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    Thursday, October 8, 2020

    Legal Advice Hi, I’m Jordan Rubin and I cover most criminal justice cases at the Supreme Court. AMA!

    Legal Advice Hi, I’m Jordan Rubin and I cover most criminal justice cases at the Supreme Court. AMA!

    Hi, I’m Jordan Rubin and I cover most criminal justice cases at the Supreme Court. AMA!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    I report for Bloomberg Law on cases at the Supreme Court, from briefing through argument and decision. I've been keeping a close eye on criminal justice cases in particular since joining Bloomberg Law in 2017. Before that, I was a prosecutor for five years at the Manhattan DA's office. With the Supreme Court and the justice system both in the national spotlight these days. What do you want to know? What cases are coming up for argument? Questions about specific cases? What's happening with qualified immunity? What's the significance of the Court's latest changes in composition for these issues?? Proof of life: https://aboutblaw.com/Tyh

    submitted by /u/bloomberglaw
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    My wife is pregnant. We are both female, legally married. Will I need to adopt my son?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    I'm in Utah.

    Both of our names will be on the birth certificate. We used an anonymous, non-ID donor from a sperm bank for conception. So I will not be biologically related to him. Friends of ours have different thoughts on what is required here, I don't see what adopting him would do that being on his birth certificate doesn't, but I can't seem to find any information about it. Any help or advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ramen-noodle-hoe
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    My cousin put bees into my car, and I ended up in an accident because of it. Is there any legal action I can take against him?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    I (24f) have never been on good terms with my little (18m) cousin. He has been to juvie, done hard drugs, knocked up a 16 year old girl with questionable consent (she was too high and doesn't really remember it happening) and has a rap sheet that's quite long. He has always tried to pull shit with people with the intent to hurt/upset, and honestly he's questionably sadistic and has been on a series of meds since elementary school because of empathy issues.

    Yesterday, me and my mom went over to give some of her old clothes to my aunt and say hi, and while we were inside, my cousin put about a dozen bees in the backseat in a partially cut open tupperware. When we got back into the car, we didn't notice, but when we turned on the radio pretty loud it must have pissed them off or something. We were not out of the subdivision yet thank god, but I was stung twice and ended up swerving into a mailbox trying to swat one off my face. The damage to the car is a cracked windshield and some front bumper damage, along with the mailbox that I hit. It's going to be hundreds to say the least, and it will fuck up my insurance because I have never been in an accident. I texted the little shit a picture of the bee stings on me and my mom alone simply because I wanted to see if he would fess up and said "thanks for the heart attack you little shit" and he said back "you like my present?" followed by some emojis. After, I sent a pic of the accident with no comment, he didn't reply. Though my aunt called apologizing saying she would pay for it. Issue is, I don't want money, I don't want to be considered at fault by my insurance if possible (probably won't happen) but he needs to be held accountable. Would the text be enough evidence? We didn't touch the tupperware, so that may be evidence too. Also, that kid is just a danger to everyone around him, he legit tried to drown his little sister when she was a baby and my aunt never took it to authorities.

    My mom is looking into a lawyer, but would this even be a criminal offense? We're in the U.S, Michigan to be exact. We're looking into filing a police report with the pictures as well. Car had been sprayed to all shit with bug repellents and is airing out in the driveway with dead bees in it.

    submitted by /u/ahhhahhhahhah
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    My cats are in my lease, but they are bothering the downstairs neighbor when they run for brief moments during the day. My landlord wants to buy me out of my lease.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    California - Basically what the title says. I moved into an apartment a week ago, and the lady downstairs started complaining that she was hearing cats. Apparently the building used to have a no pet policy, but it was changed before we moved in. We have four cats, and my landlord regrets letting us have cats in our lease and wants to buy us out. We have nowhere to go as rentals in our area dry up after summer finishes. Does anyone know if we can be evicted because the downstairs neighbor can't stand hearing any cat noise whatsoever? If cats are in the lease and making normal cat noises for short spurts doing the day, I think it'd be difficult to say that the noise is unreasonable. Has anyone ever experienced something like this?

    submitted by /u/909808606
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    Parents voted for me against my will.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    First post on this sub so I apologize if it isn't formatted correctly. Also, this is on behalf of my girlfriend who I live with, who does not have a Reddit account.

    Anyways, my girlfriends parents live in Florida while her and I are going to college in New York. As she's a resident of Florida, the only way for her to vote would have been for her parents to mail her voting ballet up to her in New York, she votes, and mails it back. However, they decided to vote for her against her will and submit it, failing to tell her any of that until after they had already submitted her "vote".

    So this doesn't seem right to us. I really want to know from a legal perspective if it is illegal, if there's anything we can do about it, and if there is any way for her to get her vote back.

    submitted by /u/cademore7
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    Former workplace is threatening to report me to lose my unemployment insurance if I refuse to work for them under minimum wage.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    They asked me to do two overnight shifts, which they used to pay 60 dollars for and lasted eight hours each. I live in NYS and so it is my understanding they were supposed to pay minimum wage even for hours slept, but this was a rate that was tolerated by workers, regardless. Well now the hours for the overnight shifts have doubled. I would be staying and monitoring the workplace for 16 hours for 60 dollars when minimum wage is 15 dollars.

    I told them I wouldn't do that and they needed to pay me for minimum wage for at least the hours outside the regular eight hour window that we traditionally had a flat rate for. They got outraged and tried to coerce me to accept it, saying they would tell unemployment I refused work. I explained you can refuse work if it is "with good cause" and this was covered by that. They tried to argue that the 60 dollars wasn't a wage but a flat rate for a service. I am an hourly employee though, not an independent contractor or a freelance worker. It seems to me they could just make the hours of the overnight broader and broader and just continue to tell me I had to come in to the workplace. In the most extreme circumstance, I could be there all day for the same amount of money.

    Did I do the right thing? Do they have any ground to stand on? Is there anything I can do to protect myself and prevent them from messing with me?

    Edit: Also do you think them trying to pressure me off unemployment is a type of employer unemployment fraud?

    submitted by /u/elsaturation
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    [California] A well-known warehouse store is demanding that I return the jewelry I bought a day after with no clear reason.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    They called me and claimed that they have sold me the wrong item. The manager I spoke to said that I have to bring the item back because it had the wrong serial number, despite, before leaving the store, the fact that we checked and double-checked that everything was in order. The serial number was correct and the same on the item, on its authenticity card, and on the receipt (which they themselves wrote). They keep calling me, borderline harassing, to convince me to return the item.

    The transaction was smooth. Nothing seemed wrong until they started to demand that I return the item. I do not know why they want me to return the item. How should I approach this?

    Edit: After some research, the item was far more expensive (retail price from the manufacturer's website), but the price tag next to it reflected a heavily discounted price -- maybe too heavily discounted? Though, they did not mention this as the reason they want the item back. They gave reasons such as serial numbers not matching (which they are), or there isn't a warranty on the item so I would have to take it back to fix it, for which I have the manufacturer's warranty card in the box with the item. They also offered an incentive of a gift card if I do return it.

    submitted by /u/mythofthesilenttower
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    Kids broke into our RV that was parked outside our house on the street

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:25 PM PDT

    Hello, this afternoon I walked out my front door to take the trash out and I see that the RV my wife and I have been renovating has two random people in it. I then go back into the house to grab a baseball bat and run over to get them out. I was able to grab one of their skateboards so they didn't bolt off. I was asking for their parent's information, but they weren't speaking to me so I ended up calling the cops on these two 12-year-old kids and I feel terrible because I truly didn't want to get the police involved. While waiting for the police to arrive one of the kids finally fesses up his dad's number, they end up living right down the street so the dad just walks over. He comes to the RV to look at the damage. They appeared to have climbed the to the top of it, kicked in the vent, and jumped down, so that needs to be fixed. They smeared what I think is probably sealant all over the windows, we were in the process of putting up wallpaper but they ripped that all up, the lock on the side door is jammed/broken, and they took a shit in our toilet that is not fully set up yet. The dad offered to help fix it up if I just call him tomorrow, I asked if his kid could help as well and he agreed that would be a good idea. The dad seems to want to work with me, and honestly, that would be ideal if they could just fix the damage and we can all forget it happened. Now, what I am wondering is what legal action could be taken. I don't want to go that route, I just think it would be smart to know what my options are 1) so I can maybe scare the kid straight, or 2) if the dad happens to ghost me. I live in San Diego. Also, sorry if I am missing any information, this happened about an hour ago and I am still jittery from the whole thing.

    Thank you in advance for any advice!

    submitted by /u/spacethingsinspace
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    Building Engineer (who is also president of HOA) harassing me and my contractor [Chicago]

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    My wife and I recently bought a condo. Our first contact with the building engineer (who also lives in the building and is president of the HOA) was before we moved in, we were painting and sanding walls and he walked into our condo to yell at us because dust from the sanding was getting into the hallway. Since then, almost every interaction with him has been hostile. He watches the cameras all over the building and will jump at you if he perceives you stepping out of line at all with the monsterous book of HOA rules. We got approved by the board to start remodeling our kitchen. We hired a contractor and they started, but then stopped because of COVID. So we went months with an unfinished kitchen. In July, we started work again, but had to stop because the engineer barged in and said we didn't have the right permit. We had to wait for a month to get the right permit and work continued. But EVERY time the workers came over, the engineer would yell at them for miniscule things. And then would yell at me for the same things. My contractor has been trying to follow all these rules that the engineer keeps on throwing at him, but today was the last straw when he entered into the parking lot through the wrong entrance and the engineer yelled at him and said he can't park here or else he'll have him towed. My contractor called me and said he just couldn't with the engineer anymore and I think permanently dropped me as a client. He has expressed his displeasure with the engineer multiple times before this and even said that he would never work in our building again because of this guy. Needless to say my wife and I are furious with the engineer. Our kitchen has been out of commission for almost a year because of delays spurred by the engineer. I can't complain to the board because he is the president and all the other board members are loyal to him. Is this enough of a case for a harassment lawsuit? We have lost money and sanity because of the delay.

    Edit: I tried to keep the post as short as possible, but if you need additional examples of his behavior, I can provide

    submitted by /u/strykerx
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    [Louisiana] My wife works for the parish as a 911 operator, they are forcing her to stay 24/7 at the operations center but are only paying her for hours on the clock, is this legal? I thought if they required her to stay they have to pay the full time she is there?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    Hurricane Delta is hitting us and a mandatory evacuation was announced, and the rest is title.

    submitted by /u/GodofAeons
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    Landlord wants us to move out before lease ends in order to renovate

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    Obviously, we agreed because living through the kinds of renovation they're planning isn't an option. Lease doesn't end until June but the landlord basically said December is when we need to move. We went ahead and found a new apartment to move into at the end of this month, but the landlord expects us to pay November rent as well. Is there any compensation to be had at the landlord's expense? Moving costs, rent differential, utter inconvenience? This is in Virginia btw. Landlord is the owner of the property and they live upstairs (awkward). All communication has been done through the property manager who's the sweetest lady I've ever met. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/bladderknight
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    My landlords dumped fishguts on a walkway in my backyard and didn't let us know. I get home after dark and didn't see them when I was walking inside, fell and broke my arm. I'm mostly wondering if I should consider trying to sue.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 11:37 PM PDT

    https://imgur.com/a/r9mOx1Y pictures of waste, sorry for quality. In washington state

    submitted by /u/grass_hut_shitter
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    Mechanic took my boat for a joy ride. Crashed it into a 40 ft. yacht and totaled it. [Texas]

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    So I have (had) a small 17.5 foot ski boat. About a month ago I took my boat in to a local mechanic, as it needed a new starter. The mechanic is a small local shop just owner and I think like 2 employees. After about a week in the shop I get a call from the mechanic that he had crashed the boat because there was an issue with the lights in during the seal trail to make sure everything works. Over the past month I have been getting more info slowly from my insurance company and the Texas game warder who does the investigation on this.

    Basically what I know happened. And to clarify I never signed anything from the shop that says they were allowed to take my boat out. The owner of the shop took the boat out around 6:30 PM on Friday the night of 9/11. On my boat was an employee of his and his cousin. They apparently took it around for a while and then stopped at a local pub for "pizza". They then went to the neighbor wine bar where they had "1 glass of wine each". They left the bars and then went out onto the water. At this point they apparently had trouble operating the lights on the boat. They then proceeded to his a 40 ft yatch at about 18mph head on. The employee was ejected from the boat. The owner then jumped into the water after him to help the employee. They got the employee to the shore and had to rush him to the hospital. He suffered major injuries (two broken ribs and a collapsed lung). The cousin of the owner was able to get the boat as it was taking on water to a lift. The lift was owned by a local lady who had heard the incident and helped them get the boat out of the water. Apparently the yacht originally just sped off, but came back yelling at everyone and got insurance info. I don't have info of anyone on the yacht yet but I hear that there was about 10 people and that they were taking cell phone pics at this time.

    I am just now hearing that the shop does not have any insurance (not sure how that happens). What are my legal options? Do I need to hire a lawyer to go after the shop? I would assumer they need to buy me a new boat as the current one is totaled. Apparently the police report on the incident should be released next week I think.

    submitted by /u/jas07
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    Havent been paid in 3 weeks.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    I started a job at a gas station in my town and I've waited 3 weeks now just to get paid when im supposed to get paid each week. The amount is just over $900 that i could be using for bills, fixing my vehicle, etc. every time i say something to my manager or her supervisor i either get left on read or they tell me the same thing they have been telling me for 3 weeks now. "Let me see how i can fix this". I got set up for direct deposit the day i got hired. But no money is going into my account. I can look online and see that i am getting electronic pay stubs but my money seems like it is just floating in the air at this point and nobody knows how to get it. Am i able to take this to court? If im correct it is illegal to work at a business for free? Can i sue?

    submitted by /u/tsmitty3232
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    Arrived home from covid test and a man is in my apartment?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    I live in NS Canada. My landlord tends to be aloof at best and our live in super no longer lives in the building.

    My partner and I are sick, and arrived home from our covid test to hear the bathtub on, and no one in our apartment. Then, a man I've never met walks into the apartment saying that there is a leak in our bathroom. I called my landlord and he was unapologetic about the lack of notice, saying "it must have been urgent, I am in a meeting now". Is it okay for random men to enter my apartment unannounced?

    Edit: my mother has been in the hospital so I've asked my landlord several times that anyone entering our apartment please wear a mask. My partner and I caught something and are unable to see her, but arrived home from our covid test today with a man not wearing a mask in our apartment.

    Edit: my landlord is notorious for taking a long time to schedule repairs.

    Edit: the leak was on the other side of the building?

    submitted by /u/Dearheart42
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    Car got repossessed yesterday...

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 03:30 AM PDT

    Car was repossessed yesterday. I'm only a month late on a payment and I'm not allowed to pay off last months debt to get my car back. They said I have to pay off the full total of 16k or it will be auctioned off in ten days. When I called they said they mailed multiple letters to an adress that I lived at 3 years ago ( I had already updated to my current adress ), also claiming to have called multiple times ( which they did, but they never left ANY voice mail or text or emails for that matter). Is there anything I can do to get my car back or is it gone forever. They sent the money for payment I made for last month back...

    US, Florida.

    submitted by /u/Dsuperchef
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    Roommates moved out after signing lease

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    I'm sure this one has been asked a lot but here goes:

    relevant info •Massachusetts •standard lease, jointly and separately liable

    This is my non reddit using boyfriend's problem, I'm just super upset it's happening to him. He and his 2 roommates signed a one year lease in September and then they moved out in October to a new house that was quite expensive. They're currently insisting it's ridiculous to expect them to pay rent for an apartment they're not in anymore, leaving him holding the bag. This was, of course, a complete surprise decision. My bf would have never signed a one year lease with people who intended to break it less than one month later. But that's besides the point…

    What's his recourse here? I've been helping him in trying to find someone for a lease takeover but it's difficult in the middle of a pandemic as his landlord is being very stringent about credit checks. I do believe he's been doing his due diligence in this though and has met with about 8 prospective roommates over the past few weeks with no luck.

    The ex roommates are aware he has substantial savings and have brought those up as a reason he should be handling this on his own. I'm blown away a throwaway comment he made months ago about his finances would be turned around on him like that but I guess that's how it is sometimes 😒

    submitted by /u/Super3DWetHole
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    [U.S.][So Cal] My employer has told us on many occasions to not discuss pay between our coworkers. Is this worth taking legal action against?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    I have worked for this company for 5 years and recently discovered that many employees, as well as myself, have been getting paid very unfairly. This caused everyone to become irate with the company and many took this issue to HR.

    The initial reaction from HR was telling us that "It is highly unethical for you to be discussing your wages between eachother". Our response was to flood HR with more complaints until they did something about it. Today the general manager called each of us in seperately and gave us a paper informing us that we are getting a pay raise and our new hourly rate effective today.

    I was taken back when after being provided this information, the GM said not to share my wage with anyone, and that "Employees should never discuss wages between eachother". I'm assuming we all have different pay rates but that's not what I'm concerned about.

    I know this is illegal for him to say since they are directly trying to discourage us to discuss pay, but I want to know if it is worth taking action against the company. Do I even have enough evidence?

    Any advice is greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/Chapafifi
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    There’s an old man, popular on Tik Tok and Instagram, specially targeting underage girls and boys as young as 11. He is grooming them on Instagram and later records them on private calls as he exposes his genitals (I have proof of many kids his targeted). Instagram does not care, so what now?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    I only know about this old man because he attempted to message my younger sister who showed me the profile.

    I then went onto following him myself and pretending to be a girl (as he only accepts young girls following him). He goes on live instagram with other young girls, coming across as a nice innocent old man, but that's absolutely not the case.

    I'm sure he has images and videos of underage kids. He also creates group chats with underage kids, calls them, and has them watch him masturbate.

    I have screenshots of proof too. Instagram really doesn't take these type of accounts serious. They need to toughen up their report system as anyone can now be active on instagram.

    So what's the first step I can take to remove this man from instagram?

    submitted by /u/ScuffedMorganFreeman
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    My girlfriends neurologist drove her to suicide

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:32 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I'm sorry for the shocking title but it is what it is. My girlfriend of two and a half years took her life today and I want to turn my immense sadness at her departure into useful energy and screw the man who helped put her in that dark place.

    To start off, she had epilepsy, and therefore required a constant level of care from a neurologist to monitor and aid her progress through life, battling this crazy ailment. In the course of the past year, she hasn't received one single appointment, letter or phonecall off said neurologist to see how she was getting on with life. Yesterday, she had her first meeting with him since last October after begging to be put on his list, and it went horribly. She went in with every intention of demanding to be switched to a new neurologist, literally any other doctor who could give her some small amount of help with her health troubles. Instead, what she got was lies and a lingering feeling of hopelessness over her case.

    They started out by discussing why she hadn't received a single minute from him over the past year (virtually or real-life), where he said that she was low priority on his list and he had worse people to care for. Next on the agenda was questioning why he changed her medication without consulting her, and ruining a 6 month free streak of seizures. He straight up lied to her, saying he would never ever change a patients meds without talking first, and disregarded the fact that he put back the brilliant progress that she had made looking after her own health. Third up, and most worrying to me, was how he talked to her when she brought up about wanting to be changed to a new doctor. He full on refused, stating that it would be against his duty of care to transfer her to a new doctor who could help both her neurological and mental health (having a seizure took an immense toll on her mantal health each time, it really is a very very difficult affliction to live with). She left the appointment in tears, and spent a few hours on the phone with me about how she felt uncared for by him, and that she was in a hopeless situation that he had trapped her into by not allowing her to look for a new doctor that could help her life. She took her life at lunchtime today, and I still haven't processed the massive impact on all our lives but I know that this doctor and his arrogance played a major role in her feelings throughout the day.

    I'm asking about the legality of the last part, how can a doctor refuse to transfer a patient if the patient felt that it was in their best interests for their own health? To add to this, how can a doctor refuse over their "ethics", something which surely differs from doctor to doctor, just like any other human? Surely he has no leg to stand on legally, as this was a decision he made totally based on his own beliefs and not with his patients health in mind.

    Tldr: My girlfriend offed herself today, after an appointment with a doctor yesterday that left her feeling worthless and hopeless about her future. I'm wondering about the legalities of his decisions to not honour her wishes for a transfer to another doctor.

    Thank you in advance, people.

    submitted by /u/nerdandlem
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    Ex wife moved to California. We have a 50/50 agreement in florida. She wants him 10 months out of the year now.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    So, in 2016 we got a divorce. It was a non-contested divorce. No arguments over money, possessions, or even custody. We both agreed to 50/50 custody, and we would work around each other's work schedules, etc. Easy peasy.

    She decided to move to California earlier this year, to be closer to her family. I get it. She didn't have any family here in Florida, and California is her comfort pick. Initially, we agreed on 6 months here, 6 months there, etc. I even set up an arrangement with his elementary school here (that he has been attending since kindergarten, he is 9 years old now) so that he could swap to distance leaning when he goes to stay with her.

    Today, she called me and asked to see him. Wants to fly him out there because she misses him, since she moved a few months ago and hasn't seen him. I get it and agree. Then she drops at the last second that she wants to enroll him in school over there, and send him back during Christmas break, summer break, spring break, etc. Which totals about 3.5 months. She wants him full time over there for the remainder of the year.

    That's not 50/50. And she gets so angry when we have been arguing about this, because she believes that the "superior" education in california outweighs the need for our son to be with his dad equally. She is now threatening to "take me to court for full custody."

    TLDR; ex wife moved out of state after signing 50/50 custody agreement and now wants him full time. What do I do? Does she have a shot?

    submitted by /u/MoldybreadOO
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    Hurt on my last day , Whats next??

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    Hey everybody, So I got hurt at work on my last day after putting in my two week notice. 5 of us were moving a 1,300 lb tank with a power dolly. As we were moving it the support legs collapsed and fell on my leg. I reported it to management and went to get checked out. I was lucky to leave out of that situation with a contusion on my leg and a sprain.i also want to note that I didn't have my safety tennis on by mistake. I live in Florida, but I don't what I should do next , any help or advice would be great! Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Thatdudezavie
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    FL: Neighbor installed security camera facing into our yard

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    I live in Florida. My nextdoor neighbor will have his own Florida Man story one day, if he doesn't already. There is a long crazy backstory here but suffice it to say: we are not the only party with whom he has ongoing conflict.

    This week he put a security camera on top of his fence, facing into our yard. Its location allows him to monitor whether my husband and I are home. He installed it the day after I called the police to ask him to leave my property, as he was in our backyard without permission for at least the third time in as many days. I tried to speak with him myself the first time, but he took off and left his friend behind, then later came back and did some damage while we were out.

    He is under a lot of pressure with his other legal issues and doesn't seem to be well. His behavior has been escalating, and we're avoiding him as much as we can, but I don't like him monitoring our whereabouts. He has a history of waiting until my husband is out at work to come onto the property.

    Is there anything I can do about his camera?

    submitted by /u/FloridAussie
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    Am i being scammed?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    Hi all! I'm a college student in the U.S. (NY)who just started a new retail job and i'm a bit suspicious about payment. My boss pays us by check, and never had me fill out a W2 (which i had done at my previous job) and withholds taxes from my paychecks. However, shouldnt i be receiving a detailed payslip/stub outlining what's being taken out? How can they determine taxes withheld if i never filled out a W2? I just asked for copies of my paystubs which i was told i would get, i'm wondering if this is a situation i should be concerned about

    submitted by /u/An_unkindness_of_rav
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    Lost 401k?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    My dad is getting close to retirement age and we are evaluating his assets (I.e. his retirement plan). He worked for a company over 20 years ago and had a 401k set up with them. He has record of this 401k, but when he reached out to the 401k company, they said that they didn't have any record of his plan.

    The company that he worked for has been sold a couple of times, but we have found the existing company through extensive research. He has reached out to them a few times to no avail. We think that they have lost his plan in the midst of all of these changes.

    I know that when companies exchange hands they may transfer these plans to another IRA, but they are also supposed to let the owners of the plan know- my father was never notified of a transfer. On top of this, they cannot transfer these plans if they are over $5,000 and my father's plan was well over this in the early 2000s.

    My father is already heading into retirement with very little savings and this addition would be so helpful for him.

    What is our recourse in this situation? How can we ensure that he gets what he is entitled to?

    We are based in NY and the company was in NJ.

    submitted by /u/Scary_Comedian_7209
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