• Breaking News

    Friday, October 16, 2020

    Stock Market - Wall Street Week Ahead for the trading week beginning October 19th, 2020

    Stock Market - Wall Street Week Ahead for the trading week beginning October 19th, 2020

    Wall Street Week Ahead for the trading week beginning October 19th, 2020

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    Good Friday evening to all of you here on r/StockMarket. I hope everyone on this sub made out pretty nicely in the market this past week, and is ready for the new trading week ahead.

    Here is everything you need to know to get you ready for the trading week beginning October 19th, 2020.

    More volatility is likely ahead as rising cases, lack of stimulus overshadow strong earnings - (Source)

    Another volatile week may be in store for traders as coronavirus cases rise in the U.S. and Europe while Democrats and Republicans remain at an impasse over new fiscal aid.

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite all fell for three straight days this week. That slide was the longest losing streak for the averages since mid-September. Both the Dow and S&P 500 snapped their losing streaks on Friday, but the Nasdaq closed lower after a late-day sell-off in Amazon shares.

    Investors and traders expect this choppy trading action to continue, especially as the worsening coronavirus data and a lack of U.S. coronavirus stimulus draw attention away from a strong earnings season thus far.

    "The combination of no stimulus, fading economic momentum, and the threat of rising coronavirus cases, creates a rather negative dynamic for risk assets right now," said Tom Essaye, founder of The Sevens Report, in a note to clients.

    The seven-day average of new daily coronavirus infections has risen in 39 states, including New York, New Jersey and Wisconsin, according to a CNBC analysis of data from Johns Hopkins University and the U.S. Census Bureau. At the nationwide level, the rate of new daily cases is at its highest level since August.

    In Europe, the seven-day average of new Covid-19 cases has surpassed that of the U.S., leading several countries in the region to reinstate tougher social distancing rules and roll back previous reopening measures.

    "What this means is economic activity may slow down a bit, and we've already started to see some of that in the data," said Art Hogan, chief market strategist at National Securities, noting the weekly jobless claims numbers released Thursday show they've reached a point where "they're not going to get better; they're going to get worse."

    The Labor Department said initial U.S. jobless claims hit their highest level since August, reaching 898,000 in the week ending Oct. 10.

    Investors will also keep their eyes on Washington during the week ahead as lawmakers continue to struggle over new U.S. fiscal stimulus.

    Procter & Gamble, Netflix, Travelers, American Airlines and American Express are among the companies slated to report next week.

    JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and VF Corp. are among the 49 S&P 500 companies that posted their latest quarterly results this week. Of those 49 companies, 86% reported better-than-expected earnings, according to data from The Earnings Scout.

    "I wish I could say that next week we're going to put aside the politics and the Covid concerns behind us, but we won't trade this earnings season," said Hogan of National Securities. "While it will likely be a record-breaking season for companies beating estimates, it's also going to be one that is largely ignored because there're so many other macro factors that are more important."

    There is also some important housing data in the week ahead, including home builders' sentiment Monday, housing starts Tuesday, and existing home sales Thursday.

    "The housing market is still off to the races," said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics. "The mortgage applications were strong, suggesting very strong activity in the month of September."

    Zandi said the market will eventually cool when interest rates begin to rise. But for now, "certainly the economy could use the juice."

    This past week saw the following moves in the S&P:


    Major Indices for this past week:


    Major Futures Markets as of Friday's close:


    Economic Calendar for the Week Ahead:


    Percentage Changes for the Major Indices, WTD, MTD, QTD, YTD as of Friday's close:


    S&P Sectors for the Past Week:


    Major Indices Pullback/Correction Levels as of Friday's close:


    Major Indices Rally Levels as of Friday's close:


    Most Anticipated Earnings Releases for this week:



    Here are the upcoming IPO's for this week:


    Friday's Stock Analyst Upgrades & Downgrades:


    5 Charts We Are Watching

    There are many charts that caught our attention this week, and today we share the top 5 charts we're watching.

    The S&P 500 Index recently had a four-week losing streak and fell nearly 10% along the way, while the Nasdaq and many large cap tech stocks fell even more. Then in a big move higher over the past two weeks, many stocks moved from oversold to overbought in a very quick timeframe.

    As the LPL Chart of the Day shows, more than 90% of the components in the S&P 500 were beneath their 10-day moving average on September 24 and within two weeks saw more than 90% above this short-term trend line. This type of buying thrust is consistent with future strong returns, suggests quick reversals from oversold to overbought are a good thing, and could bode well for stocks to outperform bonds well into 2021.


    Parts of the economy are opening back up, while employment continues to disappoint. One specific area that continues to improve is how many people are flying, as the seven-day average number of travelers going through Transportation Security Administration (TSA) checkpoints hit a new recovery high. We discuss other high-frequency data points in our COVID Surge Stalling Europe's Recovery blog.


    We've noted before that stock market gains ahead of the election historically support the incumbent party, while if stocks are lower it tends to support new leadership in the White House. Taking this further, the US dollar also tends to send signals for who might win. In fact, when stocks are up and the US dollar is lower ahead of the election, or if stocks are lower and the US dollar is higher before an election, the results have accurately predicted the last seven times those scenarios took place. Given stocks are up and the US dollar is slightly lower, this could be one clue the upcoming election will be much closer than many are expecting.


    Sticking with the election, many investors are worried about higher taxes and more deregulation if former Vice President Joe Biden wins. "Higher taxes may be one part of it, but Biden is also looking at huge spending initiatives," explained LPL Financial Chief Market Strategist Ryan Detrick. "Stock markets like spending, and this could more than help offset potentially higher taxes." Lower tariffs could potentially provide another offset as well.


    Last, Friday's retail sales report came in better than expected, marking five consecutive months of year-over-year gains. It is worth noting the economy has never been in a recession after 4 or more consecutive monthly gains. Still, in the face of one of the most severe recessions ever, it took only a few months for sales to get back to new highs, as shown below. Historically, new highs in retail sales happen in expansions—and this is yet another clue the recession is likely over.


    Record Surge In Business Formations As Economy Recovers From COVID

    Yesterday the Census updated business formation stats for Q3, and as indicated by high-frequency data from the Atlanta Fed, business formation exploded in Q3. As shown in the first chart below, total business applications rocketed upwards by 1.57 million, a record increase. Stripping out businesses that are unlikely to result in hiring, the numbers are much smaller in absolute terms but still rose 79% to a record pace. Finally, applications for businesses with planned wages surged 70% from a record low in Q2, to the highest levels since 2008.


    In all three instances, the recent behavior is a complete reversal of the post-Financial Crisis period, when the prolonged recession led to a huge decline in business starts. That's a good sign for the breadth of the economic rebound, as business formation tends to lead to higher productivity thanks to more innovation and investment. Below we show changes in total business applications by state; Michigan, Illinois, and Georgia are the biggest winners, with applications more than doubling. This analysis was originally published in our evening report -- The Closer -- on 10/14/20.


    B.I.G. Tips - Retail Sales Rebound

    After a disappointment last month, Retail Sales saw a nice rebound in September as consumers seem undeterred from spending despite the expiration of extended UI benefits and the lack of an additional stimulus bill. For the month of September, headline Retail Sales rose 1.9% m/m versus expectations for a more modest increase of 0.8%. Ex Autos and Gas, growth was even better relative to expectations, although August's already slower than expected growth was revised modestly lower.

    Breadth in this month's report was strong. Of the thirteen sectors that comprise the total pie, all but one of them (Electronics and Appliances) showed growth. Normally, when a sector shows m/m growth of a percent or two, it's impressive. This month, though, the volatility of the pandemic remains in place as two sectors showed growth of over 5%, including Clothing which saw double-digit growth relative to August!


    While the monthly pace of retail sales is back at all-time highs, the characteristics behind the total level of sales have changed markedly in the post COVID world. In our just-released B.I.G. Tips report, we looked at these changing dynamics to highlight the groups that have been the biggest winners and losers from the shifts.

    University of Michigan Mixed Again

    The University of Michigan reported preliminary consumer sentiment numbers for October. University of Michigan data has shown a much smaller bounce than other sentiment surveys, but the preliminary numbers for October did increase versus September. The strongest part of the survey was expectations, which has risen three months in a row to the highest levels since March. Consumers' current assessment of the economy fell sequentially and is sitting at about the same place it was back in early 2012.


    One feature of the University of Michigan poll with incomplete data prior to 2016 but more complete data since is a breakout of economic sentiment by political party affiliation. As shown below, their data shows Republicans getting a massive sentiment boost in the wake of the 2016 election. The key here though, is that the boost to the sentiment of Republicans and the decline for Democrats came after the election as this data is definitely lagging to political outcomes rather than leading.


    Small Business Smiles

    Sentiment among small businesses continued to improve in the month of September according to the NFIB's monthly Small Business Optimism Index. As shown below, the index rose 3.8 points to 104 which is now just half of a point below the levels prior to the pandemic in February. That was also better than expectations of a smaller improvement to 101.2. Small business sentiment has now risen in four of the past five months.


    In the table below, we break down this month's report by each of the ten components of the headline number as well as the many other indices included in the report such as those not used as inputs to the headline number and what small businesses are reporting to be their biggest problems.

    Across all indices of the September report, breadth was solid with only a couple of indices falling month over month—Expected Credit Conditions and Credit Conditions Availability. Some of those that were higher saw record or near-record month-over-month increases.

    Some of the most notable indices this month included those regarding inventories. The Current Inventories index which gauges the net percent of owners viewing current inventory levels as too low rose 2 points to a record high reading of 5. Given this, the index for Plans to Increase Inventories is tied with the reading from November of 2004 for a record high of 11. Indicating low inventory levels, the report is consistent with some other recent data like the regional Fed manufacturing surveys. Those low inventories are resulting in higher prices as that index's 12-point increase in September marked the biggest one month gain on record. While the Higher Prices index is not at any sort of an extreme, September's move indicates that a rising number of businesses are raising prices.

    Additionally, those higher prices and lower inventory numbers appear to be a result of demand that continues to rapidly improve. The indices for Actual Sales and Actual Earnings Changes remain negative for a sixth and tenth month in a row, respectively, meaning a net number of businesses continue to see lower rather than higher top and bottom-line numbers. But these indices are seeing big moves higher. For the index of Actual Earnings Changes, the 13-point climb in September was the largest on record and the 9-point increase for Actual Sales Changes followed a 13-point increase in August; both being some of the largest one-month moves on record. In order to meet the needs of this demand, a higher number of businesses plan to increase employment with that index rising to 28; the highest level since December of 2018. Even though businesses seek to hire more, they also report it is hard to fill positions as the index of Job Openings Hard to Fill rose to the top 5% of all readings. Cost and quality of labor also were reported as two of the most pressing problems for businesses.


    Small Businesses Cautiously Optimistic

    In an earlier post, we highlighted the details of the September NFIB Small Business Optimism report. The report showed overall sentiment among small businesses has continued to improve as demand has bounced back (though it has not yet fully recovered as still more businesses report lower sales and earnings on a net basis) leading to low inventory levels, higher prices, and a need for more employment. While generally improved conditions have lifted optimism, that is not to say small businesses have given an all-clear. The Uncertainty Index from NFIB has risen each of the past three months with September's 2-point increase bringing it back to the same level as March of this year. In other words, it is perhaps best to say that small businesses are cautiously optimistic.


    From the pandemic to the Election, there are plenty of reasons for businesses to be uncertain. As for what they are reporting to be the biggest problems, labor remains at the top. 30% of businesses have reported that either cost (9%) or more predominately quality (21%) of labor are their biggest issues. While off the highs from the past few years, the current readings are still historically elevated.

    Behind labor, government related problems also are largely on the minds of business owners. Government red tape and taxes combine to account for 29% of businesses' biggest problems. While that is a large share, neither of those indices are at any sort of extreme.

    Poor sales, on the other hand, remains as the third major concern for businesses. 12% of businesses reported poor sales as the single most important issue in September, down from 15% in August and 7-percentage points lower than the April peak. While improved, the number of businesses seeing demand as a major issue is still at some of the highest levels of the past several years.


    Sentiment By State

    Below is a look at the year-to-date reading for the high-frequency Morning Consult daily consumer sentiment indicator. While still well off highs seen prior to the COVID Crash in late February and early March, sentiment has generally been ticking higher off the lows. You'll notice in the chart below, however, that while the "Future Expectations" reading is still bouncing back nicely, the "Current Conditions" reading has been going more sideways over the last couple of months.


    We can also look closer into state level readings from the daily Morning Consult sentiment numbers. In the heat map below, we show the changes in the levels of consumer sentiment for each state since mid-February. As shown, the lower 48 have seen much larger improvements than Alaska or Hawaii with the largest improvements coming in the Northeast and parts of the Midwest. On the other hand, in addition to Hawaii and Alaska, some of the key swing states like Maine, New Hampshire, and Nevada have improved the least. Of all 50 states, Vermont's current reading on sentiment is the closest to its February levels, but even Vermont is still down 17.9 points.


    STOCK MARKET VIDEO: Stock Market Analysis Video for Week Ending October 16th, 2020



    STOCK MARKET VIDEO: ShadowTrader Video Weekly 10.18.20



    Here are the most notable companies (tickers) reporting earnings in this upcoming trading week ahead-

    • (T.B.A. THIS WEEKEND.)




    Below are some of the notable companies coming out with earnings releases this upcoming trading week ahead which includes the date/time of release & consensus estimates courtesy of Earnings Whispers:

    Monday 10.19.20 Before Market Open:


    Monday 10.19.20 After Market Close:


    Tuesday 10.20.20 Before Market Open:


    Tuesday 10.20.20 After Market Close:


    Wednesday 10.21.20 Before Market Open:


    Wednesday 10.21.20 After Market Close:


    Thursday 10.22.20 Before Market Open:


    Thursday 10.22.20 After Market Close:


    Friday 10.23.20 Before Market Open:


    Friday 10.23.20 After Market Close:







    What are you all watching for in this upcoming trading week?

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and a great trading week ahead r/StockMarket.

    submitted by /u/bigbear0083
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    Psycho Market Recap - Friday, October 16, 2020

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 01:16 PM PDT


    Stocks traded mostly sideways today to end the day slightly negative as investors weighed disappointing news on the stimulus front, a challenging reopening with some places being forced to go back on partial quarantine measures, and a US election which is now less than 3 weeks away.

    For the day the SPY was down 0.07%, the QQQ down 0.57%, and the DIA incredibly up 0.37%. This price action, hints to a rotation out of the high flying names and into the reopening of the economy and more industrial names.

    On the COVID front, this week was difficult as cases in the US have topped 8 Million. Furthermore, two of the vaccine frontrunners, Johnson and Johnson and Eli Lilly halted their trials due to safety and quality concerns. Also the CEO of Pfizer today stated that the company would not apply for emergency use authorization of its vaccine any earlier than the third week of November.

    The United States Budget Deficit has increased to a record $3.1Trillion in fiscal year 2020. In comparison to last year's, it has tripled in size, mostly due to the measures put in place in response to the COVID pandemic. As a share of GDP this represents 16%, the largest since WWII, to put this into context in the 2009 crisis it reached almost 10% at its peak. The biggest chunk of spending came as federal spending jumped 47% due to increased unemployment compensation needs. Still Fed Chair Jerome Powell as soon as last week kept warning that recovery will be fragile and more so without additional aid from Congress and added that providing too much stimulus shouldn't be a problem, according to a report by Bloomberg.

    The figures for retail sales for the month of September have been reported today and they show that US retail sales have grown for the 5th month in a row driven by strong spending in clothing, cars and sporting goods, according to a report published by MarketBeat. Sales jumped 1.9% which is more than double of the consensus estimate. "Americans raced to the stores in September," said BMO Capital Markets analyst Sal Guatieri, in a note to investors, adding that they were "buying just about everything in sight, especially clothing."

    In Europe things have been shaky as the U.K. faces resurgence in COVID cases, and a bumpy BREXIT negotiation. Partial quarantine measures have been put back in place, and negotiations between the U.K. and European Union will continue next week. Boris Johnson has told Bloomberg that he believes a deal is unlikely.


    • A new plan was unveiled today to get COVID shots to nursing homes, even though such a vaccine does not yet exist. This led to skepticism from experts. Under the program, trained staff from CVS (CVS) and Walgreens (WBA) would deliver the vaccines and administer the shots.
    • Volkswagen nearing a deal with Carl Icahn to buy Navistar (NAV)
    • Accolade (ACCD) had a price target increase from Morgan Stanley from $37 to $48 at OVERWEIGHT. Very bullish call…
    • Autoliv (ALV) had price target increased by Mizuho from $72 to $95 at BUY
    • Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) had a price target increase by the Royal Bank of Canada from $84 to $92 at OUTPERFORM.
    • Blueprint Medicines (BPMC) had a price target increase by Raymond James from $106 to $122 at STRONG BUY.
    • Caterpillar (CAT) had a price target raise from Credit Suisse Group from $159 to $179 at OUTPERFORM. It also had a big upgrade on $WFC Wells Fargo $160 to $220 from EQUAL WEIGHT to OVERWEIGHT
    • Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG) had price target raised by KeyCorp and by Credit Suisse Group from $1,300 to $1,4575 at OVERWEIGHT, and $1,250 to $1,500 at BUY, respectively.
    • Cummins (CMI) had target raise by Citigroup $C from $215 to $250 at BUY
    • CrowdStrike (CRWD) had price target raised by Mizuho from $150 to $170 at BUY
    • Intuitive Surgical (ISRG) had price target raised by Piper Sandler, Morgan Stanley (MS) and Wells Fargo (WFC) from $595 to $680 NEUTRAL, $735 to $785 OVERWEIGHT, and $727 to $815 OVERWEIGHT, respectively.
    • Netflix (NFLX) had a price target raise by UBS Group and Morgan Stanley from $575 to $670 at BUY, and $600 to $630 at OVERWEIGHT.
    • NXP Semiconductors (NXPI) with another price target raise, this time by Mizuho from $127 to $152 at BUY. We like this one.
    • ON Semiconductors (ON) had a price target raise by Mizuho from $25 to $30at BUY. We like this one.
    • Pinterest (PINS) had a price target raise by Wells Fargo from $40 to $52 at OVERWEIGHT
    • Starbucks (SBUX) had price target raise by Wells Fargo $WFC from $93 to $98 at OVERWEIGHT
    • Chewy (CHWY) had a huge upgrade from Jefferies Financial from $59 to $100! Its Jeffries so not very influential, but BIG increase!

    "Do, or do not, there is no try" -Yoda

    submitted by /u/psychotrader00
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    "Robinhood warns day traders to raise their cash buffers on 'widely-held stocks' hours before market open "

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 03:20 AM PDT

    • Trading platform Robinhood warned day traders on Thursday night to raise their cash buffers on "several widely-held stocks" hours before market open, or they could face an account deficit.
    • The trading platform said it would increase the minimum amount required to be held in user accounts from October 16 onwards to "help protect" customers from increased election volatility.
    • "If you hold any of the affected stocks on margin, your buying power may decrease or your account may be in a deficit after these changes go into effect," Robinhood said.
    • "If you do not resolve the margin call, we may need to sell off some or all of your stock to cover the call," it said.

    Retail trading platform Robinhood warned users late on Thursday to raise their cash reserves on "several widely-held stocks," hours before market open.

    The company, which has spearheaded commission-free stock and ETF trading, said it would increase the margin maintenance requirements for those stocks affected by election volatility. It maintains the move would help protect customers from increased election volatility.

    Packy McCormick, a day trader, posted the warning in a tweet at 9:42 p.m. ET on Thursday, minutes after receiving it. Regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange starts at 9:30 a.m. ET.

    Other users blasted the move, with one even saying "I'm not sure how this could be legal."

    Investing on margins means that traders can borrow money as loans from Robinhood to buy stocks and options, making it possible to boost investment gains. Margin maintenance, meanwhile, is the minimum amount required to be held in the account to avoid stumbling blocks with Robinhood.

    "If you hold any of the affected stocks on margin, your buying power may decrease or your account may be in a deficit after these changes go into effect," the warning read.

    Users will be issued a "margin call" if they fall short of the required minimum and don't deposit additional funds to increase their account value by the end of the trading day on October 16.

    "If you do not resolve the margin call, we may need to sell off some or all of your stock to cover the call," it said.

    It is common practice on futures exchanges for margin requirements to increase as market volatility rises, because of the greater potential for traders to rack up losses that they cannot then afford to cover.

    Stock market volatility rose earlier this year to its highest since the extremes witnessed during the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009, as investors around the world dumped equities to hold cash, government bonds, and even gold.

    The warning was issued on the same day that Bloomberg reported hackers gained access to "almost 2,000" trading accounts on Robinhood's platform.

    This week, the company sent a push notification through its app prompting customers to start using two-factor authentication. Security "is a top priority and something we take very seriously," a spokesperson told Business Insider.

    The trading platform has seen its popularity explode recently, with COVID-19 only fuelling its prominence, given the boom in retail trading thanks in part to the volatility across markets from uncertainty over coronavirus. Lockdowns earlier this year that halted most professional sporting activity, for example, encouraged many amateur investors to try day-trading.

    Source: https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/robinhood-warning-raise-cash-margin-widely-held-stocks-market2020-10-1029687430#

    submitted by /u/eHelpify
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    It Is Interesting to Look at Past Crashes and Bear Markets (and Movies!)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 07:54 PM PDT


    Just the sheer volume of companies that were hyped and went sky high and bottomed out is fascinating. [Also, which ones crashed and burned and still survived, also very interesting to read about]

    The psychology of it all is very, very intriguing to me.

    If anyone out there has not seen any of these movies I highly recommend: Margin Call, Too Big to Fail, Inside Job, Equity, The China Hustle, Money Monster, Boiler Room, Enron, Arbitrage, and Capitalism: A Love Story

    submitted by /u/folkwoodswest
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    How will this effect Sonic Automotive (SAH) stock price?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    Please help me with my academic research, I have to submit it tomorrow ��

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:43 PM PDT

    Dear investors! We hope that Walll Street is treating you well. This questionnaire aims to understand the effect of market information on the investment decisions of individual investors in the stock market. The data collected is strictly confidential for use in further research.


    It will be of great help if you could spare your precious 2 mins for us. Thank you so much!

    submitted by /u/subhal
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    Watchlist: 10/16 Choppy Friday, Weekend Risk Off

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 04:06 AM PDT

    Market Notes:

    The dip got bought yesterday. It was a textbook gap and fill. The market opened way down but managed to recover most of those losses closing the day near flat.

    It's now Friday and we are headed into the weekend with the election well underway in several states as early voting has begun. Futures are choppy ahead of the open.

    As long as we hold above yesterday's low I believe this dip will get bought right back up and we could still see record highs before the election results are tallied. I'm bullish.


    DXF is a low float, resistance at $1.50

    LYL is a low float, watching for a setup above $2

    HGSH is a low float, resistance at $2

    SOL is a low float, watching for a setup above $4.25

    ORGO is a low float, key level at $4.60

    HBP is a low float, resistance at $3.75

    NNDM is a lowish float, watching for a setup above $5

    TACO has support at $9.77

    GME has resistance at $15

    CARS key level at $10

    GPRO watching for a setup above $7

    PACB has support at $14, resistance at $14.50

    MDRX has support at $10.50, resistance at $11.60

    FLEX has support at $12.49

    submitted by /u/tradingforkeeps
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    Why Americans are so obsessed with being against fiscal fraud?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    I know the question may seem a little dumb, but considering some reddit comments and american cultural production (TV, streaming etc), people in the US look like they're really obsessed and totally against practices that can be slightly fraudulent. Why does that kind of puritanism exist since US politicians and businessmen are so corrupt in general? It has something to do with middle class fears of having their taxable-income stolen?

    submitted by /u/Manada_2
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    Bank Stocks a ticking time bomb?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 05:59 AM PDT

    Rate a noobs progress and advice

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    Hello folks!

    I started in July this year and learned a lot from all the amazing people in reddit. Reposting in this sub because I did not get any advice for some of my questions below, specifically question 3. After many months of following this sub (since August) and starting to understand calls, especially buying calls and selling covered calls.

    I am looking for fellow redditors to 1-critique my position 2-pitfalls on selling covered calls (some of my stock I do not want to lose as a result of selling calls against the premium). Eg. I have 100 XPEV and sold a 11/20 25c for $115 ( it must be natural to get greedy, given the environment around EVs) how do you all work on yourselves? For now I say to myself, have fun and see what happens I get to pick back 2500 if it gets assigned, should the share hit >25

    3- how do I pull in my shares from RH and Ally together? Can I transfer my shares easily? Shares from RH and ALLY:

    ALLY: Individual AAPL-42
    GE-100 INO-100 NIO-100 RXT-100 SPCE-100 T-50 TMUS-10 TSLA-75

    Options on individual account: VALE JAN 15 2021 call @12 IPOB FEB 19 2011 call @ 25 APHA Jan 21 2021 call @12.50 ARKF Jan 12 2021 call@ 44 DPHC Jan 15 2021 call@ 22.50

    ALLY: ...........ROTH ACCOUNT AAPL-2 ARKK-10 NIO-48 SPCE-10 TSLA-15 ————————————————- RH:

    NIO-20 AAPL-47 ERIC-100 XPEV-100 NOK-100 LMND-15 PLTR-140

    Options: SPCE Buy call 10/23@23.50 GE buy call 10/23@ 9 XPEV SELL call 11/20@ 25 GSK Buy call 1/15/21 @ 37 ICLN buy call 1/15/21@ 23 HYLN buy call 1/15/21@ 30 SLB buy call 2/19/21@ 17.50 ACB buy call 3/19/21@ 4 KCAC buy call 5/21/21@ 15 NOK buy call 1/21/22@ 5 ACB buy call 1/21/22@ 7 VALE buy call 1/21/22@ 10

    I want to make the most of them and sell these and collect premiums.

    I also have purchased covered calls. Feel free to critique them as well.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Fountainsodasipper
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    Whats causing cnr to constantly rise?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    I mean, i get that no ones building new railways so there isnt any competetion. But why is it just constantly rising? Bill gates owns a big part of cnr, would it be wrong to follow his portfolio?

    submitted by /u/sporadicjesus
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    WHat are the differences between $RHHBY, $RHHVF and $RHHBF?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    I'm actually looking for the ticker of ROG.SW in the US and stumbled on those 3 tickers which all refer to the same company but with different stock prices.


    submitted by /u/YellowFlash2012
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    What is special about HIMS numbers?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    Hims is going public at a market cap of around 1.5B. Oaktree is taking HIMS public at a 12x gross profit of 2021 and 8.9x 2021E revenue. Hims will raise up to 75M in a PIPE at $10.00 per share.

    Hims has around 250k customer subscriptions. Out of the revenue that Hims generates, 91% is recurring revenue. That is very powerful. That increases LTV for customers. Around 83% of its revenues come from prescriptions. And most of its revenue comes from sexual health, around 57%.

    Hims also has strong unit economics. Their LTV, lifetime value is 3 times the CAC, customer acquisition cost. Their CAC has been going down over time, and their revenue per customer has increased for newer cohorts as you can see in this graph. For more info take a look here

    submitted by /u/giugiacaglia
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    ETF Overlap

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    How much fund overlap is too much? My biggest overlap is between VOO and QQQ at roughly 75% QQQ holdings in VOO. The other ETF's I hold (VGT, ARKK) have some overlap with the each other.

    VOO - 15% QQQ - 25% ARKK - 25% VGT - 15%

    The weight of holdings in each ETF are different, which is one of the main reasons I've put more in QQQ since March (originally 1:1 with VOO). But, how much overlap is too much?

    submitted by /u/Hush24
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    When a company enter market do investor lose ?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    For example, a company enter the market and a lot of people buy the company stock and invest millions or thousands. In the first few days should the rate be stable, very low or high? I don't know a lot about stock market but my friend said it's normal to lose in the first day

    submitted by /u/sk8er_girl90
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    Selling OTM put options (EXPERTS NEEDED)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    I came up with a theory (spread) maybe it's already been done but I've been v trading options for a little while collecting premium on ITM share prices on stocks that I believe are going to go up by a few percent (market research) and it's been nice, however if I'm hypothesizing that the underlying stock will rise what if I sell an OTM put option and receive way more... it's way too long to explain my theory but if anyone who knows what I'm getting at can explain a bit more I tested my theory today and it worked exactly how my algorithm said it would ... experts please explain why this is crazy or ingenious or stupid or already thought of

    TLDR experts tell me more about my discovery

    submitted by /u/Owl-Sweaters
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    Brokerage for long term (20years investing)

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 08:51 PM PDT

    Planning to buy some stocks this month and put it away for 10+ years. I use robinhood right now but the news of hacking makes me nervous to just let money sit there for a long time. Which brokerage do you use? Do you like it? Do they charge fees?

    submitted by /u/ellee2020
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    Any help - question about why brokers only list some stocks and not all

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 01:22 AM PDT

    I've been investing for a fair few years now. But something I don't understand is why brokers don't list every stock / ETF etc. on a given exchange? If the broker has access to an exchange surely they offer investors the chance to buy anything on that exchange? Or is that not how it works?

    submitted by /u/RedditClueless
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