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    Friday, June 5, 2020

    Looking for Insurance instead of doing the pre-paid funeral route. Insurance

    Looking for Insurance instead of doing the pre-paid funeral route. Insurance

    Looking for Insurance instead of doing the pre-paid funeral route.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 10:48 PM PDT

    USA California:

    I am a single 55 year old woman with no spouse or dependents. I have no property, "heirlooms" or any real money. Other than a small retirement fund, I really have very little . My 2004 Toyota is likely the only worthwhile thing I have. I have Life insurance through my employer - if I suddenly die while employed, there is enough to pay for my funeral and unforeseen expenses. However, when I retire, I will lose that insurance. I sure in heck will not have enough money in my bank accounts to pay for my funeral if I die during retirement.

    When my 25 year old nephew suddenly died, the family had to do a crowd fund account to pay for the funeral. I realized I needed to do something. I though those pre-paid funeral situations would be perfect - until I did the research. According to AARP, Consumer Reports and the National Funeral Directors Association all say it is a bad idea for a lot of reasons I won't get into.

    So here I am. I need to know What kind of Insurance I need to get tot simply pay my funeral expenses that will not break the bank.

    submitted by /u/oceanbreze
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    Adjuster Question

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 05:30 PM PDT

    A few weeks ago I got into an auto accident (California), short story the other party turned left and t-boned my car.

    No police report filed (dummy me for believing a nice guy)

    After a few weeks, my adjuster called and said I'm 100% not at fault after reviewing pictures of the damages. He transferred my case to the other party's adjuster (we both have the same insurance company).

    Now the other party's adjuster is saying the liability is still open because the other party is fighting it. He said the other party is trying to obtain cctv from the city. How long can this drag out for? If the initial ruling was 100% not my fault and they are unable to obtain cctv footage or new evidence, can the adjuster change their decision?

    submitted by /u/rkshokz
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    Leased car was rear ended yesterday and other driver doesn't want to go through insurance

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    Yesterday my husband was rear ended by a driver who was on his cell phone. It caused damage to the bumper and dented the metal frame on the trunk. The other driver explained to my husband this can't be sent to insurance because his license is on probation (for speeding) and he is in risk of loosing his scholarship at his university. The other driver wants us to take our car to his body shop mechanic to be repair with cash.

    My issue is the car is a lease (First time we have leased). What if the bodyshop mechanic doesn't use factory parts and our dealership (Mazda) will charge us when we return the lease? I have been pleading with my husband to just use the insurance and we will get the car fixed by Mazda. Frankly, I don't really care about what happens to the other driver as this is his fault for being on his phone.

    I don't have much knowledge of lease returns. Please advise

    submitted by /u/fatremnants
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    Car Insurance Storage fees UK

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    Hi everybody i am based in the UK and am in the process of making a claim, my car caught fire while I was driving, because of this, thr fire burnt out the car completely, it had to be recovered and is now in storage accruing fees, I contacted my insurance broker A Choice via their claims line a few days later to make a claim, somebody from A Choice did pick up, they then transferred me to the underwriters XS Direct, they did not pick up, as they had a voicemail, i left a VM with my contact details and asked them to call me back to make a claim, I called many times with the same result, I finally got through to somebody by contacting XS direct directly from their claims line on their website to make a claim, i found out where the car was being stored, its taken 3 weeks at least since making the claim that my insurance company has told me that as they don't cover the costs, they would take this off of my settlement, however since this whole process has taken around 8 weeks, the fees have mounted up to £2000 which would be a considerable chunk of my settlement fee, as this is not my fault, can someone please give me some advice on the best course of action to take


    submitted by /u/Habib_30
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    Estimating the dimished value after the car accident

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 01:00 AM PDT

    I am planning to file diminished value claim of my car against an insurance company by taking it to a court. Before doing so, I would need to estimate the dimished value but I am not quite sure how to. I see there are many private appraisals out there out there but I hear mixed reviews about them. Folks against them mainly complain about they doing practically nothing for the fee (usually $250) they charge. Is there way to estimate the dimished value on my own?

    submitted by /u/Snoo_18170
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    Pet Insurance Claim Denied

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    I'm not sure if this is the best place for this question, but I am in need of an opinion on my situation. My dog required surgery to repair a ligament in his back left knee in May 2020. He had previously had the other knee repaired in May 2019, and we started our pet insurance policy in June 2019. The pet insurance company has denied my claim for the current surgery based on this exclusion in the policy:

    1. Costs or fees for the treatment associated with damage or rupture of cruciate ligaments, luxation of the patellas or other soft tissue disorders of the other knee if: a. Your pet has received treatment for a cruciate or soft tissue injury to its first knee prior to the inception date of the policy or during the first six (6) months of the policy; b. No certification of knee health has been provided as described in Section G.5.; and c. The treatment occurs within a period of twelve (12) months from the date of last treatment to the first affected knee;

    Am I reading this correctly in that both (b) and (c) must be present for the exclusion to apply? The vet specifically noted in his exam in 2019 that his left knee was healthy. So shouldn't the current surgery be covered regardless of the 12 month window? In my appeals they are refusing to acknowledge part (b) of the exclusion and just saying it was denied due to part (c).

    I am located in Louisiana.

    submitted by /u/Bachjo
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    At-fault insurance company refuses to pay for rental for amount of time car is in shop. California

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 11:08 PM PDT

    The accident happened in December of 2019, but doing anything about it has been on the back burner because life for me has been extremely hectic until now. The truck was hit right in the middle of the front bumper by a huge commercial dump truck type vehicle, but since my pick-up truck is pretty tough itself, the ends of bumper simply split open and away from the body of the truck.

    I just took my pick-up truck into the auto body shop today and quickly learned that the at-fault insurance company refuses to pay for a rental vehicle for the entirety that the truck is in the shop.

    Their primary excuse is that the car won't be worked on until after the weekend (today is Thursday). The truck is not drivable because one side of the bumper is now rubbing against a tire and I believe that to be unsafe, so their second excuse is that if we had not waited so long, the bumper would not be rubbing against the tire and therefore we could have kept driving the truck until shop had the parts and was ready to start working on the repairs.

    This insurance company seems to be penny pinching on absolutely everything. The repair estimate that they came up with listed "recycled parts" from a junkyard here in southern California, so this tells me that this not the first headache I will get from them.

    I really need my truck for work and not having it really complicates life.

    So my question is, can they actually refuse to pay for a rental vehicle ALL of the days that my truck is in the shop? Can they choose to start paying for the rental vehicle on Monday or a select amount of days?

    submitted by /u/superizik
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    Home Owners Insurance

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 11:03 PM PDT

    I just recently purchased a new build and was going to use the lenders insurance since they only insure new builds so I was looking at about $25 a month. They won't insure me anymore because of my dogs (pit bulls) so I was wondering if anyone could help with finding someone else to insure me everything has been almost double or triple that now.

    submitted by /u/The00diggs
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    Complicated and lost insurance

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 10:54 PM PDT

    I bought a small 1st rental residential home out of state with a private money loan(no down payment) contracted with a very shady rehab/flipper/property manger(bad combo /sign). hope was to refi to 30 yrs mortgage with big bank within 90-120 days of the loan. I had the house insured during the entire process. The house was not rehabbed properly which caused major issues with the lender to refinance the mortgage.
    Considered Legal action at the time and was very costly for me. After twelve long frustrating months of paying costly monthly private money we finally had closing date. The bank canceled my rental insurance policy to different home rental policy for closing purposes. I they signed and faxed to cancel current home policy. Then the house didn't appraise for the actual home value(mainly due to rehab) and increased my closing down payment. The property did not close on the due since flipper didn't/won't address the issue. Big bank wouldn't negotiate a lower price for closing cost. The new installed insurance policy expired since closing never occurred. later I did discover they mailed cancelation policy to myself, bank and private lender. I honestly was not aware but I take fully responsibility for lack of my action. Lucky for me, a big ass tree limb size of school Bus crushed and demolished the house in half. Fortunately, tenants were not home. This is when I discovered my insurance was canceled. sold the house as with huge loss and paid all the proceed the private lender. Had to pay to remove cost for tree removal And cleaning I still owe 85of the loan with no insurance. Private lender wants all money back Had anyone seen anything like this? I take fully responsibility but I want to see what everyone thinks without adding other costly legal action. What should I say to mortgage lender who canceled my initial insurance and never noticed me after 2nd policy canceled? Confused and lost.

    submitted by /u/oni2016
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    Travel Insurance for Road Trips (without common carrier requirements)?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    I was looking for travel insurance (with good health coverage) for emergencies for myself and my live-in partner but the reputable ones I've used in the past for international travels (e.g. Travel Guard) seem to ask if we are flying or taking a cruise ship. Not wanting to chance at paying for travel insurance we may be ineligible for (since we're not using a common carrier, since it's a road trip), is there any travel insurance out there that are ideal for road trips?

    submitted by /u/ThatCanReallyHappen
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    Who is to blame?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    So im gonna try my best to explain this incident but it might be a bit tricky so I apologise if its a bit hard to understand.

    I was getting ready to emerge from a side street onto a main road. I was going to emerge from the street and turn left onto the lane closest to me and continue driving (UK, so left side driving).

    When I reach the line at the end of the road on the side street, a vehicle on the main road performs a quick stop as he believes I was about to emerge into on-coming traffic causing him to hit me.

    There was no collision between me or this driver and I didn't cross the line so his reaction was an overreaction however a car following behind the vehicle on the main road hit the car that had stopped because he stopped so quickly to avoid hitting me causing a rear end collision by these 2 drivers.

    Both parties are blaming me and its going to court however in my eyes its obvious that the car that went into the back of the car was not paying attention at all and should've kept a safe distance allowing them to react to things such as this. If they had of been paying attention and were driving at a safe distance then they could have reacted correctly.

    I just want some opinions on this. My solicitor (appointed by insurance) is convinced that my defence is weak but I have a feeling she might just think im young and a pushover and im going to give in easily and accept responsibility without a fight at court.

    EDIT: when police arrived I was told to leave almost immediately. They only took statements from the 2 drivers that were involved in the collision after I had left. I've been told this has weakened my defence as I basically never gave a statement (even though I was never asked for one and was told to leave), and the 2 statements that were taken say I emerged too far. I've been told I should consider taking this to the police ombudsman as this obviously isn't fair.

    submitted by /u/sparkyodst
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    Recently rear ended. Wondering if I should see a doctor?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 09:56 PM PDT

    I was rear ended a few days ago. I was going down a highway ramp exit and I was yielding to oncoming traffic near the bottom at the yield sign. The guy behind me thought I wasn't going to yield and ran into me. At first I had no idea what happened, it was so sudden and weird. I thought oncoming traffic hit me. It took me a few seconds to realize I was hit from behind and I pulled up a bit and got onto the side. Some things shifted in my car so I moved it back in place and eventually got out to see how the other guy was. He kept apologizing, said he didn't think I would stop at the yield etc. He tried exchanging insurance cards and that's it, but when I saw my rear bumper almost falling off, the left taillight falling off, my trunk not able to close, i said let's call the cops. They showed up 5 minutes later. The guy who hit me gave me his insurance information. He was nice the whole time. Cops took down info etc. Note that I was driving my dad's car at the time not my own. It's a 2012 Nissan Altima. He is under state farm. The guy who hit me and I are under Geico. The cops let me go home despite my trunk being left open and after I put my taillight in my trunk because I lived a mile away. I only got a crash exchange sheet showing the guy who hit me's information. His car had almost no damage (cops estimated $100). I'm not sure what they wrote for damage to my car on the paper they gave him.

    So i go home, call Geico, and get the claim started. I did this all from his Geico policy not my dad's insurance. I thought about going through my dad's insurance, but he has a $500 deductible and I heard sometimes you don't get that back if subrogation doesn't work out. Also, my dad was involved in 2 crashes over the last few years (his fault) so I didn't want to add another one onto his record even though this is not at-fault. This was back on Tuesday night. It's now technically Friday early morning. The person who hit me is ignoring Geico's calls. Apparently they can only call once a day, and they sent emails and letters. I sent a text message to him as well but he's ignoring me so now I may have to wait the full 8 days they need to wait before moving forward without a response from him. Geico said if I can get a copy of the police report and upload it then it can speed things up, but with all that's going on (I'm in Virginia), the police department might be swamped, and their online report system hasn't updated yet since it's still so new. I will call them tomorrow to see if I can get it another way. I'm just trying to get an adjuster out to see if this is repairable or totaled. It's also going to rain tomorrow and with the trunk not closing (even when I use a cord to shut it down, there is still a foot wide gap where it doesn't shut) I'm worried it might fill up the trunk. I will try to get some car cover, but i heard majority of them aren't waterproof.

    So the main reason I'm writing all this, and sorry for the backstory, is when I called Geico, they asked if anyone was injured. I said no. Now a few days later, I'm noticing some lower back pain, pain in my right wrist, my left upper chest (near seat belt), right neck, some pain in my right foot, and left shin/knee. When I got hit, my head was turned left to look for incoming cars and it was turning back straight, and my foot was going from brake to accelerate. I didn't notice the wrist pain until I got in my car today and turned my steering wheel while driving. The back pain I feel when I go to lay down or bend down to grab something. When I say pain, it's not excruciating pain. It's more along the lines of 'sore'. Like if you sleep awkwardly and your neck is messed up for a day. Normally, not something I would go to see a doctor for, but my question is, should I go see a doctor? I've never been in this type of accident before so I don't know if it will get worse, or if this is just it and it'll go away in a few days/weeks with some tylenol. I was rear ended in my own vehicle 2 years ago, but it was nothing compared to this. Was a tiny dent because they slammed their brakes. I did go see a doc then as a precaution, but then I had no pain and never went back for followup visits because I didn't need it. I don't know how fast this guy who hit me a few days ago was going, but since it was off an exit ramp he must've been slowing down drastically. If I do go, and eventually I get hit with a bunch of bills, will his insurance cover it or do I have to pay? And since I said no injury at first, is it too late? Is this even considered an injury? I do have pretty decent health insurance as well. I'm not looking for compensation for missing work or anything like that. Unrelated, but I broke my pinky toe a few years ago swimming in the ocean and it resulted in so many xrays and constant visits and bills, I don't want it to end up like that again.

    I probably could've written this in a few sentences so I apologize for writing too much. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/HiMyNameIsRaz
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    CPCU 540 difficulty?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 07:40 PM PDT

    How difficult is CPCU 540 compared to the other CPCU's before it (500, 520, 530), would it be possible to prepare for 540 within a month?

    Edit: I have done the CPCU's before 540 in under a month each. Just asking since I am in a bit of a hurry for the certification

    submitted by /u/OdinMode
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    Dental primary/secondary, but same company

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    I posted yesterday about just recently learning about the difference between primary and secondary insurances (I am covered under my work plan and as a dependent on my parents' plan). The plans are both through Cigna. I have been stupidly using my insurance wrong all year and assuming I can use either one, rather than there being a COB.

    I am realizing I had a regular cleaning done last December where I used my parents' dental card and never even gave them my primary card. The service was no cost to me under my parents plan. Even though either way Cigna would have paid, I recognize that it was supposed to go through my primary BEFORE my secondary.

    I'm having a hard time deciding what to do next. I would like to call the dentist office and remedy the whole situation, but I am worried I will be hit with the original bill because the timely filing limit has passed. I would also like to get another cleaning done, but I don't want to alert the companies to discrepancy.

    I will also be losing my current insurance through my employer in September (switching jobs and rejecting that insurance), so my secondary insurance will become my primary anyway. Should I just wait it out?

    I mean at the end of the day, Cigna would always pay. Is there any reason to not just call and sort this all out?

    Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/airgoat15
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    Statefarm: If i file a not-at-fault claim will my insurance go up?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    I hit an animal the other day while driving home and messed up my bumper, fog light, and grill on my car. I would save roughly $300-$400 going through insurance, but i dont want to if its going to raise my rate.

    If i claim this through my insurance, will my premium go up? Location: Florida

    submitted by /u/SoldMyMom4Kfc
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    Paint damage on my hood from a delivery person

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Recently, a package was delivered to me and the delivery driver (from a major delivery company) put the heavy box right on my new car hood and scratched the heck out of it. I contacted them and they have agreed to pay for it to be fixed, so that is all good.

    What I am wondering, though, is I know the car is going to take a beating in valuation because of it. I went through that on my last trade-in; it had some body work done to it so they discounted it quite a bit even though it had not been in an accident, only because it showed up on the carfax report.

    Do I just have to eat that cost?

    Edit: I am in Missouri

    submitted by /u/Kcbob2000
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    COBRA offered and then withdrawn

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 02:28 PM PDT


    My previous employer was a very small company that switched two years ago to a plan that did not include COBRA. This was on some paperwork when the switch happened. I quit the middle of last month. During my notice period I reviewed Marketplace plans and found one to cover me until the new employer kicks in. But I didn't actually buy it right away. During my exit interview, I was presented with the standard letter on COBRA offering, dates for deadlines, and pricing. Also a basic form for the election of the coverage. I questioned ownership about it and reminded them the new plan had said they did not include COBRA. They replied that I was wrong and that COBRA was always offered by the company (I think I have audio of this – I haven't checked the recording I made for quality yet). So I didn't buy the marketplace plan. I sent in the COBRA paperwork this week. Today I received a text that they just found out that they could only offer COBRA for the dental plan and not the health coverage.

    I have a necessary medication that is about $2,500 a month out of pocket – that is the price for the generic. I cannot go without prescription coverage. Ownership is telling that they didn't know that COBRA was not available until today. I know that two years ago everyone signed something about it not being part of the plan when the switch was made (that is why I assumed I needed a Marketplace plan). I would have let the COBRA mistake go if they had told me in May, but now I lost the Marketplace. Do I have any recourse because they made the official written offer of COBRA insurance coverage?

    submitted by /u/oddlikeeveryoneelse
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    Bad filled out police report, need your advice again

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    Hello guys, I am asking for your advice and knowledge again as I am trying to research what to do next.

    I was in an accident a few weeks ago, finally got the police report, called the other party insurance but the police report shows that the policy number is incorrect, it's just a phone number or something. The insurance said they can try to find the account through the vin, but today called me back stating that they denied the claim because they cant find the policy.

    Does this mean they dont have insurance after all? How can I even check this. Would the cops have given them a citation for bad Insurance? It doesnt show that on the police report.

    I then called the PD records but they kinda brushed me off saying they had no way of getting that information. What the heck do I do now? I was hit, no fault, yet it seems I am going to still come out of this paying out of pocket. Life lesson I guess, screw me.

    But before I give up and pay to repair the car myself, what advice do you all have? Should i bother sueing them? I have no fucking clue how to do anything legal, and have no body in my life to ask this or insurance questions.

    Should the PD give me more help in this matter, or tough luck kiddo, it's not the PDs fault? Will my insurance do anything since I only have liability? I have e the other people's contact info, I cant imagine it would work If i called them and asked for the policy number lol

    submitted by /u/ZJEEP
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    Question about removal of my SR-22

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    Hi lady's and gents,

    I had DWI back in 2018 and I was reinstated in 2019 . So today I called DOR in Missouri and they told me I can remove my SR-22 with my insurance back in November 2019 and my IID of course. So I called my Liberty mutual and they told me it was still there when they renew my policy in January of 2020 . And they asked me to contact DOR and fax over SR-22 eligibility of removal . My question is how do they communicate with each other DOR and Insurance and maybe it was still on the record in January ? And am I suppose to get some refund credit for the months I was not supposed to have it on Insurance Policy endorsement? Anyone ?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/XGenerationRules
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    Citation was cleared by traffic school, but auto insurance still went up

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    (California) My auto insurance basically doubled, and my agent found the reason: a citation from October 2019. The thing is, this should've been cleared from my record by attending traffic school, which I finished early this year (months before the due date). I haven't had any citations since 2015, so this shouldn't stack with my previous one.

    Called Fresno County court today and the rep said they sent my completion to the DMV months ago, so I'll need to contact the DMV for more info. However, I called the DMV and they refuse to investigate right now because it's not "COVID19 urgent".

    My insurance premium is due next week. Do I have any options in getting this cleared and returning my premium to normal???

    submitted by /u/AC5295
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    What’s the best insurance company for Auto?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    Living in Houston Texas

    submitted by /u/miguelb747
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    Credit report increased my car insurance...

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Edit location : North Carolina.

    Just received a letter from State Farm. More or less says they considered information from consumer reports to determine my premium, and say my premium is higher because of it.

    So am I to assume my credit score now affects my car insurance premiums?

    submitted by /u/AoOoBoOoCo
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    Geico policy not renewing in Michigan?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    Have had Geico in Michigan in 3 years, made my last payment on my balance yesterday. Haven't been able to get into my online account for about a month.

    Called them and automated information just says my account is paid on full, no renewal information was given, which is weird. Anyone else having problems?

    submitted by /u/mjc1027
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    Disclosure of all health information

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    Oklahoma, USA

    I apologize if this is the incorrect sub, I'm having an extremely difficult time finding the correct sub for this.

    My employer handed out a memo stating our insurance broker needed us to fill out a survey for our policy renewal. The memo had a url that we were to follow an answer all the health related questions. This survey must be completed in five days.

    The site is a 3rd party that wants the employees to submit: the employees name, name of dependants, height, weight, and health information, including but not limited to, medical conditions, mental illness, substance abuse, medications, doctors they visit, ect of empyee and dependents. After completing this it requires the employee to sign that all false information is health insurance fraud.

    I have never had to give a health insurance provider my full medical history down to the last detail.

    I called the 3rd party and they said it was for a Quote for my employer to transition from fully insured to partly or self insured and that this request for information is this normal process

    Is this normal for an employer to require me to disclose my full health history to someone? This concerns me as I have several disabilities that do not affect my job position/career.

    submitted by /u/HIPAAThrowaway111
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    International Insurance on Engagement Ring

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    My boyfriend and I are going to get engaged in the next couple of months and I'm wondering how we should insure the engagement ring. Value of it would be between $5000-$7000USD. We're both American citizens but currently living in Mexico since I am a dual citizen, and at the end of the year we are permanently moving to Portugal since my bf also has a European passport. We are constantly traveling and going to the states as well since our families are there. What is the best way to insure this ring and make sure we have proper international coverage?

    submitted by /u/mer22933
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