• Breaking News

    Friday, March 27, 2020

    Legal Advice NYC- I just found out when I applied for unemployment today that my previous claim was deemed an 'overpayment' and I now owe the DOL $5K. My former employer lied to get my benefits terminated. This is from 2016 am I totally fucked?

    Legal Advice NYC- I just found out when I applied for unemployment today that my previous claim was deemed an 'overpayment' and I now owe the DOL $5K. My former employer lied to get my benefits terminated. This is from 2016 am I totally fucked?

    NYC- I just found out when I applied for unemployment today that my previous claim was deemed an 'overpayment' and I now owe the DOL $5K. My former employer lied to get my benefits terminated. This is from 2016 am I totally fucked?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:53 AM PDT

    CANADA - Can my mom legally force me to go back to her house?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    My (15M) mom and dad are divorced and have 50/50 custody of me and my sister (17F). A collection of my mom's activities have made me stop wanting to stay with her. She took my PS4 and gave it to her friend's 11yo as a birthday gift and she always roots through my bag and I'm not allowed to lock anything because "we trust each other".

    I don't want to stay with her. I want to stay with my dad. How can I go about this? I've been with my dad for two weeks now and she's calling me and telling me she's going to force me to come home. I want to legally change the custody so she has no legal standing and no right whatsoever to make me come home because I don't want to see her anymore.

    submitted by /u/1231aa1999
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    If I discuss my case with an attorney and do not retain him, can he then represent the other party in CA divorce court?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    My dear friend met with a divorce attorney and discussed her situation at length. The attorney asked her to go to Texas for the weekend. She declined the invitation and the representation. That attorney then met with and represented her husband in divorce court. The second lawyer she met with she also declined to hire due to a high retainer. The husband did not pay the first lawyer (who resigned) and then the husband retained the second lawyer who went on to successfully represent him. As I understand it, both lawyers should have not met with, or represented, the husband as they already met with the wife -- constituting a conflict of interest. Is that true and is there any recourse?

    submitted by /u/BuddsReport
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    My landlord just sent out an email telling tenants they are required to inform management if they are sick and what the diagnosis is.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    I get why they would want to know, and personally I would inform them if I had coronovirus. But it just seemed off for a landlord to tell their tenants that they are required to inform management if they are sick.

    I'm in St. Louis. As far as I know there are no new local ordinances that would support this.

    Are they allowed to tell tenants this?

    submitted by /u/Griffin880
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    My job wants me to sign a new contract reducing my pay to minimum wage. What happens if I don't sign? Florida

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    I am an optometrist in Florida. I signed a contract with my job when I started 5 years ago. I get paid 100k a year. With the whole Covid-19 stuff my job has let go a lot of office staff and techs. They have 6 offices and 8 optometrists. We also have very reduced hours and significantly less patients. We are only still open because we deal with emergencies.

    Starting April 1st they want us to sign a new contract agreeing to make minimum wage $8.46 an hour. $8,46 is a laughable low amount. I could get a temp job stocking shelves right now and make around double that.

    My old contract states

    "Employee or the Corporation may voluntarily terminate employee's employment with corporations at any time, by delivering to the other party written notice of such intentions not less than 90 days prior to the effective date of termination. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if notice of termination is given by Employee to the Corporation, then the corporation shall have the option of advancing the effective date of such termination to a date not less than 15 days from the receipt of such notice from the Employee."

    Does this mean if I refuse to sign the new contract than they have to at least pay me for 90 more days? I tried negotiating more than minimum wage for the new pay and they said no.

    submitted by /u/MinimumWageSucks928
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    Closing Doctors Office Gave my Medical Records to a stranger

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    In August 2019, our family doctor announced they were closing. If patients wanted to pick up their records, they just had to call and the front desk would get them ready. Pickup however was 12-3 and I work at a school so I authorized my mother to be a recipient. She goes to pick them up and they cannot find them. I'm a 25 year old relatively healthy male who had gone to the same doctor since I was like 7, so I only wanted them just to have them.

    So my mom goes to pick them up and they cannot locate them. They told my mom they had them ready but couldn't find them. They printed her out some vague chart that had some info on it but wasn't my complete record. At that point we were like "whatever, guess they were lost"

    Fast forward to Wednesday, March 25th 2020. I get a call from a random dude saying that he was cleaning out his car and had discovered his records that he'd picked up months ago on the floor. After bringing them inside, he noticed something about allergy shots. Having never gotten allergy shots, he realized something was up. Luckily my phone number and address were on it so he could contact me. Nice dude, thankful he reached out to me. Though nothing compromising or embarrassing was in the records, I feel like this was a major fuck up from a doctors office and was wondering if I had any recourse

    submitted by /u/uncleboob
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    My girlfriend took photos for a relatively prominent (now deceased) hip-hop artist in 2016. Her photos were used in a recent Netflix documentary about the artist and was featured as the main photo in a Rolling Stone article without credit or compensation for her. Can this be pursued and if so, how?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    USA- California

    Title explains the situation pretty concisely. Important to note, it was not a contracted shoot as the artist was fairly underground at the time and was seen more as a favor for a friend group.

    Can my SO be compensated for these pictures, if so how would she go about pursuing this? I don't think she would've had a problem with this if it weren't for the fact that her property was used by such major media outlets. Any and all advice is much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/syncopatedsouls
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    My Girlfriends job (CA) closed temporarily due to COVID-19 but sent out a memo stating that if anyone claimed unemployment they would consider it as you are quiting and there won't be a job to come back to? Is this legal? What can she do?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 12:08 AM PDT

    Asked to work while laid off - Ontario, Canada

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 12:39 PM PDT


    My GF is currently being sent inquiries and tasks via text though she has been temporarily laid off. The company has officially closed during COVID19 and is considered a non-essential service, so it would be forced to close during the state of emergency in Ontario anyways.

    My GF is currently not being paid by her company, and is collecting EI, and so to me, it makes no sense that my GF would be obliged to do any tasks as she is not being compensated for them.

    My GF tried calling the Ministry of Labour customer service and they stated they did not want to give advice and stated that if my GF reported the company for making her do work during a layoff, that the company could retaliate and report my GF for neglecting to do work during her layoff? Which doesn't sound right??

    How should my GF proceed? Ignore the texts? Forward them to HR (would HR try to protect my GF's manager?) Forward it to another body that regulates labour?

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Thank you,

    submitted by /u/poopstain1234
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    Massachusetts - Landlord ordered by city to make repairs in 30 days; It's been over 60 days and he's trying to evict me for non-payment. City put job on hold as he has not pulled permits/ etc. Need help filling out answer form for summary process.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    My landlord has ongoing repairs since 03-2018. I've made a post about it, and things went quiet but have changed. I need some advice with my answer for the summary process of his now non-payment eviction suite. I have until 03/30/2020 to efile/get to their counsel.

    LL was ordered to fix repairs by the city, I sent certified mail with withholding notice as well - LL waited two weeks to pick up certified mail (have tracking, communication with inspector, he had to call him and tell him to go to the post office).

    LL is in violation officially of 4 codes- due to code violation of 410.150(A2) the inspector said that he did not want to push any other violations as that was enough for him to deem inhabitable.

    LL had started to make repairs between 01/21/2020 and 02/07/2020. He finally had a plumber come in and find the leak that the downstairs was complaining of - it was a crack in the shower stall which was said it needed to be replaced. LL didn't pull permits for window replacement. LL fixed the door hinge, tried saying the laminate flooring above the shower was appropriate. Re-inspection came and went, inspector was not happy. He never addressed the sink, the rug, the cabinets under the kitchen counter were made worst. Housing inspector even told me that LL asked him if the "smell was even that bad".

    He tried to find a toilet/sink **combo** that was massachusetts approved. He was told no by the inspector. The inspector actually told me LL asked him what would happen if he did not want to finish the repairs.

    Re-inspection was 2/10/2020 - Wednesday 2/12/2020 had someone come in and mount a sink on a wall in between my toilet and kitchen sink. It's about 4.5-5 feet above the floor (everything got thrown in the sink sorry for the dishes), he event cut the shelves I purchased and installed to install the sink. The inspector put the plumbing job on hold due to no permits pulled again. Landlord has not made repairs to other issues that needed to be addressed.

    At this point I have not talked to him at all, on March 10th, 2020 he texted me mid morning saying he and the plumber would be there the next day 1pm. I told him that I would not be home as I am in the middle of moving my grandmother & there wasn't enough notice. (**I actually took pictures of the moving truck, movers, old house, new space** - my grandfather passed and it has been very hard trying to find her a place as she was told to move in the beginning of the year by her own LL).

    My landlord's response to this was to call me a thief and a liar - went on to say the real reason I do not want anyone in the house is because of my illegal weed growing operation and he has notified the authorities. This was all via text. On the night of 03/10/2020 he was waiting outside when my wife and I arrive home (dashcamera and security camera shows this) and stared at me and my wife as we unload our truck. I yell to him him he's welcomed to come see the apartment anytime he needs to with notice.

    Monday 03/16/2020 he has a constable serve me with a non-payment eviction suite from his lawyer for nonpayment of rent in Jan/Feb/March.

    Based on his neglect, harassment, and retaliatry actions I feel as though he should be responsible for moving costs, reimbursement of rent from March 2018 to date (March 2018 is the date he started repairs that I had finished with duct tape as mentioned in the repair order), and due to his neglect and retaliation I want to seek damages for breach of quiet enjoyment. He tried to not give me a key for the new exterior egreess he installed, he delivered papers with an unholstered gun, continued repairs on entry ways, foyers, and porches, and has proceeded to retaliate further by trying to sue me for non rent after he has not completed the mandatory repairs.

    What types of damages should I be looking to counter sue him for?

    submitted by /u/DasRaw
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    Wife and I are divorcing, she took everything.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 01:52 AM PDT

    Cross posting from r/assistance as they recommended posting here.

    This is going to be a long one. Thanks for reading.

    On November 19th, my wife went in for a LEEP procedure, which is a partial removal of her cervix for precancer. She had two other trips to the ER because her cauterization didn't hold. It broke two weeks after the surgery after she was playing kickball with her students. Went to the ER for 5 stitches in her cervix. Another two weeks later she took our children (2 and 6) outside to rollerskate with them. She needed more stitches in her cervix after this. I took two months off of work to take care of her and then we were having financial issues. I sold my musical instrument to pay down some of her credit card debt and to pay our bills.

    On January 10th my wife took my two daughter's down to her parent's house 67 miles away. I had $0.34 to my name, no gas in our new durango that she insisted on buying to take her and her sister and her sister's kids around town. She said she needed some time and space and that she would return on Sunday. On Sunday, I noticed that I was suddenly signed out of our Tesla account. I then tried to log into the bank account, that password was changed as well. I sent her a text asking what was up, and then she called me and said that I needed to start paying her $1440 a month to have visitation with my children. I was a stay at home dad for 6 years, but would work around 30 hours a week at nights as a cook to supplement our income. I had dropped out of my Master's program so she could pursue hers because she hated being a stay at home Mom. She told me I needed to be in therapy, that I couldn't pick up or drop off my daughter's from daycare, that I needed to be out of the house on Monday so she could get somethings.

    When she got to the house, she took our coin collection, our children's birth certificates and social security cards, and some clothing. She also changed more passwords on our home computer.

    It was at that point I realized a lot of crazy was about to occur. I grabbed my video camera, took videos of everything that we had owned together and sought out legal representation. With only having $0.34 it was difficult to find anyone to take me on. I found two jobs and started working 70+ hours a week. I then found a 3rd and started 100 hours a week. Some days I would work 24 hours straight. I was then able to obtain representation while trying to see my children (never let me see them) and try to figure this out. I met with a lawyer, told them I was meeting her later that day to sign a financial agreement paying her $1100 a month to see my kids. He told me to not sign it, but to meet with her anyway to see what she had come up with.

    After I read through her document, I told her that I had a lawyer and that I would not be signing the agreement. I told her that I loved her and that I didn't understand why she was doing all of this. She had mentioned wanting a divorce in the past because she regrets having our 2nd child and resents her. She also said it would be easier for her to have 50/50 custody so that she could have free time away from our children and to not have to be in a relationship where her spouse wanted her time and attention. I digress. I said I wanted her to come back and we could work on our relationship in counseling. She said she would have an answer for me by the end of the week.

    The next day I worked from 5am-10am and had a short break. During this break I went over to the court to retrieve a document for financial assistance, and she was there. I went up to talk to her to see what was going on, she grabbed her stuff and ran to the counter and started crying. I left and immediately went to my lawyer's office. She was there to file a restraining order (RO) against me. A few days later she filed a DHS child abuse report. That night I grabbed my clothes, dresser, bicycle, and my tools and went to a friends house. The next day I went to the sheriff's office and self served myself the RO. The lawyer retainer fee now went to fight the RO instead of the legal separation I had filed. During this time she and her parents removed everything from the home.

    She wrote a plethora of false things in the RO, and luckily I had all of our phones from the past so I was able to extract our communcations. She decided to try to get legal help as well, but her lawyer told her she needed to dismiss the RO or she could have to pay my lawyer fees. She has since sold the Tesla without my permission, bought a new car, and has agreed to a temporary parenting plan. I had acquired an apartment and fully furnished it with mostly free things from around town in order to get parenting time. She would not agree to 50/50. At least I get to see my kids now, they are my life.

    I had an amazing (to me) job offer rescinded due to this virus. It was 33.5k a year, benefits, tips, gym membership, downtown parking, free food, and they would help with daycare and my parenting schedule. In this last week I lost two of my three jobs. I had planned on working at least two of them, but now I only have the one and am trying to find another to come up with more lawyer fees. Honestly, if I could have my children 100% of the time it would be a blessing. I hate knowing that my soon to be ex wife has such hatred and animosity toward our youngest. I hate that our 6 year old hates our youngest. She says that she wishes that the youngest was never born. I have never felt this way about our children. I know that children can be difficult but I have so much love for both of them and want to foster a healthy environment for them. I guess I just wanted to ask for advice on how to proceed from here, maybe a bit of help?

    submitted by /u/trompwn3r
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    My nudes, address, name, and families information were posted on Thothub. What legal recourse do I have?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    Posting from an alt, because my main Reddit name would make it easy to find me. So, here's my situation -

    What has been posted: - Nudes taken from a paywalled page - Address - Pictures of face and family members - Name, school - Families social media links, workplace information, and addresses

    Since all of this was posted, Thothub.tv has ignored all of my DMCA requests and other communication. They have also ignored my requests for content removal in the past.

    The site is not hosted in the US, I live in Texas.

    What are my options? I'm willing to hire a lawyer, but have no idea where to ask for help. Please don't say contact law enforcement - This was reported to IC3 as of March 3rd, with more dox information being posted almost daily afterwards, and there has been no response.

    I'm also in contact with a group of girls who are interested in their content being removed from the site, who have all had their DMCA claims ignored.

    submitted by /u/icemycoffee
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    Neighbors abusive ex camping in our backyard and is creeping us out

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    I'm not sure what to flag this as so I did drive possession. Any ways, we live in OR in townhouse apartments that are connected. So my neighbors creepy abusive exhusband has made camp across the river in my backyard. He's obviously doing drugs, fighting with women, and also not social distancing because drugs. My neighbor called the police, they have done nothing. I don't want to call and provoke him but this situation is creepy and honestly a little scary. She has a restraining order but the police said he's not violating anything. I can't prove it but he has broken into our cars, stolen shit out of her house and more. She recently installed cameras. He creeps around the houses at night, I have cptsd and this freaks me the fuck out. What can I do to get this guy to leave if the police refuse to do anything? Why should my neighbor have to deal with getting stalked?

    submitted by /u/bingingbongos
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    What can I do to remove a tenant that hasn't paid rent in 5 months (Massachusetts)?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    I have a tenant that has not paid rent since November who refuses to pay rent. We've filed eviction papers but the courts are now closed down and she refuses to attend conference calls with lawyers and the court, etc... what options do I have? This is causing major economic and emotional strain on me and my family. On top of that she's a mean person that can not talk in person without raising her voice and escalating to a fight.

    Thank you all in advance

    submitted by /u/trollXqueef
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    I told these guys I was 14 years old

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    I posted a while back here that I told a guy on Facebook that I was 14. I thought he would leave me alone. But instead the guy kept on asking me sexual questions.

    It made me think Wow. I wonder how many pedophiles are really out there?

    So I made a fake account and every guy that hit me I told them my "age." A few guys were like "Oh sorry Bye."

    But a lot and I mean ALOT asked me if I like Older men, asked for nudes, and some asked to go out on a date.

    I took screenshots with the guys info and saved the pics. I've sent some to the police departments in which the guys lived.

    I started wondering if what I'm doing is illegal. On one hand I did lie about my age but on the other hand these guys think they are talking to a 14 year old girl.

    I'm just nervous that I'll get in trouble.

    Edit I'm in Tennessee

    submitted by /u/PsychoFluffyButt
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    Supposed to be out of premises by 31st March. Can't move due to COVID, landlord threatening to sue.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    (UK) So a friend of mine is in a pretty unique position which I can't find an answer to, and I was wondering if any of the resourceful people of this group could help.

    So the lease on his premises ends on 31st March, which he's known for a while. However with the COVID updates in the UK, his employees can't come in to get their stuff to comply with the government's guidelines, and he can't get a move company as all the companies (responsibly) have stopped operating. We've even seen them say on the news that people can't be evicted and should not be moving.

    He told the landlord he won't be able to move in time, and now she's threatening to take him to court. He called 111 and they told him he shouldn't move, but a solicitor told him that they think he may still be liable.

    Does anyone have any specific information about this, or any helpline numbers for business help he can call?

    Thanks a lot guys!!

    submitted by /u/JH10097
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    California: Boyfriend's Ex-Wife Has Court-Documented History of False Child Abuse Allegations. How to protect myself going forward?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    California. Names have been changed. I've been dating a good friend "Bill". It's been just under a year. I'm nervous because he's about to finalize his own three-year long divorce. It was partially drawn out by all these child psych evaluations because Bill's ex-wife "Cathy" accused Bill, Bill's female friend and her husband ("Danny and Donna") of abusing the child. (five years old now, we'll call the child "ANDY").

    During the divorce, Donna got subpoenaed and had to hire a lawyer to rep her in a deposition and the weird thing was, Cathy's lawyer was adamant that they were not accusing Donna and Danny of abuse. Contrary to texts by Cathy. They seemed more interested in asking if Donna and Bill had been having an affair.

    Long story short, the child psychiatrist's report came out (I read it), and said there was no evidence anything had happened to Andy and he and his colleague were recommending Cathy get therapy her for anxiety and hyper-vigilance.

    That psychiatrist is continuing to serve as some kind of facilitator but they have not been meeting at all lately.

    Since then, Cathy has continued to make more crazy allegations of what "Andy" has supposedly said to her. That Andy told her Bill "was talking about killing himself with a knife." Or that Bill had hit Andy, etc.

    Bill brought this up at the last meeting with the psych and I guess the psych told Cathy she had to move forward from all this.

    I had been adamant about not meeting Andy all this time but Bill started pushing and pushing and finally I caved and went to the zoo with them. It went fine. I have never spent the night at Bill's when Andy is over, and I have only since Andy once since then when he and Bill picked me up from the airport.

    Cathy now knows I have met Andy because Andy mentioned going to the zoo with Bill and bill's "Friend, OP".

    Latest: Bill was at my apartment watching TV when Cathy sends him a text message saying, "Andy said he spent the night at OP's house. That OP lives with her father but her father was out of town. You know Andy's not supposed to have overnights with anyone unless we talk about it."

    Bill told her that had never happened. And folks, I live by myself in a one bedroom apt, and I haven't seen my father in ten years. None of this ever happened.

    I'm freaking out because I don't know what's next. She seems to come up with things Andy has said whenever she is anxious or stressed out.

    I told Bill this wasn't okay and that I thought it best if I don't see Andy again for a long time. Maybe even years.

    I don't know how to protect myself in this situation. We agreed it was maybe time for me to meet Andy because Cathy has her own relationship now and has been bringing Andy around him for a few months, and I figured it was fine for me to at least accompany them to the zoo.

    I have a legal background but I don't know what to do at this point, I don't want to break up with Bill, but I don't know what to do here. Obviously she has a court-documented history of false allegations with the Court discounted as they ultimately awarded Bill split-custody.

    What do I do? I already told Bill I didn't want to see Andy again until he's a few years older, but what do I do if she keeps making up things? What can I do now at present? I have a couple of lawyer friends who might be willing to send a cease and desist if necessary. Help.

    TLDR: Boyfriend's Ex-Wife has a court-documented history of making false child-abuse allegations and psychiatrist recommended therapy for her anxiety issues. Now she is starting to make up stories about me. What do I do besides break up with boyfriend, to protect myself?

    submitted by /u/relthrowaway13579
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    Hospital threatens to fire people who post about lack of PPE. (MI)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    I work as environmental services at a hospital. We have been further and further restricted on the PPE (personal protective equipment) we are allowed to use. It's at the the point where nurses are expected to use the same mask between high risk isolation rooms and with immunocompromised patients. You get one surgical mask per shift, period. This morning we were told that anyone who posts about current conditions on social media will be terminated. Would this constitute unlawful firing? Located in Michigan.

    submitted by /u/abstractXipz
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    Trucking company hit swiped my mom's van. Now came up with fake witness and refusing to pay insurance.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    This happened 2 - 3 weeks ago in California.

    My mom was doing groceries and was in the middle lane of a 3-lane left turn lane. There was a truck (commercial truck from a cleaning company) that was in the right most lane. During the turn, the truck came too close and knocked off my mom's passenger side side mirror. They provided their insurance information and registration but my mom did not get the drivers license information. We submitted a report with our insurance the same day who said they would contact the cleaning company. Now it's been 2-3 weeks and the company conveniently 'found a witness' and got a recording that my mom was trying to take a right and hit the truck (even if that were the case, why would only the mirror be damaged and nothing else?) and they kept referring to my mom's van as a SUV. Also, no witness or anyone stopped during this initial accident.

    As it was at an intersection, I was hoping there would be camera footage but it seems like my city doesn't record or archive videos. Any way I should proceed now?

    submitted by /u/Actual5Head
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    Payment for counterfeit bill (NY)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    19 y/o from NY

    Good afternoon all! I hope everyone is healthy.

    My significant other has a small problem with her job she recently started. It's a small food chain in our local area.

    She was working last night with a coworker when a man came in for food. After receiving their food, the man went to pay with a 100 dollar bill. My significant other and her co worker were hesitant to accept, but the bill seemed authentic, and the man was very nice.

    Time goes by and it's time for closing. They start counting the money, and had a realization that the bill was counterfeit.

    They went to their boss regarding the bill, and he now wants them to pay 50 dollars each for their "mistake". Keep in mind they didn't have a marker to check the bill, and a policy is not in place forbidding them from accepting large bills.

    submitted by /u/SCMDebby
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    Does my salaried job legally have to pay me during this pandemic if I haven't been laid off?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    I am a toddler teacher at a private school, which is currently closed due to Covid-19. We are being asked to begin remote learning next week, without a guarantee that we will be paid at the end of the two week pay period. My position is salaried; are they legally required to pay me if I work for the next two weeks? They haven't let anyone go, so we are in the uncomfortable position of not being able to apply for unemployment but also not knowing if our next paycheck is coming. It seems unfair (and possibly illegal) to ask us to work without the guarantee of pay when we could be using this time to seek new employment/apply for unemployment benefits.

    submitted by /u/ToddlerTamer14
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    [FL] My lease is ending during a "stay at home" order.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    Hey all, I have tried to search for an answer but everything is so up in the air for a solution I was wondering if you guys could help me out.

    The lease for my condo is up on May 1st. I contacted my landlord about lease renewal 2 weeks ago.

    He never called me back so I called him earlier today. My landlord said that the owner wanted to sell the place. He wasn't explicit that the owner had made the decision yet but that was the way he was leaning. He said he would let me know by Tuesday.

    My questions are:

    Can he force me out during this order/pandemic?

    Is there some law or regulation that will let me stay here until this pandemic is over (whenever that is)?

    With this virus going around I can only assume it will be next to impossible to find a place unless I just take the place without walking through it (which is not exactly advisable as photos lie). We have a friendly relationship and have always paid our rent on time. I just don't want to be homeless because this whole pandemic thing is making everything weird and hard to understand where we will be in a month.

    I was also laid off which doesn't help, though luckily my partner still has his job.

    submitted by /u/lazyspectator
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