• Breaking News

    Thursday, June 4, 2020

    Legal Advice My rapist sent me an Instagram DM confessing to raping me 7 years later. The prosecutor still refuses to press charges. What can I do?

    Legal Advice My rapist sent me an Instagram DM confessing to raping me 7 years later. The prosecutor still refuses to press charges. What can I do?

    My rapist sent me an Instagram DM confessing to raping me 7 years later. The prosecutor still refuses to press charges. What can I do?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    For the sake of anonymity, i am going to keep this long story short. I was raped in college by a man i did not know and did not ever express interest in. He followed me home from a bar and snuck into my building and waited until my male friend who walked me home that night (to get away from him) left my building to come bang on my door. At the time I was an 18 yr old white female and this was a smallish college town in the south.

    I had a lot more evidence than typical campus rape cases (witnesses/text messages/rape kit) and this was not the type of guy that made one horrible mistake - if nothing happened i knew he would 10000% do it to another girl which is why i felt it was my responsibility to try to do something.

    By the time the DA finally officially told me they weren't going to do anything 2 years later, because "it's difficult to prosecute when alcohol is involved", it was too late for me to pursue a civil suit. It might be worth noting that the man comes from money, and a lot of it. I also found out they never analyzed my rape kit, let alone investigated the crime scene. There were few other things that were pretty sketchy about the police investigation /DAs handling of the case, but I can't get too specific on here. It kind of felt like they were doing everything in their power to not prosecute, and there's literally nothing on his record to show for it, not even a dropped charge.

    It took me a long time to truly move on and accept that I did what I could, but i finally did. And then a week or so ago, 6 1/2 years later, I realized I had unread message requests on Instagram from a month prior and saw I had something from him (we were not Instagram friends). There were various messages in a row that clearly demonstrate he is not well mentally, but more importantly at the end he said "so I guess i raped you. I won't do it to anyone else ever". I was shook.

    I sent it to the DAs office, who were utterly shocked and the next day said they'd get back to me in another week but that I "shouldn't get my hopes up because this kind of stuff is really complicated and difficult to prosecute". While they haven't told me officially yet that they aren't going to prosecute, I know in my gut it's not going to happen. They'll find an excuse.

    So i know i need a lawyer so please don't give that to me as advice. I am posting this question to see if anyone's ever been through anything similar and knows of nonprofits/resources/pro bono lawyers that might be able to help. I can't sue him (statute limitations) and I can't really sue the government (uphill battle), but I also can't just let this go again. If there's anything I've learned recently It's that things/systems don't change by staying quiet.

    What can i do to both get a mark on his record and shed light on the justice system that failed me and I'm sure many others?

    submitted by /u/keelsh01
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    (Cleveland, OH) Upstairs neighbor has flooded their bathroom 4 times in the last week (8 times this year) causing our apartment to also flood. This last time has caused damage to our possessions. Apartment manager is refusing to do anything.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    Basically the title. We have had issues with our upstairs neighbors since they moved in in October. Every instance has been documented to the apartment office.

    This past week they have flooded their bathroom 4 times which has caused water to rain into our apartment. Each time maintenance has come out, talked to them and they promise not to do it again.

    Surprise surprise, they do it again. This time the amount of water cause it to leak into several parts across the whole apartment, including the closet we keep our vintage game systems, along with our vacuum cleaner, carpet cleaner, and a few other household electronics. Just to be clear, this closet is as far away as you can get from the bathroom.

    We brought this up with the property manager and they apologized but said there is nothing they can do beyond talk to them again. We are looking to move but still have several months on the lease and are not in a position to pay for breaking it. Do we have any other options?

    submitted by /u/AmandaRayne
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    My adoptive mother wrote a book about my sister and I without our permission. Can I sue her for invasion of privacy?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    She's located in SD. I'm in MN. The book looks self published she seems to have started her own publishing company. She used our names only our bio dad's name was changed. I have proof I was not cooperating with her writing the book. She directly quoted our journals growing up. I don't know where to begin. Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/aprilynnn420
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    In the United States, is opening your front door considered communicated consent for an officer to enter your home without a warrant?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    So I while back a I got into a bit of an argument with my local police... really several arguments in one day. It's too long ago for me to take it to court and I don't trust the court in my area which is why I didn't escalate it.

    I'm asking this question for future reference and to let my friends know whether or not what our city police chief is in fact true, or let them know our cops are lying to cover their butts.

    You can skip ahead to the part I labeled important bit if you want a shorter read.


    I ended up in a fender bender... I was stuck in the snow during a blizzard and a distracted driver hit my vehicle at full speed not noticing me honking and waving my arm out the window... I was declared at fault in a no fault state for this but wasn't going to take it further after what pursued following the incident.

    After the officer took my license and insurance card, declared me at fault and refused to listen to my side of the story after listening to the other driver.

    She then handed me a report declaring I was at fault but not being charged , told me I was lucky I was getting away with what I did (Sliding into a snowbank while driving about 5 mph one block from my home?) she asked me to leave the scene.

    When I attempted to asked her to return my license and insurance card she interrupted me and once again asked me to leave the scene while getting into her vehicle.

    So I left, without my stuff not sure how I'd get it back. My dad helped me get my car home (I was literally a block away so it wasn't too bad) and I went inside to use the bathroom and warm up.

    Medium importance:

    While I was in the bathroom I started hearing intense banging on the front door and my mom yelling "who are you? I'm not opening my door I don't know you"

    I finished up in the bathroom and ran into the foyer to tell her it was probably the officer returning my stuff. My mom yelled through the door "show me a badge" instead of her badge the officer held up my drivers license and my mom opened the door.

    The officer then proceeded to enter our home, walk down our entryway stairs, hand me my stuff and once again told me I was lucky to get away with what I did. My mom asked what exactly I did and specified we live in a no fault state so no fault should be declared by police especially in instances of inclement weather.

    The officer told me I should not have been driving in those conditions and was clearly speeding. I specified I was literally a block from my home, not far enough to gain any sort of speed and had been demanded to show up for work.

    She said I could take the other woman to court if I wanted to argue.

    As she left my home my mom asked me if I heard her give the officer permission to enter our home, I didn't recall hearing it.

    After all the insurance calls—which were nuts. The other woman was clearly lying and claimed I initiated a head on collision, when she T-boned me and the vehicle damaged was consistent with that, but I was still declared at fault by insurance on a technicality.

    Important bit:

    My mom called the police station and asked to speak to the officers supervisor, that happened to be the chief of police who was their. We asked he review to bodycam footage to see if my mom gave her permission to enter.

    We also asked why the officer wouldn't show her badge and it turns out they don't carry them in my city because "badges are easy to fake"

    We got a call back a day or two later and the chief of police confirmed her cam had been on and he personally reviewed the footage and that we had in fact invited her to enter by opening the door.

    He said for next time that we should not open the door and instead wait for the officer to leave if we don't want them to enter.

    I understand if verbal communication isn't necessary for those who are unable to speak, however I feel like communication beyond opening the door is required, at least that's what I've always been told. Is what the chief of police told me and my mom true?

    submitted by /u/ogcaryts
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    My dog got out and a lady toke him and now will not give him back. What do I do?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    I am in Houston, Texas. One morning while I was away a former roommate left the front door of my home open and my dog got out. About a half hour latter someone called to inform me so that I could come get the dog but unfortunately I did not receive the call because I am hard of hearing and during the current pandemic I had some issues with my hearing aid and have been unable to see a specialist to get it fixed. When I could not be reached the people that found my dog noticed that I had a tag on his collar from the rescue association that I had adopted him from. They decided to call the lady that ran the shelter and she came by to pick up my dog. About an hour after my dog went missing I received a message from the people that found him and I immediately contacted them through texts and a phone call. I found out that the shelter lady had already picked him up. I know her so at first I was relieved and proceeded to contact her that morning. After multiple calls and texts that day she did not get back in touch with me till 5pm. She them proceeded to tell me that the dog was sick and being dealt with at a vet. Now as far as I know in the state of Texas all pets are supposed to be scanned for microchips when they arrive for treatment but when I called HomeAway he had not been scanned in months since his last vet appointment. Now my dog is an older dog and yes he has some issues associated with age but he is cared for and never wanted for vet care. When I asked what was wrong through multiple texts I was told over the course of a week that he was getting bloodwork and being treated. She told me he was bloated and peeing a lot. Now after not being told where my dog was and being told by the shelter lady that I was too poor and disabled to care for the dog I began to worry. I started to Google legal advice to get a general idea of what I needed to do and through that I was told that I had 10 days to claim ownership with the police or I would loose claim to him. After doing so and contacting police in 2 different counties (the one that I am in and the one where my dog is supposedly being treated) the shelter lady became mad that I had reported the situation. I only did so because it had been over a week since I had seen my dog. The police have told me that this is now a civil matter which I am not sure what that means and did not help. And on Saturday I will have been without the dog for 3 weeks. I have received no paperwork or official notification that my dog has been taken and what information I have has only come after dozens of texts and calls. I tried looking up the shelter to go by and discuss this when them and when I looked up the address it is a po box at a UPS store. The phone number for the shelter is the personal cellphone of the shelter lady. How can some one take my dog or for lack of a better term my property and I have no recourse with the police? I don't really have loads of money to get a lawyer and have no clue how to proceed. At this point I am hoping that that if I keep in contact I will get the dog back. Oh and by the way the dogs critical illness that he had to be treated for was a UTI and old age. Both things that I am more than capable of dealing with.

    submitted by /u/sawl09
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    [Pennsylvania] Local police not preventing repeated break-ins after I was kicked in the head (while on the ground with someone sitting on my chest) by one of the perpetrators

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    Context: This goes back a while, but to keep things (relatively) short the altercation in the title started when my girlfriend's sister's boyfriend (who at that point had already moved out of the residence) was at her house. I came downstairs to hear them arguing about a stuffed animal she got their child for her first birthday, which he had attempted to burn. After him following her into the dining room to continue berating her, I made a comment about his parenting (repeatedly screaming obscenities at the top of his lungs at the aforementioned child, leaving her unattended for hours without informing anyone else, etc.). This further enraged him, but he more or less just told me to stay out of things, and so I decided to head through the living room towards the stairs, not wanting to escalate things further. I honestly don't know the particulars of this part very well, but I think he either took a moment to think about what things he'd threaten me with, or something was said to him by someone else in the house. Regardless, he followed into the living room and continued things, culminating in me telling him that I do not want his child taken away from him, but that he is likely causing her serious developmental damage at such an important stage of her life. This caused him to throw a bottle at my head and run up the stairs at me. The following fight was short-lived, as my girlfriend's father quickly intervened. I don't quite know how I ended up on the ground, as he was between the two of us when it happened, but am assuming he was either pushed into me by the child's father or thought I would not have restraint should things have continued (I was preventing the child's father from fleeing by grabbing the collar of his shirt, as he had already committed crimes in the past and immediately ran from the scene before police could arrive). At that point my girlfriend's father was sitting on my chest, but I had not struck at the other man aside from a single kick when he was running at me up the stairs. He proceeded to take the opportunity to kick me in the side of the head hard enough to break a toe, though it luckily hit neither my temple nor my teeth, and so I don't think I've suffered more than some abrasions and a slight concussion. He then fled before police arrived.

    He was later tracked down by police and cited, but was apparently not jailed as he (or his girlfriend) later climbed onto the roof of the house, took the air conditioner out of the window to my girlfriend's room enough to get in, and then proceeded to rummage through it and steal several things (which the police say they do not have enough evidence to search the house the two are currently staying at for).

    That occured yesterday, and was repeated today when my girlfriend came home from work to her sister leaving the house, apparently carrying some things (packed such that she couldn't tell what they were). She went up to her room to find the lock (completely separate and attached to a hinge on the outside of the door) missing and the room accessible as a result. Nothing seems to have been taken other than the lock itself, but we don't exactly know at this point until everything is looked through to see if anything else is missing. The two of them are currently staying at a friend's house a couple blocks away from my girlfriend's house, and he has repeatedly threatened to murder her (one time saying he would if she called the police on him).

    As of this moment I believe the police are there, but from what my girlfriend said they're more or less just questioning them about it and seeing if they can get the lock. I'm genuinely concerned for her safety and have been too busy to be there as much as I'd like. I know this isn't exactly what the sub is for, as this is as much a personal request for advice as legal, but what options are available at this point? Apparently a restraining order cannot be filed as he is no longer a resident of the house, but they don't seem to be jailing him despite what I'm pretty certain are multiple first degree felonies. Can I call the state police or some other agency to help?

    submitted by /u/LAthrowaway1839
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    Would making a sign that says this be illegal?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    So the sherif of the town I live in just took a lady's sign because it said "FCK TRMP". When she tried taking it back, he immediately took his hands and lunged then toward her neck. He is facing no backlash for this because it is a small, conservative town.

    I am wanting to now make a sign that says "F*CK <This Sheriff's Name>" and join the protests to exercise and make sure he understands our first amendment.

    Are there any legal repercussions I should be worried about before doing this?

    submitted by /u/Official-Von
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    MD - Can my landlord break in to my place?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    My landlord showed up for an inspection today, but I was asleep and missed them. I woke up to a threatening voicemail saying they were going to cut the chain off if they couldn't get in tomorrow. I have no intention of denying them entry, and they gave proper notice, but can they really just break in like that?

    submitted by /u/Necovjek
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    [CA] Is it legal to tell employees that want to protest that they need to self quarantine before coming back to work?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    First of all, I fully support the protests and have donated to several causes. I would be marching out there if COVID-19 wasn't still a thing.

    My question. Our office is fortunate enough to still be open during the pandemic. Two of our employees have been going to demonstrations the last few nights. While I support their right to free speech, I'm wondering if requiring them to self quarantine for 14 days from the last day they protest is legal?

    We have several at risk employees, and several of us have very at risk people in our households, including my 93 year old grandmother who lives with me.

    We have a total of 7 employees and are located in California.

    submitted by /u/FirstMicroGrow
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    Ex wife sent child over with tracking watch

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    Per the Utah state code, my partner gets 4 weeks of extended parent time with his 5 year old son. 2 weeks of this is "interrupted" and his ex wife is entitled to his normal parent time for those 2 weeks.

    After extensive fighting, wherein she refused to put his parent time dates on their calendar, used multiple gas lighting tactics and then threatened to reduce his parent time by 1 hour for every hour that passed that he didn't comply with her list of demands, she finally agreed to a 10 am pick up. At pick up, she did not show up at the location. Police went to the house to see what was going on.

    Police spoke with her, attempted to get her to give the child to his dad, and eventually got her to agree to turn him over 9 hours later. Once the police left, she texted him saying "so I guess you aren't coming to get (kid) at 10 AM?" As if that ENTIRE thing had not just happened.

    A detective was assigned to the case and she is now being charged with 3 counts of custodial interference. This is not the first time- its the 3rd. The first 2 times the charges were dismissed. This time they rolled the 2 previous charges back in.

    So today kid goes to moms house. There was actually a lot of concern that she would once again refuse to give him back.. after the 3 hour visit the son comes home wearing a kids smart watch- programmed with video and phone calling, texting, and a GPS tracker. Since the actual phone is with her, there is no way to disable location tracking or anything.

    Kid spent the whole drive back to dads house talking to him mom on his watch and texting her. Then for the first hour back at dads, he just cried and cried when we tried to tell him to remove the watch because it was 9 pm and past bedtime. The court order specifies a virtual visit every other day "at the request of the child." To date, he has only really requested it a few times and dad has suggested it a few times as well. The second the watch showed up, suddenly it was tantrums and hysterics about needing to talk to his mom every minute.

    Now that the watch is off, it is turned off and placed away and won't be given back to the child until he goes back to mom's house.

    Is this any kind of legal issue? Can you send a tracking device on your child to the other parents house? Or attempt to disrupt the visit by calling and texting every few minutes?

    submitted by /u/lorabore
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    My crazy neighbor sabotages my selling of my house, can I sue?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    Long story but I swear to G this is the truth and I need some help. Location: Kansas

    I, being a young woman with a cute dog, bought a house a few years back and quickly learned my next-door neighbor was a Single-White-Female kind of psycho. Initially I was friendly and even invited her to a Halloween party shortly after moving in. During this party she exploded on one of my actual friends that she did not know so I asked her to leave my house. She did not take this well and that is where our story really begins...

    This neighbor would monitor me via multiple security cameras she installed right after this party incident. They were all aimed toward my house, front door, garage door and backyard. On one occasion I caught her digging in my trash. I found out from other neighbors that she would constantly talk about me to them and apparently make things up such as she found me in bed with her ex-husband or that my sister told her I was schizophrenic and refused to take my medication. I do not know her ex and she certainly does not know my sister.

    I decided to replace the portion of the fence that abuts her property with a taller privacy fence, for obvious reasons. I went off the county property records and what I already knew were the lot's corner markers. We get the one side done when I get a cease-and-desist letter from the neighbor's lawyer. I stop the fence work completely and contact an attorney and professional land survey. Now I know I should have had the land survey done first, but I legitimately felt unsafe and was in a hurry (winter was approaching).

    What I did not expect was for the lots to all be trapezoid shaped as I found out when the land survey was presented to me in December. A portion of the fence did cross the boundary and I recognized my error. I had a contractor come and rebuild the fence using the land survey so that it was legit. My lawyer asked her lawyer multiple times if my contractor had permission to remove the portion that was on her side. She denied this request each time. She would also call the cops on my workers for "trespassing" despite the fact they never once did. She also called the cops on me when I installed IR lights to shield myself from her many security cameras. The police offer was so baffled when he came to my house but said he had an obligation to follow any call. The local PD were also so sick of her shit by this point.

    After all her craziness, harassment, and not feeling safe in my own home - I moved out. I didn't list the house until a few months later and was very excited when I received an offer. Turns out, my realtor knew this crazy neighbor of mine and when listing the house he approached her to kindly ask she take down the 15 different "No Trespassing" and "I got Cameras" signs she had duct-taped to the side of her house since potential buyers were always asking about it. She didn't but what she did do after finding out I accepted the offer and we were about to close, was inform my realtor that she planned to file a lien against the house ALL VIA TEXT MESSAGE. Now that meant he had a legal obligation to inform the buyer's agent which put a cloud on the title work or something like that. Needless to say- we didn't close! I did allow the buyer to take possession of the house and he is paying me a mere $400/month in rent.

    To sum it up, she: 1. not once tried to cooperate with any of my attempts to fix the error I admittedly made 2. openly acknowledged to my realtor that she knew I was in a contract with a buyer 3. indicated to my realtor that her intent was to file a lien to hinder the closing of me selling my house 4. waited until this moment (the day before closing) to file said claim which my lawyer and my broker's legal team advises is in the wrong venue (not sure what that means)

    Seriously, what can I do to just get away from this crazy woman?

    submitted by /u/21anddrunk
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    Can I take paid vacation from a job and work another job?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    I'm seriously contemplating leaving the job I'm at but not until I've found something else so I don't put my family in a bind. I know if I quit my job I won't get anything for all the sick leave and vacation time I've built up which is about 1200 hours. Could I find another job and then tell my job I need to take time off for family issues start the new job and then quit the old job when ive exhausted my leave time?

    Edit: Sorry, yes I'm located in the US, I work for the state of Louisiana currently.

    Edit # 2: I should have also added, all my time off is paid time off.

    submitted by /u/timothyouzts
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    Gigworker company scam (CA)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    So I work for an app based food delivery company and sometimes the restaurant gives us the order and some items might be missing, because we are not allowed to search the bag we ask if everything is in the bag. So the problem is that we will get a call from the customer after the delivery has already been delivered saying their is a missing item in their delivery, then costumer support will tell us to go pick up the missing item even though it's not our fault the restaurant gave us the order with a missing item. so basically we lose money because we have to waste gas to pick up a missing item, I asked costumer support why I have to waste gas to fix the restaurants problem and they said it's my job. So is this legal?

    submitted by /u/BpImperial
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    I feel like I have no rights as a Mother.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    When I was 19 I got married to a man who was 45. He was abusive, a liar and a scammer. I left after only being married for three months. I never could afford to get a divorce. I'm 23 now and been dating a amazing man, I found out I was pregnant and we got enough money to hire a lawyer to go on with the divorce. My lawyer said it's a good thing we hired her because in my state if I would have waited until the baby was born by law my ex would be put on the birth certificate. Well today I called the hospital to find out the laws with the birth certificate and stuff, the lady at the hospital informed me that unfortunately my ex will have to go on our babies birth certificate even if we are divorced because the baby had been conceived before the divorce was finalized. She said he will go on the birth certificate even if I tell them no and that even getting a dna test done before the baby is born will change nothing. I'm freaking out, I feel like the world is ending, the hospital is telling me my baby will have my ex's last name and he will have legal rights to my baby. This man is horrible and if he knew I was having a baby he wouldn't sign saying it wasn't his. I don't know what to do nothing will change this even if I got married to the father before the baby is born. Advice please?

    Edit: location is Louisiana Edit: Divorce will be finalized before baby is born then my and my boyfriend will get married, lady at the hospital said that even if I'm married to someone else it hasn't been 9 months since divorce so ex will still go on birth certificate.

    submitted by /u/pizzaparty201
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    Company has held over $1,000 of my money, no product. Trying to cancel and they are being dodgy.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 02:06 PM PDT


    I just wanted to get some legal advice because it seems that this situation is only going to get worst. I had placed an order for 3 items back on April 7th. They said they had one of the items in stock but I talked to customer service who said it would be about a week before it was back in stock. A week goes by and I get a tracking number thinking all of my items shipped. Receive my package and only two came in, but still missing the one item. So I chat/email them to ask if there is an update on the item. I get no email response so I need to send another email and finally 2 days later I get a response. They tell me it will be shipping in about 3 weeks. Whatever a lot has gone on these past two months. It's understandable. I told them no worries. Well here I am at about week 6 from that email and I finally contact them asking for an update. They say they will cc me on an email for the person who fulfilled my order and I would get a response a few hours later. Well the day goes by an no response. The next morning I respond to them email asking if there was any update. I wait all day for a response and call an hour before they close. Someone picks up and finally they go and ask the same person who I was on the email chain with. Said they saw my email(Then why not respond?). Finally I get a response saying they will get me an update about my item soon. Ticked off at this point. I just wanted to cancel this order because I am upset with customer service. I had called once already to ask them to cancel. Said they will talk to their account services to have the item canceled. This was earlier today. I got no email or anything to indicate the order was cancelled. I am now on a chat with the same person who has been handling the emails, asking to cancel my order. They said they will try to cancel it and to give them a minute. It has now been 25 minutes and I have heard nothing about my order still.

    I am worried they are going to try to get a restocking fee out of me or something. I don't want to give them ANY money. I have had a horrible experience. Just getting an update for my item took multiple days and multiple emails. I have been extremely nice and never once blamed them for any wrongdoing. If they try to tell me my order cannot be canceled or they cannot give me a 100% refund, what actions can I take legally?

    Edit: No response on the chat. I had asked for an update on the order cancellation. They are refusing to respond to me.

    My location is in the United States, Specifically New Jersey. The Company is based in California.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/dand06
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    Bank denied mortgage credit loan because HOA never cleared a lien on the title that was paid off years ago. Would it be worth a lawsuit?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    Waited two months to get an answer from the bank after clearing every step of the loan process only to find out the loan was denied because the HOA never cleared a lien on the house after it was paid off five years ago. Proof the bank denied the loan because of this, HOA has already apologized and admitted they were wrong. I know sueing an HOA can be a huge hassle but this seems like a pretty clear cut lawsuit. Would this be worth taking legal action over? Florida.

    submitted by /u/BitchyMaleWhite
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    How do I report a nurse for violating HIPAA laws?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 10:33 PM PDT

    Hello everyone. I am coming over from a different subreddit where I got a unanimous response telling me to report a nurse for violating HIPAA laws. I am not sure the best way to report her so I am wondering if you can help me out.

    I am 18F in a small town in Colorado. The clinic where the nurse practices at is fairly small and private. I was seeing a nurse for severe abdominal pain and she was extremely rude and dismissive during my telemedicine appointment. I did not feel I would receive quality care with her so I switched to a different doctor. He ordered X-ray imaging and the results were mistakenly sent to the first nurse instead of my doctor. On Monday, the nurse called my mother. Here is an abridged version of the events:

    • The nurse called my mother asking for my contact info. I have never signed a HIPAA release form so it is illegal for the nurse to discuss my medical info with my mother. She told my mother the results of my xrays anyway

    • She accused me of lying about my symptoms. She said that I had constipation and there was blood in my stool, neither of which were true, and you are not able to tell that from looking at an xray.

    • She told my mother that I was not mature enough to make my own healthcare decisions. She said that I was more concerned with partying than with my health, which is not true, as I do not party.

    • The clinic she works for has my personal phone number on file, which leads me to believe she meant to call my mother. She did not need to call my mom for contact info.

    • The nurse admitted that she knew I had not signed a consent form and that she would probably get in trouble for talking to my mother. She acknowledged that she was breaking HIPAA.

    I know that I have grounds to report her for violating HIPAA. What is the best way to do it/ where are the places to report her to? I do not have insurance, so I can't report it to my insurance company. I am also not interested in pursuing a lawsuit. I just don't want her to treat any other patient this way.

    Thank you in advance for your advice.

    submitted by /u/kaceyeeyee
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    [CA law] Aunt is potentially hoarding deceased grandparents Estate; offering Dad sums without documentation.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    As the title says, my Dad who is not wealthy, retired and on fixed income, has been offered settlements from my grandparents estate by my Aunt without proof this is per an executed will. For additional context, my Aunt moved in to my grandfathers house within the last year of his passing. According to my Aunt, the grandfather (and the grandfather's son from 1st marraige, also recently deceased) decided one day in the few months prior to his passing to sign over the house (and who knows what else) to her. The house itself is worth $400K+ with low mortgage remaining.

    Since my Aunt was essentially in control of my grandathers house, accounts, and assets prior to his death, my Dad does not know what was left in the estate at time of passing. He also has not been read a will. Furthermore, he contests the legitimacy that an elderly man in his 90s who was not whole of mind could sign over his house to the Aunt in his final months.

    The outcome is my Aunt has offered my Dad $13,000, saying this is a generous offer. She says the house is hers, and there's nothing else really of value. She has verbally berated him for wanting more, and has deigned to offer him an extra $4000 after weeks of pressure.

    All I want is for my dad to have a full accounting of the assets, be read a will stating the wishes of his deceased mom and dad, and to have the ability to contest any potential hoarding of assets (like the house, even if signed over before death). He doesn't have a lot of money for fancy lawyers. I could loan some money for fees but not a ton.

    What are our legal options in California? Is there a mediation service that specializes in collecting wills, and requiring persons like my Aunt to have a full accounting?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/legaladvice_thrwawy3
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    Tenant Relations Case

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    Hi everyone...my landlord put a $75 copay for repairs into the lease, even for repairs needed before I moved in a month ago. I already had to pay one copay to fix the A/C, plus she'll expect another copay once I tell her a piece of the popcorn on the ceiling fell down. Is it legal? I've tried to contact local lawyers and they've been dismissive at best.

    submitted by /u/ValiantiaQueen
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    (KY) How to find an unemployment/disability lawyer for someone with leukemia, hypertension, and aortic distension. He is on his last leg because no one can or will help him. Has had to go back to work despite his fragile immune system because UI won't pay him and he doesn't seem to qualify for aid.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    My friend is almost 39, has chronic myeloid leukemia (which after the bone marrow biopsy yesterday is leaning towards being acute), hypertension, and a distension in an artery that has 1-2cm of tear before rupture. He has worked full time as much as possible since his original diagnosis in his mid-20s and every time he has applied for disability, even partial, he is denied.

    He takes medication for it every day, medication that makes him nauseous, fatigued, to name a few side effects. His biopsy showed an increase in platelets, so we will find out in a few days what options he has, either a new medicine or, somehow, a bone marrow transplant, which may not even be accepted by his body. If he did get a transplant, he would be isolated for six months. He already has issues getting unemployment pay from the Coronavirus and despite being at risk, is already back at the restaurant he works at. How would he pay for anything during recuperation if he can't work, get UI, or disability?

    In the past when he has applied for disability he is denied because he can walk and talk and lift. It doesn't matter that he feels like crap 90% of the time or that he has a bad immune system. He is constantly losing weight and is close to making too much money for Medicaid. (Work has been appreciating him for how hard he works but he can't even take FMLA because he would not be getting any income.)

    Is there anyone out there who knows how he can get someone who could sit down and consult with him probono, or what other options he has at all?

    He is close to giving up, he has been depressed for years and this is the tipping point. He say his co-workers have been getting their unemployment this whole time and he only got an initial payment. They are talking about having parties and squandering their money and aren't going back to work and yet he has to put his life on the line to ensure an income.

    I'm scared he's going to be a victim of suicide. Everyone has pushed him aside and ignored his pleas, when all he needed was a little help from the state and country he has paid taxes into. Can anyone help him, please?

    submitted by /u/mcraneschair
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    [CA] I was found at fault for an accident I was in no way at fault for (Rear ended and sandwiched)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    I was rear ended pretty hard (totaled my car) and pushed into the car infront of me(virtually no damage to them) now the person infront of me is claiming they felt 2 impcts and also bodily injury. What can I do so my insurance doesn't skyrocket? (I had to buy a new car)

    Pictures are obvious what happened, I was stunned by the letter from my insurance.

    The person that rear ended me didn't have insurance, and my car is worth less that 3k, so I would have to take them to small claims.

    I know I'd have to get a lawyer, but I'm wondering if there's anything else I can do that's not as expensive.


    submitted by /u/Sovatsem
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    HELP -My uncle borrow $250K from my dad - has not been paying back

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 01:49 PM PDT

    My uncle - Bob, wanted to purchase a real estate so he can invest in and make some cash out of it.

    However, Bob does not have that much cash on hand to spare and came to my dad for help. This is where shit started.

    Bob brought up the conversation last fall after overhearing that we are able to take some loan out of my parent's house. My dad, being my dad (who has been kind and nice to his little brother since day 1) agreed to let him borrow 1/4 million by taking a loan under a written agreement that he will pay back in 2 months (September 2019 - November 2019).

    A stupid mistake in my opinion but we can't go back so let's spare that part, we already yelled at him and that obviously not solve anything. \facepalms**

    I found out about the loan about a few months ago after my mom has been worried sick and mentioned that my uncle has not been able to sell his investment property last fall.

    So far, my uncle has only paid back half of the interests from the loan and the rest is still MIA.

    The loan is due in September and I am getting really worried for my parents. This entire situation is fucked up for my family as they got nothing but lots and lots of emotional stress and loss of sleep.

    My dad called Bob last night after I stressed the urgency, and Bob simply said - don't worry I'll pay you back soon.

    Being in a typical Chinese household, we like to keep it DL with this type of stuff because it's "disgrace" to the family just like how they say it in Mulan... -__- , so here I am - asking Reddit for help behind their backs.

    TLDR: My uncle borrowed $250,000 from my parents last Sept, the money is from a loan taken out of my parent's house. Now he's taking his sweet time and not paying them back.

    What are some legal actions I can take to help my parents to 1) get the money back 2) make sure they don't lose the house to the bank?

    Edit: nothing I can do, advice for my parents?

    submitted by /u/puzzelheaded_help
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    My essential travel to the USA for fiance's surgery next week!

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 06:09 AM PDT

    Hi Everyone! I was hoping to get some advice on essential travel to the USA (New York State) for my fiance's surgery next week!

    I am a British citizen and my fiance is an American citizen. She is getting surgery in New York and will need care after the operation as there is risk to nerve damage if she over-exerts herself. Her father is ill and so her parents cannot look after her, hence my need to travel.

    I am incredibly worried about being denied at the border control at JFK airport and not being able to be there to provide the care to her that is needed.

    Is there any advice for me that would help with this situation? Any specific documents I can get to help my case at the border control to prove this is essential travel?

    Thank you for taking the time to read and any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/LuDo9222
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