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    Thursday, October 1, 2020

    I hit a car in a parking lot Insurance

    I hit a car in a parking lot Insurance

    I hit a car in a parking lot

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    Hi! I had a quick question:

    I just got my license about two weeks ago and today I was backing out of my slanted parking lot on a hill at work and clipped the car next to me. When I couldn't move, forward, or back, I decided to go back and I scraped the side of her car and hit her back bumper as well, taking part of it off, as well as taking part of my front bumper off. She was really kind and understanding and I called the police and they were really understanding as well.

    When I got home, my mom was livid (which I totally understand and respect) but she kept saying that my insurance is going to refuse to pay and kick me off and I will have to pay out of pocket since I haven't been on for six months and I am a new driver. That really terrified me, and I didn't know if anyone had similar experiences of what happened to them in terms of the insurance. I can answer any additional questions as needed!

    submitted by /u/ZealousidealVariety5
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    Sisters damaged building driving uHaul

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    Cross post from /legaladvice but asking on behalf of my younger sisters.

    During move-in to their new apartment, they clipped the overhang of the building and received an invoice of $26K in repairs. Unfortunately, they only had basic supplemental insurance (through U-haul), and no car/credit card/renters insurance in place.

    The accident took place in Virginia

    It looks as though Uhaul has base level insurance built into all rentals and they may be able to file a claim here: https://www.repwest.com/

    Has anyone ever tried that before?

    submitted by /u/The-Funkman
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    Homeowners says mold damage is covered, but is it?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 02:57 AM PDT

    I'm in SC. We had a pipe burst under my house (crawlspace) back in May. It probably spewed water for 30-45 minutes because I was on a walk with my daughter, but as soon as I saw it I shut off the water to the house and called a plumber. Re-plumbed the whole house (two separate jobs, did under the house first and then more recently the upstairs), also had the HVAC system cleaned out and repaired. Th plumbers said our crawlspace was well ventilated and there was no visible damage from the burst pipe. Now, a few months later, our floors are warped and it still smells musty. So I get an industrial hygienist to come and she finds mold in weird places all over the downstairs and says the walls surrounding that pipe are still wet. Our policy covers mold damage, but are they going to fight me on this? We've been so proactive and have spent thousands of dollars having professionals fix things right because we know exactly how much we don't know, but what is it going to look like if we file a claim? We need most of our kitchen redone (only the upper cabinets and dishwasher will survive). We have USAA and they've been phenomenal for car insurance, but we've never filed a homeowners claim. Has anyone dealt with this?

    submitted by /u/hashtag-blessed
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    At fault insurance company wants to total car, should i repair or total? ADVICE

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 02:54 AM PDT

    There are a few layers to this story but I will try to explain the situation as clearly and concisely as possible.

    Some context to start, I drive a 2010 BMW 128i with 59k miles. I was hit by a Coca Cola semi truck turning right, the truck made a right from the lane to the left of me also and made contact with me. The damage to my car was a hole on the convertible top, scratch along both drivers side windows and a big dent in the front pillar. also the car started to leak gas from the top of the gas tank from the drivers side rear. Despite that there's was minimal mechanical damage aside from the leak and the car drives very good.

    So after the other driver was determined liable we got the car to the shop and the mechanics sent in a supplement for the gas leak. This brought the repair estimate to 7k and the car is worth 9.5k, therefore it could technically be totaled although they did approve the repairs for 7k. So now I have three options according to the adjuster:

    OPTION 1: Continue with repairs with no more supplements, car is returned repaired as normal.

    OPTION 2: Car is totaled, taken from my possession. check is cut for determined value around 9.5k. 8k is paid to the loan company

    OPTION 3: Car is totaled but I keep the car after salvage bidders determine a value which they would pay. that number is deducted from the market value determined around 9.5k which determines how much the insurance pays to the loan company.

    The loan comes into play because while I'm not upside down, I do have a horrible APR that I want to get out of, so that's why the totaling option is lucrative to me. The other piece of that puzzle is that, I don't have good credit so it would be difficult for me to get another loan agreement right now.

    Contingent upon what the salvage bidders will pay, which i will know later today, then I want to go with option 3 save my money while I have no car payment and put a big down payment on a 987 Cayman at the end of the year.

    Any opinions on what I should do? or what the most economical choice would be or any advice in general? thanks!

    submitted by /u/orangejuiceisbetter
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    Advice Please

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 02:48 AM PDT

    Hello, I am looking to insure my things before travel to Germany for work in a few weeks (from the UK - where I am a resident)

    • I will be there for 6 months so I don't think Backpacker Insurance is appropriate
    • I hope to insure my Phone, iPad, and ideally other possessions like clothes (I currently have gadget insurance for my Phone but this doesn't cover me abroad and does not cover my iPad or things)
    • My living situation will be in a flat provided by my company (lucky I know...) so I wouldn't normally have home/personal possession insurance but I could if this is the only available avenue.
    • Ideally I would be looking to spend a max of £15-20 per month with an excess in the lower £££s

    Many thanks in advance! Have great days :)

    submitted by /u/AdditionalNerve9400
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    Homeowners Insurance Question

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 10:22 PM PDT


    I hope this is the right place for this question.

    My mother-in-law bought a house which my wife and I are currently living in. My mother-in-law lives in another country though but the house is under her name. We are technically not paying any rent.

    How would we go about getting the house insured since my mother in law doesn't live in the home at all? Would I get a 'Rental Dwelling' policy under my mother in law's name or would my mother in law just need to get a normal house insurance policy as if she was living there?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/rkwong792
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    Incorrect and Bogus Claims - how to advocate for myself?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 12:17 AM PDT

    State: NY

    I've been to the GPs office twice, sample dates and reasons: Jan 1 - annual checkup, first visit ever at this GP Jan 15 - new issue

    I had seen the claims go through a few months later with issues. Office had put in the wrong codes for both visits, which ended up not covering my annual checkup, and put me as a new patient during my second visit, both issues which I raised to the insurance.

    No updates from either end, so I called the doctors office in late May and early June who "took messages" and said they'd call me back, but never did and ended up closing the clinic due to covid.

    Received a call from the office in July - finally! But it wasn't returning my calls. It was the doctor asking me if I saw this other doctor, I said no, and we hung up. 30 second call.

    Saw a claim in mid August for $150. Found out doctor billed that call where HE called ME, and considered it a consultation.

    Lots of calls back and forth between the insurance company and the doctors office, both saying they will get back to me but no one has done so yet. And I received the bill for all three visits for the very first time in early September (never received any bill before, even for the January visits). And alas, the doctor has retired as of today.

    My question is can the claims be corrected by the doctors office even after he's retired? My second question is how do I advocate for myself here? I've been so kind with them and patient, and never got up in arms about it but now it's 3AM and I've lost sleep. Is getting angry on the phone going to help, do I "appeal" and how does that work?

    Note: posted this on another sub, but thought this community could help too.

    submitted by /u/laa-deedaa
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    Parents refuse to take me off their insurance

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 04:05 AM PDT

    Hello! First time poster in this sub, so I apologize if I get anything wrong.

    I (24F) have been no contact with my parents for almost 6 months now. I've still been on their insurance (BCBS in Georgia), however, because I had no other options. I got a new job (lost the old one due to the pandemic) that offers health insurance (also BCBS, but in Tennessee). I'm taking advantage of that so that I can be 100% free of my parents' control. However, yesterday when I told them that my benefits starts tomorrow, both of them refused to respect my wishes by taking me off. Is there anything I can do? Can I call BCBS and have them remove me anyway? I don't plan on using their insurance (haven't all year), but could the double coverage hurt my new coverage? Could coordination of benefits occur without my knowledge and my parents be made aware of any claims I make on the new insurance?

    submitted by /u/mrstatertot
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    Car hit me, but claimed I hit him.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    So I'm in Chick Fil La curbside waiting for my food to come. Skip forward food finally come. (Yay) so as I'm getting ready to back out since the parking at this lot the lanes are slanted not straight. So I see it's clear for to start backing out so I slowly start backing out and then I hear a boom from behind. So I'm wow not today's my birthday next month don't need my birthday money spent. I get out check the car mines is okay Toyota, but dude got a mini dent not bad and a lil paint damage. What I don't get since he played like he couldn't speak English we just exchange phone numbers and said have your English speaking friend call me. Apparently he was doing DoorDash at the time. Since I was in front so I started backing out first and if your behind me and see me backing out unless you weren't paying attention to your front surroundings and just started going backing out. It's like bruh you hit me. He tried to say I hit him like bruh that would be impossible because you obviously would've been seen before I even started backing out you were obviously in a rush and not paying attention. So I'm with Allstate fully covered but they haven't texted me there info yet with they insurance. I just got a email that a claim has been filed how is that possible if I haven't filed a claim yet ? I was gonna call tomorrow morning that email threw me off. Are they allowed to file a claim for me ? Lol this is my first time ever dealing with a accident like situation. How should I go about this tomorrow ? Sorry for long post. Thank you in advance lol

    submitted by /u/bigbootymamii
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    Commercial Auto and Additional Insured - Option for a Small Courier Business?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 09:44 PM PDT

    Hi Reddit - we run a small courier business which we are thinking about expanding to other cities. We are debating whether to require our couriers to use public transportation or allow them to drive their own vehicles. The major drawback of having them use their own vehicles is the high cost of commercial auto insurance, since the position would only be part time for the new couriers we hire, and we would need to hire several couriers in each city.

    I was wondering if its possible /practical to hire couriers who already have commercial auto insurance policies for other driving jobs they are doing, and ask them to add our company as an additional insured on their policy. We could possibly even contribute to a portion of their policy's costs, which I'm assuming would be cheaper than getting brand new commercial auto coverage for each new hire.

    Would this provide the coverage we need if they were to get in an accident?

    Would this pose a risk for our company?

    Any drawbacks of doing something like this?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    Just FYI - our courier business is currently in Los Angeles, and we are looking to expand to San Francisco and Chicago

    submitted by /u/akuhl101
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    When applying for a marketplace health plan, does VAPING count as tobacco use?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    I'm applying for insurance on the Iowa marketplace. One of the first questions says "report tobacco use select yes if applicant has used tobacco for or more times per week on average during the past 6 months do not include ceremonial uses".

    Do I have to check " yes" if I vape? I tried to Google this and have had a hard time finding anything that comes right out and says yes or no.

    submitted by /u/throwaway_pains
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    Auto insurance cancellation question

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    In short my car insurance is due tonight, and they don't take Discover. I won't be payed until Friday and have no idea in my state (Minnesota) covid-19 policy. The insurance is USAA, will they cancel the policy or charge me a late fee by then?

    submitted by /u/HillarysFloppyChode
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    What can I expect on my new policy

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    I'm an 18 year old male who's had his drivers license for almost 2 years with 0 accidents. My current car costs me 120$ a month to insure with just liability as it's a old 2006 Mercedes Benz e 350. My car has recently broken down for good and I have saved up enough to purchase an older 1999 Jeep Wrangler (my dream car) if I stayed on my parents policy how much should I expect my rates to rise? Is there a website to calculate this before I actually buy the car? Edit: I'm in the US in Maryland if that makes a difference

    submitted by /u/cjgarlando24
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    Recently Inherited A House A Relative Died In. Belongings Had To Be Removed Due To Smell. Getting A List Together For Insurance. Have a Couple Questions...

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:03 PM PDT

    Title. Mom passed away, dad passed a few years prior. Mom and I used to do phone calls every 3-4 days. One day she stopped picking up. Drove to her place and found out she was gone. She was left unattended for anywhere from 3-5 days. Needless to say, the house smelled awful. A bio-remediation cleaning team came in to remove a bunch of furniture due to smell (and the bed as it was where she passed) and sanitize the entire house.

    I'm talking to her homeowners insurance now. They want a list of all items removed due to her death for assessment. They're saying they likely won't cover anything lost nor the price of remediation, but that's an issue for when I get the denial. I asked how they want me to document what was removed and all the adjuster said was "just get me whatever you feel I should see". When I ask how to document the items lost he said "do it how you see fit; I'll be happy to look at whatever you send". So needless to say, he's been zero help and I'm getting the vibe he's going to just do whatever he can to not pay and make me go away (be vague, not returning calls for days, rushing me off the phone when we speak, etc.).

    My question to you guys is, how should I document the items that were thrown out due to her passing? Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of the belongings. I remember what was taken, but I don't have any evidence beyond my word and that of the cleaning company, if need be. I planned on making either a Word or Excel file with what was thrown out, the cash value I could probably get selling it before her death, how much it would cost to replace items, and some sort of link or ad to an item that is the same or similar. Any further advice on that? The HO3 policy has losses from personal property listed as "at Replacement Cost".

    The other thing is the cleaning company said I will need to hire a painting company to come in and put a special oil-based primer on the walls in her room and the adjacent rooms and re-paint to help get rid of the last lingering smell. I brought it up to the adjuster who just said to provide evidence that it is truly necessary and get him some quotes on price. When I asked what kind of evidence he needed he said "anything to back up your claim will suffice" and when I asked for examples he said "something that will show it is necessary"... The cleaning company told me this in person and has sent me a text message saying to get it done ASAP to remediate the remaining smell. I also spoke with other resto and paint companies who confirmed it will be necessary as the last smell is trapped in the walls and paint. Do I need to get more evidence than a text and discussion (such as a written statement from the cleaner) or am I good to list a couple of painter quotes, discussions on what needs to be done/why, and who I spoke with? The adjuster wants everything by Friday so he can discuss with his managers.

    Sorry for so many questions, never dealt with anything like this before in my 22 years of life haha. Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Shatmander
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    Post repair mechanical issues

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:02 PM PDT

    Thank you for your time again!

    My car was involved in a front end collision that I was not at fault for. To sum it up, the car was brought to a collision center and they "repaired" the vehicle. The car is worth around 24k and the shop performed around 13k of work.

    The issue now is I've been having a mechanical issues that the car never had before and it has been back to the same collision center 3 times for various issues in the past month. The other parties insurance says there's nothing they can do and it's up to the shop to make it right, which doesn't sound right to me.

    Tl;dr - car was fixed but now it's having mechanical issues that keep popping up and aren't being fixed right. What should I do at this point? The car probably should have been totaled and I'm beyond frustrated at this point.

    Edit: this is in New York

    submitted by /u/Reban3
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    We have small HOA and a BOARD MEMBER is resisting paying for a GL/D&O E&O policy. Anyone have answers I could provide to their questions...?? (North Carolina)

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    I see it covers liability and medical, but for who and under what circumstances?

    I don't understand how HOA would be responsible for any liabilities or medical bills. Do you possibly have some examples?

    Does this cover the hoa for homeowners to do some work for the HOA? Is it in case they get hurt while working for the hoa?

    submitted by /u/Strange-Fennel
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    Who is SageSure (insurance company)? Should I get a policy with them?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 02:57 PM PDT


    I contacted GEICO, who I really like for my auto insurance. Evidently they don't offer homeowners directly, but the agent quoted me a company called SageSure.

    First time I had ever heard of this company. But it's not like big name insurance companies are known for being excellent necessarily...

    Wondering if anyone has heard of them and any opinions?

    submitted by /u/FiveDollarHoller
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    I may have tapped a pedestrian

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 05:40 PM PDT

    I was going to work on a road that's 25 mph. When I turned down the road there was no pedestrians or vehicles at all on either side. I was approaching my turn going 15 mph. This was a bright and sunny day. As I was getting close to my turn, the sun suddenly changed and a black blob appears near the middle of my windshield. I didn't know what it was so I started to brake. I completely stopped easily. As I was stopped I waited as I still could not see what was in front of me. All of the sudden a guy in all black clothing with a grey coat and hat appears and gets on the concreted shoulder and stumbles a bit. He then hops over the grass area. I try to mouth I'm so sorry I didn't see you but the man refused to acknowledge me but kept looking back at my vehicle. I already contacted my insurance in case the guy try's to file a claim. Here's where I'm confused. I live in Ohio. I have researched if there is no sidewalk that the pedestrian has to stay on the shoulder or as far to left as they can or to a safety spot. This person did not do that. Further I'm not sure how one determines the left side of the road so to speak. From the way I was coming he was on my right. If he came from other way he technically would be on the left. I was coming towards him and I'm also confused as to why he didn't get up on the grass area since the shoulder was ending by getting more narrow. This man had to have seen me directly coming towards him and didn't do anything to avoid it. I didn't hear any screaming like I would have been doing if I couldn't get out of a vehicles way. It was just very odd all the way around and I thank god I thought enough to brake.

    submitted by /u/Fozzie1988
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    Help figure out job market.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    So my income dried out due to covid so after looking through indeed for remote jobs I came across insurance sales. I have a CA license but I'm going to pay for 5 states until I get to 50 every month as needed. So I'll have 6 by October.

    A. $16 per hour. FT. Final Expense. Remote. Commission only paid if sell 20 policies one month premium inbound calls from lists. I only speak with clients once another agent qualifies them.

    B. Health insurance. Remote. Medicare. Independent contractor. No hourly. No details commission amount. Same as one above in terms of leads.

    C. $20 per hour. Remote. temporary. No commion details.

    Are these good offers. I researched and found that for insurance commission is typically more than one month. However not sure if its less because it's a w2 job and not independent contractor. Are offers coming in because of enrollment season for health insurance or is it like this year round. What's a good commission structure?

    submitted by /u/Junior-Temperature15
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    Car Accident - Insurance company offered low-ball offer. Couple questions.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    Hello and thank you in advance for taking the time to read my post.
    Please bare with me as it's a bit long, but doing my best to keep everything concise.

    Back in June 2020, in Texas, I was the victim of a car accident, resulting in totaling of my vehicle and me sustaining some personal injury.
    The other driver was cited for at-fault, and I have a video of the accident. No doubt it was his fault.
    He had insurance, but was just a driver listed on the policy, not in fact the policy holder.

    His insurance company accepted partial liability and offered a low-ball amount of $3k for my vehicle, despite the repair estimate coming in at $9k. Fair market value on the car is closer to the $9k area as well. After I declined their offer and many attempts at reasonable negotiation, a lawsuit was filed against the driver through the help of a family friend attorney offering pro bono help.
    The driver was served with suit and has essentially ignored it. My attorney is telling me that the insurance company does not have to act in defense unless their insured notifies them of the suit. If I notify his insurance company of the suit, they just ignore it since they are not named on the law suit. Next course of action was to amend the law suit and add the actual policy holder and the owner of the vehicle in the suit through means of contributory negligence. The problem is, the server was not able to locate the policy holder. My idea was to write up a notification letter on the driver at fault's behalf, visit the driver at fault, and respectfully ask him to sign it and then I will send it to his insurance company. My attorney then advised me that this will likely not work because the driver at fault is only a listed driver on the policy and not the policy holder. My attorney explains that the policy holder (also the owner of the car) is the one who has to invoke the defense coverage clause.

    At this point I am out about $12k (replacement vehicle, tow fees, rental car). I unfortunately only had liability coverage at the time.

    My question is:

    1. Is it true that the insurance company does not have to provide liability defense for a civil lawsuit against a driver listed on an active policy?
    2. What else can be done on my end to help recover my losses?

    Thank you for any and all help.

    submitted by /u/asianraisin
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    Sign damaged vehicle on my work lot

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    Not sure how to proceed, sign damaged my parked vehicle while at work. The lot isn't owned by my boss, he rents the property. Should I go through my own insurance, try to contact the lot owner? I live in NB Canada.

    Edit: I should have been more clear. It was a vertical sign that I was parked next too, the wind blew open the shutter and it hit into my vehicle. Attached are pictures of the sign and what it's doing (after I moved the vehicle), and the damage to the vehicle. The vehicle is also dented, I wouldn't care if this was a cheaper vehicle, but it's a fairly new truck.




    submitted by /u/Seductive_Avocado
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    Got in car accident last month, my insurance suggests I pay my deductible to get my car fixed while they work out the details with the other party’s insurance and says they’ll reimburse me if I’m found not at fault. Should I do this?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    I was involved in an accident about a month ago. Long story short, my insurance believes I was not at fault while the other drivers insurance (Driver A) believes they are not at fault either. There was a third party involved that when driver A crashed into me caused me to hit driver B. According to my insurance agent, Driver B and I have the same report on what happened but the insurance for driver A still believes they are not at fault.

    My car drives and it's mostly cosmetic damage. My insurance says I should go ahead and pay my deductible and get my car fixed while go over the details with driver As insurance. Should I wait until they go over the details so driver As insurance will pay directly or should I go ahead and get my car fixed and get reimbursed by driver As insurance later?

    submitted by /u/TPSonTheJob
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    Is the Catalytic converter considered a normal wear or serviced component

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, this is my first post so I apologize if I'm missing any guidelines or previous discussions.

    My Toyota Prius' CAT was stolen a couple weeks ago and I filed a claim with my insurance. The repair will cost $2000 (price of the only CA legal CAT) + $700 (labor and O2 sensor). They say that I will have to pay 40% betterment for the cost of the CAT since the replacement part will be in better condition than the old one (car has 120k miles, they state total life of CAT as 300k; 120/300 => 40%) .

    I went over their betterment policy and found that betterment only applies if "replacement results in better than like kind and quality parts […] Any deductions that we take for betterment will be taken only for parts or a specific repair process normally subject to repair or replacement during the useful life of your insured car".

    I personally feel that it is not right to charge betterment since CATs are supposed to last the lifetime of the vehicle and usually only fail due to being struck after bottoming out a vehicle or due to dirty emissions caused by poor engine maintenance. It seems like it shouldn't be considered a component subject to normal wear. And the fact that there are no other legal replacement options besides buying a brand new CAT from Toyota puts me in a tough spot.

    I would appreciate any feedback or advice from people that have dealt with this. Thank you

    submitted by /u/PerhapsIWont
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    Medical/Out of Pocket

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    I got a new job at the end of July that offered day one medical insurance and my wife has been going to the doctor for some medical issues she's been having. She's been to the doctor a bunch but we usually only have to pay our $20 copay. Well she's having a big procedure coming up and Blue Cross is saying she's already hit her out of pocket costs for the year despite us literally not paying one medical bill yet. She has one bill that we just got in the mail yesterday for $130 but other than that we've just been paying aforementioned copays that don't even go towards our deductibles. I'm not complaining, just trying not to run into any issues later. Am I missing something or should I just go with the flow? Her out of pocket max for the year is $1000 if that helps.

    submitted by /u/respectmyanonymous
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    How are collectibles covered under a standard Homeowner's Policy?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    Let's say I have a collection of dolls worth $50,000 total, and the average doll is worth $100. I can verify that the dolls have sold for $100 repeatedly on ebay... in this hypothetical the market value of the dolls is easy to substantiate.

    I have an inventory & video of the dolls, but have not provided that to my homeowner's company. Now, my house burns down and everything is lost.

    I have "replacement coverage" on my homeowner's. How much will they reimburse me for the loss of the dolls?

    edit to add: I know that the dolls should be insured separately, and I advised my friend to insure their collection separately, but I read through my own State Farm Homeowner's policy (HW 2114) and I don't see how they would justify not paying for the hypothetical dolls.

    submitted by /u/jbrogdon
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