• Breaking News

    Friday, March 27, 2020

    Stock Market - I’m in the belief that despite the stock market rally and optimism this will start crashing soon, with markets bottoming out in a few weeks

    r/StockMarket - Reddit's front page of the stock market, financial news

    Stock Market - I’m in the belief that despite the stock market rally and optimism this will start crashing soon, with markets bottoming out in a few weeks

    I’m in the belief that despite the stock market rally and optimism this will start crashing soon, with markets bottoming out in a few weeks

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Despite the rally, cases have not peaked, Japan is getting worse, countries around the world are in lockdown and the worst hasn't even come to many major economies yet, and it will eventually.

    This stimulus package is temporary and will result in more layoffs and Trump will have to lock large parts of the country after a few weeks.

    Cases will peak in April and that is when I expect the bottoming out.

    A slow fluctuating recovery will happen till June before a continuous rally till October when the cases start rising again.

    Another smaller but significant dip until a vaccine is found, which is likely to be in March next year.

    Remember that in 2008, when the decline was happening a massive rally happened, reversing fears, before it all went downhill much faster.

    We are at that page, markets show encouragement but that is to keep people's morals up.

    We ain't seen the worst yet.

    Goldman Sachs report is valid from a few weeks ago. I don't believe the recent predictions of an improving market.


    submitted by /u/howardwolowitz94
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    Unemployment claims increase by 3 million

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    Well, here it is folks. The new report says we just added over 3 million claims for a total over 3.2 million. That's the highest ever recorded by far according to the report, over 4 times higher than the previous record of 695,000 in 1982.


    How do you think the market will react today?

    submitted by /u/UncommercializedKat
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    US now leads the world in confirmed covid19 cases

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    Ok guys,

    The way the market is moving, I'm 99.9% sure we will see another big rally tomorrow. Another record will be broken. Dow +5k when market opens perhaps?

    I can't wait.

    submitted by /u/artizzy88
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    Is this logic right?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:54 PM PDT

    The fed prints unlimited money and then pumps that into various parts of the stock market to keep it afloat. They have unlimited spending power and will pump as much money into the problem as they want. Doing so subtracts value from our dollar. The more they pump in the less value the dollar holds, and the more the stocks drop, the more they put in. So essentially, unless people buy into the market, the dollar will inevitably crash? Is this right?

    submitted by /u/BanDerUh
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    The hell is going on? (Serious)

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    Hello there, I'm a noob in trading stocks. I have had this question for a couple days and I figure there most be a reddit community for the stock market.

    Why hasn't the market gone any lower?

    There are 3.2 Million people in the USA claiming unemployment & a total of 69K cases of CODV-19, yet stock prices are going up. Why is it that the lowest the market has gone down was on March 18th when we have seen an increase number of cases in the USA?

    Tin Foil Hat moment: Is the stock market being manipulated? I know the feds threw the stimulus package but I would've imagined that with today's unemployment numbers it would've gone down much more.

    EDIT: I appreciate all of the replies, this kinda blew up a lil. Thank you for the responses!!!

    submitted by /u/poloair
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    Sold at the worst possible time

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    Due to how long it took my company to actually get around to selling, I ended up selling at the worst time. I know there is no crystal ball to figure out what to do but I'm assuming that the best thing to do is:

    Keep in cash and wait.

    I could lose out as the market slowly rises again, if it has miraculously stabilized. There is little chance that it will skyrocket back to the level it was at before the crash so quickly that we won't realize it is stabilized. I should wait at least a couple of weeks as the losses are already there.

    However, it is just as likely, if not more, that we haven't seen the bottom yet. So, although timing wasn't great, I might have a chance to recover my losses if I just wait.

    There is a third idea that everything is just going to be fracked anyways.

    I realize these posts are common, and I'll likely get downvoted like a plummeting stock market... but times seem to be a bit weird and open to any crystal ball advice.

    submitted by /u/Sudbilly
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    My Market Outlook

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:41 AM PDT

    Hi guys, just want to share with you my current market outlook. Hope this can help spur a discussion for everybody's benefit. This is not a an investment advice. You are not my client and I am not your fiduciary. That said, the views below are just for discussion purposes.

    At the risk of being cliche and obviously wrong, here I go:

    Short term-medium term:

    1. We are in a bear market, and recession is already underway.
    2. Occasionally, there will be "bear market rallies)". For long term investors, these are not a time to buy yet, use it to sell instead. For traders, bear market rallies and the volatility that they bring, are great opportunities to make money. Dow Theory suggest there could be at least three bear market rallies within the overall bear market trend.
    3. Reason why I think the downturn will continue for short-medium term: The USA is still early in the coronavirus infection blow out. Look at updated chart by JP Morgan and FT here and here. The Fed is doing everything they can to keep liquidity/market functioning. The fiscal stimulus that the government is trying to pass, should dampen the blow to the economy. But, as long as the coronavirus situation i.e, the public healthcare crisis, the real crisis, is not tackled immediately through decisive action like other countries, then it will only prolong the infection period. See Bill Gate and WHO's opinions here and here. IMO, the market is still underestimating the coronavirus infection and the blow to the economy that it could bring given ineffective measures by the government.
    4. The market could at least fall for another 15% before it starts to find a bottom based on previous bear markets.

    Longer term:

    1. Stocks would eventually go into bull market again.
    2. Among the indicators that signal bottoming/reversal would be volatility (VIX) returning to normal level.
    3. High quality companies, I would imagine mega-tech with pristine balance sheet, would rally first and perhaps perform the best in the upcoming bull market.

    Asset Allocation

    Short term: Short equity via inverse ETF, short emerging market stock/currency - especially countries with twin deficits (fiscal and trade), long gold, long treasury. Or just stay in cash.

    Risks: As what happened previously, gold and treasury did not provide the hedging characteristics. They went down together with stocks, while in normal condition, it they should go up. One possible explanation is that funds are liquidating any positions that they could, to satisfy redemption and margin call.

    Things to avoid: 1) Options, because options are currently trading at premium in general due to high implied volatility. Also remember that with options, you have to nail three variables to make money - direction, magnitude, and time horizon. Also, avoid 2) triple leveraged ETF/ETN. The volatility and leveraged used in the ETFs will cause a "decay" in your return if the market trade sideways. As for ETN, their prices could fall to certain level that trigger "acceleration event" in which case, the investment banks issuing the ETNs will redeem the ETNs from you, usually at a steeply discounted price.

    Long term: Long equity, with overweight on mid-mega cap tech stocks.

    submitted by /u/sellside_sandy
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    Tax differences between ETF index funds vs passive index mutual funds

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    I make $20K a year as a grad student and I'm holding this investment for a minimum of 1 year.

    Is it true that and ETF index like VOO will cost me less in taxes than a index fun like SWPPX? Can you give me a rough idea of the differences? Let say I go from 10K to 11K in 15 months (and my income, again, is 20K not counting the investment income). How much income do I pay on that 1K capital gain? (approximately)

    submitted by /u/discover111
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    Long strategy for this bear market (newbie)

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    Hey kinda new here but I started trading recently. I didn't have any investments when the market went down (thank God) and have some extra cash but was thinking of buying near bottom. These would be long and I was thinking of mostly buying ETF's. I already bought some SPY and QQQ but am afraid that I won't get it near bottom as I'm thinking we're far from the worst of it. But since these are long, it shouldn't really matter because at some point the market should improve right? (In a year or so?)

    submitted by /u/NJ077
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    Beginner to stocks needs help

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 11:27 PM PDT

    Hello, so im 17 and have $1000 to invest into the stock market and I am looking at ETF's because it seems the best way to go as a beginner. What are the top ETF's to look into investing in and also if anyone has a link to somewhere explaining all about ETF's please link it here I been looking for a while and cant find something explaining all different types of ETF's.

    submitted by /u/Itsnick1104
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    Old stock certificates

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    I got some old stock certificates from my dad and I have NO idea where to even start by looking them up. I know something about a CUSIP number but I see only one has it actually saying that it's the cusip number. And with freaking COVID-19 I can't go to a library or call a broker. Can I get some advice!! Sorry if it's been asked before!

    submitted by /u/lxserk1d
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    Wallstreet Journal claims "A new bull market has begun"

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 11:19 PM PDT


    "Breaking: A new bull market has begun. The Dow has rallied more than 20% since hitting a low three days ago, ending the shortest bear market ever. "

    submitted by /u/kixolotl
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    How many charting techniques do you know ?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    Everyone begins with candlesticks and stick with it for a long time. It is essential to expand your horizon and learn various different charting techniques. Heikin-Ashi could be another step after candlesticks as they resemble each other.

    submitted by /u/alok310
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    Stock Tracking App for Android

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:23 PM PDT

    I'm looking to find a good stock tracking app. I noticed on Apple they had one called Stock Tracker. It was nice but I can't find anything like that in the play store.

    Any suggestions - Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Looptire13
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    Countries are starting to hoard food, threatening global trade

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:01 AM PDT


    It's not just grocery shoppers who are hoarding pantry staples. Some governments are moving to secure domestic food supplies during the conoravirus pandemic.

    Kazakhstan, one of the world's biggest shippers of wheat flour, banned exports of that product along with others, including carrots, sugar and potatoes. Vietnam temporarily suspended new rice export contracts. Serbia has stopped the flow of its sunflower oil and other goods, while Russia is leaving the door open to shipment bans and said it's assessing the situation weekly.

    To be perfectly clear, there have been just a handful of moves and no sure signs that much more is on the horizon. Still, what's been happening has raised a question: Is this the start of a wave of food nationalism that will further disrupt supply chains and trade flows?

    submitted by /u/cannainform2
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    Only one thing matters- the Federal Reserve money pump.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    Ford debt downgraded to junk, Tapestry suspends it's dividend, record number of unemployment filings (almost certainly lower than it should be given the unemployment departments of govt are overwhelmed) and NY Governor declaring 300 dead, 33000 infected and "still climbing the mountain."

    All of this and stocks are still up-up-up and away!

    submitted by /u/Jonas-Grumby
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    PDT Rule Question

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:10 PM PDT

    Hello! I am the owner of a TD Ameritrade UGMA cash account. Do PDT rules apply to this account? I can't really find an answer and Live Support isn't getting back to me until tomorrow... Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Scojopo23
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    r/ASX200 (New Subreddit) [Australia]

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:07 PM PDT

    Join the new sub r/ASX200

    The ASX 200 index is a market-capitalization weighted and float-adjusted stock market index of stocks listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. The index is maintained by Standard & Poor's and is considered the benchmark for Australian equity performance.

    submitted by /u/WildEnvy
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    Hold or sell question

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:39 AM PDT

    I saw the dip in MFA financial and after examining the situation, I chose to invest.

    I bought 100 shares at 0.30 cents a piece. 1 day later it's jumped almost as high as $2 at times.

    Before COVID-19, it averaged around $7 a share...

    At the moment if I sold at market price, I could profit around 400%.

    The reason I bought in was knowing #1 the stimulus was coming #2 courts are only criminal cases at the moment, so the financing companies would have a hard time enforcing anything anyway.

    The company in the past also has averaged about a 0.20 cent dividend a share, so that is the one appealing thing to me.

    I'm a fairly new trader in my senior year of an accounting degree with a minor in Economics, so I'm trying to get some advice from people seasoned in this.

    Should I ride the train for a long time and hope that their recent poor performance was due to COVID-19 and the stimulus bill picks it back up to where it was, or should I sell now and make 400% and not look back?

    submitted by /u/chiefzackery
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    Stock Watch List March 26, 2020

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:17 AM PDT

    Goodmorning. Here's the watch list


    Gap Downs: CAKE, BYND

    POSSIBLE day 2 plays if the market holds up: MPC, PMT, SYY

    The market is flat and lackluster.Have been waiting for a day like this so I can take the day off to run some much needed errands. It is what it is, the list pretty much stinks today. There might be some better stocks moving near to the open, If I see any while im out i'll update the list. These are the days when the odds in day trading are not with us, there is not much of an edge on these days. Who knows maybe it's a weak open and blow out day but If so I'll take my chances. Be back tomorrow with hopefully a better list. If you are new, probably best to sit on your hands today. Good luck, see you tomorrow

    submitted by /u/Kant_sleep13
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    Regulators ease corporate reporting rules during coronavirus pandemic

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    The FCA said listed companies would have two more months to publish audited financial statements during the crisis.


    submitted by /u/Nillabean1988
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    Friendly Request.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:54 AM PDT

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