• Breaking News

    Tuesday, June 9, 2020

    Accounting Staff when the Manager comes asking about the WIP

    Accounting Staff when the Manager comes asking about the WIP

    Staff when the Manager comes asking about the WIP

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    Recruiting in Public Accounting

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    When the client want a fee reduction or free service because and i quote : "accounting is not a hard job"

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    You on here?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    Cards against Accountants

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 02:34 AM PDT

    That's all folks

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    Well, this is it for me. I've officially been chewed up and spit out by the meat grinder that is public accounting. Obviously, this is a COVID related layoff from a big 4 firm. I'm posting this because I can't think of any way to feel any better about this situation than to share my experience with anyone recruiting with these firms right now. I apologize for how long this is, but there's a tldr at the bottom.

    First, I think it's important to point out that no one I've ever met has been as excited as I was to be in public accounting. I knew what I wanted to do coming out of high school and started recruiting right away, even though everyone told me it was too soon. I met my first [B4 firm, not named in the spirit of professionalism] contact freshman year of college and continued to recruit with the firm the remaining 4 years. In those 4 years, I received undergraduates in both Accounting and Corporate Finance and my Masters in Accounting. I geared my whole time at school and all my future plans around this job and was ecstatic to be part of the firm.

    Now, the actual experience. When I started I was thrown on a team in the middle of interim which had no real interest in training me. I was paired with seniors who were new to the team and also didn't know what was going on. At my first check-in, every piece of feedback was personal and not about work. I "shouldn't be trying to make people everyone like me", "just because your senior told you you could go home and study doesn't mean you can", and "it's annoying when you act all shy" to name a few examples.

    As it continued it only got worse. I had an incredibly abusive lead senior who did NOT like me at all. I still do not know what her problem was with me specifically, but that's beside the point. Every single day was her harassing me, insulting me, condescending to me, and SHAMING ME in front of the entire team over nothing (clarifying something confusing she said, for example, meant announcing to the team that I have hearing problems). All of her mistakes were my fault. She wasn't responsible for anything. She would spend all day breathing down my neck then the next morning in the status meeting she would claim she spent most of her day "helping" me because she didn't do any of her own work. There are examples with varying sevarity, but suffice to say her harrasment was constant, humiliating, unwarranted, and focused on me not the other first years.

    I communicated these issues regularly and directly and was ignored for months. At the end of busy season it was obvious to me and everyone else that that team wasn't where I belonged. So, I spent the next few months bouncing between teams (getting stellar reviews, evidencing the fact it was the team not my performance). Scheduling didn't help, no one did, I found all the new engagements through my own networking contacts. In the last six weeks I joined a new team that I meshed with perfectly. They were overwhelmingly positive with their feedback and couldn't wait to have me on for interim and busy season.

    Yesterday, I had a zoom meeting with the senior managers and my coach to follow up on being relatively new to the team. They had ZERO negative feedback. They were so positive it made it all worth it, I'd finally found my place. Today, I randomly got a zoom call from a partner. I answered and saw it was him and our talent manager (oh fuck). They informed me that due to COVID I was being let go. I pressed for a reason until he finally got frustrated, all they told me was COVID. I know for a fact that senior from my first engagement was involved, she's close to this partner of course. None of my performance was taken into consideration. My numerous, documented complaints and requests for help with this senior were ignored. Because of the situation they stuck me in a scheduling limbo that led to losing my job. They never even told my team so we were all blindsided.

    I gave everything to this job. 100+ hour weeks in busy season. I worked the day my aunt died and cried quietly at my desk. Put up with clear abuse from a senior that was ignored. Then I did literally everything in my power to find new engagements while scheduling did nothing to help. And after I finally found MYSELF the right team and got months of good reviews on others they surprise me with a fucking zoom call telling me I'm being laid off. My team didn't even know. I had to tell everyone it was happening.

    So, closing thoughts. To that senior, FUCK YOU. You ruined everything because I started and you just didn't like me. To scheduling, FUCK YOU. You didn't do dick to help me find new clients and I found every engagement on my own. To the partners who "did their due diligence", FUCK YOU. Don't fucking tell me you give a shit about any of us, we're all just a fucking line item in your goddamn budget. To anyone thinking about joining big 4, DO NOT. I ignored warnings for years thinking if people were so unhappy they should just leave and stop complaining. Do not ignore this. They will fuck you in the ass then toss you in the dumpster with a checklist of things to complete before they haul you away to the fucking landfill.

    Tldr: FUCK BIG 4. I worked myself to death, I worked through deaths in the family, I was ignored, bullied, and thrown away. If you are recruiting, GO SOMETHWERE ELSE. You are nothing to them. You are a number. They will grind you up and spit you out. We're all just another brick in the fucking wall. Fuck your green dot.

    submitted by /u/Brandon112358
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    John Oliver cutting to the core of me

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 07:35 PM PDT

    Yaaaaay, �� Best feeling ever.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    EY All-Hands Webcast

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    • Spoke about a voluntary summer leave program at reduced salary and connected it those with kids or family needs with summer camps cancelled
    • No Covid layoffs expected to occur
    • "Performance-based" layoffs to occur post FYE

    "Very bullish" on market outlook in its recovery, so no point to lay-off mass numbers only to need them soon after. But bonuses and salary reductions won't be discussed until the fiscal year ends and they "have a complete data set" to determine.

    Thoughts? Since EY is the last one of the Big 4 to the table for this discussion. Were similar themes brought up by Deloitte and PWC bigwigs, only for them to switch to whatever the final firm decision was?

    submitted by /u/the_tax_man_cometh
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    How do Big4 careerists have family lives?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    My dad works for Deloitte and I saw him roughly 2 days per week and my parents are married. My dad works like 12 hr days and has no time for anything else.

    How exactly do you guys (specifically men) manage big4 careers and having a family?

    submitted by /u/today-is-the-future
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    Got some unsolicited career advice while procrastinating studying...

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 05:27 PM PDT

    How many total hours a year do you work and what’s your level?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    Total (non charge + charge)

    Manager: 2,600 roughly.

    submitted by /u/ThePrestigeVIII
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    Move to the UK

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    I've always wanted to live and work in London but I am an American citizen.

    My question is have any US CPAs been able to get hired for a UK accounting position? Based on most of the responses on similar questions the answer is the work for big 4 and hope for a secondment. I currently work for a mid tier firm (second year senior in audit) and tried to do a secondment and all were cancelled due to covid. Instead of spending time getting a big 4 job here and hoping in a few years to do a secondment has anyone with similar credentials applied and got a job in London? I'm willing to go big 4 or stay in public accounting if it's moving over there ASAP.

    I understand with covid going on firms are on firing freezes and jobs are harder to come by, I'm hoping to move once things have calmed down a bit more, maybe the end of this year or early next year.

    submitted by /u/CPAouttahere
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    Suffering in pubic

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 07:06 PM PDT

    Anyone else suffering? It's possible its my specific region, but I doubt it. I work in tax, and I've tried different things to make it better, but it just doesn't seem to work. I've been working in a lot of SALT lately, so maybe that's causing the irritation? The CARES act isn't helping things and my PPP is rusty, to say the least. I think I'll go see my doctor, maybe he can prescribe something to make me feel a little less GILTI, maybe an ointment or salve or something.

    submitted by /u/ahem17
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    Anyone that work at the Big 4 (particularly PwC) know when we will be required to go back into the office?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    I heard offices are opening up, so I wasn't sure if I should start getting prepared to commute back to the office. Kind of anxious as I enjoy working from home.

    submitted by /u/sugarfreepudding76
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    How’s the work environment here in the Dallas Fort Worth area? Such as hours, number of days work, what does the average age that work in accounting? Kinda curious to see what people I’m going to get to work with

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    Suggested forum for technical accounting question?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    I have a specific technical question concerning the handling of foreign currency translations. It's in the area covered by ASC 830-20-35 -- in particular, the mechanisms at play in what Intuit QuickBooks (although it's by no means exclusive to them; they're just one example) refers to as "Home Currency Adjustments".

    However, I'm having difficulty finding the right forum in which to ask my question. Can anyone here suggest one? As I say, my question is specific, technical and concerns a less-than-everyday aspect of accounts, so I'm looking for a place where that kind of accounting-nerd question would be welcome. I should add that I've been trying to figure this out for some time now, so I've already tried several places (including, for example, Intuit's QuickBooks forums) but with no luck.

    FWIW, looking at past posts on this forum, I'm assuming that this itself is not the right place. It seems to be not so much about account-ing per se, and more about being or becoming an account-ant. By all means correct me if I'm wrong on that, though, and I'll be delighted to ask my question in all its gory details! :-) . (However, I figured that it may be OK to ask at least this "meta" question.)


    submitted by /u/PeterTomhas
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    ACCT student unsure about future

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 09:40 PM PDT

    I'm heading into my final year of ACCT this Fall. I'm currently doing a non-ACCT related business summer internship right now with a Big 5 bank in Canada. I tried to get an ACCT internship and even interviewed with two Big 4 firms, but haven't got much luck getting an ACCT job at the end.

    At this point I still don't have direct ACCT experience. I've been going back and forth the past few months on whether I really want to do CPA or be an accountant as a long-term career. My GPA is 3.1 (after working my ass off) which I know isn't exactly competitive, and that's why I have doubts on whether I'm even capable of the CPA. After 6 weeks into this internship, I realized, i dont wanna do a job im not happy in and it's not about money. One of the main reasons I majored in ACCT is b/c it's traditionally been a stable job known to pay well and not really b/c I enjoy it. I'm just confused, because even if I switch to something else, I don't really know what I want to do. My family and friends sort of have this expectation that I will continue to CPA, and I feel like a failure if I don't live up to that expectation. I don't really know what to do and i don't talk to anyone i know about it b/c i feel embarassed.

    submitted by /u/sbdoubleshot
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    Enrolling in SNHU via a work benefit and curious on BA vs BS degree paths, looking for clarity.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:56 PM PDT

    Sorry if this has been asked to oblivion, I searched and wasn't finding the answer I was looking for.

    I'm 32 and pursuing my bachelor's in accounting and wanted to understand the differences. The advisor gave me basic info but the two options I'd be interested are BA with an accounting focus or a BS in accounting. The way it was described to me was the BA route is primarily business focused with some accounting course work. The BS in accounting is much more involved in accounting course work and for folks who may want to get their CPA or other certs in the future.

    My questions are does this sound accurate and which one it viewed as more attractive in the workforce or does that not even matter?

    submitted by /u/wildbill883
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    Having trouble "selling myself" during interviews

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    I've been on 3 interviews (some multiple rounds) the past few months. All 3 have had the same basic format:

    (1) Walk me through your resume/tell me about yourself/why are you looking

    (2) They give more details on the position (this part is usually very long and they go on for a while)

    (3) Maybe one or two questions on strengths/weaknesses/excel skills

    (4) They let me ask questions

    I'm probably doing something wrong, but I find that I don't have much time to actually sell myself i.e. discuss directly how my experiences and skills apply to the position. During (1) and (3) sure, but (2) and (4) seem to take up a lot of the time.

    Most of the time it feels like the interviewer is trying to sell me on the job rather than other way around. And I did get one offer, but clearly there's something I'm not getting right.

    The interviews go well insofar that the conversations are pleasant and not awkward, but I usually come away thinking I didn't sell myself enough.

    Does anyone have tips on how to display my relevant skills/experiences when it's not so clear how (e.g. when asking questions to the interviewer or them giving me details about the day to day)

    submitted by /u/abertbrijs
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    Working remotely for clients outside of your state

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    For those with clients outside of your state, but working remotely from your home state, are you getting taxes withheld from the location of your client?

    submitted by /u/downbythesea113
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    What are the attributes of a good audit manager? Can you describe great managers that you have worked with in the past?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:05 PM PDT

    Random thought: What are the attributes of a good audit manager? Can you describe great managers that you have worked with in the past?

    Unfortunately most of the audit managers I have worked with in the past, in short, protectionist of themselves. Could you guys share what were the some of the managers (accounting/auditing) that had great leadership attributes and what made them great leaders in your opinion.

    submitted by /u/salmonikuralover
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    Job Title to Target in Industry after ~2 yrs. in Public

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    What job title would you target after two years in public accounting. I'm aiming for manufacturing or real estate but tbh just kind of want to get out.

    When I start applying I'll have my CPA

    submitted by /u/Whiyefox21
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