned about predatory practices / infighting with a model like this. Is there any advice, reccomendations or suggestions you have for a new salesperson? Run fast run far isn't an option for me sadly, so whatever I can do to make this successful is on the table.

    submitted by /u/coldwar252
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    Starting a new job tomorrow, but I'm nervous..

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    6 months ago, I got laid off from a job I kind of hated at a company I had been trying to leave for a while. That elation at getting out turned into anxiety pretty quickly when I started looking for work in the midst of Covid.

    Earlier this month, I got an offer for a company I admire. The new job is fantastic - it's a 30% pay rise and a big improvement in terms of culture and attitudes to WFH. I'm very lucky as well that it's in a segment which hasn't been too hard-hit by the pandemic recession.

    Despite that, I'm more nervous than I usually am when starting a new job, probably because I haven't had that long a gap before. My onboarding will be remote for the first time, it's a new industry and I feel like my dented confidence could hamper me in the ramp-up to try and close my first deals. My last role was very high-pressure and focused on pushing customers rather than treating sales as the science it is, which definitely made me question my own ability and process I've also had a few days to 'psych myself up' for the new role, which has probably left to me overthinking things.

    I'd love to hear from those who've been in a similar situation recently about how it's been going. Any advice for how to get back in the right frame of mind would be hugely appreciated!

    Godspeed to everyone still being put through the nightmare recruitment mill as well - you'll get to the end of it eventually.

    submitted by /u/guly5ever
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    Silver Bullets

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    The top thread in this sub right now "cold call openers" and the absolute dumpster fire in the comments kinda highlights something to me I'd like to share- someone who's been in sales for 18 years on 3 continents, led large b2b sales teams and still prospect almost every single day. You probably will disagree with me, but I've worked with enough sales people to identify some of these trends. You have to realize:

    Silver bullets don't exist. Shocking take, I know. No one has ever said this before - breathtaking, right?

    There is no one best way to open a cold call with particular words. Words in your conversation aren't the whole story; the tone, pacing, intent, inflections all carry far more weight than the words. What works for you only works for you because you believe it works for you and you're comfortable enough to deliver it confidently.

    John Brauns opener, 30 minutes to Presidents club, Gong, Becc Holland etc all have different, competing theories on HOW to do this because they all do it differently, have switched it up over time and honed their approach for their ICP's and it works for them. How many times do people comment here saying "I hate that", "this would never work" and they're all right. It wouldn't work for them, but it doesn't mean it won't work for someone else!

    You don't need the words, you need the principles. Principles that you can easily remember and execute under fire. This is why Sandler is back in fashion right now, despite having been designed in the 60's! He had a system built on rock solid principles. Sandler didn't tell anyone to say this, that and the other, and I know every Sandler person makes calls the same way

    • Pattern Interrupt
    • Upfront Contract
    • 30 Second Commercial
    • Negative reverse
    • Pain Funnel

    Sure there is guidance on verbiage, and I think personal scripts are important (write your own and internalize) but the PRINCIPLES are what make this work. Please stop worrying about what words, phrases and clever reverse negative mirror Voss question will win you the meeting and start executing on some key principles. The most important, for my money is:

    Make them care one way OR the other - indifference is the worst state to sell to, get them involved positively or negatively, you can win a negative prospect back or close a positive one, you can't do much with someone who just isn't engaged in a conversation.

    How can you do this? Ask them if they're in charge of whatever they're in charge of. If you ask someone with decision making status "who's in charge of [thing you think they're in charge of]" and you will make them care. Notice I didn't say, ask someone who's not in charge of something who is in charge of it. Try it.

    How can I 'prove' it? It's said that 'For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible' and I do believe that. Anyone who has a system that is working, I'll say that again, IT IS WORKING - DO.NOT.CHANGE.A.THING. If what you're doing isn't working yet but you believe it will, give it time.

    If what you're doing is not working and you need some proof of concept, go listen to Justin Michael make cold calls on his Discord 5 nights a weeks (around 6pm CST/4PM PST) and you will hear him connect and question peoples authority and you will hear them LEAN IN to the conversation time and time again. His ROUTE.RUIN.MULTIPLY. framework 'works' well.

    But whatever you do, stop arguing with other people that what they're doing won't work. You're simply wrong. ANYTHING done with the right intent and consistency would work at some point. It's whether it works reliably and often enough to hit your quota - and that's about executing on key principles, NOT words.

    Look forward to hearing why all of the above is wrong :) Happy selling folks.

    submitted by /u/MiracleDealer
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    Need Help! Struggling to get clients for recently founded web development company

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:28 AM PDT

    A few months ago, my friends and I started a web development company. We all know what we're doing and our prices are lower than most in our space. I just really need some advice on how to get clients. What strategies have you all used to get a flow of clients/business?

    submitted by /u/eraayy
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    Employer did not adjust quota during covid - are other companies that you guys work at expecting 100% while businesses aren't operating at that level?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    Our region currently only has 30% quota attainment for the month of October with only 2 people reaching plan and 7 sellers above 50% out of 50.

    Isn't this a clear sign that our original quota is just not attainable during an economic shutdown? How are we supposed to be expected to sell as if there were no changes in the market?

    I know of other companies that friends work at who drastically lowered their quotas. How common is this?

    submitted by /u/Based_Redpilled
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    Lead Response Times Question

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! I recently read an article from Qualified that talked about how a study showed the average response times for a sales team to contact a potential lead client is 42 hours, yet by contacting them within 15 minutes instead, they could increase their sales dramatically. Despite this, many have not followed through with this idea.

    It seems simple enough, just contact leads faster. So why doesn't it happen? In your guys' experience, what takes so long to make the initial reach out to a potential lead? I hope this all makes sense, I appreciate all of the feedback!

    submitted by /u/j-led
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    Serious failure

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    The sales have gotten so bad at my satellite company that literally 1/30 guys made a sale yesterday. Today it's past noon and we have 1 guy who's sold one $30 item.

    I spoke to one of the top selling guys and he said he suggested to the owner that they start just leaving people with no work for a whole week if they don't meet the mark.

    Not sure that's the best approach but it may work. I believe it's a fundamental issue with magement, lack of a sales trainer, no official person to help provide training to failing salesman, and nobody to encourage the technicians. Skating by has been acceptable until someone is literally so bad they have to practically try and get fired.

    Best ideas for fixing the machine? I'm open to suggestions.

    I'm just a regular employee myself. I am one of five of 30 passing. The bench Mark is at least one sale per job basically. So when 30 guys have 3-5 jobs each

    (maybe like 1/3 are off on a given day so let's say 20 guys are working on average. We should see 20 jobs with sales for revenue for the day in sales given they sell at ONE job a day)

    submitted by /u/Effective-Salesman
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    Do account management positions generally start with a ramp?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    I'm currently moving to my third sales job after being downsized from my last one. I've received an offer letter (yay!) And am reviewing it before signing.

    Basically I'm moving into an account management position where my I'll be given a existing book of business that I will assist with and look to expand there use of our existing services.

    My first job started as a contractor and then I was hired on and promoted to an account exec position so no ramp necessary. The second job was also an account exec position and it did include a ramp. That job was a 50/50 split of base/ commission.

    This new job is an account manager and the split is 70/30.

    I forgot to ask during the interview if there was a ramp and I wanted to check with the community first to see if account managers generally expect ramps when they get started.

    Tha ks for the help and advice!

    submitted by /u/turnturnburn
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    Third Interview!

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    Good morning r/sales !

    Today I have my third interview with an enterprise SaaS company. I have little sales experience but based off of the first 2 interviews they seem to be quite keen on brining me on.

    That being said, I want to make sure I can do everything in my power to let them know they're making the right decision bringing me on. What advice do you have for me?

    I've always been under the impression that explaining to them you understand the uncertainty of the hiring process and easing that uncertainty by explaining how your characteristics are the safe choice.

    submitted by /u/Flying_Eagle_25
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    Door to door sales job

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    I am in college,22, and wondering if I should take this sales job, never done sales in my life and think it could be a good learning experience.

    Basically i have the option of either going full commission and that way i can choose when to work, how much, and some other benefits + higher commission

    Or go the route of fixed income + commission (fixed 1800$) but less commission and having to meet targets, if i sell one contract a week it wouldnt be worth for the company for example and get kicked out for example

    Whats your opinion? Commission is 50$ and was just on the field watching 2 guys who are longer at the company to teach me some stuff and they made 10 deals in 3h which would be around 500$ with the only commission route. I know that is unrealistic for me but the top guys make like 15k+ at the company and i would already be happy with like 2/3k part time.

    submitted by /u/braincelwarrior69
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    Prospects going dark?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    Hi All - was hoping to get some clarity on a problem that I've been encountering an awful lot of recently. A little background on myself, I've been a lurker on this sub for a little while now, and have recently completed my first full year in a closing role at a software firm.

    One of the biggest issues I've ran into over the past year is prospects just going dark on me, whether it be early on in the sales process (during the discovery scheduling/ demo scheduling part) or at the point of signature (sending out the proposal for signature). It's been a huge pet peeve of mine and has caused me to miss forecast and quota a couple of times so far.

    The strategy that I currently use is "ask an open ended question after providing some type of value" in almost every message where it makes sense via email.

    Have you guys (and gals) ran into a similar issue throughout your career? What have you found helps the most in this type of scenario?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/yourbatm9
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    About to be put on PIP - Should it actually be a redundancy?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    Hi All,

    So I've been warned that I will be put on a pip if I do not hit my forecast for this quarter. It's looking like I will hit about 95% of forecast, so am expecting that that I will be on the chopping block shortly.

    To be honest I am ok with this - I joined a fast growing sales team, in a more up market role than the product sweet spot, with aggressive targets . The strategy was a bit adventurous before Covid hit, but Covid made it even more difficult in the space. I don't think the company/role/market is a good fit for me and I have made peace with "failing" here - While the company is a good place, I have had a lot of questions about the Sales strategy here.

    However while I am ok with leaving the company, I do believe the company over-hired for the region I am working (and have admitted as much in meetings) as Inbounds play a big impact on success for all reps. So with that in mind, I am wondering is it better to push for redundancy/severance payment rather than go through the whole PIP process.

    PIPs are a 60 day process for my company (In Europe), and I don't really want to go through the motions knowing that both my mind & (almost definitely) the companies mind is made up on me.

    Any one else have success turning a PIP into redundancy?

    submitted by /u/huntingforsuccess
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    Do I have enough experience for technology sales internships or new-grad roles?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    Hi! I'm a college junior in the greater New York metropolitan area majoring in computer science and mathematics. I have been interested in sales ever since I did mini internships as a technology consultant. I like the social aspect and the in-depth research the sales people do to understand their company's technical products' importance. I'm not sure if internships in technical sales are common, but what should I do to set myself up for a great sales job after college? If there are internships, does my resume look good enough? It is attached here: https://www.docdroid.net/Hytgfy3/resume2020-pdf

    submitted by /u/PinCharming
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    13 years in Sales/Account Management - Time for a change

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 04:17 AM PDT

    Hi All,

    I've been in sales and account management for the last 13 years and I've come to the realisation that I need out! It makes me cranky every day, I don't enjoy wanting to go to work and I think the house would be much happier if I had a job I enjoyed.

    The problem is the earning potential... i'm not earning massive amounts but enough for what I need to provide a nice life for me and my family.

    I have no idea how to get out of sales or even what roles to look for, and having just bought our first house I can't afford to take a huge drop in wages.

    Any advice on what suitable roles I could be searching for?

    submitted by /u/SynchroJack88
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    Got a call back, no job for me!

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    Title says it all but I could use some advice. I do not have sales experience and was applying for a specialty food sales rep. I do have over 10 years of pastry/savory experience as well as management experience and even had three interviews. They told me that due to the current pandemic climate as well as everyone being remote, it wouldn't be a great time to start someone new. The odd thing is that during the interviews these issues were brought up and squashed because the company has not really seen a hit as far as COVID is concerned and I would be training with someone anyways.

    I thought I had this in the bag but I guess I was wrong, anyone got any ideas or am I just trying to read through lines that are not there.

    submitted by /u/Chefbigandtall
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    Sales Prospecting tools

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    What tools do you guys use to help you in prospecting? For example finding leads or automating emails...etc.

    I use LinkedIn and company websites to get contacts to spreadsheet then mail merge and wondering if any of you have used any services or tools that upped your prospecting and/or sales game?

    submitted by /u/BONDOG_A-330
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    Looking for resources to learn sales techniques

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    I've been selling luxury clothing for about a year now but I don't feel like my sales skills are getting better. Is there any place I can start to improve my techniques? So far, I've looked into the straight-line system but that's about it. Would love to learn more.

    submitted by /u/learning18
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    Leads from survey companies

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    So I sell Medicare Advantage plans at my brokerage, and a lot of transfer agents send me "leads" from a survey company (I.e. someone took a survey and put their number in and then their contact info was sold to everyone and their mom, then those people called them, insist that they stay on the line and then transfer them to me. Maybe this is a dumb question, but I should run right?

    submitted by /u/metalforhim777
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    I keep hearing “Follow up after Covid”. Yet Covid and its effects will be with us for years.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    "Let's talk on the other side of Covid" or "Check back in after we recuperate from Covid"

    I'm wondering how you all are handling these types of objections.

    I'm trying to broker strategic alliances in the travel industry.

    These objections honestly frustrate me.

    Am I supposed to wait until 2023 or 2024 when travel goes "back to normal"?

    While I completely understand where they are coming from, Covid will be around for the next few years.

    What is your plan with these types of prospects?

    You would think in an industry starved for revenue they'd all be starving. But they all act like they're stuffed with no room for another bite

    submitted by /u/thesonofnarcs
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    I sent out a bulk email without warming up my IP, and now all my mails are going into spam. What do I do?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    As title says, I sent out multiple emails (>10k) from an email ID, without warming it up. Now, they are all going into spam. Note: All emails were gmail IDs

    I have made a new email ID on the same domain, but it is also being marked spam. What can I do to change this?

    submitted by /u/just_a_bizdev_rep
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    Sell to Parents in the USA

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    My friend is looking to build a platform for ed-tech fovused on parents in USA focused. Any tips on how to get those first few customers

    submitted by /u/Ronit_Ogra_allround
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    Logistics Sales?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    I've seen a lot of these types of jobs posted but how is it? Is it easy to hit your quota when acquiring new business? How do you handle long sales cycles? Are there any benefits of logistics over SaaS or other sales roles? Are you guys just taking these roles to move into a more operational position?

    I've been trying to get out of sales, but these are the types of jobs that pay well in my area so it's hard to find anything else. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/BrokenDaddy33
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