• Breaking News

    Friday, August 28, 2020

    Nursing home employer required me to get Covid tested per the Ohio’s mandate. They billed our insurance. Is this legit? Insurance

    Nursing home employer required me to get Covid tested per the Ohio’s mandate. They billed our insurance. Is this legit? Insurance

    Nursing home employer required me to get Covid tested per the Ohio’s mandate. They billed our insurance. Is this legit?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 09:02 PM PDT

    What the title says. I work at a nursing home and Ohio required us all to get Covid tested, per the state's mandate. Days before the national guard did our testing my employer required us all to give them a copy of our insurance card. I did because my insurance is threw them anyhow. The test was billed to my insurance but insurance covered the entire thing. So I didn't think much more about it.

    Now we are being required to test every two weeks. So far my insurance hasn't been dinged again, but I don't think it's been enough time for the billing to be processed. Some employees with out insurance have now received bills but management is saying the bills will be covered.

    My concern is that this is unethical. I'm unsure if my insurance will continue to cover the entire cost on a two week basis. I'm also concerned that this will get me labeled as a "high user" if I ever need to get private insurance, is that a thing? I'm unwilling to pay out of pocket for this, I would essentially be working for free.

    Does anyone have any insight on this?

    submitted by /u/KStarSparkleDust
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    [NOT OP] Insurance stole my car

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    Auto accident, other guys insurance claims i am 20% liable

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 08:53 PM PDT

    The other driver was 100% responsible for the accident. He admits it, and that is what is stated in the police report. How can the insurance company claim i am 20% liable, and how can i convince them i am am not? I have follow up call with them tomorrow and not sure how to go about it.

    Edit: in Illinois

    submitted by /u/obey-the-Walrus
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    [CA] Does the insurance get the registration fee refund or do I get it? (totaled car, but I already paid coming yrs registration which goes into effect later next month, so case is eligible for refund in CA - wondering who is entitled to that refund)

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 10:00 PM PDT

    I was in the process of applying to the CA DMV to get the registration fee refund.

    But I saw that my insurance had already filed the request under their name (bc totaled car is in their posession/ownership after I agreed to their settlement) when I was looking for proof of wreckage documents to submit to the DMV.

    Is it normal for the insurance to apply for & get the registration fee refund?

    I thought the refund was gonna be mine.

    submitted by /u/FranklinBenis4FRpuss
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    Driver bumped my car at a red light.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 06:52 PM PDT

    I was parked at a red light, waiting for it to turn green when someone rear ended me. It didn't look bad and it wasn't majorly dented. Just a few scratches and a plastic decor chipped. I was about to call the cops to make a report, but they were pleading a lot. Saying they just came here from another state, they don't have a place to stay ( I saw furniture in the back of their truck ) times are tough for them and the girlfriend just looked like she was about to cry. I agreed and asked if I got it fixed would they pay out of pocket. Of course they were calm now and smiling saying "of course! of course!" Gave me their number (in which I called immediately to see if it would go through and it did) And I even said "I know times are tough with the whole world going berserk. 2020 isn't nice and I hope this alleves your stress, but please understand I bought this car with my own money and it doesn't feel good seeing it messed up. I'm still a college student and I really hope you won't go back on your word."

    The guy who was driving promise me, and his words were very promising. He genuinely seemed like a nice guy. So we made a deal and I drove off. I got the car estimated and it was a whole whopping 680 dollars. Man. That's two months of car payment for me. I messaged the number and they responded but it was very eh. Every time I asked for an update of when I can get the money there was either no response or I had to message them 10 times before I got a one worded answer.

    They hit me aug 10th and it's been 17 days already. We reached a compromised last week that they would pay 50 a month. I agreed because it was better than nothing and I was worried they wouldn't pay at all. They said they would set up a pp account and finish up some court issues and let me know. I said that's fine and I will check up on them a week later. A week later was tuesday and I have messaged them 8 times asking what is going on and no replay.

    I'm extremely stressed but it's no ones fault but my own because I let them go without reporting them. Got a big scolding from my parents too. And I'm very upset because I thought I did something good by giving them a break only to have it bite me back in the ass. I don't know what to do at this point if there is anything I can do at all.

    I guess I'm just asking for help/advice. Please be gentle with me. I know when people read this they will think I'm extremely stupid and I agree but it was my first accident and I panicked and honestly didn't know what to do.

    ** It happened at a street in city hall where there are cameras and I was wondering if I could obtain the video of him hitting my car would i be able to do anything with it?

    ** Located in state of Georgia

    submitted by /u/jeonjunqkook
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    Car Insurance Lapse !!!

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:39 AM PDT

    So i was involved in an accident Aug. 23rd and at the same time my wife happened to be renewing our car insurance over the phone and received the confirmation email 40 minutes after the time that was put on the police report (report time 12:10am; confirmation was sent at 12:52am) and because of that i now have insurance lapse. Can i be penalized for the lapse even though it wasn't even longer than 1 hour ?!

    Location: New York (i have CT insurance)

    submitted by /u/AlmightyRalph
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    Best insurance company for a '08 Toyota Tacoma

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 10:56 PM PDT

    Hi all, as the title suggests I am in search of an insurance company/policy for my '08 Toyota Tacoma. Who is the best insurance company for the price? I am in the Miami Dade County, Florida, USA

    submitted by /u/fishin-magician
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    Bmw crashes into my fence, Damages 4 cars. Insurance only wants to pay 10k

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    Recently a car crashed into the house I rent, damaged 2 of my cars (both PIP) & 2 of my neighbor car (1 Pip, 1 full coverage)

    The insurance company only has 10k to pay out for everything. My insurance won't pay a dollar either

    (The owner of the house is also going after them for the fence)

    What should I do?

    Miami Florida

    submitted by /u/SpicyComment
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    Contents-only flood insurance for renter high rise (SF, 4th floor)

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    I rent a 4th floor apartment in SF (a few blocks away from the water, though not in one of SF's 100-year flood zones). Would contents-only flood insurance be a good idea, or a waste of money? Is there any situation in which my contents would get damaged in a flood if I live on the 4th floor?

    submitted by /u/daveqsang
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    Agent advised me not to file claim on my homeowners insurance, should I?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    I recently suffered about $5k of damage to my house during a storm. My deductible is $2,500. I sent all the info to my agent and he said he advises not filing since I only will get $2,500 and it will stay on my record for 5 years, and if I have to file another claim they will likely drop me. He says I'm better off just using it for larger claims.

    Is he right? Should I file it and take the $2,500 or just pay for it all myself and get nothing on my record?



    submitted by /u/chaser--
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    EOB on my Parent’s Insurance??

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    Hey, I'm 15 and trying to use my parent's insurance (which I'm a dependent on) for some medical stuff (hrt related, if it's relevant) but I don't want them to find out about it. The social worker at the clinic said to call the insurance company and get the EOB sent to a friends house to prevent them from finding out, if need be, so I'm assuming this is legal? (I'm in Oregon)

    The problem is that I have no idea how to deal with insurance and insurance companies. I don't know what number to call, I don't know what to ask, and is there any way they could find out even if the EOB isn't sent to them? I have a copy of the insurance card, but I don't know where to start. Thank you!

    (Also, I know that someone is going to tell me not to use the insurance without permission because of morals or something and, in advance, that's not helpful.)

    submitted by /u/itzspookytime
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    Help understanding some terms and staying on parents policy as an adult

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    I am 22F and just found out I'm pregnant. My husband and I are both contract workers without employer provided insurance. We could technically sign up but it would be $300/week. I am still on my parents plan and I am curious: even if their insurance doesn't cover my maternity care, would we still only pay up until their out of pocket limit? And would we get the insurance rates as opposed to out of pocket rates for procedures? We make decent money and can pay up until my parents deductible but it would be a struggle for us to afford maternity care + the 300/week for our own insurance. Any help understanding this would be appreciated

    Edit: Bot is asking for info, we live in IN, USA

    submitted by /u/chemhelp214
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    Advice on rental car insurance

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    So the other day I rented a car though enterprise in Las Vegas NV and got their roadside assistance and damage waiver throughout the time I had the car. Today I had a incident where a wild burro pulled in front of me last second and caused me to swerve on the side of the road where I hit some stuff and broke off my rentals side mirror and some dents on the passenger side. Will my damage waiver cover the damages? If so how often do rental company's have to deal with accidents with their rentals? I am just so worried they won't rent to me anymore due to me being 21.

    submitted by /u/4U2Csdk
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    Insurance company paid claim and is now staying that's they won't pay.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    Car deemed a total loss

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    So last weekend I was in a car accident, someone hit me flying around a corner and they were deemed at fault. Their insurance adjuster told me that he thinks my car is a total loss, and offered a $7,000 settlement. The problem is I'm still paying off the vehicle, I owe around $9,500 so if I took that settlement I would not only be out of a car but I'd still have to pay off the remaining amount. Sadly I don't have gap insurance to cover it so I'm just trying to figure out how I should go about this. :(

    submitted by /u/Curlyychloe3
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    Friend's boss fired her and said he's taking Cobra out of her last paycheck. She didn't enroll in Cobra. She needs her paycheck. [Advice]

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    This literally happened all in the same day (yesterday). Her boss fired her and then told her he would deduct her COBRA out of her last check because he's already prepaid it. She hasn't enrolled in COBRA, needs that money, and would temporarily do better on other insurance programs (we think). Can he: a) choose her Cobra coverage for her? b) dock her check for that?

    And what recourse does she have? Virginia, US.

    submitted by /u/ijustwanttoishpost
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    Homeowners total loss questions

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:45 PM PDT

    Edit to add location: Santa Cruz County, California
    We just lost our home and outbuildings in a wildfire, along with nearly all the contents (a few things came with us when we evacuated). So far, no real problems, but have a few questions that nobody seems to answer clearly:

    1. I understand that with replacement cost coverage I get the current depreciated value now, but the full replacement cost if I buy the same (or equivalent, if no longer available) item. How does it work if I want to pay the difference myself for an upgrade (e.g., I had a $2000 bike and I could replace with a $2000 bike but I'd really like a $3000 bike if I'm getting a new bike)? Is that scenario supported, or am I forced to get the $2000 bike because that's the same one? If I am forced to do that, can I trade the bike back in and get the $3000 bike I want?
    2. Our policy pays for "actual" living expenses while we are displaced. We have relocated to a second home we own because it was more comfortable than. trying to live in a hotel until we could rent a house. Does that mean we get nothing and really should just go rent a place closer to where the fire was because that'll be more convenient when it comes to rebuilding? (It'd be a no-brainer that we need to do that but for COVID and distance learning / remote working)
    3. Beyond the initial $5000 advance, is there any way to start getting paid for replacements before we finish our inventory of contents (which is painstaking and will take many more days to complete)?

    And any tips for things people in our situation typically forget to do properly?

    submitted by /u/atmatthewat
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    car insurance claim with a bonded title

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    so recently i got into a crash (i'm not the one at fault) but the thing is the car didn't have a title it came from a auction and the title is with the original owner. if i submit the bonded title under my name to the other guys insurance company will it still count that the title is under my name?

    submitted by /u/Iethannn
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    How to insure a daughter that has moved away?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    My daughter just left for college. She is driving an old car I bought for her when she was 16. It is registered in my name, and she is still on our auto insurance policy.

    What steps can I take to make sure I avoid liability for an accident that she might cause? Should I just make sure I have adequate auto insurance? Umbrella policy? Am I financially liable for her if she gets in an accident?

    She has no assets/liabilities and is 18. I have enough to go after. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/ReasonablyConfused
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    How Would Our Health Insurance Work?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    Hello husband and I are planning on possibly working for the same company within the next couple of year, we're in California! We work in similar industries, and I'd like to go back to working for the company my husband works for. Right now, his health insurance is covered under his dad's plan, but he is due to age out next year. We have a son together and he's currently on my plan at my work. If we were to work for the same company, would we have one plan as a family or would we have our own individual plans with one of us having our son on our plan? The individual plan is a lot cheaper than the family or spouse plans, and we are planning on having more children, so I'm on the high HMO right now, and that's what we'd be planning to have next year at his work as well.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/badwlf55
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    What's the Progressive claims process for non insureds? Not at fault.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    Howdy all!

    I wanted to get some insight on how long Progressive takes to settle or determine their auto claims.

    So long story short, their insured runs a stop sign and hits my car. Accident occurred Sunday and I called to report it to them that same day.

    Claims adjuster calls me Monday and goes through all of the questions. Even asked if who do I think is at fault and that no answer is a bad answer. (like really?)

    We left off that he will get in touch with me by the end of the week, fast forward to today. I get in touch with the police department and obtained the report, I did call the claims guy to notify him and he said that I would need to send it.

    Great. No car, and it's in a different city. Two trains later, I scanned it in to him.

    So where do we go from here? The police report shows the road and how the accident occurred. Clearly I was not in the wrong, I need my car to get fixed and do not want to go into the weekend without sorting this out.

    Should I keep contacting him everyday to see what's going on or just file through my own carrier?

    Edited: happened in Jersey City, NJ and were both NY residents.

    submitted by /u/JagaloonJack
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    Businesses are finding out their insurance doesn't cover the pandemic

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    Shopping Homeowners, burst pipe risk. Best carrier?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    I'm currently with State Farm. My slab ranch home was built in 1957 (Phoenix, Arizona, USA). The exterior sewer pipe gave way about a year ago. The plumber noted that it's fairly common for interior pipes to burst in homes my age, and State Farm is known to treat such claims relatively harshly. A few neighbors have confirmed that burst pipes have been an issue in my neighborhood for the past 10-20 years.

    I feel this is my biggest potential home risk. Ideally, I'd like to insure that damaged pipes, flooring, cabinets, and possessions are all covered in some regard. Any thoughts on which specific carriers are known for treating customers fairly on burst pipe issues?

    I'm also concerned that asking carriers questions related to a specific risk will somehow come back to bite me in the ass if I submit a related claim at some point in the future. Valid concern?

    submitted by /u/who_dis_indeed
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    Insurance options for freelancers?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 02:33 PM PDT


    I currently work in a 1099 position for a medical orthopaedic company.

    I turned 26 and so I am no longer on my parent's insurance.

    My husband does a lot of freelance web design/contracts and therefore has no insurance either.

    I am wondering what to do? Especially since we are wanting to have a child soon...

    Are they any options for us? I've seen local clinics that don't contract with insurance companies ( they do a monthly subscription fee type option ), I think they are called "direct care" facilities. But that's just primary care, so I'm not sure how pregnancy would work or if there are any similar options.

    I also don't think we would qualify for Medicaid given our income but I'm not sure...

    We are in North Carolina.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Medical-Coder
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