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    Thursday, October 1, 2020

    How do I deal with how much the client pays and how much the employee receives? small business

    How do I deal with how much the client pays and how much the employee receives? small business

    How do I deal with how much the client pays and how much the employee receives?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    I own a small landscaping company and sometimes the client comes to talk about how much the job costs in front of the employees and I can see them doing the mental math in their head. I make more then them and make money off of their work, how do I reconcile with them the amount of money I earn compared to theirs? I pay them well but I know that there is some differences in pay. Most of my employees are friends of mine.

    submitted by /u/mal_bertson
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    Started a Small Business During Covid

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    We are three best friends that started a card game company during covid 19. Two of us are unemployed and one of us is working full time while also working on the business. When we first got started we originally thought that to create, design, and publish a board game would only take us possibly a month. As we begun to actually work on the business we soon learned that a month was literally "shot out". Anyway, we persevered, we figuered that the game is extremely fun and entertaining so we continued.

    Here are some of the problems we ran into:

    • Money: We have collectively little money which is obviously a huge hurdle.
    • Work Relationships: While our friendships are amazing our work relationships were terrible as one of us is most definitely a control freak.
    • PR: We have no idea what to do with PR
    • No business knowledge: None of us have ever run a successful business before.

    Here is how we tackled these issues:

    • Money: Initially we had no money, we could only contribute about $200 dollars a month. We had this attitude of we will do absolutely everything we can do ourselves. One of us is a grade A skeptic so paying anyone for a job that we could figure out ourselves was damn near impossible. Our original strategy was to wait a full year to release once we could afford to pay for everything in our business ourselves. We were actually denied a loan by Wells Fargo and none of us could afford to do a personal loan at the time. At this point in time we set our sites on running a kickstarter to sell copies and releasing the game by some time in summer next year.
      • What changed: We printed the prototypes (boy were they nice!) , we fell in love with our own product and started to see everything through rose colored glasses. We were ready to do whatever at this point. However, the actual game changer were strangers responses to the game. It was an instant hit! It gave the exact reaction that we expected from participants. We knew we had something.
      • The Answer: We worked really hard to make sure we never asked friends or family for anything. We pushed ourselves as far as we could possibly go. It was at this point friends and family offered to help.
    • Work Relationships: Initially, everything was fine. We worked together well. That changed when we got the prototypes. Some of us became full believers and one of us was extremely hesitant to dive in. There were some skepticism's and accusations hurled at each other about commitment to the project.
      • What changed: Time and space, the partner in question went on vacation.
      • The Answer: We had to let the situation breath and each go to our corners to take a moment and reflect. We are all best friends and the would never change regardless of what happens with the business. Coming at tough conversations from that angle helped us resolve our issues and we were all able to come to happy medium and get on the same page.
    • PR: We had a PR person we were interested in hiring. It was someone one of us had worked before. We knew this person was good and could add value but after he saw the product his offer of a free press release started ballooning to he wanted equity $1000 then $4500 then $6000 and then 33% of the company. We shut this down immediately, we understood our value.
      • What changed: Nothing, we still don't have a PR person yet. We decided to take a crack at PR ourselves and we also understand word of mouth will probably be more important for our game. Our word of mouth has been great among players.
      • The Answer: We will hire someone sooner when we can afford the expense. Certainly not someone that won't nail down their rates so we can actually decide if they are worth it.
    • No Business Knowledge: We thought we could do all of this in a month, we didn't know what we didn't know.
      • What changed: We turned to reddit for help. Specifically this thread, anything we had questions about. Anything we had issues with. We came here to seek help.
      • The Answer: A community that supports you, encourages you and most importantly criticizes you. You guys kept us honest so thank you.

    Moving forward: We ordered our games from Hong Kong, they are coming soon. We are partnering with local board game cafe's and leaving our prototypes there so we can send people there to try the game.

    Check out our video we just made for our game https://youtu.be/-FDBFQDo9Tw .

    If you have any questions for us please ask. If you want to see where we are right now here is our website capitalpunishmentgame.com and here is our instagram.com/capitalpunishmentgame

    We would love to talk to you guys if you're willing to talk to us.

    submitted by /u/cpthegame
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    Anybody here knows a good software for editing video contents?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 02:18 AM PDT

    I've been struggling a lot lately as I'm trying to find good video editing softwares. I'm currently helping out with my sister's new online business, and I'm in charge of making content. I came across this article just recently https://lionbridge.ai/articles/can-ai-improve-graphic-design-a-review-of-designs-ai/ , wondering if anyone has ever used this AI videomaker tool before? Seems easy to use! Would love to hear some thoughts and suggestions!

    submitted by /u/7munkie
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    Packaging Suggestions for personal care products

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 06:45 PM PDT


    I have just co-started a fragrance and personal care business(yes, I know, the current market for this is extremely over saturated), and we've already lined up our products and have begun making the products.

    The problem I'm facing currently is sourcing my packaging materials. I've found some sources, however they want wholesale orders, with 500+ pcs - which is something we're not ready to invest in. I have found an alternative packing solution, where we can buy small quantities at a time, however there is a surcharge for "small orders".

    I was wondering if anyone has any tips on sourcing packaging materials, or tips for packing in general.

    (Specifically, the packaging we're looking for right now is a 4-6oz plastic jar specifically made for personal care products).

    submitted by /u/SleepBusiness
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    Opening a Computer Repair Shop

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    I owned a computer repair shop about 5 years ago, but I had zero capital and operated it by myself on a shoestring budget with almost zero business experience. When I finally burned out, I closed the doors and shifted to a different career.

    Now that I have a bit more capital (and business experience), I'm considering opening another store w/employees this time.

    Is this even a good business model in 2020?

    submitted by /u/Grunjee
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    Square WARNING! Lost account when changing email! Customer service hasn't helped in over two weeks!

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    This is a warning to anyone using Square or thinking about using Square.

    A few weeks ago, I tried to change the email address on my account. It said that the change was successful, but I found myself unable to log in with either address. The "Forgot Password" button never sent an email. I contacted customer support three times over the last two weeks, and reps simply stopped replying. They refuse to do a troubleshooting call because I can't get a number from the account I'm locked out of!

    Until Square helps resolve this issue, and makes me whole for the time they have wasted with negligible service, I must strongly advise against using them.

    submitted by /u/GoldenJoe24
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    For Entrepreneurs\Professionals Who Struggle To Lose Weight

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 03:35 AM PDT

    Hi guys!

    My name is Bar, Yes- Bar, and not cause my parents were alcoholics ;)

    As a busy entrepreneur, I've struggled a lot with health issues due to a very busy schedule,

    lack of knowledge, and poor motivation.

    I've found so much information online,

    but it was too broad, too many ways and method and I became overwhelmed quickly and couldn't figure it out.

    I am about to start my own business as an online consulting coach for losing weight and fitness,

    at the moment I'm doing research in order to discover how can I make an entrepreneur's life easier and happier.

    I want to help busy professionals and entrepreneurs to lose weight and get their dream body without counting calories,

    spending hours in the gym, and give up their favorite food.

    Which is why I have two very simple questions that I'll be glad if you can help me with:

    1.What are the two biggest challenges you face in terms of losing weight?

    2.Regarding health and weight, what would you wish for more than anything else?

    I am not promoting or selling anything only recommendations and constructive feedback.

    Thanks so much in advance Looking forward to reading your answers.

    submitted by /u/BarKogan
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    For unrelated ventures, should I open multiple LLCs or stick them into one?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    I am opening an LLC so that I can invoice my employer for software engineering consulting services. I am also a music artist with income from licensing and record sales, and expenses related to production. I will have no employees in either circumstance other than myself.

    Opening two LLCs instead of one isn't prohibitively expensive, but it isn't free either. Is it sensible to group these two ventures into one LLC, or do I need to create two? Am I going to be audited if I start putting gear upgrades and music production services on my books as expenses?

    submitted by /u/a_crabs_balls
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    The 5 years that made me start a SaaS business during COVID

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 03:15 AM PDT

    In September 2020, I went all in working for myself.

    The COVID Pandemic and my cushy engineering manager job made it a hard decision. However, it wasn't an overnight thought of mine. In fact, It took me five years to wrap my head around it. I can divide that time into three entrepreneurial seasons of my life. Each season taught me essential lessons that provided enough insight into changing the course of my career.

    Here comes my story.

    Season 1: Naive Ambitions

    Back in 2016, not long after I relocated to Sweden for work, I discovered a popular local job website. People would use it to provide or find help with small stuff like fixing a clogged kitchen sink. What made me curious was that many folks were willing to pay a decent sum of money to place an ad there.

    I checked out their website, and a few issues stood out right away. E.g., the site was far from user-friendly. Anyone could place an ad leading to potential fraud. And the list goes on.

    So my devious plan was to make a better clone and get all their traffic.

    The next thing I did was jumping right into coding. I'd worked with backend all my career, so most of my late evenings and weekends I spent learning how to do web development.

    As you might guess, such an approach didn't make me rich. After a couple of months, I built an ugly semi-working clone that no-one ever visited. After a couple of failed attempts to promote it online, I abandoned the project.

    This is how I learned that building in a vacuum is likely not how one starts a profitable Internet business.

    Season 2: Following the Y-Combinator Way

    This season started with a Hackathon organized by the Swedish state. I participated together with a couple of colleagues from work. With zero prep, we unexpectedly won one of the prizes.

    To collect the cash, though, the condition was to continue working on our project, which we were fine with.

    However, it didn't take us long to realize that our prototype was impractical. In the next three months (I cringe realizing this) we spent debating what we should build. Eventually, we came to some sort of agreement. It was a mobile app for discovering vegan food. Ironically, none of the three of us were vegans. However, we knew veganism was trending back then, so why not give it a shot? Lol.

    That year we also applied to the YC Startup School. The organizers screwed up with the invitation emails by accidentally inviting all 15 000 applicants into the program. Luckily for us, we got a tutorial to follow.

    We did everything that YC told us: asked family and friends to test our product, talked with our early customers, shipped updates fast, yet something wasn't working out. Our user growth rate stagnated.

    There were probably many reasons for that, but I believe the fundamental problem was that none of us were genuinely excited about the problem we were solving.

    About half a year later, we abandoned the project.

    It was a bit of a personal drama for me as I put a lot of my time and thought into this, yet the product didn't take off.

    I told myself then that if I ever decide to build anything on my own again, I'll have to be in love with it.

    Season 3: The Indie Hacker Way

    In the next few months, I spent my time studying the topic of building successful businesses online.

    One resource I want to mention in particular was the Indie Hackers forum. It's where founders of so-called bootstrapped businesses exchange ideas and help each other with building their online businesses.

    I got tones of insight and learned what a bootstrapped business is and how it functions. One common advice I heard over and over again was starting with the audience and their problem first. The solution gradually builds up, evolving through continuous iterations driven by customer feedback.

    Another concept discussed a lot on the forum was the founder-market fit. In essence, it is an unfair advantage that sets founders apart from their competitors. This idea especially resonated with me, given my previous failed attempts.

    I knew that, in my case, the founder-market fit was in software engineering. And one thing I always enjoyed doing was running technical interviews. I also had a decent idea of how resource-intensive it is to set up a rigorous interview process.

    Next, I scheduled a handful of conversations with different companies who had had experience hiring software engineers before. That showed that there is ample room for improvement with how hiring teams assess tech talent.

    In the next half a year, I continued speaking with different hiring teams to understand what I could bring to the table.

    Eventually, I launched an MVP that made a few hundred bucks. That gave me enough confidence to realize I was on to something.

    Then COVID came. Lots of companies went bankrupt, and almost everyone stopped hiring.

    This gave me enough time to reflect on whether I want to keep going as an entrepreneur. There were obviously pros and cons, but I felt like the pros part outweighed. I still remember that extraordinary feeling when I got my first payment notification.

    Season 4: Now

    It's been a few weeks already since I went all-in with my entrepreneurial endeavor. A lot of companies have resumed hiring, which opened up for new exciting opportunities. I realize it's a marathon, but I've never been more excited to take on the challenge.

    Thank you for reading till the end!

    I'll keep sharing my journey on Twitter, you can follow me there to see where it'll take me.

    submitted by /u/fenskexyz
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    If you have a budget of $3,500 to market your consumer mobile app (with the goal of driving sign-ups and rankings), how would you use the funds?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:51 AM PDT

    If you have a budget of $3,500 to market your consumer mobile app (with the goal of driving sign-ups and rankings), how would you use the funds?

    submitted by /u/pokemon_yo
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    What are people looking for in a mobile app?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:40 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I was just wondering what business owners are looking for in a mobile app? What would be the features you would need to have if you were to build an app for your business?

    I for one would need the following:

    - Integrations
    - Good pricing
    - Import features
    - Ability to easily customize the app


    submitted by /u/freaKid1
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    Is a partnership the best solution for growth?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 05:57 PM PDT

    I'm a single member s-corp that has been in business for about 3 years. I do commercial photography and video work (mostly weddings for video). I've had good success over the past 3 years and continue to grow year over year with profits into 6 figures. I'm also getting to a point where I'm losing new client opportunities due to being overbooked as it is.

    Largely, I've felt spread too thin for the past year or more and have really struggled to keep up with the workload and maintain a healthy lifestyle while running things myself. I have not had good luck with contractors since the work is specialized and done at a high level that takes a skilled eye and years of experience. I'm also working in an industry where employees are likely to jump ship easily once they have their own client base so I've been hesitant to bring on a legitimate employee to just train them and have them bounce.

    I met another local business owner that specializes in similar niches a few years ago. We both share similar experiences where we are overwhelmed with the workload and having difficulty scaling. He reached out to me today asking if I'd be interested in talking about teaming up somehow to grow, to which I responded, I'd like to talk about that possibility.

    I've been feeling stagnant for a while now and have been putting some real thought into how I can scale this thing realistically. Having my colleague reach out has me wondering if some sort of partnership is the way to go. Ultimately, we would both like to eventually run an agency with multiple photographers working for us. I feel like that would be much more attainable and manageable in a good partnership. However, I realize this is not a decision to take lightly or make in haste since I stand to lose a lot in a bad deal.

    I'd love it if some of you could share your experiences in partnerships, be it good or bad. I just feel stuck right now and often wish there was someone else carrying some of the burdens with me, making the business more profitable and less stressful. Any insight, tips or considerations will be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/equinox-ps
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    [UK] FCA License Advice

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:12 AM PDT

    Hi guys!

    As a businessman starting up a company in the crypto space, I am required to get an FCA license to legally carry out activities in the UK by January 2021. Are there any advisory institutions that can help one through the process? I am required to produce up to 20 documents in the application phase, and wish to be sure that my application is successful.

    Thanks :).

    submitted by /u/AFC_Bolt
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    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 12:11 AM PDT

    Can anyone post?

    submitted by /u/Tanandorn_Chompusi
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    Starting a painting business SOLO no plan to have employees. LLC? Ltd? Which one is right for me?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    My Business is no longer eligible for a Group Health Plan

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    I was just informed that our grandmothered group health plan is no longer grandmothered. I have one employee that is my wife and I am an S-corp. We are now left with going into the individual market. I dont know if this is good or bad. My business currently pays $2200/month for our current group plan. I know if we switch to a C-Corp then we would be able to keep our current plan and I have sent a message off to my accountant to better understand the implications of this. What are other people doing in this situation?

    submitted by /u/hammerpe33
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    Can you provide website feedback?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    Hello everyone! I launched my online business www.jetnoire.com back in April. This September I launched my first collection. The MALO collection is a big brand evolution (exclusive hand-sewn pieces) and I would love some unfiltered feedback on new and improved website design.

    My website conversion dropped from 2.1% to 0.49% within the last two weeks. My industry is women's fashion apparel (Think Revolve, AYAMI, Free People, etc...).

    submitted by /u/jetnoire
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    Lessons from starting my business

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 11:08 PM PDT

    Being stuck at home during the pandemic, I suddenly had more free time on my hands. I decided to start dropshipping skincare and just wanted to share my experience, primarily with marketing. From logos, to social media campaigns and video ads, it was really a whirlwind of action, but I found several online tools that made the process so much easier for my one-man team. Came across this blog on the tools I've been using recently and wanted to share it with all of you !! https://lionbridge.ai/articles/can-ai-improve-graphic-design-a-review-of-designs-ai/

    submitted by /u/thejoyofdesign
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    PO or ABL Lending

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    Hi All,

    My industrial supply company (think of us as a tiny, tiny granger or fastenal) has done pretty well in PPE since Covid hit in March. Due to the nature of the product, all the terms have been COD. And we have only bought/sold product in the US at the time.

    Soo we have a local health system that expresses interest in buying 500,000 boxes of nitrile gloves. They like that we are local, our prices are good, and they have had some issues with other suppliers on this item. The good news is that we already do business with one of the glove manufacturers largest distributor in the US. So we are confident that we can provide the product.

    These are a production run out of Malaysia so they take about 21 days to land in Long Beach. Then delivered to Michigan, and the customer wants terms of Net 10. We talked them down from 30.

    Soo we need to fund an escrow for $4,050,000, when they land in Long Beach and the product is inspected and verified, the escrow will be diapered to the supplier. Then call it another 17 days for delivery to michigan and the Net 10 before the invoice is paid by the buyer.

    We have spoken to a handful of PE and capital investment firms today. Some have been receptive, others not so much. But we have calls all day tomorrow to field offers on the deals anywhere from 5% to a JV to underwriting our whole company.

    I'm just wondering if anyone has experience dealing with anything like this. Any pitfalls we should look out for, or an estimate of % paid so we have an idea if we are getting fleeced.

    submitted by /u/nickmoski
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    Resources for small business online marketing?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    Hi guys,
    I recently started a part time small group boat tour and charter company. I'm not going to be reliant on this income for a while, and its a bad time to start anyways. But I'd like to start getting my business out there so I can hit the ground running when the pandemic has improved. I was wondering if there any articles or books I can read about doing some online marketing on a small scale. Currently I am using facebook and instagram CPC ads, experimenting around with different parameters. Would appreciate any help.

    submitted by /u/dwkfym
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    Struggling to decide whether to go for new premises due to covid/possible recession

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I am based in the UK.

    Seeking some opinions and advice here as I cannot decide.

    I have a small business that manufactures sports consumables. Currently it operates rent free out of a tiny space belonging to a family member. The space is far too small and introduces a lot of friction into operations, but is just about manageable if I accept everything takes longer and creates more stress than is necessary. I also have to commute quite a way to get to the space (half a days travel) so I tend to travel down and work in multi-day sprints before returning home for a week or so.

    The business has been doing really well and in normal times I would definitely be going for moving into a new premises closer to home. However I'm really not sure as my business is quite dependent on gyms staying open. I'm concerned that if govt close down gyms again or even go into another lockdown, I could be stuck paying rent with no business coming in.

    I don't want to bankrupt my business by getting stuck in this situation. So i'm really on the fence with what to do here. I'm hoping some of your thoughts may help me decide where to go from here.

    Thanks a lot

    submitted by /u/badonkadelic
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    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    does anyone have any recommendations for a POS system. I own a hair salon

    submitted by /u/PaTrOnPaPi1609
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    YMCA for Video games

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Hello all. I have an idea for this business that I have been brainstorming for several years now but I've had my run-ins with certain obstacles. At this point in life, I'm ready to finally ready to take on the challenges. I'm here for mostly advice and any ideas to make my business better. This post will cover three things; What the service is, where I am in the process of starting the business, and what advice I'm looking for to help me move forward.

    What is the YMCA for Video Games (name TBD)?

    • Will be marketed as Recreational Esports for any and everyone
    • A service that will follow a business model of the (you guessed it) YMCA
    • Some of the services provided will include;
      • The ability to come in a play a verity of video games on a verity of systems on a daily basis
      • Esports Coaches (Personal trainer): members will be able to schedule sessions with "Esports Coaches" to help improve their skills the same way you would hire a basketball trainer to improve your jump shot.
      • Tournaments and leagues
      • Video game workshops (for example; how to build a gaming PC class)
      • Camps (for those unfamiliar with some services the YMCA provides, one of them is summer camps during work hours)
      • Gaming Lounge: This area will have an arcade type of environment. Arcade games, couches, movies VR games, and more)

    Ideas for Revenue

    • Monthly membership fees
      • I plan on having tiered fee system ($10/mo, $15/mo, $20/mo) I haven't actually determined the fees just using those as examples
      • The more expensive the membership the better the benefits. Some benefits I have in mind;
        • Basic plan: access to all services with no additional benefits
        • Gold plan: access to all services, discounts to tournaments and leagues,
        • Platinum: gold plan, free entry into X amount of tournaments or leagues, one free session with Esports coaches.
      • Tournaments and Leagues entry fees
      • Parties
      • Sponsorships
        • Local pro teams. For example, the MLB has struggled with gaining a young audience and I can leverage this into an opportunity to have access to a young demo via baseball-themed tournaments and leagues. Could also have a dedicated room that has their logos and other things on display
        • Partnerships with Universities. Universities could use this as a recruiting tool. Fortunately, I live in an area where there is a pretty prominent school in the college Esports world so I can probably use that to my advantage
        • Your typical sponsors like local restaurants, car dealerships, etc
      • Partnerships
        • K-12 schools: invite schools for field trips and field days or other school events. The idea behind this would be to gain membership signups and building a strong relationship with the community
        • YMCA: same idea as the K-12

    So that's basically the highlights of my service. I'm in the very beginning stage of making my idea into an actual business. What I have so far I've

    • I've already covered
    • the basic costs of the business: One-time cost like video game systems, rental cost, what I want to pay employees etc
    • my plan of paying for start-up cost. I am currently working two jobs with the second job funding my savings for startup cost. Once I'm ready to rent out space and buy furniture and other things, I will combine my savings with a business loan
    • I've created a business plan and presentation for loans and potential sponsors and partners
    • The employees I need and where to get them. I'll go to the university I graduated from for interns (lack of a better term) cheap employees. They have a sports business program that is great and provides great people. My brother is currently studying for the bar so I'll have him for legal advice. My friend is in school for IT stuff (not sure exactly what stuff but that'll be nice to have on hand as well)
    • I have a good picture in my head of what I want my space to look like. Right now, I'm looking for an open space with some private rooms. Nothing huge but comfortably sized. I've looked some spaces I like and most of them come out to 50-60k a year in rent

    So that's what I've done so far and now I'm looking for some advice. The main thing that keeps me up at night is how to solicit people to sign up for my business. My idea is to do it the same way gyms do but Idk how they do it. Also, any advice you have or ideas for making my services better would be greatly appreciated.


    submitted by /u/patryk7754
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    CC processing rates?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    Hello! Can you please look over a possible change in my pricing plan with PNC bank and let me know what you think? They said they would move me to a "pass-through" model versus the current tiered model, but I'm not so sure they are doing that properly. Below is what I received in a email from them. I would appreciate it if someone could check this out and give me some feedback. Thank you and have a great day!

    Mastercard / Visa / Discover Discount rate will be Pass-through + 5 basis points

    (prior Mastercard / Visa / Discover – Qual 1.79%Mid-Qual 2.39% Non-Qual 3.19%)

    Mastercard / Visa / Discover check card rate will be Pass-through + 5 basis points

    (prior Debit – Qual 1.19% mid-Qual 2.29% Non-Qual 3.09%)

    American Express Discount Rate will be Pass-through + 5 basis points

    (prior Debit – Qual 1.79% mid-Qual 2.39% Non-Qual 3.19%)

    Authorization Fee $.05 (prior $.15 )

    submitted by /u/Paul65890
    [link] [comments]

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