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    Friday, October 9, 2020

    Stock Market - Wall Street Week Ahead for the trading week beginning October 12th, 2020

    Stock Market - Wall Street Week Ahead for the trading week beginning October 12th, 2020

    Wall Street Week Ahead for the trading week beginning October 12th, 2020

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    Good Friday evening to all of you here on r/StockMarket. I hope everyone on this sub made out pretty nicely in the market this past week, and is ready for the new trading week ahead.

    Here is everything you need to know to get you ready for the trading week beginning October 12th, 2020.

    Earnings could be a positive force for stocks as Washington continues to wrangle over stimulus - (Source)

    Stock market optimism for a stimulus package has been rising, but the focus swings to earnings and that could be a positive for stocks in the week ahead.

    JPMorgan, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America and Morgan Stanley all release earnings in the first big wave of corporate reports. There is also some important data, including CPI inflation data Tuesday and retail sales for September on Friday.

    "It looks like earnings season might turn out better than expected, based on early reports," said Ed Keon, chief investment strategist at QMA. "The guidance looks pretty good. So, we have earnings season upon us, the stimulus talks go back and forth, and it looks like maybe there's a will to get something done."

    On Friday afternoon, the White House raised its offer for at stimulus package to $1.8 trillion but was still below the $2.2 trillion sought by Democrats. "It's really hard to read," said Keon.

    But he said even if there's no agreement on stimulus now, there should be a package after the election, regardless of who wins.

    "I actually put some money to work in small caps on the belief if we get further stimulus either soon or a few months from now, you do want to own economically sensitive stocks," said Keon."We're reasonably constructive on the market and valuations are not cheap, but compared to the 10-year [Treasury yield] at less than 80 basis points, stocks don't look that bad."

    Stocks in the past week had their best performance since early July, with the S&P 500 up 3.8% at 3,477. The small cap Russell 2000 was up 6.4%. The 10-year Treasury yield had a big move during the week from about 0.70% to as high as 0.79% Friday. Yields move opposite price, and the 10-year yield has now broken out of a range its been stuck in below 0.70%.

    Earnings could provide positive momentum for stocks, if companies continue to beat estimates at a healthy pace, like last quarter.

    "Q2 reporting season saw S&P 500 earnings beat at an unprecedented rate, both in terms of breadth (85%) and size (+20%), prompting historically rare, strong upgrades to forward estimates, especially for the cyclicals, and one of the strongest earnings season rallies on record," wrote Deutsche Bank strategists.

    The summer earnings rally came before the big September decline, which took the S&P 500 down about 10%. The S&P 500 is up more than 8% since Sept. 24.

    "While the bottom-up consensus for Q3 is for a sharp rebound in headline earnings, the bulk of it is being driven by reductions in loan loss provisions and Energy sector losses. Excluding these, underlying earnings growth is forecast to barely move up (-15% to -13%), despite rising Q3 GDP growth estimates pointing to a strong macro rebound," they noted.

    The Deutsche strategists said the question remains, however, whether the market will respond to earnings beats or election uncertainty.

    Keon said the market has been moving up as former vice president Joe Biden extended his lead in the polls because there's less chance of an uncertain outlook the more one candidate leads. According to RealClearPolitics, he was leading President Donald Trump by 9.7 percentage points, from just about 6 points at the beginning of the prior week.

    "I think from the market's perspective, it doesn't really matter who wins, as long as we have a clear winner," said Keon. "I think the direction of the polls are suggesting that we're going to have a clear winner either on election night or a few days after that. The risk of a messy contested election is going down, and the market is relieved by that."

    Tom Block, Washington analyst at Fundstrat, said Trump appears to be hoping for a stimulus bill signing before the election to help his re-election effort.

    "There are many moving parts here, and they're all moving in different directions," said Block. "It's not impossible a deal comes together but the pathway to a deal is not clear on Friday afternoon because of the mixed signals that have come out over the last seven days from the White House."

    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has opposed a large package, and the two sides have been stalemated. "I think the president believes that he will be helped by having a signed ceremony at the White House approving the bill, that the optics of signing the bill that's going to send relief to people is an optic he desperately wants, and it can't hurt," he said.

    The economic recovery is going on in the background, and some parts of the economy have shown real improvement, like housing.

    Retail sales on Friday is a good look at how the consumer has been faring, now that enhanced unemployment benefits have been gone for the past two months. Economists expect 0.6% gain in retail sales, the same as August.

    Keon said it is important to get some more help for the economy through stimulus. There is expected to be one-time payments to individuals and enhanced employment benefits.

    "That would be good news for the market, if we could get more help where it is needed. We really just need to get a bridge for a more normal circumstances next year," said Keon.

    This past week saw the following moves in the S&P:


    Major Indices for this past week:


    Major Futures Markets as of Friday's close:


    Economic Calendar for the Week Ahead:


    Percentage Changes for the Major Indices, WTD, MTD, QTD, YTD as of Friday's close:


    S&P Sectors for the Past Week:


    Major Indices Pullback/Correction Levels as of Friday's close:


    Major Indices Rally Levels as of Friday's close:


    Most Anticipated Earnings Releases for this week:



    Here are the upcoming IPO's for this week:


    Friday's Stock Analyst Upgrades & Downgrades:


    Ten-Baggers Under Trump

    In our prior post we looked at the best and worst performing S&P 500 stocks since Election Day 2016. In this post we've broadened our filter and looked at the Russell 3,000, which is an index that covers more than 98% of all publicly traded market cap in the US. Within the Russell 3,000, there are 32 stocks that are up more than 1,000% since Trump was elected. These 32 "ten-baggers" -- as Peter Lynch liked to call them -- are listed in the table below.

    At the top of the list is Enphase Energy (ENPH), which is up 8,892% since Election Day 2016. While Enphase has "Energy" in its company name, it's actually a Technology sector stock that "manufactures software-driven home energy solutions that span solar generation, home energy storage and web-based monitoring and control." Next up is Zynex (ZYXI) with a gain of 7,211%, followed by Digital Turbine (APPS) up 5,320%. ZYXI markets itself as a "better and safer way to manage pain" than opiods using electrotherapy devices. APPS is an app marketing company that helps app developers get their product on as many devices as possible.

    Of the 16 best performing Russell 3,000 stocks since Election Day 2016, 15 come from either the Technology or Health Care sectors. XPEL is the only stock in the top ten that's not in either the Tech or Health Care sectors. Up 2,341% since Trump was elected, XPEL is a Consumer Discretionary stock whose main product is to provide auto-paint protection.

    Along with the names mentioned already, other notables on the list of ten-baggers under Trump include Jack Dorsey's Square (SQ), pet-food maker Freshpet (FRPT), digital health company Teladoc (TDOC), the arts and crafts social media company Etsy (ETSY), and of course, Tesla (TSLA). With a gain of 1,002% since November 8th, 2016, Tesla just barely makes the cut!


    Best Performing Stocks Since Election Day 2016

    On Monday we published our asset class performance matrix showing total returns for key ETFs since Election Day 2016 (11/8/16). Today we wanted to highlight the individual stocks traded on US exchanges that have performed the best and the worst since President Trump surprised the world with a victory over Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. First off, below is a chart showing the average performance of stocks in each S&P 500 sector since Election Day 2016. (These are based on stocks currently in the index and not as the index stood on 11/8/16.)

    As shown, the average stock in the broad S&P 500 is up 67.3% since Trump was elected. Four sectors have posted stronger average returns than that -- Technology (+160.4%), Health Care (+100.3%), Consumer Discretionary (+74.6%), and Industrials (+69.9%).

    The Energy sector stands out like a sore thumb in the chart below. While every other sector has at least averaged double-digit percentage gains, the stocks in the Energy sector are down an average of 52.3% since Trump was elected! Other sectors that have been weaker than the broad market include Real Estate, Consumer Staples, and Financials.

    If you were to ask most people back in November 2016 which areas of the market should outperform under Trump and which should underperform, you'd likely see results that are the exact opposite of what has actually happened. Sectors like Energy, Real Estate, and Financials would have been expected to benefit from Trump since those are the industries he's most associated with, while Tech is a sector that's usually expected to benefit more when the Democratic party is in control.


    Looking at individual stocks, below we show the 46 stocks currently in the S&P 500 that are up at least 200% since Election Day 2016. Two stocks -- Etsy (ETSY) and Advanced Micro (AMD) -- have been "10-baggers" with gains of more than 1,000%, while another three -- Paycom (PAYC), NVIDIA (NVDA) and DexCom (DXCM) -- are up more than 500%. Other names on the list are a who's who of the most popular stocks over the past few years, including Adobe (ADBE), Netflix (NFLX), Apple (AAPL), Amazon.com (AMZN), Microsoft (MSFT), salesforce.com (CRM), and PayPal (PYPL).


    While there are 46 stocks in the S&P 500 up more than 200% since Election Day 2016, there are 32 stocks that are down more than 50% over the same time frame. The Energy sector is the most represented on this list by far with 14 stocks overall and 10 of the worst 11! The only non-Energy stock in the top ten is General Electric (GE), which is down 76% since Trump was elected. Other notable losers include airlines and cruiselines like AAL, CCL, and NCLH, and consumer stocks like TAP, KHC, UAA, WBA, and LB.

    General Electric (GE) and Exxon Mobil (XOM) are the two names that stand out the most. Each of these stocks were at one point in time the largest company in the world, but they're both now shells of their former selves with huge losses over the last four years. Remember these two examples when you're looking at the largest companies in the world right now. Chances are a few of them will experience similar fates as GE and XOM over the next ten to twenty years.


    News High for Net New Highs

    Yesterday, the S&P 500 closed at its highest level since only a few days after the early September high. While the index has yet to reach a new high, many individual stocks in the index have. As shown in the charts below, 11.71% of S&P 500 stocks closed at a new 52-week high yesterday while no stocks closed at a new 52-week low. That makes for the second-highest net new highs reading of the pandemic with the only higher reading (17.62%) occurring just over a month ago at the last all-time high on September 2nd. Before that, the last time net new highs were as high as now was on February 19th: the last all-time high before the bear market began.

    As for the individual sectors, there has also been a significant pickup in the net percentage of new 52-week highs. Industrials currently has the highest reading of net new highs among the 11 sectors at 26%. Just like the broader S&P 500, that is the highest since September 2nd when the net percentage of new highs rose above 30%. Consumer Discretionary is the runner up in being the sector with the highest percentage of net new highs. One distinguishing factor, though, is whereas every other sector has seen higher readings at some point since the bear market in the spring, Consumer Discretionary's current reading of 18% is tied with the reading from August 24th. On the other end of the spectrum, both Communication Services and the Energy sector have seen no new highs over the past few days. Granted, there have not been any new 52-week lows either. Meanwhile, Financials and Real Estate have both seen an uptick in net new highs, but it has been much more modest than other sectors.


    Breadth Booming

    One of the most notable aspects of the rally off the late September lows has been broad participation. As shown below, breadth is very strong as the 10-day advance-decline lines for several sectors are at some of their highest levels of the past year. For the S&P 500, the 10-day advance-decline line is at its highest level since June 8th. The same can be said for Communication Services, Consumer Discretionary, Financials, and Real Estate. For Consumer Staples, the sector's 10-day A/D line is at its highest level since June of 2019 and for Health Care it is at its highest level since May of 2019. In the case of Technology, it has been even longer as that sector's line is at its highest level since last April.

    While broad participation is healthy for the long-term prospects of a rally, these 10-Day A/D lines have gotten extremely overbought in the near term, suggesting a cool-down period is likely in the days ahead.


    With short term breadth running very hot, the cumulative A/D lines of several sectors are breaking out to new highs as well. Utilities and Materials are the only sectors to have seen prices reach a new high in the past few days alongside their cumulative A/D lines. As for the other sectors, Consumer Discretionary, Consumer Staples, Health Care, Materials, and Tech have also all seen new highs for cumulative breadth. The same applies to the S&P 500, but again, none of these have yet to see price do the same.


    Election-Year October Market Performance Volatile since 1950

    October's history of volatility was recapped in the October Almanac as well as it being the worst performing month of election years since 1950. In the following chart we have plotted election-year October performance for DJIA, S&P 500, NASDAQ, Russell 1000 and Russell 2000 since 1950 (NASDAQ since 1972 and Russell indexes since 1980) alongside their historical performance excluding gruesome election-year October 2008.

    With or without October 2008, historical performance has been uninspiring in election years. Excluding 2008, October has generally started off on a positive note, but by around the fourth trading day, strength has tended to fade with weakness persisting until around the eighth trading day. Then a modest rally ensued through mid-month followed by more weakness and finally a rally to end the month. Grey shading highlights the two historical windows of weakness that could setup our Seasonal MACD indicators.


    STOCK MARKET VIDEO: Stock Market Analysis Video for Week Ending October 9th, 2020


    STOCK MARKET VIDEO: ShadowTrader Video Weekly 10.11.20



    Here are the most notable companies (tickers) reporting earnings in this upcoming trading week ahead-

    • (T.B.A. THIS WEEKEND.)




    Below are some of the notable companies coming out with earnings releases this upcoming trading week ahead which includes the date/time of release & consensus estimates courtesy of Earnings Whispers:

    Monday 10.12.20 Before Market Open:



    Monday 10.12.20 After Market Close:



    Tuesday 10.13.20 Before Market Open:


    Tuesday 10.13.20 After Market Close:


    Wednesday 10.14.20 Before Market Open:


    Wednesday 10.14.20 After Market Close:


    Thursday 10.15.20 Before Market Open:


    Thursday 10.15.20 After Market Close:


    Friday 10.16.20 Before Market Open:


    Friday 10.16.20 After Market Close:






    What are you all watching for in this upcoming trading week?

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and a great trading week ahead r/StockMarket.

    submitted by /u/bigbear0083
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    MSFT letting employees work from home permanently

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 05:31 AM PDT


    "Microsoft is allowing its employees to work from home permanently. While the vast majority of Microsoft employees are still working from home during the ongoing pandemic, the software maker has unveiled "hybrid workplace" guidance internally to allow for far greater flexibility once US offices eventually reopen."

    EDIT: the title should be "MSFT letting SOME employees work from home permanently."

    submitted by /u/checkinggg
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    Robinhood Users Say Accounts Were Looted, No One to Call [Bloomberg Article]

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 03:04 PM PDT


    I've dealt with Robinhood support before, and sometimes they'd send a standardized reply that made no sense in the context of what I said. It seemed to me they were seriously undermanned then. But with this, a Facebook network I also follow has members who also fell into this hacking (apparently this happened to a lot of people over a period of a couple weeks). The only good news is that the SEC is already on it.

    As if I needed more convincing to switch brokers...

    submitted by /u/FinallySomeMurrder
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    Here is a Market Recap for today Fri, Oct 9, 2020. Please enjoy!

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    PsychoMarket Recap - Friday, October 9, 2020

    Stocks traded higher today as market participant's closely monitor developments in a new virus-relief package amid mixed signals from top officials as to the size and scope of a proposal they might support.

    The Nasdaq (QQQ) led the day, finishing the day 1.53% up. The S&P (SPY) finished 0.86% up and the Dow (DIA) finished 0.54% up.

    Traders continue to closely monitor developments out of Washington weighing whether more stimulus will be passed, be it comprehensive or targeted. Despite Pres. Trump's recent tweet saying he was not willing to negotiate further stimulus until the election, negotiations appear to continue. According to top officials and economic analysts, the passage of additional is key in encouraging and fast-tracking the recovery of the pandemic-stricken economy.

    According to multiple reports from CNBC, the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg and others, the White House is prepared to offer a new stimulus proposal totalling $1.8 trillion, about $400 billion below what the Democrats are asking for but an increase from the original $1.6 trillion offer. It's unclear what specific provisions will be included in the drafted legislation, but the earlier plan included a fresh round of $1,200 stimulus checks; expanded unemployment benefits at $400 per week and additional funding for state and local government. While a large gap still remains between the two proposals, let's hope that the White House showing willingness to negotiate adds goodwill and Congress can come to an agreement. Today Trump tweeted "Covid Relief Negotiations are moving along. Go Big!"

    Adding to the optimis, White House economic advisor Larry Kudlow told Fox Business that the President "wants to do a deal." This is a remarkable turnaround considering Pres. Trump's recent tweet where he said he was not willing to negotiate an additional deal. The market has positively responded to this development.

    Yesterday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin discussed further stimulus for about an hour. After the meeting Drew Hamill, Pelosi's spokesperson, said in a tweet that Mnuching made clear the President's interest in reaching an agreement for a comprehensive package after Pelosi made clear he would not support a standalone, targeted bill. In a note to clients Jeffrey Buchbinder, LPL Financial Equity Strategist said, "A compromise on a big stimulus package in Washington could potentially deliver another October surprise, but the odds are against it as Election Day approaches."


    • The Wall Street Journal reported that Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) is in advanced talks to acquire Xilinx (XLNX) in a deal that could be valued at more than $30 billion. Shares of AMD were down more than 4% because of the dilutive effect the deal will have on the stock. XLNX was up 14.7% throughout the day.
    • The personal-computer shipments rebound that's benefited from a surge in remote work and study during the pandemic carried into the latest quarter with a 12.7% increase from the year earlier, the highest growth in a decade, according to research firm Canalys.
    • Weed stocks have been on a tear recently, after VP Kamala Harris said the Biden Administration would federally decriminalize marijuana.
      • Aphria (APHA) up 28% this week.
      • Canopy Growth (CGC) up 27.5% this week.
      • Aurora Cannabis (ACB) 8.2% up this week.
    • Wedbush tech analyst Michael Pachter reiterated his conservative neutral rating on Gamestop (GME) and kept an $8 price target despite the recent partnership with Microsoft (MSFT).
    • Twitter (TWTR) announced it will make posts harder to go viral ahead of the US election, including placing limits on how users can retweet to try and prevent the spread of misinformation.
    • Sky Solar Holdings (SKYS) announced it completed its merger with Square (SQ). As a result, SKYS is now a subsidiary of SQ and will no longer be publicly traded.
    • Microsoft (MSFT) announced it will permit some staff to permanently work remotely.
    • Rocket Companies (RKT) was upgraded by JPMorgan from NEUTRAL to OVERWEIGHT with a price target of $28.50, price is currently around $23.
    • New Street Research analyst Pierre Ferragu issued a SELL rating on $NVDA with a price target of $400 , a loss of about 25%. Most analysts rate as BUY or better.
    • JPMorgan analyst Richard Shane upgraded Rocket Companies from Neutral to Overweight and cut his price target from $31 to $28.50.
    • VFC had target raised by Telsey Advisory Group $72 to $90 at OUTPERFORM, and also by Robert W. Baird from $65 to $85 at OUTPERFORM. Stock is at $78 so bullish call.
    • Blackrock (BLK) had its price target raised by Morgan Stanley from $652 to $686 at OVERWEIGHT
    • Capital One Financial (COF) had targets raised by JPMorgan and Piper Sandler to $86.50 and $89 respectively, both at OVERWEIGHT. Pretty bullish action.
    • Mcdonald (MCD) had target raised by BMO Capital, Jefferies Financial, Truist, and BTIG Research to $235, $265, $246, and $245. All with POSITIVE rating.
    • Service Now (NOW) had a price target raised by Barclays from $486 to $581 and from POSITIVE to OVERWEIGHT. We have played this stock since March, it is an absolute beast!
    • Marvell Technology (MRVL) with a myriad of price target raises from Needham, Benchmark, Cowen, Oppenheimer, Deutsche Bank on average around $50.
    • NXP Semiconductors (NXPI) once again with a barrage of price target raises from Loop Capital, Cowen, Barclays, Raymond James, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Needham, Piper Sandler and Jefferies Financial. On average they have $160 target, and the stock is at $140, most of them are OVERWEIGHT except for Citigroup which is NEUTRAL.
    • On Semiconductor (ON) had target raised by Jefferies Financial and Deutsche Bank to $31 and $30 respectively, they both rate at BUY. This is a nice call, as Deutsche bank is well respected, and semiconductor stocks have been hot hot hot... Keep an eye out!
    • Datadog (DDOG) had a price target raised by Barclays from $107 to $126 at OVERWEIGHT.
    • Amazon (AMZN) got the price target raised by Mizuho to $4,000 at BUY. really bullish call!
    • Silver and Gold great performers today
    • Some notable performers: XLNX 14.7%, GSX 11%, FSLY 9%, DDOG 9%, U 8.3%, EBAY 6.9%, NVCR 6.9%, PTON 6.5%, NET 5.8%, ETSY 5.5%, KGC 5%, COUP 4.8%, NXPI 4.5%, WIX 4.4%, FTNT 4.2%, STM 4.1%, RYCEY 26.7% (third time this week its up double digits for the day!) JKS 13%, LMND 12.6%, WKHS 12.2%, ACB 10%, EXPI 9%, BIGC 7.6%, APPN 5.5%, REGI 5.4%, PGEN 30%, KODK 15%,

    "The best revenge is massive success" Frank Sinatra

    submitted by /u/psychotrader00
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    My Stock Tracker Sheet - Version 3 - Feel free to copy/distribute/modify

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    Hello all...Thank you for the suggestions and help. This will probably be the last version of the sheet unless there is some amazing ideas.

    My Stock Tracker Sheet - Version 3

    • A quick "How-To Use The Sheet":
    1. IMPORTANT - As soon as you get it, make a copy to your google drive so you always have a good copy.
    2. Enter your ticker symbols on the "Stock and ETFs" and "Mutual funds" tabs.
    3. Go to the corresponding "Transactions" tab and enter the information in the yellow boxes.
    4. Use a date to get the true "Compound Annual Growth Rate" or CAGR (Explained here)

    Major changes from Version 2:

    • Added the "Compound Annual Growth Rate" box, "Average Price Paid" box, and the "Portfolio Change in $" box on the Stock and ETFs tab and Mutual funds tab.
    • Overhauled the "transactions" tabs for both Stocks and ETFs/Mutual Fund.
    • Removed rows from both of the Stock and ETFs and Mutual funds tabs. There are now 50 Stocks and 14 Mutual funds that can be entered (Instead of the 70+ rows originally)..
    • Added Dividend in % and $ per year.
    • DON'T ADD COLUMNS OR ROWS ON ANY SHEET - ALSO, ONLY PUT INFO IN THE YELLOW BOXES. There is a good chance that the data on the sheets will be pulling from incorrect places if you don't follow these two simple steps.

    Previous versions

    submitted by /u/Tettamanti
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    Virgin Galactic SPCE will be back to space starting October 22nd ! God speed ��

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:54 PM PDT


    COVID19 slowed them down, but they are back and ready to fly. Final two test flights next month start and they will have full FAA certification. At which they will fly Richard Branson and 600 celebrities to Space.

    God speed 🚀 💪 🤔 😘

    submitted by /u/joey_tv_show
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    Judge denies Epic's request to force Apple to bring Fortnite back to App Store

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 06:21 PM PDT


    The California judge in the legal skirmish between Epic Games and Apple has denied Epic's request that Apple be forced to reinstate Fortnite in the App Store, but did affirm that Apple cannot take action against the Epic Games developer accounts used to bring Unreal Engine developers access to Apple devices.

    The judge noted that "[p]reliminary injunctive relief is an extraordinary measure rarely granted," and detailed that they were granting in part and denying in part Epic's request, noting that "Epic Games bears the burden in asking for such extraordinary relief."

    submitted by /u/coolcomfort123
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    Medical Device Investors ?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    Anyone with experience in medical device companies. I have experience with the industry just not investment experience

    Are there any companies I should put on my watchlist ? I like consumer devices that's somewhat affordable. $4k >

    submitted by /u/birdwatchinghero
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    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    Yes...I know it's a free stock that RH can give you. Well I got it then noticed that it pays .06c monthly dividend.

    Anyone whose really smart, if you could give me an idea on whether or not it's a stock worth legitimately holding for some potential growth (I can't see it really ever being more than 10 dollars) but really for its dividends.

    submitted by /u/senorclean33
    [link] [comments]

    IBM signs deal with Overwatch League (E-Sports)

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    "International Business Machines Corp will make its bow in the esports industry after signing a multi-year deal with the Overwatch League, the world's first global esports league with city-based teams across Asia, Europe, and North America."


    Does anyone know, or can infer, regarding Blizzards use of Google cloud and Youtube, how this will affect the relationship between them? Why wouldn't they use Google since they already are customers?

    submitted by /u/luisdanielmesa
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    I see a trend of most stocks going up, and I'm wondering why I would ever think that would stop happening?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 03:06 AM PDT

    Is the stock market built on the faith that a company will get big enough that the dividends yield plus your current stock price is greater than the amount you invested?

    What would cause a green energy company share price to stabilize or decrease given the strong trend towards green energy going on right now?

    Where are the risks?

    submitted by /u/servel333
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    For the people: Moderna won't enforce COVID-19 vaccine patent during the pandemic

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    What is Happening?
    Moderna is not enforcing patents on its coronavirus vaccine. Per Moderna's President Stephen Hoge: "We're not interested in using that IP to decrease the number of vaccines available in a pandemic".

    Why does this Matter?

    This is an enormous development for the efforts being made by other companies and governments across the globe. Moderna will not be blocking further advances made by other firms due to proprietary information.

    Investors have reportedly been inquiring about what Moderna had been planning to do with the patents for quite some time. Moderna executives found it important to notify both investors and the greater public that pharmaceutical firms will be working together to address the COVID-19 pandemic as efficiently as possible.

    This is obviously a positive sentiment for the greater market. The sooner pharmaceutical companies mass-produce an effective vaccine, the sooner we can enter economic recovery.

    The Takeaway from Taylor Hoffman Capital Management:
    Despite the reputation of 'Big Pharma', companies such as Pfizer and Moderna are willing to work in conjunction with each other for the sake of bringing the pandemic to an end.

    submitted by /u/MarketBites
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    Previous post search

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    There was a post a few days ago regarding Amazon Prime day and keeping people in the eco system, I did not finish reading it and would like to. Can anyone help? Thank you

    submitted by /u/maxvegas895
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    Watchlist: 10/9 Bulls in Charge

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 02:28 AM PDT

    Market Notes:

    At this point, the bears have been sufficiently beaten and chased back into hiding. The bulls are clearly in charge as the market marches higher towards record highs. The VIX has dropped, though it's still at a historically high level.

    The Russell 2000 has broken a critical level of resistance and is currently at 6-month highs. Speculation is high with 18 trading days left until the election.


    TANH is a low float, resistance at $2.75

    AQB is a lowish float, resistance at $5.25

    OEG is a lowish float, watching for a setup above $1.30

    ACRS is a lowish float, resistance at $4.28

    PME watching for a setup above $1.80

    GME has support at $11.22

    ATEC has resistance at $9.50

    OCUL has resistance at $11.50

    GPRO has resistance at $6.50

    PACB watching for a setup above $13

    ENDP has resistance at $5

    submitted by /u/tradingforkeeps
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    Hotel and Airline Stocks?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    I've been looking through the major airline and resort hotel stocks, and they're all down 30-40% for the year. It seems that even by conservative estimates, we'll have a vaccine around April of next year. That's only six months off.

    Is it safe to assume these stocks will rebound and grow at that time? If so, why are they still so low? I know it's tempting to go for faster ROI, but if holding shares for six months is an almost guarantee 30% plus ROI, it seems like these are no brainer buys. What am I missing here?

    submitted by /u/trenlow12
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    Space company Momentus IPO in 2021

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    Momentus plans on going public as MNTS. It already has 5 separate ride share missions planned with SpaceX. It plans on doing in space transportation for small satellites and even has a long term outlook for developing space infrastructure. Does anyone think this could be a good investment?

    submitted by /u/outerfrontiersman
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    Is it safe to invest in the stock market right now?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    Hi all, really appreciate the input that I've been reading on the subreddit so far. I was wondering if there are any thoughts on the following: I've invested a small amount of money in the market as a trial run to see how tolerant I am to fluctuations and have seen significant growth and, in general, really like the process of figuring where to invest and where to divest. I would like to put down more money but am worried that things are too unstable right now? I know the market is not really following any sort of rules but was wondering if the US elections will have a significant enough impact on stocks that it would be wiser to invest until after? Appreciate any thoughts - thanks!

    submitted by /u/DaleNanton
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    From 2007-2016, Average Net Equity Issues of Nonfinancial Corporations Was NEGATIVE $412 Billion on an Annualized Basis,..

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    Jang-Sup Shin, The Subversion of Shareholder Democracy andthe Rise of Hedge-Fund Activism

    "It has now become a "new normal" that many of America's largest corporations routinely distribute more than 100 percent of net income to shareholders, generating the extra cash by reducing cash reserves, selling off assets, taking on debt, or laying off employees. For instance, the 459 companies in the S&P 500 Index in January 2016 that were publicly listed over the ten-year period 2006-2015 expended $3.9 trillion on stock buybacks, representing 53.6 percent of net income, plus another 36.7 percent of net income on dividends. Much of the remaining 9.7 percent of profits was held abroad, sheltered from U.S. taxes".


    Net equity issues, 2015 $billions Net equity issues as % of GDP
    1946-1955 143.2 0.56
    1956-1965 110.9 0.30
    1966-1975 316.0 0.58
    1976-1985 -290.9 -0.40
    1986-1995 -1,002.5 -1.00
    1996-2005 -1,524.4 -1.09
    2006-2015 -4,466.6 -2.65
    Source: Lazonick and Shin https://www.ineteconomics.org/uploads/papers/WP_58-Lazonick-Functions-Fallacies.pdf 
    submitted by /u/interestingstuff6
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    My Oasis stock is filing chapter 11 bankruptcy

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    My Oasis stock is filing chapter 11 bankruptcy

    What does this mean for me and my money? I only have a little bit invested in the stock so if it's a loss, it makes no difference to me. I knew it was a high risk low reward anyways considering their debt ratio

    Also I got an email saying I could vote on it, but I can't decide how I'll vote or if I will at all.

    submitted by /u/rapt__or
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    High Risk, Limited Potential Buying Calls Here's Why (Current Market Conditions, And Macro Analysis)

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 06:14 AM PDT

    Dollar is bottoming here at its very bottom level! AND oil is dropping this morning further implying the strength for the dollar to potentially inch higher or breakout soon (bc of their inverse correlation) (all oil transactions are made on USDollars and when oil is dropping already then it signifies a future spike here in the dollar when it's at its bottom.) Gold at the top of its range as well!

    1. Dollar bottom of range
    2. gold at top of its range
    3. Oil is dropping already as a indicator/signal for the future
    4. Vix approaching the bottom of its range!
    • get ready today! of course its possible we diverge again and this can be delayed to next week, or the market conditions could completely change and next week we might be saying calls, calls, calls. But as of now, from what the market is giving us and showing us at the time, it would be very unwise to be taking large positions to the long side right now. Not until conditions change.

    breakdown with charts here if you want to watch with a visual representation of what I am talking about- https://youtu.be/0L28jgi6Lrk

    submitted by /u/Zabit2
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    Jeff Bezos Liquidates All His Amazon Shares

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    And gives the money to the ppl of America, everyone gets the same average amount. Theoretically what would happened to the company Amazon ? Not just the stock price but the actual company. Would Jeff be kicked out on his ass ? Would they need to borrow money to stay afloat the following year ?

    submitted by /u/birdwatchinghero
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    Any obvious flaws in this portfolio management strategy I'm missing?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    Bear with me as I'm still new and don't have any prior financial background. I figured I cannot simply buy and hold stocks without any activity. As it will likely take weeks to see in practice how certain strategy would work, i could use some advices from people that know more than i do before i start exploring.

    Say i have 5000 for stock market. I would buy 4x1000 worth of stocks and leave 1000 in cash. Goal would be to keep every stock at 1000 value. So if it drops 5% i load more and if it goes up i trim the position back to 1000. I wouldn't touch penny stocks, troubled companies etc. I believe i can find few stable blue chip companies for this strategy to work, not to catch a falling knife and keep adding in a loser.

    What do you guys think? Does this make any sense to do? Is this something generally done or avoided?

    submitted by /u/mrkicivo
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