• Breaking News

    Sunday, June 7, 2020

    Stock Market - A $2 stock is NOT always cheaper than a $200 stock. Yet we see $2 stock going to $20 faster than a $200 stock going to $2000. What's the play?

    Stock Market - A $2 stock is NOT always cheaper than a $200 stock. Yet we see $2 stock going to $20 faster than a $200 stock going to $2000. What's the play?

    A $2 stock is NOT always cheaper than a $200 stock. Yet we see $2 stock going to $20 faster than a $200 stock going to $2000. What's the play?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    Is it only psychological, seeing a smaller number even if it is, in fact, expensive? I know this doesn't apply to all the shares out there but I've personally seen "cheaper" (in terms of $ value) shares fly faster than bigger $ value shares.

    submitted by /u/Brown_Cow69
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    Whatever happened to the debt ceiling?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    Remember the Republicans shut down the government over an imaginary debt ceiling they just drew on the wall? They literally stopped governing over it. We're $25T in the red now, several times bigger in debt.


    submitted by /u/escortmelaniatrump
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    What stock do you think will boom within the next few weeks?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    Im trying to find a few more stocks to start looking into. What shows some promise to you guys and is generally at a low point due to the coronavirus. Personally, I think Vanguard looks pretty nice and is recovering well.

    submitted by /u/Glaze11
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    Stock Market Poem

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    Wanna be a stock trader? Tired of being a hater?

    Fine fine I'll let you in and let you lose a million.

    It comes with stressful mornings seeing that red percent or when you take a loss to pay your unpaid rent.

    It comes with some big moments that make you feel your dumb and others where you feel like you've outsmarted everyone.

    Here comes the excitement, you see the money double, and laugh at all your friends, cause you're no longer humble.

    Here come all the tears, from missing that big drop, yet you never cried, hearing about the cops.

    In 10 years will my stocks, be making me a big bucks? It all comes down to knowledge; just kidding it's all luck.

    submitted by /u/iLLThunder15
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    Some thoughts about Stock market and uncertainty vs. Risk

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 07:02 PM PDT

    I'm reading a lot of posts where I'm getting the impression that some people have become detached from the conceptualization of financial theory and are now in a state where they feel greed or fear and are making decisions based on their feelings.

    I want to tell them something about uncertainty and risk.

    Uncertainty isn't the same same as risk.

    Uncertainty was what we had in Mid March. Uncertainty is PANIC! It's when no one's got a real clue about what things are going to be like in the future.

    Such as when a new highly contagious virus is killing people and we know hardly anything about it.

    Back in Feb/March, we were all terrified about the virus. We barely knew anything about the virus, had no idea how far government would go to contain and/or address the virus and take care of it's population and economy. There were supply shortages everywhere. There were worries about deadly mutations? is it a bio weapon? etc... And of course this reflected in the financial markets! The reasons are really obvious if you studied any financial theory....

    That was certainly an incredibly UNCERTAIN time - and woah did we ever see that with the huge short term volatility.

    But now? Can one say that times are just as uncertain? It seems like life and business will be different and inconvenient going forward for a time. Things will open back up slowly and fluctuate (but it won't get as bad as it was at the start as we have proven we have measures for that which work). There might be a second wave, but we have time to get ready for it. We already closed down once and so that is probably as bad as it will get, so it's not the end of the world. Since humans can fight off the virus they do produce antibodies so a vaccine is theoretically viable and it's just a matter of time. So times are no longer uncertain!

    There are lots of risks of course! It's near impossible to come up with a value for an asset because good luck trying to figure out any future cash flows with current information. No one can do it! That is why there is no precision in any forward looking guidance. And one can't quite quantify the effects of say the current unemployment to economic recovery with any precision, or the covid-19 precautions which will reduce overall productivity, etc...

    So.. coming up with valuations for any assets right now is RISKY. You may pay more or less relative to its reference than what it's truly worth and the data is very out there and incomplete with hardly no basis of historical comparison! However, the uncertainty about the future fundamentals of the financial system and a way of life is no longer uncertain. There is confidence that things will get better and there will be some winners (cough - technology) and losers. in the process, but overall, things will not be like they were in March unless something else happens that is hard to see now.

    For panic to happen again which is the drop it seems so many people are hoping for, a PANIC inducing event will need to happen!

    Volatility however is here to stay as the wisdom of the people who participate in the market continue to gather, model, and project any updated/new information while also taking into consideration the circumstances of each of the parties of the trading transaction.

    Try and think about what exactly would one be waiting to happen so that this panic inducing event will happen in order for stocks to crash like they did in March? What uncertainty do you think has a chance to happen (and by uncertainty i mean PANIC, not the risks of trying to value financial assets with limited information and making an informed "bet").

    Let's say the uncertain event is the virus mutates and become even more deadly and even more contagious, or imports/exports are banned, Insurrection in America, or the world drops US dollar as the reserve currency... I'd say that those events will induce panic and uncertainty, but.... Are the odds with your perspective/insight high enough to truly see it coming before it hits the mainstream?

    I doubt it!

    Would love to hear other perspectives.

    submitted by /u/enlightened_secret
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    Should the major Financial Markets be open 24/7/365?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    If one thing the current situation has taught us is that a physical (brick and mortar) location is not needed for many businesses and services.

    This brings me to my question: Should the major Financial Markets (Stocks, Commodities, Futures, Options...) go virtual and be open 24/7/365. That is, never close.

    There is many positives and negatives to this happening which can be discussed.

    submitted by /u/RogueDisciple
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    Podcasts for beginners

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    I work a mindless job where I can listen to podcasts all day. Do you guys have any good recommendations for podcasts that explain the stock market for newbies and also informative ones regarding the current state of it?

    submitted by /u/OokieBungie
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    ERI-CZR Merger Fast Tracked��

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    Gaming officials in New Jersey meet to discuss the Caesars Entertainment (NASDAQ:CZR)-Eldorado Resorts (NASDAQ:ERI) merger in the upcoming week! This is strong BULLISH news, as this meeting wasn't slated for discussion until early July. Casinos/Gaming stocks up 47% on avg. in the past month, with its top movers being $ERI at 138% & $PENN at 129.1%. Post merger, ERI will be the juggernaut of the chino industry as the largest existing chain. Prepare your bankroll, aiming for ATH ($80 by Sept)! 🚀🌝

    submitted by /u/Lazarus-II
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    6/7/2020: Weekly Wrap-up and What to Expect

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    Positive, market-driving economic news and activity continued rolling in last week. Airlines announced increasing summer flights as passengers slowly return and states continue to reopen. Furthermore, the surprising decrease in unemployment announced by the Department of Labor on Friday and continued oil production cuts announced by OPEC on Saturday will likely provide fuel for this rally to continue into the beginning of the upcoming week. However, with COVID cases slowly increasing again and the impending end to the $600 government support checks in July, will there be another dip? Here are the details:

    1. The unemployment rate unexpectedly decreased by 1.4% in May as employers added 2.5M new jobs. Last Friday, the Department of Labor announced an unexpected drop in unemployment from 14.7% to 13.3% in May. The report noted employment rose sharply in leisure and hospitality, construction, education and health services, and retail trade - areas depressed most by COVID. This unexpected decrease in unemployment drove stocks up significantly towards the end of the week. However, some of this increase in employment could be attributed to employers rehiring employees that were laid off.
    2. Airlines increase summer travel routes as they've begun to see increasing demand by passengers. Airlines expect to fly at ~50% of their normal schedules during the summer as passenger demand has been slowly increasing. This is a dramatic increase from May, when they were operating at ~20% of their schedule. This optimistic and quick recovery by airlines drove investors to invest heavily in airlines, hotels, etc. driving up their share prices significantly. See which airline stocks we like here.
    3. OPEC extends oil production cuts through June in efforts to bring up the price of oil to help battle oil oversupply. In efforts to continue increasing oil prices, OPEC has decided to cut 9.6M barrels of oil until the end of July. This reduction in supply, along with increasing demand for oil as economies open, will likely be a large driver in stock prices for oil companies in the coming week. Small oil companies will likely be the greatest benefactor of this news.
    4. However, investors are wary of the fragile economic state of the U.S. with the end of stimulus checks impending in July. With all the positive news around state reopenings and decreased unemployment, investors are worried about the conflict in Congress around passing the fifth and final COVID relief bill. McConnell has already said Republicans won't extend the $600 per week supplemental unemployment benefit, which they say is taking away the incentive for people to return to the job market. If a bill does pass, it'll likely be <$1T.
    5. Furthermore, select states saw a rise in COVID cases upon reopening, raising concerns for a second wave of COVID. Last week, Johns Hopkins University observed an increase in the five-day moving average for confirmed cases. Public health officials are concerned that widespread protests may be contributing to the increase in COVID cases. While this is concerning, the overall picture has been mixed as other states have demonstrated significant progress in decreasing COVID cases after reopening. The U.S.'s overall daily COVID cases count has been decreasing gradually, hovering around 20K new cases per day.

    Overall, WX Capital is comfortable maintaining our current market positions for several reasons. Firstly, the majority of our investments is in biotech, which is less dependent on consumer discretionary spending and therefore less impacted by unemployment and economic downturns. Secondly, federal support for COVID as the U.S. transitions into a more "normal" state, will likely continue, though at a much lesser degree given the drop in unemployment last month. Lastly, U.S. COVID cases are now dropping steadily. Even if there were another spike in COVID cases, the U.S. hospital system is better prepared to identify and handle COVID cases at earlier stages. Later stage COVID can be supported by Gilead's drug, remdesivir. As usual, don't ever hesitate to reach out with questions!

    submitted by /u/boccherini-trader
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    What is the lowest amount you could invest in dividends and make noteworthy money?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    I'm a 17 year old that wants to start investing with a long term plan. I have a thousand that i can invest in stocks. What is a safe method of making money from my initial investment.

    submitted by /u/luciflerfather
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    I may be wrong, but Atleast I did what I thought was right.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    Shorted the dow 8% off the FEB highs. I may be wrong, but my conviction will remain the same. There is a euphoric and artificial feel to this rally, not saying anyone on the long side is wrong, because I suppose theres an argument. However, I strongly believe people are discounting the complexities of opening a 25 trillion dollar economy. There are a lot of unknowns still at play and rational markets, when they kick, in HATE uncertainty. But who knows, either way I wish everyone peace and happiness.

    submitted by /u/snomys27
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    Stock Call Option, first time buying an Option

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    I bought my first Call/ Option back in March or April.

    Wanted to feel out the process of it with 1 contract.

    Personal opinions on how long you would hold out?

    How'd I do on my first Call Option?

    Obviously it's ITM. Just looking for tips, advice, and any words of wisdom or insight into Calls and Puts.

    Ford $6 Call exp 9/18/2020

    submitted by /u/TimeToPlay420
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    Stocks you think will Triple by the end of year

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    Throw some tickers . The goals is to chose 5 of them and invest 1k each and totally forget it till January 2021 .

    I will do my research on the company just throw names

    submitted by /u/Guled952
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    Advice for a young man aspiring to learn

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    I've got around 2k saved up from lifeguarding and my dad has helped me set up and move it into a brokerage account. Luckily I have food and housing paid for right now so I dont need to save any of the 2,000 (i've still got a couple hundred bucks for gas and stuff) so im looking to invest it all. Im reading a book on investing but I wanted to hear what you guys thought I should do. Ive been reading around on some of these subreddits and it sounds like airline companies are very promising right now. What would you experienced investors do in my situation?

    submitted by /u/that-manss
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    First timer

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    For the first time I bought 200 shares of a stock, on a Sunday. I know the market opens Monday morning. The stock price at which I purchased those shares, would that be what I would get at opening or if the share price goes up Sunday night into Monday, would I then have to pay the difference? Sorry bout this but just need some clarification

    submitted by /u/715383917162
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    Opinions on my portfolio

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 05:19 PM PDT

    What is everyone's opinion on my current portfolio? Are there any suggestions on what I may like to add or sell off? Thanks in advance!














    submitted by /u/Project-Health12
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    Advice for stock buying.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    So i was originally going to invest most of my money into Vanguard Index Funds, turns out they have a $3k minimum investment which is too high for me at the moment. Should i just do ETF's or just wait until i get more money and stick with the Index Funds.

    Also if this kind of question/format doesn't fit this sub lmk and i'll delete it.

    submitted by /u/finnbarrr
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    New to market, quick question about limit orders.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    So, I live in Korea and the market closes while I am asleep. Is there any downside to buying a stock (volatile) and then setting a sell limit to the same price I bought it at. So if there is a major dip while I am asleep, I will basically be safe. Just curious if this is possible. Cheers.

    submitted by /u/FiftyShadesofpiss
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    Pair of 50 Day Moving Average Trade’s for the week

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    Prized and CBOE Both are sitting right on their 50 Day moving average while remaining in upward and Bullish long term trend lines.

    Keep a tight stop to the downside just in case but fundamentally I don't see a reason why either would drop below.

    Ready for a FUN week.

    submitted by /u/BigNelly1985
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    Why Markets Open = Premarket Results?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    I noticed Stock Indices during the premarket will determine if markets will open as bull or bear, almost mirror every trading day.

    I believe the premarkets refers to "Futures market" like E-mini S&P 500 and folks trade by mean of Put/Call Options.

    As observed, if E-mini S&P 500 is up 1% , you will expect the S&P 500 goes up by the same % when the market opens.

    The last I check S&P 500 Futures Quotes for JUN 2020 is 3186.70 as at 4PM Sunday June 7. And assuming the E-Mini number remains the same till before the markets open, we can expect the S&P 500 to open at more or less the same level on Monday morning.


    1. Futures eg. E-mini S&P 500 deals with future contracts. So, what I don't understand is why the "futures" will be mirrored by the respective index (ie. S&P 500) upon opening?

    - I imagine the futures are dealing with futures contracts, say you order a put option 2 weeks from now. So, how is something like be taken as the SAME as what's being traded live the next day?

    For example,

    - if I buy an option for the S&P 500 index to go up 5% in two weeks time, how is my purchase reflected on the E-mini S&P 500? 5% as well? But what I ordered is two week from now, how does this work?

    1. Another thing is I believe options are available not only on indices, but also individual stocks/ETFs, so how will my option purchase of say Tesla, affects the E-mini S&P 500 since Tesla is not even tracked by S&P 500?

    - Or could it be my Tesla option will affect another relevant index, say Russell 2000 (and there is E-mini equivalent for that?

    That said, in order to pump up the market (it's been observed the indices always turned green during the wee hours when no one is trading, and despite all the negative news),

    > would you say the power-that-be buys up only the indices (ie. Dow Jones, SP500, Nasdaq, etc.) on the futures market, or they also buy sector by sector, or even individual stocks?

    Thanks for info you may provide.

    submitted by /u/LittaBird
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    How to follow BlackRocks investments ?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 06:21 AM PDT

    It is mandatory that investment funds declare publically when they reach an investment step. I have the information but days afters... Where to find in the fastest way the updated investment and disenvestment of BlackRocks ? Would be also interested by the same for Berkshire Hathaway or even better for all the investment funds. Thank yoh

    submitted by /u/Badalub
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    I have $50. What should I invest that in?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    Coca cola? Bank of America? Or should I do something else with it?

    I'm new to the stock market game. I invested $40 3 months ago when I turned 18 and it's not $100 which got me learning more about the stock market. I just don't know what to do with the $50 I was given.

    Any advice?

    submitted by /u/MoveZneedle
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    Is it too late to invest in airline and travel companies?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    I know I should've invested around March/April. Don't know why I didn't. But has the ship sailed for these? Or is it worth trying? What other industries are good to try right now?

    submitted by /u/jordanraymusic
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    Positive weeks ahead

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    I don't see the FED or the government backing off further stimulus. We should hear about both this week. With further validation and money sitting on the sidelines I can see more and more people dipping their toe in, in combination with more shorts closing positions. Additionally oil cuts will lift that sector.

    submitted by /u/Maficinc
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