• Breaking News

    Friday, October 9, 2020

    Legal Advice I returned home today to find a notice on my door that my property may be expropriated.

    Legal Advice I returned home today to find a notice on my door that my property may be expropriated.

    I returned home today to find a notice on my door that my property may be expropriated.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    So I or rather my wife came home before I did to find a notice on our front door and back door that our home may be expropriated. I hadn't a clue as to hell what that meant had to research it online apparently where in the way of a new planned subway extension and they want to buy our home at fair market value problem is we don't want to sell. My wife is going nuts so are my kids they don't want to move leave there schools and friends. I want to know if there is any legal way to stop this. Toronto Canada

    submitted by /u/ApexGunner
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    My mother is forcing me to move out before I turn 18. Will I be able to keep my things?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 05:12 AM PDT

    Just like the title says. I have 30 days to get my living situation in order before I have to move out. The thing is I won't really be moving anything out. My mother told me I can't bring anything from the house. Not any of the furniture in my room. None of the clothes I wear. None of the gifts I've gotten from her, family members, or friends. Only things I've bought with my money (which would be nothing more than a few shirts, my computer, some books, and some other small things) can I bring with me. My question is . . . can she take legal action against me if I move my stuff out w/out her knowing. Truthfully all I want to take with me is my guitars that I've collected over the years (gifts from family members and my mother) and my clothes (all of my clothes).

    Thank you for any advice you may have.

    Edit: I live in NJ, USA

    submitted by /u/Avacyn3301
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    Decommissioning old well, learned it also serves neighbor's property and he is threatening to sue. MN.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    Two years ago I purchased a rural property. The home had burned down and I bought the acreage to build a new home. The property had an old existing drilled well that served the original home. I had it checked out. They determined that the well was still functioning and the pump was operable, but the well was not in great shape and would need some repairs. We ended up deciding to redrill a new well in another area of the property.

    The company drilling the new well also began the process of decommissioning the old one, which involves removing the pump and everything and then they cut off the well below the surface, cap it and cover it.

    Yesterday afternoon they were working on this process when the company said the neighbor came over and asked how long they would be working because he wondered when his water would come back. There was a lot of confusion but what we have determined is that his house uses (or used...) the well on my property.

    I went over and spoke with them last night and again this morning. He says that when a prior homeowner had the well drilled, they agreed to share the well "off the books" and he paid for half the well drilling cost. I have consulted every document I had from the house sale and everything I can find on the county website, and there is no record of this. When I talked to him again this morning he said of course there isn't a record because the government doesn't need to know his business. Apparently they had a friend hook it up for cash under the table and it has never been documented. He is super anti government and seemed offended at the mere thought that there would be documentation of this someplace.

    He is extremely angry as he has children and grandchildren who are now without water, and also because he paid for half the well (or so he says - again there is nothing to confirm anything until we look for buried piping..). This morning he ran me off his property saying get the well running again or I will be sued by tomorrow morning for the cost of getting his own new well drilled. Getting the well up and running again.. that isn't much of an option at this point.

    I have reached out to several lawyers but no one can see me until late next week and in the mean time I'm freaking out.

    At this point I don't even have specific questions... just looking for any and all advice until I can get a consultation with a lawyer so I can start putting my mind at ease. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/minneneighwell
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    [MO] Abortion clinics say my husband has to agree.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    I'm in the Kansas City, MO metro area, and I need an abortion. All the places I've called say because I'm married my husband has to agree to the procedure. Is that legal? Is there any way I can get around this?

    submitted by /u/KCMO_AbortionConsent
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    (UPDATE) (MA) My elderly father was lais off in a position elimination three weeks ago. 24 hours ago they posted that they are hiring for the same position.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Previous post here: https://reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/i0x2pd/ma_my_elderly_father_was_laid_off_in_a_position/

    Unfortunately this is not going to be the update everyone was looking for. We did work with a lawyer who felt similarly to everyone here that he was taken advantage of. My dad waived the severance agreement and the lawyer sent a demand letter for what he felt was an appropriate amount. They came back and said no and to pound sand. My dad was already stressed enough and did not want to bother with litigation.

    The only silver lining is that the company agreed to honor my dad's original severance agreement, so minus the lawyer's fee (which was very reasonable) we didn't lose much by taking the risk.

    Thanks again for everyone that provided advice and sent well wishes to my dad, they made him feel a lot better.

    submitted by /u/sootyowl
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    The bar I used to work at owes me nearly $16,000. It might be closing soon. Do I still have claim to anything?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    I bartended and eventually managed a bar in Indiana for the last few years. It (supposedly) was struggling financially. There were a few instances over 3 or so years when payroll would bounce. Because I was young, very dumb, and (at the time) in a financially privileged position, I would stop cashing my checks to ensure my friends/coworkers could keep their jobs and get paid and the bar could stay open. The owner and I were in talks for me to eventually take over/buy him out of the bar. I had just started slowly paying myself back because business was finally improving. Then Covid hit and we shut down. During that time I found out the owner had been misappropriating funds for several years and the bar was never that short on money. However, it has remained closed since the shutdown and I believe the owner might be closing it soon. I still have physical copies of all the uncashed checks. Do I have any legal claim to that money? If so, would it be more advantageous to pursue this through legal action instead of just trying to work it out amicably?

    submitted by /u/savagetunabear
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    Someone keeps parking in my parking spot at my apartment complex and the management won’t do anything about it. (CA)

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    Title explains it all.

    I'm never parked there, as I don't drive, but I do have friends over who should be able to park there but never can as the space is almost always occupied. I feel like I'm being robbed as I pay rent which includes use and access to a designated parking spot.

    I don't know what to. I'm starting to leave letters on the windshield threatening to tow them, but I honestly don't want to do that. I'm considering getting traffic cones to put up but I also think they'll just get taken or moved.

    submitted by /u/Ntkoessel
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    Stalked by pharmacist. What can I do?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    Long story short, my ex had an affair with a woman who works as a pharmacist at a major retail pharmacy chain, at which I've been picking up prescriptions and getting flu shots for years.

    The woman has been relentlessly cyber stalking me for more than 6 months. She has called me on my personal cellphone and has made several social media accounts (upon blocking, a new one pops up) to keep tabs on/harass me and my friends. I do have proof of every incidence.

    From what I understand I probably do not have grounds of ordering a peace bond against her because she hasn't made any direct threats toward me, and I can't prove that she got my number from looking up my info, she may as well have gotten it from my ex.

    Due to a recent incident, I'm scared that she will, if she hasn't already, look up my personal information in their system to use against me. I looked her up in our provincial directory of pharmacists to make sure I don't go to any of the locations she works at, but I'm scared that she may one day transfer to my regular location and tamper with my prescriptions, or purposely administer improper vaccinations to family members (with whom I share the same uncommon last name).

    I know that by doing so, she would be completely jeopardizing her career, but due to the recent incident I'm not sure I can put it past her.

    Is there anything else I can do in terms of prevention or protection?

    Edit: Located in Ontario, Canada.

    submitted by /u/throwaway-n-throwup
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    My parents house is being audctioned on the 23rd of the month and I'm trying to get a stay order before then...

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    New York State. I just found out my parents haven't paid taxes since 2017 on their house. These taxes accumulated to $90k and I found thisnout because an interested buyer whos going to be at the auction stopped by to get some info. I started freaking out and doing everything I can, my parents are both disabled and have mental health issues and it's very difficuly to figure out what they did here.

    Is it possible to get a stay order in such short time?? I've been calling attorney after attorney and most don't want to take the case and keep passing me off to another attorney but I'm worried I don't have time.

    Theres nothing here anyone can do for me, but any advice or experience that can help me sort out what's going on here would he great.

    submitted by /u/_thefunk
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    Can I move back into the house I own with my ex gf?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    I bought this house with my ex-girlfriend 6 years ago. I represented us as the agent and we equitably shared payments, upkeep and maintenance as well as cared for our 2 joint children.

    Until 2020. Because 2020.

    I moved out at the end of March when he hit another rough patch and on the surface it seemed like a lot of our rough patches and I anticipated after some time alone there would be some sort of reconciliation. Well she moved on and filed for support. I don't have an inherent problem providing child support but the amount is egregious ($3000/mo) and I won't even be able to afford to stay in my current apartment. On top of it all she has made co-parenting impossible and made things awkward by bringing her boyfriend around during child pickups/dropoffs etc. This all began when I refused to sign a quit claim deed. I understand the implications of doing that and tried to explain what a bad deal that was for me. I offered to let her buy me out at a discount and she refused. She thinks she's entitled to the home because she has the kids more and currently lives in it. I don't think it's mine or hers any more than the other. I just refuse to walk away from it. Freeing up that capital that I worked so hard to create is essential to me starting over and being the father I want to be.

    She hasn't been paying the mortgage, our joint debt in the relationship is now all mine and now beginning Nov. 1. I have an obligation of $3000/mo (including back support of nearly 9k). It will take me a long time to recover and I don't think it's fair that I unnecessarily suffer just because the relationship didn't work out after 9 years.

    There was never any abuse or reason why I shouldn't be able to be around her or co-parent at least for a while. There is an extra room in the basement which could be a private space separate from her but comfortable for the kids. I work overnights and she works days so we would rarely even intersect. Ideally, I'd like to get her to agree to sell or buy me out so we could both start over. The house has roughly 100k in equity before fees.

    What obstacles are in my way before I can just move back in? What am I missing? Am I nuts?

    What type of action would I file to get back in? Is it simple enough to represent myself? What could her answer to my petition look like?

    612lurker Minnesota

    submitted by /u/612lurker
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    Online stalker will not stop leaking my home address as revenge. Help!

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:15 AM PDT

    Hello! Here's the backstory. My brother [23M] and I [23M] live at the same address, somewhere in California, United States. My brother has been making music recreationally for 8 years. He has uploaded some of this music to Soundcloud and YouTube, but nowhere else.

    In July 2020, a random Internet person decided to download all this music and upload it to DistroKid (music distribution platform) under their name, where it would be distributed to at least 12 different platforms (Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Pandora, Apple Music, etc.). Through DistroKid's services, they started profiting from the ad revenue made from any videos that included my brother's songs anywhere on these platforms, including my brother's own releases. I didn't want this to happen, so I emailed both the random Internet person and DistroKid's customer support to get them to take the stolen songs down.

    After trying to resolve this issue for a few weeks, I still hadn't made much progress with either DistroKid or the thief. So, I decided to make a public YouTube video explaining the whole situation, both so that the thief could actually be held accountable, but also to clarify the situation to the innocent people who were confused why their videos (which used my brother's music) were demonetized by this mysterious Internet person. Basically, I just wanted all parties to be on the same page.

    Fortunately, after this happened, all the fake DistroKid songs entries across the ~10 platforms were removed, and the owner of DistroKid apologized. The thief's Instagram page was also taken down for theft.

    However, about a week later, the thief created a second Instagram account. They managed to find our home address by going to some government website that had public founding documents of every company created in our state, including a small LLC my brother and I had created two years ago to help manage our YouTube projects. Yes, it was a stupid choice to set our LLC's founding location to our home address, but we hadn't realized at the time that people would be so adamant in finding this obscure document.

    Now, the thief is repeatedly posting our home address to their second Instagram account *and* their YouTube account (a.k.a. doxxing). I'm getting multiple messages per hour from friends and fans saying "your address is leaked", but nobody really knows how to fix it. The thief is also leaking the addresses of people who helped me figure out what was happening with the original DistroKid fiasco. (I guess they want to have revenge on us all.) On top of all of that, in their address-leaking videos, they tell their viewers to "use this information against them!" (real quote), which is making me feel unsafe. I don't know the home state of the thief, but I do have evidence suggesting they're a minor, aged 15-17.

    Doxxing is against the Terms of Service of both websites, and I believe it's illegal as well. So, I have filled out every privacy-violation form and report page I could find on both Instagram and YouTube to get these posts taken down. As of right now, they have not been removed. (The Instagram posts have been up for at least a week, and the YouTube posts about a day.) I also worry that if they *do* get removed, this person will just create new accounts and start up again. (That is what happened before.) Many friends have recommended that I "get a lawyer" to sort this out, but the only lawyers I had worked with in the past are not familiar with the internet, and I don't know how to find a new lawyer with more specific skills. All I can think of is just googling "lawyer" for help, or writing a post here.

    Do you guys have any advice on how to get these posts taken down? I know that once information is online, it's there forever. But at the bare minimum, getting this thief to stop posting everywhere is better than nothing. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Balloon_Project
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    What can I do if big retailer claims they didn't receive a +$1000 coat?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:34 AM PDT

    I returned a bunch of clothing for a refund to a big name clothing retailer that we have all heard of via mail.

    I returned about 6 items including a coat. The other 5 items were things like sweaters, pants, shirts, etc. The total shipping weight was close to 20lbs. Everything was shipped in the same package.

    I received a refund notification for 5/6 of the things I returned...except for the coat.

    I sent in an inquiry as to why I haven't received a refund for the coat yet. This is a pretty big company so their returns/shipping department is probably very separated from customer support, it is not like some independent clothing store where the guy answering your questions over e-mail could also be the one packing and shipping things out.

    I received a response the next day and it seemed like they were at least identify the order of my coat, but they then asked me to confirm "that you returned the last coat you bought at [location x] via mail to us and have not yet received a refund?"...which I confirmed.

    It has now been a few days, no response. I'm starting to get worried.

    Would I have any grounds to sue them if they claimed to have not received it?

    The shipping weight was literally 20lbs. There's just no way in hell that a few shirts, pants, etc. can add up anywhere near 20lbs, and I still have the shipping receipt that shows the shipping weight.

    They clearly received my package because I got a refund on some of the things...

    submitted by /u/MyDogLovesCorn
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    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    I was in a small fender bender on Monday. It was my fault and being my first accident I was quite flustered. The guy I hit was nice and offered to let me pay for the damages instead of involving. Insurance. I agreed because my step-dad has me under his plan so I didn't want his rate to go up and I didn't want him to be angry. I paid him in 3 parts. It totaled to be $340 to fix his bumper. I got a text from my step-dad this morning asking about the accident and telling me to call the insurance company. The guy filed a claim the day it happened and didn't say anything. I paid him back over 3 days and each time was in a Publix parking lot close to the ATM that I took the money out from. There are cameras out in front of the store that probably recorded the payments. I also work there so I don't think it will be a horrible hassle to request the footage. I know I'll at least be able to watch it myself. Did he do this to take my money and get insurance money as well. I must sound so dumb but it's been a tough month and I've been in a really low place lately so when he offered to let it be a civil matter I didn't think twice. I just want to know if there's anything I can do about the matter and how to go about it. Should I text him and say that he needs to give me my money back or should I not contact him and tell my insurance. Please help. I'm desperate.

    submitted by /u/Juniexs
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    Tenants have pitbul and we cant evict because ct courts are closed. How can we get her out?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    So I'm located in Connecticut and we have a situation with our tenant. When she signed the lease we had a rule that said no pets because our insurance would drop us. She also was not paying her rent before covid so we tried to evict her then (if she couldn't pay because of covid we wouldn't have kicked her). However because of covid all the courts are closed so we cant evict her. She ALSO got a pit bull in this time so we know she has a job. We also get texts from the other side that we rent out saying that she doesn't even live there at times (we also drove by and never see cars). How can we get her out? We don't want that dog to attack anybody and we want a tenant who will actually pay.

    submitted by /u/LetWetPretzle
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    DC Tenant stopped paying water bill

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    Hello, first time poster so I hope I don't make any mistakes. We have a tenant in DC who on the lease is responsible for the water bill. However, they stopped paying to a few months ago saying that the owners should be paying for it? We hadn't realized they stopped paying until we saw the delinquent notice. Apparently they had been talking to other people and they say in DC tenants never pay? He refuses to pay now but we plan on paying just so the service doesn't get cut off since the bill is in our name. This is a house that they are renting so it's clear all the water usage is theirs. We're not sure what to do now especially with all the COVID restrictions.

    submitted by /u/bodaciousstation
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    Can a landlord change laundry to pay per use (coin) after signing lease?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    As the title says- but a bit of background. This is my partner who is currently in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She moved into this lease two months ago and one of the main reasons she chose this place was the on-site, free use common laundry. Recently, the machines were replaced (without consultation) with coin operated machines. My partner has questioned this and was told that it isn't a utility (which is included in the rent) and the amenities on the lease advert included only "common laundry", which presumably means that it's silent on whether this is paid or not? I'm a Brit so I'm a bit out of my depth trying to decipher Canadian leasing etiquette, but it seems to me like this is a material change in the lease? The lease was undertaken on the basis that it had certain features, and it seems unreasonable for these features to have been changed without consultation or compromise. It's a furnished flat, what if the landlord took away the bed tomorrow? A bed isn't a utility, but it would surely be reasonable grounds to complain/break the lease?

    There have been a few issues piling up and I'm worried that this landlord is just slowly taking more and more liberties so want to make sure we know what the position is on these things.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Babu_the_Ocelot
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    Being sued day after closing on my house by the buyer. Do they have a case?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    My buyer closed on the house they sold before our close date. I allowed them to live there while we waited on our closing. The fay after closing they asked for help due to sewage back up. I gave them my best advice that it could be a tree root down the street that the city cleaned out three years ago previously. I had no trouble with my sewage over those 3 years. I had no knowledge of issues. To my knowledge, those roots aren't even on the property. They are getting an attorney. Do they have a case?

    submitted by /u/chloroformmailbox
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    Parent hiding income and affecting my child support amount

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    I live in Alabama and so does my child and his mother. We had our son when we were young and not financially stable so we gave custody of him to the mother's parents. The mother and I had a child support order written in 2012 that said I was to pay 2/3 of the child support amount and the mother was to pay 1/3 because the mother was a full time college student at the time and didn't have a job.

    The mother has lived with the custodians since the order was written, and dropped out of college in 2013 and started working full time. The custodians and mother hid this information from me for years and I just recently found out. In 2015 I suffered a workplace injury that has kept me from working full time hours since then. The mother makes much more money than I do and this has been going on for a long time at this point. Were the custodians responsible for petitioning to modify the child support amount when their daughter started making more money? They've known that their daughter makes much more than me for years and worked hard to keep me from finding out. They have recently petitioned to make me pay even MORE child support than I was originally ordered, even though they know I make much less, and they never mentioned in their petition that their daughter works full time, nor did they mention that their daughter should have the court re-evaluate her child support amount. Is this some kind of fraud? Is the court able to subpoena the mother's work and school history and do anything about the past child support amounts retrospectively? I feel like I've been paying much more than I can comfortably afford for a long time and the custodians and mother have purposefully kept it that way. I also have my son 3 days a week and pay for all of his expenses and needs when he's with me, as well as lots of necessities at the custodians house for him.

    I spoke to a court appointed attorney since the custodians filed a petition to make me pay even more and he said the court can't do anything about it, but that doesn't seem right so I'm trying to get a second opinion.

    submitted by /u/confused_dad2020
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    Company refusing to tell me number of shares authorized in exercising stock options.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    My employer (private company) is refusing to disclose how many shares are authorized in letting me purchase my 10,000 vested shares. I don't know if they authorized 1M, 10M, or 100M shares.

    It's basically Monopoly money and I don't want to drop tens of thousands of dollars on a whim.

    Is this legal? What can I cite?

    submitted by /u/HashRocketSyntax
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    apartment rental in TX - Complex provides Locked Mailboxes; Resident for 2+ months and NO Mailbox Key!

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    Is it illegal for the Apt Community to withhold access to their residents' mail when said complex makes locked mailboxes available as an ammenity? A resident was NEVER given a key at move-in and has been denied a key for over 2 months.
    *NOTE* This is a Corporate Apartment, posting on behalf of my BF who works long days... it's a 3+year assignment so the Company put (2) employees in this apt. No one has a mailbox key - reason given is because they are re-modeling/ re-doing their mailboxes & the Complex does not want to make keys 2x. Meanwhile, my BF changed his address and has been receiving mail / has received USPS Delivery Updates that mail is being delivered to this address (Including from a Child Support office out of State!) The Apt community is uncooperative and is not willing to "think out of the box" to get mail to residents. [i.e. - asking the mail carrier to empty that mailbox and bring it to the office for distribution.] As a former leasing agent in TX, things like this happened all the time - most notably when the tennant moved out, but also if the tennant was away for an extended period of time. Whether it was legal or not I have no idea - but that's what CAN happen when Apt Management has a good relationship with the USPS and the residents as well ...
    Now- it's been over 2 months. I suggested getting a PO Box - but that won't answer how to get the mail out of THIS mailbox...

    submitted by /u/Owlz99
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    I was rear-ended in my tractor-trailer

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    I was rear ended in a chain reaction accident recently. I was stopped, the car behind me stopped and the 3 rd vehicle ran into the car ahead, driving it into my trailer. Both drivers left in ambulances, I was uninjured, my truck undamaged and I drove it away ( with police permission of course). The accident happened in CT, my employer is in NJ and I live in MA. But because it was a commercial vehicle, I had to drive to my nearest terminal and get a drug test done. Not worried about that, but I've lost probably 600.00+ in wages so far getting this done. Can I get paid by the person who hit us for lost wages even though I wasn't injured. I'm stuck 200 miles for home while I comply with crap, making no money.

    Edit for location.

    submitted by /u/9axle
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    Bill recieved for lab tests I didn't ask for

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    Hi, i'm not really sure if this is the correct subreddit to post in,

    but i've recently gotten a bill from a lab group claiming my doctor (who i've visited once in march for an annual checkup) ordered a bunch of tests that I was completely unaware of and now im responsible for paying over $350. they never once told me that insurance was not gonna cover the expenses and I genuinely have no clue what these tests are for. I've been calling the office repeatedly and im not getting any resolution. The office manager said she reached out to an agent at the lab group but hasn't heard back... ive also tried calling the lab group agent and she hasnt responded either. any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/circa2003
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    Landlord claiming us as relatives to insurance

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    (Virginia, USA) I live my my mother, stepfather, and half brother in a townhouse. Recently we've had repair work done in the house because of leaking pipes, black mold, and walls in the basement decaying (due to the two former). My stepfather was told by our landlord that he (landlord) told the insurance agency/company that my mother is his (landlord's) sister. My folks are supposed to have a video conference with the insurers, and it is very obvious that my mother and our landlord are not related. Is this illegal and if so what repercussions might occur?

    submitted by /u/Wogre
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