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    Saturday, May 30, 2020

    Startups Feedback Fridays - A Friendly Feedback Exchange For Ideas and Products

    Startups Feedback Fridays - A Friendly Feedback Exchange For Ideas and Products

    Feedback Fridays - A Friendly Feedback Exchange For Ideas and Products

    Posted: 29 May 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    Welcome to this week's Feedback Thread. This is the place to request feedback on your ideas and products.

    Be sure to give feedback if you are requesting feedback. Equivalent exchange goes a long way towards reaching your own goals and it makes for a stronger community.

    Please use the following format:


    Purpose of Startup:

    Technologies Used:

    Feedback Requested:

    Additional Comments:

    Post your site along with your stack and technologies used and receive feedback from the community. Please refrain from just posting a link and instead give us a bit of a background about your creation.

    Feel free to request general feedback or specific feedback in a certain area like user experience, usability, design, or code review.

    You can also find more support using instant chat on the /r/startups discord.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Scratching your own itch or build what people want.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    As a founder am sure we all heard to build something that the user needs and avoid build it and they will come strategy. But logically thinking if you have a problem that none of the existing solutions solve then what do you do.

    Sure the simple next step would be to make an MVP landing page and see if others have the same problem. But what if the key benefit of your project is related to the UX of the app.

    For example what if you find all the mailing services complicated such as MailChimp and Convertkit and you think this is not up to the level of an average non-marketer level and you think you can dumb it down and make the UX 10 time better. Again this is just an example.

    In this case your not validating if the market needs a mailing service startup cause you know there are 100's of them, so the market exists. you are trying to solve the problem of complex UX as a user of the existing solution.

    So what do you do now? Make the app. Make the mockup or wireframe and get feedback?

    The right answer is always "it depends". :-) But for me its to go ahead and build it, not because once I build it the users will come but because I seriously believe there is no end to improve to existing products.

    All startups have an advantage existing incumbents don't. You can pivot, change, and adapt. You don't have to the existing model you need to follow and people like new things. Change is the only constant.

    Whatever solution your building, the journey will be long and tuff. Having it solve your own problem will make it a bit more comfortable.


    submitted by /u/Tradeplanio
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    Does starting on a smaller & more manageable platform enable others with more resources to use your ideas & features with bigger markets?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:12 PM PDT

    I want to build an application that can change a slowly innovating industry and somewhat-rigid mindset. Given my skill set and my resources, it makes the most sense to make this a MacOS application (I don't like or have experience with web dev), but distribution and potential reach would be much, much higher if I were to make this a web application. I just did some math with figures based on my experience as an SWE, and labor for the lifetime of the project (no maintenance/development afterward) would cost a lot more than I can spend. I also believe that it may be easier to make more money per user from a web application, but I'm really not sure about that, and the difference based on relative value (of the product on for MacOS vs. the web) will likely be marginal.

    I'm afraid that starting on a smaller platform could allow others to copy unique features and feature implementations, features of which may provide any amount of value to the product. I would like to have an aggressive marketing strategy that makes people want a web version ("cross-platform hype" being generated from blogs & partnerships with people/organizations), which could draw others with access to more resources & experience, who might be able to whip up something up in a platform I'm not experienced in faster than I can.

    Despite this, there are some clear factors that make me think I shouldn't worry about this. I'd have much more experience with the product and design of the product itself. I'd have name recognition and an existing audience that would be likely to use both or at least the web version.

    I'd really like to hear your thoughts about this.

    submitted by /u/towers-
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    Is a landing page and some targeted ads enough to make an email list?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:58 PM PDT

    I'm building an online course which I'll be offering via Teachable. I'll also be setting up a landing page to direct people to the course via their platform.

    It's something brand new and I want to somehow get emails so I can begin marketing and providing info as the launch date comes closer. I'm using the lean startup MVP route by releasing 2 modules initially and then rolling out the entire program by mid summer.

    I'm thinking to target market via fb or ig which will bring them to the landing page to get info and "reserve a spot for a discounted introductory rate". Is this a legit way to gather a list?

    Is this even the right process? -- total noob in setting this up so if there's a different route I should I taking, I'd appreciate the info.


    Edit: The class is to help parents teach their children learning skills by providing downloadable content (& possibly videos)

    submitted by /u/sfk2022
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    Percentage of monthly revenue to pay affiliates?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:39 PM PDT

    I'm thinking about launching an affiliate program for my Saas product using Linkmink. Those that have created affiliate programs - was wondering:

    1. What percentage of each monthly charge did you pay out to each affiliate?
    2. Did you use a tiered structure (e.g. pay higher performing affiliates more)?
    3. Any qualms a noob like me should know about?
    submitted by /u/learbitrageur
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    Gambling startups

    Posted: 29 May 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    Anybody here have experience in the gambling industry? If so, what did you work on?

    I have an idea related to sports betting that I have been working on for the past several months, as I think over time the popularity will only grow with mobile apps like DraftKings etc

    submitted by /u/cocaine___
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    Bolt: Unicorn or black hole?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    So, while browsing TechCrunch, I came across this article on Bolt, an european Uber-like: https://techcrunch.com/2020/05/26/bolt-the-european-on-demand-transport-company-raises-109m-on-a-1-9b-valuation/

    I knew little of this company only that it had rebranded from Taxify last year. What boggled my mind is that they rose 100 million euros on a convertible note, this having already previously had, according to CrunchBase, 8 (!) previous funding rounds, the last of which being 67 million USD less than a year ago.

    However, according to the article, the company was already going out of runaway and in negotiations for additional funding, including from the government of Estonia.

    Now, I'm not knowledgeable in VC policies, but... A company that burns 67 million USD in less than one year, is almost in its tenth funding round and still keeps getting money thrown at it... how can this even happen? What am I not understanding about this company in particular, and the policy of VCs to continue betting in businesses that hemorrhage money at an alarming rate, in general? Would really appreciate some insights here. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/rollingSleepyPanda
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    I have completed a detailed UI on Adobe XD. What’s next?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    I've been working on an app for some time and have completed a detailed UI on Adobe XD. I want to create the app now but don't know were to start. I am a 3rd year computer engineering student so I know basic programming. Should I invest my time on learning app development or should I consider hiring an agency to develop the app?

    I've already shown the UI and explained the app to dozens of people and have had nothing but positive feedback. I have mapped out all the features and details on those too.

    Where should I start if I choose to develop the app on my own? How long will it take given I know some basic programming in several languages?

    submitted by /u/cctvbit
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    How to handle testing early-stage ideas in a partnership

    Posted: 29 May 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    I have a product that I am working on and want to get it out there to see if the idea resonates before investing too much time and energy. I am thinking about bringing on a partner. I worked through some founder calculators and they come in at about a 60-40 split.

    Is there a pathway to start working together without a founders agreement and setting up an LLC?

    My thinking is setting a goal of 500 customers after a year and either party can walk away during this time and keep their IP. If the target is met, then sign a founders agreement and start the company.

    The problem I see here is the joint IP developed on top of the foundation I have already established.

    Is there a path forward for this kind of arrangement, or do you need to sign a founders agreement and set up a company to test early-stage ideas?

    Any help is much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/roundearthervaxxer
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    How do I move forward without money?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    I feel like I've done everything I can as far as moving forward to turn my app idea into a reality.

    • I've built a wireframe for the app • I've done research on my ideal consumer • I've talked to family & friends to see what they think • I've put money aside for my app • I've found for potential developers to build the app •I've created a business plan

    & even after all of this I still feel stuck.

    I can't be flexible and experiment with my money right now. Is there something I'm missing that can create interest for investors?

    Should I be looking for investors at this point so I can be more open with my business decisions and move forward, or should I get a business loan from the bank (I know this comes down to what I choose to do, but I'm looking input from others)?

    I don't think I'm at the stage where I should be looking for any kind of investors.

    edit: I spaced out the paragraphs to make it easier to read

    submitted by /u/TheOnlyHoncho
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    Processes and policy

    Posted: 29 May 2020 06:55 AM PDT

    As a startup grows, it needs policies and documented processes. These sometimes are per department, sometimes are company wide documents, that will be updated time and time again.

    How do you structure this process? Where do you store them and how do you keep the relative segment of the company up to date on what the policies are and any new change that comes about?

    submitted by /u/terataz
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    What internal problems of your startup have you solved by building bots?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    Have you ever faced a problem or had too much manual work to do which was solved by building a bot internally? Which platform you built your bot on considering there are bots available on almost all big platforms now. Are you planning to sell it as a separate service ( like google opened gmail for everyone after using it internally )?

    submitted by /u/linkish_io
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    Tools for Calculating Runway and Scenarios?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    Do most people simply lean into an Excel spreadsheet for this and spin it off of their financial projections and business plan? Or are there any tried and tested platforms that other startups have used for these kind of scenario calculations?

    Particularly interested in anything that makes it easy to model more than one variant at a time.

    submitted by /u/jonnylegs
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    Accounts control between co-founders

    Posted: 29 May 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    I'm in a team of 4 people developing an app and recently we've encountered a problem. It's regarding control over the accounts we use for the services we need, for example the Google Developers Console, Firebase etc.

    The credentials are known between us all, but we've found no concrete way to protect each other from a potential bad actor between our ranks. For example, although we all know an email/password combination, nothing stops the guy who owns the backup mail to change the password without us having any way to regain control over the account afterwards.

    Is there, for example, a way to prevent certain email account actions (such as changing a password) without sufficient authorization from all team members?

    submitted by /u/bategjorgija
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    Sign in tracker

    Posted: 29 May 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    Does anyone know of any software/service/app where it tracks user sign in and location? Think like a gym where you swipe your key card. I imagine that information of where you signed in and what time goes back to HQ and they can properly track everything.


    submitted by /u/Manureprenuer
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    How to make a pivot correctly?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 06:44 AM PDT


    A friend of mine would like a product. I created it. It's a tool to help small companies to manage workflow and employees. After 4 months using it has increased his turnover by 12%.

    So we decided to create a company and try to sell it. We focus our attention on people like my friends.

    We have difficulties to sell our product. We have no paying customers. We don't know clearly why we can't sell it.

    Maybe we have a market fit problem. Maybe we are bad at explaining the benefits. Maybe there is no problem (we just try to find excuse to admit we are wrong). So we are thinking about a pivot.

    What are your advices? Do we change our niche? Do we validate the problem correctly?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/jenesuispasuncookie
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    Introducing new tools in the company workflow

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:51 AM PDT

    We frequently adopt new tools for different scopes. Some of them are easier to use, for some there's some training needed, for others there's a policy to apply. Think Trello, Box, Confluence, etc.

    I wonder if there's a guide/best practice or resource on the process of introducing such tool to the team (50+ people in my case, some of them working remotely), fostering adoption and gathering feedbacks for growth.

    Then the tools need to be documented (which tools are in use, for which department), budgeted, and when new features are introduced, updated in the company flow.

    How's your experience in doing these?

    submitted by /u/terataz
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    Stuck. Need Advice Urgently.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:12 AM PDT

    I have been working on building a Car Buying Comparison Website in India for a while now and it was recently bought to my attention by someone that "I cannot give/publish information about cars like specifications, prices, etc on my website" without the permission from the Car Manufacturers.

    Is it true? and if it is how do i go about it ?

    submitted by /u/quorumty
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    What does the 'Ideal' founding team look like?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 03:27 AM PDT

    Hey y'all,

    After several years of trial and tribulation I have finally started to get my startup project to a stage where there seems to be a compelling enough reason to join. (Yay)I've still not raised but have taken a few payments and gained a lot of interest over recent months.

    I have recently partnered up with a technical co-founder, which I'm aware is absolutely essential for the progress of the project and I am content with.

    However, in the process of advertising potential co-founder roles in the company everywhere from London to Kathmandu I have received responses from people with very interesting profiles.A lot of these individuals are competent, but I'm not sure are essential, and in some cases may even be detrimental to the progress me and my new tech buddy can make.

    Putting aside the obvious things such as vision alignment, chemistry between co-founders etc;

    What do you feel are the most important skill sets for the founding team to possess? Should I even take on a third person, if me and the current co-founder can get to the next stage without a third?How do you divvy up equity between a third co-founder that might be useful, but certainly isn't adding as much value as the original founder or the person building the product.

    As always, thanks for your time!

    submitted by /u/87Taylor87
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