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    Sunday, May 24, 2020

    Why am I suddenly at 100% at fault for getting rear ended on the freeway? Insurance

    Why am I suddenly at 100% at fault for getting rear ended on the freeway? Insurance

    Why am I suddenly at 100% at fault for getting rear ended on the freeway?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 05:31 PM PDT

    5 months ago, I was rear ended on the freeway by a distracted driver. The traffic was piling up ahead. I always brake 15 seconds ahead of time and I always love to slow down to a smooth stop. 30 seconds later, was looking at my rear view mirror (I always check my mirrors whenever I drive, because I want to be a considerate driver and not slow down drivers behind me) and saw a car was approaching fast. I knew the driver was distracted, so I braced for impact.

    I got the driver to pull over and get her to give me her insurance info. I called the CHP get down details.

    Next week, I called her insurance company and found out that her insurance isn't valid and it ended a few weeks ago. I called my own insurance company about it and they acknowledged it.

    4 months later, they called me and said I have to pay a deductible for my car. I told them that I have uninsured driver insurance on my policy, and have them review it again. They didn't believe me so they said they will do their own research and ask the other insurance party to see if the insurance is valid. Then 2 weeks later they said I was right, the other party didn't have insurance, so I do not have to pay a deductible to get my car fixed. I told them to issue the payment and they said the check will be mailed within 2 weeks.

    Today I got the mail with the check, but the letter said I was 100% at fault. I don't understand how I was at fault. There was no way I could avoid the person rear ending me as I was in the middle lane at the time of the accident. If I was at the outter left or right lane, damn right I would've drove into those lanes to avoid the distracted driver. I'm still dealing with PTSD from this event, and I whenever I look at my rear view mirror, I always hate it when people approach the rear of my car quickly, and I get a mini panic attack.

    Can someone tell me how I was at fault? I still have pictures from the accident.

    submitted by /u/i_suckatjavascript
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    Texas - Unnamed Driver?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 12:50 AM PDT

    Hi there!

    I'm curious about whether it is legal for a driver who is given permission to drive a vehicle while not explicitly being named on the vehicles insurance card.

    I don't mind paying for insurance, but I'm being charged basically double what my parents would be charged and it'd be nice if I could get cut some slack.

    As a bonus, in the event of a car accident, would the coverage extend to me? Go easy on me, I'm not proficient in law.

    submitted by /u/DanteTheStrange
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    Do I have to tell my parents if I go doctor or pharmacy and use insurance?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 12:47 AM PDT

    I really don't know how insurance works so please excuse my ignorance in this subject.

    I want to get the HPV vaccine but I don't feel like asking my mom if I can use the insurance to cover the cost of vaccine. Just due to the fact that its kinda awkward and i don't talk to my mom comfertablly about that stuff. So I know I have health insurance. But would there be any legal or moral reason that she has to be in the know of what I am using insurance to cover?

    Also another question is if I could use health insurance legally and morally without my moms permission would she be sent statements or something of that nature that shows what I got covered?

    Thanks reddit, and I know I'll get some responses saying that I should just ask her because she's my mom. But its hard to explain how she is but she will be annoying if I ask her about it.

    If it matters I'm legally an adult here in California.

    submitted by /u/fpsgamer45
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    1st ever claim, did traffic school, no other driver property damage. Rates went up $700 a year. Is this normal? It says they have first time accident forgiveness on all policies

    Posted: 23 May 2020 05:55 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/n0x630
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    I was hit by an out of state driver in a rental car

    Posted: 23 May 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    I was rear ended by somebody driving a rental car, nothing too serious no injuries but my car was just recently bought and the scratches and paint need to be well done not just touched up. The party at fault from another state We exchanged information and agreed to go outside of insurance, the driver at fault refused to pay the quote from the body shop so I decided to call their insurance company, their insurance is saying that since the rental car is not on their policy they may not be responsible and that I should call my insurance... can anyone explain where I might stand here? I'm afraid if I have to go through my insurance the damage will not meet the $1000 deductible and I will be boned having to pay completely out of pocket

    Thanks for the help

    submitted by /u/lilchano
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    Brake lights and slowing down

    Posted: 24 May 2020 01:40 AM PDT

    So I'm planning to convert my wife's car to electric, I've discussed it with our insurance company (a child company of AAI, they're pretty damn good for an insurance giant)

    Now as part of the build I'm leaving the manual transmission, but she'll have pretty aggressive regenerative braking turned on so it'll accelerate like a rocket, but slow like a fairly decent compression diesel.

    Now, I've been driving trucks for years, diesel 4x4's, I've only ever personally owned a single automatic vehicle, and drove it more in manual mode than I did in Auto mode.

    Anyways, so my understanding of the laws and the Australian design Rules is that I do not need the brake lights to come on when the car is slowing under engine or regenerative braking.

    I myself was rear ended once when engine braking, not at fault, no issues, no claim, the small car that rear ended me only scraped some rust off my rear bar on my 4x4. Very minor, no issues.

    Anyway, some friends have advised me that since the motor controller has the function to illuminate the brake lights when regen is active, I should just hook that up. They also said depending on my insurance I may invalidate my insurance if I do not.

    So, dutifully, I emailed the insurance company and asked them, the reply was one paragraph:

    We expect all vehicles insured under our policies to be road legal, comply with all state laws and regulations where they are registered and operated, and drivers to operate their vehicles within those laws and with due care and attention.

    So....to me that reads I don't need to because it's not a law?

    Location: Australia (Queensland, but for EV's, QCOP defers to NCOP)

    submitted by /u/Rumbuck_274
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    Is there a comparison tool for insurance by car model? I'm in the market for a new car and am trying to optimize the price, mostly because I've got a poor driving history.

    Posted: 23 May 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    What happens if you get into an accident and the other driver claims insurance, but didn't get your insurance info, only license and license plate?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 09:45 PM PDT

    This is in Massachusetts. We exchanged drivers license and we got each others license plates. Can the other person still file for insurance without my insurance information?

    submitted by /u/chrisyue1
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    Looking for salaried work in insurance with Life/Health/P&C licensing courses done

    Posted: 23 May 2020 09:31 PM PDT

    Any advice? Passed courses just haven't taken the exam yet

    submitted by /u/Kamahana
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    I do small glass sculptures with a porpane/oxygen torch in my garage. I am moving and want insurance just incase an accident happens with my torch and causes a fire. Whst type of insirance am I looking for?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    I weld too and want coverage for all forseeable mishaps caused by my equipment. Probably personal injury too. I rent the place, and am not confident that the renter's insurance is enough. I have never had an accident, but i know people who have even after being professionals and it never looks good. I don't want to be stuck in a bad situation. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/narcolepticgaffer
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    What is a decent price for life insurance for two people? F, 27 & M, 31

    Posted: 23 May 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    My sister just posted this to facebook and i wanted to get a few opinions on it, They have insurance through VA but there bank is offering them some and they are wondering if it is a good deal

    submitted by /u/luceoffire
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    Is there a way to see available plans on healthcare.gov for a state I haven't moved to yet?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    I want to move to NC from SC. I have a silver plan in SC right now. I tried submitting an application for NC to see the results but I was denied because my address is in SC.

    Is there any danger to me just submitting a fake address to see the plans that would be available to me? I could then delete the application later.

    I just don't want to plan on moving if my insurance rates are going to skyrocket. I'm self employed and can work from pretty much any state, and I want to be in NC but I'm working on figuring out these details like what insurance I can get before actually moving my residence.

    I also don't want my SC coverage to get dropped because I submitted a fake NC address. But I'd really like to know what my options will be if I do move to NC!

    submitted by /u/Loose_with_the_truth
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    If you want to modify a car, can you get insurance so that it covers the value of all the components, not just per the VIN?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    Say I have a common car that I put a better engine, suspension, etc in it. Is there a way to get it appraised so that the increased value is reflected on the policy?

    Location: USA, California

    submitted by /u/JarJarAwakens
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    Allstate Drivewise what happens if you are passenger in the car?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    If I am the passenger in the car when someone else is driving and have my phone on me how does Allstate know it's not me that's driving? This is with the Allstate Drivewise app btw.

    submitted by /u/xxchampxx55
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    Professional Liability Insurance Help

    Posted: 23 May 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    Hey guys, for the past 3 weeks I have been waiting on call backs from couple agents and doing research with no hope in finding an insurance to cover me. I figured this would be the best place to ask. I need to get a professional liability insurance to start working for a small city in the Dallas area (Texas). The job would consist of me giving my professional opinion on how the construction is going. The City is requiring me to be insured for up to $1 million dollars.

    I have a bachelors and a 2 year experience in the field but since I am being brought on as a contractor, I am required to have my own insurance.

    submitted by /u/FTGOCC
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    [ND] Brother will be moving in with me soon. Do I need to add him to my insurance?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    I (34m) will be having my 23 year old brother move in with me for a few months while he completes his internship now that he has graduated college.

    I've heard that "resident relatives" must be included on your insurance policy, even if you don't allow them to drive your car. Is this only for parents/children, or does this extend to siblings?

    He has his own car, and is currently on my parents' insurance plan.

    submitted by /u/alwaysmyfault
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    Can I look for quotes without notifying my car insurance that I have at the moment?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    It's annoying coming in to my car insurance and he giving me a look when I look for car insurance quote somewhere else. Somehow, he knows when I call. I figure there is no way but I got nothing to lose by asking. I'm in FL.

    submitted by /u/PrimerUser
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    in CA out of work. Insurance expires next month what do you recommend?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    hi all, any CA people that can share your experience and advice. my job ended this week. So i'll have to go either on COBRA or i'm guessing Covered Care? I think if i stay with my high deductible ($4500) PPO which i use with an HSA, it will cost me 350$ a month. Ill obviously be going on unemployment too, who knows when that will kick in. but Id like to be safe (prepared for an emergency) but also living on a budget. you know? welcome any advice or tips. thank you!

    submitted by /u/Magnolia1008
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    Dual health insurance queation

    Posted: 23 May 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    Hello all I am a federal employee and my wife is a state employee. We live in CA. I currently have a junk ppo insurance and my wife quickly signed up for a plan that didn't work at our regular hospital. On the next open enrollment I will be switching from my current extra low option of blue cross blue shield and moving it to the standard option but for her insurance we want to also change it to a better ppo. My question is this. Would dual coverage still work if she also chose a blue cross plan for us or does it have to be different provider?

    submitted by /u/killer_hobo
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    Listing a vehicle co-owner on auto insurance policy - Maryland

    Posted: 23 May 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    My wife and I live in Maryland. I have a Geico auto policy with my paid off car. I want to add my wife and her vehicle to my auto insurance policy.

    Her car is still financed with 2 months left. Her mom is a co-owner who lives in NJ, elderly, and no license, never drove and never will drive the car. Do I have to add her mom to my policy?

    submitted by /u/AW5542
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    Broker/Carrier Relationship

    Posted: 23 May 2020 04:22 AM PDT

    Hello everyone - I am trying to learn as much as possible about insurance markets and I was hoping someone could help me with some information.

    So brokers sell insurance to customers but carriers assume the risk. However, I don't quite understand the ins & outs of this.

    A (potential car insurance) customer comes along and provides their details. Based on these details, the broker will provide them with a quote (or do they provide multiple quotes). How does information exchange work? Do the brokers provide the customer details to the carriers and a carrier 'picks up' (decides to provide) that insurance contract? Or do the Carriers provide their 'minimum standards' for car insurance policies in advance and the brokers push any customers that meet those standards toward those carriers.

    As i understand it, the brokers do not assume risk. Meaning they must agree/sell a policy with/to a customer until a carrier has agreed to assume the risk. Therefore, they must have the policy agreed with the carrier before agreeing it with the customer.

    I am based in the UK (if this helps set context).

    If anyone could explain, I'd be very grateful.

    submitted by /u/robertobaggio91
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