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    Wednesday, February 5, 2020

    [WA State Auto] Is there any way to get another driver's info? Insurance

    [WA State Auto] Is there any way to get another driver's info? Insurance

    [WA State Auto] Is there any way to get another driver's info?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:07 PM PST

    I was hit by another driver a few months back, we exchanged info, he said he would take care of it out of pocket, and now that I got the damage repaired, he's ghosted me.

    I have his phone number and photos of his WA state driver's license, but I didn't get any insurance info from him. It was a commercial truck and commercial license.

    Any advice on how to get this guy to pay up? I would need to find out who his insurer is/was to file a claim against him.

    I am of course insured, but I have a $500 deductible that I'd like to not have to pay that myself.

    submitted by /u/Cheeseblock27494356
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    Friend drifted my car into a tree!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:21 AM PST

    Hey I'm just coming here to ask a quick question. The other night as I was leaving a party, I turned my car on to run inside and grab my glasses that I had forgotten. My friend (without me knowing) went outside and got in my car and... proceeded to drift it into a tree... My right headlight and surrounding body as well as the front wheel alignment are pretty messed up. I'm just wondering if her insurance will cover that even thought she was driving my car. Thanks in advance for the help!

    submitted by /u/almostrugged
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    Insurance claim rejected because of a "non-emergent" primary diagnostic code.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 02:32 PM PST

    I visited an out-of-network ER a few months back for what turned out to be a kidney stone. My insurance company, Blue Cross Blue Shield of IL, rejected my claim based on the primary diagnostic code (N13.2) which was "non-emergent." They told me that the coding was missing "bits" that indicate the treatment was an emergency. Their suggestion was to call the hospital to have the claim resubmitted with new coding.

    I've really had to dig to get this information. I've been back and forth with the hospital and insurance numerous times. The primary diagnostic code isn't on my bill nor is it on my EOB. BCBS couldn't tell me what the correct code is nor could they say what "bits" I'm missing.

    I know I'm a bit in the weeds here, but can anyone help? Patient services at the hospital have put out inquiries, but so far, nobody seems to know what code I need or who even has the ability to change it.

    submitted by /u/WeCookWithScience
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    Dog bite...please help. Not sure where to start. Lots of information

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:10 AM PST

    Hi there. I live in San Diego and i was recently bitten by a friends dog while playing with it 3 weeks ago at his house. I received around 12 facial stitches between my eyes and about 5 staples to the side of my head. One doctor was concerned i might have vision issues since the puncture was less than an inch from my eye. The owner begged me not to report it so when i went to the ER, i told them it was a random dog that bit me. My medical insurance covered everything and i didnt have to pay anything.

    However, im now realizing i made a mistake in not reporting it and i want to pursue legal action but im not really sure where to start and whether or not its worth my time. I understand i can "sue" but is it worth it?

    A few things to note that may or may not make a difference.

    This dog has bitten many others before but nobody has reported and they were roommates that are now long gone. At least 5 other people. This is the third time ive been bitten by the dog. The other times were many many years ago and did not require stitches but did draw blood and unfortunately i dont have proof. Two years ago, the dog bit his good friend in the face who also did not report and instead claimed that it was a random dog when he went to the ER to get his stitches. That friend will never come forward, of course, so im not sure if this changes the situation in anyway but i just wanted to throw this out there.

    The owner of this dog has no money and is "poor" but he does have homeowners insurance and is the trustee of a family home and owns 1/3 of that home which is split between two other siblings that live elsewhere. He currently lives in this home that he is the trustee of and owns 1/3 of.

    He sometimes lets his dog run around amok in the neighborhood late at night. Im not really sure how to prove this but it always made me uncomfortable knowing the type of damage it could possibly do. I did not get bit by the dog randomly in the neighborhood though. I got bit by the dog playing with it at their house. He does have a sign saying to not play with the dog but that seemed to be more reserved for strangers. because i was a friend that routinely went there a lot, he wasnt strict on enforcing a "no touch" dog rule on me. When i went to his house he would routinely allow the dog inside while i was there and the dog would often come to greet, nuzzle and touch me.

    While i do have a clean record overall, i did have financial issues recently that pushed me into filing bankruptcy. Im not sure if this ruins my credibility in anyway and lowers my chances should i decide to sue the owner of the dog that bit me. Other then that, i have a clean record in every way. No DUIs, criminal offenses, etc.

    Thanks for your time and i appreciate the responses.

    submitted by /u/kdosmm
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    What happens insurance wise if cops don't attend the scene of a serious car crash involving a policyholder and don't interview witnesses, examine the accident scene and make a report?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:33 AM PST

    This happened to a workmate who was nearly killed in a collision driving home from work in December. He was in intensive care for days and had no idea what happened. When his wife rang the police to find out more, she was told no cops attended and no witness statements were taken. She only found out where his car was taken after working her way through the yellow pages. You can imagine the red flags this raised when insurance got involved. Without a police report, there seemed to be a suspicion that he was trying it on. What happens re: the onus of proof in these situations?

    submitted by /u/Murgatroyd2020
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    How much outpatient insurance is recommended?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:01 AM PST

    Looking at buying health insurance from a thai company for south east asia. Taking insurance for outpatient coverage almost doubles the quote from $1000 to $1900 annualy, while there seems to be a max coverage of only $6000.00 for outpatient stuff. This maximum is the same no matter what level of insurance you buy. Is this nearly enough? It just seems like so little compared to the $1,000,000 they're offering me for inpatient benefits. I'm asking because I ride a motor bike daily and want to make sure there will be enough money to sew my mangled body back together if there is an accident lol.

    submitted by /u/superthrowaway9200
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    Is divorce my only option to be healthy?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:15 PM PST

    I originally brought this to r/legaladvice, and they kindly pointed me this way.

    My partner just got hired on as a temp at a new job. The "standard" temp timeframe at this job is between 6-12 months. The temp agency only suggests two health insurance plans, one of which wouldn't work for our family, and the other is $200 per WEEK.

    Now, when he got laid off, I promptly got both of us, and our 1 year old, on state health insurance (Oregon Health Plan, for what it's worth). At this point, he makes too much money for he and I to qualify for state insurance, but, with $200 a week taken out of his check, we can't afford rent. My job doesn't offer health insurance.

    I looked into it, and discovered that I would qualify for OHP if I was "single". Is divorce my only option? Is it technically fraud? I don't know enough about the ins and outs of health insurance, and I'm really concerned about how we're going to make ends meet.

    submitted by /u/Starshinekaos
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    What are some of the ways drones are being used in the insurance industry?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:54 PM PST

    Do brokers make more money than underwriters?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:43 AM PST

    If so, why?

    submitted by /u/Marcelino4545
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    [NY] Dropped by my homeowner's insurance--what now?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:32 PM PST

    I had a couple of claims for water damage last year. State Farm's underwriters decided I wasn't a good risk, so they dropped me. I went to Geico, and they dropped me after a month once they looked into the two previous claims.

    Naturally my mortgage provider requires me to have homeowner's insurance, but it's looking like the major providers are just going to drop me.

    Does anyone have any advice on how to proceed from here?

    submitted by /u/Jealous-Lettuce
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    Insurance Wants Inspection - Is it necessary?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:27 PM PST

    Hello! A relative of mine got into an accident and long story short, it seems to be a word for word argument. His insurance is backing up his statement and the other party's insurance is backing their statement.

    He does not have collision coverage, but the damage isn't substantial enough to repair. However, he did start the claim process in hopes to win it. Seeing that it doesn't now and the other insurance company is pretty much firm with their decision, he taught it was over. However, his insurance company is asking for an inspection at one of their approved shops.

    I remember the representative mentioning that, "the loss is being disputed," despite herself saying the case is pretty much closed. My relative has no problem doing the estimate, but he is worried that this report will affect his rate when it comes to renewal time. Can anyone chime in on this? Btw, this is in California. Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/y0Mark
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    Diminished value claim?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:37 PM PST

    My truck was in an accident last June that caused a lot of damage. I still owed about $8000 on it at the time ($6500 left now). I was hit on my right near bedside pretty hard. It's a 2009 Silverado so when I saw it after the accident I assumed it was going to be totaled (my step dad was driving at the time). Turns out the other driver had no registration and no insurance. The truck received a "visual inspection" the day after the crash which added up to about $4500 in damage and I approved the check to be sent. Few days later they did a thorough inspection and found $8500 of repairs. Since I already approved the first check I did the same again. The accident shook me and my family up and I just basically said yes to everything to get insurance done ASAP. 9 months later and my truck is now worth about $2000 according to my local Chevy dealer. They said the truck had structural damage and that completely diminished the value. They said it should've never been fixed and totaled out instead. Since the other driver had no insurance or registration, how do I go about making a diminished value claim? Any experience with this?

    submitted by /u/jmason215
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    Auto Repairs Incomplete After Accident

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 09:50 PM PST


    TLDR; Was rear ended, other drivers insurance responsible for repair costs. Collision shop was told to make sure convertible top mechanism in trunk was working properly but did not do so, and of course, it doesn't work. Collision shop is trying to get away with not doing further repairs and says it's up the adjuster if they will give us more money to have it fixed. Calling adjuster tomorrow and looking for advice on what their insurance is responsible for and how to make sure they pay to have the car fully repaired.

    About 2 weeks ago I was rear ended, other driver was found clearly at fault. They smashed in the back corner of my car and there was significant damage to the bumper and lights, and the trunk was way out of alignment and wouldn't open. After getting the other persons insurance involved, I took it to the nearest collision shop. They did a very brief inspection of the car in which the manager said impact had also pushed the other side (trunk hood/panel) out of alignment. I left the vehicle there for the insurance adjuster to look at. He happens to be good friends with the shop manager(not sure if that might turn out to be a bad thing).

    The car is a convertible with a retractable top that mechanically folds down into the trunk and requires a special bar to be in place in the trunk for it to work, which my boyfriend had removed when inspecting the damage. After the adjuster had given his estimate, my boyfriend remembered the bar and wanted them to make sure that the convertible top still worked properly because we had no problems with it before. I took the bar to the shop and gave it to one of the guys(manager was out), explained about the convertible top and that we wanted to make sure it was still working right and how to get it to work, and gave them the ok to go ahead with the repairs. He said he would let the manager know. Repairs estimated a little over $2,000.

    A few hours later, I get a call from the manager asking if I want them to go ahead and start work on the car. I said yes, I had just stopped by and told them that and dropped off the convertible bar. He had no idea about the bar and hadn't been told anything by the other guy. So I filled him in, said that I wanted to make sure the convertible still worked and explained how the bar needed to be used. He said they would check it out and I said if he had any questions about how to work it, let me know. He said they would figure it out. I asked him if we would need the adjuster back out to inspect the convertible part and he said No don't worry about it.

    So we go today to pick up the car. My very car savvy boyfriend is with me this time, I (female) had been by myself when dealing with them before. I open the trunk and the bar is just tossed in there. My boyfriend asks if they checked the convertible top and the manager stutters and says No, he didn't know anything about that (lies). We check it and sure enough, the trunk won't close all the way on the opposite side when the top is done folding into it (the same side he first told me was out of alignment). On further inspection, on the inside back corner that was hit, there's a metal bar that's involved in the roof mechanism that is WAY out of alignment, several inches completely to the side. My boyfriend points this out too and the manager says "Well we didn't do anything to the inside, we just did the bumper and the light" and acts like that's all they were obligated to fix.

    The manager was trying to brush off the fact that the car wasn't fixed, kept skirting around questions and deflecting. He tried to say that the interior problems must have already been there and somebody had definitely messed with the car before the accident (how would he know that even if it was?) and saying that the other side couldn't be out of alignment because that wasn't the side it was hit on(after telling me previously that side was definitely out of alignment). Then he started grilling me about the cars history while my boyfriend was out of earshot. My boyfriend had to put his foot down and say we weren't taking the car back since it was not fixed because the manager was just shrugging off his concerns expecting us to just accept it. Then the manager said the convertible top repair wasn't something they did and we would have to take it to a dealer and that we would have to call the adjuster to see what he said about the situation.

    We feel like the shop is trying to screw us over and the insurance adjuster may say No to the adidtional repairs, since he's buddy buddy with the manager, and the manager made it sound like it was up the adjuster if he wants to pay more, not that the insurance would HAVE to pay for it. If the top doesn't work, the car will lose significant resale value and we use the top down for putting items in the car that wouldn't otherwise fit so we really need it to work.

    We are calling the adjuster tomorrow and want to know what our rights are here, what the insurance company is obligated to cover and just any advice for dealing with this situation to make sure the car gets fully repaired and paid for by the insurance as it should be. Also should we have our insurance company deal with them at this point instead of trying to go to them directly? Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/ragnarokyoursocks
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    Cancel Claim 50% at fault.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:40 PM PST

    I have farmers insurance in California. I contacted my insurance and filed a claim. They said I was 1/2 at fault. I later found out that the other party doesn't want to deal with their insurance.

    Basically I hit a car and left. I contacted the other party later and was told their car wasn't really damaged and they don't want to deal with this any more.

    Will I be able to cancel my claim (they're not going to pay to fix my car) despite being 1/2 at fault? Will they need the other parties info to confirm my story?

    submitted by /u/dorn22
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    Shopping for car insurance

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:13 PM PST

    What are some factors that keep car insurance rates down? First time car buyer and I want to get a low insurance rates before shopping for the car since insurance will come out more expensive.

    My budget for the car is $4500 plus tax. Ontario, Canada

    I know older cars should be cheaper, coupes are more expensive than sedans. What else? My budget limits me to Nissan, Kia,Hyundai, Mazda, and a few Toyota's and Honda's. Ford and Chevys are an option too.

    submitted by /u/pglggrg
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    2020 civic 4 dr policy costs more than 2020 civic si?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:02 PM PST

    I am looking for a new car and was running numbers. When adding to my current policy, I was looking at a 4 door 2020 Civic Si. I then ran a regular 4 door 2020 Civic. To my amazement, the Si was $4 cheaper to insure over 6 months. A car that costs more and has more power... Both have Honda Sensing.. what gives? I used the same coverages when quoting.

    submitted by /u/ieatpeaches
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    I may be a new auto claims adjuster/rep soon and wanted to know EVERYTHING I can before starting. Can people tell me about the job itself and maybe more importantly, point me into the direction to a resource I can learn from? Maybe a book about it?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:54 PM PST

    I want to be good at it and know the lingo and yea. How do some of you in that position make sure you make people on the phone reply or answer what you need known quickly? I feel like my weakness would claims be drug out too long because Im a talker and not a finisher.

    submitted by /u/Ricknroll323
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    CA not at fault accident. Rate increase ?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:47 PM PST

    So I've read that in CA insurers can not raise rates if you're not at fault. Is this really true ? I was rear ended at a light and want to be sure if I file claim with my insurance co they won't jack my rates up. When asked they claimed no but I just want to be sure. I had one friend swear they will and said open claim with the other parties insured company


    submitted by /u/absoluteczech
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    Why would my health insurance company send me certified mail?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:38 PM PST

    I missed a certified letter earlier apparently from my health insurance company. I can't find anything on them sending certified mail online and am a bit freaked out.

    I had asked them to negotiate with an out of network ambulance company after I was in the ER about two months ago and they told me I would get the outcome via mail so not sure if that's it? The ambulance company was incredibly difficult to deal with at the time. I am still on my parents insurance (25 years old) and we were switched over to a new plan on Jan 1, the mail is from the old plan.

    Sorry just a bit nervous and can't find anything online about this.

    Edit: I doubt I would get the cancellation considering I'm not the primary on the plan/we have switched plans as of Jan. 2020 and are in good standing and whatnot. The ambulance company was attempting to balance bill me and wanted me to submit a claim to my insurance if I didn't want to pay the full balance. I did so and there was a ton of back and forth and my impression was the outcome was the two would negotiate and I would get a decision in the mail. This is all I can think it would be? Certified mail seems very official, however.

    submitted by /u/unfulfilled6570
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    Insurance adjusters of Reddit: at what point does a car become a write-off/not worth repairing?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:29 PM PST

    My wife was in an accident recently, which caused a bit of front end damage to the panels and the bumper, but not a lot of mechanical damage, as far as I can tell. Today we were told by our insurance company that the car is not repairable and the new car replacement clause of our contract would kick in. This means that we're getting the full value of the current model year of our car's make and model.

    We're quite surprised that our insurance deemed that to be the cheaper option. Could repair have been more than 30K? Or is there some other explanation for this. How is the call made for repair vs write off?

    submitted by /u/lonezomewolf
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    How transferable is liability from driving dependents? [CA]

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:15 PM PST

    Auto insurance said they’d reimburse but now says they won’t.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:54 PM PST

    My husband was hit when a lady realized she wanted to be in his lane and switched lanes without looking. It was her fault.

    No police report was filed unfortunately since the police said it would be hours until they could come out.

    The lady denied fault so our insurance company told us to pay and be reimbursed.

    My husband has full coverage and he paid the deductible and paid for his rental car after being told by our insurance company that this would be reimbursed. We have a $30 per day rental car inclusion so he stayed under that amount per day.

    Our insurance paid for the repairs but now they are telling us they will not refund the deductible or rental car since they were unable to collect from the responsible parties insurance company and they are not pursuing it any longer.

    So we are out $800. Our insurance co said we need to go to small claims if we want that $800 back.

    Is this right? It seems odd to me that the rental isn't even covered despite having rental car coverage.

    submitted by /u/Mousecatsquirrelbat
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    teenager at fault accident

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:39 PM PST

    Hello, I was sent here from r/legaladvice for my car issue.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 02:55 PM PST

    That's my original post. but i'll give the jist again


    Got in a car accident and my car was totaled same with the person who hit me.

    Called the police right away to report the accident. Had my car and the person who hit me also got their car towed to the same place.

    I've called the person's insurance company several times and they haven't been doing anything. The website they gave me is broken so I can't look anything up on it. My insurance is now not helping because I do not have collision insurance.

    I called the person's insurance company and they told me that they were going to send out an inspector to look at my vehicle. They claimed they went out there and took a look. Now when I talk to them they say I needed to sign a release so they can look at my vehicle.

    At this point my cars sitting there racking up fines for sitting in a tow yard.

    I don't want to walk away from this paying for my totaled car. And have to pay the fines from the tow yard because it's been sitting there for a week +

    Also, I live in Illinois if that helps

    Update since the original post: Signed the waiver for them to go inspect the car. Didn't get a response on when that will be.

    Edit : Time line

    Rear ended January 23rd

    Made my claim to my insurance company and theirs on the 24th

    Talked to them a few days later about the inspection

    Signed the waiver for them to inspect the car yesterday, February 3rd

    submitted by /u/Necrodumancy
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    I'm exchanging cars on a one-day road trip. Would my insurance cover the exchanged car?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:52 PM PST

    I had posted this on r/legaladvice but did not get much response so posting here.

    I recently purchased a car from NY and got it registered and on my basic liability car insurance in MA. The dealership had delivered it to me in MA at that time. After a couple of months, the car kept developing issues so I'm returning the car to the dealership in NY and bringing a replacement car (different make, model, color).

    I did not want to have 2 cars on my insurance for just one day and pay a large amount so I talked with my insurance company and the representative asked me to just switch the plates on my way back. She said the insurance will cover us through the journey and once I reach back to MA they can switch insurance information. She isn't sure about how NY handles tickets etc. but was confident that MA won't have any issues with this as long as we have the documents in the car on the way back.

    Is this ok to do? I don't want to be stuck in a bad place in case I get pulled over or get into an accident by any chance.

    submitted by /u/probingoduke
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