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    Thursday, October 8, 2020

    Best excuses given! Insurance

    Best excuses given! Insurance

    Best excuses given!

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    Alright guys I want to hear the most baffling excuses as to why an insured or claimant didn't call or respond to your voicemails or letters.

    I just had the most amazing conversation with a claimant who had a parking lot minor accident where my driver scraped the side of her car. She was upset we denied the injury due to no treatment and minor impact without talking to her about it. When I advised we left multiple messages.

    She yelled that she doesn't have access to her voicemail because it has a super secret password that she doesn't know for the last three years and so those calls don't count....

    That was a new one for me.... I can't wait to hear yours

    submitted by /u/opflantern
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    Reducing car insurance during covid

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 04:26 AM PDT

    Hello all, thinking about reducing my car insurance, specifically collision and comprehensive while maintaining the required coverage. Geico, deductible $2500 for both. Thinking about taking both off and saving $300 every 6 month bill since I drive like once a week for groceries or small errands, usually less than 10mi round trip. Opinions?

    submitted by /u/cloudninexo
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    Endoscopy center giving me insurance grief, any advice? Is this illegal?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:05 PM PDT

    I live in Texas.

    Last month, my wife started having severe stomach issues and we took her to the ER, a specialist, ended up getting a CT scan, an endoscopy, etc...

    I provided them with my insurance, UHC, which has my wife covered as a dependant. I got notice later that all my claims were rejected. The reason being that my wife already has a primary insurance provider that isn't UHC.

    After some digging, we discovered she has insurance with her recent employer. They had told us she would NOT get insurance due to it being a contract, but she indeed has BCBS and it is an active policy.

    I have now started the process of calling every facility we went to and letting them know the situation. They have BCBS as her primary, are sending the claims to them, and then any remaining amount will be sent to UHC as the secondary. Most facilities say this isn't an issue and it happens all the time.

    However, the endoscopy center has been a pain in the ass. They are telling me "Well, you already vouched that UHC is the primary and they have been billed. We can't make any promises of sending the bill to BCBS first." They were basically implying that since they sent the bill to UHC already, I might be out of luck and stuck with a $3000 bill. She did say "I'll send the information to billing though since it's worth a shot."

    I was mortified since this sounded incredibly incorrect. I talked to both UHC and BCBS on the phone. They told me that what I was told is ridiculous. That the endoscopy center is required to send the bills/claims to BCBS like I requested since it is my primary and UHC won't pay a dime until it goes through BCBS first. The lady I spoke with at BCBS told me that if the endoscopy center refused to send the bill/claim to BCBS, that I could send the bill to BCBS and they would contact the facility on my behalf and basically have to strong-arm them since it's illegal or something?

    Does this all make sense? My wife literally has two health insurance policies and am really annoyed that the endoscopy center is implying I may be stuck with a $3000 bill because I provide the secondary insurance the first time.

    Edit: I should clarify that I talked to BCBS and asked if I should file a claim myself for the endoscopy center. They said that I would not be able to since this facility is a contractor. The endoscopy center is required to submit it themselves, which is why she said they would take the bill and contact them on my behalf if they refused.

    submitted by /u/CuttyMink
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    Did I mess up with my claim for a busted pipe?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 02:19 AM PDT

    I recently filed a claim for water damage. It happened back in April, I didn't remember the exact day so I estimated. A pipe burst, and I didn't realize until I was looking for invoices that we actually had two issues. One was a pipe where the coupling came off and we realized it pretty quickly (20 minutes to an hour). We were told by he plumber that came that day that the pressure was too high and we should put on a thingy to regulate that because apparently our house has shitty pipes. Well, we figure why not replace all the pipes instead of blowing $500 to band aid the problem. We had already planned that when we had another leak happen a week or two later, and the re-pipe was done as soon as the plumbers were able to come back (I think it was less than a week later, but I don't have the invoice anymore from the second repair right before the re-pipe was done, though it would at least be on my husband's bank statement).

    I totally forgot that it was two separate events because it was so long ago and we already had the re-pipe planned and done so close together with those pipe bursts. Is the adjuster going to think I lied if I bring that up now? We didn't originally file a claim because we re-plumbed everything and both leaks were in the crawlspace, so we were told it would dry out fine. We didn't notice anything until recently after a couple of months of reeeeeally rainy and humid weather, when the floor seemed weak and it smelled weird so we started investigating further. We've tried to be on top of things, we always fix things immediately when they happen, and we specifically asked if we needed to make any additional repairs after the pipe burst. Of course none of that is in writing so I have no proof, but we do the opposite of neglect our house.

    So what's my best course of action? The leaks were near each other and happened pretty close together, should I just let the adjuster do their thing when they come or do I want to clarify what I figured out? I don't want to be shady or lie about anything, but the independent industrial hygienist who came to figure all this shit out for us found mold and my daughter has been very congested the last few months, so we're really concerned about being able to repair this correctly (her pediatrician has always insisted she must have seasonal allergies, so she was getting Zyrtec that never helped every day until we figured this out). My husband has had a sinus infection and I get pretty congested too, but it gets better when we go away for the weekend (which we've been trying to do).

    Our mold coverage limit will not cover the needed repairs by a long shot, and the mold stems from the water damage that we addressed immediately to the best of our ability instead of doing a cheap fix, so it SHOULD be covered as a water damage claim, right. I honestly don't know what we will do if it isn't. We were about to have a whole house dehumidifier installed on the HVAC until we were told the humidity in the house is coming up through the floor from the burst pipe, so now that repair is our priority first (still plan on adding one though, because it's still an asset in our area). I am sick with worry over this and I have been staying out until bath and bedtime every night with my daughter or making her play outside, then keeping her room door closed. I cannot go on like this. Do any insurance adjusters have insight for me?

    submitted by /u/hashtag-blessed
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    Still covered with insurance after quitting 5 weeks ago? what gives?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    I was told it was going away by my pay day....but somehow it still works. I'm assuming its term?

    submitted by /u/trainer235643
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    Lemonade ranked #1 by JD Power for Renters Insurance in 2020. Thoughts?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 11:29 PM PDT

    Was curious to hear your thoughts given the general sentiment on this sub towards Lemonade was not really positive.

    Maybe it's time to start paying attention to them and other up-and-coming insure-techs?


    submitted by /u/oddlyenough322
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    [CA] I haven't heard back from Medi-Cal in 3+ months...can't get a hold of anyone?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 11:28 PM PDT

    I applied for Covered CA/Medi-Cal over 3 months ago, it still says pending on the website. I've tried calling the DCHS (or rather all 4 numbers their website lists to call) and the Medi-Cal customer service line and nobody is picking up...who do I reach out to for a status on my application?

    submitted by /u/cherriesandberries87
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    Insurance Agent Work/life Balance

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    Currently a successful Real Estate agent considering making a switch to Insurance. How is the work life balance?

    In real estate I got calls from agents, sign calls, etc at any given time. I never know when something might come up with a transaction and I have to handle it. How does this compare to insurance?

    submitted by /u/nuggetsfan85
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    My husband and I married this summer. Does he have to move to my employer provided health insurance? (USA)

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 11:14 PM PDT

    TL;DR: We would love to keep him on his Bright (healthcare.gov) plan because the coverage is better. Does he have to move to my insurance? If he doesn't and he chooses to stay on his Bright plan, will he no longer be eligible for the income-based discount? I personally make too much to qualify for a discount, so does my income disqualify him from the discount?

    I have a high deductible health insurance plan with an HSA through my employer. My husband does not work enough hours to qualify for benefits through his employer, so he has Bright insurance through healthcare.gov.

    His premium is very low (I think $20/month, based on his income) and the coverage is fantastic. He has no copays for doctors appointments or emergency room visits. He had very bad asthma, so this makes us feel secure that he can go to his doctor to change his meds without having to pay hundreds out of pocket.

    My premium is $53 bimonthly and the coverage is awful. No pharmacy benefits (and his steroid inhaler is $600/month when not covered by insurance). Doctor's appointments are only covered for preventative health check ups. No mental health coverage (it costs me $300 ever time I go to my therapist or psychiatrist). My single-person deductible is $3500; married couple is $5500. Emergency room visits are not covered until deductible has been met.

    We would love to keep him on his Bright plan. Does he have to move to my insurance? If he doesn't and he chooses to stay on his Bright plan, will he no longer be eligible for the income-based discount? I personally make too much to qualify for a discount, so does my income disqualify him?


    submitted by /u/kicksngigs
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    My No Claims Discount says 0 after 1 year of not claiming? (2 years after accident)

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:43 PM PDT

    I had an accident in Dec 2018, lost my NCD bringing it to 0, and today as my car insurance renews, I have checked on my portal and my documents says is still have 0 NCD. The lines are closed right now but does anybody with more knowledge have more of a clue as to why? Uk

    submitted by /u/heymanmaniac
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    [US - NC] Tricky situation with commercial liability insurance. Advice?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    TL;DR: I started insurance coverage in the spring with the understadning that we could push the start date back since we hadn't taken possession of our leased space. Now that we have and I want to exercise that "push back", I've been told we can't push it this far.

    We're opening up a leased brick-and-mortar space in North Carolina. It's a heavy-liability industry, so the insurance is a significant portion of our monthly costs. Because of Covid, our timeline has gotten pretty screwed up, and I'd love your help with the liability insurance side of things.

    In February we signed a lease.

    In March we were supposed to get possession of the property, but didn't know when exactly that would happen. We needed to start our insurance before we could take possession of the property.

    My insurance agent/broker said that we can start it and we can always move the start date back, just can't move it forward.

    On March 19th, we started the coverage, thinking we would probably be getting possession soon, but weren't sure. They said, "we are absolutely able to move the effective dates as long as we aren't backdating them we are good to go."

    We financed the insurance premium and have been making monthly payments to the finance company ever since.

    On April 14th I emailed them that "We still don't have possession of the space, and can't construction yet, so don't need to start the coverage yet." (no response to that part of the email)

    In July I let them know "We still haven't taken possession of our space". (no response to that part of that email)

    Two weeks ago I emailed that we were finally getting possession, reminded them about forward-dating the coverage, and asked to start it on September 28th.

    On the 29th, in response to another email, they responded "I am working on your email from the other day"

    Today they called me about an unrelated question. I asked about changing the start date of the coverage, and they said (paraphrasing) "oh, we can't do that, you've been covered all this time. We can change it 30 days, but not this long." I was pretty taken aback and had another call, so I said I would call later this afternoon to discuss. At no point did they indicate that there was any sort of limit.

    We've had no premises to be covered, no open business, we've just been waiting until we were able to get possession of the space. I kept paying because I knew I was actually paying the finance company, and understood it to be basically "prepaying". That our coverage would start when we were ready and run for 12 months.

    What's my best way forward? As it stands, I would be out around $25,000 for a brand new business that I wasn't expecting, which would be... difficult to say the least.

    What are they options and how hard do I need to push?

    Thank you for any advice or guidance you can provide!

    submitted by /u/pm_me_your_kindwords
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    Situations where children are without health insurance?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:54 PM PDT

    Hey all I've had a curious question on my mind,

    What types of situations would result in a child ending up without health insurance? There's the obvious working family scenario where their job doesn't provide comprehensive/any coverage nor are they able to afford it; there's also orphans who may not have guardian coverage.

    I know CHIPs are a thing in most states, but besides the earlier two examples plus CHIP (as well as EMTALA), are there any other situations where uninsured children would be in trouble, should they be sick and without means of mitigating healthcare costs?

    submitted by /u/Sudopino
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    Moving to new state when to update auto policy?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    Hi, so I currently live in Ohio and car insurance is stupid cheap here. But I'm going to be moving to Colorado in about 3 weeks. My current policy expires on 12-23-2020. Is it ok for me to just stay on this policy until I need to renew or do I need to update my auto policy right when I move to Colorado?


    submitted by /u/NoSmd
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    Full License?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    I'm switching my car insurance over to TD.. looks to be way cheaper than what I'm paying with Sonnet. Anyway, when filling out the page to get my quote it says to select the class of my license: learner or full. I'm not sure how it is in other places, but in Quebec, you get your learners permit and then you get a probationary license which is what I have. So I can legally drive without an accompanying driver. BUT you have to hold that probationary license for two years to get your Class 5 license. My question is when they say "full" license, do they mean the Class 5, or would be probationary license be considered full too? I've had it for a year and a half.

    submitted by /u/ryecl
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    Is Humana’s preventive value worth it

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    For a 47 year old primary and a 15 year old dependent in Illinois, braces are needed for the dependent.

    submitted by /u/Zealousideal_Joke_42
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    Help with Dental Insurance Options

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I have dental insurance with Delta Dental from my employer. The annual maximum is set at $1500. I've already had multiple visits regarding Perioscaling/Root Planning and Fillings. One of my tooth now requires root canal and crowns. My self pay estimate was 1200 and 1600 for respective services.

    I'm trying to find a secondary insurance that can help with my financial situation. Since my appointment is coming up soon and I'm trying to find a plan that won't have any waiting period and would pay the max among plans ( I found that plans pay at max 25% for major services such as root canal and crown).

    I would appreciate any help if you can share your experience of you were in the same situation and suggest any plans that would help me with my situation.

    submitted by /u/rbonthethrone
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    Homeowners claim method of repair discrepancy - how to proceed ?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    Homeowners insurance. Very visible hail and wind damage to a residence. Adjuster approved for full roof (lowballed but will work out) and reinspected for the deck and offered a solution (spot repairing, sanding and repainting). Policy holder believes proper solution is redecking. The price difference between these two options is large.

    What would be the best next steps to attempt to resolve this? Do I request an escalation? Goto Public adjuster? file with the state to arbitrate?

    Want to close this out but the gap in $$ is related to disagreement in repair method and trying to close that gap and don't know best method. Appreciate tips.

    submitted by /u/ReynoldRaps
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    Progressive to Amica but losing Major Accident Forgiveness

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 05:57 PM PDT

    I have been with Progressive for over ten years and they say I have "Maor Accident Forgiveness". No at fault accidents and no tickets. I'm interestested in switching to Amica because they seem like a better company and my quote from them was slightly lower than Progressives. How big of a deal is losing Major Accident Foregiveness if I leave Progressive?

    I live in Washington State.

    submitted by /u/PracticalLavishness
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    Disenrolled out of Progressive Snapshot program because of erroneous reporting of my device

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    First of all, I've been explained by Progressive Representitives that the Snapshot Program isn't for everyone. (Don't we know it)

    Second, Progressive refuses to admit their devices or algorithms are faulty or incomplete. Or that the drivers in the program may have acted safely and responsibly and still may have had their actions labeled otherwise.

    I live in a busy suburb next to a popular freeway. I recently became aware that my device would ding me for fast accelerations, which usually occurred when I was turning at an intersection where I was given the option to yield rather than make a complete stop while attempting to make a right hand turn. Apparently, the device is not able to tell the difference of the vehicle being allowed to (I would even go to say encouraged) accelerate a higher speed out of a designated soft turn lane without previously coming to a complete stop. Especially in instances where one is turning onto a frontage road that offers an entrance to a freeway. Obvious in those situations, I am required get my speed up quickly to advance my vehicle to the approaching freeway entrance.

    Since I live next to a freeway, that I frequently access, this occurrence is likely to happen often, as to someone else who might live further from a freeway. This instance may not occur that much in your driving habits, but my location invites me to not be a random occurrence.

    Progressive refuses to have their algorithm adjust for this occurrence, and says their device works as intended (big surprise) As a result I have been placed in a higher risk pool, when otherwise I wouldn't for simply responding appropriately to situational traffic guidance.

    In the end, Progressive did say the program was optional, and I was free to terminate the program early, though I would have a 10% premium surcharge added to my bill for early termination.

    EDIT : (forgot to include location. US - TX)

    submitted by /u/Speedstr
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    Property Claims Interview Advice

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 05:02 PM PDT

    Hey guys , I have my (2nd) Interview with Travelers tomorrow for a Outside Property Claim Rep Trainee role. Any advice or questions I should be on the lookout for ?

    submitted by /u/Traditional_Salt
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    No Interstate Coverage (IL)

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    So my SO works here in Michigan where I live, but has an apartment outside of the city of Chicago. (He's lived his whole life there, friends etc.) He also keeps one of his two cars here in Michigan for driving to and from work. I'll also sometimes drive the car. We can't seem to find a way to insure the car with me driving it though so I normally avoid touching it now. Origionally when we had tried to figure out how to make sure the car stayed covered with me driving it when we learned something that we didn't think a insurance policy could do. His insurance agent informed him that 1) no way to insure the car with me driving it since I was out of state and would also be driving it out of state. 2) That any damage done to the car outside of the state of IL, would not be covered by his insurance and so that taking it out of the state to drive would leave him without coverage. Is this something insurance companies can actually enforce or is this shady business dealings that should be argued? He's been with his insurance agent for probably 7 years now and just learned of this issue a few weeks ago. I can't remember if its Allstate or State Farm whom he gets insurance through.

    On the second part I am an MI resident and also have an insurance policy with my own car out of MI, and my agent also informed me he couldn't insure me with the car being an out of state plate and that he couldn't think of a way to make sure the car would be covered if I drove it. (He's younger so I'm hoping maybe someone a little more experience might be able to help find a work around?) The car is a luxury car so I'd definitely want to make sure its protected with me behind the wheel.

    Sorry for the multiple questions and if you need more info feel free to ask, I'll happily provide it!

    submitted by /u/FarminForYa
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    Do I need an SR22 in California from a DUI in 2013?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    Hi guys, there's no way I'm getting a quick answer from the DMV, so I'm asking reddit.

    I got a DUI in 2013, In 2017 of July I completed my DUI School requirement and paid off all the fees.

    I still havent driven. I need to get an interlock device and a car.

    My question is: DO I still need an SR22?

    California states that it is mandatory for 3 years, but What if 3 years have already passed? I didn't have an SR22 during that time--do I still need to get an SR22 and then wait another 3 years until I can get regular low costing insurance?

    submitted by /u/higgiesboson
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    Will my rates go up if I file a claim? (Motorcycle)

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    Hey y'all,

    Was wanting advice on whether or not to file my own claim or to just go through the party at faults provider, Mercury.

    I have geico and on Saturday this dude backed into the kick stand side knocking it over while it was parked. I got his info tho.

    He wanted to settle up but stalled so I got an estimate and it was pretty hefty so I filed a claim with mercury, but I'm conflicted about filing my own bc I've only owned the bike and had it insured since august and I don't want my rates to go up. Any insight?

    EDIT: I'm in the US in California. LA specifically.

    submitted by /u/thrett918
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    Insurance realities: which works for you?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    location: california

    Insurance: auto

    Edit: comments have suggested that adjusters are busy people and that I was quite rude, and I apologize to the adjuster who I was speaking to. That does still leave the question: Is 3 cars a fair sample size to work on? What is the industry standard for discounting salvage vehicles in adjustments?

    I spoke with an adjuster at Progressive to ask what would the process be if something were to happen that totaled my car, and if we could go through a simulation adjustment. I am also looking at salvage vehicles and asked what the process is for those. She said Progressive will take an average of 3 similar model and mileage cars In the zip code. She then said she couldn't do a simulation adjustment because she'd need more info, which confused me, why not just assume worst case and the car is totalled? She also said that progressive takes a percentage off for salvage but she couldn't recall it. I asked her if she could look it up and she said she wouldn't. She then said the conversation was taking too long and hung up.

    Now I'm worried that Progressive is iffy and will actively try to screw me if something happens. I mean, a sample size of 3 cars gives a lot of room to pick and choose, and I'm wondering if there are companies that use better "averaging" mechanisms and if there are companies that will actually properly cover salvage vehicles?

    submitted by /u/laughertes
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