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    Saturday, June 6, 2020

    Husband has started his own IT company. It is starting to take off and his stress and time spent working has gone way up. How can I as his spouse support him? Entrepreneur

    Husband has started his own IT company. It is starting to take off and his stress and time spent working has gone way up. How can I as his spouse support him? Entrepreneur

    Husband has started his own IT company. It is starting to take off and his stress and time spent working has gone way up. How can I as his spouse support him?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    As I stated in the title my husband has been working like crazy. And as I'm sure you guys know not all your time is billlable and it stresses him out. He does all the business stuff during the day but feels that at night is the only time he can get the actual 'work done'

    I'm not an IT person so I can't help him there, but I offer to help when I can with filing or whatever.

    What has your spouse or significant other done to help you?

    submitted by /u/TheRealVicarOfDibley
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    I own a $1M painting business and do absolutely NO Painting. Every owner of a contracting business should be able to do this - but they fail to master THIS

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    The entire purpose of marketing is to generate opportunity.

    • Opportunity for people to interact and potentially buy from your business.

    • Your sales process is supposed to help you capitalize on that opportunity.

    • Your sales process isn't just the exchange of funds, however.

    Your sales process is how you interact with the opportunity, from the moment they entire your store, your CRM or contact you.

    It's your initial greeting, it's your follow up process, it's your pricing structure, and yes, it's your closing tactics.

    Your sales process is the process of taking someone from a "lead" to a "customer"

    Now, once that person becomes a "customer" they must now go through our production process.

    Your production is designed to fulfill the promises of your marketing campaigns and your sales practice.

    The successful execution of these 3 areas is a guaranteed recipe for a healthy business.

    My work revolves around contractors. Here's what I've noticed:

    • Contractors, by default, focus primarily on production. This is because when they make the decision to own their own business, in most cases they do so from the position of an employee of a company doing the trade that they're starting a business in.

    They lack in sales, they lack in marketing.

    They have a hard time with marketing because they see the money they bring in they same way they seen it when they received a paycheck. In most cases, as an employee, they didn't have practice "re-investing" it. They had no need to.

    A successful contractor understands that they need to take profit, allocate a certain amount of that profit to marketing (advertising, buying leads, etc) to perpetuate the growth of the business and free themselves from the actual production (because production takes the most time)

    The idea is to find a system that works, that brings in consistent results month after month. There's 3 main issues that I've recognized are consistent with contractors who are failing to escape the day-to-day production:

    Issue 1:

    • A contractor who's focused 90% on production (Because he's really good at it) will have a very hard time escaping performing the actual production because he doesn't understand that he needs to spend money (on marketing and advertising) to create opportunities to generate more money (enough to keep a team busy to eventually free him/her from the physical labor.

    Issue 2:

    • Selling is an art, it's a skill and it's the MOST valuable aspect of the 3. Selling is the ability to convince (through building trust, showcasing professionalism) someone to transition from an "opportunity" to a paying customer.

    Issue 3:

    • Contractors have a really hard time understanding the difference between giving an "estimate" and "selling"

    If you give an estimate, you're essentially positioning yourself to be compared to another contractor merely off of price.

    If you're selling, you're building value, building trust, and closing the deal. You're creating more than just price to be compared to.

    This increases your sales ratio, this helps you perpetuate growth, and it helps you increase your conversion ratio.

    Once you have a strong marketing system (that brings you consistent opportunities)....And you've developed a strong sales system (where you consistently transition someone from a lead to a paying customer)....

    You've then positioned yourself to feel confident enough to keep a team busy.

    This is why so many contractors opt to hire subcontractors, because they're not confident in their ability to keep employees busy.

    ----- 33% 33% 33% ------

    Most contractors are doing everything themselves, especially owners of small painting businesses, flooring businesses, drywall businesses, etc.

    That's not a horrible thing, but the goal of said contractor should be to create a small system within each of the 3 categories to create predictability so they can free themselves from the physical labor aspect of their business:

    • With a strong marketing system, you'll bring in a consistent flow of leads

    • With a strong sales system, you'll capitalize on those leads and create customers

    • With a strong production system, you'll turn those customers into lifetime customers

    I know there's a lot of you who read these and wonder how it all works, especially if you don't own a business. Here's my TL;DR

    TL;DR: Your business is like a flower. Production, marketing and sales are equivalent to the Sun, Wind, and Water. If you're lacking in one, the growth of the flower is compromised. Diversify your efforts and create a system that helps you predict results in all 3 areas. Streamline your efforts.

    Thanks for reading!

    Follow me on Instagram www.instagram.com/tradethrive or join me at r/paintingbusiness

    submitted by /u/Byobcoach
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    What would you do if you were given a piece of land 10 acres big?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    Let's say you were given a currently unused piece of land. You are not a farmer and you don't have much time to dedicate to the land. What would you do to make money out of it without selling the land?

    submitted by /u/diogene01
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    What business should I start? I have experience with online Amazon sales and $150k to use. I'm 28 and live on Long Island, NY.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    -Quit my supply chain job a few years ago

    -Bought and sold inventory from 1 clothing brand and sold it all on Amazon

    -No longer have connections within that brand

    -Have $150k in cash to invest in another business and am stuck on what to do next

    -Live at home still and have no expenses other than a car lease and insurance payments

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/scratchgolfer17
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    Name my Shaved Ice business :D

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    TLDR: Branding Shaved Ice Trailer. Please advise.

    We are brother and sister team selling shaved ice at parks, beaches, events(someday). Customers are families, and TEENS standing around in the heat.

    We want to be identifiable online, and the trailer will say "SHAVED ICE" on three sides no matter what.

    Please help me name the thing! Do I want cat memes for teens? Fortnight stuff? Holographic vehicle wraps? Venice beach style pastels? Right now the trailer is yellow but I want to brand with attractive art. Ideas? Thank you r/ Entrepreneur

    submitted by /u/DoodleNoodleStrudel
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    How fo I create a paypal account in a country where paypal is not available?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    I'm running a business online and I've lost a lot of clients refusing to pay other than paypal, and paypal is not available in my country so that's a great issue for me. How can I get one?

    submitted by /u/iloveveggiesz
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    Is there a (free) tool I can use to bulk upload?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    I manage a Facebook fan page, and on my PC I have a folder with around 500 photos.

    I want to upload 4 pictures to my page every day, and I know FB has the option to schedule them, but scheduling them one by one is a pain.

    Is there a tool that can help me do this in one go? preferably free.


    submitted by /u/tcdsv
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    Looking to start a business. How should I register it?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    I'm going to be opening my own massage therapy business soon and wondered how I should register is. Is an LLC appropriate?

    Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/againthemagic
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    Struggle as an entrepreneur .

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    Hey guys! As entrepreneurs, what are you struggling the most when it comes to stress?

    submitted by /u/InigoGurrola
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    How many followers should I have before starting to sell clothes?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    I currently have a facebook page that has twitter and an Instagram so it starting to become a nice network by now. The facebook is at 35.000 the Instagram at 1200 and the twitter is at 4700. Should I wait to get more followers or these enough. I suspect that am gonna do some marketing on all of them (but mostly on Instagram) or should i do facebook most? Currently I just post Muslim memes so its not a niche that can over encompassing. Just wanted your thoughts. Can i start selling? On what platform should I sell on? Any tips.

    submitted by /u/xamza1608
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    I need to send out many, many, many messages on Kijij, craigslist etc.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    What is the fastest, best cheapest way?

    submitted by /u/TheRebelliousSpire
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    Does something like this exist for service-based businesses?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Nvm, I guess this was a stupid question, but I did need help.

    submitted by /u/uberprioritymail
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    Experienced Entrepreneurs: What advice do you wish someone told you toward the beginning of your journey?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    In other words, what lessons did you learn that would make a difference for young entrepreneurs?

    What would you have done differently?

    What worked for you?

    What didn't work for you?

    What did you regret?

    What are you proud of?


    submitted by /u/ConfirmedCatholic
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    How to deal with people when starting a business? Should I partner with friends and family or is that a no no?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    I'm starting my own business and I'm thinking about whether or not to partner up with my brothers

    submitted by /u/AssEater2003
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    Unethical ??... just make it sound funny and harmless then call it a Hustle.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    The other day I was listening to a podcast on my way home. The guest was one of the founders of the dating app Bumble.

    She was telling the story of how she started this app. At one point of the story something caught my attention.

    She said " at first the app didn't have many users so she had to do something about it. So She posted fake photos of guys and girls on the app then she went to the sororities groups at a university in her city and told the girls that all of the hot guys from that university are using this app and waiting for the girls to show up. Then she did the same thing with the fraternities groups.

    While she was telling the story she was laughing and called it "I was hustling" ... although that was unethical, if you were Listening to the podcast you wouldn't feel bad about it because it sounded funny and cute. It's just a girl who was hustling around to build a business.

    Then I thought ... what about those fake reviews we find on many websites. It is unethical practice. Can I just just add fake reviews to my website and just think about it as something funny and call it hustling around ? You know .. so i don't feel guilty about it.

    I think there are 2 kinds of entrepreneurs. The ones who really care about those unethical matters and the ones who just don't give a f**k then just call it hustling.

    Which one are you ?

    (Sorry if my English is not that good, I'm still learning the language)

    submitted by /u/jaiga99
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    I have bunch of leads...

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    I have over 4k qualified leads that are not older than 1 year. Any ideas on where to sell these?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/MuteBasterd
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    AdWord Practice

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 11:27 AM PDT


    I'm about to start using AdWords to promote my local cleaning company, something I've never done before. Can y'all look at my AdWords and lemme know if they're straight garbage or not halfway decent?

    Hope y'all stay safe,



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    submitted by /u/Commercecommerce
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    Idea for a marketplace that is a hybrid of Amazon and Shopify

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    I want to know whaat people think about a marketplace that's half between Amazon FBA and Shopify: It's a marketplace and so unlike Shopify you don't need to invest time building a site and finding customers, but unlike Amazon, it gives you full control of your brand and you own the customer and the analytics.

    There are many problems with the Amazon model as it pertains to small business (although they do get lots of things correct):

    • They own the customer, and all the data associated with them.
    • Merchants do not have their own brand: Their brand is mostly drowned out by Amazon.
    • Amazon competes with their merchants by selling their own products. Due to the above two items, Amazon will always have an edge over their merchants.
    • It can be expensive.

    Shopify is slated as the alternative to Amazon. However it too has its drawbacks:

    • Merchants need to identity, target and acquire their customers.
    • Time consuming and technical to set it up.
    • Customers need to enter payment details for each site, thereby creating friction before purchase.
    • Marketplace protection for a customer is absent thereby creating friction before purchasing.

    I am a software engineer who is interested in building a marketplace that is a hybrid of Amazon and Shopify:

    • Quick and simple to set up a store (like Amazon).
    • Merchants own their customers and can market directly to them (like Shopify).
    • Merchants own their brand (like Shopify).
    • Customer friction lessened by marketplace guarantees (e.g. money back upon returns) and stored payment information (like Amazon).
    • This marketplace will never compete with its merchants (like Shopify).

    I am wondering if there is any need/want from merchants for such a model? What does this community think?

    submitted by /u/bazsouthafrica
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    My brother and I got over 1,200 email signups/4,000 total users for our “app” in 3 days, now we need help

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    we're not sure where to go from here. Before anyone let's me know that 1200 is nowhere near a good amount, trust me I know. It was just very surprising for us to have so much interest off a free project we started after getting drunk one night.

    We have consistently received positive feedback for our web based application, which is in the psychedelic space, and are seeing a dozen or so new signups with no other "advertising" (I just posted in 6 or so subs and asked folks to check it out)

    Our app focuses on content curation, which is updated every few days to keep recommendations fresh. Over the next few days we will release a user submission/recommendations function, allowing our users to add their own media to take some of the stress off us.

    What I'm really wondering is what strategies you might take to continue growing. We have no desire to charge anything and definitely do not want to run ads, unless they specifically benefit our users, but we do have a goal of being able to produce our own content (somewhat similar to what Netflix does but on a much smaller scale,) and that will only be possible through some revenue or funding.

    I'm open to any criticism and discussions, and can try to reciprocate any help you might need with your projects. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/riceolive
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    Data Strategy for Startups

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    I'm interested in knowing how important some of the group's startup founders have found a data strategy to be when pitching to venture capitalists/PEs/institutional investors. As the name implies, a data strategy is a plan for how your business will benefit from the data it collects in the course of operations. A data strategy also outlines how a business plans to store, secure, govern, and generally manage its data assets as well as how it plans to implement value-add data operations like machine learning (and maybe even third-party data sales).

    In my experience, this has become a deal-breaking question among investors. How are non-technical startups/startup founders handling this or is this something only I've experienced?

    submitted by /u/Sukk-up
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    Recording Small Business Expenses!

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    Regardless of the size of the company - I have two questions in terms of recording small business expenses:

    1. When using phone apps (or software), what are some of the issues you encounter when recording (or tracking) business expenses?
    2. What are some features you wish those business expense apps/software had available to make things more "enjoyable" or less time-consuming?
    3. What do you absolutely hate about business expense tracking/recording apps (or software)?
    submitted by /u/jjones295
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    Focusing on my Circle of Influence allowed me to take control of my life and the work that I do

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    During these challenging times, it can be tricky to know exactly what you can do to make a difference or change things for the better. It certainly seems like a lot of things are out of our control. But, the thing that has helped me is to get a clearer idea of what is within my Circle of Influence.

    Your Circle of Influence encompasses all of the things that you can impact and control. Focusing on that can allow you to strengthen you locus of control and take responsibility for your life and the environment around you.

    I've expanded on how you can approach this here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOxjTY8fWRc. It seems like it's even more important now, given the times that we are living in. My suggestion would be to gain clarity on your Circle of Influence so that you can direct all of your energy towards that instead of draining yourself with all the other concerns that you cannot control.

    submitted by /u/Chellz93
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    Never doubt the power of Wordpress for MVP

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 08:48 PM PDT

    Months ago, I dreamed of starting a web based service/platform/business. I tried and tried, but could not get my desired site working. It was just impossible for someone without an in depth coding background to implement successfully. I gave up, and moved on to other business ideas, but always came back to my original idea.

    Recently, I have been learning to code. I thought that maybe one day I could code my dream website. As those of you with a tech background know, coding is EXTREMELY difficult, and to build something on the scale I wanted to, would take YEARS of learning to accomplish.

    Now, here I sit, and will be launching my MVP any day now. How did I do it?


    I know Wordpress gets A LOT of hate, however it is an extremely powerful CMS, with zillions of themes and plugins. Using a (quite expensive) theme, some plugins, and some very minor code tweaks, I have successfully created my dream. It is NOTHING compared to a custom coded project, and isn't everything I hoped it would be, but it is VERY close and I have to say I'm in love with it.

    My point is, don't give up. If you can't code, start learning, and in the mean time search for a Wordpress solution or something similar. Sure, once I get the money and or skills to build this MY way I will. However, for the time being, this will definitely suffice. Never give up! :)

    submitted by /u/yellow36
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    How do shoe moulds work?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    I am trying to create shoes and I'm getting conflicting advice from companies that make moulds for shoes about how many moulds you need for each size.

    one has told me that 1 mould can be used for both sizes X and X.5, another has told me that it's one mould per shoe size including the half increment, and another has said that one mould can cover all the sizes.

    common sense tells me it should be one per increment, but one for both size X and X.5 would be ideal, help appreciated.

    submitted by /u/saintGoku
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