• Breaking News

    Sunday, June 14, 2020

    Legal Advice There was legal action taken against me without me knowing?

    Legal Advice There was legal action taken against me without me knowing?

    There was legal action taken against me without me knowing?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 01:40 AM PDT

    I did a google search of my name out of boredom and found a case that said ILLINOIS COUNTY v. (My full name) I clicked on it to find a two year old case against me for a few hundred dollars. I don't remember getting notified of the case but I do have a current garnishment from my student loans of a separate amount. I have the money to pay what they're asking but I have no clue what it's for, if it increased in price, who to call, or if I should even do anything since it's from over two years ago. Should I do something? What should I do if that? (As per location request I'm from Chicago IL)

    submitted by /u/PenteCrowe
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    Newly-formed church "shooting range" refusing to stop shooting in the direction of my own bordering property

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 07:04 AM PDT


    My family owns a decently sized piece of field/woodland in Central Michigan, and we have resided there for many generations. Recently, the local church bordering our property started allowing people to use their land as a shooting range, however the line of fire follows through to our land on the other side. They often use high powered rifles that easily go through their plywood targets.

    We frequently drive through there with children and cannot abide the possibility that a stray bullet could hit one of them, so we need the shooting range to either point another direction (not likely if you look at the image), or halt (firearm-related) operations altogether. We are not able to access the full property without being in the line of fire.

    We have asked the church to move their targets to somewhere else, but they are saying the way they are currently shooting is the safest direction and will not cease firing.

    In addition, I have recently learned that they occasionally have hunter's safety classes there with a DNR officer present. Does that further legitimize their "shooting range?"

    As the church will not willingly stop, do I have any way to legally stop them from putting us in danger?

    And because I know how much y'all like poorly-drawn pictures, here is the situation graphically represented.

    Happy to offer additional missing details. My family seems to mostly think we have no recourse, but that didn't sound right to me at all.

    Appreciate any and all advice you can give.

    submitted by /u/IAmTheOneWhoPosts
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    Cop keeps pulling me (22f) over just to mess with me

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    Hi, I made this account today because I'm really upset right now and I need to know if I have any grounds to get this man to experience any type of disciplinary action.

    I live in a small town in Wisconsin so the cops kind of know everybody. But there's this one cop who keeps pulling me over for the most craziest and asinine reasons like I was too close to the curb or I stopped too close to the stop sign. He's a young attractive cop and I'm young and attractive as well so I'm thinking he's trying to flirt with me or something? But the situations are so aggravating and the things he says and does seem like he's intentionally trying to antagonize me so that I'll say or do something out of anger and he'll have an excuse to escalate the situation.

    But today he crossed the line. He pulled me over again under the guise that I wasn't going the speed limit (it was 45 I was going 50) and when he came to my car and said his usual bullshit in the most condescending way he said he had to search ME, not the car, because my car smelled funny. My car smells like vanilla and I've never smoked anything in there so I know he was bullshitting me again. I told him that if he wants to search me he'll have to get a female officer to do it, but he said if I don't comply he'll arrest me. So I got out of the car, he told me to put my hands on my car so I did, and he just starts rubbing me up and down. Not even searching for anything, just rubbing me! He went over my thighs twice, my lower back, and almost cupped my boobs. I was wearing a skin type skirt set, no pockets and you could clearly see that I had nothing on me.

    I'm typing this like 30 min after it happened, I'm upset and angry and I feel violated. Is there any way I can get him in trouble for this?

    I have a GoPro in my car but idk if it caught this on camera I didn't check yet.

    submitted by /u/ikklawthriw
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    My mother is stalking me, can I get a restraining order? St. Louis, Mo

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    I cut ties with my mother in 2017. Since then she has been in contact with my father (they are divorced and have been for 20+ years). I went no contact, and have blocked/cut ties with her entire side of the family. My father has also recently blocked her and asked her not to speak to him.

    She has however found out where my husband I have moved to and showed up at random times. Every single time she has shown up, we have been inside and able to ignore her. She leaves stuff on our front porch which I throw away (unless it's money, she previously tried to give me checks and I destroyed them without cashing them, now she just leaves cash). I have a daughter from a previous marriage and she leaves me stuff for her as well. I do not accept these things from her face to face. My father has had to call her to tell her to leave our property before as I was home alone and had major anxiety over confronting her.

    Recently since I had my second child, my mother has called my father and blamed him for her not being able to see her grandchildren (not his fault at all, their relationship is another story), and threatened to take me to court to see her grand babies. I googled Missouri law and the only one she would be able to apply any grandparents law to is my oldest as Missouri only applies them in cases of death or divorce, they "believe" if the parents are together and the grandparents aren't allowed to see the kids it's for a good reason. I'm not worried about her doing this for my oldest as my ex husband will also agree with me that she's bat shit crazy.

    However, the last time she dropped stuff off, we were outside. My mother in law, my oldest, and myself were cleaning the garage and playing in the driveway as it is summer and nice outside. She drove up and I didn't notice and she proceeded to talk to my oldest (who had no idea who she was, and I have since had a discussion with my oldest about taking to strangers). However, I'm afraid she now thinks that it's ok for her to stop by, am I in my right to file for a restraining order against her? Or should I start documenting and calling the police when she stops by to start a paper trail of trespassing? How should I go about this to make this stop legally?

    submitted by /u/efrey8907
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    Neighbor refusing to acknowledge right of way, and harassing realtors and potential house buyers: Louisiana

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    My brother is having issues with his neighbors trying to restrict the use of his driveway, saying that he has to use a driveway on the opposite side of his house. The house is elevated with a two car garage that passes under the entire house, but is only one car wide so if they only have access to one side, both cars must be moved to get the one parked nearest the neighbor to leave.

    The right away was established when the house was purchased a professional survey was done and the property line is in the center of the driveway. They have stood in the driveway blocking cars from leaving, parked cars in the area where the driveway splits to go to each house and block my brother's access to that side of his garage.

    My brother is trying to sell the house and the neighbors son has been harassing all the potential buyers telling them that they have no right of way, that the driveway is their property and dont think they can use it like it is theirs. From what my brother said he actually cornered one buyer for almost an hour and shit talked my brother and his family and "laying down the law" on what to expect when they moved into the neighborhood. This was a person that told the realtor they wanted to put an offer in on the house and ofcourse they backed out imidiatly after.

    The situation has got to the point my sister in law wants to put a privacy fence on the property line, and making a new seperate driveway on their side of the fence but since that is the center of the driveway that will inhibit the neighbors right of way, but if they make the fence on their side of the driveway they would be surrendering 5 feet of property to the neighbor.

    submitted by /u/Dabajabazah37
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    Inherited house with section 8 renter

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    My mom recently passed away and she left me and my sister a house. The house is a two family and one side is rented to my grandma. My grandma receives her rent from section 8. The House is in Westchester county, NY. My mom had a will and was the sole owner of the house.

    We just started the probate process a few days ago and was told it can take at least 2 months before the executor of the will can receive authority.

    My grandma wishes to leave. The section 8 office sent her a notice to vacate letter to fill out. The bottom part required signatures of the owner/agent. Does anyone know how to proceed since we are in limbo until the executor is named.

    My grandma did not fill out the letter yet but wants to. She does not even know who to address it to since there is no real owner at the moment.

    We will ask the lawyer we hired for the probate process but he might charge extra if things get complicated haha. Right now our agreed fee is for a simple uncontested estate for me and my sister.

    submitted by /u/Pakid1989
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    My grandfather (whom I’ve never met in person but found via DNA) is asking for my social security number and address to write me in his will. That’s not right, correct?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 05:33 PM PDT

    Hello r/legaladvice

    Just your regular smegular uneducated 19 year old girl checking in. This March, I found my maternal grandfather by being matched to my mother's cousin on ancestry, whom I found my grandfather through.

    I have heard a lot of bad things about my grandfather, that he was a rapist, scammer, stalker, and a con artist. However I have always taken things with a grain of salt, because my grandmother has mental health issues, as well as my mother.

    They both believe that the government is conspiring against them, and believe that they are the targets of an international conspiracy against them to suppress the fact that they're actually royal billionaires and that nearly everyone they meet is in on it, including myself.

    Thus, I was in foster care and now live with my fiancé.

    Anyhow, I was reconnected with my grandfather. He's an old hippy person, whose a self proclaimed "smuggler" and "stud". He's asked me questions about my sex life, why I haven't had more sex, called me attractive, etc.

    He's also asked me to visit him and that I can stay in a one of his houses for free, that I should move into a one of his properties, that I should leave my fiancé and move to Cali, and can meet men there, etc etc.

    He's said some pretty rude things about my grandmother's appearance, and general person.

    He offered to mail me some LSD, hit on my mother in law on Facebook whom I'm not even friends with.....and most recently.....

    Asked for my social and address so I can be written into his will. I told him I didn't know him well enough to disclose that kind of information. He said he needs it to write me into his will, and that today's generation is a lot more cautious than his was. The convo pretty much ended after that, and I was left wondering....

    It's not necessary to know someone's social to write them into a will, correct? Am I wrong? Am I overly cautious? I've never met him in person. Am I right to be weirded out? Like why exactly would he need my social.

    Like, I never intended on cashing in on his will in the first place. I just thought it would be cool to reach out. But, theoretically, he wouldn't need my social in the first place, correct?

    TL;DR: my grandfather offered to write me into his will but says he needs my social. It's right to be suspect, correct?

    submitted by /u/kayasphotographs
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    Car accident on my property that almost killed me is not being charged as a DWI while the driver was drunk

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    Good Morning,

    2 weeks ago on a sunny Saturday afternoon while outside raking my front lawn a driver lost control of their car. This individual was speeding, crashed into my rock wall and flipped several time onto my lawn. At the time I was outside raking my lawn and thank god sprinted out of the way of the flipping vehicle and saved my life. I was feet from being crushed by the car.

    I called 911, Police and EMS came to the scene and she was taken out on a stretcher. The concern I have is during the incident, the local police breathalyzer the driver while she was in her vehicle. The one officer stated and held up the breathalyzer to the other officer ".27" implying she was wasted. Me and about 7 other people witnessed the officers statement. This town has a history of corrupt actions and cover-ups for people who are in their good graces. There has been several other incident where the integrity of our local police has been questioned.

    That Monday I requested and was emailed the police report. No where on the police report was anything mentioned of drinking, DWI charge or alcohol. The charges were 1180-a 1128-a which are not alcohol related . I believe the local police department are not reporting the DWI. If it changes anything this occurred in NY state and I am a current federal law enforcement officer. I was in such shock from the incident that I did not tell law enforcement I worked in law enforcement as well. This is not a vendetta I have for my local police department or this women, I simply believe in justice and as an officer I want to do what is right.

    The only interaction I had with the local police during the incident was giving them my license, they asked me almost no questions. What steps should I take to figure out why no DWI was given and how to hold this women who almost killed me and potentially a local law enforcement organization accountable for not property reporting an incident that almost ended my life. This was the closes I've ever been to being killed and I am struggling getting over this. Thank you and I appreciate any advice you can provide me.

    submitted by /u/cjack95
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    Bought a Car using a straw purchase (everything in my name but the car is for my dad) the dealer was aware and called it out. We were not aware this is illegal until he said it was. He STILL sold us the car. I feel like I was tricked in the process.

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    This happened about 8 hours a today in Illinois. The amounts are slightly rounded for simplicity.

    We negotiated a price that he showed us on a paper that broke the price out like this; 39,000 Car, 4,000 Tax, 1,000 misc. fees (restocking, transportation, etc.) If we agree to an extended warranty for $1,000 then they'll sell the car for the total of $45,000 and asked to sign this paper that all the prices were broken out on. (The paper seemed like a more detailed sticker price that included taxes so the price would be final) he signed the paper where the dealer wrote out our verbal requests for the car and he drew a straight line, put an X and asked to sit it. MY DAD SIGNED IT

    I mention to the dealer that I'll actually be putting everything on my name and this is when the dealer says "This is a straw purchase, that's illegal... haha but I can let the car go for $50,000 then..." didn't know how to take this but didn't really understand If this was legal because he made it seem like he's joking.

    Went to financing happy with the deal and the finance guy plays the most ridiculous number game and comes out with the $45,000 prices for total and says we can agree to the $45,000 but it'll be 10% interest rate. Or if we do $45,000 for the car and add a $7,000 warranty then the interest can be knocked down to 6.5% Making it a savings over the span of the loan term.

    Now we clearly screwed up not being super diligent with all of the math, but I then signed the second deal taking the car for $45,000 + $7,000 warranty at 6.5% (the warranty is refundable and was suggested to do so by the finance guy)

    So if I cancel the extended warranty I didn't totally get screwed but I'm not happy about this at all, given I feel like I was tricked out of the warranty promised for only $1,000 and now I'll have to cancel it to make sure I get that $7,000 back. (Hopefully I can do this without a hassle)

    Is there a way to approach the dealer and request the warranty to stay after we cancel it or would it be appropriate to request something of similar value to the $1,000 warranty that can compensate us? (Pick up truck was the vehicle so we were interested in a truck bed cover if it came to that)

    Tdlr: Bought a car for my dad to use under my name for credit score purpose. The dealer made us aware it's illegal and made the sale anyway. Going through financing we got fooled into accepting to pay for a warranty that was already included in the negotiated price to reduce the interest % we received from the bank. So we basically paid for the extended warranty twice in our final paper work price (one of the sums bundled into the price of the actual car)

    How can we approach this? We like the car but want to make sure I'll recoup the total $7,000 of the warranty that was added on top but still keep the warranty since we paid for it in the $45,000 total. As well as what should we do about the legal aspect of this? Should we try to return the vehicle all-together given the straw deal purchase, or use it as a negotiating tactic?

    submitted by /u/AlwaysThinkingHard
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    (MI) End of lease is tomorrow, and one roommate has yet to start packing. Are all of us liable for extra rent, or just the roommate who failed to leave?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    Myself, my girlfriend and two other friends have been renting a house for the past year. One roommate moved out a couple of weeks ago, and my girlfriend and I moved out over the weekend. Our last roommate has not made arrangements for a new place yet, and has yet to pack any of his things. If he's not out by the end of the lease, and our landlord charges us an extra month's rent, can she come after those of us that moved out on time for our portion, or would the burden fall solely on the roommate that fails to move out?

    submitted by /u/Emorio
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    My landlord claims he legally doesn't have to have my kitchen sink fixed

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    I unexpectedly had to move to a new city and was left scrambling for a place to live. My finance and I found a 2 bed 1 bath house that was within our budget and went to view it. The place was honestly kind of filthy and smelly on the inside (stains on the walls and carpets, dirt everywhere etc) but overall it was a really nice place for the price besides the mess. The landlord who showed it to us assured us if we decided to rent it would be cleaned up before we moved in. After weighing some other options, after a few days we settled on the house and signed the lease. Here's where the problems start. Our move in day rolls around and we arrive with a truck full of stuff to find the house in the exact condition it was when it was shown to us (still filthy). We called the landlord only to be told they had trouble purchasing cleaning supplies because of covid and couldn't rent a steam cleaner because of covid. The landlord told us legally it is in habitable condition and they were sorry for the inconvenience, but they could knock $75 of the first months rent if we cleaned it up ourselves. We begrudgingly agreed. We quickly found out a bit later that the kitchen sink was badly clogged. It did not drain whatsoever. After running it for only a few minutes it was almost overflowing and the water did not drain even overnight so we were forced to bail it out. The landlord didnt tell us about this when showing us the property. After calling again they said they would have someone come take a look at it. A few days later a plumber showed up and unsuccessfully tried to fix the sink for several hours. The landlord said they would send someone else out in a few more days. A few days pass and we hear nothing. Finally got in touch with the landlord again (he rarely answers his phone) to be told that legally they were only required to have one working sink in the property and since there was one in the bathroom they don't have to fix the kitchen sink. My kitchen is basically unusable and we have been washing dishes in the tub. I cant live like this forever but we signed a one year lease. Is there anything I can do? I am in the US in Mississippi.

    Edit: forgot to mention he also promised us a washer and dryer would be installed before we moved in and then he went back on that too. We didnt get it in writing so I'm assuming there is nothing we can do in that regard.

    submitted by /u/eithernight
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    Dad’s an alcoholic and mom wants him gone. Can she legally force him to leave? [MA]

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    My father's drinking has progressed over the last 20 years to the point now where it's every day, starting in the morning. He drives drunk/stoned regularly. I've thought of calling the police to flag his vehicle but a DUI would be financially crippling and my mom would then be even more of a caretaker. He attempted suicide after an intervention last summer and spent time in a psych hospital and then 30-day rehab (that I paid for because they couldn't afford anything decent on their bare-bones insurance). He had a drink 3 days after returning and never stopped despite repeated requests and pleas, and has slowly progressed to his pre-intervention patterns and worse over the fall/winter/spring.

    For the past few years, he would go to AA in the morning and drink at night, though COVID has changed that because he's not great with technology/zoom. He has passively refused to work the program, just went through the motions. Last weekend he drunkenly/accidentally hurt my daughter while she was on a swing (she's fine), and it was the last straw for all of us.

    My mom wants him to leave because he refuses to get sober beyond lip service about needed to change when called out by us. And needless to say, there are a host of other issues this has caused in their marriage, from top to bottom. Their house is in a life estate amongst my siblings and I because we wanted to protect it in the event that something bad happens, and because it's all they have to leave us. In essence he needs to find a place to live so he can continue to make his own choices, as we have exhausted our own options in trying to help him.

    Can my mom do anything legally to make him leave? Does the life estate and my parents being Life Tenants mean that I, the Future Beneficiary, have any leverage? He is not abusive, he's really more of the idiot drunk type, if that makes sense. There have been no police reports, allegations of abuse or anything that could be used as leverage. We didn't have to place a 5150 on him when he had the attempt, as even though he complained about being hospitalized and going to rehab to some degree, he did all of it willingly.

    Any advice is appreciated, and please refrain from judging my or my family's decisions around how to deal with him. This is incredibly difficult for all of us—having addiction in your family is terrible and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but we have propped him up long enough.

    submitted by /u/ThrowLA-1396
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    I overpaid child support by $21,803 over the last 9 years due a temporary 8 month additional payment for retroactive support never being removed. This happened in Texas, relevant family code attached. Can someone please translate for me?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    Sec. 154.014. PAYMENTS IN EXCESS OF COURT-ORDERED AMOUNT. (a) If a child support agency or local child support registry receives from an obligor who is not in arrears a child support payment in an amount that exceeds the court-ordered amount, the agency or registry, to the extent possible, shall give effect to any expressed intent of the obligor for the application of the amount that exceeds the court-ordered amount.

    (b) If the obligor does not express an intent for the application of the amount paid in excess of the court-ordered amount, the agency or registry shall:

    (1) credit the excess amount to the obligor's future child support obligation; and

    (2) promptly disburse the excess amount to the obligee.

    (c) This section does not apply to an obligee who is a recipient of public assistance under Chapter 31, Human Resources Code.

    submitted by /u/MisterplacedTexan
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    Ex asking for half of everything. 18 years after she left (BC, Canada)

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    My boyfriend of 5 years had been separated for 18 years without a separation agreement (which is not mandatory in BC). Her name is both in his house and his sister's house as well as a timeshare. He is now pursuing a separation agreement and she is asking for half of everything even though she moved out of the marital home within 5 years of them purchasing it. He paid all of the mortgage payments, maintenance and property fees with no contribution from her. When she left, she also left 3 children's behind, and never contributed towards them- he worked 3 jobs to support them. He also paid all of the kids' post secondary fees.

    What rights does he have?

    submitted by /u/laurieali
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    I fell at work this evening, on glass tiles in my food service job, landing on my head, shoulder and back hard. Do I have a case for unsafe workplace?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    I work for a franchisee owned popular Pizza DEL/CO chain in the state of Washington, and during my closing shift tonight, I slipped on the tiles in the dish washing area, and landed flat on my back, particularly my head and left shoulder. This was witnessed by a coworker.

    I notified my manager, and we searched for incident reports, but could not find any. My coworker suggested to draft a note, and leave it on the manager's desk.

    The note is as follows:"6/14/20To whom it may concern:at approximately 1:15 am I, u/BandagePanda8106, took a fall on the tiles in the kitchen, landing on my back and head and shoulder.No medical attention was sought, but I am sore and shaken.Name: u/BandagePanda8106 (and my signature)Witness: Coworker (and their signature)"I took a picture of this note, sending the picture to my girlfriend, and placed it on the manager's desk. I then messaged my Manager informing her about the fall. We, the closing staff, finished cleaning the store and we went home.

    The concerns about the floors have been brought up to management and supervision several times, and have not been addressed. This is the second time somebody has slipped on the floors this week due to the drain not being adequate for drainage for the sink, and water pooling up on the floor.

    There is a lot of shady stuff with working hours, breaks, and employee favoritism going on as well. I'm afraid I might lose my job, or face retaliation if I report this to OSHA, or seek medical attention. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/BandagePanda8106
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    A week prior to home possession, red flags are flying

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    I bought a house in Alberta, Canada. We are currently a week away from possession, and did a precursor walkthrough today.

    Out of 9 stipulations on the sale contract, the seller has completed 2 of 9. There's been 90 days of notice, and everything was agreed upon a few months ago.

    The biggest ticket item not done was the furnace, as a stipulation as it was older, was that the furnace would be repaired/serviced and given a clean bill of health by a licensed technician with receipts to prove the work was carried out.

    The 'receipt' received is a hand written piece of paper with a company header on, looking through company records the company has not existed since 2019. My personal view is that the seller has gotten a buddy of his to write 'all good' on some old stationary and is trying to pass it off as the inspection completed and no faults found.

    I'm meeting with our lawyer on Monday, and I'm trying to figure out what has gone on as much as possible beforehand. In the contract, I have the option to withhold funds unless conditions are satisfied. What is my best avenue of attack on this?

    submitted by /u/rrbrbcsm
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    There’s this one fucker that revs his engine and blares his music out of his car at full volume at around 1 in the morning every night, is there something I can do about it? Maybe a report or something that would help?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    Chime Mobile Bank is holding me accountable for fraud against my account

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    I was a member at Chime Bank for over 18 months. From early may to mid may, my account had multiple charges totaling $3000+ to a merchant in London (I live in the USA). Once I saw what was happening, I filed a police report and contacted the merchant as well as Chime. Chime refunded me $500~ of the fraudulent charges, which were all from the same vendor, but left me with the bill for the rest. Chime has since blocked me on Twitter, Facebook and stopped replying to my email inquiries regarding this matter. They never provided provisional credit nor a reason for denying my claims. As of yesterday they closed my account entirely.

    So far I have filed with my Attorney General, FDIC and CFPB.

    Do I have grounds to sue Chime bank? Is it worth the trouble? What are my options here?


    submitted by /u/TheUpDesk
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    Negligent contractor and Black Mold Poisoning

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    Hey LA! I desperately need some help on where to begin with this messy situation. In the winter 2017 we had a contractor come to home through a US state (MA) funded program called MassSave. They specialize in energy efficient repairs to homes. Long story short the contractor did a "repair" on our upstairs bathroom and insulated over the exhaust fan. Between the summer of 2017 and March of 2020 I became very, very ill. Symptoms ranged from repeated temporary loss of vision, fainting, fatigue, sinus infections, anxiety, 24/7 bone pain to name a few. During this time saw numerous drs, ran up thousands of dollars in medical debt and had no diagnosis. After a lot of research I found a Dr willing to test me for mold poisoning and it came back positive. This lead me to hire a professional mold inspector who came to our home and discovered the faulty work and extreme mold growth as a result.

    We contacted our homeowners insurance who told us to work with MassSave since "this thing happens all the time". Well that was in March and we still have not been able to have an adjuster come out to review the damage and get the remediation started. I've been patient, but now it's been 4 months. I'm getting sicker and I have a 2 year old who I'm petrified will get sick. Can anyone help with some legal next steps? Can I get a lawyer? What type of law should they practice? Thank you so much in advance you guys rock!

    submitted by /u/OceanAngel137
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    I don't even know where to start [VA]

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    I apologize for not writing a longer post. I don't want to give away too much information. Even though, if this blew up it would probably be impossible to deny since it is so unique.

    The mother of my child is pressing charges against me for strangulation. I went to drop off our daughter and she assaulted me after me questioning her about our past. She then proceeded to call the police and file a police report against me. Which turns out, I am now looking at a felony. We both have cross protective orders against each other from the incident. I didn't know I even had charges until I went into court for the hearing on my protective order against her.

    Through the past couple years she has been extremely abusive towards me, our daughter, and even herself. (self inflicted harm) We were never a couple "officially" and I've had one long term girlfriend the entire duration of her pregnancy and still to this day.

    My criminal case just had a preliminary hearing and the Judge referred it to a grand jury. I have videos of her assaulting me in the past. I have messages that she has sent to my girlfriend threatening her and also threatening to call the police on me and get a restraining order. My attorney keeps reassuring me that I can't possibly be found guilty. But at this point I am not confident in her ability/skills at all. She is a custody lawyer and criminal is not her primary practice. My gut is telling me I should hire new legal counsel. I feel like a proper attorney would have already had this dropped as there is ZERO evidence and I only have damning evidence against the petitioner (mother of my child).

    I am at a serious loss and feel hopeless. I have never laid a finger on this woman and can not go to jail for up to 5 years for something I didn't do.

    What should be my next steps? Hire a new attorney? Trust mine? Trust in the system? I am feeling so desperate. It is hard to even enjoy time spent with my daughter right now, because I have this looming over my head.

    EDIT if relevant: Username is just me pounding on the keyboard and adding "throwaway" at the end.

    submitted by /u/asdifughasd8throwawa
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    Ex-fwb got an abortion and is now blaming and defaming me, and her friends are harassing my current partner on social media

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    About a year ago I had sex with a friend of mine and we used protection, but fast forward 4 months, she messaged me and told me that she was pregnant and already attempted an abortion, which she claims failed.

    She wanted parental support from me and professed her feelings for me multiple times, but I repeatedly told her that I did not feel the same and that I am not her boyfriend. I apologized for what happened, and said that I could only be the father of the child and not her boyfriend, if she decided to keep going with the pregnancy. She said she wouldn't interfere with my relationships and my life, but she ended up doing exactly that later on. I was already in a loving and stable relationship with someone else at this point.

    I discussed the pros and cons of raising a child with this woman and told her that what she ultimately decides to do is up to her (since she already tried to have an abortion without telling me and waited so long to let me know). My partner was supportive and we both insisted that this woman's body is her own and what she has or will do to is her own decision.

    A few months ago, she told me she had another abortion in a different country without informing her family. She comes from a background where abortion isn't legal and she told me her family was livid after finding out. I was told said she had complications afterward, and her friends and her family kept on messaging me about it. I told them that I couldn't be involved anymore because I am not her and I didn't make that decision for her. I understand that it was a difficult decision and it's not something to be taken lightly.

    Everything was fine until recently, her family found me on social media again and told me she had complications again and that they wanted me to help. Then her friends started stalking and harassing my current partner, who has nothing to do with this, on social media. Her friends are also spreading rumors about me in our common group of friends at school and blaming me for what happened to her. Should I lawyer up and send a cease and desist? Or should I consult a defamation or family lawyer?

    I also spoke with a doctor about the various things she has told me about her pregnancy in the past year and the doctor agrees that many of them seem fishy and manipulative.

    I would appreciate any advice.

    submitted by /u/thrownaway4acct
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    Executor withholding information

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    My mother passed in January and my sister has a copy of the will. I have not seen the will, but was informed that we share the estate fifty-fifty.

    My sister is separating from her husband and will not move forward on the will. (From what she told me she has not even claimed herself as executor.)

    Here is the first issue, she will not give me a key to the family home even though it is half mine. Furthermore, she doesn't want me to help her go through the home and wants me to make a list of what I want.

    Next, she told me that she would like to make piles so that people receive what they want. Yet, my understanding is that all property in the home is part of the estate unless it's specified.

    What can I do at this point? I don't want to make this nasty, but I have a feeling that she is using the estate money for herself as well. (I do not have a figure of how much money is in the bank; yet, I know it is considerable based upon my deceased father's business properties)

    Do I need a lawyer yet? If so, what good will this do as there is no official will on file and we only have a copy,) I'm not money hungry; I don't want to be taken as a fool.

    submitted by /u/Aroseisarose73
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    State Park Pandemic Camping Get-Away Gone Sour

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    Here's the story: A few friends and I went camping at a State Park in MD. All was well in the world, sitting around the campfire enjoying laughs until an officer came walking through our campsite. He stated we were violating the noise ordinance (10PM quiet hours, it was 10:30PM) hence had "probable cause". We were not exceedingly loud/obnoxious, however were no where near a "whisper". When he came to the site, we apologized and he was about to be on his merry way. However, my friend had just cracked open a beer prior to his introduction (yes, this was idiotic to not conceal as they have a no alcohol policy) and of course he saw the beer. We were then all "busted" and received a ticket/citation. We are all of age.

    Our options are to pay $55 and have 5-year probation period (?whatever this means) vs appear in court and request "PBJ" (from my understanding, the citation will disappear and we will be on probation for 6 months-1yr).

    The issue: We are all healthcare professionals (pharmacist, PT, PA) and obviously have to renew our license/report to designated Boards. On the Board application, it states "Have you committed an offense involving alcohol to which you pled guilty or nolo contendere, or for which you were convicted or received probation before judgement? For example, driving under the influence".

    1) Do I have to answer "yes" to question above? I do not believe that this was a criminal offense.

    2) Do you recommend simply paying the fine or appearing in court (to abolish the 5-yr probation period?

    3) Will this show up on a background check?

    Thank you all kindly for your responses in advance!

    submitted by /u/TraditionalCompote5
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